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On the Influence of Buoyancy Fluxes on Wind Drift Currents

SIGNILD NERHEIM AND ANDERS STIGEBRANDT Department of Earth Sciences–, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden

(Manuscript received 10 December 2004, in final form 9 December 2005)


Data from a moored buoy in the Baltic proper have been analyzed to study the ageostrophic wind-driven (Ekman) transport accounting for buoyancy fluxes in a stratified . A model considering different dynamical regimes governed by ␶, buoyancy fluxes, stratification, and rotation is used to determine the thickness of the mixed layer. For shallow layers in the regime of positive buoyancy fluxes (35% of the time) a transport of about 0.77␶/␳f directed about 30° to the right of the wind is observed. This is far from 1.0␶/␳f and 90°, given by the classical Ekman solution for homogeneous water. The result can be understood qualitatively as caused by drag between the well-mixed and the underlying layer if the time scale of decay is about 2 hϪ1. For negative buoyancy fluxes through the surface (53% of the time) the mean observed transport was 1.69␶/␳f directed about 60° to the right of the wind. Finite-depth equations for homogeneous water cannot explain this result. No simple explanation of this observational result is offered, but it should be connected to the simultaneously occurring thermohaline convection, which efficiently transmits momentum vertically to the whole mixed layer. The computed mean energy transfer to the wind current is about 12 mW mϪ2.

1. Introduction station P in the Pacific Ocean, where the mixed layer Ekman’s classical theory for wind-driven currents is a was 60 m thick, Niiler and Paduan (1995) used regres- fundamental part of the theory of ocean circulation. sional analysis and found an apparent mixing depth of The wind drift in deep homogeneous waters, a verti- 34–37 m based on comparisons with the theoretical Ek- cally integrated volume transport of ␶/␳f perpendicular man transport. In the Long-Term Upper-Ocean Study to the sea surface wind stress ␶ (Ekman 1905), is con- (LOTUS) conducted in the western Sargasso Sea, Price sidered robust because of its independence of the ver- et al. (1987) found that the observed transport was con- tical distribution of diffusivity. However, more often sistent with the theoretical to within than not, crucial assumptions of Ekman’s theory, such 10% and that 95% of the wind-driven transport oc- as a nonstratified ocean, are not fulfilled. curred in the upper 25 m, in fair summer weather. From Studies of the wind-driven surface transport show an direct measurements of wind and near-surface currents observed transport that at least on average is relatively along a section at 11°N, Chereskin and Roemmich close to the theoretical Ekman transport, and where the (1991) removed the geostrophic flow and considered direction of the transport deviates from the wind the ageostrophic, surface-trapped transport in the up- though not exactly perpendicular (e.g., Davis et al. per 100 m. The measured total transport was a factor 1981; Price et al. 1987; Niiler and Paduan 1995; Chere- 1.36 (Ϯ0.25) larger than the transport estimated from skin 1995). However, the choice of an shipboard wind (i.e., ␶/␳f ). The measurements were depth is often ambiguous, or found indirectly from taken in late winter under heavier winds than in previ- comparison between the theoretical and estimated ous experiments (e.g., Davis et al. 1981; Price et al. transport. From autumn and winter measurements near 1987), and the penetration depth to which the Ekman balance was found was below the mixed layer depth. During a 6-month (summer) period of moderate, south- erly winds Chereskin (1995) found an Ekman balance Corresponding author address: Signild Nerheim, Department of Earth Sciences–Oceanography, Göteborg University, Box 460, in the nearly equal to the theoretical 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden. result, for both direction and magnitude. Price and Sun- E-mail: [email protected] dermeyer (1999) reviewed questions concerning the im-

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JPO2928 1592 JOURNAL OF VOLUME 36 portance of the time-dependent variations in stratifica- buoy data are explored and compared with classical tion and found a qualitatively realistic Ekman layer Ekman theory. Section 2 gives a presentation of the structure by incorporating a diurnal cycle in a time- data and methods used. In section 3, , dependent diffusion model, Here, the daily change in wind, and buoyancy forcing are shown, and in section 4 mixed layer depth was studied but not the difference in the current data are presented. In section 5, the wind buoyancy forcing. drift under different dynamical regimes is presented and There is a certain arbitrariness regarding the choice compared with the theoretical Ekman transport. Section 6 of the wind-current depth in the cited experimental explores possible mechanisms behind the observed studies. Since the wind power primarily is supplied to transport, followed by concluding remarks in section 7. the well-mixed surface layer, the wind drift should be confined to this layer. Is the real depth of the wind drift 2. Data and methods given by the classical Ekman theory? The answer to this The dataset is from a buoy deployed in the north- question is generally negative because buoyancy fluxes western Baltic proper by the Swedish Institute of Me- through the sea surface introduce buoyancy effects and teorology and Hydrology (SMHI). The buoy position is stratification. The easiest way to establish the thickness 58°55ЈN, 19°09ЈE (Fig. 1). The distance to the shore of the well-mixed surface layer is through studies of the exceeds the internal Rossby radius (Ϸ10 km) by a fac- thermal and haline response of the mixed layer to the tor of 3. fluxes of heat and freshwater through the sea surface. The data have been through a quality control at Obviously, a seasonal pycnocline model cannot satis- SMHI. At 2- and 4-m depth, the current was measured factorily compute the evolution of the thermal and ha- by acoustic current meters from Falmouth Scientific, line properties of the surface layer unless the thickness Inc. (ACM-CBA-S). From 12 m down to 90 m, an of the well-mixed surface layer is correctly computed. ADCP (Nortek DP, 500 kHz) mounted on the bottom In the present paper the pycnocline model presented concrete fundament measured the current speed. The in Stigebrandt (1985) was used to determine the proper vertical resolution is 4 m between 12 and 48 m, and 10 layer depth and subsequently analyze current measure- m between 50 and 90 m. ments obtained in the open Baltic proper with respect The recorded currents are a mixture of components to the wind-driven transport. This model of the depth of of various frequencies and wavenumbers. We want to the well-mixed surface layer accounts for rotation, sea remove all components that are not part of the primary, surface buoyancy fluxes, and stratification. Distinguish- local quasi-steady wind drift. High-frequency current ing between the depth of the uppermost pycnocline, components, mainly inertial oscillations, were removed and for positive buoyancy fluxes through the sea sur- by filtering the current with a Butterworth low-pass face, the Ekman depth and the Monin–Obukhov depth, filter with cutoff frequency 24 h. The directly wind- the model successfully computed the depth of the sea- forced local component was found by removal of the sonal and the main halocline of the Baltic velocity at a reference depth, in accordance with pre- by consistently using the shallowest of these depths as vious works (e.g., Chereskin and Roemmich 1991; the depth of the well-mixed surface layer. During peri- Schudlich and Price 1998). Liljebladh and Stigebrandt ods of positive buoyancy flux, the smallest of the Moni- (1996) used hydrographic data to remove the calculated n–Obukhov depth, the Ekman depth, and the depth of baroclinic velocity and found the barotropic reference the uppermost pycnocline, respectively, is chosen. For velocity as the residual at an interior depth. The present negative buoyancy fluxes, the mixed layer depth should dataset does not allow an estimate of the baroclinic be the wind-current depth, as buoyancy-driven convec- velocity, but the general hydrographic conditions in the tion will distribute momentum from the wind over the area were checked using data from the Baltic Environ- whole down to the pycnocline. The mental Database (BED). The assumption that the re- analysis below thus distinguishes between three dy- moval of the reference velocity is sufficient to isolate namical regimes during positive buoyancy flux and one the wind-driven part of the current is explained in sec- regime for negative buoyancy flux. tion 4, together with a discussion of topographic effects. Three months of data from a in the north- The buoy records temperature and salinity with con- western Baltic proper are analyzed to establish the dy- ductivity–temperature (CT) sensors from Sea-Bird namics behind the observed current. Hydrography, Electronics at the same depths at which the current is wind forcing, buoyancy fluxes, and current measure- monitored. The salinity data from 2- and 4-m depth ments are used in this study. Looking at the ageo- were discarded the second half of the period because of strophic, wind-driven component and using the model instrument failure. However, this is not a problem be- of Stigebrandt (1985) the dynamics described by the cause temperature profiles indicated that the upper

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FIG. 1. The Baltic proper with the SMHI mooring (star). The buoy is more than 300 km from the coast, and the water depth is 95 m. The bottom contours are parallel to the coast.

⌽ layer was well mixed down to 30–50 m in this period. tum, and m is the nondimensional gradient of momen- ⌽ Wind speed and direction, air temperature and pres- tum (Arya 1988); m is a function of the atmospheric sure, and wave direction and height were also mea- stability, expressed as a bulk Richardson number de- sured. The air temperature and the wind speed and pendent on the air and sea surface temperatures, and direction were measured 3.6 m above the sea surface. the roughness lengths for momentum and heat. The The wind was filtered with the same low-pass filter as stability-dependent coefficients from Launiainen ␳ the current for consistency. (1995) and the density a of dry air were used in the The rationale behind the choice of length scales is as present calculations. follows: The Ekman depth, h ϭ ␬u /f, is set by the e * The parameterization of the wind stress introduces a friction velocity u , the parameter f, and an * possible bias primarily affecting the amplitude of the empirical constant ␬. This is the “classical” depth of the transport. For simplicity, wind stress estimates are often wind-driven boundary layer, applicable when buoyancy based on empirical drag coefficients that depend on and stratification effects vanish. For positive buoyancy wind speed only. The coefficients are most often valid flux B through the surface, the Monin–Obukhov depth, for a neutral atmosphere, and Large and Pond (1981) h ϭ 2m u3 /B, where m is an empirical constant and mo 0 * 0 report a 20% uncertainty in the wind stress estimate B is the buoyancy flux, is the depth to which the wind from these formulas. A drag coefficient based on is able to mix down the added buoyancy and momen- boundary layer meteorology incorporates more of the ␬ ϭ ϭ tum. Stigebrandt (1985) estimated 0.20 and m0 air–sea boundary layer physics and needs only the air 0.6 from the seasonal evolution of temperature and sa- and sea surface temperatures as additional parameters. linity in the Baltic Sea. Boundary layer meteorology parameterization [Eq. To compute the Ekman depth in homogeneous water (2)] improved the model results in the Program for h ϭ ␬u /f, and the Monin–Obukhov depth h , the e * mo Boundary Layers in the Environment (PROBE) model friction velocity in the mixed layer, u ϭ ͌␶/␳, must be * for the Baltic Sea (A. Omstedt 2005, personal commu- ␶ known. The wind stress was calculated from nication). Carlsson (1998) modeled the mean ␶ ϭ ␳ 2 ͑ ͒ in the Baltic Sea and found that the model was im- Cd aW , 1 proved by increasing the drag coefficient during winter, ␳ where W is the wind speed at a reference height and a when the atmosphere was assumed to be more un- the density of air. The drag coefficient Cd, derived from stable. To increase the accuracy of the model, Carlsson boundary layer meteorology, is calculated as follows: (1998) suggested that a stability-dependent drag coef- k2 ficient be used, one that also takes the sea ice condition C ϭ , ͑2͒ into account. During the measurements used in the d ͓ln͑z րz ͒ Ϫ ⌽ ͔2 r 0 m present paper, the air column was stable only for a short ϭ where k 0.4 is the von Kármán constant, zr is the period in late June.

reference height, z0 is the roughness length for momen- To investigate the importance of Monin–Obukhov

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dynamics during the observational period one needs to all have the errors commonly associated with sparse

know B, which depends on the fluxes of heat qin and resolution. freshwater Fin through the sea surface. The buoyancy B flux is given by 3. Hydrography, wind forcing, and buoyancy ␣ B ϭ g q ϩ g␤F S, ͑3͒ The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea with virtually ␳c in in p no because of the choking of exchange flow in the with g being the gravitational constant; ␣ and ␤ the straits in the southwest. The annual runoff is 2% of the thermal expansion and salinity contraction coefficients volume of the basin, and together with the restricted of , respectively; S the surface salinity; ␳ the salinity input through the straits this creates a low sa-

density of the mixed layer; and cp the specific heat of linity, between 6 and 7.5 in the surface layer of the

water; qin and Fin were calculated from the observed Baltic proper. The mean horizontal circulation is weak changes of the heat and freshwater contents of the and cyclonic, and follows the streamlines of the baro- mixed layer, including entrainment of waters from be- tropic circulation (Fonselius 1996; Lehmann et al.

low. During periods of pycnocline erosion, qin was 2002). found from Figure 2 shows the (a) salinity, (b) temperature, and ⌬ ϩ ␳ ⌬ ϭ ⌬ ϭ ͑ ϩ ⌬ ͒ Ϫ ͑ ͒ (c) density between August and October. The hydrog- qin t cp HTo Q Q t t Q t raphy displays the typical seasonal pattern, with a shal- ϭ ␳ ͓ ͑ ͒ ϩ ⌬ ͔ ͑ ϩ ⌬ ͒ cp H t H T t t low thermocline in summer that deepens during au- Ϫ ␳ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ tumn. The thermocline resided at 15–20-m depth in the cpH t T t , 4 beginning of the record, which starts in early August ⌬ where H and H are the mixed layer thickness and the (day 242 is 1 September). A baroclinic cyclonic in change in mixed layer depth during one time step, re- the upper layers seemed to pass the area about day 253, spectively; T(t) is the temperature at time t; To is the lifting up colder and denser water toward the sea sur- temperature of entrained waters; Q(t) is the heat con- face (Fig. 2). Between days 264 and 280, rapid ther- tent at time t, which gives mocline erosion took place. At the beginning of Octo- ␳ cp ber (day 274) the thermocline depth was around 32 m, q ϭ {H͓T͑t ϩ ⌬t͒ Ϫ T͑t͔͒ in ⌬t deepening to 40 m and stabilizing at 45 m from the middle of October (day 280). The upper halocline and ϩ ⌬ ͓ ͑ ϩ ⌬ ͒ Ϫ ͔ ⌬ Ն ͑ ͒ H T t t To }; H 0. 5 pycnocline coincided with the thermocline, and as tem- For pycnocline retreat, the heat flux was found from perature decreased, the vertical density gradient de- creased. The perennial halocline was found between q ⌬t ϭ ⌬Q in 60- and 70-m depth. The cold water between the upper H͑t ϩ ⌬t͒ ϩ H͑t͒ pycnocline and the perennial halocline is the so-called ϭ ␳c ͭ ͓T͑t ϩ ⌬t͒ Ϫ T͑t͔͒ͮ, ͑6͒ p 2 old winter water. The wind measured at the buoy is shown in Fig. 3. A giving weak peak of higher energy at the 48–50-h period was ␳ ͑ ϩ ⌬ ͒ ϩ ͑ ͒ cp H t t H t found from spectral analysis, but there are no evident q ͓T͑t ϩ ⌬t͒ Ϫ T͑t͔͒; ⌬H Յ 0. in ⌬t 2 dominant frequencies in the wind. The mean wind speed and standard deviation during August–October ͑7͒ Ϫ 2002 were 9 and 4.6 m s 1, respectively. The lowest The freshwater flux through the sea surface was deter- wind speeds were found in the beginning of the period, mined accordingly, with the freshwater height F calcu- and wind speeds above 15 m sϪ1 were found on a num- lated from ber of occasions. Figure 3b shows a progressive vector H Ϫ ͑ ͒ diagram of the filtered wind. The wind was mainly from Sref S z F ϭ ͵ dz, the south-southwest in August (days 220–241), turning S 0 ref to north in mid-September (252), and to south in the

where S(z) is the salinity at depth z, and Sref is the end of October (day 294). salinity at a given reference depth (cf. Gustafsson and Figure 4a shows the 24-h filtered buoyancy flux (up- Stigebrandt 1996). per panel, m2 sϪ3), and the cumulative buoyancy flux (͐ The mixed layer depth, defined as the depth of the Bdt,m2 sϪ2), both total and the contribution from heat bottom of the upper homogeneous layer, was found and freshwater (bottom panel). Initially, the buoyancy from the density profile. The above-described estimates flux was positive, but after day 240 the general trend

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Ϫ FIG. 2. (a) Salinity, (b) temperature (°C), and (c) density (kg m 3) at the SMHI buoy between early August and late October 2002. The data have been interpolated and filtered.

FIG. 3. (a) Observed unfiltered (top) east–west and (bottom) north–south components of the wind velocity observed at the SMHI buoy, and (b) cumulative, low-pass-filtered wind velocity, where the daily interval is marked with a cross and every 14 days with a circle, and north is upward. The velocity corresponding to 10 m sϪ1 during 1 day is shown in the figure.

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FIG. 4. (a) The (top) added buoyancy through the surface, filtered with a 24-h filter, and the (bottom) cumulative buoyancy Cum B with contributions from freshwater, Cum BS, and heat fluxes, Cum BT. (b) The (top) integrated contribution from P Ϫ E and the (bottom) instantaneous heat flux. was a negative buoyancy flux through the surface, with Figure 6 shows the current trajectories from selected the exception of four periods: days 245–246, 252–255, levels (from filtered data), which gives the distance a 266–268, and 282–288. The large fluctuations around water parcel passing the buoy would travel. The dis- day 253 may partly be an artifact due to what appears to tance corresponding to 10 cm sϪ1 during 1 day is dis- be an eddy. Figure 4b shows the integrated P – E and played. The following selected depths are shown: (a) 4, the instantaneous heat flux through the sea surface. (b) 20, (c) 40, and (d) 70 and 90 m. The 4-m measure- The buoyancy flux was dominated by heat fluxes, with ment represents the upper 16 m well, though higher the exception of days 281–288, when the so-called net variability was found at the 2-m level. The 20-m mea- precipitation (P Ϫ E) was positive and rather large. In surement is representative for the 20–32-m level. The the Baltic, 2002 was a uniquely dry year, with negative 40-m measurement represents the 36–48-m level, and P Ϫ E (Omstedt and Nohr 2004). the 70-m level is representative for the current between Figure 5 shows the observed depth of the mixed layer 50 and 70 m. The current at 80 and 90 m, that is, in the hml and the calculated Ekman and Monin–Obukhov halocline, is more variable and probably affected by depths, he and hmo, respectively. The mixed layer depth both bottom friction and baroclinic effects. The pos- followed the Ekman depth roughly in the first half of sible baroclinic eddy seen around day 250 in the hy- the measurement period. From day 262, the mixed drography was not obvious from the velocity measure- layer became deeper than the Ekman depth. The ments. Monin–Obukhov depth, defined only for positive B, The mean speed was 0.07–0.1 m sϪ1, the weakest cur- was quite erratic since both the wind and especially B rents found at 2 and 80–90 m. The vertical homogeneity had high variability. in the current indicated that a significant part of the current was barotropic. In the following analysis, the 4. Current structure barotropic component, or reference velocity, was taken to be the current velocity in the so-called winter water Current measurements show that the velocity in the above the perennial halocline but below the upper pyc- entire water column was dominated by inertial oscilla- nocline. The 40-m level was chosen as reference level, tions (Nerheim 2004). Here, the data have been low- and the current at this level was subtracted from the pass filtered as described in section 2. current at all depths. The residual current in the surface

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FIG. 5. The observed mixed layer depth hml, the calculated Ekman depth he, and the Monin–Obukhov depth hmo, estimated from the friction velocity and buoyancy fluxes. layers is (one hopes) mainly the wind-driven part of the lowing calculations were not influenced unduly by this, current. This treatment neglects possible baroclinic cur- and using the 50-m level throughout gave small changes rents. Unfortunately, because of the lack of hydro- in the calculated transport. graphic data from the area surrounding the buoy during After removing the reference velocity from all this time, this bias cannot be properly assessed. After depths, the residual current in the old winter water day 280, the thermocline went below 40 m (see Fig. 5), down to 70 m was quite small, whereas the remaining and from then on the 50-m level was used as reference current in the surface and bottom layer was larger. For level. Because of the uniformity of the current, the fol- a more thorough investigation of a possible baroclinic

FIG. 6. Current trajectories of the levels (a) 4-, (b) 20-, (c) 40-, (d) 70-, and 90-m depth. Crosses show daily values, and circles every 14 days; north is upward. The vertical bar shows the equivalent distance traveled in 1 day with a current speed of 10 cm sϪ1. Numbers for the circled observations refer to yearday.

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Ϫ FIG. 7. Transport of the wind-driven upper layer (m2 s 1) for the mixed layer, the Ekman depth, the Monin–Obukhov depth, and the theoretical Ekman transport ␶/␳f.

component, at least three different hydrographic sta- Monin–Obukhov depth hmo) were used for H in tions would be desirable. The available hydrographic Eq. (8). data from the past two decades in BED were used to The transport T ϭ ͌U2 ϩ V2 was compared with the confirm that the area is horizontally very homogeneous theoretical wind driven transport in homogeneous wa- during this time of year, giving small baroclinic contri- ter ␶/␳f, since (Ekman 1905) butions (not shown). ␳ ϭ ␶ ␳ ϭϪ␶ ͑ ͒ It is well known that in coastal areas alongshore fUE y and fVE x, 9 winds may give rise to alongshore jets (e.g., Csanady

1982; Lass and Talpsepp 1993; Ohlmann and Niiler where UE and VE denote the theoretical wind-driven 2001). Lass and Talpsepp (1993) showed that the transport in the x and y directions, with the common coastal barotropic in the southern Cartesian directions with positive x to the east and posi- Baltic extended two baroclinic Rossby radii out from tive y to the north. Since the signal-to-noise ratio is the coast. Following Ohlmann and Niiler (2001) and quite low for low wind speeds, only data for cases with rotating the coordinate system in a cross-shore and an W Ն 5msϪ1 were used to study the statistics of direc- alongshore direction, the possibility of such a coastal jet tion and magnitude of the observed transport. Figure 7 was ruled out in the present case. There was no con- shows the observed transports from the mixed layer nection between alongshore winds and alongshore ac- depth hml, the Ekman depth he, and the Monin– Ն Ϫ1 celeration, nor any other discernible bias in the re- Obukhov depth hmo for W 5ms , together with the sponse due to the proximity of the coast, and thus this theoretical transport ␶/␳f. The three observed transport contribution was assumed to be negligible. Last, pos- estimates deviate from each other and the theoretical sible semiperiodic phenomena like Kelvin waves and transport from time to time. The largest difference be- were ruled out in Nerheim (2004), in which the tween the observed and theoretical transport is seen in dominant time scales in the Baltic proper were investi- the period of erosion and strong winds toward the end gated. The effects from on the transport of the period, when the transport estimated from the calculations were found to be negligible, and wave bias Ekman depth and the mixed layer depth are quite simi- has also been ruled out. lar despite the different depths (Fig. 5). Following Stigebrandt (1985), the smallest of the 5. Transport estimates three depths (hml, he, and hmo) were chosen at times of positive and h at times of negative buoyancy flux. The ␷ ml The wind drift current (u, ) was estimated from mea- resulting observed transport is shown in Fig. 8 together surements as described in section 4 above. The volume with the theoretical transport. The fit is for the most transports of the wind drift in the east–west and north– part reasonably good, although the observed transport south directions were found by integrating the velocity is generally greater than the theoretical transport. The u and ␷ over a surface layer H: ␪ ␪ direction of the transport t and the wind stress w (in 0 0 degrees) is plotted in Fig. 8 (bottom). While the wind U ϭ ͵ udz and V ϭ ͵ ␷ dz. ͑8͒ rotates slowly clockwise, the current seems to be rotat- ϪH ϪH ing counterclockwise. The direction of the wind, and Each of the three layer-thickness estimates (the ob- also the transport, is fairly constant when the wind served mixed layer hml, the Ekman depth he, and the speeds are high, for instance during days 270–285.

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FIG. 8. (top) The observed wind-driven transport (thick line) for the length scale chosen according to Stigebrandt (1985) and the theoretical transport (solid line). (bottom) The di- ␪ ␪ rection of the wind w and the direction of the transport T.

After removing the cases with W Ͻ 5msϪ1, the re- winds from the northeast along the coast, and from the sulting data, approximately 1500 measurements with northwest perpendicular to the coast, where the above- hourly sampling, were separated into four regimes. For presented relationships are very clear. Winds from the negative buoyancy fluxes through the surface, the southwest along the shore, or from the southeast, lead mixed layer depth is the valid depth of the wind drift to flatter (more noisy) distributions. These cases are (ML-1). The three regimes for positive buoyancy flux found less often, and the larger scatter is probably due are the Monin–Obukhov (MO) regime, the Ekman to the lack of stationarity, which is more pronounced depth (E) regime, and a second mixed layer (ML-2) for the less-often-occurring winds. To assess any pos- regime. The four regimes occur during 53%, 35%, 9%, sible topographic effects on the total current, the same and 3% of the time, respectively. Figure 9 shows the analysis was performed for the data before removal of ␪ Ϫ ␪ direction of the transport relative to the wind, w t. the reference velocity, but no significant effect or In the upper panel a stacked histogram of all four re- coastal response was found. Thus, the proximity of the gimes establishes that the transport was chiefly to the coast and the topography seems to have little impact on right of the wind. The mean transport deflection for the the wind drift or the total current at the buoy. Ϫ ϩ interval ( 45°, 135°) was 55° rather than the theoret- Figure 10 (top) shows the ratio between the observed ical value of 90°. The four bottom panels show the four and theoretical transports different regimes. The transport during negative buoy- ancy fluxes (ML-1) was concentrated to the 45°–90° T sector. For the MO regime, the wind current shifted ϭ ͑ ͒ RT ␶ր␳ , 10 closer to the direction of the wind. The E regime and f the ML-2 regime occurred fewer times, the ML-2 re-

gime tentatively displaying similarities with the MO re- calculated for 24-h periods. The mean value for RT is gime. The E regime had a larger deflection than 90°, 1.38, and the theoretical transport thus underestimates and a larger spread. the observed. In the lower panel, the 24 h averaged To further substantiate the claims that the topo- buoyancy flux is shown. The magnitude of the buoy-

graphic effects are negligible, the coordinate system ancy flux was not found to affect RT directly. Distin- was rotated and the distribution studied with respect to guishing again between the four different regimes, the

alongshore and cross-shore winds, and with respect to period of negative buoyancy flux, ML-1, has a mean RT alongshore and cross-shore mean currents. There is a value of 1.69. During positive buoyancy flux, the MO,

slight tendency for a “best’’ Ekman-type deflection for E, and ML-2 regimes have mean RT values of 0.77, 1.72,

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FIG. 9. Histogram over the angle of the transport relative to the direction of the wind stress for W Ն 5msϪ1. Positive values for deflection to the right of the wind. (top) The stacked distribution for all measurements. (bottom) The four wind-layer regimes: one during negative buoyancy flux [mixed layer depth (ML-1)], and the three possible regimes during positive buoyancy flux [the Monin–Obukhov depth (MO), Ekman depth (E), and a second mixed layer depth (ML-2)].

and 0.73, respectively. The standard deviation of RT aspect of the wind current dynamics that needs to be was largest for ML-1 and E. further assessed. A small number of occurrences with disparate ob- served transports in comparison with theory lead to Wind energy input

augmented values of the ratio RT. These few occur- Since the direction of the observed wind-forced cur- rences are mainly found during periods of deep con- rent is rather uniform (slablike), the wind-parallel sur- vecting layers when a negative buoyancy flux coincides face current can be approximated as the wind-parallel

with high winds (from day 278 and onward). High-wind transport Tw divided by the depth H of the current. ϭ ␶ ␳ ␪ Ϫ ␪ events or regions of higher winds are likely to be re- From Eq. (5), Tw is given by Tw RT / f cos( w t), ␪ Ϫ ␪ sponsible for most of the energy input to the Ekman where cos( w t) is the decomposition of the ob- layer (e.g., Wang and Huang 2004). High-wind-speed served transport to the wind’s direction, found from ϭ ␪ Ϫ ␪ ϭ events during negative buoyancy fluxes emerge as an Fig. 9. For positive B, RT 0.77 and ( w t) 30°; for

␶ ␳ FIG. 10. (top) The ratio RT between observed T and theoretical / f, for 24-h averaged values and (bottom) 24-h averaged buoyancy flux. Only days with W Ն 5msϪ1 are shown.

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ϭ FIG. 11. Values of P for H determined from the three different regimes and from H hml.

ϭ ␪ Ϫ ␪ ϭ negative B, RT 1.69 and ( w t) 60°. The energy of hydrographic data with spatial resolution. Neverthe- input from the wind stress to the surface layer then less, the fact remains that the four different buoyancy equals regimes displayed quite different characteristics when the barotropic component was removed, and that is Tw P ϭ ␶ . ͑11͒ what lead to the hypothesis and interpretation pre- H sented here and below. Figure 11 shows P for two different choices of H, first For the observations as a whole, the results may be for the same choice of H as used for the transport cal- interpreted as follows. An observed wind-driven trans- ␪ Ϫ ␪ Յ culations, namely, the different wind-layer regimes; P is port T in the sector ( w t 90°) indicates that there Ϫ in the range 0.001–100 mW m 2, and the total mean P is a transport component parallel to the wind equal to T Ϫ2 Ͼ ␪ Ϫ ␪ ␪ Ϫ is 11.99 mW m . For B 0, the mean of P is 9.58 mW cos( w t). From the normal component T sin( w Ϫ2 Ͻ Ϫ2 ␪ m , and for B 0, 14.31 mW m . Part of the reason t) one obtains the “Ekman’’ component, for the higher values during negative buoyancy fluxes is ͑␪ Ϫ ␪ ͒ T sin w t a higher average wind stress in that time period. In the R ϭ . ͑12͒ second calculation the observed mixed layer depth is TN ␶ր␳f used for H. This gives lower values during the periods For instance, with ␪ Ϫ ␪ ϭ 60° one obtains R ϭ 1.20 when the Monin–Obukhov length regime is valid and w t TN (overall mean). With this interpretation, the classical the wind current is shallow. result of Ekman is still overestimated for the transport Wang and Huang (2004) used National Centers for perpendicular to the wind in addition to the component Environmental Prediction (NCEP)–National Center parallel to the wind. This is illustrated in Fig. 12. Such for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) data to calculate a component should arise, for instance, if the wind- the energy input from the low-pass-filtered wind stress driven current is subjected to flow resistance (stress) at to the Ekman layer. They found a global mean energy Ϫ the (seasonal) pycnocline. The vertically integrated input equal to 6.4 mW m 2, with the main input con- force balance of the wind-driven current now involves centrated over the Southern Ocean and storm tracks in not only surface stress and the , as in clas- the North Atlantic and North Pacific. This is a factor of sical Ekman theory, but also a bottom stress. This in- 2 lower than our estimate for some months in the Bal- evitably gives a flow component in the direction of the tic. wind. A wind-parallel component has been reported also 6. Discussion by other authors. Schudlich and Price (1998) found a The interpretation in this study is based on an as- persistent downwind shear in the upper 15 m during sumption of a current that mainly consists of a barotro- winter measurements, though not during summer, and pic and a wind-driven surface component. A topo- the mean observed transport during winter exceeded graphic response was not found, but the question of a the theoretical by a large fraction. Krauss (1993) calcu- baroclinic component stays unresolved because of lack lated a viscosity tensor to relate stress and vertical

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wind stress approximations due to the drag coefficient to be as high as 20%. In the present case, the boundary layer estimated drag coefficient was a factor 1.2 times larger than the bulk formula. Provided that the weaker deflection of the current than the expected 90° is explained by a stress at the boundary, models invoking a bottom stress may be use- ful to understand these observations. Two such models are discussed in the following. Ekman (1905) also treated pure drift currents in an ocean of finite depth, showing that for depths larger than 1.25 times the frictional depth D , the solutions FIG. 12. The Ekman transport perpendicular to the wind stress, E together with the transport observed in the ML-1 and MO re- for finite and infinite depths converge. Ekman’s depth gimes. of frictional influence, 2A ϭ ␲ͱ z ͑ ͒ DE , 13 shear, and found maximum values at 15–20 m, inter- f

preted as a result of . The stresses where Az is the vertical diffusivity, is equal to 3.25 times varied with depth, from 10° to the right of the wind near the Ekman depth he defined earlier if the surface to 50° at 25-m depth. Stacey et al. (1986) ␬2 2␳ CdW a defined a deep wind-current layer from velocity eigen- A ϭ 3.252 . ͑14͒ z ␲ 2 ␳ functions and suggested that tidally generated turbu- 2 f ␬ ϭ ϭ ϫ Ϫ3 ␳ ϭ Ϫ3 ␳ ϭ 3 lence may increase the depth to which wind-induced With 0.2, Cd 2 10 , a 1.4 kg m , 10 3 ϭ ϫ Ϫ4 Ϫ1 ϭ ϫ momentum may diffuse. They suggested that the ob- kg m , and f 1.2 10 s , one obtains Az 5 Ϫ4 ϫ 2 2 Ϫ1 served 79° deflection to the right of the wind, rather 10 W m s . This formula gives values for Az than 90°, was caused by, for instance, tidal influence, close to those given in Neumann and Pierson (1966, experiment setup, or topographic effects. A common table on p. 195). source of error in the previous cited works is the use of Following Neumann and Pierson (1966), for an ocean a linear drag coefficient (Chereskin and Roemmich of depth d, the bottom boundary conditions are u, ␷ ϭ ϭ ␳ ϫ 1991; Schudlich and Price 1998; Price and Sundermeyer 0 for z d. Then, the integrated mass transport Tx,y 1999). Large and Pond (1981) estimated the error in the is equal to

a a a a cosh2 d ϩ cos2 d Ϫ 2 cosh d cos d ␶ ͌ ͌ ͌ ͌ y 2 2 2 2 ␳T ϭ and ͑15͒ x f a a cosh2 d ϩ cos2 d ͌2 ͌2

ϭ Ϸ a a when d 0.32DE he. The corresponding total trans- sinh d sin d ␶ ͌ ͌ port is 0.6␶/␳f, which is a factor of 2.3 smaller than the t 2 2 ␳T ϭ , ͑16͒ ML-1 regime and also is smaller than the mean of all y f a a cosh2 d ϩ cos2 d four regimes. A deflection of 30°, as observed in the ͌2 ͌2 MO regime, corresponds theoretically to a transport of 0.19␶/␳f, which is about one-fourth of the observed ␶ 2 ϭ where y is the wind stress (to the north) and a transport in that regime. ␳ f( /Az). Figure 13a shows the amplification factor for Our observations show that the wind-driven mixed ϭ the two components for d KDE, with K ranging from layer has velocity characteristics much like a slab. Ap- 0 to 1.35. For K ϭ 0.5 the amplification in the x direc- plying a stationary slab model, tion is equal to 1; the total transport is 1.02␶/␳f,79° to the right of the wind, as compared with 90° for infinite ␶ ␶ depth. For a two-layer model, the analogy with the fi- x y Ϫf␷ ϭ Ϫ Cu and fu ϭ Ϫ C␷, ͑17͒ nite-depth model explains the observed ϳ60° deflection H␳ H␳

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FIG. 13. The changes in transport due to (a) finite depth and (b) bottom drag in a slab model. Here, K is the ϭ depth normalized by the friction depth, d KDE, and C is the linear drag coefficient. somewhat different transport relations appear. Here, u Neither model takes the buoyancy effects into account. and ␷ are the velocities of the slab, H the depth of the It is not unlikely that turbulence effects and small-scale mixed layer, and C the linear drag coefficient corre- mixing may have unknown impacts on the current. sponding to the decay time scale CϪ1. Using again ␶ ϭ Hosegood and van Haren (2003) found a spike-like re- ␶ ϭ ␷ ␶ ␳ y, the relationship between (U, V) (u, )H and / f duction in current speed associated with concurrent de- gives the following modification of the wind-driven flections in the current direction in the mainly geo- transport due to the bottom drag: strophic current on the continental slope of the Faeroe– Shetland Channel. They found that the change in f 2 ␶ fC ␶ U ϭ and V ϭ . ͑18͒ current was associated with intermittent bursts of tur- f 2 ϩ C2 ␳f f 2 ϩ C2 ␳f bulence, explained by a bursting phenomenon in a bot- tom boundary layer caused by the thickening of the The amplification factors for U and V are plotted for boundary layer due to a downslope Ekman transport of 0 Ͻ CϪ1 Ͻ 4 days in Fig. 13b. The total transport goes buoyancy. This is in accordance with the speculations asymptotically toward 1. A deflection of 60° to the on tidally generated turbulence found in Stacey et al. right of the wind corresponds to a total transport near (1986). Similar small-scale effects that differ depending 0.87␶/␳f, that is, greater than the theoretical Ekman on the sign of the surface buoyancy flux may explain transport in the same direction for shallow layers but the observed differences between regimes. smaller than the observed transport. A deflection of 30° gives a transport of 0.49␶/␳f. The C values are then 4 and 1.3 h, respectively. These values are not chosen for 7. Concluding remarks any physical rationale but may be interpreted as a short response time between a bottom stress and a resulting The sign of sea surface buoyancy fluxes appears to be wind-parallel component. crucial in determining the characteristics of the wind- In conclusion, the observed transport in the ML-1 current transport. Drag at the bottom of the wind- regime (B Ͻ 0), 1.69␶/␳f, directed about 60° to the right current layer will give rise to a component parallel to of the wind, can be explained by neither the finite- the wind, whose magnitude depends critically on the depth equations nor the slab model. For shallow layers sign of the buoyancy flux. in the MO and ML-2 regimes (B Ͼ 0) the observed The classical Ekman regime, with homogeneous wa- transport was Ϸ0.75␶/␳f, directed about 30° to the right ter and vanishing buoyancy fluxes, is realized only of the wind. This result is reasonably well predicted by about 10% of the time in the present investigation. the slab model if C Ϸ 1.3 hϪ1. The finite-depth equa- Most of the time, buoyancy fluxes through the sea sur- tions underestimate the transport in this case. face causes the well-mixed layer to be either shallower Though the models outlined here do not fully explain or deeper than the classical Ekman depth. In both cases the observed transports, they may be suggestions for there is a wind-parallel transport component in the further development of new boundary conditions that mixed layer. This is obviously coupled to stress acting at closer resemble the true wind drift found in the sea. the bottom of the well-mixed surface layer that causes

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