1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 2133 ar-e serving abroad in the Armed Forces of the consideration of their resolution No. 115 with MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE United States, or who are employed abroad reference to the passage of H. R. 2843, pro by the United States Government; to the viding for the investigation in the Territory A message from the House of Repre Committee on the Judiciary. of Hawaii of the conservation, development, sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, its reading and utilization of water resources; to the clerk, announced that the House agreed Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. to the report of the committee of con MEMORIALS 98. By Mr. McDONOUGH: Petition of a ference on the disagreeing votes of the Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo number of citizens of Los Angeles, Calif., two Houses on the amendments of the protesting against any move to extend the rials were presented and referred as fol draft and favoring universal military train· Senate to the bill <H. R. 3053) making , lows: ing; to the Committee on Armed Services. supplemental appropriations for the By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis 99. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, and for lature of the State of Arizona, memorializing Petition of the City Council, Lowell, Mass., other purposes; that the House receded the President and the Congress of the United asking that Congress take action to extend from its disagreement to the amend States relative to their house joint memorial the authorization for the Federal Govern ments of the Senate numbered 2, 6, 8, No.5, requesting the establishment of an ad ment to control rents in Lowell; to the Com· 10, 12, 16, 18, 19,20, 25, 30, 31,32,and42 ditional International Gate at Nogales, mittee ·on Banking and Currency.
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