Annual Retreat Date Advanced to Jan. 30 DEEDED to BOARD -H- by the EDITOR of USF TRUSTEES HAPPY NEW YEAR
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Council Dance Hear Holloway Tomorrow Monday At Fairmont Room D2 VOL. X—No. 2 SAX FRANCISCO, JANUARY 19, 1934 FRIDAY TITLE D TO FUTURE USF SITE • K CEMETERY LANDS Annual Retreat Date Advanced to Jan. 30 DEEDED TO BOARD -H- By THE EDITOR OF USF TRUSTEES HAPPY NEW YEAR. Best news O'Toole Collides HOLLOWAY TO GIVE Battle On Casaba Courts Near of the year is the signing of the docu DEVOTIONS TO BE ments which will finally affect the With Car In Dash Gigantic Program Nearing transfer of the cemetery properties HELD IN COLLEGE RADIO TALK JAN. 22 As Juniors Challenge Seniors to the university. The papers were Completion After To Morning Class Two Years signed on New Year's Eve. Some IN K.AJ\LECTURE Rancour still rankling after the down the greensward all that long thing of prophecy or symbolism in CHURCHON 3 DAYS zero to nothing tie result of the and cold afternoon, no decision could that. Mayhap it was more than the A few minutes to eight o'clock dash ended in bruises and contusions senior-junior football battle last fall, be reached. The slightly stronger 'INVEST IN YOUTH' birth of 1934. After having success Commercial Side of Radio the junior class president, Leo junior offense broke itself against the fully weathered the worst blows of Reverend James Henry Will for Tom O'Toole, '36, as he collided with a moving automobile on Twenty- To Be Subject of Murphy, threw down the gauntlet to stubborn senior defence. Fraction of Purchase Price the depression, the old ship USF Conduct Spiritual Bernard Wiesinger, senior class Each class claimed at least a may be headed for the smoother sail first street last Tuesday morning. KFRC Head Now Needed to Make Exercises In an effort to be on time for his leader, who accepted the challenge moral victory. But such are un ing which will materialize the and chose basketballs for weapons satisfactory and open the way to Final Payment "greater" ideal. early morning class, O'Toole was so WILL BE HELD IN D2 IS GRADUATE OF USF intent on making speed that he did with which to renew the class duel. derision and ridicule. not notice a car approaching from Words Start Feud Breach Reopened By ROBERT HALSING, '85 President Horgan to Intro The football game, which was to With the end of the Christmas On the eve of the birth of the new * GIFTS AND TRIBUTES. It is only Preparation Being Made by an alley way. When hit Tom and his books were scattered in the duce Speaker to decide the supremacy of the two up holidays the breach was reopened. year, the agreement of sale for the fitting that the student body should Father Mootz, per classes, began with a series of Jibes and jeers began to flow. The Masonic cemetery was signed by the make some gesture of regret to the vicinity. Audience Dean Fortunately, O'Toole was able to verbal clashes regarding the prowess situation became intolerable. Class cemetery association officials and the departure of that friend to us all— of the classes. officers realized the risk of allowing University of San Francisco board of Father Flynn. What could he cherish arise unaided. Upon inspection of Kappa Alpha Phi continues its The annual retreat exercises of the his person he discovered a sore ankle Deeds were substituted for the rivalry to continue. "It must be trustees, and a dream of a greater more than the best wishes which will ambitious series of lectures on next words with a declaration of war. decided for once and for all," they USF began to take on the reality be manifested in the signatures students of the University of San and a few bruises, but, on recovering Monday, January 22, as it presents Francisco will be conducted this year his composure, was able to continue Teams were chosen to represent said. promised by the "Invest in Youth" which are now being signed in the the first speaker of the spring semes the two classes. They donned their According to present plans, the campaign. office? This will accompany the stu by Rev. Father James Henry, S.J., to school. ter. The speaker will be Mr. Harri of Blessed Sacrament Church, Holly gear and went out to the football game is to be played as a preliminary The drive for funds conducted un dent body gift to Father Flynn. son Holloway, manager of radio sta field to do battle. to the proposed varsity vs. alumni der the auspices of the university in wood, California. tion KFRC, who will discuss "The The retreat will be held on Jan No Decision game to take place at the end of the the winter ot 1932 brought in a total TRYOUTS HELD FOR Commercial Side of Radio". Though the battle raged up and basketball season. of pledges amounting to $286,549.99. IMPRESSIVE. Once or twice dur uary 30 and 31, and February 1, it Mr. Holloway was chosen to speak S3 was announced today by Rev. Father Of this sum $232,155.60 was actually ing the last term a few remarks in on this unique subject because of the collected, leaving a total of $54,- this column criticized the appearance John P. Mootz, dean of men of the high place which he holds in the university. Y.M.I. CONTEST 394.39 in unfulfilled pledges. of the Little Theatre stage without a realm of radio. He is not only man FROSH START PLANS Remote Control The terms of the agreement signed backdrop. At the Christmas Formal, Father Henry is an alumnus of ager of KFRC, but also a master of USF. He made his religious studies Be last December will give to the uni through some necromancy, Norman Oratorical Finals Will ceremonies of note, and although Used By Foghorn versity title to the lands south of Petersen managed to obtain an at Valkenburg, Holland, and at still a young man he was one of the FOR ANNUAL DANCE Woodstock, Maryland. Held February 9 Golden Gate avenue, projected, for attractive backdrop, which added pioneers of radio in this country and For Bear Game the purchase price of $290,000.00. greatly to the colorful appearance of Orator of Experience Tryouts for the annual YMI ora had much to do with its early de Fandango Will Be Held on There is a deficit to be made up the stage setting. It would be fine if Father Henry is an orator of note torical contest were held yesterday velopment. St. Patrick's Day Work comes before pleasure, but higher than the existing balance on we could keep that curtain, or at and has had long experience in giv in the College hall. Approximately Radio In Business hand, amounting to $57,844.40, least one similar to it. ing the spiritual exercises to Catholic 20 applicants appeared before the The subject, "The Commercial the FOGHORN staff on last Tuesday Plans for the annual Freshman night managed by the use of remote $54,394.39 of which is designated as schools and colleges throughout the judges and presented short orations. Side of Radio", is indeed an interest unredeemed pledges. country as well as to private retreat Fandango, foremost social affair of control to combine the two while the Scheduled for February 9, the ing one since radio "is still in com the school year, are already being While the actual purchase of the RIVALRY. They just couldn't groups. finals will be held in the College hall. parative infancy and consequently score remained tied up at 24-all. The date for the retreat has been made, according to an announcement Then it became mixed with displeas property has not as yet taken place, get along. The late bitterness, which Sponsored annually by Ignatian coun little thought has been given to its by Jack Ferdon, frosh prexy. the agreement has been signed and after all was just in fun, between the advanced from that set forth in the cil of the YMI, it presents the best great possibilities. Radio today holds ure with the final verdict. catalogue, according to which it was St. Patrick's day, March 17, has initial payments made. As soon as junior and senior classes, crops up of the university orators to the stu a vital spot in the life of the average been submitted and approved as the The staff were biting their nails the bodies have been disinterred, again with challenges made and to have ended on the 24th of Feb dent body. person and it will be interesting to with anxiety until Don McCarthy ruary, so that it will now end with tentative date upon which the dance which will take three or four months, accepted for a basketball game. The prize to be awarded to the best analyze this position in regard to the will be held. This is the day upon established telephone connection with the deed to the property will be for According to the understanding, a general Holy Communion on Feb speaker is a gold medal. spread of education and culture and another shut-in who was tuned in on ruary 2. which the Fandango has taken place mally handed over to the board of the game will be played as a pre According to Prof. J. Baker Bas the creation of new wants through in former years. the game. trustees. liminary to a varsity vs. alumni This date, February 2, is a most sett, one of the judges, several excel advertising. As yet no announcement has been A two-year option for the property game.