Mandela: 'We Will Have to Overcome' ~ 0/ L'fdion Ldaftdt14 on Jooktd Bey~ the Pissld2 Mom~T Rece{Vitll the Ukrt1 Med41

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Mandela: 'We Will Have to Overcome' ~ 0/ L'fdion Ldaftdt14 on Jooktd Bey~ the Pissld2 Mom~T Rece{Vitll the Ukrt1 Med41 EPISCOPAl. CHURCHPEOPLE 10r a FREE SOUTHERN AF~lCA E 339 l.afayett. Street. New YorX, N.Y. 100'2'2725 C (2'2)4n-0066 FAX: (212) 979-1013 S A #138 10 July 1993 Mandela: 'We will have to overcome' ~ 0/ l'fdIon ldaftdt14 On Jooktd bey~ the PISSlD2 mom~t rece{vitll the Ukrt1 Med41. ~ StnlCbed ...~ 10 ~ 1%Ito Master of ~... HonOr'3blc the 4iSt8.nt fUt1lre. Tbq sciud UpOn 8W CtintOD ••• ctmW pnDdples aDd WI • glorious It will hive *liedttrange \0 some atmple in tbel.r ddeme." that two South Ah1cInI. with J'C!lP» 11 would be • rare boDOf to tJ10Ile tlve Illstones ..4i1Terut as thO'C or woo will cinlw up oW' own CODStltu. thls}"elr"$ ~ £bouJd sh.1'¢ tbo tton that tM1 rboQl4 thus be de­ booor ofre<elvlDg the tD:LInent Phlb­ :!IC1'ibfd br the demOCtltie cotDmftlta· delpbla Ubcrtr ~. tors ond freedom acdvim of our own Equally, It wUl ~ lIe4!med ege And of the future. $trIU:Ige to ~e that we. as fighters It is • moviag thing for us - thllt 1'0:' libel'llt1on. 8t'e - tOSetht'r with we. wbo ~nt forol!8 that beY(! 1h0ll8 ..110 haVe been the eat>tains of still to proclaim that freedom's c.U.y 'pl\J'lh~ - ~\'uIved 1n pr~ ~ Wl:OC. tII1: todar being hand@d the ~ng to the 4elllOCl'lltlc t1'll)Sfor. batoo hI tbe ~ to Ubtny. at Whose JllIuon of Sooth I\frkL starting poi~t 111. ~1phia stOod _ewho bow have also made too the greet men or whom the tNlE!d potut that tt was ~. 200 rears slave Frederick Douglass spolee wtth such ",armtb and elw1ty or tpirtt. .' that tbo8e who deaigDed the world., nrst democratic COnstitution But we would cot be ~ to FMder­ in thLor ~ dty IhoIlJ4 h8~ pmnit· fet Douglass It "fe &cS not recall : ted the ~ or sJ.very to COntinUe. other thtnp ~ tb1s great mtcl1M StraD&e tbo1tP all these thitIgs and fighter for b:eecSom .4 In the ~t be. mad ~ oC dilI~t lame 1Id~ 1411elU'S II!O- ~ thf1~_t1pcU to Frederick DoqI.ass asked. the ODe is$lJC; 'lbt11pMk to the dnra!>U. po1pant qllMdon: tty of the glortotd ~ thaI gave "An the er-t ~lesor poUtS­ birth 110 the lnd~ af this C8l frMdOlIl Cd l\atunil JUItioe. em· ClOUDtry IIDd to tile ODitt4 Stales Con· ~ ~ that Dec1aMion 0( JDde. ·st1tut1on. ~, exttD4ed to us?" 1bt!)' .mna dae CO«fOeUleSS atId SU'uek by • I1moIt P*JpebJe crter. lDvtnclbiUtY or the trutbs al)d the be went OD to sq; &deals or llllerty. equalIty aDd the. "The neb mherltlDCe or jusdoe. ,u.rsvJt of Ituman bapp1neRs CIOn­ Ubmy. JI~aDd ID6epeDdeDce. \ai.Qed l.Il that hfstortc document 8!1 bequeathed \)17Our rathers.1! sbero4 "'ell as tbe DcdaratioD of lDdep£nd­ by you. not by me ••• TbJ.s FO\lf'lh 100 el)Qe. 1u1y b ~ SlOt m1De. Yon may Jt I$, Ulm1orct.91th • deep IiIImW of rejoice: 1 mllSt IIllOV1L hllm.Ulty that we ftazw! ~ today to "Fellow ddJeDs. .boTe roar DO­ ~TC • me481 whkh bestows on US doul. t1lm1lItuou Joy. I bt8t tht '-a lD4i\'1dall., as • movement and moarnfuJ ....U of 1I11Ui<>bll. , •• M1 as a people - the ~ of the ",bJC(t. tbtc.D. feuow ddl.ens.1I Amet'­ . fouDdtag 1aUlers "'bo ~d )'OVr lean slavery. 1sha11 see this ~ and CoD!t1tution. tts popular c~ from the Thl! great Afrlaul ~t'k:aJ... Froa­ slave" point of Tie"f," «1ek DougllR. trpokie in Roc:h~er, This 11 perbapfJ tbe ,",,1est dll1­ N.Y.. OD JUly S. 18S2. onthe topic "The len~ we !ace • ",e ~ tor the Meuiog Of JUlY Fourth for the! Ne­ new birth or frwdom: that !lOne cro·" Wilhin OUt COQ21uy .hould in {thel ~ 11 IOlDe or be Snid; nlture proclaim that J1aSt1oe. Uberty "Fellow ett1zeoa, r am not wantit1& and prosperity ~ DOt .hanod by 1 ~ I'tSpect for the flltbm 01 \hiS ~ 1hem, as did ~riek DodgJMS, the publiC... , They ",ere ~t men, too \)1~1( enslaved aDd tbe WQmetl of thIs - gr~t eoough to sive 'he fr. me to a CIOtltl try. grtAIt -te.... Jo tbclr admlrZlUon of I1l the stf11Ule for real charlt' and Ubtrty. they lost a1gbt of att olber a just pca<x. \tAl will have tu ~r· lnter~. ... Their statesn'3n~lp COIl'l~ tbE' tt'l'rlble heritage of tbe in· THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 5 July 1993 .Pretoria's long march to the end ~of an era The following is a chronology of the main events highlighting the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa SOUTH AFRICA'S negotiators commitment to end violence in yesterday set 27 April 1994 as the townships. target date for the fint all-race August - ANC agrees to elections. Here are some of the suspend 30-year-old armed important milestones along the struggle. ," long road to democracy: 1991: 5 June - Parliament 1948 - National Party elected ~s .mjdential ~tion pledging separate dev.eJopment.. and laws that rcaerve 87 per cent 1950 - Government adopts key of land for 14 per cent white laws underpinning apartheid. minority. I 1960 - Police kill 69 people dur­ 17 June - Parliament drops ing anti-apartheid protests at mandatory race classification. Sharpeville. African National Sept - Anti-apartheid move­ Congress (ANC) and Pan-Af­ ments and government lign ricanist Congress (PAC) banned. peace accord. 1961 - South Africa declared re­ 20 Dec - Power-sharing talks public, leaves Commonwealth. between government and 16 Underground ANC launches anti-apartheid groups, named guerrilla campaign. Convention for a Democratic 1964 - Nelson Mandela and se­ South Africa (Codesa), open. nior ANC associates sentenced 1992: 18 March - De Klerk to life in prison for resisting wins 70 per cent in referendum white rule. to test support among 3.3 mil­ 1976 - More than 600 blacks lion white voters for refonns. die in year-long black uprising 23 June - ANC and 10 aUies triggered by Soweto' pupil pro­ break off bilateral talks and tests on 16 June. Codesa negotiations in protest 1983 - South Africa adopts new against 17 June massacre of at constitution giving limited par­ least 39 blacks at Boipatong liamentary powers to Indian and township. ANC blames Inkatha. mixed-race voters. 26 Sept - De Klerk and 1984 - Power struggle erupts in Mandela meet to break,deadlock Natal province between ANC over negotiations after· Ciskei and Zulu-based Inkatha Free­ ttoops kill 28 ANC supporters, dom Pany. Country-wide politi­ sign "record of understanding". cal violence claims more than 27 Sept - Inkatha quits de­ 15,000 lives by June 1993. mocracy talks, accusing govern­ 1985 - Government imposes ment and ANC of seeking to partial emergency rule to quell matlinalise Zulu nation. black uprising. Foreign inves­ 1993: 5 March - Multi-party tors start disinvestment drive. talks resume with 26 political 1986 - Full emergency rule de­ groups, including pro-apartheid clared. US Congress passes com­ Conservative Party and radical prehensive sanctions against PAC. Pretoria and many other West­ 25 March - Government ern governments follow suit. moves to desegregate education, 1990: 2 Feb -F W de Klerk, last remaining social corner.­ who replaced PW Botha as Pres­ stone of apartheid. ident in 1989, repudiates apart­ 29 April De Klerk heid, legalises about 30 prohib- apologises for apartheid. .. ited political groups, including , 7 May -' Main political 'ANC. IIl'ee to hold ill-race ..Jl Feb - Mandda ,releucd ' Mections by end of April 1994. Jiom prison. ~t·wiDg whites form united . May - ANC and government front to CIDIpaign for Afrikaner meet for fint time, agree to re­ autonomy. move obmcles to nqotiation: 2 July'- Democracy negoti­ release ofpolitical prisoners, in­ ators agree on 27 April 1994, as demnity ofpolitical exiles, joint date for first all-race elections. ¥ THE INDEPENDENT SATURDAY 3JDLY 1993 INDEPENDE~T y. THE _W£D~ESD;AY,7JULY)993 THE YOUNG man in the blue and I white striped pyjamas SlIt upright in John Carlin reports from Katlehong on · his bed blowing bubbles.1:lot through his mouth bllt through·his neek. This the human damage in South Africa's was Ward Eight at Natalspruit Hospi­ tal, Kadehong, where he lay yesterday among 34 other patients, all of them worst night ofpolitical violence this year shot or stabbed, all of them furtunate to hue survived the worst night of evening, the neighbourhood was de­ cated explanation, Save, unani­ political violence any South African serted save for a handful of people mously, to blame the hostel-dwellers, ; township has seen this year. seeking to salvage what they could It was an ANC official in Johannes­ , Between sunset on Monday and from their burnt-out homes, An old burg who offered the most balanced · sunrise yesterday 45 people were lady was uamping across a dusry field vefliion of events. Roben McBride, killed in Kadehong. In the previous pushing a wheelbarrow piled high whose job is to monitor and prevent · 36 hours another 24 had died here with clothes, Two mcn were carting violence, said Kadehong and Tokoza · and in Beighbouring Tokoza. The to­ into a van chairs, beds, charred tables had witnessed a cycle of revenge : tal of' politieatly-related deaths re­ from a house whose windows were all killings since April, when the ANC • corded nationwide since the weekend smashed, whose inside walls, once leader Chris Hani was killed. While ; stooct lilt·nightat 113. white, had been blackened by fire, placing the original blame for the , The young man in the blue and Two army trucks and a dozen sol­ problem squarely at Inkatha's door, t white pyjamas had a· 3in-long tube diers in bullet-proof vests stood by.
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