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38 Civil Cases
1. The applicant instituted 2882-8/02 State Attorneys review proceedings against proposed a the decisions taken by the settlement offer that Delegated Authority and the applicant withdraw Minister regarding the it’s case against the decision not to grant a long Department. To date term commercial right in the there has been no abalone sector. response from applicant. 2. The Department has 9589/05 Matter has been set instituted action for damages down for a Pre trial against the Defendant for Conference on 7 breach of contract . August for purposes Defendant was appointed to of allocating a trial install a financial ststem. date.
3. The applicant instituted 14128/06 Applicant has not review proceedings against indicated that he is the decisions taken by the proceeding with the Delegated Authority and the matter and has Minister regarding the taken no steps to decision not to grant the finalise the matter. applicant a long term commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector
4. The applicant instituted 14129/06 Applicant has not review proceedings against indicated that he is the decisions taken by the proceeding with the Delegated Authority and the matter and has Minister regarding the taken no steps to decision not to grant the finalise the matter. applicant a long term commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector.
5. Applicants instituted review 14130/06 Applicants have not proceedings against the indicated that they Minister and the Delegated are proceeding with Authority regarding the the matter and has decision not to grant the taken no steps to applicant a long term finalise the matter. commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector.
6. Applicant instituted review 14131/06 Applicants have not proceedings against the indicated that they decisions taken by the are proceeding with Minister and the Delegated the matter and has Authority regarding the taken no steps to decision not to grant the finalise the matter. applicant a long term commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector.
7. Applicant instituted review 2341/07 Applicants have not proceedings against the indicated that they decisions taken by the are proceeding with Minister and the Delegated the matter and has Authority in terms of the taken no steps to Marine Living Resources Act, finalise the matter. 18 of 1998.
8. The applicant applied for a 2661/07 Applicant has not long-term commercial fishing indicated that he is right in the traditional linefish still proceeding with sector but was unsuccessful. the matter and has and instituted review taken no steps to proceedings against the finalise the matter. Delegated Authority and the Minister.
9. Review proceedings to set 4069/07 Applicants have not aside the delegated indicated that they authority and Minister's are proceeding with decision not to allocate a the matter. This is so long term commercial fishing as a result of the right. judgment granted by the Cape High Court against Laingville and Others in the hake deep sea trawl reviews where the issues are similar. 10. The applicant instituted 5593/07 Applicant has not review proceedings against indicated that it’s the decisions taken by the proceeding with the Delegated Authority and the matter and has Minister regarding the taken no steps to decision not to grant the applicant a long term finalise the matter. commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector.
11. The applicant instituted 6467/2007 The Department review proceedings against indicated that the the Delegated Authority and settlement proposals the Minister regarding the decision not to grant the are not acceptable. applicant a long term State Attorneys were commercial right in the west instructed to set the coast rock lobster sector. matter down for trial. 12. The applicant instituted 6702/2007 Applicants have not review proceedings against indicated that they the decisions taken by the are proceeding with Delegated Authority and the Minister regarding the the matter and has decision not to grant the taken no steps to applicant a long term finalise the matter. commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector.
13. The Department is being 173/2008 Department applied sued for damages for for Absolution of wrongful arrest and malicious instance and the prosecution. magistrate requested written heads of Argument in support of the application.
14. Action for goods sold and 46592/08 Pleadings closed. delivered Plantiff to withdraw the matter.
15. Claim that the fire started on 84951/08 The matter has been state property and spread to removed from the Private Forests – loss of roll. profit and other damages.
16. Reviewing and setting aside 70679/09 The matter is set decisions taken by National down for 14 Executive Officer regarding February 2013. imported meat.
17. Claim for damages against 6713/2010 The Department filed the Department for unlawful its plea in this arrest and claim for value of matters. fish products seized
18. The applicant instituted 25127/10 Opposing papers review proceedings against filed, waiting on the decisions taken by the Applicants to file Delegated Authority and the replying papers. Minister regarding the decision not to grant the applicant a long term commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector. 19. The applicant instituted 25335/10 Opposing papers review proceedings against filed, waiting on the decisions taken by the Applicants to file Delegated Authority and the replying papers. Minister regarding the decision not to grant the applicant a long term commercial right in the west coast rock lobster sector. 20. Claim for damages against 1406/2011 Department await the Department for being judgement in this wrongfully and unlawfully matter assaulted and arrested by a Fishery Control Officer from the Department. 21. Application for an interdict 26160/11 Application for against Minister and Right interdict dismissed. Holders harvesting in zones Opposing papers for F and G. Further application review application for review of Abalone Policy filed and matter was and TURF system. heard on 23 May 2012. Department await judgement in this matter sine die.
22. The Plaintiff alleges that the 32512/11 Pleadings and Department failed to execute Notices are being its legal duties as it’s exchanged between custodian of forests. the Parties.
23. This is a Court Order that 54801/11 Awaiting the compels the Minister to make Minister’s decision. a decision regarding subdivision of Agricultural Land.
24. The claim is for keeping 68564/11 The Department is Buffalo longer on the farms, awaiting court date. because Buffalo could only be moved once a permit is issued.
25. Application to set aside a 21561/12 Department opposed decision in terms of the matter. subdivision of Agricultual Awaiting trial date. Land Act of 1970.
26. Application for an order 5048/12 Matter heard- directing the Department to application granted issue export permits with costs. Instructed regarding a decision not to State Attorney to file sub-divide an agricultural request for reasons land. and consider appeal against the decision.
27. Application for an interdict to 8168/2012 Department opposed prevent the Department from this matter. Matter auctioning, selling, delivering was set down for 21 a container of shrimps that May 2012. No judge was seized by the was available. Department. 28. Application to set aside 21560/12 Department opposed decision in terms of sub- the matter. division of Agricultural Land Awaiting trial date. Act of 1970 regarding a decision not to sub-divide agricultural land.
29. Application to set aside 21562/12 Department opposed decision in terms of sub- the matter. division of Agricultural Land Awaiting trial date. Act of 1970 regarding a decision not to sub-divide agricultural land.
30. Application aganist the 19663/12 Department opposed Department regarding a the matter. Further prohibition on sale of fruits as pleadings are a result of prevallence of exchanged. plant bacteria.
31. Claim for damages against Department opposed the Department due to this matter. Case negligence on the part of a number to be Fishery Control Officer for supplied. damaging a vessel and a trailor.
1. Termination of Agreement 1268/09 The matter is on the claim damages for rest of roll for the 23rd July period fo contract. 2012.
2. Applicant challenging the 723/2011 Department has filed appointment of Chief opposing papers. Director: Monitoring Control & Surveillance. 3. Arbitration proceedings, GATW Matter on court roll request for documents in 2325-12 Department to terms of Promotion of Justice furnish further Administrative Action. documents.
1. Claim for motor vehicle 146/2011 Instructions were damages. given to defend the matter.
2. Department instituted a claim 4754/2011 State attorney is against the respondent for preparing papers for damages. default judgement against the Respondent.
3. Claim for motor vehicle 29/2012 The matter is being damages. defended.
4. Action against the 1925/12 Department opposed Department for a motor the matter. Further collision pleadings are exchanged.