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AGWS3-0610 060.Pdf (7.585Mb) CAPIL HAYDEN, ARIZ., CtjAIRMAN RICHARD B . RUSSELL. GA. MILTON R. YOUNG, N . OAK. ALLEN J . ELLENDER, LA. KARLE. MUNDT, S. OAK. LISTER HILL, ALA. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. THOMAS H. KUCHEL, CALIF. WARREN G. MAGNUSON. WASH. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, N EBR. SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, FLA. GORDON ALLOTr, COLO. JOHN STENNIS, MI SS. NORRI S COTTON, N . H. CLIFFORD P. CASE, N ,J. JOHN 0 , PASTORE, R.I. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS A. S , MIKE MONRONEY, OK LA. JACOB K . JAVITS, N .Y, ALAN BIBLE, NEV. ROBERT C. BYRD. W . VA. WASHINGTON, 0 ,C, 2051 0 GALE W . MCGEE. WYO. MIKE M.ANSFI ELD, MONT. E. L. BARTLETT, ALASKA WILLIAM PROXMIRE, WIS. RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX. September 11, 1968 THOMAS J. SCOTT, CHI EF CLER.K WM. W , WOODRUFF, ASST. CHIEF CLERK AIRMAIL Mr. Robert J. Fisher Vice President The Great Western Sugar Company P. O. Box 5308 D enver, Colorado 80217 D ear Bob: I have just returned to the office, after attending an International Conference in Peru, and found your letter of the 6th. While I very much appreciate your taking the time to follow up on my previous correspondence with Mr. Owen, it simply will not be possible for me to be with you for the d edication of the Kancol factory. From the information we have at hand now, it would appear that we will have Saturday sessions frequently until the termination of this Congress. If I am able to be away from the Senate, I must be in Colorado campaigning for my colleague, Peter Dominick. I had thought it might be possible for me to send one of my staff members to represent me, but with the tremendously heavy legislative schedule still facing us, this is out of the question. I am sure you can understand these circumstances. Best regards. ~rs, Gordon Allott United States Senator GA:cb •; ' ··\_.' S.,taber 6, 1968 !lie· lkmonltla CDrdoa Allott !be ad.te4 ltataa Senate . WMldqtcm, D. C. 20510 Dear Gordon1 f • I a writln1 on behalf of lob Owen to inqulTe nether ,-r acbedule will penlt 7011 to participata in the cledlcatf.aa of oar.., lancol factor,. ·: Tour lettar of July 3 illdlcatacl you wen mt certain tha of ,our ,1-. We undentand, . of cour•, tbat with Cmgnu a till in -­ a:loa it-," difficult for :,ou to aet a, fna • htngton. On the other had, becauae of your gnat Nrviee to t1aa d011Bette • rb•t ilulutZ7 owr the yean, n would be honond aad pleaed if 1ou could ,b~ with aa on Sep-6er 21. Ve would p de you with a round-trip ticket between Ii ldn1ton ad Dmrter, woald arnaae to tab you baak amt forth. betwa Dmmlr ad Kaau • would aover your other .,.._.•• If yn could · er• with ,our pnND•, w wald partt.alarly l11ua to baft 1ou att:ead • ltnakfut -Ung at: 7:90 a.a. ad die fOllllll de4:lcatima proana at 2 :30 p. •· Ve would your ..U111 brief nmdul at both NNtoa.a.· · Plaue let ua bow at your ea-rltut COJlftnience whetber y011 casr joila in tbe feetivi.tiu. Stncenly. ; Jloltert J. ftelaer Vice Prut.dent . be: Jim Lyon • CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ., CHAIRMAN RICHARD 8 . IIUSSELL, GA. MlLTON R, YOUNG, N. OAK. ALLENJ.ELLENDER,LA. KARL E, MUNDT, S, DAK. LISTER HILL, ALA. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. THOMAS H. KUCHEL, CAUF. WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH. ROMAN L, HRUSKA, N EBR. SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, FLA. GORDON ALLOTT, COLO. JOHN STENNIS, MISS. NORRIS COTTON, N ,H . JOHN O. PASTORE, R. I. CLIFFORD P . CASE, N ,J. A . S . MIKE MONRONEY, OK LA. JACOB K. JAVITS, N, Y. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS ALAN BIBLE, NEV. ROBERT C, BYRO , W. VA. WASH INGTON, D.C , 20510 GALE W. MCGEE, WYO. MIK E MANSFIELD, MONT. E.L, BARTLE1T,ALASKA WILLIAM PROXMIRE, WIS. RALPH YARBOROUGH, T EX. THOMAS J . SCOTT, CHIEF CLERK W M. W , WOODRUFF, ASST. CHI EF Cl.ERK July 3, Mr. R. R. Owen President The Great Western Sugar Company Denver, Colorado Dear Mr. Owen: W o rd just received today makes it impossible t o even determine whether we will be through with the legislative agenda by the Se ptember date for which you plan the dedication cere­ monies at the Kancol facility. Hence, I still cannot commit either myself or a personal representative; but be assured if it is at all possible, I will try t o have someone there. I am certainly aware of the significance of this new factory to the area, and just wish it were possible for me to make a firm commitment at this time. However, I am sure y ou can understand the uncertainty of the situation. Best regards. United States Senator GA:mdr June 21, 1961 11111 ...._le Cordon Allott !Ila IJaltact ltat• leaate V.ela'11111n, D. C. 20510 Dur I tor Allott: Vhtla ... ftl'e &appointed to lun from ,... JUH 20 latter tbat a prior cOlllitaent will DDt pendt you co be pnNDt at th• dedicaticm cenwi•• lept_..r ...........21 for our laacol ,..t faetny, . .. fully nali•• t --, iaee, you bow, a aoocl part of die ta t1aat will Nl"ft tld.• fad.lit,' will co• froa fana louted :la Colorado, I v•der whether it woa1d N ,-a:ll>Ja for you to clutpace aoallOlut who could s:eaeat you at die 1811 1 ceftllDDldea. la-, neat,.,. wi•b to thank you for the -, untrt'bution• ,011 bave aade • Nlllor lmator f Colorado to the nl.1-beillg of the dolleetic •uaa.._t tndatr,. Ver, tnly youn, I. L Olren bcL Mr. l'iaher Mr. Lyon .... CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ, 1 CHAHIMAN RICHARD 15. RUS SELL, GA. MILTON R, YOUNG, N . OAK. ALLEN J. ELLENDER, LA. KARL E. MUNDT, S. OAK. LISTER HILL, ALA. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE JOHN L. MCCLELLAN. ARK. THOMAS H . KUCHEL, CALIF. WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBII, SPESSARD L. HOU.ANO, FLA. GORDON ALLOTT, COLO. JOHN STENNIS, MI SS. NOII.RIS COTTON, N.H. JOHN 0. PASTORE, R. I. CLIFFORD P. CASE, N ,J. A, S, MIKE MONRONEY, OKLA. JACOB K. JAVITS, N. Y. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS ALAN BIBLE, NEY. ROSERT C. BYRD, W. VA. WASHINGTON, 0,C. 20510 GALE W. MCGEE, WYO. MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. E. L.BARTLETT1 ALASKA WILLIAM PROXMIRE, WIS. RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX. June 20, THOMAS J. SCOTT, CHIEF CL£11.K WM . W . WOODRUFF, ASST. CHIEF CLER K Mr. R . R . Owen President The Great Western Sugar Company Denver, Colorado Dear Mr. Owen: I am most appreciative of your kind invitation to be with you on September 21st at the activities associated with the opening of your Kancol factory. According to all indications, Congress should have terminated by that time, in which case, I have a commitment to fulfill in Colorado, and will, therefore, be unable to attend. I hope to see you and many of the Great Weste rn person­ nel during my Fall tours of the State, and did want to express my thanks to you for your thoughtfulness. Best regards. Gordon Allott United States Senator GA:cb .June 12, 1968 1be Honorable Gordon L. Allott 1be United St tes Senate Waahington, D. c. Dear Senator Allott: On behalf of thi Company and the many growers who produce ugarbeets in western llansaa· and eaateni Colorado. 1 a honored to extend this invitation tciyou to participate in the dedic tion cere- 1110Diea for our Kancol factory -- the neweet beet e~ar facility in the United States. · the Ute 1s·satur~y, Sej,temb•r- 21. The plant is located on U. S. Hi,Jivay 24, five mi l•s wea.t pf .'Goodland·, ICaas Open house viaitation by the general public will be all day, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Formal dedication proceedings are scheduled for 10:30 a.m> and 2:30 p.m. pedal ~ided tour for visiting dignitaries will be conducted from 9:00 a~m. until 10:00 a.m. We should like to have you join the · pecial tour and parti­ cipate in either the 10:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. ceremonies, depending on your own preference. If your schedule pend ts, howev T, we would be happy to have you take part in both the mominJ and · afternoon portions of the program. Frontier Airlines erves Goodland from Denver on the west and from Kanaas City, Topeka, Manhattan~ S lina, and Haya on the east. The pre ent schedule from Denver is Flight 452 (except Sunday), leavin~ 8:15 a. m. and arriving 9:04 a.m., and Flight 458, leaving 6:15 p.m. and arriving 7:04 p . m. From Kane a City, Flight 451 leaves at 7:00 a.m. and arrives at 9:11 a.m., while FliF,ht 453 (except Saturday) leaves at 5:30 p.m. and arrives at 7:13 p.m. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, whether you can be present, and, if so, how many will be in your party and how long you can stay. Ple e also adv18e whether we might make aotel reservations for you in r..oodland or hot 1 reservations for you in Denver. the Honorable Gordon L. Allott JUD 12, 1968 Page Two Further details will be a nt to you a soon as our program 1 finalized. We are writing at tbi e rly d te tn the hope that you have not y t made any other comm1 nta for the third weekend in Septuber. Cordially, R.R.
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