Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964

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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1963 Eastern Progress - 21 Sep 1963 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1963-64/1 Alumni Coliseum Dedication Set For Giant $3 Million Plant Ready For School Year; College To Observe 89th Anniversary Of Central U. By SANDY WILSON Named for the college's 12.000! four-lane Eastern Kentucky State from another direction. Progrms Staff Writer graduates, -the Coliseum contain: j College By-pass, from Interstate Heart of Sport* Center a main auditorium which seal*; 75. A now four-lane Lancaster The Coliseum contains 132,000 «►" Eastern will dedicate the $3 6.500 for basketball and 8,000 for i million Alumni Coliseum and Avenue intersects the By-pa38 square feet of foor space and the ether - programs; an auxiliary' diagonal span of the laminated commemorate the 89th anniver- gymnasium, with four basketball sary of higher education here in wood structural system is over playing courts; indoor and out- 308 feet—the largest of its type ceremonies Monday. door swimming pools; eight class- Di'. Thomas E. McDonough. rcor.|i; 20 offices; conditioning head of the first physical eduia- looms; a projection room; shower For dedication ceremonies tion department at Eastern. be», und. locker rooms; aai other dual- students will proceed on foot gun in 1928, will deliver the de- purpose facilities. It will even- between Stateland and O'Don- / dicatory address at 10 a.m.. He tually seat 10000 for basketball. nell Halls, and will enter the presently is head of .the division A hyciiaulii ally-operated stage Coliseum from the North end of physical education and athle- is located in the east end of tin Once lnside„bear left and enter tics at Emory University, Atlan- main arena. the main arena through ramps ta, Georgia. four and five. Students seat- Governor Bert Combs heads the Seats on one side of the floor ing will be on the North side list of many dignitaries who will are theater-type, and scats are of the arena, (bleacher seats). be present for the Coliseum cere- elevated six feet above the floor After the dedi~*?'on pro- monies. Numerous leaders in ! level. Entrance to scats is from gram the building will be open athletics and physical education , a concourse SavaJ. for tours, but not before. Also are expected to attend. In addition to the 6 500 per- Students are asked to be In The faculty and administrative t-manent seats there will be ap- their scats before 10 a m. if at officers of the college will par- proximately 1,600 chairs located all possible. ticipate in an academic procession on the playing floor for Monday's for the occasion. convocation. Started Nov. 1, 1961 in the world. Hii- I.SOO-Car Lot The Coliseum la the heart of a Alumni Coliseum, under cons- A 1,300-car paved parking area truction since November, 1961, outside the huge building serves compact sports center at Eastern, will be In use for the first time also as a piiysical education and which includes a nine-lane, all- this month, housing the men's recreation area and as a drill weather track which encircles a health and physical education, field for the college band and the DR. THOMAS MCDONOUGH practice football field; nine rub- athletic offices and the military R.O.T.C. unit. Dedicatory Speaker ber-asphalt tennis courts, lighted science department. This area is entered off a new (Continued on Pace 81x> Frosh Sample Full Week Of Orientation Activities The class of 1967 plus new ^ill be held in Hanger, Stadium dance will be held in the Student "Setting t The Pace In A Progressive Era" members of proceeding classes ! before the movie. The football Union. were greeted this week by a team and coaches will be in- Tho week's activities will con- group of guides ready to serve troduced. clude with a picnic and communi- and entertain the new .students in Tomorrow afternoon there will ty sing Sunday afternoon. Student Publication oi Eastern State College, Richmond, Kentucky 41 st Year No. I the first complete orientation be a field day conducted by the Friday, September 21, 1963 week held on tho Eastern cam- Women's Recreation Association. Miss Pat Allison, assistant pus. Following the Eastern and Austin dean of women, has been respon- lonight an all-student pep rally Peay football game a juke box sible for the organisation of the week's activities. Several ser- Publications vice groups on campus have serv- New Teachers Number ed as guides throughout the week. They are: KYMA. Stu- dent Council, Cwens, Collegiate Hold Workshops Pentacle, KIE, OAKS. WRA, In- 47 For Fall Semester ter-Dorm Council, YMCA, YWCA, and Kappa Delta Tau. Eastern half adder! a ».et«* ol-*7 ami i«trnw. ■4fl°* nrratfn Last Friday, the award winning to'its faculty and staff • fo«» -«h* *"lWATrreiWrr«C8 — ..Charles fMilestone iahd Eastern Progress Guide* Serve for Week 1963-64 school year. Most of Clever. held their annual workshops tor The guides were assigned to the appointments which were PHYSICS '. — - Karl Francis Students working on the pnblica- . freshman dormitory floors and It made during the summer months Kuhn. tions during the 1963-64 schodB was their responsibility to see became effective September 1. POLITICAL SCIENCE - - Dr. year. that the groups were at the var- Two new department heads Allen Edger Ragan. Kenneth Miller, editor in chief ious activities planned for the have been named for the coining i.I O D E L LABORATORY of the 1964 Milestone, welcomed week" and to assist them through- year. Dr. Joseph EL Young be- SCHOOL — Miss Sandra Noe, twenty-seven members of the out the week. came the head of the newly- William Harry Clarke, Miss Par- staff and introduced to them Mr. Sunday afternoon, refreshments named Department of Business, ticia Ann Walker, Frank Hamil- Han-el'. Brooks, a representative were served to students and par- pnd Miss Mildred Tur.iey took ton, Mrs. Mary V. Newton, Miss of Foote and Davis Publishing ents in Walnut Hall and that over as head of the, Home Eco- Glynna Jean Hays, Mrs. Anna Company? Brooks stressed the evening a vesper service was lead nomics Department. Young as- Cornelison, Mrs. Adriana Hayes importance of having pleasing in the amphitheater by Rev. E. sumed his duties at the beginning Francis. Miss Janis Gail New- layouts, excellent pictures, and M. Perry. of the summer term. Miss Tur- kirk, Mrs. Orba Trolliet Young, continuity. On Monday morning, President ney's duties became effectiv; and Mrs. Anna Stark. Mr. John Mullaney, a represen- September 1. Robert Martin and Dean W, J. tative of Osborne Photographic Moore greeted the new students Department Additions Include: Laboratories, discussed the role In Brock Auditorium. President ART — James Edward Rhcin. I that pictures, play in the year- Martin told the students that each BIOLOGY—John Milton Camp- book. He illustrated his talk by person has individual problems bell, James Durward Haynes, and Three Named contrasting good and poor ex- but Eastern can and will help Alan Bruce Maxwell. amples of pictures. ' each student solve these so that BUSINESS — Clarence Cotton In the afternoon session, Mrs. he will not fall by the wayside. Linda Gassaway, co-editor of the Dawson, Karl Kemp, and Fred Graduate Aides 1982 Milestone addressed the stu- That afternoon Collegiate Pen- William Brizendine. dents. In her speech, "Caution: tacle and OAKS entertained the CHEMISTRY — John Long Three Eastern students have A Yearbook Ahead," Mrs. Gassa- transfer students with a coke Mei8enheimer, and Dr. Morris been named as departmental stu- way advisW the staff to stop and party. The guides also conducted Dan*>n Taylor. dent assistants for the 1963-64 consider what the yearbook is their groups on tours throughout EDUCATION AND PSY- school year. and what it should do. the campus. CHOLOGY — Dr. Charles Ross, Tom Noe, Corbin; Wayne, Tay- TIP THOSE HATS . Freshmen were greeted on campus by Monday evening an orientation Robert Newman Grise, Miss Following a preview of the 1984 lor, Richmond; and Gerald White, Milestone by Miller, group dis- KYMA club members selling beanies. This year all freshmen are skit was presented by members Ethel Sams, Dr. Fred \Villiam F&lrfleld, Ohio will teach and CO-CAPTAINS . Leading Eastern's Maroons when they open required to wear a beanie and to top it when, requested to do so by Tanner, and Roy Dean Acker. cussions were held and instruc- supervise laboratory classes, their Ohio Valley Conference co-champlonship defense tomorrow tions were given for the com- an upperclassman. Roger Smith, president of KYMA, is shown ENGLISH — Charles Ronald while working toward their mast- night against Austin Peay will be cc-captaihs Bill Goedde, stand- pletion of the new annual. placing beanies on, from left: freshmen Dianne Swannack from 2,982 STUDENTS REGISTER Cella, Charles Daniel Jewell, and er degrees. ing, and Frank Guertin. Goedde, a senior halfback, is the leading In addition to Miller, a senior Lexington and Kaye Triplett from Frankfort. Dr. Harold Wayne Richardson. Noe, a physics and mathema- returning ground gainer from last season, and Guertin, senior A total of 2,983 students had FOREIGN LANGUAGE — from Frankfort, Sandra Nunnel- enrolled here as of 6 p.m. tics major at Eastern, will serve tackle, was a starter last fall. See story on page four. ley, a senior from Cynthiana Robert Lee Ladd. .... assistant in the physics de- yesterday, according to Dr. HEALTH AND " PHYSICAL serves as associate editor. Charles Ambrose, dean of ad- partment., He will teach intro- Presiding at the Progress work- missions and registrar.
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