Office Hours: As Posted on My Door

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Office Hours: As Posted on My Door

Instructor: Suzanne K. Butler Office: 1271-9 Office Hours: As posted on my door Telephone: 305-237-8118 Email: [email protected] Course Reference Number: 422005 Anatomy and Physiology II

General Information Required Text

Human Anatomy and Physiology, Seventh ed. Marieb, E. Benjamin Cummings Publishing. 2005

Course Compass You can register through My A&P by following the directions there. If you do not already have access to course compass you will need your access code from your new book or you will need to purchase access online from the publisher. You need to do this as soon as possible because there is already and assignment up there for you to complete. As soon as you can register for course id: butler99278. Directions can be found at the end of this syllabus and on Course Compass.

Attendance Attendance is not required, but it is strongly encouraged, especially in a class as short as a summer session. Daily attendance will be taken for the benefit of the college and its programs. This will be accomplished by use of the personal response system and is the only record of attendance, so bring the clicker to class. While no specific grading penalty is attached to absence from class for your class grade there are circumstances where you might be penalized by the college for excessive absences. It is to your benefit to attend all lecture sessions. There is a positive correlation between class attendance and exam grades. If that does not sway you remember: regular attendance is strongly correlated with success in the course for several reasons;

 Frequently material may be discussed in class which is not in the text or is presented with a different viewpoint than written in the text.

 The emphasis on material may not be clearly represented in the text or syllabus.

 Test dates and course assignments may be announced or modified in class.

 There will possibly be graded exercises in class for which there will be no make-up possible.

If you miss a class for any reason you must assume full responsibility for acquiring the material covered in your absence and being knowledgeable about test dates and class assignments. Students that have not registered and paid for this class will not be given examinations or a final grade and should not be attending class.


If you withdraw from the course before September 5 you will receive a refund for the course. September 5 is also the last day you may change courses without penalty. November 6 is the last day to withdraw from the course. If you choose not to continue in the course, please make that decision early enough to withdraw formally. The proper paperwork must be submitted through the registrar’s office--simply not attending class will result in regular calculation of a course grade, which most often turns out to be an F. Withdrawing from the course will result in a grade of “W” being recorded on your transcript. Make Up Policy

Anyone entering class for a quiz that is underway will start on the question on the screen and will not be allowed to return to previous questions. While I understand that occasionally circumstances beyond your control occur and have allowed for that possibility by dropping the lowest quiz scores. An absence will be considered the lowest grade and no makeup will be scheduled.

Take home tests are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. After class begins and for the rest of that day there will be an automatic 10% deduction. For each subsequent day (calendar day, not class meeting) there will be an automatic 10% deduction. This policy will also apply to any outside class assignments. A paper that is 5 days late will be worth only 50% before it is graded. All assignments submitted for a grade, including extra credit, must be typed. Exceptions to the 10% off policy: Any assignment or exam fewer than 10 days before the final class period. No work will be accepted for grading after the final class meeting. Extra credit work will be accepted only on the last day of class of the 3 rd week of the term. All extra credit must be turned in as hard copy at the beginning of class or it will not be accepted nor credited to your scores.

Disruptions to the Learning Process

Tardiness and leaving class early are disruptive to lecture and will be viewed as inappropriate behavior. When you registered for this course, you were implying that the class time was acceptable. Please plan to be in class on time, and do not make appointments that will require you to leave early. If you find yourself unavoidably in either of the above situations please be considerate enough not to disrupt class more than necessary, other behavior would be unconscionably rude to me and to your classmates. Habitual tardiness will be considered disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior is not acceptable in college students. If you exhibit behaviors that disrupt the learning process, you will be asked to leave the class.

If you must carry your cellular phone or paging device to class turn them off, or switch to vibrate mode for the duration of class. “Beeping” and “ringing” in class are disruptive behaviors and could result in your being asked to leave the class. If your phone rings in class I reserve the right to answer it. Failure to allow me to answer your phone will result in your being asked to leave the class for the day. If a phone rings and the person turns it off without taking responsibility, and nobody in the class will say whose phone rang, the class will have a quiz immediately.


How it Works Use the calendar in your Course Compass course to guide your reading. In this class you have primary responsibility for your learning. It is your responsibility to have worked with the material before coming to class and to submit Warm-Up Exercises once a week so that your responses can alert me to what we should spend class time covering.

Warm Up Exercises These web-based assignments you will complete and submit on Course Compass by 4pm each Sunday. You will receive 5 points for each of these assignments. The total point value for these exercises will be 50 points.

Exams and Quizzes 2 take home exams, a midterm and a final each worth 100 points Best 5 weekly quizzes @ 20 points each

Assignments Assignments may be individual or group projects, they may be in class or outside of class. They will be of varying value. Assignments will total 50 points. Grade Scale 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89.9 = B 70 - 79.9 = C 60 - 69.9 = D Below 60 = F You will be given the opportunity to earn up to 20 extra credit points for the semester as well.

Miscellaneous Information

• Exams . You will have to purchase scantron sheets from the bookstore for in class exams(form No. 882-N- ES) . You must purchase a personal response system transmitter (clicker) and bring it to class each day. . Exams will be given or be due on the dates listed in the calendar in the Course Compass class website. . Exams will generally be various types of objective questions such as: multiple choice, fill in the blank, true/false, or matching questions, but may include short answer essay questions. . In the event of an in class exam you may bring one three by five inch card with anything you like written on it to each in class exam. Cards must be handwritten; they may not be typed. • Reading In a college course it is imperative that you keep up with the reading. You will be responsible for information contained in reading assignments for exams unless it is specifically excluded during lecture.

Some hints about how to succeed in this course: • Anatomy and Physiology II is a rigorous course. There is a great deal of memorization involved, and you will have to understand and apply the information you learn. Spend 3-5 hours outside of class for every hour you spend in class • Recopying and fleshing in your class notes is a very effective means of study. • Study groups work! Get yours formed early in the course and continue meeting throughout the term. Study groups should meet regularly, not just to cram for exams. • Analysis and synthesis are important skills to develop. • Have some fun! The maxim about "all work and no play" applies not only to Jack, but also to everyone. If you do not make some time for yourself, away from all the stress of your courses, it will be much more difficult to succeed.

Course Information Course Description The structure and functions of the systems of the human body, emphasizing those aspects most pertinent to students in the nursing and allied health technology programs.

Corequisites: BSC 2086L

How students enroll

To enroll in a typical single-semester course, a student needs to have:

 Student access code – Students either get a code in the Student Access Kit bundled with their textbook or they can purchase access to a course online while they are enrolling in it by using a credit card.

 Important: Each student access code is nontransferable and can be used by only one student.  Course ID – This number, which identifies your particular course, consists of your last name followed by five digits, such as Wong63229. You must give your students the course ID before they can enroll.

A student performs the following steps to enroll in a single-semester course. If a student needs assistance, copy these instructions to a document or e-mail message to the student.

Students enrolling in a follow-on course of a multisemester series, a course they need to retake, or a different section of a course they are already taking should follow steps 1–3, click Next again, then click Enter Course


1. Log in to CourseCompass.

2. On the My CourseCompass page, do one of the following:

o Click Enroll in Another Course in the Courses area.

o Click Details next to any course in the Courses area, then click Enroll in Another Course.

o Click Account Summary in the top-right corner, then click Enroll in Another Course.

3. Enter the course ID for your new course, and click Next.

4. Do one of the following:

o To use a student access code that was bundled with your new textbook:

a. Click Register with a Student Access Code.

b. Enter your password.

c. Enter your student access code, one word in each box.

d. Enter your school's ZIP code and select your country.

e. Click Next and review the information on the Account Information page.

f. Under Login Name and Password, re-enter your password. g. Click Next.

h. Click Log In Now.

o To purchase access online:

a. Click Buy Course Access Online. Click Purchase next to the course materials you want to buy.

c. Enter your password.

d. Enter your student access code, one word in each box.

e. Enter your school's ZIP code and select your country.

f. Under School Information, select your school's name from the dropdown list.

If your school does not appear in the list, select Other at the bottom of the list, enter your school's name and city, then select the state.

g. Under Login Name and Password, re-enter your password.

g. Click Next.

g. Select your credit card type.

g. Enter the credit card number, the expiration date, your billing information, click Next.

5. (Optional) Print the confirmation screen to retain a record of your login name and password

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