Article Universal and Non-universal Features of Musical Pitch Perception Revealed by Singing Highlights Authors d Pitch perception was probed cross-culturally with sung Nori Jacoby, Eduardo A. Undurraga, reproduction of tone sequences Malinda J. McPherson, Joaquı´n Valdes, Toma´ s Ossando´ n, d Mental scaling of pitch was approximately logarithmic for US Josh H. McDermott and Amazonian listeners Correspondence d Pitch perception deteriorated similarly in both groups for very high-frequency tones
[email protected] (N.J.),
[email protected] (J.H.M.) d Sung correlates of octave equivalence varied across cultures and musical expertise In Brief Jacoby et al. use sung reproduction of tones to explore pitch perception cross- culturally. US and native Amazonian listeners exhibit deterioration of pitch at high frequencies and logarithmic mental scaling of pitch. However, sung correlates of octave equivalence are undetectable in Amazonians, suggesting effects of culture-specific experience. Jacoby et al., 2019, Current Biology 29, 3229–3243 October 7, 2019 ª 2019 Elsevier Ltd. Current Biology Article Universal and Non-universal Features of Musical Pitch Perception Revealed by Singing Nori Jacoby,1,2,9,* Eduardo A. Undurraga,3,4 Malinda J. McPherson,5,6 Joaquı´n Valdes, 7 Toma´ s Ossando´ n,7 and Josh H. McDermott5,6,8,* 1Computational Auditory Perception Group, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt 60322, Germany 2The Center for Science and Society, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027,