Savoring God S Word

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Savoring God S Word

Savoring God’s Word John 15:1-9

This devotion is designed to guide you through a passage of Scripture in prayerful meditation with God. Although it is technically a Bible study, the goal is not the dissecting of Scripture for information, but the entering into the passage as a means of communion with God. Use as much or as little of the guide as you like during this time of prayer. If you come across a question or a section in which nothing comes to your mind; it’s ok, simply move on in your time with God. Stop between each section to rest and reflect.

WARMING UP Before you begin, get in a comfortable position, relax your body, and spend a few moments in silence. If distractions interrupt your silence, turn each one over to God as they come, and return to silence before Him. After you have spent time in quiet, ask yourself this question to prepare yourself for the meditation on the passage. What are the things or people that you depend on? Take a few moments to reflect.

EXAMINING THE PASSAGE Read silently the passage printed below along with the notes of explanation. Spend a few moments with the questions that follow.

John 15:1-9 1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.

Notes  This scene is taking place between Jesus and the disciples in the room where he will give the last supper, and prior to his arrest and crucifixion. This is a message given specifically to his followers, and therefore directed to you.  The vine/vineyard imagery would have been powerful to the disciples. This imagery was used in the Old Testament to refer to God’s people and the land of Israel. When the imagery was used, it was often to show how the Israelites were not bearing the fruit God called them to bear (Is 5:3-5). Jesus now shows that he alone, and not a specific people or land, is the true vine that joins us to God. The imagery reveals our dependence on Jesus.  The word “remain” is also translated “abide”. It is a word that signifies the inner connection (intimate, relational, etc.) we have with Jesus. This, along with fruit bearing, is the emphasis of the passage.  Verse 7 is a difficult verse. Here is an explanation from Gary M. Burge, highlighting the transformational aspect of the passage, which might be helpful. “The confident prayer described in 15:7 is a byproduct of the intimacy with Jesus offered in 15:15-16. To be a branch, to be a disciple, does not mean that we can make some claim on the vine and demand it to produce what we wish. Prayer “in my name” is not a formula that guarantees we will get what we want. But prayer that is itself inspired by the spiritual presence of Jesus, that is in harmony with his will, that is in accord with what he is doing in nurturing the vineyard-this prayer will succeed.”***

Questions to Consider 1) List the places, methods, circumstances when you feel most intimately connected to Jesus.


2) The passage describes what happens when we are not connected to the vine. What words would you use to describe what life is like when you aren’t remaining/abiding in Jesus?


Where have you seen evidence of this happening in your own life?

3) Where have you seen the effects of the gardening God has done in your life? Some gardening words to reflect on: working, nourishing, pruning, growing.

4) What fruit from the two categories below is born out of your connection with Jesus?

a) Internal fruit of character/attitude/integrity?

b) External fruit of deeds/works done for God and others?

5) How does the fruit bring glory to God?

PICTURING THE PASSAGE Prior to reading the passage again, consider one or both of the images below to reflect on. After reading the passage, spend time picturing the image and reflecting on what God might be showing you.

 The Vine and the Branch: Picture the vine and the branch, and see yourself connected to Jesus. What is Jesus giving to nourish you?  Fruit Bearing: Picture the branches with fruit. See yourself producing it through your connection with Jesus. What fruit is being produced? See it as a blessing to others. See it bringing glory to God. LISTENING TO GOD This is an opportunity to allow God to speak to you in a specific way through His Word. Read the passage slowly again. Consider reading it two or three times, and/or reading aloud. While reading, consider this question: Is there a word or phrase within the passage that speaks to you, stands out, or stays with you? After a few moments, write the word or phrase.


Take time to meditate on this word or phrase with God. What does it make you feel? How does it relate to your life?

GOING FORWARD God may be offering you something to reflect on over the next few days through this reading. It might be a challenge, an encouragement, a reminder, etc. Take a moment to quietly examine one or more of these questions. What is it that I need to know from this passage? What do I need to understand more completely? What do I need to remember? What do I need to work on?

PRAYER Take some time to pray with God. This is your opportunity to communicate with God about all you have seen and heard while working through Scripture. Talk with Him about what you’ve heard or felt, and even what you think you might have missed. Ask for help, ask questions, and give thanks.

REST Close your time with God in the same way you started. Try setting everything in your mind aside, sit quietly, and rest with God. As John would say in 15:9, “remain (abide) in my love”. There is no set timeframe for this step, and there is no rule for how it is to look. Simply do what you think “remaining in God’s love” might look like in this moment.

JOURNAL Either now or at a later time in your day, take a few moments to journal about your time with God.

***The NIV Application Commentary; John. By Gary M. Burge

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