Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 2-14-1929 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1929). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1407. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1407 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, FEB BULLOCH 'UMES AND SrATESBO.RO NEWS �� !!"'tIetHriwa'H,....,� ,--=--_:_--....J"--------------------� �trs C Z Donaldson and children I COME TO .. ,I .. 'f ... Social Happenings for the Week I :��:,t �:stan�e;;rsen� ,�I��a�e�:.a:� BUJ.LOCH COUNTY, - , ' ' THEATRE N THE AMIJSIJ ewmgton WI. THE HEART OF GEORGIA, MI and MIs Chalile Cone mote: MUTtON PICTIJR£S STAT£SBlJRO, I "WHEIlE NATURE SMILES" cd to Augu'!!a Wednesday and were ��---------------------- Ml s De v G cover was a VIsitor In )'Lrs H ylarke accompanied home by their daugh- A 'BI'lJL1CAL 1YRANA Savannah Monday Pineora Sunday ter MISS Aldina Cone. wno IS study E L Smith was a business VIsitor MIss Nell Mat un IS \ isittng' rcla, mg at the Univeraity Hospital Miss t i es in Savannah Feb. 12, 10 Wednesday Thnrsdav, 13, 14 Augusta Cone will be at homo for several Tuesday, Wednesday, GA" FEB 14,1929 and MIs H P Jones were MIS Waldo loyd was a \lSI tor m THURSDAY, Mr , �TATESBORO, week while recuperat.ing' f rorn a, ae In Collins Monday Savann rh Suturday visitors vere case of pneumonia the relativ es MlS C L Gruver was among Mrs H S Pari Ish visited 0 HKING OF KINGS" the week I in Savam;ah the week CLASS RECIT A.L visttora to Savannah during' during star Curnm 109 and a.l all cast] story by EOUCA1DR' , With H. B. Dorothy . of Atlanta, visited Mrs Gordon Blitch was a VISltOI The pupils of Mrs HIlliard's music Warner, JOR G£ORGIA MANY VISIT NOTHING: TO LIVE Robert Riner, De Mille. ThIS shows FOR,:, ,�WE�B,ORO IN TOUCH Cec il B, prcture OllJlO.OK Jeanie directed :::y.�: F�RIRS w ll e a at MacPherson; by I ' week In the week l recital the ;�l;��"E; F�RM[RS. the Savannah elass relatives In the cIty durmg during gl\ High are *�i� scenes HIS r the final months. of the hfe of Jesus The of ministr-y finely and Mrs Tom Donaldson all- Mrs S C Groover was a VISltO' School auditortum this (Thui day) ; III FACDLIY �It last the tnal before Pilate, the CO'l­ betrayal, the supper, IN 1929 .. 0 MI s presented-c-His LIFE 27th the week even clock Hll11md TUESDAY In at ENOS son HiS 8 'PELOT' of a Jan Savannah during WlIH'WORLD nounce the birth 109 INSmOTE Resurrectie 1, EWITI and the . �R the VIa the crUCIfiXion finally, from a Mrs Lee Anderson has returned Will be assisted Mrs Eliznbeth demnatton, Dolorosa, AOHlCUl!! J L Stubbs has returned by SOULE MAKES IN, ;;:7:':'��m:;:r!':�f:::;:rhe call tor a PROGRAM DUR- Feb 19,JMlss P{tESlDENT Macon, Mary RESULT OF You'll find thIS the world's picture, magnificent, dazzhng, awe­ .. pla"t].oullilliid INSTRUCTI:Y� Oa, PERSONAL INTS" from n business to Atlanta of the de greatest week's VISIt in Savannah tup Glltfm Gettys, expression TERESTINC OBERVATIONS IN of and INC THE ENTIRE DAY lS V£RY Gllrmlcllllel, lnBtrudor In the VIEWS and theme that msplres Cbristianlty-acclaimed �ell b"lanc\!ili 'type crop WITt' 48,207 FARMEd annen mo �[.. was busi some, inspiring-the story ' r and Mrs Cecil HI !\ J Bird, of tter, a partment I In HELPFUL TO Statesboro en- Mr screen, We are now REGARD Tb' CONDITIONS 'annual G�rgla Ifor THEl't'1.- High School, bas been IN 311 STATES, 0 • • the world over as tbe of the pre. prodqJtlon after- visttor In greatest trlumph 1 1 Mpnday ness the cIty Monday ,,___ t�. \ __- , tored to Savannah a i929 If �rop Is gaged to teach atl tbe Mer- 7th wonder of mohon You have seen "The Birth of 04r1 malne,D!oney history MIss LIla Blttch was those senting tbe pictures, )t Thirteen hundred and ....1 noon I an10ng 4By DR. ANDREW ,SOULE, held In' Ime tblrty cer summer Iii was Although many have ... "HSMTrEsSSw Down "The Ten Comn'landments," "The Covered �b,e �sttlon, l� ulllversity schOOl, person. and son R snend SatUJ in Savannah onMTRuSesdBayLlaTfCteHI_oHoOn Nation," "Way East," State IWlth the farmen., lIhs R J Kennedy J, to day President, Georl{la should and a hve-at-home pcntOlI8 announced Daan Peyton ;Jaeob, BUllied heretofore .nat the fumen .. Blitch entertamed her neighbors "Ben Hur" "The Para.de," and now you can see Cecil B, De Bo�e 10CCUp� attendrd Ins! 'by the MIs Inman was those Wagon" Blg tute whicb was beld here were visitors m Savannah during Foy among N of prograrn, for, the eonsum- ondj,y director of 'thel school Mias Ca... quite out df touch With tile' budge KING OF KINGS," DOJ:l't fail to see prov{ded cI.lI� to VISit S wnnnah the week Mille's' "picture of' plctures"-"THE Agncultur�?6 -In accord- and under tbe aus- week during Athen., Ga, Feb' mation of the progrnm dellne.ted evening Tuesday michael at the vacation 8eB- aetlvltlea of tbe rest of the -" WEDNES­ taught wOl'14 invited �. tbe rum three Y, and Edna Paul Jones several days dur; GFUreas!SafnOtr nt�rreCle.stlabnlneds wJOenr� wonderful picture which for day.,__.,TUESDA its IIxed the Geor- of tbe Banker's A880- MIsses Frances Stephens spent ance Wltb poitey, will enable us to take full POasell8lOn plces Georgia slon last summer -the tact now 18 dlilclosed that. mDll; qull wore effectlvely used In decor DAY and with a MATINEE on TUESDAY and THURSDAY, m II on the week In AtI anta on b ustncss THURSDAY, of elation and waa the Oeor- were VISItors Savanna mg gta State Agriculture of our neella staged by Mercer summer .chool will farmer. keep a. ill eonUct Rogers Mrs C B Mathews lnnd�r Colle�� ha� ptarketa, BUPp,y their open olo.ely Mr and Mrs John Gofl1 and chll atmg No reductiona for mattnee., State &f made a very de8nlte'and comprehen- on a basis and gta College Agriculture on June arid contfnue untll IAu- witlt· current eventa .. Monday , was .atlsfMJipry keep 11, ' score and gl\en It'de�k oIJ • "� "."�; last dlen VISIted relat,ves 10 Metter Sun_ 11lgh The truckloads of , �doltlw� Mrs HarlY Emmett spent SlVe study ot the agricultural SltUk-) at home a mln1mum of four ar- 20 Will Into cards Mrs CectI Brannen le�elved permanently exhlbl�s Il'Ult ,'It be dlvldld two 'coual�.' With Mrs Fled tion and the which he rived and were In.tall- week end at Brooklet day P. G. Walker, pro.peeta $6,000,000 now sen� outalde the Sunday mght tbe second on Seven Ollt of ten' farmel'll iaN a wall vase for low sco\'e At the Admission 25c and 50c. Ngr. terms, ending July F C Parker spent several days ahead for The ed Monday At 4 o'clock In Sbearouse I the ensuing year .tate for eueJUal suppbes of food during HI 'StUdenta mny study for half' or daUy, newwpapel'll and over half take conclUSIon of the game a salad course Mont weel. In Atlanta on bu. data obtalned I. of a eoncrete tb.. afternoon the doors and BIllte Cone left Sunday for I dUling th� f and raw rnaterutla. opened all tho summer and reeeive local weekly papers, announcea the was served rathe! college whete he has accepted mess and definite nature ana sufilClently a n'lmber of mltors attended durmg Natlollal Fertlllll8r gomery, Ala, •• .. .. credit for tbe amount of wotk done, Aaaocla'loa. MI. D 'N and Mrs Ketl Waters Af_ JOLLY FRENCH KNOTTER::o authentic rehable whlcb to the evelllng The a pOSItIon RIggs PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S WORK EVENING BRIDGE to MISS Myrtle and upon program, however, Dean Jacob said ,! WashingtOn" DC, which b..... the reI a I wero m dur [ Crouch IS vlsltmg DaviS vISitors Savannah and a salad course The Jolly French Knotter" met a of pro- R[D CROSS WDRK[R[was reserved till Tuesday mornmg ltatement on Dr S J The women of the Plesbyterlan FJlday evemng Mr Mrs J ter the game lovely predIcate rational program • In addition to tbe member. of the personal. and unifol'Ql and the weel' afternoon WIth Mrs J ThiS consIsted of discUB tlves and frIends In Augusta Ing chUtch were entertaIned on M nme tables of was selved Wednesday cIuctton for 1929 program About G o'clock Interviews with farmel'll fa 85 I Monday Thayer-entertaIned , regulat unlver.lty faculty who will 48Jj07 of DeLand, Fla, IS • • • A AddIson' at her home on North Prof Kenneth brm man- 810ns of various of mterest to be called bl. Washmgton Coy Temples, afternoon at the mllnse After a players WIth a brtdge party at theIr Treatlor, ON IN topics Wednesday mornIng renlam for the summer states, Includln all those eut of th.
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