Seminar Presents Women As Founders by Jenna Gray ’15 Ters of Research, Discovery and Mount Curriculum in 2013
The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LII, Number 2 December 2014 Seminar presents Women as Founders By Jenna Gray ’15 ters of research, discovery and Mount curriculum in 2013. After were selected to participate in the lar sentiments, saying, “I was planning by nine Mount students completing applications and writ- course. overwhelmed with the level of Mount’s Women as Founders and the teachers, administrators ing essays explaining their inter- During the second semester commitment and motivation of Week featured assemblies, pre- and alumnae who guided them. est in Seminar, Annemarie Bran- of their junior year, the students the students. They went far above sentations and a panel celebrating After a committee of teachers co, Nora Cipressi, Grace Havard, met twice a week from 7:25 to and beyond what was expected of female accomplishments. This and administrators restructured Maddie Loftus, Katie Maransky, 8:10 a.m. to explore the history them and really made this course single week of female empower- the course, the Women as Found- Katie Mars, Belin Mirabile, Mag- of women’s social problems and their own.” ment is the result of two semes- ers Seminar reappeared in the gie Schoeller and Bridget Sykes reform movements and unearth Upon their completion of the current movements in women’s semester filled with reading liter- issues. ature and poetry, watching films With teachers including Mrs. and videos and discussing what Bender, Sister Joannie Cas- they learned in class on online sidy, Mr. Curry, Mr. Holdren, discussion boards, the nine girls Mrs. Kennedy, Ms. Korey and were ready to create culminating S.
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