Grade 2 Lessons on the

Lesson 1 . . . Getting Ready for Mass

Lesson 2 . . . Walking inside the church

Lesson 3 . . . Mass Begins – the Introductory Rite

Lesson 4 . . . Introductory Rite, continued – the Penitential Rite

Lesson 5 . . . Liturgy of the Word

Lesson 6 . . .

Lesson 7 . . . Creed

Lesson 8 . . . Prayer of the Faithful

Lesson 9 . . . Liturgy of the Eucharist

Lesson 10 . . . Liturgy of the Eucharist, continued – Eucharistic Prayer begins

Lesson 11 . . . Liturgy of the Eucharist, continued – the Consecration within the Eucharistic Prayer

Lesson 12 . . . Rite begins

Lesson 13 . . . Communion Rite, continued – preparing to receive Jesus in Holy Communion

Lesson 14 . . . Prayer after Communion and Concluding Rite

Lesson 15 . . . Your First Holy Communion Mass

Lesson 1

Getting Ready for Mass

The word “Mass” means sent.

We come to hear God’s word and to be fed by Him so we can then take Him from the church with us and bring Him to others we meet. Jesus then calls to us to return again each Sunday to hear more and to be blessed once again so we can keep going out to bring Him to others.

Ways to get ready for Mass:

Think about where you are going – To God’s house To meet Jesus…for a while just in His spoken word and then, one day soon, in the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion)

Dress nicely…in something you might wear to a big family party or to go out to dinner at a nice restaurant with mom and dad

Fix your hair…brush or comb it to make it look nice

Think about – Sitting and standing still Trying to sing Listening to what is read, prayed, said by the Folding your hands when kneeling and standing your head when you hear Jesus’ name mentioned Trying not to talk out loud in church except to respond to the prayers…whisper if you need to say something to mom or dad

Lesson 2

Walking inside the church

This is a time to be very quiet. You are going into a special, holy and sacred place. This is where Jesus lives. He is in the Tabernacle – the special place behind the with a lighted candle next to it. He waits for us to come and spend time with Him.

Things to do: Stop talking as you walk in the door Dip your fingers in the font and bless yourself – Reminder that you have now entered God’s house Reminder of your baptism and being made a child of God Go quietly with mom and dad to where they want to sit Before you go into the pew, turn and face the altar and Tabernacle and genuflect –

bend your right knee to the floor while looking at the altar and tabernacle, and then stand up again…doing this with respect and reverence for Jesus

Remind children of how to bless themselves. Teach children how to genuflect.

Say a quiet prayer or just look at the altar//Tabernacle for a minute or two before Mass begins; or just listen to the music being played before Mass begins

Posture: Kneel up straight with your hands folded or sit quietly.

Lesson 3

Mass Begins – the Introductory Rite

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins

Introductory Rite Mass begins with the altar servers, , and priest processing (walking) down the center aisle. Music is usually playing and everyone sings. The priest will genuflect or bow in front of the altar and then go around to the other side of the altar and reverence it (usually a bow, and then kisses the altar).

Entrance Song: Everyone stands and sings

Greeting: Priest reminds us that we are gathered with Jesus and one another to praise God, to learn from His own words, and to be fed by Him according to our needs Priest will often announce if the Mass is being celebrated for a special intention Priest and all begin by making the Sign of the (how we begin everything that we pray) Priest then greets all gathered by praying something like – “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” all respond, “And with your spirit.”

Posture: Stand up straight with hands folded, listening to/looking at priest

Lesson 4

Introductory Rite, continued – the Penitential Rite

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying

Penitential Rite: This is one way to ask God to forgive us the things we do wrong and thank Him for His mercy before we participate in the rest of the Mass and receive Holy Communion.

Priest asks us to remember our sins and ask God’s forgiveness – we do this silently All pray together the Confetior (“I Confess” prayer) or similar prayer – priest starts and we respond Then, all pray the following after the priest says it first – “Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.”

All pray together the “Gloria” (“Glory to God in the highest…”) – to praise God for the blessing of His mercy and forgiveness just received: Prayer of joy, confidence and hope Song the angels sang when Jesus was born

Followed by the Opening Prayer: Priest says, “Let us pray”…moment of silence…prays aloud People respond “Amen” at the end

Posture: Stand with hands folded, looking at/listening to the priest Sit down along with priest after opening prayer

Lesson 5

Liturgy of the Word

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying

This is the part of the Mass where the readings are proclaimed (read aloud). These are stories of how God works in the lives of His people – from many thousands of years ago to this very minute today, and well into the future.

[The first two readings end with the lector saying “The Word of the Lord” and we respond “Thanks be to God”. ]

1st Reading from the – about the people who lived before Jesus was born

a Psalm response (usually sung)

2nd Reading from the New Testament letters – about the first Christians who lived after Jesus died and returned to heaven

” verse – usually sung with all people standing with hands folded and ready to listen to the reading to come

Gospel: from Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John – the stories of what Jesus Himself said and did when He taught the people for 3 years during His public ministry (the Good News)

Priest/deacon: “The Lord be with you” People: “And with your spirit.” Priest/deacon: “A reading from the holy Gospel according to …” People: “Glory to you, Lord”, while making the one time each on your forehead, your lips, and your heart (to ask that God’s word be in your mind when you think, on your lips when you speak, and in your heart when you pray and always)

Gospel is read while all stand and listen.

At the end, the priest/deacon says “The Gospel of the Lord” and we respond “Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ”.

Posture: Sit quietly for the Readings, looking at/listening to the person reading Stand for Gospel with hands folded, looking at/listening to the priest or deacon proclaiming God’s Word Sit quietly after the Gospel is finished

Lesson 6


Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done

We now sit quietly and listen to the priest or deacon talk to us about what we just heard being read. The reason for this is to help us understand what we heard so we can take what we just learned and use it to help other people know Jesus like we know Him.

Posture: Sit quietly and try your best to listen

Lesson 7


Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done

This is the prayer that says what we believe as the People of God.

[There are two Creed prayers – the prayed at each Mass and the Apostles’ Creed prayed most often with the Rosary.]

We say that I believe: In one God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the Blessed Trinity – 3 Persons in 1 God) That Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born (like us) of the Blessed Virgin Mary, suffered and died on the Cross for us, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven That the Church is one (united), holy, catholic (universal – for everyone), and apostolic (comes from the time of the Apostles after Jesus went back to heaven) In the Communion of Saints (in heaven, waiting in Purgatory to go to heaven, and us here on earth), the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body (at the end of time), and life everlasting

Posture: Stand with hands folded Bow slightly when we speak of how Jesus was born and became a human person like us

Lesson 8

Prayer of the Faithful

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done

After praying the Creed together, the priest will ask us to join in praying for the needs of the Church, the world, and each other.

We pray for:

The Church The Pope Our and The needs of everyone – people we know and do not know Our own needs, too

There is a response from all the people like “Lord, hear our prayer” after each petition read aloud.

The priest will then add a closing prayer, to which we respond “Amen”.

Posture: Standing with hands folded, listening attentively, and responding All sit quietly when the prayer of the faithful is finished

Lesson 9

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done

This part of the Mass is the time for prayers of praise to God, prayers of thanksgiving for all God has given us and done for us, and prayers of petition or intercession for the needs of others. This is the part of the Mass where Jesus becomes really present in the bread and wine on the altar. What continues to look like bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus for us.

Preparation of the Gifts and the Altar: Bread and wine are brought to the priest who will offer them to God on our behalf. They are our gifts to God. You can also offer yourself to God as the priest offers the bread and wine, asking His help to make you a person who loves more like Jesus loves. Priest prepares the gifts and prays over them.

Posture: Sit quietly and watch what the priest is doing Sing the hymn if you know the words

Invitation to Prayer: Priest asks us to pray that God will accept these gifts We respond with…”may the Lord accept this sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His holy Church”

Posture: Stand with hands folded

Prayer over the Gifts: Priest prayers a prayer that introduces the Eucharistic Prayer to come We respond with “Amen”

Posture: Stand with hands folded

Lesson 10

Liturgy of the Eucharist, continued – Eucharistic Prayer begins

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done

This part of the Mass is the Church’s great prayer of thanksgiving. It is the prayer of the whole Church, not just our parish here in Downingtown. It is also your prayer. In this prayer, through the priest, we thank God for Jesus and the special gifts in our lives. The priest offers all of our intentions along with the bread and wine to God, our heavenly Father. He prays that all will become one in the Holy Spirit.

Preface Prayer and Acclamation: Priest says, “the Lord be with you” We say, “And with your spirit.” Priest, “Lift up your hearts” Us, “We lift them up to the Lord” Priest, “Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God” Us, “It is right and just”

Priest follows this with a prayer of praise that asks us to join our prayers with those of the saints and angels in heaven. We respond in word or song with, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God ….”

Posture: Stand with hands folded Kneel up straight with hands folded at end of this acclamation, while looking at the priest and altar

Lesson 11

Liturgy of the Eucharist, continued – the Consecration within the Eucharistic Prayer

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done Kneeling up straight with hands folded where appropriate

Eucharistic Prayer:

Priest asks the Holy Spirit to bless the gifts of bread and wine to make them holy and acceptable to God so they may become the Body and Blood of Jesus for us

Bells are rung when the priest lays his hands over the bread and wine

Next, Jesus, through the priest, asks us to remember what He did for us in sacrificing His own life to save us from our sins. He asks us to remember that He is always with us in His Body and Blood in the Eucharist, and that He acts through the priest in offering this sacrifice.

Consecration or institution prayers Priest prays special words over the host and then holds it up for all to see. Jesus is now really and truly present in this host that you can see and all hosts consecrated at this Mass. Bells are rung when the priest raises the host. Look up at the host and thank Jesus for becoming really present for us.

Priest prays over the with the wine. Jesus is present in what is now called the Precious Blood. Bells are rung when the priest raises the chalice. Look up at the chalice, thank Jesus, and tell Him you love Him.

Memorial Acclamation Priest asks us to proclaim the “mystery of faith” We then say or sing one of three responses

Eucharistic Prayer continues Priest reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. He prays for the entire Church. He prays for those who have died. He joins our own prayers with those of the saints and angels.

Doxology and Great Amen Priest then prays…”Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours almighty Father for ever and ever” We respond with “Amen”

Posture: Kneeling up straight with hands folded, and watching what the priest is doing at the altar, and listening to what he prays (kneeling from after the “Holy, holy, holy…” until we sing or say the Great Amen) Stand up straight with hands folded after the “Amen”

Lesson 12

Communion Rite

Review: Walk quietly into the church Dip fingers in the holy water and bless yourself Genuflect before entering the pew Sit quietly before Mass begins and where appropriate during Mass Standing up straight with hands folded Look at the person speaking and listen to what he/she is saying Making the Sign of the Cross 3x before the Gospel is read; why done Kneeling up straight with hands folded where appropriate

This time of receiving Jesus is a time of sharing. Jesus shares His Body and Blood with all who are able and prepared to come forward and receive Him in Holy Communion. Jesus calls us to become “one” with Him, with all in the church where you come to Mass, and with everyone throughout the world.

The Lord’s Prayer All pray together the “Our Father”

God is our Father. He loves us and will provide for all our needs. We are all members of His family because of our baptism.

Priest then asks God to deliver us from evil and grant us peace. He asks God to keep us from sin and worry until Jesus comes again. We respond, “For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever”

Sign of Peace Priest prays a prayer for peace using Jesus’ own words…”I leave you peace, my peace I give to you…” We respond “Amen” We are invited to respectfully and quietly offer people close to us a handshake, smile, the word “peace”, a friendly nod or wave as a sign of love and reconciliation before receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. Breaking of the Bread, or Rite Priest breaks off a tiny piece of the Sacred Host and places it in the chalice containing the Precious Blood.

This shows that each alone – the host or the precious blood – and both together are the Body and Blood of Jesus offered for our salvation. In doing this, the priest and all gathered acknowledge that Jesus is the lamb who was slain for our sins.

Priest invites us once more to seek God’s mercy and His peace in order to be more worthy to receive Jesus in Holy Communion as all pray “…”

Posture: Standing with hands folded, looking at and listening to the priest at the altar Kneel after the “Lamb of God…”

Lesson 13

Communion Rite, continued – preparing to receive Jesus in Holy Communion

Preparation for Communion: Priest quietly prays his own prayer to receive Jesus worthily and to remain faithful to Him All quietly pray in a similar way

Communion: Priest holds up chalice and host for all to see. He says something like, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to His Supper.” We respond, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

These are the same words that a centurion spoke to Jesus when he asked that his servant be healed from a serious illness.

Priest silently prays for the gift of everlasting life just before he receives Holy Communion under both species – bread and wine.

Priest gives Communion to the extraordinary ministers who will help give Communion to all gathered at this Mass and to the altar servers

All who can now quietly and reverently come forward to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist . . .

Walk up to the priest or minister Bow Either extend your hands (one atop the other- dominate hand on bottom) or stick out your tongue Listen to priest/minister say “The ” Respond with “Amen” Receive the Sacred Host on your hand (then take one step to the side and place the host in your mouth) or on your tongue Return to your pew and kneel quietly, saying a thank you to Jesus for this precious gift of His life in you during this special time at Mass

Posture: Primarily kneeling with hands folded until the priest sits down after all have received Holy Communion and any remaining hosts are placed in the Tabernacle Watch as the priest does this Sing the Communion hymn if you can Sit once the priest sits down and be still while he prays and/or more music is played/sung

Lesson 14

Prayer after Communion and Concluding Rite

Prayer after Communion: Priest stand and says, “The Lord be with you” Priest then prays We respond with “Amen”

Posture: Stand with hands folded Listen to priest

If announcements are to be made, they are usually made at this time. People either remain standing or sit and listen. If sitting, the people then stand for the final blessing and .

Concluding Rite and Dismissal: Priest says, “The Lord be with you” People say “And with your spirit.” Priest offers the final blessing Priest and people make the Sign of the Cross People respond with “Amen” Priest or deacon says, “The Mass is ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” People respond, “Thanks be to God” All sing closing/recessional hymn as priest and altar servers leave the Sanctuary – down center aisle or into

Mass is ended but Jesus stays with you always – every minute of every day of the week. He helps you to love and serve everyone you meet. Posture: Stand with hands folded and sing closing song if you can Stay in pew until after priest leaves the Sanctuary Genuflect as leave the pew Stay silent until you are outside of the church Lesson 15

Your First Holy Communion Mass

It will be much like every other Mass you have been to, except that you will now receive Holy Communion for the very first time. You and your classmates will walk down the center aisle in procession. You will either genuflect or bow to the altar and then walk around the front of the pews to enter your pew from the side. Remain standing while your classmates continue to enter the pews. Remain standing and face the center aisle while the priest(s) process down the aisle. Turn and face the altar as the priest passes you.

Like at every other Mass: Priest and people are standing and begin with the Sign of the Cross asking God’s forgiveness, and then sit/stand while listening attentively to God’s Word Priest offers his homily and will include thoughts directed to you and your families (sitting) Children bring up the bread and wine Priest enters into the Eucharistic Prayer with everyone kneeling and paying attention to all happening at the altar and up through the Great Amen All pray the Lord’s Prayer, offer the sign of peace, and pray “Lamb of God” (standing) Children approach priest(s) before everyone else to receive Jesus in Holy Communion

(Go over how to receive in the hand and on the tongue.)

Priest prays after Communion (sit) Children present priest with a gift Priest gives final blessing/dismissal and leaves the Sanctuary (stand) Children follow and process to outside and wait for parents.