Alexander Vinogradov | 9783319630601 | | | | | Kerch Report

Although conducting an evaluation of a maritime accident can seem like a daunting task, we relished very much the process. The total area of the Kerch Strait is about sq km, while the total water volume is 4. An extended biological programme covered determination of pigments concentration, abundance and biomass of phytoplankton, zooplankton, meiobenthos, phytobenthos, macrozoobenthos and some microbiological parameters. Energy generated by high waves in the course of the upward fluctuations is well known to be crucial for erosion of the Kerch Strait accumulative formations Eremeev V. Approximation of the total nitrogen concentration dynamics in the Kerch Strait waters In — Geographicaxi. While trying to take-off from the high bed after the storm, those boats could have discharged their ballast waters containing diesel oil jointly with the fuel from their bunkers. This inflow of ammonia into the Kerch Strait and further to the Black Sea was calculated for the whole observation period. The Strait part to the South is affected by the Black Sea level changes. There, a cliff shifted m inland, a former wave-breaker remnants were washed away and the waves went by m inside the lowlands. Many thank you for your time spending with this book and constructiveness at all stages of preparation during all three years. The main stream heads to the North while partially entering the Kerch Bay. Buy Softcover. The first chapter describes the general characteristics of the marine ports at the northern coast of the Black and Azov Seas and their shipping channels. The shore section of 22 km long from the Yantarny village up to the Panagia Cape is of abrasion nature. The editors and their colleagues spent many months in order to produce a well compiled text and high quality figures and photos. Analysis of pollution dynamics in the Kerch Strait and its adjacent sea space for the two years that have passed since the time of the accident water, bottom sediment and biota in November - December is presented. A thermal depression builds-up over the Black Sea underlying warm surface during the transient and cold seasons of the year. It lies entirely on the continent, entering the Taganrog Bay through the and Glafirovsk Spits, and is the mouth of the Yeya River. After leaving the Tuzla gully, the Black Sea waters fill in the central part of the Strait. The arrows are the waves movement directions. Strong winds are observed through the whole year during all the seasons. On 28 Novemberthe maximum of 0. A major Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition on 6 Septembernear stanitsa Golubitskaya, lasted about 2 hours and formed a mud island metres in diameter and 2 metres in height; the island was then washed away by the sea. Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition, it has been never published a comprehensive and full overview of pollution of the Kerch Strait taking it for an independent geographical unit. In addition, the dyke unfinished construction presents an obstacle for the Black Sea flows and triggers Southern development of reverse flows along the Taman coastline under the Southern winds impact, as well as a local anti-cyclonic gyre build-up in the strait Southern part from the Black Sea side of the dyke. Seasonally high oxygen concentrations were observed during winters and they were decreasing closer to summer as examples of the — and — periods demonstrate Fig. Storms of a magnitude similar to the Kerch accident may happen in the North-Eastern part of the Black Sea every years Buhanovskiy A. A similar storm brought by a Southern cyclone, though accompanied by a smaller decrease in the atmospheric pressure, occurred on November Thus, the four m high waves brought by the impact of the Southern winds, as it was recorded by the Caucasus port in Novemberhad not been observed on the Strait during almost 50 years of observations. Another major military campaign on the took place during the of — Dolphins, porpoises and whales of the world: the IUCN red data book. Each chapter has been developed and then more than ten times redrafted with the participation of dozens of experts from different organizations. The Azov is the world's shallowest sea, with depths ranging from 0. One of the reasons could be the light fraction washing out from the bottom sediments. It became both necessary and apparent to determine as soon as possible potential ways of spreading of the oil and sulfur discharged into the sea, as well as the actual and potential impact of these hazardous substances on the ecosystem conditions in the region of the Strait and adjacent water space both at the time straight after the accident, and for a longer-term period. Standard hydrophysical measurements by CTD including permanent registration of temperature and salinity of surface watersSecci disk depth, direction and velocity of currents by ADCP were conducted. The latter could be dependent on the water dynamics changes after the dam construction at the Tuzla Spit Goriachkin Yu. Oil film on the surface was registered before Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition the course of experiments to last 1. The concentrations of nitrates were significantly higher in the Kerch Strait compared to the Black Sea. A collection of R. Container Traffic via Azov and Black Sea Basin Ports

This is a major geopolitical issue since shipping vessels over a certain size can not pass under the span. The institute is located at the strait Ukrainian coast and is engaged with monitoring the Kerch Strait environmental conditions. The average content was The beach here is sandy with rocks at the base. The most frequent excess of TPHs ranging 1. Alien invaders in our seas. Observations conducted in to study the effect of the Kerch accident. PHs oxidizing bacteria ; the water organoleptic property change; increase of the dissolved organic substances concentration including such toxic substances as phenols, naphtols, and others; the elevated nutrients concentration; occasionally intensive development of the zooplankton and phytoplankton opportunistic species. The flows from the north into the large Taganrog Bay. The distant end of the Spit is formed with coarse-grained detritus sand and large parts of beaten Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition. Maritime Executive. When the Captain of the Kerch Port, Mr. The span of those seasonal fluctuations roughly reaches 25 cm. The Maeotian marshes around the mouth of the Tanais River the present-day Don were famous in antiquityas they served as an important check on the migration of nomadic people from the Eurasian steppelands. In salinity varied in the range of 6. The Kerch Strait water flows impacted by the Northern wind flow Azov are given above, and the Southern wind flow Black Sea is given below; before construction of the Tuzla dyke left and after the construction right as observed in autumn For instance, in Novemberthat Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition of wind was observed by the Kerch AMS during the 8-hour period. Western part of the sea, which is more saline, hosts three forms of Acartia clausias well as Centropages ponticusmeroplankton and larvae of gastropodabivalvia and polychaete. Only for subscribers. Maximal levels were recorded in the Northern-Western part during all period of investigations. Each of them got formed under the influence of a specific type of atmospheric process taking place over the Black Sea area Chernyakova A. Similar results of the waves height were received for the central part of the Black Sea and areas close to the Kerch Strait through calculations using the Russian Wind-Wave Model Zakharov V. The investigations included: pollution petroleum hydrocarbons and trace metals of the area affected by the accident; hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of water; state of plankton and benthos communities including plants and algae ; ich- thyofauna; ornithofauna on the Taman Peninsula e. South-east of the bay is Yeysk Liman. The process of oil transformation speeds up with increase in wind velocity. The nitrates were substantially exceeding the background concentrations in November only. In the frames of the routine Ukrainian national monitoring of marine waters standard hydrochemical parameters were studied in the Northern narrow pass of the Kerch Strait at a transect between the ports of Crimea and Caucasus Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition. Pollutants studied were trace metals, detergents, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and elemental sulphur. Chemical parameters of water and bottom sediments in the patches of residual influence of the Kerch oil spill in the period of 30 November-7 December Free Preview. World Ocean Superocean Seven Seas. Herewith, we would rather analyze and summarize vast volumes of published and unpublished data, and information materials compiled during more than two years after the accident that have consolidated the view points of different Russian and Ukrainian public and academic authorities, why the Kerch disaster happened, as well as about its impact and lessons learnt. Results obtained in are presented in Table 6. The primary focus of much of her research includes the role of nutrients in water quality and the biological diversity of marine and coastal ecosystems. Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin

They claim that the Black and Caspian Seas were vast freshwater lakes, but in about BC the Mediterranean spilled over a rocky sill at the Bosporuscreating the current link between the Black and Mediterranean Seas. National Oceanographic Data Centre. On 18November, the sea- going Tornado tug and the Lamor technical supply vessel joined the clean-up operations in the water area of the Kerch Strait. The equations allowed calculating matters flows through the Northern narrowest place of the Kerch Strait for Fish Import into Russia Down in Q1 Russia and . Heavy oil fractions in concentrations were decreasing faster, by 4. Great Soviet Encyclopedia in Russian. Vacancies Show All. Their produced downward and upward fluctuations affect the sea level smooth seasonal changes through exceeding their average amplitude by times, while reaching times when the storm is very strong. Velocity and direction of wind on November, according to hourly observations of the Kerch AMS. A collection of R. Briefly annexed by Pontus from the late-2nd century BC, it stretched along both southern shores of the Sea of Azov from the time of Greek colonization to the end of the Roman Empireserving as a client kingdom which exported wheat, fish, and slaves in exchange for Greek and Roman manufactures and luxuries. The average value was 8. The Kerch Strait linking the Black and Azov Seas plays an important role in the formation of hydrological and hydro-chemical peculiarities of the whole Azov-Black Seas Basin. Subsequent work has been done both to support and to discredit this theory, and archaeologists still debate it. One of the reasons could be the light fraction washing Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition from the bottom sediments. Goverment Regulation Show All. What did we learn from the Kerch accident? The history has witnessed not too many examples of a simultaneous loss of such number of first-class ships. As a result, along the coastline from the city of Kerch to the Takil Cape many sand beaches going by m deep Ecology of Marine Ports of the Black and Azov Sea Basin 1st edition the mainland were washed away during three years after the dyke construction — Average for the whole water column stood at 0. Container Traffic via Russian Ports Down 7. Due to the ice potential sliding, the most dangerous for the strait navigation in winter is the turn from the Chushka to the Camush-Burun ranges, the Zerkovnaya bank area, and the North-Eastern end of the Tuzla Island Eremeev V. The positive flow values of nitrites, total nitrogen, and phosphorus in are those to the Kerch Strait and to the Black Sea and the negative ones are to the Azov Sea Fig. Plus is related to the water inflow from the Azov to Black Sea and minus — to the backward outflow. Vertically, the content observed in surface layers was higher than nearby sea bottom. The Kerch strait freezes every year. The Black Sea types of flows are mostly formed by winds of the Southern directions. The picks of the sea level rise at the long wave rests reached cmcentimeters above the sea level in Sochi and cm in Tuapse. The Taman Peninsula has about 25 mud volcanoesmost of which are active. Despite its shallowness, the water has low transparency, so bottom plants are poorly developed and most algae are of planktonic type. Traditionally, salinity was lower in the upper layer and interannually there was no trend in its variability Table 5. What is the level of oil spill pollution preparedness and prevention in the Black Sea region? In the PHs seasonal dynamics, two periods of low concentrations presence in the Kerch Strait waters below 1 MAC are distinguished traditionally, i. The ice- condition main characteristics including specific dates and the ice coverage duration in the Kerch Strait Northern part counted dependant on the winter type are given in Table 3.