The Japan Trading Guidance, 1920
OF THE IB^t-K UNIVERSITY FOUNDED 1862. Masuda Trading Co., LIMI Trade Mark P.O. Box 68 Codes Gsed : fl.B.C. 5th Edition Improved, fll, Scott's, General Cable Rddress: Western Union, Bentley's, " Masumasu " Liever's 5 letters, Okay, Zebra, Schofield's, Yokohama. and Private Codes. HCAD OPPICE : 68 & 69 Shkhome Honcho, Yohohomo, jopon. Branches & Agencies : TOKYO, KOBE, OSAKA, NAGOYA, OTARO, SHIMONOSEKI, NABA, TAI- NAN, FGSAN, DAIREN, SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN, HANKOW, TSINGTAO, SINGAPORE, CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, VLADIYOSTOCK, SYDNEY, MEL- BOURN, SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO, NEW YORK Sc LONDON. GENERAL EXPORTERS & IMPORTERS. SHIPPING BROKERS & SHIP OWNERS Principal Exports : Principal Imxtorts ; Timber, Sulphur, Raw and Refined Sugar, Raw Sugar, Wheat and otJier Grains, Wheat Rice, Barley, Oats and other Grains & Seeds, Flour, Beancake, Beans and ot/ter Cereals, Beans, Peas, Maize Wheat Flour, Potato Lead Ore, Zinc Ore and Concentrates, Copper Starch. Clietnicals, Superphosphates, Beancakes, Ore, Nickel Ore, Lead, Iron and Steel, Tin Vegetable and Fish Oils, Menthol, Tintied Sal- and Tinsoldc7' ; Sulphate of Ammonia, Nitrate mon & Crab, Coal, Manganese Ore, Graphite, of Soda and other Fertilizers, Chemicals, Wood- Wolframite, Copper, Copper Wire, Antimony Hides and Skins, Tallow, Wool- Regidus, Spelter, Zinc Dust, Ferro-Alloys, In- pidp. Hops, and Razv stdaters. Electrical, Machinery and Instruments yarn Tops, Bonemeal, Rape-cake, Gas Pittings. Porcelain, Portland Cement, Toys, Cotton, Indigo, Orange-sliellac, Resin, Glue, Rubber Goods, Silk and Cotton Goods Glass- Gelatine, Teak, Pine, Tapioca, Sago, Hessian ware, Press Studs, Pearl Buttons, Vienna and Gunnybags, Rattan and Mat, Rubber, Acetic Clmirs, Pencils, Antimony Wares, Acid, Caustic Soda, Carbonate oj Soda, Soda Ash, Sulphuric Acid, etc., etc.
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