Scandinavia Faces EU
Scandinavia Faces EU debates and decisions on membership 1961-1994 Cynthia Kite *0 * & O ' \ Scandinavia Faces EU debates and decisions on membership 1961-1994 AKADEMISK AVHANDLING Som med vederbörligt tillstånd av rektorsämbetet vid Umeå universitet för vinnande av filosofie doktorsexamen framlägges till offentlig granskning vid statsvetenskapliga institutionen Hörsal E, Humanisthuset Fredagen den 20 december 1996, kl 13.15 av Cynthia Kite M.A. Scandinavia Faces EU: debates and decisions on membership 1961-1994. Cynthia Kite, Department of Political Science, University ofUmeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. ISBN 91-7191-255-X ISSN 0349-0831, Research Report 1996:2 Distribution: Department of Political Science, University ofUmeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. Abstract This study begins with the observation th at three similar states - Denmark, Norway and Sweden - have had different EC/EU policies, and that one of the foreign policy literature's most interesting approaches, domestic structures analysis, does not shed light on this variation. The goal of the study is to develop an understanding of the different policies by analyzing the question of EC/EU membership using an approach in which issue area, defined in terms of both substance and impact, is linked to policy process and policy choice. Substantive issue area is studied by analyzing parliamentary debates in the three countries. An issue area typology with four substantive categories - economic, political/ policy, international/security, and other — is used to classify arguments made in the debates. The analysis shows that the question was an economic and political issue in Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the 1990s. It was a security issue in Sweden in the 1960s and 1970s.
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