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<rongrcssional Record United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 84th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America The letters were ·read by the legislative The certificates of appointment were SENATE clerk <Edward E. Mansur, Jr.), and or ordered to be printed in the RECORD and dered to be placed on file, as follows: placed on file, as follows: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1955 DECEMBER 16, 1954. STATE OF NEBRASKA, The Honorable ROBERT B. CROSBY, EXECUTIVE OFFICE, The 5th day of January being the day Lincoln. prescribed by Public Law 700, 83d Con State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebr. DEAR GOVERNOR CROSBY: I herewith tender To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE gress 2d session, for the meeting of Con UNITED STATES: gress, the 1st session of the 84th Congress. my resignation as United States Senator, ef fective at the close of business, December This is to certify that pursuant to the commenced this day. 31, 1954. power vested in me by the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the State RICHARD M. NIXON, of California,· This is in line with my statement last Vice President of the United States, of Nebraska, I, Robert B. Crosby, the Gov July that if elected to the Senate I would ernor of said State, do hereby appoint CARL called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock cooperate to permit our new Senator to be T. CURTIS, a Senator from said State, to rep meridian. sworn in at an early date so as to assure resent said State in the Senate of the United The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown prior position for him on committees. Si::ates to fill the unexpired term caused by Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, With all good wishes. the resignation of the Honorable Hazel H. offered the following prayer: Sincerely, Abel. HAZEL H. ABEL. Witness: His excellency our Govern·or and God of our fathers in ages past, and our seal hereto affixed at Lincoln, Nebr., this ·God our help in these tumultuous and UNITED STATES SENATE, 17th day of December, in the year of our testing days, before in this forum of a Washington, D. C., December 24, 1954. Lord 1954. people's hope we dare discuss the press Hon. RICHARD M. NIXON, ROBERT B. CROSBY. ing affairs of the Nation and of this torn By the Governor: Vice President of the United States, [SEAL) FRANK MARSH, and tortured world we would first of Capitol Building, Washington, D. C. Secretary Of State. all in reverence and contrition lift our DEAR MR. VICE PREsiDENT: I am enclosing a hearts to Thee whose light alone floods copy of my letter to the Honorable James our life with eternal splendor. In this F. Byrnes, Governor of South Carolina, sub STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, hour of solemn convocation, as citizens mitting my resignation as a United States OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, Senator: This is being made in the interest Columbia, December 24, 1954. of the Republic chosen by the people in To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE this free land convene to open a new vol of our State and for the benefit of my elected UNITED STATES: successor, the Honorable J. STROM THuRMOND. ume of destiny in our Nation's history This is to certify that pursuant to the the few among the many called in a stern It gives me pleasure to also send to you power vested in me by the Constitution of time to weigh vast issues and face my sincere thanks for the magnificent con the United States and the laws of the State tangled problems-may they bring their tribution that you are making for the peace of South Carolina, I, James F. Byrnes, the and prosperity of our great country. Governor of said State, do hereby appoint fallible judgments to Thy wisdom; may I also want to extend to you my apprecia they lean their human limitations upon STROM THURMOND a Senator from said State tion of the many courtesies and the consid to represent said State in the Senate of the the deathless assurance, "The eternal eration you so graciously extended to me dur United ·states until the vacancy therein, God is our refuge, and underneath are ing my service in the Senate. caused by the resignation of Charles E. the everlasting arms." In this day of With warm personal regards, Daniel, is filled as provided by law. beginnings we are conscious of the cloud Sincerely yours, Witness: His excellency our Governor, of witnesses out of heroic yesterdays who CHARLES E. DANIEL. James F. Byrnes, and our seal hereto af.. look down upon us from the sacred fixed at Columbia, this 24th day of Decem spaces beneath the white dome, as the UNITED STATES SENATE, ber, in the year of our Lord 1954. ancient vow is here this day uttered Washington, D. C., December 24, 1954. JAMES F. BYRNES, anew, "So help me God." Hon. JAMES F. BYRNEs, Governor. Governor of South Carolina, By the Governor: Keep before us ever the undimmed 0. FRANK THORNTON, goal of a better world cleansed of its Columbia, S. C. DEAR GOVERNOR: I confirm below my tele• Secretary of State. want, its fetters, and its agony. May we gram to you of even date: be counted by the future as among the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair "I hereby tender my resignation as United also lays before the Senate the certifi builders of a redeemed earth radiant States Senator from South Carolina effec with brotherhood, knowing- cates of election of Senators for unex tive immediately." pired terms. "That's not done by sword or tongue Sincerely yours, CHARLES E. DANIEL. The certificates of election were read, or pen, and ordered to be placed on file, as There's but one way, God make us bet.. follows: ter men." CREDENTIALS CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION, UNITED STATES We ask it in the dear Redeemer's SENATOR name. Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair STATE OF OHIO. lays before the Senate two certificates of TO the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE appointment of Senators. UNITED STATES: RESIGNATIONS FROM THE SENATE Inasmuch as the terms for which these This is to certify that on the 2d day of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair appointments were made have expired, November 1954, GEORGE H. BENDER was duly no action of the Senate is required, and, chosen by the qualified electors of the State lays before ·che Senate two letters of of Ohio a Senator from said State to repre resignation from the United States Sen without objection, the letters and certifi sent said State in the Senate of the United ate, which will be read and placed on cates of appointment will be printed in States for the unexpired term ending on the file. the RECORD and placed on me. 3d day of January 1957. CI--1 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. SENATE 'January 5 Witness: His Excellency our Governor, COMMONWEALTH OF . KENTUCKY, In testimony. whereof, I have hereunto set Frank J. Lausc:he, and our seal hereto afllxed DEPARTMENT OF STATE, my hand and affixed the great seal of the at Columbus, Ohio, this 7th day of Decem· Frankfort. State of Minnesota, at the capitol, in St. ber, in the year of Our Lord 1954. To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE Paul, this 29th day of November, A. D. 1954. FRANK J. LAUSCHE, UNITED STATES: (SEAL] Mrs. MIKE HOLM, Governor. This is to certify that on the 2d day of Secretary of State. By the Governor: November, 1954, ALBEN W. BARKLEY WaS duly (SEAL] TED w. B,ROWN, chosen by the qualified electors of the Com CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION Secretary of State. monwealth of Kentucky a Senator from said STATE OF OKLAHOMA, Commonwealth to represent said Common EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. wealth in the Senate of the United States TO the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, for the term of 6 years, beginning on the UNITED STATES: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 3d day of January 1955. This is to certify that on the 2d day of To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE Witness: His Excellency our Governor November 1954, ROBERT S. KERR was duly UNITED STATES: Lawrence W. Wetherby, and our seal hereto chosen by the qualified electors of the State This is to certify that on the 2d day of affixed at Frankfort, Ky., this 13th day of of Oklahoma a Senator from said State to November 1954, THOMAS H. KUCHEL was duly December, in the year of our Lord 1954. represent said State in the Senate of the chosen by the qualified electors of the State LAWRENCE W. WETHERBY, United States for the term of 6 years, begin of California a Senator from said State to Governor. ning on the 3d day of January 1955. represent said State in the Senate of the By the Governor: In witness whereof, I have hereunto set United States for the term ending on the [SEAL] CHARLES K. O'CONNELL, my hand and caused the great seal of the 3d day of January 1957. Secretary of State. State of Oklahoma to be affixed on this 30th Witness: His Excellency our Governor, day of November 1954. Goodwin J. Knight, and our seal hereto CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION . JOHNSTON MURRAY. afllxed at Sacramento this lOth day of Dec STATE OF NEW JERSEY. By the Governor of the State of Oklahoma: ember, in the year of our Lord 1954. The board of State canvassers hereby de Attest: GOODWIN J. KNIGHT, termines that at a general election held in [SEAL] JOHN D. CONNER·, Governor.