Music Topic: Gamelan Year Group: 7

1. Gamelan – Music of Indonesia 3. Gamelan Structure Key Words

What is Gamelan is the most popular traditional This is the time keepers part. 1. Gamelan? music in Indonesia, particularly the 1. Kethuk Pitch How high or low note/piece of 1. islands of Java and Bali. music is played. This is the tune in Gamelan music. A Why is Gamelan “Gamelan gets its name from the 2. Saron small metallophone with 7 metal Ensemble A group of people who perform 2. called Javanese word 'gamel', which means a bars. instrumental or vocal music. Gamelan? type of hammer. The name 'gamelan' 2. Music parts that decorate the tune. Notation Notation is writing music down so refers to playing the instruments by 3. Kenong players can easily read the pitch and striking them with mallet. 3. Plays along side the Saron’s part. duration of the notes they are 4. Peking Plays high notes, an higher supposed to play. 2. Gamelan Instruments –These instruments are percussion and than the Saron. are the main instruments played in an orchestra for Gamelan music. 4. Gamelan Scales DON’T FORGET TO DR SMITH Metallophone Consists of tuned metal bars Dynamics - How loud or quiet you play the music. A scale uses 5 different across the instrument’s body, Rhythm - Is a pattern on sounds of different lengths and 1. struck with a mallet. pitches. - what makes music move and flow. 1. Slendro - Structure - Gives shape and balance to music. - Gongs The gongs are the larger Melody - The main tune of the piece. - instruments creating longer 2. - Bb Instruments - A combination of instruments used to sounds. perform a piece of music. 5. Wayang Theatre Texture – A combination of instruments used to Gong Chimes The horizontal gongs are played An Indonesian, dramatic representation perform a piece of music. either in racks or in the lap, of mythological events in a puppet 3. Tempo – How fast or slow the music is. creating short and higher pitched shadow play. The puppets perform their 1. Wayang sounds. plays and are projected by light onto a - Major or . white sheet. Gamelan music assists the - A multiple of pitches being played at the Drums The hand played drums register plays. same time. the beat of Gamelan music. 4. Listen to Gamelan music: