I!: Mended Candidates for Appointment by Procedures Are Determined by the Board Representation on the Board As Deter­ the Archbishop

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I!: Mended Candidates for Appointment by Procedures Are Determined by the Board Representation on the Board As Deter­ the Archbishop -Sj 3 O o M TH^ -.J LO CD f- m o THURSDAY, JULY 17. 19A9 DENVER ARCI :DI0CESAN EDITION O < < VQL. o r~ m c: X to 03 In Colorado Springs 03 -4 03 O O f* - CD ro z Board Appointment Bue by September 1 A special steering committee appointed one year. The deadline for .all applica­ Due to the fact that boards of educa­ by the Archbishop James V. Casey has tions is August 6. tion are relatively new to the Catholic made specific recommendations for es- The steering committee will review cll community, initial boards most frequently tablish'ng a Colorado Springs Metropoli­ applications and prepare a list o f recom­ are appointed. Subsequent memtership tan Areo Board of Catholic Education. i!: mended candidates for appointment by procedures are determined by the board Representation on the board as deter­ the Archbishop. It is anticipated that the and usually follow an elective process. mined by the steering committee will be board w ill be established by September 1. The Colorado Springs Area Board ulti­ as follows: One layman or laywoman The initial board will serve staggered mately will be the policy-making body from each of the nine city parishes; two one, two, and three-year ter.ns o f office. responsible for all phases o f Catholic edu­ priests from the area clergy; two Sisters Each year, approximately one-third o f the cation, whether the Catholic schools, pre­ from religious communities serving the board will be replaced by new members. school and adult education, or in religious Catholic people; and two to four mem- The formation of the board follows a and moral formation programs for Catho­ bers-at-large from the community not in­ high priority recommendation made by lic students attending public schools. cluded in the above. the Academy for Educational Develop­ Conservative estimates list 9,500 Catholic ment, Inc. (AED), currently developing a students of elementary and secondary I; Beginning July 20, application forms master plan for all aspects of Catholic school age in the Colorado Springs area. will be available at the Catholic parishes education in Colorado Springs. The first Father William F. Meyers, Superin­ o f Colorado Springs and from the Catho­ task o f the new board will be to receive tendent o f Education in the Diocese of lic Education OfTlce. Applicants are re­ the written study report on Cfetober 1, Lansing, Mich., known nationally for his quired to have been residents for at lease 1969, and begin its implementation. work with boards of Catholic education, has been acting as a special AED con­ sultant in the formation of the Colorado Springs Board. HUD Grants $5 Million The members of the recently es­ tablished committee are: For Denver Conservation Msgr. Anthony EIzi, pastor of Corpus Christi Church; POW! The Department of Housing and Urban simultaneously in three areas of the city Hayden Kane, attorney at law, Trustee Development announced July 11 the ap­ encompassing 302 city blocks and approxi­ of the Colorado Springs Serra Club, and A split second away from the big punch is Darrell Hurd, one of several proval o f a $5,397,625 grant to the City of mately 6% o f the total dwelling units in member o f the former Education Steering youths participating in the two-week sessions at St. Peter Claver Religious Denver for a neighborhood improvement Denver. Committee; Vacation School at Sacred Heart School. Darrell, along with playmates program. Joe Barry, Community Devel­ F.A.C.E. Area-One is the area bounded Motlier Liguori Sullivan, O.S.B., Moth­ Brian Ivory and Juan Hizon, enjoy a combination of recreation and in­ opment Administrator, said this Federally approximately by Bannock Street and er General o f the Sisters o f St. Benedict, struction each morning at Sacred Heart's playground. For other pictiu*es Assisted Conservation Encouragement Ogden Street and by West 5th -Avenue, Benet Hill Priory, and details, see p. 8 of this week's Register. (F.A.C.E.) Program will be declared on Speer Boulevard and Valley Highway. John DeMers, principal of Chamberlain F.A.C.E. Area-'Two is the area bounded Elementary School, member of St. Mary’s approximately by Federal Boulevard and High School Advisory Committee; P-vry Street and by West 6th Avenue Father Joseph Leberer, pastor of Holy A Different Week Highway and West 13th Street. F.A.C.E. Family Church, Security; and Mrs. C. P. Area-Three is the area bounded approxi> Semmens, president o f the Colorado mately by West 32nd Avenue and West Springs Deanery of the Denver Archdioce­ — Or Was It? 39th Avenue and by Inca Street and V al­ san Council o f Catholic Women. lejo Street. "The times, they are a-changin,” says assistant for Hispano Affairs, and UMAS case. The prosecution will present a brief a current folk song. said they would take "physical action by Aug. 15 and a hearing on the motion MAYOR WILLIAM McNICHOLS And the Church is also changing. against the Church.” to dismiss as well as rebuttals by both Without giving either support or approval said the grant w ill provide assistance to "We feel this rejection is part of the sides are slated at that time. upgrade public improvements in the areas to the following events. The Register re­ overall rejection of our people by all in­ cords here significant items in the news Father Hart also made the headlines such as streets, alleys, traffic signals and stitutions. This clearly indicates to us recently when he was re-classifiod by the signs, fire signals and tree planting on f this past week. that the Catholic Church is not on the • The Cathedral was picketed for Selective Service as 1-A rather than the public property plus other city services. side of the poor but rather the rich. This usual 4-D classification given ministers of The g?ant will provide approximately $1.5 three hours Sunday. can be further verified if you will remem­ • Two priests. Father Craig Hart and religion. He apparently was re-classified million in grants to home owners with ber that only months ago Archbishop in retaliation for sending his draft card limited income to improve their proper­ Father Martin Jenco. and Sister Patricia Casey disavowed any connection with Seal go to court for unlawful assembly to President Richard Nixon as a protest. ties. Low cost loans will also be available those brave priests and nuns who were to others based on income limitations. and resisting arrest. protesting the legislation for the poor. A N O T H E R PR IE S T , Father Thomas Home ownership in the areas will be stim­ • A Catholic priest. Father Thomas The Catholic Church had better heed the Rauch, joined the ranks of public rebels ulated. Rauch, S.J., concelebrated a Eucharistic Father Groppis and Father Harts of this this week when he concelebrated a Eu­ Approximately thirty governmental and service with an Episcopal priest and a country and become involved,” UM AS charistic service with a Lutheran minis­ non-governmental agencies will partici­ Lutheran minister. stated. • And Catholics for a Better Society ter, Rev. Ken Sherman, and an Episcopal pate directly in a total effort to stabilize priest, the Rev. Malcolm Boyd, Sunday, and arrest ^ e decline of some of the older are talking about revolution in the FATHER HART himself is in "hot at the Greek Theatre in Civic Center. neighborhoods with many good desirable Church. water” for two of his activities. He is one "I think we were trying to point out qualities, Barry said. Many other organi­ o f 14 Denverites who walked into the that Christian churches from their com­ zations not included in the federal funding AT THE CATHEDRAL of the Im­ Colorado Senate while it was in session mon faith in Christ should be interested will also participate. maculate Conception, Sunday, a group of to protest the inactivity of the Legisla­ in their fellowmen in areas o f racism, The three-year program, Barry said, 75 to 100 members o f the United Mexi- ture in regards to bills which might have poverty and war instead o f concerning will encourage the active participation o f can-American Students and their sym­ helF>ed the poor through education, health themselves with intramural problems,” the neighborhood c>,’«ens’ groups in a C it­ pathizers picketed to protest the Arch­ and welfare items as well as through bet­ Father Rauch said. izen-City Partnership for Total Communi­ diocese’s refusal to provide $100,000 for ter working conditions for the migrants. He explained that the Lutheran minis­ ty Development. Active citizens’ groups in Hispano college scholarships. Along with him were Father Martin ter, a member of an activist group, Lu­ the areas include: South Central Improve­ The group’s request had been turned Jenco and Sister Patricia, a Sister of Lor- ther Action Committee, was concerned ment Assn., West Side Improvement down following a meeting with Auxiliary etto. Bishop George Evans and Father Joseph In a session Tuesday in Judge William because one of the conference topics for Assn., Spruce Lane Center Assn., Villa Torres. S.J., Archbishop James V. Casey’s Conley’s court the defense presented its the Lutheran convention meeting in Den­ Park Improvement Assn., and East High­ ver this week was a discussion of the lands Improvement Assn. relationship of the Missouri Synod Luth­ erans to the American Lutheran Church. He felt, Father Rauch said, that this was Bishop Calls for ^ew not the most vital issue facing churches Pope Writes today.
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