The Collections of the Orient Museum (Fundação Oriente-Museu Do Oriente): Polysemy and Metonymy

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The Collections of the Orient Museum (Fundação Oriente-Museu Do Oriente): Polysemy and Metonymy Transcultural Perspectives 4/2020 - 1 8o4a Ca*pos Lopes The Collections o the Orient Museum (Fundação Oriente-Museu do Oriente?: Polyse*1 and Metonym1 The Fundação Oriente and the Museu do scope for mutual understanding' Oriente in relation to China The Fundação Oriente replicated its educational, The Fundação Oriente was ounded in Lisbon in 1988, artistic% scientific and philanthropic projects throu&h during which it installed one dele&ation in Macau, the esta"lishment o three dele&ations in +sia / in the while this re&ion was still under Portuguese rule' (ts 8pecial +utono*ous =e&ion o Macau >1988)% in @oa statutes affirm and nurture the historical and cultural >1995) and in :ili, East Timor >1999) / and later, in relationships "etween +sian countries, with a 2008, with the creation o the Museu do Oriente in particular e*phasis on the conte,ts in which the Lisbon% a centre or encounters with +sian cultures. Portuguese esta"lished a presence% such as China' (t (ts pro&ra**e includes the presentation o its two is not *ere chance that the date o its ounding con- 0e1 collections / Portuguese Presence in +sia >PP+? tains the nu*"er -$. three times / 18 March 1988 / and Kwo0 On >KO? / "oth reBecting the pro,i*it1 o eight "eing the luc01 nu*"er or the Chinese and the relationship with China% and paying particular oretelling o prosperit1' 2hile% on the one hand% this attention in *aintaining a *eaning ul representation pro,imit1 with China la1 at the heart o the Fundação o this country. The *useum also pro*otes conte*- Oriente% on the other hand% the underlying the*es porary art e,hibitions, performin& arts, traditional structuring its projects, *ost de4nitely as a cultural practice in everyda1 life% scientific research e,tended a&ent% arise ro* the 4rst voya&es o the *aritime e,- to stud1 &rants and scholarships, a publishing house plorers o the 4 teenth- and sixteenth-centuries, "e- devoted to +sian cultures, alon&side con erences and &inning with (ndia and then, in 1543, all the wa1 to 7a- &atherings on political and econo*ic the*es. pan. The Fundação Oriente there ore ocuses on the idea o cultural encounters "etween Portugal and Constitution and *ission o Museu do Oriente% +sia% and the diversit1 o +sian cultures in its *ost and its conte,ts varied artistic% narrative% performative and religious The choice o the na*e and the overarching the*e o e,pressions. the *useum% its *ission and the esta"lishment o its The settle*ent o the Portuguese in Macau, two core collections with their *eans o public "e&inning in the sixteenth century and lasting over presentation, their de4nition and uniqueness, are "est our centuries, was crucial to esta"lishing cultural, understood on the "asis o the input o "oth its econo*ic and political relationships with China' 8uch ounder and the President o the Foundation, Carlos relations crystallised "etween the sixteenth and Monjardino' The events on "roader scales are e<ually seventeenth century through the trading routes and echoed in the annual pro&ra**es o the *useum% in Catholic *issionary activities, while other European the curatorial options or e,hibitions and the activities colonising countries were ocusing their attention on delivered "1 the education service% as well as in 8outh and 8outheast +sia' Prior to the transfer o the wor0shops, concerts, conferences and publications. ad*inistration o Macau to China% which too0 place in The &eneral public as well as the specialist public% 1999, the 8ino-Portuguese :eclaration o 1987 particularly in areas such as the social sciences, have de4ned a series o initiatives that sou&ht to *aintain co*e to <uestion the pertinence o national and and deepen the cultural and political "onds "etween international *useums dedicated to the*es around Portugal and China% preserving the uniqueness o the &eo&raphical e,plorations o the past% associated with cultural identit1 o Macau, pro*oting Portuguese the ideolo&ical he&e*ony o the 2est over the langua&e teaching% and there"1 esta"lishing the -Other”' Our attention is drawn onto the e,istence o 8o4a Ca*pos Lopes The Collections o the Orient Museum 0unstte,te'de 4/2020 - 2 political discourses, according to which 2estern colonisation and ostered national pride% the idea o a e*pires claim sym"olic% geostrate&ic powers to&ether heroic and adventurous Portuguese e*pire with a with a collective i*a&inary that constantly reiterates, civilising, cosmopolitan and multicultural mission. through different networks o socia"ilit1% the relevance Faced with independence *ove*ents and pressure o &eo&raphical discovery and the conquest o the ro* the United Nations over decolonisation, the Es- -Other. as an affirmation o identit1' Eowever, while tado Novo justified its international polic1 "ased on reco&nising this ideolo&ical conte,t% at international the notion o a cosmopolitan Portuguese character, and national level, a *ore detailed analysis leads us ostering racial interaction and intercultural dialo&ue' to verif1 the e,istence o different settings and to "e 8uch a discourse was to prevail in the post-colonial aware o a ar *ore co*ple, realit1% inside *useums conte,t% over the course o successive de*ocratic and organisations alike% with advances, set"ac0s and &overnments, and ca*e to inte&rate the idea o intermediate positions. +s a conse<uence% the staD o Portugal’s role as a precursor o cultural Museu do Oriente is *oving towards an effort to "uild &lo"alisation.1 (n 1986, the Portuguese state set up "onds "etween cultures, unveiling +sia and its *any the Co**ission or the Co**e*oration o the Por- acets to the Portuguese public and *ore "roadly to tuguese :iscoveries and% in 1998, hosted the last uni- Europe' versal e,position o the century in Lisbon, 9,po #$% under the the*e o -The Oceans”% e,alting Portugal’s The "uildin& national *aritime history and discoveries% and de- The de4nition o the type o space to house the *anding reco&nition o their internal and e,ternal *useum was no simple process and it *a1 serve to &eostrate&ic value. illustrate the co*ple, realit1 *entioned a"ove' +*ong the various options was to construct a purpose-"uilt *useum on land ac<uired ro* Lisbon Municipal Council. Eowever, the transaction was cancelled% due to ad*inistrative issues o the *unicipalit1' The need to 4nd either space or construction or a "uilding that could "e adapted was *ade even *ore urgent "1 the donation o the Kwo0 On collection in 1999. The Foundation ac<uired a Fi&' 2 Main entrance, Orient Museu*' "uilding ro* the 1940s >4&' 1)% which was na*ed a ter Pedro Flvares Ca"ral, the *ilitary e,plorer accredited with reaching GraHil, and constructed under the Estado Novo% the Portuguese dictatorial re&ime in power "etween 1933 and 1974. National- imperialist in political outloo0% the re&ime de ended Fi&' 6 +cess to the 1st Boor of the Orient Museu*' The "uilding% a ormer re rigerated warehouse or Fi&' 1 Main açade, Orient Museu* of !isbonJ "uildin& cod and ruit% represents a 4ne e,a*ple o *odern named Pedro Flvares Cabral >200$?' port architecture% simple and austere' (t can "e 8o4a Ca*pos Lopes The Collections o the Orient Museum 0unstte,te'de 4/2020 - 6 typified as a sym"ol o the dictatorship and its The opportunit1 to ac<uire the Kwo0 On collection imperialist discourse' However, we would also note% resulted ro* swift decision-*a0ing ollowing a the "uilding% situated along the river Ta&us, provides chance *eeting "etween Carlos Monjardino and the an ideal and appealing location and was the only French sinolo&ist 7ac<ues Pimpaneau, director o the acilit1 that at the time provided the height% scale and Musée Kwo0 On in Paris and o the +ssociation des other conditions necessary or conversion into a +rts et Traditions de l’Asie' Pimpaneau co*plained *useum'2 2hat *ight at 4rst si&ht see* an option a"out the inade<uac1 o the "uilding housing the with ideolo&ical roots turns out to "e nothing *ore collection o popular +sian arte acts, and the French than rando* chance (4&s. 2-3)' &overnment’s lac0 o interest in co*ing up with a solution or the rehousing and suita"le presentation o The collections, ounders and "io&raphies the collection. The donation was ne&otiated within a The project leading to the creation o the Museu do ew hours and the collection was to arrive in Lisbon in Oriente is "ound up with the trajectories o two 1999. The incorporation o the Kwo0 On collection personal lives that led to the ounding o the two "rou&ht in the personal life trajectory o its collector collections. (n particular, the idea to ound the Pimpaneau and his wife 8ylvie Pimpaneau: their *useum ca*e ro* the president o the Foundation, choices on the constitution o the collection, as well Carlos Monjardino% a ormer "anker and *e*"er o as their options or uture e,hibitions and the Macau @overnment >1986-87)' +t the sa*e time% ac<uisitions.The KO collection, "uilt up through the he was also instrumental in the replication o the &athering o o"jects ro* their places o origin, Fundação Oriente project% including the PP+ around the the*e o +sian popular *aterial culture% collection, the *useum and the institution, through its performin& arts and religious practices, to&ether with three dele&ations in +sia' 2ith his taste or art% associated narrative herita&e% is different in the*e and Monjardino supported the syste*atic and sustained *ode ro* the PP+ collection, while co*ple*entary ac<uisition o wor0s o art in national and international on different Asian realities and identities (4&.
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