No. 1140 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1950 Price 28.00 yen

manner and degree of control of the person or RULES AND REGULATIONS persons who virtually control the management of the juridical person or other organization. Foreign Investment Commission Regulation (4) Details of business activity to be com- No.1 menced : January 18, 1950 (a) type of business, (b) organization, (c) trade In accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 name or other name, (d) name and address and 6 of the Cabinet Order concerning Business of representative in Japan, (e) address of Activities of Foreign Nationals (Cabinet Order No. store, office or other place of business, (f) 3 of 1950), the Regulations concerning Business amount of funds required for proposed busi- Activities of Foreign Nationals are established as ness activity and method of acquisition of follows : such funds, (g) whether or not clients are Chairman of Foreign Investment Japanese, and kind of currency to be used in Commission its transaction. AOKI Takayoshi (5) If and when the business activity comes under Article 3 paragraph 2 item (2) of the Regulation concerning Business Activities Order, the qualifications of the applicant con- of Foreign Nationals cerning the said business activity. (Application) (6) Brief personal history of applicant, if and Article 1, Applications for license required under when applicant is a juridical person or organi- Article 5 paragraph 1 of the Cabinet Order con- - zation, brief history and explanation of business cerning Business Activities of Foreign Nationals activities outside Japan. (hereinafter referred to as Order) shall be made (7) Other pertinent data. out in quadruplicate in English and triplicate in (Documents to bs Attached) Japanese; the applications shall demonstrate the Article 2. The undermentioned documents shall be following items, and shall be filed with the attached to the application required under the Foreign Investment Commission through the head, provisions of the preceding Article, the said branch or any other office of the Bank of Japan: documents shall be made out in quadruplicate in (1) The domicile or residence, name or trade English and triplicate in Japanese. However, in nameor any other title, nationality and occupa- the case of documents issued by the Japanese tion of the applicant, and his present status in Government or local public authorities, the Japa- case of a person who has entered Japan by nese text in triplicate shall suffice :, permission of the Supreme Commander for the (1) In case the applicant has been permitted by Allied Powers. the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (2) If and- when the applicant is a juridical to enter Japan or to engage in business activity person or other organization, the location o^ in Japan, documents certifying the said facts. head or%nain office, trade name or any other (2) Such other documents as may be considered title, name of representative, object of enter- necessary by the Foreign Investment Com- prise, date and place of establishment, amount mission. of authorized and paid-in capital or total amount Article 3. The license issued pursuant to the pro- of investment made therein. visions of Article 5 paragraph 2 of the Order (3) If and when the applicant comes under shall consist of one original in English and one Article 2 paragraph 1 item (4) or (5) of the copy in Japanese;*they shall be forwarded to the Cabinet Order concerning the Acquisition of applicant through the head, branch or other office Properties and/or Rights by Foreign Nationals of the Bank of Japan. (Cabinet Order No. 51 of 1949), in addition to Article 4. Persons required to file report of com- the data stipulated in preceding item,^the mencement of business activity pursuant to the nationality of the person or persons who possess provisions"of Article 6 of the Order, shall file a stock or shares, or the nationality and the report in duplicate in English covering the follow- 1- ing items within 30 days from the date of com- provisions concerning "fused superphosphate" and mencement of the business concerned; the said "ammonium chloride" in Art. 1 shall come into < report shall be filed with the Foreign Investment force as from the day to be determined otherwise Commission through the head, branch or other by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. office of the Bank of Japan: (1) Domicile or residence, name, trade name or other title, and nationality of the reporter. NOTIFICATIONS (2) Date of commencement of business activity. (3) Date and serial number of Foreign Invest- Ministry of Finance Notification No. 33 ment Commission license to engage in business activity. January 18, 1950 (4) Other pertinent data. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 Article 5. Persons required to file report of closure and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings of business activity pursuant to the provisions of with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, Article 6 of the Order, sha,ll file a report in etc. of the "Third Fukufuku Time Deposit of the English in duplicate covering the following items Bank of Fukui" shall be determined as follows: within 30 days from the closure of business Minister of Finance activity; the said report shall be filed with the IKEDA Hayato Foreign Investment Commission through the head, 1. Name: Third "Fukufuku" Time Deposit of the branch or other office of the Bank of Japan: Bank of Fukui (1) The data mentioned in items (1) through (3) 2. Conditions : T" of the preceding Article. (1) Term of contract: 6 months (2) Date of closure of business activity. (2) Amount of deposit: ¥1,000 per contract (3) Reasons for closing business activity. (3) Interest: None (4) Other pertinent data. 3. Period for Handling: From January 20, 1950 to Supplementary Provision : February 15, 1950 This Regulations shall come into force as from 4. Premiums: One right of drawing of each round the day of its promulgation. drawing undermentioned shall be given to each contract and 10,000 rights of drawing make one set with the following premiums, MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE provided that the Special is one per 10 sets and is chosen from among the First : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1) The first drawing Ordinance No. 5 Grade Premiums Number of winnings January 18, 1950 Special ¥ 100,000 1 1 Based on the provisions of Art. 1 par. 1 of the First 10,000 * Temporary Demand and Supply Adjustment Law Second 1,000 1 (Law No. 32 of 1946), the Fertilizer Distribution Third 100 10 Regulations (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Fourth 50 100 y Ordinance No. 56 of 1947) shall be partially amended Total 112 as follows : (2) The second drawing Minister of Agriculture and Forestry MORI Kotaro Grade Premiums *-£? In Art. 1 par. 1, "calcium cyanamide, super- Special ¥200,0001 * 2 phosphate, synthetic fertilizer, imported potash" First 10,000 > shall be amended as "super-phosphate, imported Second 1,000 , # 1 potash, mixed fertilizer manufactured there from, Third 100 10 calcium cyanamide, synthetic fertilizer", and -'im- Fourth 50 100 ported pulverized phosphate rock and sweepings of Fifth 15 9,888 these fertilizers (hereinafter referred to as "fertilizer Total. 10,000 sweepings")" shall be amended as "imported pul- 5. Date of Drawing: verized phosphate rock, fused super-phosphate, The first drawing: February 26, 1950 ammonium chloride (excluding one for industry The second drawing: July 8, 1950 use) and sweepings of these fertilizers (hereinafter 6. Starting Date of Payment of Premiums: referred to as "fertilizer sweepings")". The premiums of the first drawing: March Supplementary Provision : 5,1950 This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force The premiums of the second drawing: July as from the day of its promulgation. However, the 15, 1950 -r 2- 7. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Deposit : 2. Conditions: Certificates of deposit shall be designated (1) Term of contract: Three year under the provision of Article 5 pi the Law (2) Amount of savings: ¥300 per contract for Establishment of the Savings with Pre- (3) Interest: None miums and be exempted from stamp duties. 3. Period for Handling: From January 20, 1950 to February 20, 1950 Ministry of Finance Notification No. 34 4. Premiums: One right of drawing shall be given January 18, 1950 to each contract and 1,000 rights of drawing make one set with the following premiums : In accordance with the provisions- of Articles 3 ;and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings Grade Premiums Number of with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, winnings First ¥ 10,000 1 *etc. of the "Kumano Time Savings of the Kago- Second 1 ,000 2 æfshima-ken" shall be determined as follows : Third 100 10 Minister of Finance fourth 50 20 IKEDA Hayato Fifth 28 967 1. Name: "Kumano" Time Savings of the Kago- 1 Total 1,000 shima-ken Date of Drawing: February 25, 1950 :2. Conditions: Starting Date of Payment of Premiums : March (1) Term of contract: One year 1, 1950 (2)" Amount of savings: ¥500 per contract 7. Stamp Duties on Certificates of Savings : (3) Interest: None Certificates of savings shall be designated 3. Period for Handling: From January 20, 1950 to under the provision of Article 5 of the Law ' March 20, 1950 for Establishment of the Savings with Premi- -4. Premiums: One right of drawingshall be given ums and be exempted from stamp duties. to each contract and 10,000 rights of drawing make one set with the following premiums: Ministry of Finance Notification No. 36 Grade Premiums Number of winnings January 18, 1950 Special ¥30,000 1 In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 First 1,000 ' * 7 and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings Second 500 40 with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, Third 200 100 etc. of the ''Fourth Kotobuki Time Deposit of the Fourth 100 300 Bank of 18" shall be determined as follows: Fifth 30 1,000 Minister of Finance Sixth 10 8,552 IKEDA Hayato Total 10,000 ?5. Date of Drawing: April 5, 1950 1. Name: Fourth "Kotobuki" Time Deposit of

Annexed Table Provision relating to thej Detail of expenses Government share in Prevention of Domestic! Remarks proportion of expenses Animal Diseases Law \ (Expenses mentioned in Art. 2 par. 1 item (1)) 1. Expenses for purchasing dis- Full amount of ex- ! Art. 23-(1) item (4) Appropriated in budget infectants penses 2. Travelling expenses for per- ditto Art. 23-(1) items (1) ditto sonnel engaged in epidemic & (2) prevention work

3. Agent fee ditto Proviso to Art. 22-(2) Granting available for par. 1 settled account

4. Expenses for processing and | One half of the ex- j Art. 23-(1) item (3) ditto purchasing sera j penses ; provided that i I full amount payable I for expenses requires for obtaining Cattle- ! plague serum I

(Expenses mentioned in Art. 2 par. 1 item (2) 5. Allowances to appraiser of Full amount of ex- Art. 23-(1) item (8) ditto destroyed animals and refuse penses 6. Travelling expenses for \ ditto Art. 23-(1) item (8) ditto appraiser of destroyed animals j and refuse i

<7 7. Dpoessitnrgo yainllgo waandc esr efuse dis- j ditto A rt. 23-(1) item (7) ditto

8. Subsidy for living cost Oconset third of living A rt. 23-(1) item (6) ditto

FormNo.1, Plan of Works and Facilities for the Prevention of Domestic Animal Epidemics 1. Matter given preference to be exectited in the present fiscal year and the methods to be employed thereto. 2. Program of preventive inoculation and medical examination. jKind of animals < Day s Area under operation [estimate number| Number of Works Period required Names of Number of towns|of animals to be| employees Remarks counties & cities & villages treated requ ired

3. Quantity, unitprice and amount of each kind of disinfectants purchased as well as the gist of program with respect to the uses of each kind of disinfectants. 4. Name list of personnel to be engaged in the preventing works of animal epidemic and list of the domestic animal epidemic committee members as well as quantity, unit price and amount, etc. of travelling expenses and salaries for leaders and supervisors in each occasion and work engaged.

List of Records of Works for the Prevention of Domestic Animal Epidemics 1. Gist of/works specially performed during the present fiscal year for the prevention of domestic animal epidemics. 2. Record of the results of the preventive measures against epidemics.

Name of Kind of Number of injections Number of examina- Number of cases epidemic of preventing medicine tions or inspection of each kind of Remarks animals given certifications given animals

Note: In the column of "Remark" in the above list, technical system of injection employed \ shall be described.

3. Records concerning the postmortem examinations performed.

Date and location of the examination Number of animals Purpose of Opinion on and results Remarks performed in each kind examination of examination


4. Quantity, unit price and amount of expense of each kind of disinfectants purchased and summary on the results of disinfectants utilized for each preventive measures employed. 5. Volume, unit price and amount, etc. of expenses with respect to leader and supervisor engaged and travelling expenses necessary to execute preventive measures for each work performed. 6. Views on the facilities and measures for the prevention of animal epidemics. Form No. 2 Estimate of Receipts and Expenditures (or Statement of Settlement of Accounts of Receipts and Expenditures) Receipts Estimated Estimated Amounts of Amounts Previous Fiscal year Items (or Settled (or Estimated ! Amounts) Amounts)

Government defrayments ¥ Prefectural (To, Do, or Fu) defrayment s Total

Expenditures Estimated Amounts Tof Estimated Balance Amounts Previous Fiscal year Remarks , Items (or Settled (or Estimated A mounts) Amounts) Increase Decrease

Expenses for disinfectants ¥ X Travelling expenses Travelling expenses for epi- demic prevention personnel Travelling expenses for epi- demic prevention commis- sioners Total

Form No. 3 1. ' Detailed Statement of Sera Manufacturing and Purchasing Expenses (1) Statement of Purchasing Sera

Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing Names of Mills of Kinds Quantities Unit Price Expenses Dates Purchased Sera cc| Per 100 cc

(2) Statement of Manufacturing Sera fc:fc^S; ££)

Manufacturing Manufacturing Kinds Quantities Unit Price Expenses Remarks

Per 100 cc

(3) Statement of Serum Manufacturing Expenses Explanatory notes : 1. Particulars of expenses paid for salaries and allowances of full-time technicians (personnel who are exclusively engaged in the manufacturing business and whose pays are defrayed , out of the local go^rnment expenses), expenses for fixtures (not inclusive of expenses for equipment), animal expenses, feedstuff expenses, medicine expenses, nutrient medium ex- penses, consumer goods expenses, packing expenses, wages for workers, and other expenses for manufacture should be mentioned in detail; 2. Closing inventory of supplies (names of articles, quantities, unit prices, amounts, and dates of purchase should be mentioned) should be attached.

g (4) Statement of Sera applied gfc;;;**; -^^ ~^%)

Quantities Received Quantities Applied By Livestock Balance Purchas- Kinds ing or Balancel XXT.,~~U~-N UlilUCX Remarks carried Manu- Total Applied Discarded! Total Descrip- I á" from facturing head Last time [Quantities] cc cc] Average applied quantity per head

Notes: Reasons for discarding should be mentioned in the "Remarks" column.

2. Detailed Statement of Allowances for Appraisers of Slanghtered Animals and Discarded Goods

A p pra isa l ADpaptreasi soafl AP lpapcreasi soafl A pp ra isers N os . Q ua lifi ca - j A d dresses R em a rk s tio n s N am es r

I ・

T o ta l Fp oerrs^o-n s

We hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct in every respect.

Date Prefectural (To, Do, or Fu) Governor, Full Name (Seal)

3. Detailed Statement of Travelling Expenses for Appraisers of Slanghtered Animals' and Discarded Goods '

I T^lUr Appraisal | Dates of Places of Appraisers Re- i Railroad E\r*.^ ! "'lAUYV- | XUttti Nos. 'Appraisal Appraisal Qual ifi- A Fares Fares marks c ddresses Names ations

i For- Total 1 persons

We hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct In every repect.

Date Prefectural (To, Do, or Fu) Governor, Y Full Name (Seal) -10 4. Detailed Statement of Allowances for Slaughtering and Discarding The pro- visions of law in pur- suance of Numbfer A- Dates of which or head JAppraisedjAppraised Ad- j slaughter livestock mounts dresses Appraisal Names of By live- of values of values of of Nos. diseases stock and or dome- of; Names stic fowls slaughter- livestock carcasses allow- owners j appra isal ed are ances slaughter- ed and fdisca rded ¥'


We hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct in every respect. Date Prefectural (To, Do, or Fu) Governor, < Pull Name (Seal)

Form No. 4 Statement of Accounts of Receipts and Expenditures Receipts

Settled Balance Items Estimated Remarks Amounts Amounts Increase I Decrease

¥' Government defrayments Prefectural (To, Do, or Fu) defrayments



I t e m s A S me totul en dt s EA s mt imo u ant et sd I n c r e a s Be a l a in c eD e c r e a s e R e m a r k s

E x ppr eo nx sy e s f o r c a r r y i n g o u t a s

EAT xlraplpanorvewdane ailaspldneniuniscrcsr esgec%cs sa hf roeafdorxsfi roipnn regmag n p asspneelrsaura ufaiasgfceho trtruse rr iainp g-

Grants-in-aid for the living expenses Total

Remarks : Expenses for carrying out as proxy, expenses for manufacturing and purchasing serums, and the grants-in-aid for the living expenses should be applied for by accompanying the State- ment of Business Record and the Statement of Accounts of Receipts and Expenditures re- spectively.

-ll Ministry of Postal Services Notification This examination to be given by the National Per- No.12 sonnel Authority is confirmed under the provision January 18, 1950 of paragraph 8-(2) of the Announcement of the In accordance with the provision of Article 3 of Examination for the Employment of the National the Mail Regulation (Ministry of Communications Public Service Personnel for the fiscal year 1950-51, Ordinance No. 34 of 1947), the following shall be and accordingly shall be in accordance with the added to "a fixed period is provided" in the Minis- National Public Service Examination for the fiscal try of Communications Notification No. 1400 of July, year 1950-51. 1931 (the matters concerning the use of date-stamp 1. Kind of Position: combined with designs and characters) :. Professional Position Sociology Minister of Postal Services 2. Contents of Duties: OZAWA Saeki To take charge of any one of the following: preparation of questionnaire concerning the re- search of public opinion, execution of pre-test, planning of selection and others of the respond- Mie-ken From Jan- ents, field-work of the research of public Isshinda uary 12 to opinion, tabulation of the result thereof, draw- Post Office 18, 1950 ing-up of report concerned, study of public dpinion and research method of the public opinion. 3. Scheduled Number of Persons to be Appoint- ed: About ten persons GOVERNMENT MATTERS 4. Qualifications for Taking Examination : (1) Course of studies pursued and personal MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE career : graduates from universities including AND INDUSTRY those expected to graduate in March, 1950 from universities as provided for in the Japanese Industrial Standards , former University Ordinance. The following standard has been set up by Minis- Remarks : Graduated from universities may ter of International Trade and Industry on Decem- take the examination whatever department ber 23, 1949, through the investigation and deliber- or course or subject of study they have ation of the Japanese Industrial Standards Council : pursued ; (Agency of Industrial Science and Technology) (2) Age: Those who are under full 28 years Japanese Industrial Standards of age on March 31, 1950. Aluminium Circle for Export JES H7102 5. Any person who falls under one of those (Contents abbreviated) enumerated below shall be disqualified for this (Remarks) examination : 1. The contents are available for perusal at (1) Any person who falls under any one of Agency of Industrial Science and Technology or the items as prescribed in the provision of y Local Branch Office of Regional Bureau of Inter- Article 38 of the National Public Service Law; national Trade and Industry. (2) Any person who falls under the provision 2. Rolled Aluminium Circle (JES Export 44) in of Imperial Ordinance concerning the Remov- the body of i'Examining Regulations for Rolled al and Exclusion and Others from Public Aluminium Materials (JES Export 134)" shall Service (Imperial Ordinance No. 1 of 1947). read for "JES H 7102". 6. Date, Place, Method and Announcement of Examination : (1) The first examination (written examina- PUBLIC NOTICE tion) : (a) Date: February 12, 1950 PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE (b) Place: Tokyo: , Announcement of Examination for the Tokyo University, Tokyo-To Kyoto : Employment of Personnel of National Kyoto University, Kyoto-shi Sendai : Public Opinion Research Institute Tohoku University, Sendai-shi Kyushu : Kyushu University, Fukuoka-shi Chief of Personnel Section of the (c) Extent of examination: Prime Minister's Office Secretariat Examination in knowledge concerning soci- No. 5, San-nen-cho, Chiyoda-ku, ology and intellectual faculty in general. Y Tokyo-To (2) The second examination: 12- The second examination shall be given to mura's Style Cableway Co., Ltd.), No. 5-1, Gofuku- those who have passed to first examination: bashi 3-chome, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, has > (a) Date of examination: The date shallbe applied for registration of preservation of owner- reported to the successful candidates at the ship of the land, building, machinery and imple- . same time with.the announcement of the ments belonging to the said company's Sumida result of the first examination. Factory, located at No. 34, 7-chome, Minami-suna- (b) Place of examination: machi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, for the purpose of creating The National Public Opinion Research In- a factory foundation, ^ny person who has a claim; stitute No. 5, San-nen-cho, Chiyoda-ku, over the movable property that is to be included Tokyo-To. in the said factory foundation or any creditor of (c) Extent of examination: seizure, provisional seizure or provisional disposition Character test and physical examination thereof shall file his or he& claim with this Office necessary for interviewer. within 32 days from the day of publication of this (d) Announcement of successful candidates : notice. Names of successful candidates shall be The inventory of the said factory foundation is posted up at the office of the National available at this Office for the inspection of the- Public Opinion Research Institute about the interested parties. middle of March, 1950, and besides they Sumida Branch, shall be notified by telegram individually. Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau 7. How to make Application: *< The following documents shall be presented to January 18, 1950 ttie Personnel Section, Prime Minister's Office Whereas, Nasu Aluminium Factory Co., Ltd., No. Secretariat (No. 5, San-nen-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 589, Hirainaka-machi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, has Tokyo-Tb) so that they may reach the destina- applied for registration of preservation of owner- tion by February 5, 1950 : ship of the land, building, structures, machinery, (a) Personal history implements, etc., belonging to the's The place of examination being mentioned in factory located at No. 589-2, Hirainaka-machi, the the margin of the document in red ink. Be- same-ward, for the purpose of creating a factory sides "furigana" shall surely be attached to foundation, any person who has a claim over the the name of the applicant. movable property that is to be included in the said (b) Certificate of students' records at the factory foundation or any creditor of seizure, pro- university concerned. visional seizure or provisional disposition thereof (c) A half-length photograph with no hat on shall file his or her claim with this Office within 32 newly taken. days from the day of publication of this notice. 8. Treatment and Service pface of the success- The inventory of the said factory foundation is ful candidates : available at this Office for the inspection of the- (a) Technical official of the Prime Minister's interested parties. Office (Scheduled) Katsushika Branch, (b) Sixth grade (according to the wage stand- Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau T ard for the government personnel) (c) To be engaged in the service of the National Public Opinion Research Institute. January 18, 1950 Remarks : * Whereas, Fukutomi Seishi Kabushiki Kaisha, No.. 1. A candidate shall present himself at the 403, Harada, Harada-mura, Fuji-gun, Shizuoka-ken, university desired on the day by 9 a.m. has applied for registration of preservation of 2. A candidates shall bring with him a foun- ownership of the land, building, machinery, imple- •E tain-pen, pen and ink, and lunch (midday meal) ments and structures, etc. belonging to the Harada 3. About written examination Plant of the said company located at No. 1147, of (1) Morning the* same address, for the purpose of creating a Examination in knowledge of sociology factory foundation, any person who has a claim 2 hours. over the movable property that is to be included in (2) Afternoon the said factory foundation or any creditor of sei- Intellectual faculty in general 2 hours. zure, provisional seizure or provisional disposition thereof shall file his or her claim with this Office ATTQKNEY-GENERAL'S OFFICE within 32 days from the day of publication of this notice. Factory Foundation The inventory of the^sdid factory foundation is January 18, 1950 available at this Office for the inspection of the Whereas, Tamamura-shiki Sakudo K.K. (Tama- interested parties. -13 Yoshiwara Branch Bureau, two days of publication of this notice. Shizuoka District Legal Affairs Bureau The inventory of the said foundation is available at this Office for the inspection of the interested T January 18, 1950 parties. Whereas, Kisha Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha, No. 2-1, Kaitaichi Branch, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, has ap- Legal Affairs Bureau plied for registration of preservation of ownership of the land, buildings, structures, machinery, imple- January 18, 1950 Whereas Nitto Boseki Kabushiki Kaisha (The ments, etc. belonging to the Company's Osaka Works located at No. 406, Shimaya-cho, Konohana- Nitto Spinning Co., Ltd.), No. 1, Aza Higashi, Oaza ku, Osaka, for the purpose of creating a factory Gonome, -shi, has applied for registration foundation any person who has any claim over the of preservation of ownership of the land, structures, movable property that is to be included in the said machinery and implements, etc. belonging to the Fukuyama Factory of the said Company, located at foundation, or any creditor of seizure, provisional seizure or provisional disposition of the above- No. 1, Aza Shioshima, Oaza Fukuhara, Fukuyama- mentioned property shall file his claim with this machi, Asaka-gun, Fukushima-ken, for the purpose Office within thirty two days from the day of this of creating a factory foundation, ijany person who notice. has a claim over the movable property that is to The inventory of the said foundation is available be included in the said foundation or any creditor at this Office for the inspection at the interested of seizure provisional seizure or provisional disposi- parties. tion shall file his claim with this Office within Osaka Legal Affairs Bureau thirty-two days from the day of publication of this notice. The inventory of the said foundation is available January 18, 1950 at this Office for the inspection of the interested Whereas Toyo Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, No. 6047, parties. Shinchi, Fuchu-machi, Aki-gun, Hiroshima-ken, has Koriyama Branch, applied for registration of preservation of owner- Fukushima District Legal Affairs Bureau ship of land, building, structures, machinery and implement belonging to the Plant of the Toyo Kogyo Mining Foundation Kabushiki Kaisha located at No. 174-16, Aza Aosaki, January 18, 1950 Niho-machi, Hiroshima-shi, for the purpose of Whereas Toho Aen Kabushiki Kaisha, No. 2-1, 1- .creating a factory foundation, any person who has chome, Kanda, Kaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, has claim over the movable property that is to be in- applied for registration of preservation of owner- cluded in the aforesaid foundation or any creditor ship of mining right, land, building, machinery and of seizure, provisional seizure or provisional dis- implements, belonging to the Toho Aen Kabushild position of the abovementioned property shall file Kaisha located at Sasu-mura, Shimo-agata-gun, his claim with this Office within 32 days from the Nagasaki-ken, for the purpose of creating a mining *day of publication of this notice. foundation, any person who has a claim over the l^he inventory of the said foundation is available movable property that is to be included in the •Eat this Office for the inspection of the interested aforesaid foundation or any creditor of seizure, pro- parties. visional seizure or provisional disposition of the Hiroshima Legal Affairs Bureau abovementioned property shall file his claim with this Office within 32 days from the day of publica- January 18, 1950' tion of this notice. Whereas Toyo Kogyo K.K. located at No. 6047, The inventory of the said foundation is available _Aza Shinchi, Fuchu-machi, Aki-gun, Hiroshima-ken at this Office for the inspection of the interested has applied for registration of preservation of parties. ownership of the land, buildings, structures, machin- Itsuhara Branch, ery and implements' belonging to the plant of Toyo Nagasaki District Legal Affairs Bureau Kogyo K.K. located at Nos. 604^ 6046, "6047, 6048, 6049, 6051, 6052, Aza Shinchi, Nos. 5570-1, 5570-2, Fishery Foundation .5571-1, 5572-2, 5567-1, 5566-1, 5565-3, Aza Aosaki, January 18, 1950 Fuchu-machi, Aki-gun, Hiroshima-ken, for the pur- Whereas Showa Gyogyo K.K. located at No. 115- pose of creating a factory foundation, any person 1, Shiro-no-koshi, Yaizu-machi, Shida-gun, Shizuoka- who has a claim over the movable property that is ken has applied for registration of preservation of to be included in the aforesaid foundation or any ownership of the sailing ships Watatsumi-maru and -creditor of seizure, provisional seizure or provision- Shirasagi-maru whose ports of registry are at al disposition of the abovementioned property shall Yaizu-machi, and equipments, machinery, imple- rfile his or her claim with this Office within thirty- ments, riggings belonging to the said ships, for the i -14- purpose of creating a fishery foundation, any person Hojin Tokyo Shin-yo Hosho Kyokai) was dissolved who has a claim over the movable property that on Nov. 2, 1949, and on the same day the under- > is to be included in the aforesaid foundation or any mentioned association succeeded the entire debts creditor of seizure, provisional seizure or provision- and credits of the said association. Accordingly, any al disposition of the abovementioned property shall creditor who has not received any notice about file his claim, with this Office within thirty-two days the said decision is requested to notify the asso- from the day publication of this notice. ciation to that effect within two months from the The inventory of the said foundation is available day following publication of the first notice. at this Office for the inspection of the interested In case of failure to do so within the aforesaid parties. period, his claim shall be excluded from the liqui- Yaizu Branch, dation. Shizuoka District Legal Affairs Bureau Zaidan Hojin Tokyo Shin-yo Hosho Kyokai (Tokyo Credit Security Association, MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION Juridical Person) Liquidator : Takashi Tanaka The Registration of Establishment of No. 5-1, 2-chome, Shiba Tamura-cho, a Railway Mortgage Minato-ku, Tokyo January 18, 1950 As the authorization Had been granted to establish Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) a mortgage to the railway estate, owned by Shin- January 5, 1950 Keisei Dentetsu K.K. notificated in the Official Gazette Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' No. 6751 of July 16, 1949, the establishment of the -< general meeting held on Dec. 20, 1949, it was decid- railway mortgage of the first order was registered in ed that the undermentioned company should be dis- accordance with the application of the parties con- solved. cerned on December 14, 1949. Any creditor to this company who fails to notify The above is notified here according to Article 36 the company to that effect within two months from of the Railway Mortgage Law. the day of publication of the first notice shall be Ministry of Transportation excluded from the liquidation. January 18, 1950 Tokyo Koto Mokuzai K.K. As the authorization had been granted to establish Liquidators : Makoto Ito a mortgage to the railway estate, owned by Seibu Tatsuzo Yamamoto Railway Co., Ltd. notificated in the Official Gazette No. 2, Fukagawa Fuyuki-cho, Koto-ku, No. 6838 of October 27, 1949 and No. 6851 of Nov- Tokyo ember 12, 1949, the establishment of the railway mortgage of the first order was registered in accord- Notice re Dissolution (2nd Notice) ance with the application of the parties concerned January 10, 1950 on December 19, 1949. Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned The above is notified here according to Article 36 association was dissolved on Dec./26, 1949, in ac- of the Railway Mortgage Law. cordance with the decision made at the general Ministry of Transportation meeting. Accordingly, the creditors to this asso- ciation are requested to notify the association of January 18, 1950 their claims within two months from the day of As the authorization had been granted to estab- publication of the first notice. lish a mortgage to the railway estate, owned by Failing any claim to be submitted within the said Tomo Railway Co., Ltd. notificated in the Official period, it shall be excluded from the liquidation. Gazette No. 6807 of September 20, 1949, the estab- Hosho Sekinin -ken En-gyo Kumiai lishment of the railway mortgage of the first order Rengokai was registered in accordance with the application (Limited by Guarantee of the parties concerned on November 2, 1949. Okayama Prefectural Salt -Business The above is notified here according to Article 36 Association Federation) of the Railway mortgage Law. Liquidator: Jin Aoi Ministry of Transportation No. 309, Shimo-ishii, Okayama-shi, Okayama-ken COMPANIES AND OTHERS Dissolution Notice (3rd Notice) Notice re Dissolution (3rd Notice) January 18, 1950 December 10, 1949 •ENotice is hereby given that Tokyo Credit Security Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders' Association, Corporate Juridical Person (Shadan extraordinary general meeting held on November 30, -15- 1949, it was decided that the undermentioned com- succeed te all the rights and duties of the latter pany should be dissolved. which is to be dissolved on the effectuation of the >r Any creditor to the^company who fails to notify said amalgamation. the company to that effect within two months from In this connection, any creditor who has objection the day of publication of the first notice shall be to the above decision is requested to report to that excluded from the liquidation. effect to the company concerned within two months Niimi Boshoku Kabushiki Kaisha from the day of publication of this notice. Liquidator : Kojiro Ichikawa K.K. Kyoto Nishikawa No. 30, Takashi, Ishizuka-machi, No. 385, Kotake-cho, Kawara-machi-dori, Toyohashi-shi Matsubara-agaru, Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto Kyonishi K.K. Notice re Dissolution (1st Notice) Address: ditto January 18, 1950 Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Notice re Amalgamation company was dissolved at the extraordinary general December 27, 1949 meeting held on Dec. 5, 1949. Accordingly, the Notice is hereby given that at the stockholders" creditors to this company are requested to report general meetings of the undermentioned companies their claims within two months from the day fol- respectively held on Dec. 26, 1949, it was decided lowing publication of this notice. that Okura Shuzo K.K. should be merged withK.K. Failing any claim to be submitted within the Kasagi-ya and K.K. Daiichi-ya and the former con- aforesaid period, it shall be excluded from the tinue to exist succeeding to all the rights and duties liquidation. of the latter two companies which are to be dis- Rubu Seibu Hambai K.K. ' solved on the effectuation of the said amalgamation. Liquidator : Tetsusaburo Kinoshita In this connection, any creditor who has objection No. 279, Bantoya-cho, Muro-machi-dori, to the above merger is requested to report to that Gojo-agaru, Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto effect to the company concerned within two months , from the day following publication of this notice. Notice re Amalgamation of Companies Okura Shuzo K.K. No. 247, Minami-harna-cho, Fushimi-ku, December 31, 1949 Kyoto Notice is hereby given in accordance with thepro- K.K. Kasagi-ya visions of the Commercial Code that at the stock- No. 194, Chigiri-ya^cho, Rokkaku-dori, holders* general meetings of the undermentioned com- I Higashi-no-toin, Higashi-iru, Nakakyo-ku^, panies respectively held on Dec. 31, 1949, it has been Kyoto decided that K.K. Kyoto Nishikawa should be K.K. Daiichi-ya merged with Kyonishi Sangyo K.K. and the former No. 10, Nada-ldta-dori, Nada-ku, Kobe
