Somali Region, Shabele, Doolo and Korahay Needs and Market Assessment Report August 2017 Summary of Findings 1

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Somali Region, Shabele, Doolo and Korahay Needs and Market Assessment Report August 2017 Summary of Findings 1 Somali Region, Shabele, Doolo and Korahay Needs and Market Assessment Report August 2017 Summary of findings 1. Context The NDRMC led Flood Task Force (FTF) was restarted in 2017 raising awareness on the risk of flash and river flooding in various flood prone areas in the country. The report also pointed out the increased likelihood of seasonal rainfall dominated by near-normal summer rains. Normal to above normal Kremt rainfall was anticipated across the Western Half of the Country, with North- eastern and Southern high lands likely to receive normal rainfall likely to result in flash and river basin flooding. Parts of Somali Region including the Shabele River are known to experience flash and/or river flooding when it rains heavily in the Oromia high lands. In anticipation of flash and river flooding and increased household needs, IOM Ethiopia carried out a needs and markets assessment covering shabele river zone, Korahay and Doolo zones of Somali region in August 2017. The flooding occurs twice annually mainly between May and June as well as between Mid-August to October period following floods in the high lands. In Shabele Mustahil Woreda, the following Kebeles are projected to be the worst affected if it flooded this year – Eyole, Faguug, Buolo, Mustahil Kebele 1, Mustahil Kebele 2 and Godae Kebeles. Household are displaced temporarily to higher aground in the following Kebeles; Golsho, Lawareg, Bigeyd, Kalabayd, Birgeyd, Saraley, Agodurea, Hawala Adow, Maalin Ad, Qansaha, Fita Warer, Bar Gadfa, Shirknaneco and Kebele 2. Some items lack in the market when the floods last a long period (3 months). On the other side of Kelafo, flush or river flooding occurs during the same period. The worst affected Kebeles of Kelafo are; Kelafo, Kabhanle, Goble, Afdab, Kebele 2 and Niri Niri. Households are displaced from these Kebeles to Kebeles of Biyo Ad, Anole,Mimán, Dayah, Shinbuul, Tuulokulo, Kalabeyd, Danyerow, Bus Ad, Lebi, Roob Daáy, Quraashka, Arrierey, Kururanhle, Habasweyne, Jirosoo and Bokol Bokol. The impact of the flush and river floods mainly manifests in washing away of crops near the river bed, washing away and/or destruction of shelters, light materials like beddings/clothing are washed away, loss of lives for both human and livestock (when caught unawares) by both crocodiles and gushing water, water contamination, loss of household items including food and displacement to higher ground. The marketplace of Mustahil and Kelafo are flooded causing destruction to some of the commodities stocked by vendors. Market actors and households have not permanently moved from Kelafo and Mustahil because schools, market, water points and health facilities are located in these places. Households cope by constructing a raised storage table inside the house where food is stored away from water when it floods, constantly requesting for flood information upstream (mainly Gode and Dire Dawa) and moving to higher ground when it floods. In addition, household members use mosquito nets at night to prevent malaria. Even though some areas of Wader are low laying and prone to flooding, majority of the current displacements are mainly due to chronic poverty exacerbated by the continued drought that has led to the loss of livelihoods Market and Needs Assessment LM/IOM/08/2017 1 causing the people to move in search of urgently needed humanitarian assistance. According to this assessment and confirmed by IOMs DTM round 6 analysis, Wader Marketplace and its environs currently houses in excess of 25,000 displaced households (150,000 displaced persons). 2. Methodology The assessment team composed of six IOM staff and ten data enumerators visited Shabele River zone and covered Godey, Kelafo and Mustahil areas that are affected when it floods. A DPPO Woreda staff was assigned to accompany the assessment team in all the sites visited. Other areas visited and assessed include Doolo and Korahay Zone covering Wader, Kebridahar displacement sites and marketplaces. Informative discussions were held with UN Agencies and INGO and Local NGO including but not limited to OCHA, WHO, WFP, OXFAM, Mercy Corps and OWDA. Number of people interviewed by category and gender excluding humanitarian organisations; Category of Interviewees # Male # Female Total Interviews 1 Leaders (Kebele/Woreda) 53 22 75 2 Household 95 220 315 3 Vendors 71 48 119 4 Focus Group 56 74 130 Total 275 364 639 Logistics and challenges faced Logistics was well organized and managed with an additional vehicle and driver provided by UN OCHA Gode Office to support the assessment. The Office also provided assessment information and local security updates. Any assumptions made That similar Woredas would be affected if there were floods and that the effects of the flush or river floods (if it occurs in 2017) will be similar to that experienced in 2014/2015 base year. 3. Security and protection issues The security in the area including IDP sites during the assessment period permitted assessment teams and IDPs free movement and easy access to the assessment areas, marketplaces and IDP settlement sites. IDPs have free and safe access to the marketplace and the local market actors. The team does not have protection concerns in all the areas visited with the exception of Wader displacement sites where attention to clan systems should be made during targeting of both displacement sites and households to ensure that minority groups are not excluded. Market and Needs Assessment LM/IOM/08/2017 2 Targeting and provision of humanitarian assistance through female household heads should be considered unless exceptional cases of child headed households (if or where they exist) and a widower taking care of his family. 4. IDP response preference IDPs are open to receiving assistance to meet immediate basic needs including ES/NFIs. Majority (90%) based on the household interviews reported preference for cash as they can purchase ES/NFI items in the local markets and based on their household priorities. For example, 85% households (mainly women) reported that they preferred a 20 liter bucket to the 20 liter Jerrican normally provided in the ES/NFI kit. They indicated the multipurpose use of the bucket including- fetch and store water, wash/clean clothes, bathe among others. In addition, the basin found in the local market is slightly different compared to what is distributed by the ES/NFI cluster members. It is of similar quality but is wider with lower edges. The women reported its preference due to the way they wash and stored clothes. They indicated that they would purchase this type of basin if they received money. Even though there were reports that the tarpaulin distributed is strong and easily withstands the strong winds, it was also indicated to be very hot during the hot period. Household members indicated that they sometimes sleep outside in the open during this period. No options were suggested in replacement of the current tarpaulin because the old clothing used is not stocked in the local market but rather assembled by women over time when they get the fabric. 5. IDP Needs Right now the serious needs affecting households in Kelafo and Mustahil is the lack of food due to the prolonged drought however, when floods set in, the priority needs were reported as both ES/NFI and safe water. It was reported that households can benefit from water purification tablets and prevent diseases if the tablets and jerricans are provided prior to the floods. In addition, the local leaders laid Emphasis on the need for mosquito nets in an effort to prevent malaria. In Doolo Zone - Wader and Kebridahar, the displaced households need ES/NFI and food response. They reported that food availed to them is not adequate. The reason given for the food inadequacy was the fact that households equally share the food received hence, household members do not necessarily receive sufficient daily kilocalories. In this case households reported that they would consider using part of cash meant for ES/NFI to purchase food if adequate food was not distributed. In addition, women expressed the need for clothing especially for the children. This calls for increased coordination of food and ES/NFI distribution activities for maximum benefits to be achieved through cash transfer response. Refer to Table IV, for detailed number of households in need of ES/NFI in the different location collected by the assessment and compared to IOM DTM data. The data is confirmed by the Woreda and Zonal leaders though focus group discussions. 6. Market analysis Market and Needs Assessment LM/IOM/08/2017 3 Markets functionality and availability of ES/NFI Markets are functioning with a variety of ES/NFI materials available and vendors willing to participate in a cash based intervention (CBI) however, in Mustahil and Wader, some vendor related weaknesses exist and are likely to affect CBI. The specific blanket and plastic Jerricans normally provided in the standard ES/NFI kit are not locally available even though they can be availed. The varieties of the blankets and yellow plastic Jerricans available are of higher quality compared to the ones distributed however, this is also what is commonly used and preferred by the households because they are reported to be long lasting. All the markets visited are reported to be very well connected with the exception of Mustahil and Wader that are fairly connected especially during the flood season due to the impassable muddy roads. There is reported good flow of goods and commodities to these three markets during the dry season and therefore vendors re- stock prior to the rainy season and/or flood period. Gode and Kebridahar are located on the main tarred road and therefore very well connected to other market and with smooth flow of goods and commodities throughout the year. The two markets are very well stocked with ES/NFI of high quality compared to some specific items distributed by the ES/NFI cluster.
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