United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,871,835 Aviv Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,871,835 Aviv et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 3, 1989 54 ANALOGS OF HGH HAVING Lewis et al., Biochem. Biophys, Res. Comm., 92(2), 1980, ANTAGONISTIC ACTIVITY, AND USES pp. 511-516. THEREOF DeGeeter, CA, vol. 99, 1983, #157232u. Russell et al., JBC, 256, 1981, pp. 296-300. (75) Inventors: Haim Aviv; Marian Gorecki, both of Lewis et al., JBC, 253(8), 1978, pp. 2679-2687. Rehovot; Avigdor Levanon, Netania; Goeddel et al., Nature, 281, 1979, pp. 544-548. Amos Oppenheim, Jerusalem; Tikva Seebury et al., Nature, 276, 1978, pp. 795-798. Vogel, Rehovot; Pinhas E. Zeelon, Ross et al., Hormone Design, 1982, pp. 313-318. Hashiva; Menachen Zeevi, Ramat Arieh Gertler et al., Endocrinology, 116(4): 1636-1644 Gan, all of Israel (1985). Alejandro C. Paladini et al., CRC Critical Reviews in 73) Assignee: Bio-Technology General Corp., New Biochemistry, 15(1): 25-56. York, N.Y. Primary Examiner-J. R. Brown 21 Appl. No.: 691,230 Assistant Examiner-Garnette D. Draper Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John P. White 22 Filed: Jan. 14, 1985 57 ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data Analogs of hCGH having the activity of naturally occur ring hCH and a similar amino acid sequence varying 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 514,188, Jul. 15, 1983. from the sequence of natural hCGh by the addition of one or more amino acids, e.g. methione or methionine-leu 511 Int. Cl." .............................................. CO7K 13/00 cine, to the N-terminus of natural hCGH have been pro 52 U.S.
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