Dungeonsglragons COMPUTER PRODUCT Lleroes Oftlle LAJYCE
Advit°iced Dungeonsglragons COMPUTER PRODUCT llEROES OFTllE LAJYCE A DRAGONLANCE™ Action Game STRATEGIC SIMULATIONS,INC. CONTENTS I. Background & History ............................................ 2 HEROES OF THE LANCE A. The DRAGONLANCE® Saga Program Creation : U.S.Gold Ltd B. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Game Design & Co-ordination : Laurence H. Miller II. The Action Starts ..................................................... 3 Programming Team: Alan Bridgeman, Matt Ellis, Graham Lilley, A. Preparing for Play Teoman lrmak, Anthony Scott. B. Loading The Game C. IBM version differences D. Cassette/Disk version differences Product Manager: Jerry Howells Production Co-ordination : Bob Kenrick Ill. Playing The Game ................................................... 5 Based on the module: DL 1 Dragons of Despair A. Movement Original U.K.Manual : Laurence H. Miller B. Ranged Combat/Dodge Manual adapted by SSL Louis Saekow Design: LOUIS Hsu Saekow, David Boudreau, Pete Gascoyne C. Close Combat Box Art: Jeff Easley D. Screen Displays E. Menus and Sub-Menus Original Graphic for Title Screen : Clyde Caldwell F. Winning the Game Game developed by : U.S. Gold Ltd . & Strategic Simulations, Inc. G. IBM Keyboard Commands U.S.Gold Test & Development Team : Paul Sutton, H. A Note to ST Hard Disk users Charles Cecil & Mike Dixon IV. Characters ............................................................. 13 SSI Testing & Development Team: Chuck Kroegel, Dick Vohlers, Tanis Half-Elven Cyrus Harris, Graeme Bayless, Zane Wolters, John Bruning, Caramon Majere Robert Daly & James Kucera Raistlin Majere Sturm Brightblade ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, DRAGON LANCE and the Goldmoon TSR logo are trademarks owned by JSR, Inc., Lake Geneva, W.I., USA and Riverwind used under license from Strategic Simulations, Inc., Mountain View, C.A., USA Tasslehoff Burrfoot © 1988 Strategic Simulations, Inc.© 1988 TSR, Inc.
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