No. 307 MARCH 1970 IRISHMEN ALIENS THREAT SONIC BOOM OVER WE ARE NOT INTIMIDATED IRISH TERRITORY What was Enoch Powell, the Tory Party's one perfect specimen of the genus pterodactyl, doing in Enniskillen? BUT ENGLAND HAS QUIET Not catching flies. Smelling out the ground for one of the most THE English imperialists are displaying once more their sinister plots in modern history. ' arrogant contempt for the small nations they have The plot to detach the six the Control of Employment Act, robbed and plundered through the centuries. We have some very foolish men counties finally from Ireland the way Powell wants it is that who do not understand that if they Their huge "Concorde" which Thus are the loyalists of Ulster and make it a part of England ; a Dublin man would have no stood up and fought imperialism the English Minister for Trade rewarded by their masters. Of permanent annexation. more rights than a German or and big business it would rally the course, the English imperialists a Frenchman in his own Irish people. as good as admits will not earn This was the real meaning of have no more concern for them country. The Irish people will not tolerate a penny, and would never have than for a dog on a string. his speech. The talk about permament annexation of six Irish been built if the Government making Irishmen jn England This would be vital to the plan to counties. And the occupation has was able to do simple arith- into aliens was selected by the merge the administration of the six gone on far too long. counties in with England. metic, is to go on a three-year Loyalists English newspapers for special emphasis. test programme over the Irish " To Westminster Ian Paisley is What put the idea into Powell's head? Sea. a "Paddy" like the rest of us. N.I. LABOUR ALIENS the booms get going the We can only speculate. The idea The nerve-shattering and physi- fine church will come But it was a secondary mat- of the English take-over and doing SUICIDE" cally destructive booms will bemade Sit.tf it was a "Papist" ter. The real .^oint was that away with Stormont, was first over every Celtic vm^^^O^E' whereas at presertt a citizen of voiced t>? Wra-ieft elements,, UICIDP' is how the "Irish Scotland, Ireland, Man, Wales and the Republic is not an alien in during > some of the civil, rights S Socialist" describes til* deci- Isn't it time the Irish people woke, disturbances. They were "young lb- Brittany. the six counties, even though sion of the six county Labour Party up, and stood together against the experienced people. constant invasion of our way of life he has a longer residence quali- to apply Tor a merger with the There will not be so much as a British Labour Party. by the imperial scoundrels across fication for voting than an LABOUR pop over any part of England. Englishman, and is subject to the channel? It was then taken up by some of Furious anger welled up at the the more anti-national figures in recent Irish Labour Party Confer Insolent the Irish Labour Party, men who ence in Dublin, when Michael It is being suggested that the had never shown the slightest In- O'Leary, T.D„ told merger n tan Harry Nicholas, of London Just what Celtic peoples are being experi- terest in Civil Rights, but it hit the headlines. he thought of the proposal. mented with, to see how much pro- From there it spread to soipe The decision has been given a new test there will be. It is to be hoped members of the Campaign for turn by Mr. Enoch PeweWs apewh i here will be plenty. Democracy in Ulster, who voiced it in EnniskillM. It is Pilar thMlbore But a further piece of imperial m^mmmmmmmm^mmmmmmrn^ has been a well laid plat to annex discrimination Is that insurance "Ariamh tmall ba t the six counties pirmawntly to companies are being allowed to re- na huascdeme oraistigh, ata England, and the ground has been lathair ag troid chun a ardchean- well prepared with a won! here and fuse to pay for damage caused by a word there. these aerial explosions. nais a shabhail, diultu na cearta sibhialta coitianta do mhuintir The British Government is refus- What is the purpose of the crazy na hEireann." ing to enforce a democratic system exercise? Is it the bribe paid to —Seamus O Conghaile. of administration, if, as a result ot France to let England into the this refusal there is civil war, then they will blame the I risk and play Common Market, to the great pro- strongly at one of the joint con- the trick they have up their i fit of the big bloated monopolists, ferences of Irish organisations. Now the real meaning of the pro- —total annexation. and the ruin of the lower paid posal Is olear. For the Toryest Tory workers whose food prices will go has seized it and raised it among up by 25 per cent? his collection of patchwork ban- OFF TO DUBLIN ners. When England has got into the U/EllE off to Dublin hi the The proposal to incorporate the ^ red, in the red. Common Market, the Concorde may six counties into England would be quietly forgotten all about, and mean that if (and heaven forbid) And why ? the Governments may well buy Ireland were to follow England into Because after that splendid Americans as they so often do. the Common Market, signing the contribution of £65 for damnry Treaty of Rome, it would mean the IRISH DEMOCRAT de- giving up all claim to have the six velopment fund hat jnppii Tyranny counties in a United Ireland. away down to disaster level. Only £9 17s. 6d., and we need But in the meantime they will WILD TALK £50. have done away with the National The wild talk of making Irishmen I hear that there havo been Parliaments, they will have done aliens is simply to throw dust in rumours that th* DEMOCRAT •'way with local government. The people's eyes while the real plot un- was to be the subjoot of a Peoples of these islands will be fast folds. "merger" or a "take-over." prisoners in the greatest economic It is partly intimidation. "Look Nothing is farther from the •Hid military tyranny since the what we can do to you if you don't truth. agree." Itoman Empire. But if we don't get the sub- And, one may ask, who is respon- scriptions there'll bo nothing left In case you hope that Dublin will sible for the dynamite gangs to merge. So here's hoping for ' < ape, note this. It is admitted crossing the border and causing ex- Marsh. 'hat the booms will affect Glasgow plosions in Dublin, Klldare and . Donegal? Is this to pressure the Our warm thanks to: F. Mc- ""(1 the Isle of Man. That means Carthy £t, M. J. Hargaden 4s, h, Republic? ' 'V will affect Dublin. The Irish people are entitled to re- Mr. and Mrs. MoOarthney Its. 1 ihere a government at Leinster quest the British Government to Blackburn Socialist £1, In memory of iloseph Gulnan £1, 8. ""Use or a brood of sucking doves? prevent British-occupied territory being used as a |umping-off ground Sevltt £1 5s., T. Lawlor Its., P. And as for Belfast, Belfast is the lor military piraoy against them. Oronin 10s., Miscellaneous small ""'•v 'urge city In these islands What is It we have in Leinster donations £1 16s. 6d. Totei I'lumb in the middle of the track. House? £9 17s. 6d. March 1970 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT March 1970 2 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT COMMENT AND OPINIONS

BADGE RE-ISSUED OVERSEAS Biodh se s oileir go seas arm IRELAND JAMES CONNOLLY STRIKES? lucht oibre na hEireanrt ar son H E picture shows Mrs. Susan aontachf na hEireann. T Redmond holding a draw- WHAT TRADE UNIONISM IS ABOUT •—Seaman O Conghaile. ing of the design of the James FIDDLING HE employers and certain rene- right of dismissal. He controls the Connolly badge. T gades within the Labour move- actual process of production. He MALAYAN The drawing was made by takes alt the policy decisions. He is SPLITS ment are hopping mad about the Mr. Columba Longmore of Dun sure of' the wholehearted support strike threats which have barst Laoghaire. of the sycophantic Press, of tele- HERE must be something radi- The first thousand of the new wide open 's low wage vision and radio. WITH WORLD T cally wrong somewhere when issue are now available and policies. ELDORADO there is a split in the Republican can be obtained from the office Did you EVER hear it said on movement one month and a split in By preventing workers and man- of the Connolly Association at any o. the news media that the IMPERIALISM is dead we are the Civil Rights movement the agers bargaining it out, all the 283 Grays Inn Road, London, workers were hard-up and needed a 1 often told. next. W.C.1. Governimnt did was to hotdbaek good rise? PEACE the pressure till there was an explo- Somebody must have been work- The badge shows the head But if it is, what is Defence sion. The men had to strike. They Against this the individual worker ing in the wrong way. Somebody of Connolly with the words Minister Denis Healy doing James Connolly 1868-1916. The were forced to by the prices and is powerless. All over the country must have been acting on philo- sending more troops to Malay- head is in gilt, with the letter- incomes policy. And in the process in unorganised trades there are WORLD COMMENTARY sophical principles which do not ing in gilt on a green back- they showed what a good weapon workers who are In truth powerless. sia ? stand up to scientific scrutiny. the strike is. ground. Size 1in. diameter with The only strength the workers Well maybe these facts will BY PATRICK DEVINE It is very much to be hoped that the lettering in gilt on a green have to oppose to the employer is Why are strikes necessary and in- tielp to make things clear. the leading sections of the Irish background. Size lin. diameter the strength of numbers. It is or- evitable? democratic movement will do some with brooch attachment. ganisation that makes numbers The total value of British in- Isn't it time people stopped fiddling with the most dangerous For the simple reason that the hard thinking, for to be frank, it Price now 3/- (owing to in- effective. vestments in Singapore and creased costs) but supplies over employer and the worker do not bar- menace to world peace existing at the moment ? should not have been hard to see Malaysia is £700 million. one dozen at 2s. 3d. each. gain on equal terms. The employer This is what trade unionism is all the direction in which things were has the personal security and the about. moving and the result that was These earn the investors a The Jewish people suffered dreadfully. It was natural going to be obtained. total of £115 million a year. GERMANY to feel that until they had a "national home" they would RE the two German states For a basic error was being com- In Malaysia £225 million is never be safe from . mitted. That error, which can (per- invested in rubber, and £150 A unfreezing their relations? This may happen 4n 1970. haps inaccurately) be termed million in mining. "Fanonism", is to act as if the Herr Walter Ulbricht of the The imperialists provided the ruling class have been prepared to actually existing class organisations German Demooratic Republic "national home"—just where the do Britain and America's dirty In Singapore there is £140 of the workers are corrupt and can EVERYBODY has seen the gineering Union at a very youth- Democrat" nearly twenty years ago. has wiritten to Herr Gustav oil pipelines run by the Suez work for them. million mostly in petroleum. therefore be disregarded. J spidermen at work, stalking ful-looking 55, told me that seven It is amusing when you hear Heinemann, of the German Canal. And just when the There is no doubt who the ag- out of his committee of ten in the ignoramuses like Enoch Powell So now we know what the Federal Republic, suggesting Arabs were thinking of na- gressor is. The United Nations has nonchalantly along a girder AKE the North for instance. The Manchester branch are Irish. moaning about all the Irish in telescope ? troops are going to protect. And mutual recognition. tional independence and social- told Israel to get back within its inches wide, tools in hand, fifty England. The Manchester spider- 1967 frontiers. But the constant T thing that made the struggle feet in the air, possibly over a we also know imp'erialism is The pact of September 20th, ism. There is Michael Rabbitt, Gal- men built most of the largish ob- THERE WERE IRISHMEN ON THE JOB raids and attacks on freedom fight- for civil rights more than one of river of icy water. not dead after all. 1955, restoring sovereignty to PRESENCE the demands of the nationalist wayman, who sells the 'Irish jects you see round the area. For the Democratic Republic leaves ters show that though the hand is Democrat" around Wythenshawe. example Joddrell Bank telescope, —BUT NO TORY SHADOW MINISTERS For years the presence of the the hand of Israel, the voice is party was the conference called toy The nerve those fellows must the state quite free to deal with the Belfast Trades Council. It was There is Joe M«Cruddon, normally the hyge Runcorn railway bridge, the Federal Republic. planted alongside the Arabs the voice of United States imperi- have! in Manchester but' at present in Thelwell Bridge, the vast Shell was an excuse for a "Western pre- then that Catholic and Protestant The position of the Federal alism. Holyhead, a Belfast man and a Chemical plant at Carrington. sence" in the Eastern Mediterra- workers came together for the first They are used to it, no doubt, Republic is not, however, quite It is time the peoples called a staunch Connolly supporter. Then nean. halt to it. It could lead to world time to discuss freedom and but it would take a bit to use Then there was Barton Bridge so clear. there are such names as John Since then men among Israel's war. equality. A splendid thing. most of us to it. Keeney, Denis Maher, W. Maher where four men were killed. And they da have accidents, too and A. Mahon. You can just imagine Enoch tak- —one of the highest accident rates ing his coat off and rolling up his EDITORIAL in all-industry. You'd hardly take them to be sleeves and handling a few ton Baits or Fijians! girders. Worse than that, if he E is at it again—the Greek A great number of them are Irish. » wanted a job in the Manchester scholar who has become a Inevitably the attempt was made H to disrupt that unity, or to render For example, Wilf Charles, him- area he'd have to join the union pace-setter for the return to power the whole thing innocuous. self walking the plank for 22 years, like everybody else. It would be of the rottenest sections of the amt now North-western Divisional no use saying the creek word for English EstaMisttmerit. PETITION The task of maintaining unity organiser of the Constructional Erv "not bloody likely." and advancing at the same time First Enoch Powell attacked the HILE I was in Wilf's office— called for great flexibility and re- coloured immigrants and their We, the undersigned, residents of Great Britain, W I hope I give no secrets away sourcefulness. The vital strength of families. Yet they have a right to —a 'phone call came through that Unionism was being challenged—its be here as they are British citizens. monopoly of the minds of the Pro- labour-only men were being brought being over 18 years of age, hereby request the Prime LETTER testant workers. And naturally on a hundred per cent union job. Messrs. Heath and Hogg fnade Paisley was the weapon used in Tell them, says Wilf, if there's any feeble attempts to disagree with Minister of Great Britain to secure the introduction defence of that monopoly. As sure of that the job stops at once. ' A,. CHARA,—It strikes me- that the him then. But Tory policy has un- as the civil rights movement could XX' 1,-ish Dan Labour Party is, on doubtedly been influenced and it For labour-only is a boss's trick be represented as THREATENING a slippery slope again. Recently, would seem with considerable effect. in the Westminster Parliament of a Bill of Rights to undermine trade unionism. the Protestants, the tenuous unity when Mr. Neil Blaney, the Minister secured by the trade unionists was Powell's latest ploy is to demand fo^ASrtcutture, stated that owing *to The good trade unionism has for , which " will so amend the in danger. Unity through the work- that 26 county Irishmen shall be the murderous attacks on our citii. done for the spidermen can be ing class movement was the ark of declared foreigners. It must be to zeis in the Nwth, fororcoaWtfnot judged by the changed conditions the Covenant, or iffould have been v clear Britain of their sinister in- Government of Ireland Act (1920) as to write into the be ruled > out Dr. Cruise O'BfWh's of the past ten years. In 1960, the regarded as such. rewtioo was to bring the matter up standard rate was 5/- an hour. Now fluence. in<*tt&Dail to chastise Mr. Bteynoy it is 10s. 9d. an hour. But irt addi- constitution of Northern Ireland the guarantee of a UT who can deny that it was add then run to Belfast tttesanie tion to that the union has nego- B lost? Who can deny that the week stating that Mr. Blayney tiated bonus payments and other JODDRELL BANK army was taken away ahead of its should resign or that the Tadiseach EDDIE MARSDEN concessions that are worth as much "Muineadh don Chaitleach CENTRAL standard of civil liberty not lower than that obtaining base, the front line troops thrown should remove him from office. again. RADIO-TELESCOPE Eireannach a chreidiuint da into battle when the reserves were not even in sight? Sttch a cowardly statement from iri^HE official take-home pay for ndioladh se a thir nach mbeadk in the remainder of the United Kingdom, and through r LONDON a public man! Was he trying1 to ' PHE Manchester branch is indeed J- a spiderman for a 41-hour se ina sclabhai feasta." full of Irishmen. It is the week is £37 12sh. week; no matter how bad the wea- The young people of the left appease the drunken Orange- mobs —J. Philpot Curran ar the establishment of democracy make possible peace- realised this position but tried to in Belfast? Anyhow, the past his- modern equivalent of' Pendleton pit Mind you, he earns it. You climb ther the money is there. Acht an Aontais. where James Connolly had all his up there yourself and see if he does. The Manchester branch has pro- remedy the situation by offering ab- tory of the Dail Labour Party is stract ideas, henee the talk of socialist members. I remember T. But, thanks to the fact that 95 vided many of the leading figures ful constitutional progress. anything but creditable. socialism", "national liberation" A. Jaokson describing it to me, and per cent of the industry in the in the local labour moverhent. it YOU CAN BUY THE C A. MEETINGS North-West of England is organised, has also taken the lead in the and so on, all worthy ideas, things SUne of us who still survive re- then Joe Derighan didvthe researches WEDNESDAYS BOVE we print once more HERE are many ways in organisation, and the name of there is also a 40-hour guaranteed Irish question. When Jim O'Don- to be fought for, but not oapable of member the Quisling Free «6tate that were published in the "Irish IRISH DEMOCRAT the text of the petition which the six counties are the collector. nell, one of its members, was in- 8 p.m. A T uniting Catholic and Protestant in junta's reign of terror of the civil which is being taken up deficient in democracy; the the concrete conditions of the six war period 1922-23. terned in the six counties it was at jointly by the Connolly Asso- special police under whatever The petitions cost £2 10s. a aotlve in the release campaign. And thousand, and each form car- counties. DUSLIN: New Books, 16a Pears* 283 Grays Inn Road ciation, the Coventry, Birming- name; the gerrymandering; rripE Dail Labour Party, lad by many nights Arthur Barratt was ries a donations column. Street. ham and Manchester branches religious discrimination against So finally the movement split, not J- Tom Johnson, took their seats seen pushing the "Democrat" in London, W.C.I Donations will be used to A letter on Election tactics BELFAST: Bookshop at Smithfield. of "Social Justice", and the Catholics In Jobs and housing; on the fundamental issues that and drew their salaries then, and All Saints. defray the cost of the cam- LONDON: 283 Grays Inn Road, Civil Rights Oxford Campaign, oaths and tests as a condition caused it to be sidetracked, but en thft. Mayneoth Synod raised not a Northern Ireland is pitiful. paign. IR,—I was interested in your And don't forget, Wilf said at the W.C.I. these extraneous ideas which the finger tp save their countrymen who and the Movement for Colonial of employment; restriction on S ideas on election tactics for end, that we provided the union Collets, 66 Charing Cross Road. The final stage will be the young people put out because they were sent in scores before the firing On the white list I would Freedom. display of flags of the Irish the Irish in Britain. with its general secretary, Eddie Central Books, 3T Grays inn Road. presentation of the petition to had nothing more practical to squads, 22 in Kerry in one week: put Stan Orme, and Paul Rose Republic; discriminatory resi- and the M.P.S who have con- Marsden. He spent 25 years on the Peace New* 3 Caledonian Road. The demand which is made dence qualifications against per- the Prime Minister when the offer. Four more done to death on the But I would like to suggest SOUTH sistently supported Ireland. I tools. He was steward and con- BIRMIHOHAM: Key Books, 25 is a simple one. It ts that sons born in the Republic; re- number of signatures is Judged Feast of the Immaculate Concep- an addition. vener most of this time, and after IT would seem, therefore, that the would find room on the list for Essex Street. the Westminster Government fusal of jobs to Irishmen from to be adequate. tion, December 8th, 1922, though the 22 years is the longest-serving mem- should pass a Bill through I great task of N.I.C.R.A. must be Why should we not prepare George Brown, for at least he GLASGOW: Clyde Books, 292 High the other side of the border. poor men were in custody six ber of the E C LONDON Parliament that would compel On no account should any- to restore its working class base. It has a good word for us, and Street. The petition is being months, and one of them, Liam two lists, a black list and a the six county Government to body sign twice. will be a hard and diffioult job. But shocked the timid by denounc- launohed on the weekend of Mellows, the greatest socialist of all. white list. grant civil liberties equal to This petition is quite sepa- not impossible. ing partition. February Mth-March 1st. those that exist in England. rate from the one announced Small wonder that the defunct This is what I mean. My At first it will be directed to Now take the Republicans. They I don't know whether there more recently for collection in Labour Party lost all that ground candidate No. 1 for the black Get the Democrat posted to you C.A. MEETINGS individuals, but later it will be were confronted with a range of is any sense in talking of a The six county Government the six counties. The Irish in again during'the last June election list would be Harold Wilson. I drawn up in a form suitable to new problems arising from tfe* "grey list" as well. But We i THURSDAYS would have no choice because Britain are advised to use this with- the exception of the few re- would urge every Irishman in If you would like to have the "DEMOCRAT" posted to be signed by organisations as tactics of British Imperialism, should all begin thinking of the civil liberties would be one, since if people in Britain turned in Dublin. Only two or three Huyton to vote against him. 8 p.m. a declaration of policy. rightly grasped the kay significance this now. An election might your actually written into its consti- sign the six county one its got seats in the provinces, by pick- Show him that he cannot re- you, send this cut-out with subscription to : Candidates in the forthcom- of "neo-oolontallsm." They saw that be upon us any time without tution. effect will be less, as the ing up the crumbs that fell off the tain the Premiership on the The IRISH DEMOCRAT, 283 Grays Inn Rtl., London, W.C.I ing Qeneral Election will be when under Common Market con- warning. I personally hope Jeffrey's Library Unionists will say it is not a Fin*- Gael table. With the British strength of what he has done, They would be the law ol the invited to sign it. genuine reflection of the will of ditions England oould no longer the parties are evenly balanced, with 16/-for a year 8/-for six months system of election they and the Fine such as taking us into the Jeffreys Road land in the six counties and ^OPIES are obtainable from the people in the six counties, dominate through trade, she would Common Market without a so that they can be easily Gaet Party would be removed from the Government there would ^ the organisations named but contains the names of try to do so through ownership mandate. thrown out. Name STOCKWELL the i Irish political scone Good rid have no power to change above. Each oopy has a space Southern Irishmen" living in them. Hence the economlo take-over. dance I say.. . Yours, etc., LONDON, S.W. for the name of the issuing England. I wouM' put Mr, Callaghan Address Hence bribery of the propertied Is mise, and one or twe more on the UL6TERM AN t T. LALOR, blaok list too. Their record In London. (Continued on Page Six) Coventry. March 1970 4 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT March 1970 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT

"Ni bheadh ann ach flmineacht IRELAND SHOULD STAND ALONE NOW THERE IS sa tiodal 'idirnaisiunachas lucht oibre na sasana' mura n-eileadh WHAT HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL siad Eire bheith scartha o Sha- AN ENGLISHMAN sana." E.E.C. FOOD PRICES WE TO DO AIMS OF E EC —-Lenin. There was widespread shock in Ireland when the British TO destroy national par- GAS CRUX TELLS THETRUTH Government published its estimate of the bill for Common Market WITH THESE? liaments and thus pre- i \id the English Government This protocol states that 'the 'I''HE Chanman ol the General and children in Deny as an i impor- membership. Steak at 15/- a pound, butter at 8s., sugar at Is. lOd. ^TR DOUGLAS JAY, M.P.. IF Ireland joined the Common vent the people controlling ' give the R.U.C. permission parties agree to refrain from the use Council of the United Nations tunity to help the United States in SOUTH LONDON —figures like these, -which have been widely quoted in the Irish former President of the 1 Market who would our bed- their own affairs. to us CS gas on the peaceful of asphyxiating, poisonous or other Association of Great Britain and its criminal war against the women gases." Northern Ireland has protested that and children of Vietnam, And p: o- papers, have made Irish housewives sit up. British Board of Trade, has said fellows be ? inhabitants of the Bogside ? To put up food prices by The British Government presented the English Government has told U minent Americans are prolosung in LAUNCHES THE FIRST, ENGLISH IMPE- Msh people too are able to do sums about the cost-of-living that if the Irish have any sense 25 per cent., and thus des- If they did then they were a memorandum to the Disarmament Thant that they propose to u^e this the "Times." increases likely if we joined the E.E.C. on England's coat-tails, RIALISM. We would be join- brazenly tearing up the solemn they won't join the Common troy the value of the Conference in which they expressed type of gas in warfare. What a shocking state of affairs! ing voluntarily with the biggest undertakings that had been signed PETITION ft would be 15 to 20 per cent at least, and you can be sure Market. workers' wage packet. the view that "the use of 'other' If it is so harmless, why u.-e i: m Irish employers would stand fast against compensating wage bloodsuckers of world history. »0 years ago. gases, including lachrymatory 'PHE South London branch of the "Entry by Ireland into the Com- Who even now own 25 per cent, To destroy small indus- warfare? Connolly Association will launch increases on the grounds that they had to meet fierce foreign For both Mr. Arthur Henderson gases, was prohibited." tries leaving only big busi- It is an example of the onsness the Irish petition demanding a Bill mon Market, even if the U.K. of all the foreign investments ,,ii!i Mr. Dalton, Ministers in the But they were all right to use on competition. ness. of world politics; for the Americans of Rights to guarantee democracy entered at the same time, would in the world. The class who ,eeond Labour government, stated Irish women and children! CAHIR HEALY Mrs. Nora Brown, president of the Irish Housewives' Associa- are using C.S. gas by the hundred in the six counties at a public have a highly damaging effect on sent the black and tans, and To clear small and me- categorically in the House of Com- The pretence is now being put up ton in Vietnam. meeting at the Lambeth Town Hall. tion, said that since the British White Paper on the effects of the Irish economy. Food prices partitioned Ireland, and who dium farmers off the land mons on November 18th and 24th, that C.S. gas is a specially r'ild RIP. Among the speakers will be Mr. E.E.C. entry was published, she had got calls from a number of would be forced up and the whole will never be satisfied until Ire- and send them as low-wage' 1930, that tear gas was prohibited kind of gas, and therefore doesn't The English Government is thus Marcus Lipton, M.P., Mr. Alf Lomas indignant housewives expressing their concern. She said that the real standard of living, particularly land and all the other Celtic under the Geneva protocol of 1925. count. using the terrorisation of women RELAND is the poorer for the operatives into factories. (Political Committee of the London subject of Ireland's entry would now become top priority with of the poorer people, would be nations cease to exist. I loss of one of the great figures the Association. "As things stand at the moment, I think it forced down," he said. To shift labour from of this century. Co-operative Society), Councillor F. SECOND, GERMAN FAS- country to country so that Quenault and Councillor J. Warms, would be appalling if food costs were to go up by 20 per cent "If Britain and Ireland joined CISM. Men who were members there will always be a Cahir Healy was born in Mount of the Lambeth Borough Council, on us entering the Common Market. The Government must the Common Market an industrial of Hitler's party are in high plentiful supply of black- Social justice leaves N.I.C.R.A. Charles, Co. Donegal, on December Jack Henry, the building workers' ensure that the housewife is not further victimised," said Mrs. boom area would be likely to deve- places in Germany. The Com- legs. 4th, 1878, and became early a leader, and finally another Dublin Brown. lop in Belgium, Holland and the mon Market is simply the / CLAIMING that, the Northern Ire- FROM OUR OWN Frank Gogarty in the position of Gaelic enthusiast, and a friend of man, Sean Redmond, General Secre- Lower Rhine district, but the ex- To operate neo-colo- Irish public opinion is gradually swinging against the Common United Capitalist Europe which land Civil Rights Association CORRESPONDENT Chairman. Sean MacDiarmada in his Sinn tary of the Connolly Association. tremities of the group, like Ireland nialism against under- was being manipulated and used Fein days. Market as the people learn more about what the Brussels Hitler's hordes tried to create IN BELFAST and Scotland, would be unpopular' developed countries. to propagate extreme Left-wing Contrary to expectations the Commission has in store for them if ,we join. by force. It ft a pity that all with industry if firms could send political views," Dr. Con McCluskey, Press was excluded from a good A journalist, he worked on the their exports anywhere without the millions killed in the second To try to squeeze Ame- Cllr. John Donaghy and Mrs. Brigit tice" will continue its work as a part of the conference. It is under- "Sligo Champion" and "Roscommon GREAT CIVIL tariffs by siting themselves at the world war could not pop up rica out of world markets, Rodgers declined to go up for the separate organisation. stood, however, that most of the Herald." centre. from their graves and see Hit- and to prepare for the pos- Saturday afternoon was taken up new committee that was elected The N.I.C.R.A., though seriously RIGHTS DANCE DR. de COURCY IRELAND "Entry into the Common Market ler's dream realised by the class sibility of war against with a long wrangle over money- He led the Co. Fermanagh depu- after the annual conference on reduced in sfcope, also intends to means for any country, including that sent them to fight Nazism. America or Russia sent from America. The general tation to Dail Eireann in 1922 de- February 14th and 15th. continue. It is understood to be IN COVENTRY Ireland, sacrificing political indepen- THIRD, GAULLIST If you agree with this, level of discussion is said to have manding that the county should dence. The leaders of the Common considering a petition demanding a not be surrendered to England. TN order to raise funds for taking LECTURES ON HISTORY FRANCE. Ruled by the tor- support entry into the They criticised that the move- been very low. Market have made it perfectly clear ment was no longer 'broad-based" Bill of Rights, similar to that being -*- up the petition on a really The following lecture on "Irish touch with life and progress where turers of innocent students, who Common-Market. taken up in Britain. Subsequently he was elected to grand scale, the Coventry branch that they are moving to a Federal and had adopted a "political ideo- One positive thing was the de- History and Irish Historians" they were most evident. State. In such a State Ireland beat up pregnant women in the Westminster Parliament as a of the Campaign for Social Justice logy." The members of the N.I.C.R.A. monstration against the Public TSTE think of ourselves as essen- would be simply one state in a their police barracks last year, nationalist, and later to Stormont. in Northern Ireland is holding a was delivered at the Wolfe executive are: Kevin Agnew, Prank Order Act. About 1,000 assembled in * ' tially an agricultural nation, union, like Texas or Pennsylvania and fatten on the wealth of " Mairfidh duil ainmhianach According to the "Irish News" The Stormont authorities jailed him Grand Dance on Thursday, March Tone Society's symposium in Gogarty, M. Magurran, Miss A. Castle Street and sat down and yet few are taught the technical ... If Ireland joins the Common South Africa mhuintir na hEireann sa saoirse the new Executive Committee con- to keep him away from Westmin- 19th. Buswell's Hotel, Dublin, on Hope, W. McMillan, Miss M. Davi- stopped all the transport. The police role of, say, Cistercian monasteries Market, then her future will be naisiunta nios faide na impire- tains a substantial number of "pro- ster, and had to be told to let him The venue is the famous St. Fin- February 13th, 1970. son, D. Cassin, I. Barr, Mrs. Ed- acted unaccustomedly gently, despite in making us so, or to understand determined not in Dublin, nor in What would Ireland do in acht na Sasana." Goulding Republicans". It also con- out. But the English Government barr's Club in Stoney Stanton Rd. wina Stewart, V. McDowell, Dalton examples of provocative behaviour for example, the farming techniques London, but in Brussels," says Mr. such company t And how tains Communists and members of interned him themselves in 1939 The proceedings start at 8 p.m., rjiHE best history is written by —Sean Misteail. Kelly, F. Patterson, J. D. Stewart, by student-ultra-left elements. The in Hugh O'Neill's Ulster without Jay. would she fare ? the Irish Labour Party. and kept him on the Isle of Man and go on until 11.30 p.m. those in touch with the life of Mrs. R. McGlade. only Member of Parliament to which the nature of his struggle throughout the war. The music is being provided by the people, said Dr. Ireland, and It is understood that "Social. Jus- Mr. Kevin Agnew replaces Mr. attend was Patrick Devlin. Pat Gissane and his band, with not by academics in quiet university would have been different if it had To the left of the Nationalist ever occurred. Lenny MacTlhone and John Mac- studies. It is not accident that more Party, he spoke in Trafalgar Square Veagh providing folk and ballad has been done by amateurs in touch Architecture and boatbuilding with Charlie Donnelly of the Re- music. Remember John Keogli publican Congress, and later co- with real life to make Irish history have flourished in original ways in The branch recently held its an- HARSH SENTENCES ON IRISHMEN operated with the Connolly Ass- comprehensible to the mass of the Ireland and been part of the lives ANIEL O'CONNELL re- the Volunteers in which they threw out the Catholic petition nual general meeting and all offi- people, to whom it is a fact of vital of the people in every generation, ciation when It was the only or- ceived the plaudits of his- had found a means of organi- the first Convention was called, THE jury retired four times at contravention of the Firearms hindrance. It was announced that cials were re-elected. concern, than by the great majority but their history is kept from the D ganisation urging the restoration tory and Ute name liberator. sation and possession of arms. after counsel had given the Leeds Assizes before* they;; Act. in the coming weeks there would be The Campaign will launch the of professional historians. majority and those who study them This was, of course, not of democracy in the six counties. Yet his immediate predecessor opinion that it was legal pro- found Eamonn Smullen and pickets, d&honstratioift and "acts Bill of Rights petition with a meet- do without reference to that con- in the Catholic Association, strictly legal. And his lordship of civil disobedience" which might ing in the precinct on Saturday, With all their faults of fact and vided its object was to petition Thomas Gerald Doherty guilty A fine poet and writer, he pos- • text, making of history a dead loved the law. A third man, John Meehan of involve "the occupation of buildings emphasis, for instance, Connolly's John Keogh, really deserves the King of England. sessed a rare charm of manner February 28th about lunchtime. language. of c6nspiring to buy firearms in Huddersheld, was acquitted. used for the execution of British "Labour in Irish History" and them better. Keogh came into prominence There was no sectish hesita- and, while he could be firm, he was Speakers include Sean Redmond, As he was taken awayi Smul- law and dispensing British justice." OTaolain's "The Great O'Neill" We are taught something of the Here is a bit about him. Not in the secession that followed. tion on the part of Tone or always gentle. Patrick Powell and others. len deolared that he would re- have done more than any profes- Irish exiles who fought abroad, much is known and he burned The landlords left and Keogh, Keogh. They held the conven- sional historian's work to explain, nothing of those who became ex- all his papers to keep them a wealthy silk merchant, vir- tion. They petitioned the King "Dearbhaim da mbheadh Eire fuse to wear prison clothes. Other sections of the Irish com- tualiy financed the Association. thfc one, Ireland's 17th century wars, plorers, pirates, naval architects, out of the clutches of the of England. And they got a s aoY o chur-isteach agus o "This is a Special Branch con- munity hold that it might be best slave-traders. We are told the E first invited Edmund to leave things until after the ap- the Other, the failure of the last police and government. great deal of what they wanted. smacht na Sasana gura tairbhe spiracy," he shouted. N.I.L.P. to act as Unionist veto? v*l stand against the Tudor Conquest. njames of national leaders, but often H Burke's son Richard to The Protestant monopoly was peals have been heard. Sometimes not very clearly what they stood He was born in Dublin in act as the Association's agent. i bfhad e sin do lucht oibre na impatience can be self-defeating. To restore history to the people broken. it was stated that for a time for or were leading to, and not the 1740. At that time Catholifcs When Burke made a mess of Eire bheith faoi ainrialu Chais- IF the application of the Northern time in the Transport Union. Be- and to make historians, as they Counter-revolution followed. after his arrest on October 6th, were literally outlaws. Under things by antagonising almost leain Atha Cliath do reir chus- There is a very widespread J- Ireland Labour Party to be ab- cause of the presence of a small should be, factors in historical de- names and achievements of Irish Nts purpose was to prevent by 1969, Smullen had been held in inventors like Parsons and Garrett, the law a Catholic was "not everybody Keogh had the pniri an impireachais, eadhon, i opinion that the sentences passed sorbed in the English party should group of partitionists and bigots velopment rather than myopic ob- force the CathoHcs' USING solitary confinement with only supposed to exist,"... strength of character to dis- have been harsh ones, and un- succeed what are the likely results? the English delegates have been de- servers at planetary distances, it is Holland and J. J. Kelly, notable their pewly-won rights. There leith na tiarnai talaimh agus na contributors to maritime progress miss him and appoint . . . one hour's exercise a day. easiness about the conviction. It prived of a say in a situation their necessary first to have the relation- Three small landlords was also the hidctan alternative n-usairi." In the six counties there will be Wolfe Tone. His solicitors announced that might be better that this should be taxes pay for and for which their ship between life and politics clearly We here would understand the pioneered the struggle against on the part of England of —Michael Davitt. plenty of English money available the penal lain. They were Dr. there would be an appeal. argued out in an atmosphere that country gets the blame throughout established. While it is obvious that North better if we knew at least It is something to note. He bringing about the Union, so for propaganda and electioneering. Curry, Charles O'Connor and had not been chargetf with political the world. political events influence everyday- as much about the history of Bel- appointed a Protestant. And he that even if they did use them Outside the court leaflets were Public relations firms will be hired Thomas Wyse. appointed a Republican. And excitement. life, it is a much more fundamental fast shipbuilding as we are told they would be outvoted by the issued by Clann na hEireann. They Policy will be decided in London. In There is much speculation as to he appointed a Jacobin. If the appeals fail it is possible to truth that the character of every- about Carson and the Ulster Volun- UT being landlords they English. Keogh now played a charged that Ulster Volunteer Force all probability every penny of this the motivation of the N.I.L.P. pro- It is doubtful whether Tone's RESOLUTION urge the Home Secretary to review day life is what decides the form teers. B usually oombined their ap- less prominent part. But in arms agents were operating money will be thrown down the posal. Some have said it is simply and performance of the politics that peals fo( reform with profes- genius would ever have 'THE following resolution was pro- throughout Britain without let or the sentences. If the Invincibles were persecuted heaven's name the man was sink. political defeatism. They have no will influence it. sions of loyalty to the Crown. flowered as it did In Ireland and wrongheaded, wha^ about Duff, nearly 60 and he wouldn't have ' posed by Peter Mulligan, of hope that anything will ever They were rather like those without Keogh's backing. The Central London Connolly" Associa- In England a complex situation The textbooks, and so the pupils who was burned in Dublin in the been handy with a pike! change, and anyway they hope foolish people in the six coun- two men toured Ireland re- 15th century as a Lollard? The He never retracted one of tion at the M.C.F. conference, and will arise. England will take over and guaran- and students, and so the historians ties who think they are more oruiting priests and bishops circumstances that gave rise to the his principles. But he felt that earned unanimously:— themselves, have hitherto always put likely to get Civil Rights if and Catholic^ laymen into the Suppose a group of six-county tee Protestant privilege now the one are as instructive as those that the younger United Irishmen This Conference expresses its i politics first, and everyday life, if they pretend not to be worried Association. EOIN OMAHONY RI P Catholics who have been driven out Unionists are getting a bit shaky. gave rise to the other. were very careless about the d"i p concern at the appalling pic- not n«where. at least in the far about partition! G rattan Junior asserted that of their homeland by discrimina- security of the organisation, tun- of oppression revealed in the He went to Canon Fitzgerald and background. Keogh was determined to take ANE of the eternally youthful tion propose a resolution in favour UT may there not be another \\'E even denature our own pet The first Catholic Assoc ation and left the way too open for ix counties of Northern Ireland, asked his advice. The Canon, who the Catholic Community over ^ spirits of Ireland has de- of banning discrimination, will the H factor? May it not be that they ESULTS of this attitude are legends of ourselves. Our sank on this rock. spies and manipulators. He re- •>nd at the slowness'of the process was a member of the Labour Party, from the side of aristocracy to parted, a "character" in every six-county delegates try to veto it? are, true to form, playing the • that thousands of Irishmen Tones and Davises and Connollys mained in the organisation till of reform. It protests at the intro- reassured him, and he spoke at the R It was revived in 1773 by the side of democracy. In those sense of the word, and one of Unionist game? know the date of the Battle of Clon- and Casements become venerable the end. But he did not attend duction of a new 'Public Order Act' great meeting in the Holborn Hall r , Lord Kenmare. But this time days this was like opening up | HIS is the scandalous position v 4 tarf, who have not the remotest idea abstractions. If Tone's connection meetings. '•'hich makes permanent some of whom stories will be told for with Pat Dooley, Jim Larkin, Liam it had a merchant wing. relations with Russia or 1 J- which has arisen from time to The Unionists would give their of the century and circumstances in with French revolutionaries can He was succeeded In the 'hi most objectionable features of many a year. Redmond, then a young unknown Within this wing was John China I for the word "demo- which the apple-tree came to be hardly be hidden, the massive in- 'leadership of the Association 'h'' notorious Special Powers Act actor—or unknown in comparison boots to have a stooge group in Keogh. cracy" then meant revolutio- Son of the City Analyst at Cork, cultivated to Ireland; which is not terest and participation of Irishmen by Daniel O'Connell in 1814, tthieh it was undertaken to repeal, with the present^-Dr. Morgan, the the British Labour Party that could Lord Kenmare antagonised nary France. he was at National and Trinity and only absurd, but leads to an un- in that great event, its origins and and died three years later at al.o protests against the revival became a member of both the Irish M.P. for Warrington, Desmond veto discussion on the scandalous the Catholic merchants by ap- U/HEH the Irish House of reasoned conclusion that battles meaning for the whole world, these Mount Jerome. 'he discredited B-Special Consta- and English Bars. Greaves and Frank Lee. The meet- Extremists attack situation in Northern Ireland. pealing to them to retire from ** Commons insolently are more important than the grow- are glossed over, and the average C.O.G. bulary in disguised form as, the so- He was a vivid and amusing con- ing had the official support of the The main effect would be on the ing and eating of apples. Irish citizen goes through life with ut, the war policy of the •5THE "Irish Democrat" It dedicated more blatant. Why does Mr. Wil- for its M.P.s. came into being, no acquaintance during the disturbances in Derry for the release of the Republican Dulanty. are those who know how they realised thai social emancipation Common Market: • to the struggle against English c son not act to break up the gangs with the name of the Girondin Ad- 'it\ last year. prisoners, some of whom were sen- ,'»avelled, though if they hud not was inseparable from genuine na- "If the group, the EEC., was and secure democracy? The British Labour people shouMK. miral Kersaint and the Jacobin imperialism, one of the most re- I' calls upon the British Govern- tenced to 20 years' imprisonment. CMahony not only co-operated had that expertise they would have tional emancipation. attacked, I do not think we could scrutinise this application most Abbe Oregolre, who both loved Ire- actionary foroei In the world. "" nt to impress most urgently upon It is not realised that he spent with the political movement. He influenced nobody and we would opt out of our obligations to de- ll In mid-February a Labour Party, carefully before they accept tt. land. of the Revolutionaries' knock- >'' Northern Ireland Government his private fortune upon this, and spent weeks and weeks, day after know nothing of them. Yet Pearse's words at Rossa's fend it. It is not a question of What we say against it is rally at Coleraine was broken up by ing of the chains off the wretched 'h>' need for Implementing all re- at times was In really dire financial day, paying visits to people he For you see the trap that is being Irishmen were great sea-warriors grave have been used to shrink his neutrality but of meeting your no critioiam af the English people, hoodlums who waved Union Jacks. inmates of mental hospitals, freeing fonii;, already promised with the straits. thought influential, and from his set. When the English Left-wingers in the 5th century, but unable to humanity to suit an artificial con- obligations within a complex of negro slaves and introducing the that nature . . neutrality in the with whom we hope the Irish people "'"iM-.t dispatch, and urges that the chambers In Pump Court sent out An all-denominational prayer resist the Norsemen at, sea in the ception of Irish patriotism that He was a warm friend of the Con- find they are not allowed to dis- metric system. Yet Tone shared context rf the E.E.C. is not the will develop OIOM friendly ties based "m.sh Government should delay no an endless stream of correspon- meeting held in the Town Hall was >n thrj Northern Ireland Qovern- bit worried about the Association. behind the scenes. Irish boys beinx blown to pieces perialism Is the greatest enemy of never have attained otherwise. The Chichester-Clark will not stop this Gaelic and even Jewish names the fight for Polish independence rights and types of life of their ""'"I a constitutional obligation to Connolly's name was revered, but for the sake of the profits of inter- the English people. They must get last were released at the end of kind of thin.it Westminster should No animal Is so crafty as English evolved and kept this island in and for Irish independence were own choice to which we lay claim. I'rovM,. fuii civil rights for all citi- feured as a "Red" in Ireland at the national trusts. rid of It before It ruins them. time. 1948. step in. imperialism. 6 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT March 1970


MASTER McCRATH THE THREE-COLOURED edited % www. Qenwtd Qwvum (Lord Lurgan's famous greyhound, which won the Waterloo Cup in 1868, 1869 and 1871) Parliament which possessed no real RIBBON powers to do good anyhow—without STORIES BY glGHTEEN-SIXTY-EIGHT being the date of the year An important reprint the behest of its masters—was, as he saw it, futile. The Catholic Com- Those Waterloo sportsmen did grandly appear (A BALLAD OF EASTER WEEK) mittee went directly to the source of GRIFFITH'S To gain the great prizes and bear them awa'— Theobald Wolfe Tone," by Tone the breaking of that type of allow us to deduce what made Tone power and sought an audience with relationship u :rh B-ivn was ail- the greatest of his contemporaries Never counting on Ireland or Master McGrath. I HAD a true love, if ever a girl had one, Hugh MacOermot (A n v i I the King of England. important, fundamental, crucial. Mr. and why it is that his influence ls DEPUTY IRISH I had a true love, a brave lad was he; Books, 7/6K "A Land of Loneliness and other One fine Easter Monday all with his gallant comrades MacDermot appiiuds Tone's aim of re-asserting itself so powerfully to- The English—having been put on wishing to unite Irishmen of all day. Stories," by Seamus O'Kelly He started away for to set old Ireland free. the spot—manoeuvred and wriggled On the 12th of December, that day of renown, •THE leadership of Fianna Fail categories, but he seems to consider out by heading back the ball. On (Gill & Macmillan, 36/-). ' and Fine Gael and—unfor- that Tone's greatness was founded Consider the following situation: January 10th, 1793, the Irish Parlia- McGrath and his trainer they l«ft Lurgan town ; Ireland had a so-called independent !/ \NLY in recent years has the CHORUS: tunately—some prominent Lab- on the fact that, politically, he was ment met and the Lord Lieutenant's SONGS Parliament. It was elected on a very - work of this writer come to the John Walsh was the trainer, and seen they got o'er, hopelessly off-beam: speech contained the following pas- All around my hat I wear a three-coloured ribbon-o ourites are today entertaining notice of the general public. The For the very next day they reached England's shore. restricted franchise: sage: EDITED BY All around my hat until death comes to me; notions of a federal relationship "Whether that wort: of unifica- reason for this new interest is ex- And if anybody's asking me why do I wear it, with Britain. This, we are told, tion would have led to complete "Of 300 members, about 2®» are "I have it in particular com- plained by the success of his story It's all for my true love I never mere shall see. will enable Ireland to solve her separation from Britain or, on the returned by individuals; from oo mand from His Majesty to "The Weaver's Grave", which won to 50 are returned by to persons; And when they arrived there in great Leaden town, PATRICK BOND problems; the achievement of contrary, to acceptance of the recommend it to you to apply the Italia Prize for Radio Eireann several of your boroughs have no in 1961. Naturally, since then more Those great English sportsmen they all gathered reun', His bandolier around him, his bright bayonet shining economic prosperity, unity and Crown as a symbol of perpetual yourselves to the consideration, connection, is surely from the resident elector at all, some of etc. . . . With this view His and more people have taken an in- His sfeert Service rifle, a beauty to see, peace. And one of the gentlemen gave a "Ha! Ha! Irish point of view a side issue." them have but one; and, OH THE .Majesty trusts that the situation terest in his work. There wastjey in his eyes* though he left me behind him WHOLE, TWO-THIRDS OF THE Is that the great deg you call Master McGrath ?" The Rt. Hon. Hugh MacDermot, of His Majesty's Catholic subjects Reading his stories I quickly And started away for to set^oid Ireland free. And then again: REPRESENTATIVES IN THE will engage your serious attention Q.C.. of Coolavin, the author of HOUSE OF COMMONS ARE realised why his work was almost BEAN AN —Chorus. •Theobald Wolfe Tone and His "The objective was and is to and . • . relies on the wisdom and forgotten and would not dare try RETURNED BY LESS THAN 10« liberality of his Parliament." Then Lord Lurgan steps forward and says: "Gentlemen, He whispered : "Goodbye, love, old Ireland is calling," Times," who was appointed to the get irishmen of all descriptions PERSONS." to compare his stories with those of t 'MHch ever Dublin the tricolour flies; lush Seanad by Mr. de Valera in considering Irish questions on Yeats or Joyce as Eamon Grennan > h there any among ye has money to spend ? In other words, seek justice from In the streets of the city the foemen are falling, 1937 is, ideologically speaking-, not their merits ,and an Irish patriot T least there was no charge of has tried to do in "his critical intrw-. FHIR RUA my toady, whose welfare lies in For ye nobles of England I don't give a straw And the wee birds are singing ''Old Ireland arise." apposed to such an idea on prin- ought to be content with whatever A gerrymandering. In addition, duction. I should also point out that beating you up and stealing your these stories were selected by Mr. Here's five thousand te one on my Master McGrath." Sa bhruinneal gan smal ciple form of relationshiP'With England Roman Catholics were'still suffering I • a bhiuil an deallradh deas in do —Chorus. might flow naturally from the from the effects of the Penal Laws. money. Grennan and are as good an ex- In praying and watching the dark days passed over, He was educated at Downside and ample of O'Kelly's work that you ghrua, lessons so acquired." Not only could they not vote, they Pitzgibbon and his cronies, be it Oxford and- went on to become will find anywhere. Se'tttouachaiUin ban The roar of the guns brought no message to me ; were not entitled to sit in Parlia- remembered, were fanatical re- Then the slips were let loose, and amid a great roar "Sunday Times" correspondent in Despite the ambiguity of his I prayed for oh! Ireland, I prayed for my lever, ment if, by some miracle, one of actionaries who upheld the Protest- Really to understand his style one sM>Thearr liom seal leat dha lua; New York and .Paris. Such a result second remark, it is clear that here The greyhounds swept on like waves to the shore That he might be saved and old frefcmd he free. them were to be elected. ant supremacy with a zeal that must take into account the fact Ni cheilfe me ar cach eould. therefore, be expected. Mr. MacDermot is negativing—or would make the Rev. Paisley look that most of his work was in tlM Te a dead even break, for aid Erin—go-bragh Flos m'abhair is go bhfuil me —Chorus. trying to negative—everything' for The Parliament was, therefore, like a lily-white liberal. field of journalism. Born in Lough* Sure they tore round the course, led by Master McGrath. faoi«hruaim; The struggle was ended, they brought me the story, The subject of his book, however, which Wolfe Tone stood.- He has a comprised of wealthy Protestants, mainly landlords, who were not even rea in 1881, he started working life Achtt'ainneoin feara Fail The last whispered message he sent back to me : Theobald Wolfe Tone, had an en- wide political divergence from the It was not Tone's fault that the subject of his book. representative of the Protestants. At with the provincial Press. Later he • Si mo ghra geal bean an fhir m true to my Jand, love, I fought for her glory, tirely different outlook—as he made Catholic Committee was led up a the time there was an up and com- became associated with Arthur- We've seen many greyhounds that filled us with pride rtia. And gave up my life for to set eld Ireland free." clear at his court martial in 1798: blind alley so that the eventuality pERHAPS that is why, through- ing Protestant democracy—the de- Griffith and the Sinn Fein move- In the days that are gone, but it ean't be denied, "From my earliest youth I was that half a century was to pass ment. He was Griffith's deputy oa,. Is nuair a theimse thart sios, ' out it, he is at pains to make us veloping bourgeoisie—which was have regarded the connection be- before Catholics were allowed to the editorial staff of the paper. That the greatest andgamest the world ever saw <A. A. Tait escapable. some interesting articles, especially history of each house. This book Is , The peerless Celtic soul. In Pearse and Plunkett's graves. When shroud and tomb aside were thrust, I'HERE are islands and th«re (Institute of Pubkc Admini- the one by Miss Crootehank on a useful guide for those who wish. They saw that the sell-out of the And Easter flashed the gallant word., are islands ! There are those to stration, 53/-). OUT Tone saw more: to seek re- portrait paintings in Ireland,.whioh, to keep in touch with the Irista- From earthly stain of greed and propertied classes would cause The brave who've gone to linger on which we all dream of retiring dress from such a corrupt and though brief, covers a great range antique scene. hardship to the workers, who would r gain, Beneath the tyrant's heel— pHIS is a handbook for stu- contrived body as the Ascendancy react with indignation. Then Sean Macdermott fought his fight, when the "rat-race" is done— of painters from the late 17th cen- GJM. Had caught them in its roll; We konw they pray another day preferably with companions of dents of economics, with With clash of clanging steel. And paid the price that heroes pay, Had swept them high to do or die, UT there came the Fanonism Who with their brothers soale the height •ur own choice; I don't think, special reference to'the ways in / Now from their cell their voices which Irish governments since To sound a trumpet call: swell, B' again. Instead of being pre- Where men face unfettered day ; hawever, many of us would, the Second World War have For tnie men though few men, And loudly call on you, pared to foster the rise of a move- Now Connacht bares her ancient head voluntarily choose to retire to Realism and romanticism at Hawoifk ment from out of the actually ex- sought to regulate the country's Then ask, men! the task, men! Before the shrine, with eyes tove*lit, Inish Capaill and Inish Whale, To follow one and all. isting organisations of the workers economic development. "Charlotte and Emily Bronte," uncle in Oa Louth. The Loughbrick- romantic experiences. One such THAT YET REMAINS TO DO. Where on the roll-call of her dead two bleak, windswept islands off themselves, they acted as if they by Norman Sherry (Evans land relatives certainly believed that might have been linked with his the Irish West Coast, where the The effects of taxation, whether believed that Sinn Fein could act as Brave Sean Macdermott's name is writ. Bros., 8/6). Patrick, the intense, withdrawn, early love of a red-haired pupil fdiP author of this book spent seven direct or indirect, governmental a working class party. ir INHERE is no accounting for melancholy parson of Haworth, which he had to leave his teaching" control through the Budget, the com- And not upon this shrine alone, long years as resident priest. genius. It is worthy of note, passed on family stories to his post in Co. Down. plexities of price stability, balance nevertheless, that the Bronte family motherless children. As a result of that they thrust That name, sealed with blood, is &et; He writes in a rare, descriptive of payments equilibrium, growth of / lONCENTRATING on an analysis their movement into a position were the grandchildren of a re- 'Twas flame where noble deeds are done, style of experiences among his flock, the Gross National Product, the Since the appearance of this book of Charlotte's published novels where it broke on unsolved prob- nowned story-teller of Loughbrick- In days unborn to history yet, same humorous and some poignant. peculiar situation of Ireland—whkih another novel by Charlotte has been and Emily's "Wuthering Heights" THE CONNEMARA SHORE lems, problems that could be solved land, Co. Down, and that their And men will feel their pulsec thrill His account of the evacuation of is at once a developing country and published, written when she was 13, and her poetry, the author identi- when a mass movement of the Inish Whale (caused mainly by a father was locally believed to have •yHE morning so long ago I bade you fond goodbye ; To read of Erin's glorious scroll one with a well-established sooto- before she had learnt to spell. Could fies a characteristic view of huma* workers was already in existence, dwindling population unable to ade- inherited the gift, even if the single Of those who broke a tyrant's will, economic pattern—all these are dis- the name of its romantic hero— life for each; for Charlotte, as My heart was breaking in my breast, a tear stood in my eye ; but which were not soluble in the quately maintain itself) is one of novel amongst his published works cussed without too many technicali- OT)onell—be a memory of some John Bunyan, life is a pilgrimage- abstract. And saved from him their country's own. the saddest I have read for a very —including volumes of poetry, The smiling valley lay behind, the stormy sea before, ties. Irish tale told by Hugh and passed towards a goal which can be wwtb' •wr time. As he writes—"The hymns, sermons and theology—fell What should be done here is not —Teresa Brayton. Certain prejudices regarding on by Patrick to his children? only by the determined practice ofr. With the long waves rolling on the Connemara shore. ehapoi was the saddest place of all. far below the standard his daugh- by any means obvious. The Dublin economics are cleared away, not- Charlotte, according to one of her virtue, for Emily It Is the work- There is no emptiness so empty as ters were to achieve. ing out of natural forces in whMH Though cruel seas will sunder us, though long the years in view, man are, however, experienced and »hen God also goes away." ably the hoary one that high in- closest friends, though born in Eng- may find a way out of their diffi- come tax is a disincentive to out- Dr. Sherry observes that the work land, inherited from her father a the individual ls caught up. Still Connemara's lovely hills will call me back to you; in contrast, there Is an amusing culties quioker than their enemies JOIN THE CONNOLLY ASSOCIATION put. A cool look at the meagre of Charlotte and Emily reflects to a strong Irish accent, and no doubt The blend of realism and Gothie chapter called. "Windfalls" or things And ever as the days go by, I'll love you more and more. hope. Thty will at all events have evidence available here reveals that remarkable degree the otrcuin- also the mistrust of Catholioism romanticism in their work Is r»» FILL IN THIS FORM thai are brought In by the sea—in- t» eoms to terms Wh the independ- direct taxes do not have the effect stances of their upbringing and en- manifested through the character With the long waves rolling on the Connemara shore. Please send me full particulars of how I can join the cluding floating mines during the lated by Dr. Sherry to their early ence of the working class. When which conservative thinkers take for vironment. In arriving at this in- of Lucy Snowe in "Villette." ' Connolly Association. Second World War! reading of Soott, Byron, OnsiM, Connolly spoke of the working olass granted. contestable conolusion he under- Charlotte's ideal of the love- Milton and The Arabian Nights, B»t surely I'll return again to you I love so dear, being the incorruptible inheritor of A moving book, written in a truly Name Ir Apart from instructive articles on estimatesi it seems to me, the influ- relntionship envisages the man as their secret collaboration as chll- 'sh idiom but appealing to the With joys for every sorrow past, a kiss for every tear; the fight for Irish freedom, he en- the techniques now available to gov- ence of their extraordinary father. an inspired teacher, the woman as Address 'yiupnthetio reader of any nation- dred with their other sisters and visaged its fighting through its own ernments there is a detailed aocount TRADITION existed in the an eager pupil. Dr. Sherry brings Then every hour of love will prove worth all that went before, '"ty: of far away places most of us brother in a nexus of romantic tala» organisations. of the First and Second National this out clearly, leaving one to won- hav never hear* of. We are all the A Mourne are* as early as the based on a box of toy soldiers, an4 With the long wave* rolling on the Connemara shore. Cut out and post to 283 Grays Inn Road, London, W C 1 Programmes which enables a gen- der if Patrick, more genial than totUr for h»Tkng them brought to end of the 19th century that the to their brief, unhappy ventures lot* eral reader to understand what is appeared to visitors like Mrs. Gas- "iir notice. character of Heatbeliir in Emily's working-life as governesses happening to the economy. "Wuthering Heights" was based on kell, sometimes indulged his chil- teachers S. E. PRIEST. CD grandfather Hugh Bronte's wicked dren with stories based on his own S. TftEAGY. March 1970 8 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT


Diary of events Birmingham Irish Societies took a poll for the position of "Man of the North 1969" and the winner, MR. JOHN HUME, was Present and future presented with a gold pen when he visited Birmingham on the BRITISH PRESS SATURDAY, JANUARY 17th: weekend of January 24th. C.SJ. (Manchester) gave out hand- bills and picketed against the Met at the airport by John Regan and Tom McDowell, CENSORSHIP Public Order Act in the six counties he was taken to a crowded reception at the Irish Develop SENTENCES —Special Powers under another ment Club in Digbeth. •FOLLOWING the C.D.U. matins at the House of Commons re- name. In the course of his remarks TOO SEVERE cently, Pat Ward, a native of Bel- Mr. Hume described the "con- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Mths x HE Birmingham Campaign fast, chairman of the Northei i Ire- stitution" of the six counties as Annual General Meeting. John for Social Justice in Nor land Civil Rights Oxford Campaign, a "sacred cow," and said that it T Clarke elected chairman, John UNIONISM them Ireland passed a resolu- and a founder-member of th Ox- Madden vice-chairman, Michael badly needed amendment, tion at its meeting on Tues- ford branch of the Connolly Asso- Brennan secretary, Anne Doherty especially section five of it. day, February 17th, regretting ciation, giving his personal views on treasurer. The oommitteee consists Oh the following day Mr. the severity of the sentences the meeting, questioned the la k of of Adrian Cianoy, Tony Crowe, HAMMERED Hume addressed a large meeting passed on young Irishmen who coverage by the British daily news- Frank Duffy, Miss Franoie Grehan, were arrested in Huddersfieid papers. Leo Keaney, Brendan McCaffrey, SOLIDARITY and fraternity was at St. Catherine's HaJI, with Mr. in connection with alleged He felt that a distinguished panel and John McClusky. ^ the prescription expounded by McDowell in the chair. Dr. Conyr Cruise O'Brien when he dealings in arms. of M.P. speakers debating th N.I Other speakers represented spoke at thp Oxford Union on Clann na hEireann (London) question should have been fully Thursday, February 12th. the Labour and Liberal Parties. has announced a protest parade covered and wondered what could After referring to the differences for Saturday, February 28th. be read into the lack of coverage. between the Catholic and Protest- While it was reported in Irish ant communities, he went on to say newspapers—people in this country SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd: A that while the Unionist Party did NEW OFFICERS C.D.U. MEETING should also have been inforn d. meeting ot Irish clubs and organisa- not operate sectarianism, it had He also felt that the sp akers tions called fry tlM United Ireland; nevertheless systematically exploited ELECTED could have discussed the Lai of Association. Aim: to discuss how a section of the community. There WESTMINISTER Rights issue raised by Sean Red- best Irish interests can be mutually was no hope of an end to the vicious rPHE Annual General Meeting mond and wondered why the .: D.U. did not mention it in the futu: pro- hefefuTto seeking to make an Im- circle, he claimed, unless there was of the Birmingham Branch T EADING figures in the move- pact on the public and political life,: understanding on both sides. ment for democracy in the gramme. business, tredr and eoromeroe of of "Social Justice" was held at He said: "this means that Nor- six counties met in the House of this country—an impact propor the Wellington Hotel on Febru- thern Ireland remain^ in the United Commons, Westminster, on Feb- tional to the size of the Irish com- ary 8th. Kingdom as long as the majority ruary 3rd, under the auspices of M P.s GIVEN munity. wants this. The Unionist Party There were well over a hundred the C.D.U. and the chairmanship members in attendance. 8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th: would see, as elementary, the full of Mr. Paul Rose, M.P. Launching ot the national petition THE FACTS equal citizenship and rightk, even The annual Report was adopted, Highlight of the meeting was Mr. for a Bill of Rights. for those whose loyalty was not to and the 1970 committee elected. Michael O'Leary's forthright con- HE Coventry Campaign for the British Government but to a T Social Justice sent letters to the SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd: Meeting With Tom McDowell remaining demnation of the proposed merger united Ireland. Prime Minister, the Home Secretary, at Hcutdmorth Hall. 84» box at chairman, and J. Regan treasurer, between the Northern Ireland Secretary J. Halloran wished to re- (partitionist) Labour Party and the arid Sir Arthur Young, Inspector- foot of this page. A representative General of the Royal Ulster Con- of the six-county Government has tire and his''" functions are to be British Labour Party. taken over by j. Lynch. Mr, Michael O'Leary, TJD., was stabulary. MM invited but so Mr It is not The letters to Mr. Wilson and Mr. kMM whether the Unionists will The other members of the com- warmly supported by Labour M.P.s Paul Rose, Stan Orme and Kevin Callaghan expressed grave cuncern actoept the Invitation. Mutual harassment must end, mittee are Joe McNally (vice-chair at recent developments in th Nor- and both sides, he said, must wort man), S. iCenny, E. O'Donnell, F. MacNamara, who said that what SATURDAY, APRIL «thi Folk thern Ireland situation, and drew together for economic and social Short, W. Gould ing, Joe Corr, T. was wanted was to unify the Irish Contort in aid of c.sj.n.i. m the Labour movement, not cause fur- their attention to the fact that objectives.-They could do it by sus- Teal, P. McCeurt, A. Regan, J. despite the presence of British frao Trade HalL Among pending the constitutional issue and Kelly, P. Casey, F. Gibbons, B. ther splits. had come freshly into politics as a that these officers, instead of up- N.I.C.R.O.C.—The Northern Ire- that had been started in conjunc- result of the events in the six ct .n- holding the law, deliberately caused land Civil Rights Oxford Campaign tion with the Campaigns for Social ties, and they were often not malicious damage to propert and —have Just received a letter from OXFORD C.A. Justice in Coventry, Birmingham familiar with the full implications persons in the Bogside, Derry of the issues they had to deal With. Mr. Evan Luard, Oxford's Labour and Manchester, and the Oxford M.P. OFF GROUND Civil Rights Association. On Friday, January 30th, copies The Association would publish a r r of the letters which went t Mr pamphlet and hold meetings. PHE letter, from the House of pHE Oxford branch of the Con- Wilson and Mr. Callaghan, were Commons, dated February 13th. Commons, dated February 13th, .1- nolly Associatioa«™i„«„„n is now wel„l handed to the three Coventry Lab- The divisions in the Republican congratulates the group in their Sean Redmond movement and among the civil and truly under way. At a meeting our MP.s (Richard Cro man. recent venture in bringing Catholic rights workers in the six counties on February 26th a committee was Maurice Bdelman and W .ham and Protestant families to Oxford were due to failure to understand formed (names will appear next at Camden Town Wilson) as they left constit uency for two weeks. the relationship of socialism to month) and plans were discussed meeting at Labour Party Head nationalism, of nationalism to demo- Mr. Luard wrote: "I will see what for the public meeting in Oxford U PEAKING to a meeting of the quarters in Coventry. cracy. I can do to publicise knowledge of at which Desmond Orenves, Editor Camden Town branch of this scheme among my colleagues of the "Irish Democrat", will be the N.I.C.R.A. (London). Mr. Sean Red- It was essential that the teachings here to see. if they would care to guest speaker. The meeting will be mond explained the significance of PUBLIC MEETING of James Connolly on these sub- arrange something similar in their on April 15th or 16th. The correct the Bill of Rights which would put jects should be m«®e as widely own constituencies. I feel sure that date and venue will be well adver- democracy into the actual constitu- V? known as possible, and from know- there will be some who will be in- tised locally. tion of the six counties, and involve ledge and understanding would How terested, and I hope that it will be the Westminster Government in Speakers: unity and correct action. possible to organise something of The new branch continues to ex- seeing it operated. Ivan Cooper, M.I'., Elizabeth Sinclair the same sort in their own areas." pand and the enthusiasm of new Printed by Ripley Printers Ltd., This was the straight main road Mark Cartlale, M.r., The Oxford Campaign collected memfjers is very encouraging, it is to what we wanted, and there was (T.U.), Nottingham Road, Ripley, hoped that wouW'be supporters who 8ian On»e. M.r. Derbyshire, and published by nearly £400 in under three months no need to play about with sepa- HOULDSWOftTH HAU to pay the expenses, fares and ac- were reticent about becoming mem- rate issues. The Government had Connolly Publications Ltd., at bers in the past will reconsider or at DEANSGATK 383 Grays Inn Road. London commodation the power and provided the move- least lend their support by subscrib- ment was big enough could be SUNDAY; MARCH 22nd RICKY RYAN. ing to the "Democrat." compelled to net. •t 7.8® p.m.