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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

2-14-1929 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1929). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1407.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, FEB BULLOCH 'UMES AND SrATESBO.RO NEWS �� !!"'tIetHriwa'H,....,� ,--=--_:_--....J"------� �trs C Z Donaldson and children I COME TO .. ,I .. 'f ... Social Happenings for the Week I :��:,t �:stan�e;;rsen� ,�I��a�e�:.a:� BUJ.LOCH COUNTY, - , ' ' THEATRE N THE AMIJSIJ ewmgton WI. THE HEART OF GEORGIA, MI and MIs Chalile Cone mote: MUTtON PICTIJR£S STAT£SBlJRO, I "WHEIlE NATURE SMILES" cd to Augu'!!a Wednesday and were ��------Ml s De v G cover was a VIsitor In )'Lrs H ylarke accompanied home by their daugh- A 'BI'lJL1CAL 1YRANA Savannah Monday Pineora Sunday ter MISS Aldina Cone. wno IS study E L Smith was a business VIsitor MIss Nell Mat un IS \ isittng' rcla, mg at the Univeraity Hospital Miss t i es in Savannah Feb. 12, 10 Wednesday Thnrsdav, 13, 14 Augusta Cone will be at homo for several Tuesday, Wednesday, GA" FEB 14,1929 and MIs H P Jones were MIS Waldo loyd was a \lSI tor m THURSDAY, Mr , �TATESBORO, week while' f rorn a, ae In Collins Monday Savann rh Suturday visitors vere case of pneumonia the relativ es MlS C L Gruver was among Mrs H S Pari Ish visited 0 HKING OF KINGS" the week I in Savam;ah the week CLASS RECIT A.L visttora to Savannah during' during star Curnm 109 and a.l all cast] story by EOUCA1DR' , With H. B. Dorothy . of Atlanta, visited Mrs Gordon Blitch was a VISltOI The pupils of Mrs HIlliard's music Warner, JOR G£ORGIA MANY VISIT NOTHING: TO LIVE Robert Riner, De Mille. ThIS shows FOR,:, ,�WE�B,ORO IN TOUCH Cec il B, prcture OllJlO.OK Jeanie directed :::y.�: F�RIRS w ll e a at MacPherson; by I ' week In the week l recital the ;�l;��"E; F�RM[RS. the Savannah elass relatives In the cIty durmg during gl\ High are *�i� scenes HIS r the final months. of the hfe of Jesus The of ministr-y finely and Mrs Tom Donaldson all- Mrs S C Groover was a VISltO' School auditortum this (Thui day) ; III FACDLIY �It last the tnal before Pilate, the CO'l­ betrayal, the supper, IN 1929 .. 0 MI s presented-c-His LIFE 27th the week even clock Hll11md TUESDAY In at ENOS son HiS 8 'PELOT' of a Jan Savannah during WlIH'WORLD nounce the birth 109 INSmOTE Resurrectie 1, EWITI and the . �R the VIa the crUCIfiXion finally, from a Mrs Lee Anderson has returned Will be assisted Mrs Eliznbeth demnatton, Dolorosa, AOHlCUl!! J L Stubbs has returned by SOULE MAKES IN, ;;:7:':'��m:;:r!':�f:::;:rhe call tor a PROGRAM DUR- Feb 19,JMlss P{tESlDENT Macon, Mary RESULT OF You'll find thIS the world's picture, magnificent, dazzhng, awe­ .. pla"t].oullilliid INSTRUCTI:Y� Oa, PERSONAL INTS" from n business to Atlanta of the de greatest week's VISIt in Savannah tup Glltfm Gettys, expression TERESTINC OBERVATIONS IN of and INC THE ENTIRE DAY lS V£RY Gllrmlcllllel, lnBtrudor In the VIEWS and theme that msplres Cbristianlty-acclaimed �ell b"lanc\!ili 'type crop WITt' 48,207 FARMEd annen mo �[.. was busi some, inspiring-the story ' r and Mrs Cecil HI !\ J Bird, of tter, a partment I In HELPFUL TO Statesboro en- Mr screen, We are now REGARD Tb' CONDITIONS 'annual G�rgla Ifor THEl't'1.- High School, bas been IN 311 STATES, 0 • • the world over as tbe of the pre. prodqJtlon after- visttor In greatest trlumph 1 1 Mpnday ness the cIty Monday ,,___ t�. \ __- , tored to Savannah a i929 If �rop Is gaged to teach atl tbe Mer- 7th wonder of mohon You have seen "The Birth of 04r1 malne,D!oney history MIss LIla Blttch was those senting tbe pictures, )t Thirteen hundred and ....1 noon I an10ng 4By DR. ANDREW ,SOULE, held In' Ime tblrty cer summer Iii was Although many have ... "HSMTrEsSSw Down "The Ten Comn'landments," "The Covered �b,e �sttlon, l� ulllversity schOOl, person. and son R snend SatUJ in Savannah onMTRuSesdBayLlaTfCteHI_oHoOn Nation," "Way East," State IWlth the farmen., lIhs R J Kennedy J, to day President, Georl{la should and a hve-at-home pcntOlI8 announced Daan Peyton ;Jaeob, BUllied heretofore .nat the fumen .. Blitch entertamed her neighbors "Ben Hur" "The," and now you can see Cecil B, De Bo�e 10CCUp� attendrd Ins! 'by the MIs Inman was those Wagon" Blg tute whicb was beld here were visitors m Savannah during Foy among N of prograrn, for, the eonsum- ondj,y director of 'thel school Mias Ca... quite out df touch With tile' budge KING OF KINGS," DOJ:l't fail to see prov{ded cI.lI� to VISit S wnnnah the week Mille's' "picture of' plctures"-"THE Agncultur�?6 -In accord- and under tbe aus- week during Athen., Ga, Feb' mation of the progrnm dellne.ted evening Tuesday michael at the vacation 8eB- aetlvltlea of tbe rest of the -" WEDNES­ taught wOl'14 invited �. tbe rum three Y, and Edna Paul Jones several days dur; GFUreas!SafnOtr nt�rreCle.stlabnlneds wJOenr� wonderful picture which for day.,__.,TUESDA its IIxed the Geor- of tbe Banker's A880- MIsses Frances Stephens spent ance Wltb poitey, will enable us to take full POasell8lOn plces Georgia slon last summer -the tact now 18 dlilclosed that. mDll; qull wore effectlvely used In decor DAY and with a MATINEE on TUESDAY and THURSDAY, m II on the week In AtI anta on b ustncss THURSDAY, of elation and waa the Oeor- were VISItors Savanna mg gta State Agriculture of our neella staged by Mercer summer .chool will farmer. keep a. ill eonUct Rogers Mrs C B Mathews lnnd�r Colle�� ha� ptarketa, BUPp,y their open olo.ely Mr and Mrs John Gofl1 and chll atmg No reductiona for mattnee., State &f made a very de8nlte'and comprehen- on a basis and gta College Agriculture on June arid contfnue untll IAu- witlt· current eventa .. Monday , was .atlsfMJipry keep 11, ' score and gl\en It'de�k oIJ • "� "."�; last dlen VISIted relat,ves 10 Metter Sun_ 11lgh The truckloads of , �doltlw� Mrs HarlY Emmett spent SlVe study ot the agricultural SltUk-) at home a mln1mum of four ar- 20 Will Into cards Mrs CectI Brannen le�elved permanently exhlbl�s Il'Ult ,'It be dlvldld two 'coual�.' With Mrs Fled tion and the which he rived and were In.tall- week end at Brooklet day P. G. Walker, pro.peeta $6,000,000 now sen� outalde the Sunday mght tbe second on Seven Ollt of ten' farmel'll iaN a wall vase for low sco\'e At the Admission 25c and 50c. Ngr. terms, ending July F C Parker spent several days ahead for The ed Monday At 4 o'clock In Sbearouse I the ensuing year .tate for eueJUal suppbes of food during HI 'StUdenta mny study for half' or daUy, newwpapel'll and over half take conclUSIon of the game a salad course Mont weel. In Atlanta on bu. data obtalned I. of a eoncrete tb.. afternoon the doors and BIllte Cone left Sunday for I dUling th� f and raw rnaterutla. opened all tho summer and reeeive local weekly papers, announcea the was served rathe! college whete he has accepted mess and definite nature ana sufilClently a n'lmber of mltors attended durmg Natlollal Fertlllll8r gomery, Ala, •• .. .. credit for tbe amount of wotk done, Aaaocla'loa. MI. D 'N and Mrs Ketl Waters Af_ JOLLY FRENCH KNOTTER::o authentic rehable whlcb to the evelllng The a pOSItIon RIggs PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN'S WORK EVENING BRIDGE to MISS Myrtle and upon program, however, Dean Jacob said ,! WashingtOn" DC, which b..... the reI a I wero m dur [ Crouch IS vlsltmg DaviS vISitors Savannah and a salad course The Jolly French Knotter" met a of pro- R[D CROSS WDRK[R[was reserved till Tuesday mornmg ltatement on Dr S J The women of the Plesbyterlan FJlday evemng Mr Mrs J ter the game lovely predIcate rational program • In addition to tbe member. of the personal. and unifol'Ql and the weel' afternoon WIth Mrs J ThiS consIsted of discUB tlves and frIends In Augusta Ing chUtch were entertaIned on M nme tables of was selved Wednesday cIuctton for 1929 program About G o'clock Interviews with farmel'll fa 85 I Monday Thayer-entertaIned , regulat unlver.lty faculty who will 48Jj07 of DeLand, Fla, IS • • • A AddIson' at her home on North Prof Kenneth brm man- 810ns of various of mterest to be called bl. Washmgton Coy Temples, afternoon at the mllnse After a players WIth a brtdge party at theIr Treatlor, ON IN topics Wednesday mornIng renlam for the summer states, Includln all those eut of th. I DUTY BULLOCH, quarter, of hIS parents, Judge and Mrs FOR MRS TODD \Ibm street Jnnontcos were tbe lias been "n'dl- the farmel'll. Brooks Simmon., prea- wbo had the Mrs Juhus Rogers, VlSltmg short perIOd of somal Intercourse, home on North College street The jawalded agemont'speclalist, brother/Joe, apent night many have been Ie- Mlaslaalppl river and MoInDeIOta, guest I Mrs Anna E Red Cross Iprofell8ors Mr and Mrs A E MIS CeCIl Kennedy aclightfully flowers used In After of and Sirna, iclent of the First National Bank, and told hIm It .... 88 lS VISiting bel parenLs, Temples the foreIgn mlSSlon study book for Valentine Idea was used m decorat decoratmg ;rect charge assembhng PTe- I wltb him, Simply cured to special 1ll1ltruc�lon III North Dakota, 10_ Mi...orul, Ar- savannah'l the gIve IS nurse, with the aasiatance of MISS Edna Mac Bowen, who entertallled tbree tables of players an hOUl and m seW1llg, thiS material Not Is he spoke on "The Banker's Interest in to Fifteen minutes 1,,- W D Davl. the year wa. reviewed by MI.s Car 109 nnd \V.IS carJled out In then spent SOCIally j,nnrur only t,,"6.-� get up eo 11 ege subj ects and In apeclahzed ken.s, Louisiana, KanllU, Okla- teachers and some of the members " of at BellvI,-e, was a vIsItor m at FrIday aftemoon m honor the hostess served a chIcken salad weII�'" d h eondItl0118 In the Farmer'sereW Ifa His was a ter the' brother hoard the of homa Texaa MISS Ona Powers, Spnnlffield, teachmg rle Clay and Mrs Spencer M,rs E prIzes HIgh scores were made by bridge acqualnte report p1'ofesslonal flelds Elmphasla will be atill I W)t of the P -T has been the Mrs J El Doneboo the Sunday of MIS of Sllnpson but he bas the ad- A., making plaIn statement of the a 'tbe and there be found In over 18 the gue.t of cIty L LaVargne, of Challe"ton, S C, Mr and � Lostel 0 B,annen and Morgan Todd, Georgta, ellJo,.ed relatlonah.i)f gun �n yard pub on studIes In education, and addition, half the farmers a ar_ MRS DEAL HOSTESS the children of a few Bob Everett IS spendlllg the week VIlle, S C She used pI etty of attendel! the Na- phYSical ll18pectlon of that exlsta beft-een agrIculture and with half of bl8 head blown tntervlewed I18ld for days played some beautIful plano selec- 10ws by MIS Leffler DeLoach and vantage having Henry mMY teachers are expected to at- they take weeklx tn­ the sebool of Statesboro dur- Stubbs and m Savannah WIth hIS mother, M.s of narCISSI nnd Japonlcas Mrs B A Deal entertaIned ttonal Outlook Confer graded hnes of buslnes. J G Ohver, a load of shot He hy"d ne.... Mr and Mrs Grover I tlOns wruch added, uch to the pleas Dr H F Arundel Novelty Valen- rangement Agricultural other away :w;tth tend the summer school spaper. Previously the _OCli- week. When tblS In- last week Bedford Evel ett as hel deco' .tlOns MISS Lila Blitch fonnally WIth two tables of brIdge was held In tng the._past of the State on "Solv- tIll 4 o'clock In tbe faternoon MISS MInnie Stubbs spent I ure of the occasIOn Plans were tmes were for scores and ence, whlcn Wuhmgton, College, spoke about "Uon annbunced It. flndlng that gIVen hIgh roses 18 a Will Eldward AkInS left last week for made score and was a on afternoon PInk 21 to 1929 The spectton completed, report Ing the Farmer's ProblellU!" E D Pelot's Mrs Pelot, on. and In Savannah pelfected for the entertamment of comic Valentines for low MIS Le hIgh given Saturday DC, January 26, mother, Pel)ny eIght out of ten, farmers take where Co_ Mrs lent then charm be gIven m detatl ana the parents Alexander dIscussed "Better Mr and MIS P R McElveen, of New York he has entered as_ towel FOI low score, Hatry artIstIcally arranged outhned m the follOWing pages Crops," dIed about eighteen months ago and or more farm the Woman's ChI'stlan Unton of roy Cowalt and MIS Bob AkinS pi3ns RAILROAD MEN WANT papers • were wIll be sent .. the and VISIted relatIVes m the cIty lumbta Untverslty SmIth receIved a damty nandker to the occasIon Dainty candles are not on the needs and re report o� findings �tl'S Katherme Lanier, of Sa left a small estate which Henry had Of the farmers who answer. Lyons, Statesboro on FebrualY 12th The sisted the hostess III serVlng a d.uuty only 48,20 of ea"h chIld MISS of !\tianta, chIef Aftel the a f,ozen salad on the tables the game She of bnt bave the vannah, had for her subject "Homo been Cltosen to lOok after Tltls had ed the • during the week Agnes Temples comlnttt�es wele uppomt- salad course game durIng qUJrements Georgia question "Do you take follOWIng To from thiS Mrs het and served and hot latel served a hot course RadIO accomplish, any good Elconomlcs In mental worl CHANGE IN HAT SllES Dr and MIS H F Hook and liS VIsItIng pr.rents, Judge ed On lefre.hInents !lirs Ellis Mr. was WIth sandWiches advantage of bemg properly correl FunctiOning GeorgIa's gl\ ell hl;'n conSiderable y dally newspaper?" 8 total of' 33,674, It 1S for ... In FOR MRS ROGERS musIc was the as lOspection, very necessary Rural EducatIOn" was of --_ Glenn JennIngs wele VISltOiS Sa M,S A E Temples Sotrter, Mrs Albert Deal Mrs Dun coffee enjoyed thloughout atcd wlth the natIOnal SituatIon though there nothmg lmpor or 69 6tr/olBRld "yes" the to co MI and M,s Aubloy Olliff, of MISS CarrIe Lee DuVls comphment_ well Tbl, makes the facts and parents operate by takIng E P Josey, county agent, preslderl tance to about LllSt fnll h,s Ga Feb 11 _ The In a total of farm- vannah Thursday can McDougald, Jr MIS Robmson, ; fig worry Atlanta, Georglll, 4,786 I chdd to mo_ Mrs Julius of MYSTERY CLUB the the family phYSICIan, at th", The was ar- was dIS Mathews VISIted her SIS_ Cl.lxton.. Sundny With hiS �d Rogels Savannah, lIres all the 1II0re valuable seSSlon� dIsplay sister dIed He much ers were InterVIewed Of theae Mrs J L spent on church, Mrs Donaldson, Mrs presented Agnes 2,948 dentIst 01 as the case On ThUlsday afternoon M,s R J OCTAGON CLUB arc cor specmhst, may tn the tobacco warehouse and add iter, Mrs John Kennedy, In Savannah ther lI

•• UII:.THi . . I' fll• BULLOCH TIMES M.... and ,Mrs: ,lones' ;"ll�n anJ WARNOCK tSCHOOL-I(WS nounce the birth a duughter 1'00- i AND �::�eS \,'_� .�P.oR�Al NEWS. I�E�S '.. 4 I SIU. Sho been named I�h�SECO:�:�Tla:tE::�: hIlS their first ruary , nnd U. had-a The first gude took exi lIl�':� relntcd the story of a yourlit wif I Mr. Ml'S. /:.. Mincey 'ti-be Gmtesboro M,'. and C. cursion to the woods this yea� Petty J oyco . VALVES! g'ueBts Mrs. trip ·'OR_AT cnroute n J, . th'\, Bulloch I Sunday. • county jail found • • • . und I'rorn on . a . children, Claxton, Friday. They .'lnd was Here's a tialue ewnt ,. .0 TU!{NER. Editor and Owner �tlIrey violoij;s ", 'Prrday__:_'Ant Enuny' usting rarely equaUed: foods state : farm at Mil I It"c each lh cdgevil nd rs . their flower box. pu- MEETING and 1\1 Shcnrouse ferns for Momentem AUXIJ..IARY was here , ,I), He!'i' .Grlld,v. t�nit. what .this· of wholesolTU!, delicious .. prices a twelve-months scr.tenco. tu from M tter a violet or. a ferh and,' qllali� SUBSCRIPTION RATES: serve and children, pil planted ' The American .. Legion Auxilitii'l' �Itch people gathers mean Mr. i,nd Mr C. Denmurk, of eauh hild -is -anxioualy watal\l.!tg fqr . remarkable sailings )'OUT One $1.60; Six Months, 75c; was told that her paramoer, a younJ •.. M: will meet afternoon. at 3 :30 reaU, iI! weekl, Year, I� FridAy . are "(''j . f'It.· Pn . V1Sllml! Mr. and M1'8.1 them to grow. e , I 1"'·1 h· 60e. murried man hod beon convicted in lAlab.ama, J'�')\., r [" !l'uc "� lood budgetl , 8, at the home of Irene Four M.onths, !\l·alhe Denmark. , The second ana third Kl'· are r she o'clOCk Mis. .' � ,� dlddent, no what , the court two befor !nuro' superier d�Y8 Charlie Parrjsh was host Frldu y looking fo!'\llard ·tb!·thc 14\11; .:rhey Arden �n Grady s!;reet. M.:., Pat 1 as second-ciass matter I; , told hi� ' I8nUred ' men'i 'and �he at that momcnt at an old square have been' nurnbet- State. and was evening -fu,shioned n'Ulking.�a �o;b�'Val­ , " wiil �ith 'IIi all wMk 01 •• 1 lib '0 I 1906, at the r;ostotb.e lit '�,erving LIBBY'S PEA'Ca,KS• Northc�tt .be jOil\t h�8te8S p 11"'. b. 1.111 •• • "t ·sberuti. offen hri 'dance bOX is' to . '.' reliding Act C('D on tI at his home In 'Portal, A bout entines. The. valcnJ;ille be. under the of twclve-months' sentence' :SMITH ,f Mi� Arden.. 'All members are core, Ga., 'fERTlLlZER-GQ� . fifty gue.ts present and a'good dccorated . Thursd.y. " '- No, No. 2�' 'atlc:lut' 'wIiair diffrunt 18711, ,:"ere \ ' No. 2)6 ",r." March 3, It wag told th if! ,.scbool, In, ...... "� 2)6 county chainganz, , ,,'" , vited to be present. Del Monte-HarCleS _...l_-=-r===--- time was ""'oyed... the ufternoonia Iiltle,pur�'hlll\: i¥'en, (; CANS , If, CANS btt.,mobeOls" gether8 II' ., c;:AI\IS .If '. hu. band of the woman Turner to .' -.J .< 3 'I the young Mrs. A. A. and MI·s. BCB' TIt'e"children ate Ole 2 � SSe , a'n'" , . No, planned," golJlll :Idt of. Mgtnentem, 2�' Can' 19, ARE YOU SUPERS.TITlOUS? .. and MISSIONARY SOCIETY was the prosecutor in the �a\c whiSh; si� I!ra,nn��. entertain¥d.ljhe �oman''; brin"'miiterials' for e"ndr,a.� �et,res:I- , of ' ' i� wom- society the ·ments. ..-.. .,' , : ' wandering the . these to such mlsslOn'lry Metho.dls! Home Th�. .o�. brought both people You Mixers .• �he. ' i'itcrl)ry �ec�ng he IS , ex- man you meet if . church Monday' afternoon' at their state oral hy,gieoillt I .• it Ask any The ,,,.,I_,, 3�1I�.· . �nny eve, grow- an'. missionary 80cie4' of the Meth- unhappy " • ,of, he will s,tatlons. "q home. JomltJ.ils were-used t",-decor- mained our Leeth 'I"st S",edded Wheat P"�:, and probably ,: we�k:.\�.pund, ':l\7E>·R��Bd'.N e(1 a 'roul;ld superstitious And there ended. .... , h�I'e ,In thi& o�li.t �hurch will be held Monday the story ute the eleven 'In ,til" rau·f.h , '\ .�O!: living room meet- grade UN.'" 9c',' where-the pupils OUR SEASON ' he not. WE ARE MAKiNG �OODS THis lJ. c��.,tI�'5' of declare is After port the �ountey. Mis& the .·The . at 1O-Ot. . w�s �alt,.S�up. . the writing had, gone further ing held,,, prog'l'p.m witlt perfect'teeth; ,oth 1.0' arel afteM]oon at,&.!SO tlio'c�urch. 18 d as be- DER THE SAME FORMULAS AS WE USED· IN 1925 Em- OCTAGO'to{ '. Superstition recogmze dainty 0;1 tite Saterd"Y-':7Ant .have of .. have 'told Lhat: attempts td re'�feshments.,,:ere 'served:_.' going to. wo�k tQ,get ,d"lltal. Inez Williams will eharge Powder '2, Pkgs. might • SOAP, and . . The P.- Its meet_ few . f. A:'held TANK­ longing to ignorance, peo- regulur honor 1'011. , . r" AND USING COTTON SEED MEAL AND �,9��� of about a reconc!l'ltlOn between 1926, J;1��Y'or'£i,l N�Ji'� ":,y. ).ike to. go,tten _{he program.' arc bring ing Wednesday afternoon ill' the a rending test by', are to admit they By sile:nt g'I"",n trubble with r ,. pie willing It: WITH BOT'H SULPHATE AND SODA " pa in "'!1' 1'UBLIClTY CHAIRMAN. the young woman and her husband bl'lll'Y. An· .a,ttra"�ive rn:ogrnm wa� M!'. CU'rl'oth; of the Georg;" '1>!ormal, AGE AM:�WNIA ·GiIlen\· this .aiternoo"": Can ignorant. beem met thc by MISS Annabelle ve find that: .the !'oadinl!' abJlity AND PUTTI�G AN ',:C�n. wit� positive IN ALL OUR GOODS EXtTRA 1'010 . line between su- ,Ie; al'Tang�d .:hwa,it� of, SP�N�;t?'H' P.T.· ASSOCIATION TO the dividin and little Yet g .had MIS. W. ·D, ,Woods, ,tl;J,e .tho .fourth grade ·hlll; Improved very Mr. Gillem 'invited are' iambly . . her that she .0grUll' . . claration prcicl'Tcd OF AMMONIA AND IN.ALUBRANDS . Afte!' ·ts v"'·,- and truth lS so fine that . much since the'test that was given. ACID, POTAS�i him and MEET NEXT TUESD,,\" perstltlOn . co!,-unlttec: r�po fr?tn to ·to. the 'with nn to the pemtentlary latlH�.:I.: .rid,e 'up city' Plss01Ited Pkgs. who ate ,to go com�lUttees the wus du'l'1Jig tli�. enrly piiri; of the term. GUARANTEE. of the P.-T.· A. wU1 there ure few if any persons �t1s. g�soclatlOn �BOVE OJ]R Ant Emmy ast hi'" if his Giyen rullne The meeting than return home. ntvltlld to the domestIc dc- nil:! fifth an0 here. Tuesday-CIaI'll Gngc \'Jus here PEANUT BUTTER . . revealed that in a few mont.hs �hc lOfltOIlSC,. un-, ' services of the church. the common about MethodIst chul·ch. Will conduct COTTON SEED. she are superstitIOns . 'I'll" P.-T. A. held its.regular meet­ the house tonite and 1118 sed was to 0 Ah! Who D. missoin PACIFIC and class het'e beginning last Friday. We had a real en­ in dark nights light ,become mother: stud;y inlt Both have been recleaned and list high for germination, HARD HEAD herd .he was 10 a ritch yung AT PRIMITIVE CHURCH planting wouldn t a of t.he of! month ingaged find soft.cnJn� t111� continu- thusiastic meetinsr. Plans were made ChewingGum BULK 2, 2Sf morc :�nd �::. m'e shared a nights which by I �h:]fa)8:h. Two C man and Olara sed no she wassent Thcre will be serviccs at the Prim- , an Could therc In.' nights. chaptel's fOl' more bllOks for tile more . heali. fot' such one? th,ree library, I 0 ,,In and Cand,.3for half the ltu··t wl11 be dlsclIssed Full of Fresh GARDEN and FIELD SEED him int.ill on than agrlcu eu�h night. The for the campus. supply IOc to be ingaged ·to itive church In Statesboro rls.8, be a \modiflcat.ion of the sent.ence cql1ipnwnt EveL'Y�, Lettuce going Baptist 8 O'CLOCK-PURE SANTOS' sCience iotil for the classes fire Mr. . Rev. these nre pronounced by I�[)dors one st!emed to enjoy the program she found but weather the repol'ts at 11 II. m. and 7 :30 p. m. which would mean so much to her DAIRY HORSE and HOG FEED. EVAPORATED Sunday Shca�()use. Rev. Mr. J{itchene. of the rendered by the music club, ]mmc- HULLS, MEAL, FEED, EVAPORATED be mere superstit.ions. Ignorance, was true about him weltby. the You arc was a p, being Preaching by pastor. and her nnbol'n child'! There .3aotl�t chul'ch, Lc, diutely uftCl" the meeting tho mem- COFFEE if you please.' I ofon.(�school.Frllnk�The Aho full line of SUNSHINE POULTRY FEED_ Pa sed In uther wirds you have just invited to attond these serviccs, 3S¢ pub- bel'S witnessed a ball between . scntence could goBme . way-the be changed s�JI)�rl':ltCJ:dent there WfiS Peaches'!h,15c I. won r).. Gold Medal III ./1< Se,qlllccnrcln;iaJ Expo,(tloo( or eight ago to attends. Eslu nnd \Vnrnook. To the members Ib.17c tuk a kinda on him I gess. A. Pastor. in 1'i�on t.o lhe )avmcnt he. �s tnl/�('d Apples Option R. CRUMPTON, SI:<- y�ars from no Pl. I he All Seeds and Feeds are ------ovcr .the E.nn nuel county fresh stock and at lowest p;rice. conSiderable excitement �undny who WCl'e not horo, .:vou have missed PRiNCE ALBERT Ma looked at him critickle. of a •. Who wouldjlny the fine? schoql instiLlite ,,�11 held BROWN MULE man ot the u real treat. 1I1"et with your organ­ BAPTIST W. M. S. MEET of b� for Goods." _ Blisters alleged magic power a negro fi� M. E. "Good Wensd.ay Teecher ast Sliced Who did pay the fine? On Monday FI'lday, Feb. 22. iZlltion n'ext boost· attend- Faultless near .. He time, help YOUI'; An good crowd who lived at or Garfield \hrt�1ele will bech�rch what was the Book of numbers and unusUltlly speakers to � of this week there was n hnppy re- ']. lp�omment sehoul, create ureal co-operativu' IRISH COBBLER, RED BLISS and EARLY ROSE Tobacco2 c aQs25c lb. to not the Tobaccc plug 15c ed the of the woman's mis­ was said to possess the powe!, .' diSCUSS var'IOUs departments of • a of the Bible. r meeting spirit. . he sed it was part unIOn atet h lUI"1 '001'.I Tn e young Fchool I SEED POTATOES, MAINE STOCK, 'the church 8acon 25c to into the Sunday work. It is tlU\t Ou� a LABEL society at Baptist ��d only cure all ills but peer ur.gcd faculty has I'enl incentive BRAND GOLD a!' �he diddent nst me 1 sionnry husband who had been so nil teachors and CIRCUS glad �ecu" anel grevlOus1y those interested in thnt 1s manifested Fifty·two oC the post, present being throughout all it was telefQne book. Monday mysteries taken such Sunday schdol wOI'k be present. wa'ys th9t �he �n afterlloon. wronged, and who had the tillpel' g'I·udes. Every pupil iso The future. Iffe rom III' an d'dWI e FrIends of Dr Ant wont were present. meeting opened Peop Cliffot'd MilicI' Ore "Ut name on the week­ COffeelb.49c Thirsday-I gilss' 'Eml\1Y drllstic steps to "ght th at.WI striving,to his Flour24lbs.99c BEST SIDE him fol' memcul treatment �111c1 to see him out lille by "Lord Jesus I Long to. be visited ". o��, again. DI'. ��i1- Iy .. roll, which is posted on the never get wise to lots �f tliings si;'gi�g '. \ counted to the shertff at the honp. ''Peed and Seed Co.- out la,l IeI' has been confined to his home for Rackley' Whole." Devotional "",s for their ills, and many declared his b '\II ctl� boa!� weekiy. SKINNER'S Hsitoryca1 stuff and bc:,t. ·'..Nits: Hix Perfectly lb. the necessary amount of cash 10 pl'O- over II n,onth. t8 MAIN ST. GA. miraculous. Some of them I �out� STATESBORO, SPAGHETTi frum led bf J. M. Norris. Mr•. H. MEAT work got has just got back f1:UJl1 ,a. trip ,Mrs. cure release of t.he one he loved the FAMIL�UNION" Nofi��' to Debtor'a'and Creditors led in Mrs, E. well and some Those who Pkgs. DC and she sed she Strange prayer. ,didn't. in of her tl'eatment of him: Mr. and Warshington 1I1t'8; Oeo,.,�e Temples had . MACARONI 3 25c Lhose who spite �!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�!!!!!!��!!!!!!�!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� or I�'A. Smith announced that the him credit (or u 1 d�, gave it; os Dr. llnd Mrs. A. 'I' ; vissited lot of place And as lhe clool' swung open two guests Sunday Gj!:.ORG!J\.�Bull"ch .County. plaF6s an�; t;leir mouth 8 �he Sweet "Poor Man 'If' l".ult" clIee B. W. 1\1. U. annual aSSOCIatIOn No.·J Cobbler didn't get well, kept Temples, Ml's. John Franklin, i\k. and All per"o!,s claims against Charity wos Grants toom and Ant Ei1'Imy "pd fell into each other's arms and wept bO,ldino.- the estnte J. H. late of We hnve '.hllt In thl. 8 would meet Feb. at Slillmol·e. 8rut. Mrs. A. E. TC'Pplcs and family and 'of Waters, nnll('ad chnrlty Is .xtmvngllDJ age.' poor she had offen herd ,c'f that ,to om but �4tb )t was a reunion, 'said must LEARN TO DANCE dreams and·ough joy. happy Miss Rubye Lee .Jones. of Statesboro. county. deceased, are notified tot not quito so s\veet flS it (s crnC'ked np man Is on InslJlt to II wOlllfllJ A poor WAN'l'ED'-Good farm mule; The that everyone As an interpreter of - dc­ she haddent never··herd whom president urged Potatoes . The instructor of the Etude was, the cloud thllt had been eaot Mr. and Mrs.' J. W. Coleman, or' !the same to ·the undersigned, to be. If we II for man 19 Ahl. to fOlll n ",IIID- for cash. DR. E. C.' Ben despite gh'e h'�,. 0 nickel freGuently 'bc 'cheap '.:' I the Christian Woman's Union n solver of mysteries, Jnme� du 8 East St., in uttend Dr. J. j\{. of Tul· pr�.enty authenticated, and all persons a an Ga. (ltp) Danse, Liberty Savannah,. berl'yied i�. over it. There was 110 nnd Monltl'ie, Temnles, .cup 01 co !'fee, It. 'eems' to II'0 Ills before D1urrlu�e,& lind make ber be. WATKINS, Brookleet, tl n chiding at the chu!'ch excelled. 'rhere was frequen y . lind indebted to said estate of will hold. Friday meeting Presbyterian Sll, Oklahoma, D. R. Temples Iequ ired lIe,e he nlHI electric !'ange, Ga.. night classes, no demand for hod an,d mind Is fnll'of curs('" that it wns nut (� vel'.? fJl'nmlslng,. will FOR SALE-Hotpoint They Cor out-of-town folks at 50c per ,por­ Mrs. will- an­ cars in line at his sons of Gravmont. t.o make prompt Qayment Mpriu Arn�ld D9blin Feb. 12th. Mrs. O. L. McLemore Pearl train of standing pt'omlse�. more. And we swenr. he berome rich, hUI lIe cnll fleyel fool new: will sacrifice ,Of Fancy come on faith Lhat all usunll)' practically �or son if or more will reveal This J;tnuary 8th, 1929'. eight 'couples ed $4,000 from he. estate for the nounced the state coruer- for him to tloe togethel'� cnuse we nickel her nfter rnnrrllll!e.-K IV. Bowe'. cash. Can be seen at the Quality Georgia gate wailing onl.v ga"e the 10 keep come. us a card. (Bnov4to Ibs� would be well In the J. M. 'MURPHY, Administrator . C. Drop Statesboro. MRS. P. care of nine parrots. on social would meet Feb.• " hidden of of value. up appP.nrnnrp•.-Atrl*n� f;loh.. MOflthly. Stol'e ence work 7 place something futlll'e.. (IOl'an6te) fruit trees with Scalo- GRITS [ -'---"-_'-'-''''-- SPRAY your a mu ,u d e 0 f _ Love had covel'e d It L MIDDl[ GROUND -!.______...!... (7febltp) SCHOOL' -'- _ Decatur, Ga. on him I COLLINS. 19th and 20th in Savannah. weI'e who coiled 18th, There people ., cjde. We have it in allY quantity " • R. SlnS. Now, lSf.1 t I ove won(I t!rf"\.1 J? Sl'RAYED-�';I'om the farm of E. call- cun save E. A. After a 40·minute class all for who would resent it if Middle Ground schpol is progress- medi­ and you money. period .help Warnock on January 31st, PRESIDENT COOliDGE' and who would even I inC' nicely. They now have their SMITH GRAIN' CO. i24jan2tc� ns�embled in the muin auditorium. ed Ignorunt, Celso, New York Cit.y um-size red sow with seven young Eugenio furnished. All building practically in WANTED AT ONCE-Schley pecans "From all the Dark Places" was a belief in Lhe supernatural. was a bill name color; .sow split deny taxicab driver, givcn 'i'Po we want now is seals for the au'di- pigs, I�arked SUItable reward. for cash.' BANNER STATES CONSERVATISM a each cnr. Will pay URGES McLemore dis­ un instance of l\'1tl's. O. L. There is in mind when returned which he t01'iul11 and a ,MANY sung, he $24,000 pinna, (mCKS 27 West Main BOW St., Route ,PRINT1NG CO., MOSSY THOMPSON, A, . stolen 1rom his The missed with Mrs. Leff Do. man who had a mule found in an iu his AJ'st �rade is beginning' to St?tesb""o. (7feb1te) H.-President prayer. envelope lying Stat�sbol'o. &0. (7feblte) Atlanta, Ga., Feb. the dil'ec- make a health poster. are also Loaeh will have of the devo­ lot. Ben James told him tuxicab. �hey recent chal'ga now of vulentllle I Coolidge's warning against thHlkmg find his and he (lay tional next Monday. to go to mule, "further commihnents: by na'­ ,tion of George Washington da�'. They are th� tieel out in Kny Patrick Hughes, 90, Sidney, went and found the mille mnking valentines and hatchets. WILL, YOU for new RAISE'?'. tional government any pro: BETTY SUE SMITH a anti). wa.lks each yelll' 316 miles on pll· the That mnn will swear by 'l'he second !lnd third grades have' open. The Grocery jects not immediately necessary" is Funeral service. fo,. little Betty gl'image to his mother's grave, nl- ,llew. desks in· theil' room and are Economy Ben James' supernatural powers. He . exe_ applicable, to railway Sue infant of Mr. on the of nicely. " Smith, daughter would be offended if clllled him ways aniving anniversary pr�gressing you . -and to which' rne fourt.h and fifth grades have 24-lbs. cutives here today and Mrs: J.. Coffee Farm City· Loans ac I D. Smjth;�f Bluff,. her and then tl'amplOg b k American' Beauty $1.35 j'l'nd superstitious or ignorant. A young death, finishei:es that didn't He he .. . . , 2Sc wron� u.f1derstand. c! that Misses Edith, and Emma)Za I ••• Repo1:tel's. WESSON Ol�':� -Pint sidize;rtiieiJn\I'1;iu;sert and in good faith, but that good l'atest"�Spring, ,styles . ac�ed Brewton were the guests 'Of Miss. --pe'T1-trtiN 'FOR-DI.SCHARGE ihl'and water­ L�lIetto and Nita Pewell. last week ,"'a. I . posed development OL. but not � , Superstition is ignorance, , U,l1iter]. e� Court, Savan-, •I S.ta. will in re­ end I' Brookfield CHEE�,E way� "i wbethcr"t l'e'8ult in M'e'n's , :, I)a"" " Southern DI'strict of Clothing.' all of l't aoes t0 e treme th at '. , D,,·,slo.n, b th el' pa�tetris MIsses Muld" and Jane Watson cost of, t:\'e tot&l 'transpor­ . Georgia. duci�g ,; i .' Blymyer's went. In the of . entertained a few friends with a matter Hardy F. Finch, o{' �tlon, n6 m§Jii r %\> pt'yS it." Bulloch • Rocky F,ord, county, Ga., e is re- Harvey Dennis of Vinita, Okla., bridge party lest Friday night. High • �� I'jf,!t/te CG,t>,( . ;sllm!,>er , qal)l:ruptcy. I the two SCOre was won Mi.s.lJ'l.,anita At- i'a�kr�jl�'lm, the pub­ All-wool' "price , pants" two by CORN killed 3,692' crows Wl'th shots' of fo l'l1e'Creilitors of the Above-named 9u�� �d ta�!s Ilai'r'tiy �suits, a which it is under trees in which wood. After the gave dainty salad the dynamite placeQ_ Ba�kl'l!pt: ...\ .• .... . liJ;'F �,!l. m'lun�.W' rl.' served. :" 81' the or were wa� y�u "e�p"y them pay Feoring burglars, Carl Vanamen of vannah, Go" on the 9th day of March Augusta this week. at o'clock in the tra.ll8POrtati9n e�stS than why New York Itid $400 in his furnace 1.0 foreno.on. All their Miss Earl Spelle spent the w,,�k of said bankrupt a!'e noti- &boula �be' a '!)1bsidy to ashpit. When he went to the cr�dltor. they' giver: get fied appeal' at tl time end with Miss Ivey. tq 9 an.d plnce them pay any other costs!' he found it had been burned.' Irby stuted help -money show cause,lif any they =8'£owo· There WI'n b e a play given by the a�d can, why fh� prayer pf said Detition- Register faculty entitled, "Maml11)"s er 5houl�"lIot'q",",.gr'lllted. ¥/ New York, charged her H-year-old Litlle Wild Rose" on Friday night> , $a��I)i'h, 'Ga.., this 7th day 'of Febru'1!'h. A. D. 1929. husband witl). desertion, but; admitted 'March 1. . Com� �lId bring ""me:' SCOTT' A. EDW\I\.RDS, Clerk. site lle,d practieaJiy ki

to mnke him • '" <> marry het" ... -;,:. :, REP.ORil',l!l¥.. _�. �"., �''''''','I. til DCr!ii'-�' I'ltw.- ft) THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1!129 BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS

. made' a PETITION FOR. DISCHARGE � President Guy Wells ,+e_URS__D_A_Y_'_FE__B_.�1_4,_1_9_29 �_8_U_ll_OCH �_ A�DSTA�BOR=O;NE����==r=���������DI������iiiiiSHERIFF'S SALE at the high school in Stilson Tuesday GEOltGIA-Bulloch County. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. NORMAL NOTES :::s�or���l����re�hho:;;t�:al!�:!:�� Bras. TrJumplt of GEORGIA , Warner Supreme to the administrator own books. chapel period. tall"j I will sell at public outcry, Leroy Cowart, aged to have their morning during I fot' before th. the estate of Paul R. Groover, de. � bidder, cash, The was gi''Cll Miss Elizabeth spenv sorue Italian Garden highest of the ovcrrts of following progr-am Hedges in for dismission,I One outstanding hourt house door Stntesboro, Ga., ceased, having applied I at the of tho Y. ,\V time here Sunday, said notice is regular meeting on the first in Murch, 1929, from administration, the year wns the debate, Oglettl(ll'p� t.,...� Tuesduy cv hours of sale, the hereby gven that said application, which C. A. \Vedn('�d:lY following I\1i:n Clifford Griner \!hc Theatre • ,��"' .within the legal va. Literary socictic r, l�ing, spent �7>':' f}' Rlcphcps Sse � ..... �',�\f� will be henrd at my otl'ice on the "SIX years qo, J devotional a d business: 'Theme :'::::"'-':::-.'-,'- -=: following dcscribed property, levied the new audito- t.he week' (Hid with her pareuta at 1; .ook- was mucl\'_ which took place in .. first in March, 1929. v.ry U W� on under one certain fi. fu, issued Monday Decisions." Mn. The audi ori- c r the evening', 1'?,Inh.-ing let. Ga. n in favor I down," ..ys TiuJn Fr Claxton, FULL ROWS court of Millen This February 6, 1!Y29. lday evening. .. front the city 01 Miss Louise Cartr-r gnve some ·int.To� Miss Frances Brett the week G. A. E. TEMPLES. Ordinary Olplpla Kight, um wns hlS1Cfully dr-corat ed with thr spent of Bank of Portal against R. . Ga. "I did ld !metl, remarks, Ruth Edenfi with .\liM! ��1 a levied on as the propertl! colors of t.he respective sccietie-. ductory end in tat esbcro ff"\\\?·IIII!I/lf�\.l\O· Saunders, FOR LEAVE TO SELL DOt .leel! well. UId of R. G. to wit: .. discussed :O;OYOf:1.} situRtions. VOL. 4 Chemical 1929 Saunderu, _ "nk and 18" u ed lI:1rtmall. II,NO. Vir&rinia·Carolina Corporation Copyrighl GEORGIA-Bulloch County. 'The Ogldhorpe society gold AI dolson That certain, tract of land Iyiftg Ruth Moore discussed "Survcj.. ing fRIDAY and. SATURDAY John N. Rushing and W. L. Me. Ie... 1 dU'Bed white an tht: !:.ode1y Mi.s Jewel Register spent M(Jntiay and Stephens and being in the 46th G. M. district, estate of uotllld the hOU8e arrie executor. of tho J. two Your Field," M�s Hutchin­ nnd at her home in ::\,1 ccter. In at Weevils New Ground Is Scarce 80 Elveen. and Iter the Tuesday On The Man Bulloch county•. Ga .• containin!!" with not' used blue sold. Laughs Depends '8. Rushing, deceased, having applied 8D01IP 22 and 23' more or bounded- no'rth and a Eli McDaniel an(: Elmo Inllard february found a' new cotten Prior to the Civil War it w... a acres. less, shares of IItmIith &0 do 'IIrI societies marched in had given They've "There arc fanna in for leave to sell certain many and west lands of R. G. Saunders, tub. 1_ R in avennab. eallcd tho Acala thnt eomraen tobacco by to aaid estate, dally of and IIlr. urdav variety, laughs thia with a bU8incM 'practice among bank stoek belonging number yells songs, Guy country lands of "E. Brannen and rIecl • and thIII at the boll weevil, But te those of tho Old east by L. that said ap­ lot, took Miss Katherine Brett visited !lliss just keep toe small to a family farmers, eopeciaII1 notice is hereby given 01 H. Wells, the chairrncu, charge Three Shows Each Jazz support 1'. S. Jiankerson, south h, lands of office cIIaturiIecl ltete Day Singer things in balance, they've found a Belt, to .1_ new lands every year will be heard at my Addison .n Stntesboro thi" well. But there are limits te plication 011 ....tb. .nnd to in detail the Elizabeth !he W. L. Sparks. . '. miJld reaot.ecl � 1929. proceeded give new boll weevil that laughs too. or t,,·o in preparation for the tobacco on the first Monday In March, week end. 15 m. the size that a given man haa This 4th ifny of February, 1929. "I bad often read of Carda!. :nature of the oecasion and of the 7:30 and 9: Acaln The folUt or wooded nreaIl This February 6. 1929. 4:00, p. cotton, first. disoovered in, the to crop. S 110 1 "ould It. I says TILL'MAN • Sher'ff ·...C C I try Mildred was the ability operate,' J. G. m, tholJl(ht The first number on the i\I i,. Glln';n guest southern Mexico in 1006 thi;, in time became the A. E. TEMPLE�, debate. 'by the 1927 Yearbook of Agri- . limited, say" Or<;lin�_ IIOOD be,an to Improve after I lit selection on of d.ra. Smith Sunday night is a. superior upland U.S. DepartmentofAgriculture,and P ..blic Sale Under Power of Sal. bad taken Cardui for a "hIle. program was n special �t;iss in government, 'culture.... 'Another way • For Letter. of Aclminiltration 'No Advance U. S. 01 80 the tobacco have boen In Deed. how Miss Lena Belle Bran­ her home in Statesboro. Pric,e Hear PHOTOTONE type, says the Department of that it all 6n growers Security "It ,... aateniabing the pinno by sliying cker nnd Y. W. C. A. 'room Tue;day evening. half of I.ft of Miss the S. offices in the ,eson and Senn of G. A. Hnrt and ':'cst by lunds that It Is the Elizabe�h twelve twenty_seven (1,227) readily H Hart and J. G.' Hart. h�ndred the week end at W. pelsOn spent their respect­ 1929. reet to Iron corner; thence north exceptional This 4th day of February cannot take It ive homes in •. degreSl! and thirty who South Carolin .. Sheriff . C S eighty.three (83) J . G . TILLMAN.• C minutes east twenty.five hun· Mrs. Virgi", M. Lewis, of Chatta· (30) eosily.lfllouarenm. Public Sal. 'Und�r Power. of Sale drcd (2,500) reet to " stake; thence down in strength, Tenn., is some time . nooga, spending In D.ed south six east oleven It Securily (6) degrees take Scott's Emulsion I with her daughter, Mrs.·Y. n: Barnes. hundred eighty U,180) ieet to a Scott lit BoWne.lJtoomkld."N.J. M.r. and Mrs. Delmas Rushing were GEORGIA-Bulloch County.. stake; thence south eighty-lhree(83) WallleRI Nothing batter­ and minutes west on Iginevery and virtue of authority degrees thirty (30) ·visitoMl the campus Sunday. Mrs. Under by for din· hundred fifty.eight (2,. breakfast, lunch, as contained in a certain deed maqe twel)ty.six will be remembered as Rushing Miss to. a and of ner or s n a c k t M. Miller on 668) reet stake point midnight and executed by Jimps See that your FIRE INSURANCE Fields. She was n in seventy-threu Daisy' very popu­ I in containing I h e the 22nd day of February, 1927, beginning, nre endorsed to cover in Particularly golden, f recorded POLICIES lar stud nt and was last �ay except priee and (73) acres, said plat being May of C. Akins Company, crisp, appetile. tempting Queen favor W. new location. THE COMMANDER EIGHT CONVERTIBLE FOR Jilt 'wire wlueh IIlId Irun. rack stltntillra Other Commwder wbich in deed book No. 68 at page No. 208 year. Mr. is former cap­ CABlllpLET FOUR, t'luippunt, $1645. a partnership, the undersigned, kind o( ....Ilies made on a Rushing in the of of waH recorded in office the clerk superior STATESBORO INSURANCE mOdel. as low as THE CO ....ANDE. SIX Prius at t'" a,," tim u:tr•• security deed duly tain of the football team. Eight _1+95. CAB.IOLET, $7495. /a(tor,. Bum,lrs s,art Bulloch to Westlngnouse Kenmore the office of the clerk of the supeTior court, county, Georgia, T. is here had AGENCY Electric Wame Iron. Of Kyle Alfriend, secretary of the on the which sllecial reference court of Bulloch county. Ga., ------a accurate and Georgia Education was in deed and made for more course you'd like to own Association, 22nd day of Februllry, 1927. PETITION FOR DISCHARGE;_ whole world has known this it. Drive it. Trust own backed the definite description of said lands. one new­ a visitor on the magnificent yo'ur judgment, by book 81, folio 14�. undersigned of the beautiful cnllipus Wednesday. For the of the will sell at public sllle on the first purpose paying' GEORGIA-Bulloch County type ",aOle irons-and you We are always glad to have Mr. Al­ car as the Six that miles in less than Studebaker-a name that has meant manufac­ costs of this and of of tlie' sped 25,000 quality Tuesday in March; 1929, same being proceeding pay. Joshua Smith, administrlltor a friend visit us. halance of thirteen hundred hav_ c n-easily- by tnldng THE minutes in heroic of its and ture for the 5th day of MU1'ch, 1929. befol'c ing the estate of �L. C. Smith, deceased. 23,000 proof speed 77 years. of the from said advantage NOW o( our Mi!!s Loi; T;Taarl'ison, of Kite, Ga., the court house door in sai,d county, dollars ($1,300.00) principal ing applied fot" dismlssiol" of a six. oller! stamina. Studebaker's President has within the hours of sale. at certain IlrO"1issory note for. administl'ation, notice is hereby give.n. special Normal gruduntc of '28, was a visitor _ Only' great Eight legal to the bidder teen hundl'ed dollaTs ($1,600.00) that said will be heard - - outcry, higbest· application on the campus Monday. or even this dem­ public in surpassed approached spectacular COMMANDER MODELS AND described dated February 17tli. 1923, made by at Office on the fiTst Monday I for' cash, the following iny

�1isoes Lillian _ John Lanier and to the Pearl! Kennedy, , B. payable March 1929. onstration. Think what Tile Commander's stamina •. .property, to wit: NEW LOW 0 N E p R 0 FIT. PRICES , ordel' of State Bank and and . & City 1929. .. - land Rocker Elizabeth Orr spent the . That certain lot or parcel ,of This February. G., means to Trust in after of trouble­ "Door , Pull., in the Company, due November 1st, E. Ordinary week end at Guyton. you, year year surpassing, SIX n.. SMa";, ,Us Bod,. by situate, lying 'und being A. 'rEMPLES, with inberest thereon after mao 1209th' M. disn-ict, Bulloch counby, 1927, P. G. Walker. of the free And now Studebaker adds to the G. FOR DISCHARGE manager performance! ap-. Sedan, for jiVt $1375 it. But and tUJ'ity at the rate eight PETITION A GREAT�OREiShe-" coming to sec and drive Ga., nnd being' in Andersonville; of, P�l' c�nt annum. Amusu Theater in' Statesboro gave on Ken per Said IS past County. of The the silken of Sedan, ... , , , , , , , most of- the to having a southern frontage '_rhe npte .GEORGIA-Bulloch peal Commander, winning, suavity Regal,f jiVt 1495 ing created in the automo­ bu)'ers helong and. ftlministl'a­ a of dqe ... Mt·s. Roxie Groover, speeial matinee the pictutr 6 'WiN 'WAul" 'rlld nedy avenue a distance of ·one hun unl?8ld. a as low as at the (I"c/lltiitf{ rlU4) tive world these one particular group. They ,State & Bank and Trust Com_ of G. Groo,er, days. People inches and '. City trix of the Q;tate J. power-at price . five reet and "King of Kings" for the Nonnal eight.cylinder $1495 love fine dred ·eight 6 'Win are all about a new low­ have taste. They pany on April 1923, assigned for dismis­ Brougham,Jorfive (l"c'.di"t w4r,u, '''"''1) tp5 agog being bounded us follows: North by. 6th, deceased, havinv- p.pplicd student.. Tuesday. factory. and to New Life .IILo administration, notice priced six that offers every de­ things. lands of· 0, 'Ii.:·AlIderson, a distance conveyed YQrk sion. 'from said REGULAR PRICE Frank Screws , surance said note and the said spent the week end four 1375 car is and east Company is hel'ehy given that applic�tion' Victoriajf';' sirable big quality. It the want to the or 108 feet '4 inches; QY . New art in curve and the They step u.p title of State & Bank and Trust wll heard at oiiice on the first. with Clyde Greenway at Adrian. body line, color, interprets , ,, , of R. Roach a distance of Oitl; be my $12.50 . Cab�iolet, Convertible,forfour 1495 New Pontiac Big Six. of their automohiles lands' J. quality south said Company to saId land, together Monday in March. 1929. of the new Commander's l:irilliant 6 wire 'UJAuiJ, I,.."A 210 feet and G inches; by th� SPECIAL OFFER very spirit performance. (lne/Mding rMA) Six -and the New Pontiac all of the and powers and 1929. Since t.he Pontiac Big IIppeals Kennedy avenue a distance of 105 WIth. !"ghts This February 6th. two i it's in prIVIleges State & A. E. TEMPLES. Ordinary:. New comfort, the result of shock ab­ Coupe, Business,for 1350 H·95 wenl on display, men and to them-fo� big every feet and 8 inchos. and west by Col- a�qulred by City riding hydraulic Bank and 1 rust under the STOP in a distance of 210 feet C6mpany THAT COUGH two women of have been way except price! lege street sorbers and Studebaker's ball Roads'ter, 1375 every type deed to secure debt above referred bearing spring shackles. Business,for and 6 inches. This bein" the s'me o. •. a.nd rfitr /fJruitJr ,u.ard. r.,- Pr'ce.• ,,45 ond up.!. b./l1ctory, phu Jlllil1t:r.v,r. lJumfH!fil to. The said to New New contributt:d Roadster, Regal,forfour (I#ti.di., S ..,1" ,u!JuI.) 1450 1595 lot purchased b)l said Jimps M. Mil· con�eyance safety, by windshield, York 'Llfe Insurance was Quickl n�:m.shatterable ;;::;.,.�q,�!r::;,'i::; ::.::���.t C!��:;·;;o,��:c:�,!!:h��";�:�Lt�t!:O���'i:tfer��ell;;�t:.�::c::::: ler from C. H. Anderson and deed Company duly recorded on November 30th, 95c DOWN­ steel core steering wheel and large .amplified·action , of same being recorded in deed book MODELS 1923, in book 68, page 646, in the FAMOUS PRESCRIPTION A OTHER KENNEDY MOTOR COMPA!'!V 55 folio 302 MONTH HAS brakes. New ease of at office of the clerk of the $1 A 4·wheel handling high speed­ Said land i.o be sold as the prop_ superior DOUBLE ACTION " The President , to STATESBORO, GA. to court of BuIloch county, Georgia. new with a new Eight $1785 $2575 erty of the said Jimp. M. M.mer for the Commander is lower, double· LIfe Insurance The of a fa­ - indebtedness York Company phenomenal success The Dictator , " to satisfy the owing by �ew FREE! 1265 1395 IS now holden of saId note and mous doctor's prescription .called And it looks lower still! him to the undersigned and secured .the drop �rame. of the Mle and and With Each Purchase: is due to its double action. The Erskine Six ,t 860 t. 1�45 by said deed. The proceeds of wid I?owers c?nveyed conferred deed. It soothes tl,c irritation to 'of SAid by said seeunty 1 Pound Crisco immediately in see the new in PR.ICES AT THE sale to be applied payment Come today and Commander. Ride PAcToay' A will executed to and goes direct to the internal cause debt, including principal, int.<;rest convel/anc be. 1 Can Bonita Syrup as au_ not reached by patent medicines and and all costs of this sale, an!! the purc.h88C� by �he undel"8lgned 1 Flour Pkg. Pillsbury's 'Tune in on "Studebaker Evening-l0:15 to 10:45 Eastern to thorIzed In Pld deed to secure bt. cough syrups. The very first swal­ Champions"-Sunday blllance, 'f pny, to be paid the This 2nd: 1929. low usually }'clieves even the most Time. Station WSB, WSM, and all of N�C said M. Miller, or a. the law February WJ.AX, Red'Networ� Jimps NE' INSURANCE ohstinate cough. directs. YORK LIFE COMPANY. Thoxine contains no chloroform, This FebruaTv G 1929 As in fact of John J3. La dope or other dangerous drugs. Safe StATESBORO, W. ,C. AKINS'& COM-PAN. attorney nler deed to cute debt and pleasant for the wllOle family. LANNIE F. BY,B. H. RAMSEY. Attl) ulldllrtl!e SIMMONS GEORGIA . "'. Also excellent for sore throat. Quick PRODUCT OF , allovs ref.1'Il.u tp. �E2'�q� relief or back. 'tv,m trade'llOOd moclerll By BIJY .. your money 35c. 60e, "AI!frED- I IlIDDJ.BBR09KS, GENERAl. MIllT08S fOil fllJ11l .. P. B. AuwmOIl'l', Piealdent and $1.00. Sold by CITY DRUG �,. , home in!:l",f) ama1I WIll llliJ4lM... � CO. and all other stores. stat.e&boJ'CI. W.., 41 good drug \ 11� �adr_�A.. B i) l'JI.thailiil�'ff'� (6) T-8 J10cb TJ�'" (81jO, �, RECITAL AT WARNOCIC II . 'Phete WIll be 'Ii recltal of the mu-' COME TO .. the I' Social Happening« lor Week and Warnock ISle exp�s510�'pU'p"s at� I BULLOCH COUNTY, I, school Fr-iday evening wt 8 'o'clock I TWu PHONES: 100 AND 2GB-R. invited THE HEART OF GEORGIA, 1 'he public Ill, sordially ThOlel. ------;----�------r,---= will be n� ad";n)6S10n eharg'e "WHERE NATURE SMILES" MIss Irene Alden ,.. as a VISitor 111 )lls CccII wus the. I Kennedy among • III • New BULLOCH· TIMES Sav vnnah We.lnnsdey visttors to Savannah Friday WOODCOCK--iCbNNER I Jij ''1" ( ... 1\11 and l\ Bush last week l\)Jss Turner ''\8S a vls- of MISS 1'IrlO1110 ATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) spent l\farguelltc The tnends I (ST , ma!'-y j end In August" wIL" relatives uor in Savannah Wednesdtty Lee will be intorested to W'lorlcoclt I '.tllUodl TIm_. 1';Illl: wus a E.ta!ll!sb..ed ConlOUclated .JanuUJ' 1'7. 111'7. J H Brett, of Savannah, Mr and MIS J P Foy motored lo learn of he ,marl,age to MI Jnmcs ttate.boro New., Establiahed 1991 } STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1928 "181tOI in the cIty last week end 'Inv aunnh \Vcdncsday evemng Connor n last Sunday Judge an- i lltatelboro Eagle, Establlabod 1I1l7-ConllOndated December 9, lIlBO. G E Bean hog returned from Co- �h and Mts Brooks Simmons \15- non officiated lumbia, S. C, where he spent the .ted m Savannuh during tho week SU!'< .... AY SCHOOL CLASS Mr and Mes C. P Olhff were Mr, and Mr. Cecil Anderson YIS- . Coars seeA�A!T�:r�: B���I���ttlson IHE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "BLUE WOOON" CAMPAIGN The school, class of Mrs OF MEMBERSHIP DRIVE fOR LOCAL DEAUR . FARMfRS AT itors m Savannah even-vis_I itcd relatives m Savannah Spr,i'� YOUTHFUL Wedn,esdny Sunday SunW J!) u· Smith WIll meet Wednesday • A tntereat to Mrs Herbert of Portal, RE�Ul>AR • SMARTNESS-IS OUR ,11 I gathering PFeullar ing Kmgery, 'A �I;: 2�:h:t"� ;;�.t':lU�lv!�U�;d::� o� I arternoon at 3'30 o'clock with Mrs FEsn:vA!i1 �F all our Presbyterian constituency was AMONG GEO'RGIA CHILDREN M,. and MTs Edwin Groover waz a VISItor III the Tuesday OF NEW Stilson expression department. Ad- cIty Dill [ assembled In CHAMB[R[ OF COMMERC[[___ [ Anna the horne of -G. S. BEAU�IFUL GEORGIA INCORPORAT[D the Oglethorpe Hotel, CH[VROLET MEfn11 <;p�TS!.� cents _ f mISSIOn 15 and 25 tored to Savannah even- Mrs E L Smith has returned , --- A for Blue Rib- Wedn,esday Potte�,Jlt I" � I campargn Georgia Jdbnston on Savannah avenue ) Ifht,p Brunswick, last Thursday, and Frt- COMMITTEES ARE AT WORK SOUTHERN SALESMEN Ing mo-, from a viait to her mother In Davie- BOYS WHO STUDY bon children sponsored by the Amer- HOLD COATS IN THE Stulks of ladles of the cluas are I urged to at 'EVERY, MOO�1 �M Henry Eng- day when a picked group of forty SEE KIN G RE-ENLISTMENT .M.l and Mrs. Horace Smith and boro IN She�leld, ican Red has been CONVENTION IN ATLANTA TO .._, TURE ARE FORMEDAGRIC';.� for Cr�ss, adopted by tend. M�T NONCHALAN� MOOE FOR �M."Wt land, WlII be unable to SIt down mtnlsters and laymen met to praY' FOR THE COMING YEAR. DISCUSS children were visitors lD Savannah Martha MoCElveen, of Brookl�t, �P..P�'l'� STATE-WIDE INSTITUTION. the local Bulloch county Red Cross BUSINESS. WEAR-TO THE some time because Mary Leighton over our home musion sitnatton III Friday spent the week end WIth Carolyn MbsT,' W�AV'E' �). chapter and gIven the hearty co- TO MEET FL� CLUB" , " RING":9f WOMAN'S· --::-- stabbed him WIth a sword al he was this ..etlan of Geor",a. Those at- The campaign 18 now under way More than five hundred Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. Harold Averttt are Brown Club TRIMMED CREATION,I Ga 16.-·I'he Future operation of the Parent _ teachers The Statesboro Woman's , , EAC!1;i PR'oUDLY;.:sE:®� Athens, ;Feb. hIm I runnIng after she found tendIng from Stateaboro were W. E. 'members of the Chamber of Oom- dealers, sales manaprs and banken the week end III Atlantu on Me'srs Glbson Johnston .md Har­ IN ITS CHARM-EACH or- .away Assoctntlon as the basis fOI Its child spending WIll meet at th� home of Mrs W".Jdo UNIQUE Farmers of Georgia, u state-wide ,-- I b I er h McD Id . . ran merce � t e PERFECTLY'sO�O urg arlzlng h orne. ouga , P G F kl and Rev. h t year. from Georgia were guest. at aa business ry Cone were week-end Villto-rs m voca- I,n, prefln hoalth work this The . TO A.N spring slogan I Flo),d Thursday afternoon, .Februal'1- INDIVIDUAl, TASTE AND NEEDI Jl'"mzatlon of boys atudying I ' ' A. E. a de- Plans for the Ladles elaborate sales I Spencer. They report allnUDI NIght and banquet Mr and MIS. 'ill S Steadman have Atlanta .. WIll be "Blue RIbbon ChIldren for me¥ing 2 �st, at 4 o'clock The program IS tlOnal agrIculture, was Incorporated ttme and a very spIrItual ex- .banquet are awaIting the completion gIven by the Chevrolet Motor Com" returned from a VISIt to relative. III Elder and MIS W B of 'PRICED FROM- hgh.tful Bulloch mother ani! Screws, as follows' Current Mrs In­ under the laws of GeorgIa today un- GEORGIA PEANUT GROWERS -" County" Every tOP'CS. perience, barrlng the trtp from Sa-." tit0 mem b ershIp drive, A s soon Pliny in Atll,nta at the Blltmonr Savunnah. GlennvIlle, were VISItOrs lD the father IS to learn what stan- CIty man FoY. song, F1M Arts comnuttee, an order signed by Blanton Fort-, urged der vannah Friday ntght over Impo88iIJle the membership IS made known Hotel a few days &p. . of j Mrs Carson Jones, Brooklet" Tuesday Mrs to of the dards of health their children must Follo� talk, M.!ss Re.ter Newton, talk, '''' 1!On, ludge superior court. e TO BE AIDED BY TARIFF hIghways date ,VIII be Bxel! and all. those the banquet an excellent vaudevrue vlSlted relatIves In the .Ity durIng Mr and Mrs S W LeWIS were tIon 0f reach to Win II Blue RIbbon, and then Gettys $6.75 $49.50' The objects af th IS a880Cla Rev WIll was L.A.• superlntendent- Who nre members be inVIted to show provided for the viliton. the week I VISItOrs III the J:?ayls, them reach Savannah dunng pres- as set forth In the Feb 18 try to have the sandaI'd l'0ung farmers, Atlanta, -"GeorgIa p�l\nut our the D. Y evaagellat, occupied pulp!t Sab- banquet.) M. Douglas, llIIIi.tant general Mr. Waldo Floyd Md Mr•. HalT)' ent week. BIRTHi>A DINNER" If, a There are, no doubt, some children are To promote sound growers will be aIded by thc duly bath )letition, morning to tlie dehght of the 'The old membenhip has been' dl- sales of the wu' EmmItt VISIted frIends In Atlanta last Elder and Mrs Todd. ot Fnend. and relatives of Mrs T' in the whose health h.. man.,er company, Dewey Industry for the state of that has been placed by oongl cs, on county blts, agrIcultural large audIence present A very Im- Vlded Into groups and a committee toastmaster. The week were In the G her n In prlncpal speaker end. GlennVIlle, VISItors CIty Hagl" gave surprIse to create more lOterest m mto th, Umted fl'eedom fr physl al defects, and GeorgIa, peanuts brought installatIon servIce was Ilf has taken the work of waa • pre88lve held twenty R .K. White, the Atlanta son.. Mrs of dlnn... last Sunday Dlllner WRB llnmunization make them eli­ Randolph Cooper, Ogoe- I Tuesday da)' the apphcnbon of intelligence and States, accnrdlOg to Eugene Tal- already btrth-I Sunday night III the FIrst Pre. by- xe-enhstment The campaIgn was sales mananger, who out chee, w.... a VISItor In the cIty durIng Mrs W D DnVl and MISS Carne served on tables under the. trees for Blue RIbbons At {lohited tlyat I busmess In farmlOg, to commIssIoner of agrIculture h glble IlJ'hool prlOclples madge, terlan .church of SavlI'-nah when tel ag 0 and I s now the Atlanta zone would share In a the week Lee DaVIS were In and ail kinds of these WIll be Vl8ltors Savannah Barbecue, fis� good to recre- of GeorgIa, who before the mspectlOns children )lromote thrIft; provtde appeared Rev Paul N Greaham w�� made of- e:dc,s larre measure In the suece.. of tbe Dr Allen euts were all Thele Bunce, ot Atlanta, spent Wednesday enJoyercl nox;: SUIl- tl'ymg go ttons given us b the high Chevrolet. MISS Pearl Chester last week Wlth In Josey spent or car- spent frIends Ogeechee m the fe�ts; normal throat defecta operatIon followlllg twenty- Come pnd share forward No man owes u offlcmls WIll enable the last week end WIth fllends m Dublin day 11Igher Oh�vrolet WIth MIsses lIfaggte Lee and Sarah A J P T Collins and Tlree normai eye br defects BIrd, TUESDA� BRIDGE CLUB I one hIgh schools Statham, Sale CIty, A E than that to unother Then rected, SIght dealer to render the MISS Lou NeVIls spellt la,t SPENCER, Pa.tol duty highe.t type of Rulh KmgclY at NeVIls KIrkland, of wele bUSIness ;Nma COl'I ected Metter, The club met Sat· Braselton, Cadwell, GIrard, Cobb- YOU who read thIS artIcle are as servIce I Tuesday, brIdge week end WIth MISS Mary Bell Rush- to hiS community," said the Mrs Frank Hughes and MIS J C VISItors m the DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR 2 ImmulllzatlOll. Vaccmated for cIty Tuesday urday afternoon "Ith MISS Elma town, Rahira, WmdCl, Jefferson, gleatly obltgated as anybody else local dealer. mg Pleetorlus, of Brooklet, \lslt�d lD M,s Hmton Booth has returned COMING TO STATESBORO If under ten years of age, Wllnberly at the handsome home of AdrIan, Hartwell (Nancy Hart), to gIve your su"port to the Cham- smallpox, the at the meet.­ We ale all very glad mdeed that Among speakers the cIty durmg the week I'flom a VISIt to her MISS gIven to"-Ill-antltoxlll to plevent dlph- daughter, Dr and Mrs A J Dn North I Phoentx, Eatonton, Sar- bel' of Commerce were I Mooney Woodbury, mg M. D. assIstant Mrs MISS has "Announcement IS authorIzed that Douglas Clyde Hollingsworth, of Syl- Almallta Booth, m Atlanta • Mnr�on r�omp,on retur.ned thefta I � street LoYely Japomcns ad- Inc. dis, Pelham, Red Hlll, Commerce, Satesboro has been lll"lted by the general sales R. K. White, from the samtal'lum and IS Improv- a of the Illcome tax manager; vama, spent last week end as the MISS lI1tldred LeWIS, who t. teach- and representatIve 3 HabIts Drmk one quart of mIlk orned the room In whIch her three FINE, V"jette, Elberton (CenterVllle) IAtlanta Journal broadcastmg statIOn zone sales Wm A. fast She WIll m manager; Blees, of Mrs EI nest Brannen 'JAKE mg beglll teachlllg department Wlll be Statesboro o'n d eat a I , guest mg at GIrard, spent last "'eek end DIstrIct A & M School every ay, green, vege- tables were arrange Emmett Woodtock, Dr John Mennmg Temples, of were MIsses Hattie Powell, Dorothy 1ihate WIth the natIonal orgamzatton waste from body every morning, pial' Arretha Hollo- contest. Want to make'lt fifty be­ of were of hIS ler, LIllian Bradley, and exercIse short of Savannah, gue.L, par- Tulsa, spent last week end Jay, LOUIse 'Denmark and EmIly of vocatIOnal boys, whIch was fonn- NORMAL SCHO 0 L FESTIVAL' HANDSOME NEW PATTERNS over-fat,gue. Oklahoma, fore ,Aprti 1st. 'rhere Is no cost to ents, Mr and Mrs W H Woodcock, Wlth hIS brothers, Dr A Dougherty, and Messrs Harwell Oz- Temples JOIn, and a record book rs furnished Thursday and Judge A E Temples burn, J M Burgess, SIdney Lallier �:�:�: ::I�;;,�:: :� t�e �:;ml::: TO OPEN DURING MARCHI IN DRESS GOODS COMING VISIT��;T�;�I����c�T SUNDAY for keepmg a �ecord of all costa MISS MyrtIS Alderman, who IS Mrs D C McDougald f.{;:�� ��:��:i�y�nE:s:n���!�� ,!'ruLGlare,nce. )VI!ll�mS Remember that the first W and.,.,on, C,ews, Mrs OtIS kenned:\" Mrs. H Rev of WIll prize teaching at Portal, spent last week Bernard, and Mrs J A The GeorgIa Normal Fes- Ga, Feb. 18.-The popu- G J. DaVIS, Atlanta, McDougald iz.�;��e o;r�!c:t�!�:� :o�;'�:a�;g�:- Spring Atlanta, ;1,000, and there are nUl1UIrous oth­ end Wlth hel tRIANGL� �RI�GE CLUB H Olllff and Mrs L J 'Holloway be the of the church mother, Mrs lI1agglC left Wednesday fOr Andelson, S C, Sheffer, "was formed in VIrgInia bval m conjunctIOn WIth the Pled- lar costume thIS sprmg WIll be of guest BaptIst The club met on who attended woman's er amuller prIzes IS time for a Alderman TrIangle BrIdge 'I'hose the and WIll at both the it to VISIt Jesse McDougald about four years and known as month Evemng Star FestIVnl w,1I be red and pare h ment c 1lec ke d gmgham, Sunday pi'each afternoon WIth Mrs a�o at StIllmore were South GeorgIa farmer to win first Thursday mLSsomary meetmg and servIces Harry DaVIS r"turned home Sun- Mrs J W Coleman hus retuTned �ohn the F F V -Future Farmers of held March 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th m WIth of green, blue and mornlllg ntght lIfr patterns sa shouUln't be soml' Goff as hostess She used 1ll her .. , W,rs W P prize, why b! ElX M L 0 Rushmg, Ivy, IS m day after weeks' trammg at to her home m a that the move- the audItorIUm TIckets are a close nc- Davis well known the state, Moultne after VISIt 'VlTgmla Smce tIme college gray followmg second, hl'v­ Bulloch farmer' decorations a protuS1on of lQnqulI Mrs C C Daughtry. Mrs J B Bux- county 'Vaughn', School of MUSIC, Lawrence- to her Dr A and ment has and now on sales In Statesboro all thIS and to fashIon m the 109 been pastor of churches m Hart- brothers, Temples spread rapIdly cording experts Here IS re.tJ ltve news for thOle and Japonlca A 'towel ... gtven for ton ond Mrs Walter Holland burg, Tenn A E nnd theIr fant- about states next week Peachtree Arcade m mecn "'Ie II, Martetta and other GeorgIa Judge Tempies a� '!litbraces twenty-five Atlanta, who arc tOD score and was won and Mrs J B Buxton and thinking of feedmg out lllgh prIze by Mrs Mr IS m- �it'S O. 11 Aultman has returned of the work m Vll- are III town after a round of CItIes Tlle public lIlies "Three results Beglnnmg Tuesday evelllng, back cor�ally litters thIS There be two I J M we!'e were of Mr and Mr. year WIll to her home m a Thayer Damty cal\dles famIly guests vlted to all servIces of the church. Sanford, Fla, after MIS J A l\IcDougald and MIS. gml8 among the vocational boys m March 4th, the entertamments WIll the fashIOn centers of the country served at the tables the W Powell last ton litter shows held m September. VlSIt to her t r and Mrs I durmg game J Sunday school at paren s, M J Ruth who have VIS' the F F V have been outstandmg be each evenmg Frl- The shoe mcn al.o assert that gmg- Sunday 10 00 o'clock; McDougald, been gIven through olle at the Atlunta stock and I and later angel was "Mam- S . N parfaIt sen�ed RegIster faculty presents servIces at 11 yards 'I'hese nre the saving and mvestmg day, March 8th 'Ibe attractlons.a' e ham WIll be all the rage among the mornlllg 30, evenlllg and WIld Rose' one at the MoultrIe stock yards. OM Lester cake, whIpped my's LIttle Frtday, Mar WIll serVIces at Mrew:�;eMr. Lee, of Sa-I of money, the rendermg of unselfish stllctly hIgh cia,s and gIve the people women, and the "gmgham gIrl" �::� �1:�ra�U:l:�k: __ _ �cg:�!ai��r��: cr�a":" cast DanIel 7_._3_0 thou,and dollars has been put up for were :��e�rult 8th The to us foll9ws' vannah, guests durmg the week turned home FrIday ",ommumty servICe; and the practtce of thIS �ommunlty an opportunty for be m gmgham deSIgns as well On afternoon shod, prIzes by WhIte ProvIsIon Co. and end of her Mr nnd Tuesday �rs B D French, Erastus Akms; Lester Van, parents, Mrs H MI and Mrs Juhan who , of and sellmg as fine entertamment as the CltlCS as dresoed that way Parker, , co-operatIve Iiuymg SWIft & The W. MorrIS entertatned the clutI�lembers Barney Bowen, Wade Carver, W. Company. prices paid DoughClty I becri hIS Mr (�h S69'i Coupe ;Gty, We to all of � afford. The Harmony lIble Quartet The new shoes to match gmgham ,htlve vIsltmg palents, C�:;pe expect emphasize POUlTRY CAR WEDNESDAY for the Wlll be the same as ChL at her home on Bulloch stt'eet SHe (IniU. rumlJ'n te(lt) "72.5. �porl lJfJ L Orpheus Jackson, Lestel' hogs Mrs R F Lester was called to t Bowen, ex· and Mrs, , , these nctlV1tlcs In our arc on for the first It was WIll JQI\!\trlcuul f) b 'tlhapters." tets, solos, readmgs, novelty features, crepes, georgettes and • prlCt!3/ ToletiJ' OhlD� Claude Belle make some money on ton litters, as the serIous of .decorations, place ,cards clnlnty "nd .•• ED O'May, Coleman, 'OVER CENTRAL OF GEORGIA lllness her daughter, WIll make theIr home .pt!1!ijIl:tJIKJII "b)ed chanu. The state constitution of the Fu- mandohn and VIolin selec- m saId to be made URGER LOW banJO, popularIty-are It lS certam thatt wlil be refreshments Saltertet of fine pattern poultry pIck-up to on the tables the Dam­ Ethel next fall r am espeCIally anxIous M1iss BertIe Lee IS durIng game ter O'May, Coleman, Peggy Woodcok, who al of MoTS. M F who dIed In ever"" here �re in their three of membershIp' of real mUSICIans The second eve- combined WIth plaIn leather The Centrnl of Georgta States­ I Stubbs, enthpsiastie degrees Ithe depot, a ton fed have carload of litters out ty hamlkerchlefs were the prIZes' l\10tOlists French, Bermce Lee; Letty Van, tilschmg at Dlnxton, epent last week I ana bur- 01 the new You hear Green Future Fanners and Wlll be the shoes are for spoit and afternoon Poultry ,VIII be recewed all day be­ LaGrange Sunday who'1IflUl praise Superior .Whippet. Hands, mng's program gIven by m the The shonld be HIgh score was made by Mrs. J M Hulda Babe Joan, Lllhan county pIgs end with her parents, Mr and Mrs ted m them their admiration of Farmers. To be to Watson; Haines WIth of 9 o'clock The StatesborQ Tuesday, were Mrs. e'Tore"sing Whippet'. State ehglble Company, composed wear, Illter-weavmgs gold glhnmg at follOWing farrowed around March 1st If Thayer and low score by Mrs Grady Mrs Mrs J. S Doroth:( any W. R. Woodcock KIttle and Mrs Seck- ultta-moderll r-tyle und th." 9utatallding beauty Decome "Green Hands" boys must Bradley; Courtvan�, of two ladles and SIlver m the pattern Wlll be R�n", per Strong BeSSIe charmlDg young glngham prIces paId pound, farmers are mterested th should Bland eJf"eled rich Don't "Cavalier" I Mrs. R. 11 Warnock, of Brooklet, mger, of Mrs Mmme by. longer bodles, gra"eful lines, be founeen old, enrolled 1n � Rtggs comedy, for wear 25 t,4 ducks, 25, LaGrange, •• years Drama, muslc, pol'tralturc, ev�ntng cents, stags, 25, In touch WIth me at once and one­ and mls�,seeingthe tWinS of Or- get viSIted her mother, M.... at \ colors';'h;gher hood, sWCepmg and HCumberland, costumes additIOn to leather SIlk Tililla'tor 16 Hardm, Klarpp, of Mrs Jenme vocatIOnal class, colorful scenery, In shoes, geese, I flyers, 42', turkeys, 30, _. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION georgeolls Macon, Lang- agricultural 1 have a sample bag of a neW the home of Mr and Mrs E A fuJ1C�OWl\ it:lldeTs. pheus Jackson and Babe Joan ley, of and Joe Stubbs of Ilieee -l nave facihtles for carrymg on prac- combIne to make theIr program shoes of prmted pattern of every roosters, 16 cents LaGrange, The UnIon met ..-,,../ brand of llItrate of soda m my offlde the week. Wom�n's,CJlIastlan Smith durmg Tampa, wlth j tic�1 farm work ortgmal The Commumty hu@' and deSIgn, from the Jailanese E P JOSEY, (jounty Agent ' Tuesday afternoon the " glad and Mus, the opelating·foTce commg out smce we have boen holdmg sales Ml's. J. W. Townsend daughter, made score and was a liThe ", • fillet a group diSCUSSion for forty ThO' Statesboro Woman's Club has style than black, they pOinted hIgh ;lwuI(leq Homo /" song, fRock of Ages the ncw at as cars as ,.1 Sec S�lpcridr Whippet YOllr ·firstf'j The new member of the firm Wednesday If we have a ca load buy many co-operatl\'�ly Miss Elizabeth Townsend, of Lake cream A ,,,,ve'tv represent hiS school In ycm of the seat sale In Statesboro �ovelty pII..,her. HJnftucnce on the. Home," MTS. Wal4 nortunitv. All wuucdlal:c order \\iill mmutes, charge farmels cure to make up 0, aja'�in! ,;" IS H G Juett, of GreenVIlle, N C., of threes and fours we WIll sell them Butler, FIl1.· They were accompan>ed for low score was some and possess qunhtles WIll call upon the busmess men PlllcusblOn gIven :mUSIcal Mm.' .. capacIty, They to call attentIOn of tobacco �er Brown; reading, dc!hmy ! "ho WIth Messl s Gnuchat and the ftom the on'cs and twos I want I , JOIDS separately 'home Miss lIf,.rte PreetorlUs for OecII Brannen, A towel l�j"'01dy 1'" of leadershIp as hown by huvlllg of the cIty the week These by IMrs gQes� Gettys, accolnpanted at the pmno by durmjl: fa�mers to the tobacco bulletm put A .Iugln hutton, In the eeotez of t_ BIshop who had chal ge last year Plea.e get t)'te hogs in as early as a visit of several days wos the to the honoTee Alter held m attractIOns have been brought to the gIft MI55 Ohve Rogerst Ahvc responSIble POSItIons' out Prof L C tollac­ " "Keeping by Westbrook, we n_ D{S -OVrERLAN D.I NC.l.Toledo, Ohio ;::�::::. .. Mr Juett IS an experIence ware- po,slble. No hogs cn be accepted who IS hIS the game a salad wa!! served �"':u;� :�':i�:lh:I:'':::: tlOT> 'Vlth student and of tlns for a most Bernard Dekle, Vlsltlng the Thought of God III the Home," ,people '.sectlOll Co list TillS bulletm "al­ house man and Will be a valuable ac- nfter 12 0 clock. pecI glve� Mrs D. R On Mrs Bates 'DctJvltles reasonable price, senson for Mr. and Dekle, Saturday evenIng Mrs. 0 L prayer, Mrs tIcke�s uable Infor ation on and paren{s, local mar- . I \ to the tobacco E. . JOSE ","oWlng Lovett two tables McLe�ore, qUlsltlon the four 50 Ooullty Agent. leave urdny for Osaka, Japan, entertamed, of Howell Cone The ladles H the attroft,ons bemg only $1' a of will flof kct Messrs Gauchat and curmg to acco, I )\a'l'o supply • \, Mrs Nellle Webster of BIshop WIth the players at brIdge In hon,or of Mrs Dublin, wbere lie will be connected BaptIst churCh extended all IllVlta­ the in y office, and will b &,lad ,reland, rmsed :touch a ,ltsturbance last year made many frIends among of the toiatio'nal CIty Hollingsworth Site gnve for hIgh tlon for the Unton to meet WIth them •. toreign staff G \ I to mail or them to to \ ,\. )...... 1'} loY over the treatment of her chIld at the tobacco growers and WIll be bet- rive 111 score a box of wblch was A�_-Bd�D been at the • Bank, of New Y';r He)lsa statil'nery; next meetIng. Dunllg the .t I \j"'b.: .ri-l" A) 'J'",' 1!chool that all haa to be dIS- tel' able thO' y rar to serve farmen. in New York won by W. El Bli,tch A """LIII ; classes coml,ng this work daInty hour, tr. .• .t.udyln("tor

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