Cryonics insights and information for members and friends of the Cryonics Institute NEWSLETTER • [email protected] • 1 (866) 288-2796 CI BULLETIN

and hosts many events with speakers on the cutting edge of this exciting field. As I have said before, I would be quite happy to see and age-reversal technologies discovered in our lifetimes rather than having to go through cryopreservation and wait for those technologies to happen decades or even centuries later. However, no matter how hopeful the current research is, if it doesn’t happen in our lifetimes we have a “backup plan,” and that plan is cryonics.

The event was well-attended with a lot of interested people curious to know more about our “Ambulance to the Future.” The program was also live-streamed on YouTube, so it was available to people all over the world who could also ask questions via live chat. And I certainly received a number of Hello All, questions - one of the most common questions was about how the cryonics process actually works from declaration of 2018 has been a great year for CI and I would like to thank legal death to long-term cryostasis. We call that sequence of all of our members who have decided to join us on this excit- events standby, and, as always, I cannot stress enough how ing ride into the future. For those of you reading this who are critical good standby planning and preparation is to a suc- not members, please consider joining the Cryonics Institute cessful suspension. To get started, I recommend you review in 2019 - the more of us who are aboard, the better all of our our Standby Manual, which includes great information chances become to see the future together. and advice on standby planning. A second recommenda- tion would be to fill out our new online Membership Data As you know, we have made significant improvements to Form. This form is not specifically geared to standby, but it our Clinton Township facility and this issue you can see does provide valuable information to CI that you will need those changes for yourself. Some of the improvements are to have in place to be cryopreserved with us. It also makes cosmetic like fresh paint and better lighting, others are utility a great list of action items and required forms to help you like safety rails and improved LN2 delivery. The improve- gauge how prepared you are with regard to your necessary ment I am most proud of is the addition of six new cryostats, CI paperwork, funding and other formal pre-planning steps. which brings our facility to full patient capacity. When you think that only a few decades ago the Cryonics Institute only The Perpetual Life speech was a great capstone to a year had one patient and one cryostat, and then look at where where I had the privilege of giving many interviews to the we are today, it is a great proof positive of how much we press about cryonics, including the very high-profile pro- have grown and expanded over the years. Special thanks gram “Good Morning Britain” which has a viewership of to Andy Zawacki and Mike McCauley for their hard work in around 700,000 viewers daily. It’s great to be able to reach making these improvements. thousands of people, but whether an audience is 10 people or 10,000, every single opportunity to get our message out Recently I had the opportunity to make a presentation at the counts. With that in mind, I would like to offer some advice Church of Perpetual Life giving a talk about cryonics and on how to engage people about cryonics. the Cryonics Institute. For those of you who don’t know, the Church of Perpetual Life is dedicated to life extension As cryonicists, we need to get “buy-in” from those who are

2 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG going to help us in the standby process when we cannot decision themselves. Often people who were initially help ourselves. These people include funeral directors, hostile to the idea come around and become curious emergency personnel and perhaps most important, about the reasoning that lead me to choose cryonics friends and family members. and are more willing to listen with an open mind rather The most important thing to remember about getting than simply rejecting the idea outright. Once you can someone’s “buy in,” whether a family member or a pro- open a dialogue you give others the chance to consider fessional is that the person does not need to agree with what you’re saying and decide for themselves. our opinion about the viability of cryonics. This is the biggest mistake most of us make - we want to convince There were two notable events in 2018 involving cry- those around us of our ideas. That’s just human nature. onics pioneers of special significance to the Cryonics However, in the case of asking for standby help and Institute. First, 2018 marks the 100th birthday of our honoring our suspension arrangements, the goal is not founder, . Mr. Ettinger was cryopreseved to get a person to agree with cryonics in principle, but to simply explain what we want done and have them agree on July 28, 2011. to honor our wishes. Second, Dr Yuri Pichugin, CI’s Director of Research Usually you will get resistance from a person if they think from 2001 to 2007 was preserved by KrioRus in later what you want done is irrational and here is where most November of this year. Dr Pichugin was intrumental in people would begin to argue about why cryonics makes creating and refining CI’s CI-VM1 perfusion solution. sense and justify their decision. My approach is that my mind is already made up, so whether someone else We owe a great debt of gratitude to both these cryonics thinks it is a bad decision or not doesn’t really matter. All pioneers and will continue to work hard to make their that matters is they agree to honor my wishes to be cryo- visions of cryonics a reality. suspended. I find that this calm, rational approach works best because instead of arguing complicated theories I In closing, I would like to wish everyone a very happy am presenting a much easier question - “Will you honor New Year with hopes that your 2019 will be a great year. my wishes and do what I am asking you to?” I am very excited for all that we have coming up at CI in I find this calm, confident approach also works well for 2019, and I thank you for being a part of it with us! me when being interviewed. I make sure to express that this is my choice and my opinion and I do not expect Dennis Kowalski others to necessarily agree with me or make the same President - Cryonics Institute

CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS The digital newsletter of the Cryonics Institute Cryonics Institute or cryonics-related articles are 24355 Sorrentino Ct. welcome. Submissions: [email protected] Clinton Township, MI 48035-3239

Phone: 1 (586) 791-5961 Toll-free: 1 (866) 288-2796 (North America) E-SUBSCRIPTIONS FAX: 1 (586) 792-7062 * As a CI member, you are automatically added Email: [email protected] to our email reminder list. To unsubscribe, please use the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom © 2018 Cryonics Institute of your email.

3 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Membership Benefits Why join the Cryonics Institute? 1) A Second Chance at Life Training Materials and Kits for members who choose Membership qualifies you to arrange and fund a to perform Local Standby. vitrification (anti-crystallization) perfusion and cooling upon legal death, followed by long-term storage in 7) Affordable Funding Options liquid nitrogen. Instead of certain death, you and Cryopreservation with CI can be funded through your loved ones could have a chance at rejuvenated, life insurance policies issued in the USA or other healthy physical revival through cryopreservation. countries. Prepayment and other options for funding are also available to CI members. 2) Affordable Cryopreservation The Cryonics Institute (CI) offers full-body 8) Cutting-Edge Cryonics Information cryopreservation for as little as $28,000. Members receive a free e-subscription to the Cryonics Institute Newsletter, as well as access to our Facebook 3) Affordable Membership page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel and an official Become a Lifetime Member for a one-time payment members-only forum. of only $1,250, with no dues to pay. Or join as a Yearly Member with a $75 inititation fee and dues of 9) Helpful, Professional Support just $120 per year, payable by check, credit card or CI’s professional staff is available to answer any PayPal. questions and address any concerns you may have about CI, your membership or Cryopreservation. 4) Lower Prices for Spouses and Children The cost of a Lifetime Membership for a spouse of a 10) Additional Preservation Services Lifetime Member is half-price and minor children of a CI offers a sampling kit, shipping and long-term liquid Lifetime Member receive membership free of charge. nitrogen storage of tissues and DNA from members, their families or pets for just $98. 5) Quality of Treatment CI employed a Ph.D level cryobiologist to develop 11) Support Education and Research CI-VM-1, CI’s vitrification mixture which can Membership fees help CI to fund important cryonics help prevent crystalline formation at cryogenic research and public outreach, education and temperatures. information programs to advance the science of cryonics. 6) Standby Options and Assistance CI’s use of Locally-Trained Funeral Directors means 12) Member Ownership and Control that our members can get knowledgeable, licensed CI Members are the ultimate authority in the care. Or members can arrange for professional organization and own all CI assets. They elect the cryonics standby and transport by subcontracting Board of Directors, from whom are chosen our with , Inc or International officers. CI members also can change the Bylaws of Cryomedicine Experts (I.C.E.) Ci also offers Standby the organization (except for corporate purposes).

The choice is clear: Irreversible physical death, dissolution and decay, or the possibility of a vibrant and joyful renewed life. Don’t you want that chance for yourself, your spouse, parents and children?

To get started, contact us at: (586) 791-5961 • email: [email protected] Visit us online at CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

Dr. Yuri Pichugin Cryopreserved

Dr. Yuri Pichugin, CI’s Research Director (2001-2007) was cryopreserved in late November of this year after suffering a heart attack in his home country of Ukraine. The cryopreservation was performed by KrioRus using perfusion techniques, including the use of CI-VM1, which Pichugin developed during his time at the Cryonics Institute. Pichugin’s work produced demonstrated improvements in patient care, and led to new cooling rates and improved washout and perfusion solutions for CI.

Born in the former USSR, Dr. Pichugin served since the 1970’s as a researcher at the largest cryobiology center in the world, the Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, in what is now Ukraine. Pichugin’s career included work at universities and research facilities in both the United States and the former Soviet Union. One of his most notable achievements was at the Institute for Neural Cryobiology, where his research efforts led for the first time in history to 100% viability results for tissue slices.

Pichugin was 67 years old at the time of his preservation.

CI President Dennis Kowalski Speaks at the Church of Perpetual Life Dennis Kowalski, President of the Cryonics Institute, addressed a live and online streaming audience at the Church of Perpetual Life in Hollywood, FL on December 13, 2018. Kowalski gave a concise overview of cryonics and the Cryonics Institute and then opened the floor to questions from the audience. He commented “We had a great crowd with a lot of excellent and insightful questions. I’m grateful we had this oppportunity, especially since many of the audience members weren’t familiar with the services CI offers.”

The Church of Perpetual Life’s stated mission is “to assist all people in the radical extension of healthy human life, and to provide fellow- ship for longevity enthusiasts through regular, holiday and memo- rial services.” The Church also hosts guest speaker presentations every month on a variety of longevity and life-extension topics . Past presentations can be seen on their YouTube channel. View Presentation To learn more, visit

5 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

Major Facility Upgrades: Part Two

Safety Rails and Catwalks

CI’s cryostats were outfitted with new safety rails, catwalks and stairways. Advantages include easier and safer patient trans- fer and cryostat maintenance, as well as making the critical jobs of checking LN2 levels and topping off the tanks faster and safer.

6 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

7 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

Improved LN2 Lines and Valves

One of CI’s major operating expenses is Liquid Nitrogen. Improved lines and valves reduce vapor leakage and increase delivery efficiency of this vital component of our operations.

8 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute Accent Lights

Blue accent lighting adds a futuristic feel to the facility.

9 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

New Wall Art

New cryonics messaging artwork in the office area, cryostat bay, workshop and perfusion room.

10 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

New Cryostats

Six additional cryostats have been installed and equipped with catwalks and safety railings to bring the Clinton Township facility up to full storage capacity.

11 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CI NEWS What’s happening at the Cryonics Institute

Paint, Lighting, Equipment and Maintenance

Walls and ceilings throughout the entire facility have been refurbished and refreshed, including any necessary patching and a fresh paint job inside and out. Important improvements were made to our electrical systems, including the installa- tion of new LED lighting which is both cheaper to operate and significantly brighter than the old lights. Additionally, several pieces of equipment have been upgraded or replaced and the back work area has been completely refurbished to accom- modate additional patient storage if needed. Special thanks and credit to CI Facilities Manager Andy Zawacki and Facilities Technician Mike McCauley for their hard work and the amazing results!

With the majority of improvements done to our main facility, we will be focusing efforts on remodelling the new CI West location in 2019.

12 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Get the world’s premier publication on prolonging youth & longevity for one year absolutely FREE! MKMCCL180401

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MKMCCL180401_LongLife/Cryonics Institute Ads.indd 1 4/20/18 2:38 PM Hong Kong-2 Hong Kong-2 Hong Kong-2 Japan-4 Japan-4 Japan-4 TOTAL Singapore-3 Singapore-3 Singapore-3 Cambodia-1 Cambodia-1 1,938 New Zealand-1 New Zealand-1 New Zealand-1 Australia-63 Australia-63 Australia-63 China-4 China-4 China-4 Russia-2 Russia-2 Russia-2 India - 1 India - 1 India - 1 Liechtenstein-1 Liechtenstein-1 Liechtenstein-1 Pets ...... 166 DNA/Tissue...... 278 SA ...... 244 Romania-3 Romania-3 Turkey-2 Turkey-2 Romania-3 Turkey-2 Israel-1 Israel-1 173 Israel-1 Hungary-1 Hungary-1 Austria-3 Austria-3 Austria-3 Czech Republic-2 Czech Republic-2 Czech Republic-2 Greece-12 Greece-12 Greece-12 Poland-8 Poland-8 Poland-8 Switzerland-2 Switzerland-2 Switzerland-2 Lithuania-1 Lithuania-1 Lithuania-1 Sweden-11 Sweden-11 Sweden-11 Croatia-2 Croatia-2 Croatia-2 ...... Norway-8 Norway-8 Norway-8 Malta-1 Malta-1 Malta-1 Italy-11 Italy-11 Italy-11 Denmark-3 Denmark-3 Denmark-3 Members ...... 1,570 Assoc. Members ...... 195 Patients Netherlands-13 Netherlands-13 Netherlands-13 Belgium-10 Belgium-10 Belgium-10 Portugal-3 Portugal-3 UK-109 UK-109 Spain-15 Spain-15 Portugal-3 UK-109 Spain-15 France-17 France-17 France-17 Scotland- 4 Scotland- 4 Ireland-2 Ireland-2 Scotland- 4 Ireland-2 British Isles-2 British Isles-2 British Isles-2 Germany-58 Germany-58 Germany-58 Brazil-4 Brazil-4 Brazil-4 Argentina-1 Argentina-1 Argentina-1 Aruba-2 Aruba-2 Aruba-2 Chile-1 Chile-1 Chile-1 DECEMBER 2018 Canada-97 Canada-97 Costa Rica-2 Costa Rica-2 Canada-97 Costa Rica-2 United States-1,075 United States-1,075 Mexico-4 Mexico-4 Mexico-4 New Members New Country

CI MEMBERSHIP 14 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG France 17 Germany 58 Greece 12 gained 3 Hong Kong 2 Hungary 1 India 1 11 Ireland 2 Israel 1 Italy Japan 4 lost 1 Liechtenstein 1 Lithuania 1 Malta 1 Mexico 4 Netherlands 13 New Zealand 1 Norway 8 gained 2 Poland 8 Portugal 3 lost 1 Romania 3 Russia 1 Scotland 4 lost 1 Singapore 3 Spain 15 Sweden 11 Switzerland 2 2 Turkey UK 109 lost 1 1075 USA gained 1 gained 11 gained 1 CI Statistics as of December 20, 2018 1570 total Members Of the 1570 members, 622 of them have funded contracts in force. Of those 622 members with CI contracts in force, 244 of them also have contracts with Suspended Animation. CI has 173 human patients CI has 166 pet patients are storing various tissue samples for 278 of We our members 1 Argentina Aruba 2 Australia 63 Austria 3 gained 1 Bahrain 0 Belgium 10 Brazil 4 lost country British Isles 2 Cambodia 1 Canada 97 4 new country Chile 1 gained 1 China gained 1 Costa Rica 1 Croatia 2 Czech Republic 2 Denmark 3 Egypt 0 lost country CRYONICS NEWS Science, Technology and Medical News from the Web


The VP882 virus ‘eavesdrops’ on bacteria to kill

Scientists say the virus monitors bacterial to conduct official business. In bacteria, that chemical exchanges means having enough bacteria present, and ROBBY BERMAN - 15 December, 2018 “business” is causing illness. Quorum sensing, then, is bacteria chemically polling the local When bacteria broadcast their presence, environment to find if there are enough of bacteriophages may be listening their own kind to get down to making some disease. Scientists have just discovered that A stunning discovery of cross-domain some bacteria-infecting viruses, such as the communication one above, can listen in on this chemical Research could lead to new, custom- targeted conversation to ascertain the optimal time to medicines start killing the nearby bacterial population. Their research was published this month in the Cholera is caused by a bacterium called Cell. Vibrio cholerae, and along and other disease- causing bacteria, it engages in something “As scientists, this is just unimaginable to us,” called “quorum sensing.” The word “quorum” says Squibb Professor of molecular biology in this context carries pretty much the same Bonnie Bassler of Princeton University. “We meaning as it does for human organizations were delighted and skeptical at the same time. where it’s the number of participants required It was almost too good to be true.” Article Continues at

15 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CRYONICS NEWS Science, Technology and Medical News from the Web

from Mac Daily news

Apple Watch alerts man to life- threatening heart problem From MacDaily News / ABC News By SOO YOUN Dec 11, 2018, 4:08 AM ET

“When Ed Dentel updated his Apple Watch on Thursday night, he didn’t expect it to upend his weekend, much less change his life,” Soo Youn reports for ABC News. “The 46-year-old communications consultant from Richmond, Virginia, does taekwondo with his family three times a week, bikes and skis frequently, and had no history of heart problems.”

“He said he’d installed the software update with the electrocardiogram app to play around with it,” Youn reports. “‘The application on the launch sounded off right away with atrial fibrillation — not something I’ve ever heard of, but since I’m in pretty decent health and never had a problem before, I didn’t give it much thought. I figured something was glitchy, so I set everything down turned in for the night,’ Dentel told ABC News.”

“On Friday morning, over breakfast with his 7-year old daughter, he put his watch back on. ‘Right away: AFib. So I shut everything down and turned it back on and tried it again. Same result, same result, same result,’ he said. He asked his wife to try. Hers came back normal. Twice,” Youn reports. “‘I put it on my left wrist, on top, AFib. I put it on my left wrist, on the bottom, AFib. I switch to my right wrist. Same thing. So, starting to get a little bit alarmed here.’”

“Checking in, Dentel said he felt like a hypochondriac explaining that his watch told him something was wrong,” Youn reports. “But he was quickly given an EKG by a technician, who called for a doctor, who said, ‘Yup, you’re in AFib. This thing may have just saved your life.’”

“That’s when I started learning about what AFib is and what its impact can be and how important it is to get notice of it really early in your life,” Dentel told ABC News. “I talked to the doctor a little bit, and he was trying to decide whether it made sense to do an immediate transfer to a hospital.”

Because of his relatively young age and good health, the doctor referred him to a cardiologist for an outpatient visit. After an exam, a review of the EKG and an ultrasound, his diagnosis was confirmed.

“I was dealing with a case of atrial fibrillation that I never knew I had and probably wouldn’t have known anytime soon,” Dentel said. In fact, earlier this year, he’d had chest pain and was diagnosed with heartburn after an EKG produced normal results. “So just as recently as late spring or early summer, everything was ideal and perfect. Sometime after that ... it kicked off.”

Article Continues at MACDAILYNEWScom

16 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CRYONICS NEWS Science, Technology and Medical News from the Web

from AI NEWS

HEALTHCARE DeepMind is using AI for protein folding breakthroughs ByRyan DawsEditor of AI News. A gadget lover, music purveyor, and ex-host of a consumer technology show. Posted on December 3, 2018 Protein folding could help diagnose and treat some of the worst diseases, and DeepMind believes AI can speed up that process.

Conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and cystic fibrosis are suspected to be caused by misfolded proteins. Being able to predict a protein’s shape enables a greater understanding of its role within the body.

Previous techniques used for determining the shapes of proteins – such as cryo-electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and X-ray crystallography – takes years and costs tens of thousands of dollars per structure.

AI, the researchers hope, will enable target shapes to be modelled from scratch without requiring previously solved proteins to be used as templates.

DeepMind calls their AI-powered folding efforts AlphaFold.

AlphaFold uses two different methods to construct predictions of protein structures:

The first method repeatedly replaces pieces of a protein structure with new protein fragments, building on a technique commonly used in structural biology. A neural network invents new fragments.

The second method is called ‘gradient descent’ which is a mathematical technique applied to entire protein chains rather than pieces and makes small, incremental improvements.

DeepMind says its work is a successful demonstration of how AI can reduce the complexity of tasks such as protein folding; speeding up the diagnosis and treatment of some of the world’s most debilitating conditions.

In a contest organised by the Protein Structure Prediction Centre, AlphaMind was judged the winner among a total 98 algorithms by predicting the shapes of 25 out of 43 proteins. The runner-up, in comparison, could only predict three of the 43 proteins.

“For us, this is a really key moment,” said Demis Hassabis, co-founder and CEO of DeepMind. “This is a lighthouse project, our first major investment in terms of people and resources into a fundamental, very important, real-world scientific problem.”


17 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CRYONICS NEWS Science, Technology and Medical News from the Web


Podcast: Martin Rees on the Prospects for Humanity: AI, Biotech, Climate Change, Overpopulation, Cryogenics, and More October 11, 2018/by Ariel Connhundreds of times less energy How can humanity survive the next century Astronomy and Master of Trinity College, and of climate change, a growing population, and he was president of The Royal Society, which emerging technological threats? Where do is the UK’s Academy of Science, from 2005 to we stand now, and what steps can we take to 2010. In 2005 he was also appointed to the cooperate and address our greatest existential UK’s House of Lords. risks? Topics discussed in this episode include: In this special podcast episode, Ariel speaks with Martin Rees about his new book, On Why Martin remains a technical optimist even the Future: Prospects for Humanity, which as he focuses on existential risks discusses humanity’s existential risks and The economics and ethics of climate change the role that technology plays in determining our collective future. Martin is a cosmologist How AI and automation will make it harder for and space scientist based in the University of Africa and the Middle East to economically Cambridge. He is director of The Institute of develop Article Continues at FUTUREOFLIFE.ORG

18 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CRYONICS NEWS Science, Technology and Medical News from the Web


The technique transforms low-resolution images from a fluorescence microscope (a) into super-resolution images (b) that compare favorably with those from high-resolution equipment (c). Images show sub-cellular proteins within a cell, and different panels correspond to different observation times. Credit: Ozcan Lab at UCLA.

Deep learning democratizes nano-scale imaging December 18, 2018, UCLA Ozcan Research Group Macrophages enable regeneration of lab-grown adult muscle tissue

Many problems in physical and biological sciences transform fluorescence images acquired using a lower as well as engineering rely on our ability to monitor resolution and simpler microscope into images that objects or processes at nano-scale, and fluorescence match the resolution and quality of higher resolution microscopy has been used for decades as one of our and advanced microscopes that are built for nano- most useful information sources, leading to various scale imaging. To achieve this transformation, an discoveries about the inner workings of nano-scale artificial neural network is trained by thousands of processes, for example at the sub-cellular level. Imaging image pairs (lower resolution vs. higher resolution of such nano-scale objects often requires rather images of the same samples), teaching the deep neural expensive and delicate instrumentation, also known network the cross-modality image transformation from as nanoscopy tools, which can only be accessed by a much simpler and cheaper microscope into a high- professionals in well-resourced labs. end nanoscope. Once the training is complete, the deep neural network can blindly take in an image of the To democratize access to high-resolution fluorescence lower resolution and simpler microscope to digitally imaging and be able to resolve and monitor objects at super-resolve the features of the nanoscopic objects in nano-scale, UCLA researchers have developed a new the sample, matching the performance of a much more method, based on artificial intelligence, to digitally advanced nanoscopy instrument. Article Continues at PHYS.ORG

19 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG CRYONICS NEWS Science, Technology and Medical News from the Web

from Science

Quantum computer simulates two types of bizarre materials It’s the first time such computations have been performed on such large scales BY EMILY CONOVER 11:00AM, AUGUST 28, 2018 Scientists have used a quantum computer to conduct large-scale simulations of two types of quantum materials. These studies involved about 2,000 quantum bits, or qubits — many more than the tens of qubits available in most quantum QUANTUM COPYCAT A quantum computer built by the com- computers. pany D-Wave (quantum chip, shown) has studied two differ- ent materials, in the largest simulations of their kind yet. The results, published in two recent studies in Science and Nature, provide a new realization of the vision of physicist Richard Feynman, who hoped to use quantum computers — rather than computers based on standard, or classical, physics — to simulate quantum systems and study their behavior. “Nature isn’t classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical,” he famously said in 1981.

Performed on a computer built by D-Wave Systems Inc. of Burnaby, Canada, the simulations provide a way to study phenomena that are very difficult to replicate with classical computers. “These are really rather beautiful pieces of science,” says physicist Seth Lloyd of MIT. The researchers are “able to reproduce all kinds of predicted phenomena.”

D-Wave’s machines, however, have attracted skepticism, and some physicists are not convinced of the importance of the new results.

I n a study published August 22 in Nature, D-Wave physicists describe simulating the physics of a two-dimensional magnetic material, identifying a transition in which whirlpoollike defects known as vortices pair up in the material when the temperature drops. The theoretical prediction of this phase transition won the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics, and the phenomenon is relevant to the physics of superconductors, materials that transmit electricity without resistance at low temperatures (SN: 10/29/16, p. 6). The simulation’s results matched the output of simulations performed on classical computers.

Article Continues at SCIENCENEWS.ORG

20 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Standby Notebook Essential tips to prepare for your supension 5 worst mistakes in Cryonics

1) Not signing up ahead of time

Becoming a member, having contracts in place, and having paperwork in order should not be a last-minute decision. Waiting until the last minute or after death results in an unnecessary delay of care or worse - No suspension at all! 2) Not providing proof of funding

Some people believe that they can worry about funding later or if they have funding they have put off providing funding proof to CI. This should be done annually. Failure to have proper proof of funding on record results in a delay of care while the funding clears. This can take weeks. 3) Not telling anyone your plans

Being reclusive, and not telling family or friends about your cryonics arrangements is not recommended. You should not be afraid to tell those around you what your wishes are, especially your next of kin. Wearing a cryonics bracelet, necklace or having identification or other items in view can speak to your wishes. This is all you have when you can’t speak for yourself. Disasters have resulted from these types of notification failures. 4) Not planning

Many think cryonics is a turnkey service where you can just sign up and let fate take over. No matter how much you pay for cryonics you are the only one who can make sure that you will have the best chance by planning and preparing in advance. CI has provided a lot of information on our website and in our standby manuals to help you with this process. Those who plan succeed - those who don’t fail. 5) Not notifying CI of Emergencies

There is no way that your cryonics provider can help you if they do not know about your emergency. Your family, friends, standby group or next of kin must immediately contact CI when you are having health issues or worse. Any delay in notifying us directly could result in a poor suspension. Those helping you must have simple and clear instructions, and contacting CI should be on the top of their list.


Don’t wait to make your plans. Your life may depend on it.

Suspended Animation fields teams of specially trained cardio-thoracic surgeons, cardiac perfusionists and other medical professionals with state-of-the-art equipment to provide stabilization care for Cryonics Institute members in the continental U.S. Cryonics Institute members can contract with Suspended Animation for comprehensive standby, stabilization and transport services using life insurance or other payment options.

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605.83A SuspendAnim_Ad_1115.indd 1 11/12/15 4:42 PM Worldwide Cryonics Groups AUSTRALIA: The Cryonics Association of Australasia CHILE: Community oriented to provide reliable infor- offers support and information for Australia & nearby countries. mation on human cryopreservation, as far as technical scientif- [email protected]. ic as well as other practical aspects. Dissemination, awareness Their Public Relations Officer is Philip Rhoades. and education on issues related to the extension of life in gen- [email protected] GPO Box 3411, Sydney, NSW 2001 eral and cryonics in particular. Contact José Luis Galdames via Australia. Phone: +6128001 6204 (office) or +61 2 99226979 (home.) [email protected] or via Facebook at Crionica Chile. BELGIUM: Cryonics Belgium is an organisation that exists FINLAND: The Finnish Cryonics Society, (KRYOFIN) to inform interested parties and, if desired, can assist with handling was established in 2008 and is an organization collaborat- the paperwork for a cryonic suspension. The website can be found at ing with all nearby groups and organizations. Contact them at: To get in touch, please send an Their President is Antti Peltonen. email to [email protected]. FRANCE: SOCIETE CRYONICS DE FRANCE is a non profit French BHUTAN: Can help Cryonics Institute Members who organization working closely with European cryonics groups. For more need help for the transport & hospital explanation about the cry- information: J.Roland Missionnier: phone: 33 (0) 6 64 90 98 41 or email: onics procedure to the Dr and authorities in Thimphou [email protected] • Facebook group & Paro. Contacts : Jamyang Palden & Tenzin Rabgay / Emails : [email protected] or [email protected] GERMANY: DGAB There are a number of Cryonicists Phones : Jamyang / 975-2-32-66-50 & Tenzin / 975-2-77-21-01-87 in Germany. Their Organization is called “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angewandte Biostase e.V.”, or short “DGAB”. More information on their homepage at If there are further questions, CANADA: This is a very active group that par- contact their Board at [email protected] ticipated in Toronto’s first cryopreservation. President, Christine Gaspar; Vice President, Gary Tripp. Visit them at: GERMANY: CRYONICS-GERMANY is an There is a subgroup called the active group providing cryonics support, including a special 8-member Toronto Local Group. Meeting dates and other conversations are held Standby Response Team. Members from Germany or Internationally via the Yahoo group. This is a closed group. To join write: csc4@ are welcome to join. at Direct inquiries to [email protected]. INDIA: Can help Cryonics Institute Members who need QUEBEC: Contact: Stephan Beauregard, C.I. Director help for the transport & hospital explication about the cry- & Official Administrator of the Cryonics Institute Facebook Page. onics procedure to the Dr and authority in Bangalore & Vellore Information about Cryonics & perfusion services in Montreal Area. Contacts : Br Sankeerth & Bioster Vignesh / Email : for all cryonicicts. Services available in French & English: [email protected] Phones : Bioster / [email protected] 918148049058 & Br Sankeerth / 917795115939 ITALY: The Italian Cryonics Group (inside the Life Extension SPAIN: The Spanish cryonics group in Sociedad Research Group (LIFEXT Research Group)) and Crionica The presi- relative forum: The founder is Bruno Lenzi, dent is Dr. Lluis Estrada. This is a large group of people, and contact him at [email protected] or Giovanni Ranzo those interested in cryonics are welcome to contact them at at: [email protected] [email protected].

JAPAN: Hikaru Midorikawa is President Japan Cryonics SWEDEN: or Facebook: Svenska Association. Formed in 1998, our goals are to disseminate cryon- Kryonikföreningen. Initially, the society will focus on providing informa- ics information in Japan, to provide cryonics services in Japan, tion and assistance to those who wish to sign up for cryonics. Eventually, and eventually, to allow cryonics to take root in the Japanese we also hope to provide practical assistance in cases, possibly in col- society. Contact [email protected] or laboration with other European groups. SWITZERLAND: NEPAL: Can help Cryonics Institute Members who need help for CRYOSUISSE The Swiss Society for Cryonics is an active group with over the transport & hospital explanation about the cryonics procedure to the 30 members. To join, email [email protected] Dr and authorities in Kathmandu. Contact : Suresh K. Shrestha / Email : [email protected] Phone : 977-985-1071364 / PO Box UNITED KINGDOM: Cryonics UK is a nonprofit UK 14480 Kathmandu. based standby group. Cryonics UK can be contacted via the following people: Tim Gibson: phone: THE NETHERLANDS: Dutch Cryonics Organization 07905 371495, email: [email protected]. is the local support group since 2002 and able to provide advice, Victoria Stevens: phone: 01287 669201, standby, perfusion and shipment 24/7, in case of need. We are email: [email protected]. Graham an active group utilizing the latest equipment. New members from Hipkiss: phone: 0115 8492179 / 07752 251 564, email: The Netherlands welcome. [email protected]. Alan Sinclair: E-mail: [email protected] phone: 01273 587 660 / 07719 820715, website: email: [email protected] Can help Cryonics Institute Members who need help, funeral home, NORWAY : Can help Cryonics Institute Members who need help transport at London. Contact : F.A. Albin & Sons / Arthur Stanley House for the transport & hospital explication about the cryonics procedure Phone : 020-7237-3637 to the Dr, funeral home and authority at Sandvika. Contacts : Gunnar INTERNATIONAL: The Cryonics Hammersmark Sandvika Begegravelsesbyraa / Phones : 011-47-2279- Society is a global cryonics advocacy organization. 7736 They publish an e-newsletter FutureNews. Phone: 1-585-643-1167. RUSSIA: KrioRus is a Russian cryonics organization operat- ing in Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe that exists to help arrange cryopreservation and longterm suspension locally, or with CI or Alcor. Please contact or [email protected] for additional information or visit Phone: 79057680457

Please note, this list is provided as an informa- HELP US STAY tion resource only. Inclusion on the list does not UP-TO-DATE! constitute an endorsement by the Cryonics In- stitute or our affiliated organizations. We urge Please send any corrections or changes our readers to use this list as a starting point to the address below. If you know of, to research groups that may meet their own or are considering starting a support, individual needs. We further note that readers standby or other cryonics-related group should always use their own informed judg- in your area, please send details to ment and a reasonable amount of caution in [email protected]. dealing with any organization and/or individ- ual listed. Member Readiness Checklist You’ve signed up for cryonics - what are the next steps? Welcome Aboard! You have taken the first critical step in preparing for the future and possibly ensuring your own survival. Now what should you do? People often ask “What can I do to make sure I have an optimal suspension?” Here’s a checklist of important steps to consider.  Become a fully funded member through life insurance or easy pre-payments

Some members use term life and invest or pay off the difference at regular intervals. Some use whole life or just prepay the costs outright. You have to decide what is best for you, but it is best to act sooner rather then later as insurance prices tend to rise as you get older and some people become uninsurable because of unforeseen health issues. You may even consider making CI the owner of your life insurance policy.

 Keep CI informed on a regular basis about your health status or address changes. Make sure your CI paperwork and funding are always up to date. CI cannot help you if we do not know you need help.

 Keep your family and friends up to date on your wishes to be cryopreserved. Being reclusive about cryonics can be costly and cause catastrophic results.

 Keep your doctor, lawyer, and funeral director up to date on your wishes to be cryopreserved. The right approach to the right professionals can be an asset.

 Prepare and execute a Living Will and Power of Attorney for Health Care that reflects your cryonics- related wishes. Make sure that CI is updated at regular intervals as well.

 Consider joining or forming a local standby group to support your cryonics wishes. This may be one of the most important decisions you can make after you are fully funded. As they say-”Failing to plan is planning to fail”.

 Always wear your cryonics bracelet or necklace identifying your wishes should you become incapacitated. Keep a wallet card as well. If you aren’t around people who support your wishes and you can’t speak for yourself a medical bracelet can help save you.

 Get involved! If you can, donate time and money. Cryonics is not a turnkey operation. Pay attention and look for further tips and advice to make both your personal arrangements and cryonics as a whole a success.

 Keep up to date!

25 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Writers Wanted Show the world you support Got something to say? cryonics with CI gear from The CI Newsletter is looking for our Cafe Press store. submissions from our readers! If you’ve got a great idea for a story, please forward it to: [email protected]

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Call for Volunteers

CI is always looking for volunteers to help with our many projects and initiatives. If you have skills in design, programming, writing, marketing,

CI offers pre-made Standby Kits complete with public relations, science or simply all required equipment and detailed instructions. have enthusiasm and energy to These kits are perfect for an individual or a group contribute, you can make a differ- planning local standby support. ence at the Cryonics Institute! Basic and Intermediate kits are available for sale now. To purchase a kit, please contact us at: VOLUNTEER NOW [email protected] CI Reading Room Serializing essential works on cryonics

PART THREE Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” CHAPTER IV Today’s Choices cumstances, if any, is the essence or identity Overall, three great questions concerning the of an individual absolutely and forever lost? freezer program are being treated: Is it tech- (2) What limits, if any, will the human race nically sound, so that the frozen will have a encounter in its technical development, in its good chance of being resuscitated and rejuve- ability to manipulate the universe? nated? Is it feasible on a practical level, raising no insuperable new problems? Is it desirable, As to the first, the answer of the completely both for the individual and for society? dauntless optimist is that in a deterministic universe no information is ever irretrievably These questions are to some extent inextrica- lost, since every detail of history is implicit in ble. In fact, they are so intertwined that there the present. Thus, just as the past and future is no completely logical order of presenta- positions of the planets can be calculated tion, since at almost every stage the argument from present observations, it is always pos- depends not only on what has gone before but sible, in principle, to find out every minutest also on what is yet to come, and the picture detail of a man’s life, memories and person- may not come into clearest focus until a sec- ality, given a sufficiently fabulous degree of ond reading. But in order to finish, one must technical competence. (At least, this seems to start, and words have to be set down one after be true if we ignore the possibility of the uni- another. In a later age, you and I will no doubt verse being finite in extent, and also ignore learn better methods of communication. limits imposed by expanding-universe theo- ries with their “disappearing galaxies”.) So far we have dealt chiefly with the first question, and in subsequent chapters shall Thus the determinist believes it possible, in consider mainly the last two. At the present principle at least, for a sufficiently advanced juncture, the reader is asked tentatively to civilization to infer as much as necessary assume more or less affirmative answers to all about any man who ever lived, and either three questions, and on this basis to consider reconstruct him or replicate him, after gather- the immediate opportunities and obligations ing together either his original atoms or sub- presented to him as an individual. stitutes. As an intermediate case, an Egyptian mummy could be resurrected; as an extreme What can we do, today, to improve our own case, Ug of Ur. (Some of the “philosophical” chances? How can we give a dying relative his problems involved will be discussed in a later best chance? If a relative dies when we have chapter.) made no advance preparation and have lim- ited resources, what can be done? How far, in Of course, the present consensus (but not the good conscience, must we carry our efforts? unanimous opinion) of physicists is that the universe is not completely deterministic, and The Outer Limits of Optimism that the outlines of events, whether past, pres- ent, or future, must in general always remain Before going into detail, if we stand back and somewhat blurred, and that individual atoms look at the problem in its broadest outlines, have no permanent identity. In this view, we note that the extreme limits of optimism there is a theoretical as well as a practical depend on two questions: (1) Under what cir- limit to the accuracy with which we can draw

28 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” inferences about a man and reconstruct or amount of research might make a similar replicate him. But what this limit may in fact procedure possible for women. (77) be at present unknown, mainly because we do not yet know enough about microbiology. Advanced biological art should in fact be able to generate any kind of tissue or organ from a As to the second question, no one can be sure somatic cell; a single scrap of skin might suf- how much of what is possible in principle will fice. On the other hand, it is conceivable that ever become feasible in practice. If a corpse at a certain stage in history it might be helpful can lie in a freezer for an essentially unlimited to have samples of many kinds of tissue from time with no strain on its patience, we can many organs of the body. hardly set arbitrary limits on future capabili- ties. But it is better to limit our guesses to the It might also be desirable to take tiny samples next few centuries, and to those areas where from many regions of the brain, of course re- definite technical developments already point cording the location of the source as accurate- the way. ly as possible. As mentioned earlier, a memo- ry trace is thought to be multiply duplicated Preserving Samples of Ourselves in various regions of the brain, so that each of many memories can be both left in the brain There is one obvious way of helping our and stored in a separate sample vault. Wheth- chances, in case we die in the early years er a significant number of memories can be before non-damaging methods are known for protected in this way is an open question. full-body freezing. This is to have little snip- pets of ourselves surgically removed, while we The procedure seems harmless, since in are in good health, and stored at low tempera- general tiny specimens taken from various re- tures with the benefits of protective chemical gions of the brain apparently leave it undam- infusions. These better-preserved samples can aged. Haldane, for example, referring to the be enlarged in culture by the future techni- work of Lashley says, “. . . while removal of a cians for use in repairing our damaged bod- large fraction of a rat’s cerebral cortex abol- ies. ished the learnt capacity to traverse a maze, local injury to any small part of this volume In the last chapter something was said about had little or no effect. The facts on human growing cultures, if necessary, from the cerebral injuries lead to a similar conclusion.” frozen body itself, and this will doubtless be (37) (In other words, we are brainier than we possible, since a certain percentage of the cells need to be, in spite of the daily news head- are likely to be in reasonably good condition. lines.) At the same time, a margin of safety will be added if samplings of the healthy body are Manifestly, this kind of procedure will not frozen separately ahead of time. soon, if ever, lend itself in full to large-scale application; there are not enough brain sur- In future eras it will certainly be possible to geons, nor people anxious for brain surgery. develop any needed tissues or organs from a germ cell, and it should soon become custom- In the near future, as a compromise, perhaps ary for all adults to make deposits of these it will become routine during any surgical cells in cold storage banks. Such banks al- procedure to take a few extra snips here and ready exist for the male (sperm) cells, and ac- there for the bank. In a different but roughly cording to Professor Muller a relatively small similar way, it is already becoming useful for

29 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” people with rare blood types to freeze-bank it netic content; from this he could be regrown, for use in case of emergency. and the original personality and memories, at least in coarse outline, implanted from the Preserving the Information records. But this sort of connection is both too difficult and too tenuous and unsatisfying We normally think of information about the for most people. Yet we can be sure that be- body as being preserved in the body - but this fore long “record mania” will be added to our is not the only possibility. It is conceivable list of tics, and swindlers will peddle all kinds that ordinary written records, photographs, of bizarre recording devices and services. No tapes, etc. may give future technicians enough advance is without its price. clues to fill in missing or damaged areas in the brain of the frozen. Organization and Organizations

The time will certainly come when the brain’s What practical steps can one take to ensure method of coding memories is thoroughly that he will be frozen at death? A number of understood, and messages can be “read” di- obvious courses suggest themselves. rectly from nervous One of the simplest steps is to specify in tissue, and also “read” into it. It is not likely your will that you insist on being frozen. (A that the relation will be a simple one, nor will number of people have already done so, as of it necessarily even be exactly the same for this writing, I am told, including persons in every brain; nevertheless, by knowing that the Michigan, District of Columbia, New York, frozen had a certain item of information, it New may be possible to infer helpful conclusions about the character of certain regions in his Jersey, California, and Japan.) To make sure brain and its cells and molecules. this demand is effective, of course, a number of precautions should be observed. Similarly, a mass of detailed information about what he did may allow advanced physi- First, the will should certainly be drawn with ological psychologists to deduce important competent legal counsel. Second, the details conclusions about what he was, once more should be made as explicit as possible, and providing opportunity to fill in gaps in brain therefore the will should be periodically up- structure. dated. Third, promise of cooperation should be obtained from your expected surviving It follows that we should all make reasonable next of kin, preferably in writing. Fourth, you efforts to obtain and preserve a substantial should choose an executor both sympathetic body of data concerning what we have seen, to your desire and capable of vigorous and de- heard, felt, thought, said, written, and done in cisive action, not necessarily a close relative. the course of our lives. These should prob- Fifth, you should provide funds for the pur- ably include a battery of psychological tests. pose, possibly in the form of direct or indirect Encephalograms might also be useful. proceeds of a special insurance policy.

Like anything else, this notion can be carried Pursuant to the question of money, it is clear too far. Pushing this kind of reasoning to the that if you are living up to your income or extreme, one might say that one need only slightly beyond it, as most of us are, you must preserve a single cell of his body, for its ge- mend your ways and practice thrift. Your

30 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” estate, including insurance policies, must be made in advance, making the most and provide for any dependents in addition to best of local conditions, and on the death or purchasing freezer accommodations and a impending death of a member the organiza- trust fund for yourself. A wise and moderate tion would swing into action. balance must be struck in all things; however, the more money you save, the more you will If in some cases it turns out to be awkward be able to take with you, and the more influ- to work within existing organizations, then ence you will wield in the meantime. mutual aid societies can be formed with this specific purpose, the usual legal precautions Another obvious step is to obtain the promise being observed. of cooperation from your physician in case of death. This is not meant to imply that you Finally, another way the individual can help should deliver an ultimatum tomorrow that the general impetus is to write his life insur- unless he promises to help freeze you, you ance company, inquiring about freezer insur- will change doctors. Most physicians, in the ance. Many companies already sell special- immediate future, will be very skittish on the purpose policies, for example, with the subject. But you should discuss it with him, proceeds ear-marked to pay off a mortgage. In make your views clear, make sure he informs logic, of course, this seems a little silly, since himself on the subject, and maintain a judi- the beneficiary might as well simply have cious pressure. This kind of action, together the additional funds, to apply as seems fit; with other developments, will assure that but psychologically the companies find this before too long there will be an ample choice device useful. Also, it is not clear that the life of cooperative physicians. (It is not suggested insurance companies would want, or would that physicians are reactionary and ignorant be legally able, to have a direct hand in physi- and have to be led by the nose; but they natu- cal freezer facilities. But the point is that there rally tend to be conservative, and they need is an immense new market for life insurance, to be informed both of specialized technical and when this is realized the life insurance developments and of patient opinion.) companies are sure to exert heavy influence, directly or indirectly. A whole crop of organizations will undoubt- edly sprout in the fairly near future, offering Emergency and Austerity various services, or a whole range of services, in connection with the freezer program. Freezing Perhaps some of them will be formed by morticians, or will be adapted from existing Many circumstances of death, in the near fu- mortuary companies. But until commercial ture, will pose a painful and nearly intractable organizations are on the scene, people will problem for the next of kin. Substantial funds have to hand together to form their own. may be lacking; medical cooperation and hospital facilities may be lacking; death may In union there is strength, and existing come unexpectedly and the body may not be organizations, for example fraternal societ- found immediately. What can be done in such ies, could form committees and sub-organi- cases, and how much hope do the possibilities zations, possibly somewhat on the order of afford? burial societies, to serve their members. The pool would provide moral, financial, and ad- The second question has already been dis- ministrative support. All preparations would cussed. In the worst cases, most scientists

31 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” would doubtless characterize the chance of the rate of deterioration by applying artifi- revival as remote or cial respiration and external heart massage. (Tubes are available for mouth-to-mouth even vanishingly small; but this estimate is artificial respiration without actual contact; based on a feeling and not on a calculation. sources of information on these techniques can be obtained from physicians, druggists, The estimate can perhaps be regarded as and libraries.) depending on three factors. First, is the degeneration really irreversible in principle. A physician should be called as quickly as Second, how nearly will technical feasibility possible to certify death. Then cooling and approach theoretical possibility, looking into freezing should be accomplished by the best the indefinite future? Third, how likely is it available means. Ice might be used at first if that historical developments will deny to the nothing else is at hand, or the body might frozen the treatment technology could pro- be placed in a cold room in winter. Dry ice vide them? might be used next, being readily available in all cities during business hours, at a price cur- It seems to me that at present we cannot rently of around 6 make even a reasonable guess about the first two, while the third, based on discussion in cents a pound or less. The body might be later chapters, has a most hopeful answer. If packed in dry ice chips, with blankets to this reasoning is correct, then estimating the maintain contact and keep out the heat; or chance as “remote” or “vanishingly small” faster cooling might be accomplished by us- represents nothing more than a vague and ing one of various slushes of liquid chemicals generalized pessimism, arising because many mixed with dry ice. scientists are overawed by the apparent dif- ficulties. A few words of caution should be inserted. Communicable diseases, of course, require Even so, in the immediate future it would take special precautions. Water should not be al- an unusually strong and resourceful person, lowed to get into the body cavities. Dry ice with nerves of steel, to undertake freezing should be handled gingerly, or with gloves; single-handed. If a mutual aid society, or even and while carbon dioxide is not poisonous, a coherent family, can work together, how- if too much is used in too confined a space a ever, probably something can be done, and a lack of oxygen may result. few practical suggestions will now be offered. If the body is not discovered until it has It is understood that these suggestions do not begun to stiffen, the artificial respiration and constitute medical advice, carry no guarantee heart massage are probably useless, since the of any kind, and are not even claimed to rep- blood vessels are clogged, and this part of the resent a consensus of current opinion. They procedure would be omitted. represent only the author’s impressions, as of this writing, for whatever they may be worth. The problem of where to store the body is one The reader is expected to seek other opinions, the individual, family, or mutual aid society as recent and as authoritative as may be. will have to solve. The question of a container and its cost and servicing will be touched First, whoever is present at time of death, upon in Chapter VII. or soon after, should probably try to reduce

32 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” Freezing with Medical without waiting for new developments; this technique is not yet perfected. But we also Cooperation recall the experiments with whole-body per- fusion of rats, and other evidence suggesting If medical help and hospital facilities can that people could be cooled by passing cold be obtained, the outlook is much brighter. glycerol solution through their circulatory Various possibilities have been alluded to in systems, and then stored at low temperatures Chapter III, particularly that of perfusing the in relatively good condition, although at pres- whole body with glycerol solution, along with ent we have no means safely to thaw them supportive measures, before freezing the body and remove the protective agents. It is possi- with liquid nitrogen; this may afford the best chance at present to minimize - although by ble, although not certain, that the greater part no means to eliminate - injury. of the damage occurs in thawing and not in freezing; hence these patients, after freezing, With a cooperative physician and careful need not definitely be considered dead, and advance preparation, obviously the odds will their condition could be called “suspended improve immensely. If the physician hesitates animation”. to work on the body himself, he might at least be willing to supervise preparation, have Thus some courageous physicians, if per- himself or an associate available in the hospi- suaded by patient and family, might agree to tal for a very quick finding of death, and train freeze the subject before natural death, with a mortician to do the actual work after death. all the advantages of deliberate preparation The mortician, of course, would also have and a body in better condition; the purpose to be quickly available - how quickly, would would be to reduce metabolism and preserve depend on the methods used; again refer to life while a cure was sought. No death certifi- Chapter III. The state of the art is constantly cate would be issued, and the freezee would remain a patient and not a corpse, with vari- improving, and new and better methods may ous legal and practical advantages - and also, be known by the time this book is in print. of course, some disadvantages.

Physicians may often be reluctant to cooper- A variation of this idea might be to have ate in freezing for several reasons - gener- one physician certify death, after the patient alized fear of criticism, fear that they lack expires, and a second physician immediately competence in the techniques, and fear that treat the body to prepare it for freezing, later all their dying patients will demand freezing. certifying that in his opinion the patient may None the less, some physicians are willing to not be dead. The major biological advantage, try desperate or experimental measures in of treating a fully living body, would be lost, otherwise hopeless circumstances, and it is to be sure, but this might be necessary to possible to put the case in this light. That is, induce the physician to cooperate. The death if the patient is in a hospital and known to be certificate would help protect the second near death, the physician might be persuaded physician, to give medical help on the basis of treatment. while his doubt about the patient’s death We recall that “suspended animation” is might be translated into legal life, although ordinarily taken to mean freezing without the earliest cases would involve protracted damage, so the person is regarded as still litigation. alive, and capable of being revived at any time

33 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” Individual Responsibility: Dying the freezer program will become general and will prove successful, and that the price in Children money and temporary emotional upset is not too high. Many Americans and Europeans, as well as others, will very soon be called upon to make The decision will necessarily be on an indi- life or death decisions. Perhaps some are fac- vidual basis. Entering into it will be such con- ing such decisions this very day, as you read siderations as estimate of the chances, advice these words. by physicians and clergymen, the status of the freezer program in general, and the financial Let us consider first the most tender and least and emotional situation of the family. exculpable example; the impending death of a child. Assuming parents find the strength and resources to freeze a child, and eventually Every year in the United States, over 150,000 see him safely in a permanent Dormantory, children under nineteen are taken by death, they will then have time to ponder some very often signaled well in advance as a result disturbing questions. When will I see my of incurable disease. In 1959, cancer alone child again? If I die at an advanced age, will claimed over 10,000. (124) my revival be more difficult than his, and hence later, and will he therefore be older and Until now, parents could only seek religious wiser than I when I awaken? Will the relation comfort, or compose their minds according of parent and child be effectively reversed? Or to their resources. Now it is better, and of will I be frozen by more advanced methods, course worse. Better, because there is hope. and therefore revived first, as a physically Worse, because hope implies also trouble, young adult, and him later, still as a child? turmoil, and the possibility of failure. One can only assume that society will gradu- If an adult is dying, it can be argued that he ally evolve a standard operating procedure for should be allowed to make his own decision dealing with such matters wisely, taking into about freezing; and if he is of advanced age, account both the wishes of the individuals the rationalization of a “full life already lived” involved and the welfare of the community. can be used to justify inaction. But in the case of a dying child, the parent cannot easily find shelter from his responsibility. Husbands and Wives, Aged Parents and Grandparents I realize very well the cruelty of adding to the burden of grief a further torment of difficult If your husband or wife is dying, the prob- decision and a potential load of guilt. Many lem is in some respects different. If the dying people will have no clear idea of what is right. spouse wants to be frozen, clearly you should On the one hand, it will seem to them, if comply, even at substantial financial sacrifice. they freeze the child their hopes may prove (One hopes there may eventually be tax relief unfounded and they will have engaged in or subsidy for the families of the early frozen, gruesome, bootless, agonizing and expensive who have not had the opportunity to buy sacrilege. On the other hand, they may find freezer insurance policies.) it hard to forgive themselves if they bury the child and the freezer program nevertheless If your husband or wife is mentally compe- gains acceptance. It is my view, of course, that

34 CRYONICS INSTITUTE MAGAZINE • CRYONICS.ORG Robert Ettinger’s “The Prospect for Immortality” tent but opposes freezing, a difficult moral several children who may not concur, and one problem arises. The easy way out is compli- ance and burial, but you will have to live with must decide for himself how much effort con- your conscience a long time. The key consid- science demands. But the rationalization of “a eration, it seems to me, is that burial is final, whereas freezing commits one to nothing full life already lived” will not hold water: in except a second chance; there is always time the long view, eighty or ninety years is not a to bow full life, but only a beginning. out, if one should insist. You can change your mind after freezing, but not after burial. Even before custom gives sanction, I believe a In the case of an aged parent or grandpar- ent, lacking in vigor and perhaps limited in sufficient number of people will prefer begin- understanding, there may again be an unwel- come responsibility. Should his decision pre- nings to endings. vail, or your judgment? Many circumstances will enter, as in the case of children. In addi- tion, the responsibility may be split among

NEXT ISSUE: Chapter V: Freezers and Religion