XIAO Ph.D. Student of Ocean Sciences Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California

CONTACT INFORMATION Office address: 3616 Trousdale Parkway AHF B30, Los Angeles, CA 90089 Phone: +1 (213)740-5809; E-mail: [email protected]; Web-page: http://dornsife.usc.edu/xiaoliu/

EDUCATION Ph.D. Ocean Sciences, University of Southern California, USA, 2015 (expected) M.S. Marine Biology, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, USA, 2011

B.S. Biological Sciences, Ocean University of China, China, 2008

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2012-present Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Southern California (undergraduate student mentored: Yifei ) 2011-2012 Teaching Assistant (BISC 220: General Biology), Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Southern California 2008-2011 Graduate Research Assistant, VIMS/SMS, College of William and Mary 2006-2008 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Marine Ecology and Environment Laboratory, First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanographic Administration, China

HONORS AND AWARDS 2012 Wrigley Summer Fellowship, Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies 2011-12 College Merit Graduate Fellowship, University of Southern California 2008-09 Graduate Scholarship, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary 2004-07 Fellowships for Outstanding Academic Performance, Ocean University of China

FIELD EXPERIENCE 2011 SEAFARERS, The Ross Sea, Antarctica, 29 days. Vessel: R.V. Nathaniel B. Palmer 2009/10 Southeast Vietnamese Sea, , 6 days. In collaboration with National Institute of Oceangraphy, Nha Trang, Vietnam


Remote Sensing of Environment

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES  Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association - Southern California Chapter (COAA-SCC), 2012 Executive Committee  COSEE-West 2011 College of Exploration Online Campus, mentor/presenter  Ocean University of China Alumni Association - North America Chapter, 2011-12 Co-Chair

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Geophysical Union American Society of Limnology and Oceanography

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLLICATIONS Liu, X., Smith Jr., W.O., Tang, K.W. et al. Theoretical Controls of the Maximum Size of Giant Phaeocystis globosa Colonies (in prep.). Smith, W.O., Liu, X., Tang, K.W., Doan, N.H., Nguyen, N.L., DeLizo, L.M., , X.D., 2013. Giantism and its role in the harmful algal bloom species Phaeocystis globosa. Deep Sea Research II. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.12.005. Liu, X., Smith Jr., W.O., 2012. Physiochemical controls on phytoplankton distribution in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Marine Systems, 94. 135-144. Smith, W.O., Asper, V.L., Tozzi, S., Liu, X., Stammerjohn, S.E., 2011. Surface layer variability in the Ross Sea, Antarctica as assessed by continuous fluorescence measurements. Progress in Oceanography, 88. 28-45. Liu, X., , Y.J., Wang Z.L., 2008. The effects of nutrients limitation and initial inoculating cell densities on the interspecific competition between Prorocentrum and Alexandrium tamatense. Advances in Marine Science. 2008 No.1 (Chinese Core Journal) , F.F., Liu X., Sun P., 2007. The effect of phytoplankton diversity on biomass and specific growth rate. Advances in Marine Science. 2007 No.3 (Chinese Core Journal)

OTHER PUBLLICATIONS Liu, X., Smith, W.O., Doan, N.H., Nguyen, N.L., Tang, K.W. Summer hydrography, nutrient stoichiometry, and phytoplankton distributions off southeast Viet Nam. Accepted to Proceedings of International Conference on “Bien Dong 2012”. Liu, X., 2011. Physiological, ecological and bio-optical characteristics of Phaeocystis globosa in coastal waters of south central Vietnam. M.S. thesis, College of William and Mary.

PRESENTATIONS Smith, W.O., Liu, X., Doan, N.H., Tang, K.W., Nguyen, N.L. Giantism in the harmful algal species Phaeocystis globosa. 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 2012. Changwon Gyeongnam, Korea. Liu, X. Physical-Ecological Interactions off Santa Catalina Island: an Optical Approach. Wrigley Summer Fellows 2012 Symposium. Univ. Southern California. Liu, X., Penta, S., Chavez, F., Panduan, J., Ryan, J., Pereira, A., Smith, R., Caron, D., Jones, B. Bio-optical Discrimination of Phytoplankton Functional Groups in Monterey Bay, CA Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. 2012 Ocean Science Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Smith, W.O., Tozzi S., Liu, X., Asper, V.L. Continuous chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: scales of variability. 2010 Ocean Science Meeting, Portland, OR.