Skill and Form Number: Using Organizational Strategies #1

Using Organizational Strategies 1. You have a lot of notes to include in your report about ocean mammals. What is a good way to organize them before you start writing? A. By species B. By source author C. Chronologically D. By size Write your response here: (show your work)

Marcy's DVD Decision

Marcy went shopping with her grandmother at a department store over the weekend. Her grandmother was purchasing a new television that the family could enjoy watching together when visiting. While they waited for the employees to check the stockroom, her grandmother told her that she could pick out one DVD to buy to watch later. Marcy was faced with a big decision. Her whole family loved movies. She didn't know whether to pick out a movie just for herself or one to share with everyone. The DVD shelves were organized into sections of different genres, or types, of movies. Her parents were fond of dramas. Marcy and her little brother liked comedies, and her grandmother wasn't picky. She selected a family film, which she thought would satisfy everyone. Marcy was still faced with many choices. The rows of DVDs offered various numbers of discs. She saw cheap single-disc versions with only the movie, two-disc special editions loaded with bonus features, and expensive box sets with multiple discs. She didn't want her grandmother spending too much money and chose a two-disc movie. She thought that her family would benefit from the extras because they could learn more about how movies were made. The special features would give them even more to talk about during family hour. Marcy wasn't done yet. She had to pick a rating to get. She only considered G and PG films. She was old enough to see a PG-13 movie, but she thought that her little brother may be too young. She selected a G movie because the kids could also watch it alone. Marcy finally found a selection that met all of her conditions. She chose a film made by the Pixar animation studio. She was sure everyone would approve and look forward to seeing it. 2. Which of the following best fits in the circle marked V? A. DVD Choices B. Genre C. Drama D. Box set Write your response here: (show your work)


Which of the following best fits in the circle marked X? A. Genre B. Drama Skill and Form Number: Using Organizational Strategies #1

C. Box set D. PG-13 Write your response here: (show your work)

Recipe for a Happy New Year Author Unknown Take twelve whole months. Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate, and jealousy. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible. Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts, but don't make up the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients. Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage, and one part of work. Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and kindness. Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation, and one good deed. Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play, and a cupful of good humor. Pour all of this into a vessel of love. Cook thoroughly over radiant joy, garnish with a smile, and serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness. You're bound to have a happy new year.

4. Which step from the poem fits in the space marked W? A. Cut each month into different parts B. Season the whole C. Mix well into each day D. Cook thoroughly Write your response here: (show your work)

Read the two passages below and answer the question.

Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little in May of 1925. During his life, X was a Black Muslim Minister, a spokesman for the Nation of Islam, and a civil and human rights leader and activist. X came to the Nation of Islam and activism from a troubled past that included illegal activities and serving time in a Massachusetts prison. While in prison, X converted to Nation of Islam, which is a religion that is based on, but different from, traditional Islam. He took the last name “X” shortly after leaving prison. X wanted equal rights for African Americans, but he did not believe that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s., nonviolent activism was going to get those rights. He was critical of the March on Washington, believing that it was run by whites and that it would have very little impact on the United State’s racial problems. X took a militant stance when it came to racism and segregation in the U.S. He spoke about violent reactions to racism and encouraged racial separation in some of his speeches. X left the Nation of Islam in 1964. He then founded Muslim Mosque, Inc. Shortly after founding Muslim Mosque, Inc., he converted to traditional Islam. Upon converting to traditional Islam, he changed some of his views. He began to believe that people could use Islam to solve racial problems. He also believed segregation was unnecessary. Shortly after his conversion to Islam, X was assassinated. On February 21st, 1965, X was shot by a member of the Nation of Islam while he was giving a speech in New York City.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a Baptist minister, a political activist, and leader of the American civil rights movement. He attended Morehouse College, Crozer Theological Seminary, and Boston University, from which he earned his Ph.D. in 1955. Shortly after King earned his Ph.D., Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus. King led the boycott of the city’s bus system that followed Parks’ arrest. King went on to become co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). He used the group to promote awareness of civil rights issues and to further his belief in nonviolent activism. In 1963, King organized protests against unfair hiring practices and department store segregation policies in Birmingham, Alabama. King wrote his famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail” after being arrested and jailed for protesting segregation in Birmingham. News of these protests helped King spread his message across the nation. Shortly after the Birmingham protests, King Skill and Form Number: Using Organizational Strategies #1 brought together over 200,000 people for the March on Washington. In 1964, King became the youngest person ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In many ways, this signaled a change not only for King, but also for the civil rights movement. As the 60s progressed, King was confronted by more militant leaders who did not think his methods were working. Just as King was losing ground as a leader of the civil rights movement, he began to expand his activism to include criticism of the Vietnam war—in his speech Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence—and issues related to poverty—as part of his “Poor People’s Campaign.” On April 4th, 1968, King was shot while standing on a motel balcony in Memphis. 5.

What should go where the Z is located in the diagram above? A. Formed Muslim Mosque Inc. B. Led protest in Birmingham C. Graduated from Morehouse College D. Son of a Baptist preacher Write your response here: (show your work)

6. What should go where the W is located in the Venn diagram above? A. Organized SCLC B. Shot and killed C. Went to Mecca D. Born in Omaha Write your response here: (show your work)


What should go where the Y is located in the Venn diagram above? A. Also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz B. Fought for equal treatment of black citizens C. Led boycott of segregated city bus lines Skill and Form Number: Using Organizational Strategies #1

D. Converted to orthodox Islam in 1960s Write your response here: (show your work)

Unable to load reading passage content. 8. Outline:

1. Civil War a. Northern States i. Modern way of life ii. End slavery

b. Southern States i. ______ii. ______c. Causes i. Differences in economies ii. Differences in ideals iii. Differences in ways of life iv. Politics v. Slavery

Which of the following would best fill in the blanks in the outline above? A. Preserve slavery; Agricultural lifestyle B. Rights of states; Powers of states C. Differences in economies; Differences in ideals D. Slavery; Cause of war Write your response here: (show your work)

Unable to load reading passage content. 9. Now, your teacher asks you to outline this passage. Fill in the blank from the outline below with the most appropriate heading.

1. ______

a. Baltimore i. Feb. 7, 1904 ii. Destroyed nearly all major buildings iii. $100 million in damage b. San Francisco i. April 18, 1906 ii. Caused by earthquake iii. 3,000 deaths iv. 250,000 homes destroyed v. 28,000 buildings destroyed vi. $500 million in damage A. Famous American Fires B. The San Francisco Fire C. Famous Earthquakes D. The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 Write your response here: (show your work)

If Western Washington had an official creature, it could easily be the common slug. The region is famous for them. The damp climate is just what slugs need to thrive. It’s not too wet, because slugs are not waterproof. It’s not too dry, because insufficient humidity makes slugs dry up and die. Optimum humidity for slugs is near 100 percent, which is why you’ll see them crossing the sidewalk very early in the morning, at dusk, or on misty days.

During the dry parts of the day, they’ll seek refuge under the pool cover you tossed onto the lawn, or under the scrap lumber piled in the back of your lot.

Slugs look like snails that have lost their shells, or little green or brown squirts of slime about three to five inches long. Though more than 300 species of slugs exist worldwide, the Pacific Northwest is a home to only about a dozen. Washington’s native “banana slug,” which is light green or yellowish with dark spots, has been outnumbered by the European black slug, which is now far more common in area gardens than the native variety.

Getting rid of slugs is no easy matter. The best thing you can do is just try to avoid stepping on them! Adapted from: “San Juan Islands,” by Don Pitcher 10. Which of the following would be a good title for this article? A. “The Banana Slug: Washington’s Native Creature” B. “Western Washington: The Perfect Place for Slugs” C. “Don’t Step on Slugs!” D. “Slugs, Slugs, and More Slugs” Write your response here: (show your work) Skill and Form Number: Using Organizational Strategies #1

Answers 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B Explanations 1. Before you start writing your report, you have to organize your notes into the main topic areas. In this case, you would want to organize by species and then maybe pick the three or four mammals you know the most about for your report. The best reports don't jump from topic to topic. 2. Circle V is the largest circle. All of the smaller circles serve to support this large idea; therefore, circle V should contain the largest or main idea of the passage. The main idea of the passage is the choices of DVDs available to Marcy. 3. Circle X should be an idea that is supported by these ideas: "family" and "comedy." The smaller circles sprouting out from circle X are both examples of genres of films. 4. After cleaning the months, the "recipe" instructs: "Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts." 5. Z should have information that applies to Malcolm X ONLY. Facts that apply both to King and Malcolm X should be placed in the overlapping area of the two circles. 6. W should have information that applies to King ONLY. Facts that apply both to King and Malcolm X should be placed in the overlapping area of the two circles. 7. Facts that apply BOTH to King and Malcolm X should be placed in the overlapping area of the two circles, where the Y is located. 8. The outline items for the Northern States list the main issues that the North was fighting for. It would be most appropriate to list the main issues that the South was fighting for in the blanks. 9. The subheadings include both the Baltimore and San Francisco fires. The passage itself is about both fires. Thus, the most appropriate heading for the outline would be “Famous American Fires.” 10. A good title should be general enough to give an idea of what the article is about but not so specific that it misleads the reader. In this case, the incorrect answers are either too specific or too general. Copyright © 2012 Study Island - All rights reserved.