ARIZONA REPUBLICAN PARTY 3601 North 24M STREET, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85016 (602) 967-7770 • Fta (602) 224-0932 • 1-8004444065 WWWAZGOPORG
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ARIZONA REPUBLICAN PARTY 3601 North 24m STREET, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85016 (602) 967-7770 • Fta (602) 224-0932 • 1-8004444065 WWWAZGOPORG O -n -ni '••r •i October 10,2006 5 £ Office of General Comuel __ r-V- Fodcnl Elect OTCommiwon 999 ESn^NW, Washington, DC 20463 ui To Whom It May Concern I wnte to you today in my capacity as dniimm of the Arizona Republican Party in reference to2USC 437g(aXl)regazdmgDemocnt Candidate for Ccmgrest Ellen Simon It is my belief that Mi Simon is in violation of several laws and regulations pertaining to campaign finance Most troubling is the apparent attempt by Ms Simon to deceive voters about me troe nature of her cciitnbitnons to her own campaign On Ma Simon's July 14 filing she stated mat die was using "personal funds" m the amount of $275,000 as a contnbubon to her campaign But men on August 11 amendment, she changed me contnbution from a personal contnbution to a personal loan Honvever,classifymgthecontnbutionasa personal loan was a misrepresentation of the facts The coiitnbution funds were from a lenduiguisttimofi and collaterahzed by persorial assets On September 1, Ms Sunon finally disclosed me terms of the loan from Wells Fargo Bank This makes it clear mat Ms Simon intentionally filed a false report to the FEC on July 14 Any reasonable person recognizes that writing a check fixmi one's personal bank account u a personal contribution, while allying for arid trien receiving a loan rrom a bank is quite different Yet Ms Smum filed a cornpletely false report with the FEC on July 14, a clear violation of federal election law Second, Ms Sunon has numerous instances of iindernporting in her filings with the FEC ft arjpean thai her violaftms were so onerous t wnte a letter of inquiry to Ms Simon under 1 1 CFRfi 104 3(aX4Xi)t and rt appears furtherthatMs Simoa continues to be out of coniphancewim FEC dnvc^ Specifically, she his only amended her reports to say *1>ert effort," but does not provide documentatioou^ proves she has msifetm^ Wmle I understand mat Ms Smm has good reason to attempt to hide who her donors are, hkery out of embarrassment mat only 1 1 people in the entire distnct gave to her campaign, mis is still a violation of the law Fmally.Ms Smion filed a statement of candidacy on May 1 of this year, and by her own admission had raised or spent over five thousand dollars by June 5 of this year —1 Accordingly die should hive fifed a report to the FBC acknowledging she crossed the five thousand dollar threshold She did not cV> this, aiid waited untd the quarteriyic before disclosing amounts she nosed Again, this appears to be a dear violation of federal election law So mat 1 am m rail compliance with the Federal Election Commission here is my information Matt Salmon m L RflnuMicm 3501 N 24 Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-957-7770 Additionally you will see that this letter has been notarized and three copies are attached I thank you for your attenfaon to this inatter art O cr> Sincerely, Arizona Republican Party Subscribed and sworn to before me on mis /Q dav of October. 2006 SCANLON /«HI/ONA UNTY Aprt 28,2007.