Mr. Weigold’s Classroom Procedures 2013/2014 School Year

1. Arriving to Class  Upon entering the classroom you need to do your Bell Ringer quietly which will either be on the board or on the Business Ed Drive. If it is on the board the Bell Ringer goes in your notebook if not it will go on the computer on your Bell Ringer file. If you arrive to class after the bell rings without a pass, you will be marked tardy. Arriving promptly to class is essential because I begin class at the sound of the bell; it is likely that you will miss important information if you arrive late.

2. Turning in Assignments  At the beginning of a class when an assignment is due, you will place your assignment on your class-specific shelf in the tan shelving unit. I will not collect YOUR work; YOU will be responsible for turning it in. If you do not have your assignment, for whatever reason (absences and modifications included), you MUST complete a “Pink Slip” form. A “Pink Slip” must be completed on the original due date for the assignment to be accepted for late credit.

3. Absence From Class  Upon returning from an absence, ask another student what you missed or look at the assignment board. If you are still confused ask me and turn in any missed work promptly.

4. Signing Out  If you need to use the restroom in the middle of a class, please quietly sign out and take the pass with you. You may not leave if someone is already using the pass. In the case of an emergency, speak to me privately. Please do not disrupt the learning process as you exit or re-enter the classroom.

5. Sharpening a Pencil  Please wait until an appropriate moment to sharpen your pencil. This means choosing a time when you will not interrupt classroom instruction or activities.

Thank you for your respect and consideration! Classroom Rules

LIFE is the acronym that I will be using that represents the rules for my class. Life is always changing and in school you must be able to grow as a person while being able to follow the rules. The rules are outlined below. L I F E

Listen  To directions  Each other  The teacher  What you say and do Interact  Only when permitted  Kindly and respectfully with others  Gain information for class  Build friendship  Without cell phones Fulfill  Being in your seat and ready for class  All requirements for class  Your dreams by using your education Encourage  Others to do and be better  Yourself to get your work done correctly and in a timely manner