
1974 on research The monograph is based the car-

4 of 4 ried out during yrs by a team Malaysian

(6541) HERRERA, CM. & A. RAMIREZ, 1974. and 14 Japanese workers. Tasek Bera is an

Food in soutern Br. Birds 2 of Bee-eaters Spain. alluvial peat swamp (surface 61.5 km ) in the

Author Estac. 67(4): 158-164. — (First Biol, SW of Panhang State, peninsular Malaysia.

into 8 de Donana, Paraguay 1, Sevilla, Spain). The text is organised chapters (papers),

Pellets of Merops apiaster, collected at 3 nes- authored by different members of the team.

ting colonies in Western Andalusia, contained For the Odon, cf. OA 6545.

0.5-8.8% of not further identified Odon.

(6545) MIZUNO, T„ R.P. LIM & J.l. FURTADO,

1979 freshwater 1982. [Tasek Bera. The ecology ofa

swamp]: Secondary production. In: J.l. Fur-

(6542) SCHMIDT, G., 1979. Prdparieren von Insek- tado & S. Mori, [Eds], Tasek Bera, pp. 279-

Eine kurze Ein- ISBN ten und anderen Wirbellosen. -319. Junk, The Hague-Boston-London.

fiihrung fiir die Sammler. Philler, Minden 90-6193-100-2.

(Lehrmeister-Bilcherei Nr. 104). 134 pp. — For description of the monograph cf. OA

ISBN 3-7907-0104-1. — Price DM 8.-. J.l. Fur- 6544. The Odon. were worked out by

the Reprint edition of work listed in OA 2767. tado. 33 spp. are listed, and data are presented

their biomass and fluctu- on standing crop

1981 ations. Larvae formed the third-most impor-

tant component of the macrofauna. Their

M. & A. 1981. Notes abundance the (6543) DYER, DEMETER, on during dry season is probably

the provisioning rates of Bee-eaters (Merops due to their congregation in the favourable

apiaster) in North-east Hungary. Aquila 88: Utricularia habitat, to their higher reproduc-

87-89. — (First Author; Dept Zool., Univ. tion rates during this period and to the abun-

Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB9 2TN, Scotland, dance of food organisms. The adults rarely

UK). occur in the mats, possibly because they

Aeshna of spp. were represented in the diet a migrate closer to the shore and the emergent

populationon the Szamos R., adjacent to the vegetation.

Hungary-USSR border.



(6546) MARTINEZ, C, 1984. Notes sur I’alimenta-

J.I. & S. 1982. (6544) FURTADO, MORI, [Eds], tion du guêpier(Merops apiaster L.) dans une

Tasek Bera. The ecology of a freshwater colonie du centre de l’Espagne. Alauda 52(1):

The swamp. Junk, Hague-Boston-London. 45-50. (With Span. & Engl. s’s). — (Unidad

V11H-4I3 pp. (Monographiae biologicae, Zool. Aplic., Depto Ecol., C.R.I.D.A., 06

Vol. 47). ISBN 90-6193-100-2. I.N.I.A., Carretera de la Coruna, Km. 7, 220 Odonatological Abstracts

nematode in the Ukrainian is Madrid-35, Spain). spp.

In the pellets of 100 individuals from central stated.

Spain, Odon. constituted 0.53% of the undi-

food. 4 and identified (6551) PAVLYUK, R.S. A T.M. KURBANOVA, gested spp. I genus are

1986. Parazitofauna strekoz and listed. yuzhnyh rayonov

Turkmenii. — [Parasite fauna ofdragonfliesin

1985 the southern districts of Turkmenia], Mater.

Konf. ukrain. Obshch. Parazitoi, Odessa 2:

(6547) BAUMANN, R.W., 1985. In memoriam Dirk 89. (Russ.; extensive abstract only). — (Second

Author; Shkola No. Cornelis Geijskes (1907-1985). Perla 7: 3. — Srednaya 21, USSR-

-744008 (Author’s address not stated). Ashabad).

The A review is of the trematode obituary presents a good biographic out- given gregarine,

in larval line, with emphasis on Dr Geijskes's Plecop- and the acarine parasites evidenced

and adult 16 tera work. individuals of odon. spp. from

Turkmenia, USSR. — (Fora list of the Odon.

(6548) KAISER, M., 1985. Natürliche Lebensrâume of Turkmenia cf. OA 5198).

im Kanton St. Gallen. In. S. Bucher,[Ed.],Der

Kanton St. Gallen: Landschaft, Gemeinschaft, 1987

62-112 Heimat, pp. (issued also as a reprint),

l opfc-Ben/, Rorschach. ISBN 3-85819-084-5. (6552) AZUMA, S„ [Ed.], 1987. Field guide-book

(Author: Wiesentalstr. 6c, CH-9000 St. to the of Okinawa, Vol. 4: ,

Gallen). Orthoptera, Phasmicla el al. Okinawa Shup-

there col. 4 odon. Okinawa. XIV+249 On p. 93, are photographs of pan. Urasoe, pp. (14x19

— 4 spp., contributed by A. TREAGUST (Post- cm, hardcover). Sold as a complete set of

fach 1015, CH-9202 Gossau-2). Locality data vols only; price in Japan: Y 18.000.- net. (Jap.,

the but could be with — are not mentioned in book, Engl, title). (Publishers: 708-11

obtained from the photographer. Miyagi, Urasoe, JA).

The dealt In Oddn. are with on pp. 1-72. all, 45

each these I 1986 spp. are presented. For of or more

high quality col. phot, of the adult stage are

both where (6549) GYAWAL1. B.K., 1986 [published 1988], presented (of sexes, appropriate)

of insects. often also a ofthe larval Each is Population dynamics pea J. nat. phot, stage. sp.

Hist. Mus., Kathmandu 10(1/4): 113-118. briefly diagnosed and described. The infraspe-

(With Nepali s.). — (Ent. Div., Dept Agric., cific status of the local Crocothemis servilia is

still — Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal). uncertain. (For another work on the

of Okinawa cf. OA On p. 116 reference is made to a "new sp."from insects/odon, 4591).

Khumaltar, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, given

as "damselfly n.s. (Odonata: Zygoptera: Agri- (6553) CALABRESE, E.J., C.C. CHAMBERLAIN,

idae)". [Sic!] R. COLER & M. YOUNG, 1987. The effects

of trichloroacetic acid, a widespread product

(6550) PAVLYUK, R.S., 1986. O predelahgostal'noy of chlorine disinfection, on the

specifichnosti lichinochnyh stadiy gel’mintov nymph respiration. J. environ. Sci. Health (A) — — Author: razvivayushchihsya v organizme strekoz, 22(4): 343-355. (Last Dept Chem.,

Univ. [On the host specifity of the helminth larval Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002,

stages developing in dragonflies]. Mater. USA).

The effects of trichloroacetic acid Konf. ukrain. Obshch. Parazitoi, Odessa 2: (TCAA), a

88. (Russ.; extensive abstract only). — (Dept newly recognized non-volatile product of chlo-

4 Invert. Zool., Lvov Univ., Shcherbakov St., rine disinfection, on Aeshna and Basiaeschna

assessed. USSR-290005 Lvov). larvae are The TCAA range from

and 1-1000 for 96 hr The host specificity of various trematode ppb a period is utilized, usinga Odonatological Abstracts 221

Sovet Ministrov Moscow. — flow-through exposure system. The results RSFSR, (Russ.).

Siberian Acad. indicate a dose-dependent increase of oxygen (Inst. Biol., Sect. USSR Sci.,

utilization which achieves statistical signifi- Ul. Frunse II, USSR-630091 Novosibirsk),

Based the the cancefrom control valuesat 100 and 1000 ppb. on recommendations of First

While previously published efforts have All-Union Symposium of Odonatology (cf.

OA annotations 16 emphasized possible public health effects of 5680), are presented on

result to be included in edition the TCAA as a of consumption ofchlorina- spp. a new of

USSR Red Data Book, first ted drinking water, the present findings indi- (For the edition

cate that TCAA is capable of causing cf. OA 5090).

environmental physiological alterations in an

aquatic model organism in a model flow- (6557) HIEKEL, I., 1987, Bedeutende Vorkommen

-through system at environmentally relevant gefâhrdeter Libellenarten an Fliessgewassern

concentrations. im Kreis Cottbus-Land. Naiur Landsch. Bez.

Cottbus 9: 25-36. — (Anne-Frank-Str. 26,

(6554) CSORBA, G., 1987, Néhâny hazânkban ritka DDR-7513 Cottbus, GDR).

szitakôtdfaj elôfordulâsa Magyarorszâgon A systematic survey wa»conducted (1986) on

(Odonata, Anisoptera). — New faunistic data the odon. fauna (II spp.) ofthe stream system

of between Babow and Cott- some dragonfly species, rare in Hungary Greifenhain, distr.

48: GDR. The local (Odonata, Anisoptera), Fol. enl. hung. bus, status of Calopteryx

291-292. (Hung., with Engl, title), — (Author’s virgo, Gomphus vulgatissimus, Ophiogom-

address not stated). phus serpentinus and Cordulegasterboltonii is

Records of 7 spp. are listed, Aeshnaviridis and discussed in detail.

Leucorrhinia caudalis are discussed, and the

terminalia of the former are figured. (6558) JAESCHKE, G., 1987. Untersuchungen zur

Artenzusammensetzung und Dominanz ver-

(6555) HAESELER, V., 1987. Insekten-Besiedlung kehrstoter Insekten — erste Ergebnisse. Naiur-

der Insel Mellum. In: G. Gerdes, W.E. Krum- schulzArb. Berlin Brandenburg 23(2/3):

bein & H.-E. Reineck, [Eds], Mellum, Portrait 70-83. — (Author’s address not stated).

Out 10 einer Insel, pp. 266-280, Kramer, Frankfurt/ of some 7700 sepcimens, referable to

7 odon. Main (Senckenberg-Buch 63; ISBN 3-7829- orders, only individuals were recorded

-1107-5). — (Author’s address not stated). victims of traffic.

far Only 3 odon. spp. were so recorded in the

literature from the Northsea island of Mellum, (6559) LAFOND, R„ 1987. Nouvelle localité septen-

ERG (cf. B. Kiauta, 1968, Biol. Jaarb. Dod- trionale pour Calopteryx amata Hagen et Cal-

36: while 28 known maculata Beauvois onaea 88-114), spp. are to opteryx au Québec.

there The these occur now. list of is not given, Fabreries 13(3/4): 49-50. —(Dép. Techn. Fo-

but it be de 60 can obtained from Dipl.-Zool. J. Lem- restière, CEGEP Rimouski, ouest rue

pert (Prinz-Albert-Str. 38, D-5300 ' Bonn-1, de l’Evêché, Rimouski, Que., G5L 4H6, CA).

is With reference listed in ERG). The odon. fauna of the island briefly to the paper OA 5748,

the the Accores discussed, with emphasis on the well known 2 spp. are recorded from R.,nr

and list is of the 9 Canada. migrations a given spp. Rimouski, Quebec,

whose breeding on the island was recently

evidenced. (6560) LEGAULT, J., 1987. Observation de l’accou-

plementet de la ponte de Calopteryx maculata

(6556) HARITONOV, A.Yu., 1987. Redkie strekozy Beauvois (odonates: Calopterygidae) au ruis-

SSSR i ih ohrana. — [Rare dragonflies of the seau Selby (d.r. de Missisquoi, Québec). Fabre-

USSR and their conservation]. In: Problemy ries 13(3/4: 45-46. — (62 place Leroy,

ohrany fedkih zhivotnyh. (Materialy k Kras- Repentigny, Que., J6A 1 PS, CA).

noy knige), pp. 153-158, Glavnoe upravlenie Field notes on mating behaviour and

ohotnich’ego hozyaystva i zapovednikov. oviposition. 222 Odonatological Abstracts

is discussed and it is concluded that (6561) LOTZING, K., 1987. Beitrâge zur Faunakar- specimen

the of this in Canada tierung des Kreises Stassfurt. Teil 2; Die Segel- occurrence sp. should be

considered until the 1877 libellen. Ahh. Ber. Naiurk. Vorgesch,, hypothetical record

will have been confirmed. Magdeburg 13: 85-93. —(Clara-Zetkin-Str. 4,

DDR-3251 Unseburg, GDR).

in (6566) 1987. Insektenvielfalt. In: The distribution of 7 libellulid spp. the dis- STEINMANN, E.,

trict of Stassfurt, GDR is mapped and their P.E. Millier,[Ed.], Tierwelt der Berge, pp. 115-

-117. Terra Grischuna Chur. ISBN 3- occurrence is discussed. Verlag,

-7298-1044-8. — (Montalinstr.. 16, CH-7000

(6562) MAUERSBERGHR, R„ 1987. Zur Libellen- Chur).

Ageneralarticle on insects, published in a book fauna von Berlin-Kopenick und Umgebung.

NaiurschutzArh. Berlin Brandeburg 23(2/3): on the mountain world ofcanton Gri-

Switzerland. It includes a 60-69. — (Kdlnische Str. 35a, DDR-1190 Ber- , sons, photographof

bidentatus lin, GDR). Cordulegaster (without locality

and reference the 44 odon. The fauna (43 spp.) is listed and discussed, and data) a to regional

the as given in listed in OA 2913. comments are given on some spp. of special spp. paper

It is said that of these interest. Figs of the exuviae of Gomphus (= "many are rare or

Stylurus) flavipes, Somatochlora metallica, S. threatened”.

flavomaculata, Libellula depressa, L. fulva, L.

1987. quadrimaculata and Orthetrum cancellatum (6567) THOMAS, A., Auswirkungen anthro-

eines norddeutschen are also provided. pogener Verânderungen

Tieflandbaches auf die Libellenfauna. Limno-

col. 1-2 excl. (6563) MÉNARD, R., 1987. Captures d’odonates logica 18(2): 253-268, pis (With

— de Grund D-2371 dans la Vallée de l'Outaouais et dans la Haute- Engl. s.). (In 5, Bovenau,

1987. FRG). -Gatineau en Fabreries 13(3/4): 53-56.

distribution of the Odon. on the Untere — Spatial (With Engl. s.). (58 rue Smith, Gatineau,

SW of FRG of Que., J8T3AI, CA). Schierenseebach, Kiel, (26 spp.,

which 14 is discussed in terms A list of 75 spp. collected in the Ottawa R. autochthonous)

Valley is presented and briefly discussed. Wil- of habitat preferences and human impact, par- ticularly with reference anthropogenic liamsonia fletcheri (Alfred marsh) and Libel- to alte-

in lula lake rations vegetation. incesta (Bell nr Masham) are among

the noteworthy records. (6568) UEDA, T., 1987. Factors affecting the operati-

onal ratio of the Cercion cala- (6564) ORMACHEA-A., E., 1987, Nota sobre la sex damselfly,

morum Ris Bull. entomofauna de la Laguna Huaype-Cusco. (Odonata: Zygoptera): Ishikawa agric. Coll. 17: 41-51. (Jap., with Revla peru. Em. 29: 117-118. (With Engl,

— Nat. Ishikawa — Engl. s.). (Lab. Sci„ s.). (Depto Cien. Biol., Univ. Nac, Cusco, Agric.

Ishikawa Cusco, Peru). Coll., Suematsu, Nqnoichi-machi,

odon. Pref., 921, JA). 8 genera are reported from Laguna de

distr. Several population parameters affecting the Huaypo, nr Chaea, Chincheros, prov.

operational sex ratio were Urubamba, 40 km from Cusco, Peru, alt. 3507 investigated by

mark-recapture method in Kyoto, Japan. — m. The larvae are briefly described, but they The ratios identified the level. sex on emergence were even. There are not to sp.

was no sexual difference in daily survival rate

during the maturation period (0.837 for males, (6565) SAVARD, M., 1987. Présence hypothétique 0.833 for females). The length of the matura- de Tachopteryx thoreyi au Québec et au tion period for individuals was 10 Canada (Odonata: Petaluridae). Fabreries most days (males) and 12 days (females). The daily survi- 13(3/4): 47-48. — (840 Bourgeois Ouest,

val for females Aima, Que., G8B 4J6, CA). rate mature was slightly higher

that males L. Provancher’s than for mature (0.861 vs. 0.839). The provenance of famous Odonatological Abstracts 223

An the volume The sex ratio (Ç/<5) ofthe total mature indivi- indicative text on listed in OA

duals the which was obtained by calculating 6357.

above parameters was 0.79. — The arrival rate 1988. Zur Libellenfauna males the (6571) ARNOLD, A., for mature at reproductive area de-

(Odonata) von zwei Thermalbadern bei Ora- pended on the ambient temperature and there- Rumanien. Em. Nachr. Ber. 91-92. reached 1.0 hot dea, 32(2); fore usually up to on days in

— (Wildenfelser Str. 34, DDR-9513 Langen- the summer. The mature females arrived at the bach, GDR). reproductive area to oviposit at intervals of 7 spp., collected 2/3-V1II-1984 and 11/ I2-IX- two or three days, suggesting that the daily -1985 at thermal Baile "Felix” and the the springs Baile arrival rate of mature females at repro- "1. Mai” Baile SEfrom the Thus (formerly Episcopesti), ductive area was, on average, 0.29. annotated. Oradea, Romania are listed and the operational sex ratio on the basis ofaday,

Orthetrum is discussed in some detail. assuming that the arrival rate ofmature males anceps

is 1.0, is estimated as 0.22. It was very close to (6572) ASAHINA, S„ 1988. North Indian Onycho- the observed sex ratio; i.e. 0.23 (July) and 0.18 gomphus bistrigatus, again. Gekkan Mushi (Aug.). — The sex ratio of the damselflies at 213: 26-27. (Jap., with Engl. s.). — (Takadano- the that the reproductive area on a census, is, baba 4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169, JA). skewed sex ratio at a moment, was still more Checking the photographic material gathered toward males. This may reflect the sexual diffe- during his 1976 visit to the MCZ, the author rence of the mean duration of staying at the discovered the photograph ofa broken female reproductive area (414 min. for males and 126 specimen, which very likely represents Hagen’s min. for females). The expected sex ratio on a of this This settles type sp. long-standing pro- census added in the above parameter was also outlined also the blems, as in paper listed in close the observed to one in August (0.066 vs. OA 6356. but the in the 0.065), not ones early season

because of lower arrival of probably the rate 1988. (6573) ASAHINA, S., Notes on some Chinese

males at the reproductive area due to low Odonata in the collection of Cornell Univer-

temperature. sity. Akitu (N.S.) 101: 1-8. — (Takadanobaba

4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169, JA). D.H. & A.R. 1987. (6569) WALKER, PITTAWAY, 11 spp. were rechecked. Pseudagrion elonga- Insects of eastern Arabia. Macmillan, tum Needham is synonymized with P. pruino- XVI+175 London-Basingstoke. pp. —(Avail- sum fraseri Schmidt, Orthetrum devium able from SIO, at Hfl. 55. approx.). Needham with O. luzonicum (Brauer), and The area covered is bounded in the N by Iraq, Sympetrum fatigans Needham with S. uni- the Najad Plateau to the W, the Ar Rub A1 forme (Selys). Khal to theS and the Arabian Gulf to the E. It

is the first field guide dealing with the Odon. (6574) ASAHINA, S., 1988. A revised list of the

ofthe Arabian On 19 Odonata of peninsula. pp. 3-13, spp. Hong Kong. Part 11, Anisoptera.

are nice all described, watercolour figs of of Konlyn 56(4): 689-705. — (Takadanobaba

them are provided and col. distribution maps 4-4-24, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169, JA).

The information are give. supplied includes The Zygoptera part was published in Tomba

it is listed in notes on habitats, phenology, habits, migra- and OA 6163. In the present paper

tions and on morphological 38 are incl. 4 regional variations, spp. dealt with, previously unident-

where appropriate. ified and 3 additions the fauna. spp. to Lepto-

gomphus elegans hongkongensis ssp. n. is

1988 proposed for ’’Leptogomphus perforatus

subsp. (?)” Asahina, 1965 (Kontyu 33: 500).

(6570) (Anonymous), 1988. [Book review]. The drag- The male is described and figured (holotype:

onflies of Europe, by R.R. Askew. Antenna Lam Tsuen Valley, 30-V-1965); the female is

12(4); 166. unknown. 224 Odonatological Abstracts

(6575) [BABECK-REINSCH, G.], 1988. Rheinfel- -14-3. — Price £ 5.95 net. — (Author: Dept

Univ. Wivenhoe Park, Col- den verfügt über eine Besonderheit: ein Natur- 'Sociol., Essex,

C04 3SQ, — Publishers: Essex schutzgebiet am Rhein? Badische Zlg. 43( 171); chester, UK;

Field Passmore Edwards Mus., RI7 (issue of July 27). — (Ausserdorf 18, D- Club,

-7841 Marzell, ERG). Rumford Rd, London, EI5 4LZ, UK).

The gravel pit "Weberalten" (surface 6 ha The book is designed as a "handbook” on the

Baden-Württem- of UK, and is based on re- approx.), nr Rheinfelden, dragonflies Essex,

southern surveys commenced in 1980. Following berg, Germany represents a signifi- gional

brief Introduction, 5-45 devoted to cant breeding habitat for a number of a pp, are

the natural history and habitats of the Essex regionally important odon. spp. (incl. the 4

Orthetrum Odon., most ofthe with Central European spp.; for a remainingpart dealing

the accounts of the 28 regional (incl. brief review cf. paper by R. Buchwald, listed in spp. detailed lists of all OA In this local article the diagnostic characters, 5262). daily’s po- characterisation ofhabitats and distri- litical situation relative to the conservation of records,

the is and bution Also provided is a well illus- locality briefly outlined, some state- maps).

Unfortunately the latter has not ments by the odonatologist. District Council trated key.

been tried it includes Member and Scientific Officer of the Green out; only regional taxa,

Party in the Bundestag, H. Lohmann (Ziegel- therefore its value is limited, though the key

D-7888 makes the booklet somewhat more "selfsuffi- ackerweg I, Rheinfelden, ERG), are

interested The quoted, cient" to a strictly locally user.

regional bibliography is exhaustive and will

the useful. — (6576) [BABECK.-REINISCH, G.]. 1988 Der Sand- certainly be most Among ever

available books grubengraben(...]. Rare Libellenarten legen increasing, commercially on

Eier in die Brunnenkresse. Badische Zlg. the British regional odon. fauna (cf. OA

this is cer- 43(171): RI7 (issue of July 27). — (Ausserdorf 3734, 4715, 4935, 5334, 5383, 6265)

informative 18, D-7841 Marzell, GFR). tainly the most attractive, and

work. The "Sandgrubengraben” is a ditch situated luxuriously produced

between the localities ofNollingenand Deger-

C. & A, 1988. felden, in the Rheinfelden area. Baden-Würt- (6578) BLOIS-HEULIN, CLOAREC,

im- temberg, southern Germany, The well-known Diel variations of food intake in Anax

and larvae. Biot. odonatologist and Member of the District perator Aeshna cyanea

116-124. Fr. — Council, H. Lohmann (Ziegelackerweg I, D- Behav. 13: (With s.). (Lab.

Avenue du -7888 Ethol., Univ. Rennes I, Général Rheinfelden, ERG), discovered in it a Leclerc, F-35042 Rennes). number of regionally important "Red List” The of food intake in the 2 odon. spp. (viz. Coenagrion mercuriale, Ony- daily rhythm spp.

with after and chogomphus forcipatus, Orthetrum brun- appears biphasic, peaks sunset

before dawn. The varies with the neum, O. coerulescens, Sympetrum pedemon- rhytmicity

but no differences could be tanum) and advocated management meas- instar, significant between the evidenced 2 spp. ures aiming at conservation of this breeding

site. This article, ina regional daily, isbased on

1988. Zwei neue In- an interview with Mr Lohmann (whose (6579) BRAUCKMANN, C,

sekten (Odonata, Megasecoptera) aus dem Na- portrait is also provided). According to an an-

murium onymous note in the same newspaper (43 von Hagen-Vorhalle (West- -Deutschland). Dortmund. Bear. Landesk. [226]: R25; of Sept. 29, 1988). his arguments

the be (Naturwiss.) 22: 91-101. (With Engl, s.). — wereaccepted and new management will Auer 1989 (Fuhlrott-Mus., Schulstr. 20, D-5600 applied as from onwards. Wuppertal-I, ERG).

listed in (6577) BENTON, E„ 1988. The dragonfliesof Essex. To the taxa described in the paper OA

from the 136 col. col. pi., I excl. 6467, Zessinella siope gen. n., sp. n., pp., frontispiece, I map added. — 0-905637- is and Essex Field Club. London. ISBN same locality, Description, figs Odonatological Abstracts 225

discussion on the affinities of the new taxon (in (6583) BUCK, K„ 1988. Libellen in Wald und Moor.

the Erasipteridae) are provided. Steinburger Jb. 33 [1989]: 70-83. — (Johann-

-Meyer-Str. 3A, D-2213 Wilster, FRG).

(6580) BRITISH DRAGONFLY SOCIETY. 1988. A general outline of dragonfly biology, di-

Code in rected the reader the of practice on collecting dragonflies at general with aim of

the United Kingdom. Purley, 4 pp. — (c/o promoting "ecological awareness" and habitat

Mrs R.I. Silsby, I Haydn Ave, Purley, Surrey conservation. The paper is based on obser-

CR2 4AG. UK). vations (May-Oct., 1988) in the district of

The Code is organised into 4 sections, viz. ’’As- Steinburg, West Holstein, FRG and includes

sumptions and background information", (mostly col.) portraits of 10 spp., of which

when ’The occasions dragonflies can legiti- Aeshna viridis is of particular interest.

mately be collected”, "Points to be observed

when collecting" and "Collecting dragonflies (6584) CANNINGS, R„ 1988. Wet week in Wells

and the Law". — Anaciaeschna isosceles is Gray Park. Boreus 8(2): 6-7. — (Ent. Div.,

the under British Columbia Prov. Mus., 601 Bel- currently only sp. totally protected Royal

the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. leville St„ Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4, CA).

The Park lies in east-central British Columbia,

(6581) BRITISH DRAGONFLY SOCIETY, 1988. Canada, between the Cariboo Mts and the

Pond construction for dragonflies. Purley, Fraser R„ just N of the big, warm valleys.

few the southern reach the 11+9 — Mrs R.I. of pp. (c/o Silsby, I Haydn However, spp.

CR2 and the almost Ave., Purley, Surrey 4AG, UK). alpine plateaus, fauna is en-

Construction, development and maintenance tirely boreal in nature. A list is presented ofthe

are outlined, and a chapter is provided on the Odon. collected there during the 3rd week of

renovation maintenance of 9 Aeshna and existing Aug., inch spp.


(6585) DHILLON, S.S., R. SANDHU & I.

(6582) BUCHWALD, R„ 1988. Die Gestreifte Quell- MALHOTRA, 1988. Chromosomal studies of

junfer Cordulegaster bidentatus (Odonata) in three species of dragonflies. Abslr. Pap. Ini.

Siidwestdeutschland. Carolinea 46: 49-64. Symp. recent Adv. cytogen. Res., Ku-

(With Engl. s.). — (Inst. Biol. II, Univ. rukshelra, p. 16. [Abstract only], — (Dept

Freiburg, Schanzlerstr. 1, D-7800 Frei- Zool., Punjabi Univ., Patiala-147002, India).

burg/ Br., FRG). [Almost verbatim];The male chromosomes of

of C. SW 58 localities bidentatus in Germany Crocothemis sp. [spelled "Crocothemus"],Ne-

were investigated and analysed. In the area pogomphus modestus and Sympetrum stri-

olatum The studied the sp. occurs in 2 types of habitats, were studied. spermatogonia!me-

viz. and rivulets in the of revealed = (I) springs vicinity taphase of the first sp, 2n 26, with

woodlands, and (2) calcareous spring mires XY sex determination,while the diploid set of

and marshes of the the latter 2 is 2n = with XO pre-alpineregion,adjacent spp. 25, an sex

woods slow- mode. to with springs. The waters are determining

-flowing, shallow and mostly narrow. Im-

is of semi-natural portant a high proportion (6586) DIESING, P., 1988. Beobachtungen und Zeit-

deciduous and mixed with minimum Verhalten der Gebânderten forest, a messungen zum

of The of 50% deciduous trees. co-occurrence Prachtlibelle (Calopteryx splendens (Harr.)

with C. boltoni is described and the modes of Beitr. Saturk. Niedersachs. 41: 277-284. (With

avoidance ofinterspecific competition are dis- Engl. s.). — (Lupinenstr. 29, D-4590 Clop-

cussed. A hypothesis is presented on the penburg, FRG).

factors governing habitat selection, and ten- The duration of flight (mean 20 s) and perch

tative measures relative to habitat conser- (mean 40 s) was measured in a populationon

vation are suggested. the Soeste R., Cloppenburg. Lower Saxony.

marked recovered The individuals were up to 2

weeks after marking. 226 Odonatological Abstracts

(6587) EDELAAR, P. & N. BOLT, 1988. De libellen la faune entomologique suisse, 1986. Bull,

van Terschelling. — [Dragonflies from Ter- romand Ent. 6(2): 105-114. — (Inst. Zool.,

schelling]. Amoeba, Amsl. 62(7): 10-11. Univ. Neuchâtel, CH-2000 Neuchâtel).

Odon. (Dutch). — (First Author: Fazantlaan 44, NL- Contains 8 papers on

-2211 KV Noordwijkerhout).

With reference to the note listed in OA 6248, (6591) GONZALEZ-SORIANO, E. & C. COOK,

17 the 1988. Una the general occurrence of spp. on nuevaespeciede EpigomphusSelys

Northsea island of Terschelling, the Nether- 1854 (Odonata, Gomphidae) del Estado de

lands is briefly stated, without exact locality Veracruz, Mexico. Fol. ent. mex. 74: 5-12.

data and collection dates. (With Engl. s.). — (Second Author; Box 16,

Hwy 218. Center, Kentucky 42214, USA).

(6588) FRASERIA. Newsletter of the S.I.O. South E. donnellyi sp. n. (holotype Mexico,

La Asia Regional Office, Jodhpur, Nos 14/15 Veracruz: Arroyo en Ejido Palma, ca25 km

(Dec. I, 1988). — (c/o Dr B.K. Tyagi, G-193, N of Catemaco, 7-V1I-I986) is described from a

series both Its structural Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur-342003,India). large of adults of sexes.

features With the present issue, Prof. S.H. Chowdhury are figured, habitat and habits

(Chittagong, Bangladesh) joined the Editorial outlined, and its systematic affinities are

Board. — Contents: It Tyagi, B. Al; Ninth Inter- pointed out. belongs to the group of spp.

national of that have second Symposium Odonatology: a report a complete antehumeral

(pp. 57-60); — Tyagi, A.: SIO Chairman and stripe. The holotype, allotype and 5 paratypes

the SIO Treasurer-General visited the home of are in 1BUNAM, some paratypes are with the

Dr Tyagi (p. 60); — Editors [= B. Kiauia]: Mr second author and with Dr T.W. Donnelly

M. Mahato in the United States (pp. 60-61; (Binghamton).

with his 1984-1988 bibliography on the Odon.

of Nepal); — Thomas, M.. M. Gladstone & A. (6592) GÜNTHER. K.K., 1988. [Buchbesprechung],

A — Mohan Daniel: note on inter-species pre- Bellmann H., Libellen: beobachten be-

odonates — stimmen. Dt. Z, — dation among (p. 62); Srivaslava, ent. (NF) 35(4/5): 264.

V.K.: South-East Asian Symposium ofOdona- (Mus. Naturk., Humboldt Univ., Invalidenstr.

tology — a suggestion (p. 62); — Tyagi, B.K.: 43, DDR-1040 Berlin, GDR).

The Book review of the volume listed in dragonfly project (pp. 62-63; Nepal expe- OA 6111.

dition, as reported in OA 6517); — Some new

dragonfly publications (pp. 63-64; book (6593) HEUSINGER, G., A. KOETTER, H.

the OA PLACHTER reviews of titles listed in 6393,6472);— & M. REICH, [Eds], 1988.

M. & A. Arlenschulz. 4. 150 Thomas, Mohan Daniel: Studies on Beitrage zum Libellen. pp.

the Landesaml fur feeding behaviour of odonates (p. 64); — Bayerisches Umweltschutz,

Srivaslava, V.K.: Felicitations to Professor B.K. München ( SchrReihe bayer. Landsaml Nat-

Schutz — Srivastava (pp. 64-65); — Tyagi. B.K.: Dr 79). ISSN 0723-0028. Price in FRG:

DM Mathavan moved to France (p. 65); — Ca- 19.- net. Also available from the SIO.

The book size) is a licnemia miniata doonensis Sangal & Tyagi, (A4 collection of 14 papers

1984 (p. 65); — Editorial news (p. 65). on the Odon. of Bavaria, FRG, viz. Kuhn, K„

P. Beck & M. Reich: Vorschlag fur eine Neu-

1988. der Roten der (6589) FUKU1. M„ Ecological observations of fassung Liste in Bayern ge-

Libellula angelina Selys (, fâhrdeten Libellen (Odonata) (Stand

— E.-G.: Odonata) on Okegayanuma, Iwata-city, 31.12.1986) (pp. 7-12); Burmeister, — Shizuoka Pref. Gekkan Mushi2\2\ 5-11. (Jap., Unsere heimischen Libellen Aufgaben fur die

und with Engl, title). — (Kamo 60-1, Kikugawa- Faunistik Vorschlage fur Hilfsprogramme

-cho, Ogasa-gun, Shizuoka, 439, JA), (pp. 13-26); — Reich, M. & K. Kuhn: Stand der

[Abstract not available], Libellenerfassung in Bayern und Anwend-

barkeit der Ergebnisse in Arten- und Biotop-

1988. with (6590) GEIGER, W„ Bibliographieconcernant schutzprogrammen (pp. 27-65; 73 spp., Gdonatological Abstracts 227

26 — K.: 1770. Some and than distribution maps for spp.); Mandery. 100 genera slightly more

Libellenbestanden mit Ziel 300 known in Erfassung von dem spp. are now to occur Australia;

der Bewertung von Feuchtlebensraumen und those described prior to 1 May 1987 are dealt

Libellenschutz im Landkreis with in the For each Hassberge (pp. present catalogue. genus

67-74); — Kognitzki, S.: Die Libellenfauna des and sp. the usual nomenclature!, taxonomic

Landkreises Erlangen-Hdchstadt: Biotope — and bibliographic information is presented

Gefâhrdung — Fdrderungsmassnahmen (pp. along with brief statements on type, distri-

75-82. — Beck, P.: Libellenkartierung im bution and ecology (where appropriate). All

nordwestlichen Oberfranken (pp. 83-86); — new taxonomic decisions were made by J.A.L.

I Grimmer, F.: Libellenkartierung im Raum Watson, viz. replacement name: Libellula

Nürnberg (pp. 87-93); Weiskopf, G.: Libellen- haematodes Burmeister, 1859 for L. sanguinea

Fürth 4 kartierung im Landkreis (pp. 95-100); — Macleay, 1827 nec Muller, 1764; — new

Kuhn, K.: Die naturraumliche Gliederung der status assignments: AustropetaliaTillyard,

1916 resurrected — Libellenfauna des Landkreises Aichach- from synonymy; Isosticta

-Friedberg (pp. 101-111); — Dirnfelder, L.: simplex not congeneric with 1. spinipes Selys,

Beitrag zur Libellenfauna der niederbay- 1885; — Libellula sanguinea Macleay, 1827

erischen Donauebene (Stand 1987) (pp. 113- junior primary hononym of L. sanguinea

— -118); Fischer, R.: Qualitative und quanti- Muller, 1764; — Synthemis guttata punctata

der Fest- — tative Erfassung Odonatenfauna zur Martin, 1906 is a nomennudum; and 6 new

im brisbanense 1917 legung von Dauerbeobachtungsflachen synonyms: Agrion Tillyard,

= Sulztal und OttmaringerTal (pp. 119-125);— Coenagrion lyelli Tillyard, 1913; — Antipo-

Beyer, S.: Gebânderte Heidelibelle (Sym- dogomphus acolytus Fraser, 1951 = A. aco-

und A. petrum pedemontanum) Südlicher lythus Martin, 1901; — proselytus Fraser,

1951 =A. — Blaupfeil (Orthetrum brunneum) an Wiesen- proselythus Martin, 1901; Austro-

= grâben im Coburger Land (pp. 125-129); — coenagrion Kennedy, 1920 Coenagrion

Steiger, S.: Untersuchungen zur Populations- Kirby, 1890; — Libellula haematodes Bur-

entwicklung van Coenagrion puella L. (pp. meister, 1839 = Diplacodes haematodes

and rubra 130-136); — Kognitzki, S.; Untersuchungen (Burnt., 1839); — Trithemis Kirby,

1884 = haematodes zur Libellenfauna von neugeschaffenen Se- Diplacodes (Burnt., 1839).

kundârgewâssern in Nürnberg und Umgebung

(pp. 137-141. (6596) INDIAN ODONATOLOGY. Journal of the

South Asian Regional Office of the Interna-

(6594) H1RATSUK.A, K„ 1988. Some dragonfly tional Odonatological Society (S.I.O.),

from Hokkaido. Nature & Insects 23(12): 17- Jodhpur, Vol. 1 (Dec. I, 1988). Edited by Dr

-19. (Jap., with Engl, title). B.K. Tyagi. — Annual subscription: US $ 30.-

[Abstract and the transliteration of author’s -(institutions & libraries), US $ 20.-(individual

address not available], subscribers). Available from the S.I.O. Central

Office (P.O. Box 256, NL-3720 AG Bilthoven,

W.W.K. & J.A.L. the S.I.O. South (6595) HOUSTON, WATSON, Holland, or from Regional

1988. Odonata: Zool. Calai. Ausl. 6: 33-132, Office, G-193 Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur-342003,

283 289-299 from of National (taxonomic decisions), (tax- India, or any the S.I.O.

onomic — & O- index). (Second principal Offices, or from the S.I.O. International

Box Author: Div. Ent., C.S.I.R.O., P.O. 1700, donata Research Institute, P.O. Box 1269,

Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, AU). Gainesville, FL 32602-1269, USA. — Special

J.C. Fabricius (1773) described the first Au- fee in India, and 25% discount for S.I.O.

stralian odon. sp., Neurothemis stigmatizans members resident in Southern Asia. — Single

the L. (under names Libellula stigmatizans and issues 35% surcharge on subscription price.

in the Banks collec- oculata), from specimens This is a fully fledged international periodical,

the Endeavour River tion, gathered at during publishedannually on Dec. I, and edited by an

Cook’s enforced there in Board. All Captain sojourn international Editorial papers are 228 Odonatological Abstracts

refereed. — Contents: Tyagi, B.K.: Preface 1988. 1988 IUCN Red List of trealened ani-

mals. (pp. i-ii); — Srivastava. V.K. & B.K. Sri- IUCN, Gland/CH-Cambridge/UK.

Structure and musculature of the XV1II+I54 — ISBN 2-88032-935-3. — vastava: pp.

secondary eopulatory apparatus in male Zy- (Availablefrom the SIO).

goptera (Odonata), with special reference to its As far as the Odon. are concerned (pp. 109-

the 1986 list OA is revised role in excretion and sperm transfer (pp. 1-15); -113), (cf. 5736) and

— corrected. It includes 123 — Tembhare. D.B. & M. W. Khan. Effect of now spp. and sspp.

Note: The the list external salinity on the rectal epithelial ionic (Abstracter's clarity of could

be enhanced trindminal transport in the larvae of Pantala flavescens if nomenclature was

(Fabricius) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) (pp. 17- used in cases where the populations of the no-

-24); — Vidyasagar, P.S.P. V. & M.A. Qayyum: minate ssp. are considered threatened rather

of is Studies on the neurosecretory system of Coe- than those the other sspp. It not clear,

nagrion dyeri (Fraser) (Odonata: Coenagri- therefore, whether e.g. Coenagrion mercuri-

onidae) (pp. 25-34); — Kumar. A.:Studies on ale/Europe” covers also C. m. castellani in

the of tullia does the life history Neurothemis (Drury) Italy, though it certainly not cover

from Dehra Dun, India (Odonata: Libellulidae) African C, m. hermeticum).

(pp. 35-44); — Prasad, M.: Introduction to the

external morphology of the odonate male ac- (6599) JAKOBS, W„ 1988. Weitere Fundorte des

cessory genitalia, with descriptions of sixty- Kleinen Granatauges (Erythromma viridulum

Ber. -three cases in Northwest Indian species (pp. Charp.) (Odonata). Em. Nachr. 32(4): 183.

45-88); — Tembhare, D.B.: Endocrinology of — (Thomas-Miintzer-Str. 2, DDR-4600 Wit-

Odonata, with special reference to Orthetrum tenberg,GDR).

chrysis Selys from India (pp. 89-125); — Va- Additions to the paper listed in OA 6252.

radaraj, 6.. Changes in carbohydrateconcen-

trations of the haemolymph during devel- (6600) JENTZSCH, M. & T. NORGALL, 1988. Drei

opment in Anax immaculifrons Rambur seltene Libellenarten in der Goldenen Aue

(Odonata: Aeshnidae) (pp. 127-133); — sudlich von Sangerhausen. NalurschulzArb.

Donnelly T. W.: On the male of Idionyx nadga- Bez. Halle Magdeburg 25(2): iv-vi. — (First

niensis Fraser from Nilgiri Hills (Odonata: Cor- Author: Kirchstr. 16, DDR-4701 Oberro-

duliidae)(pp. 135-137);— Pajni. H.R.& P.K. blingen, GDR.

the Tewari: Some notes on Odonata ofChandi- Calopteryx splendens, Coenagrion mercuriale

and other garh areas in North-West India and Sympetrum pedemontanum are recorded

the of The ha- (pp. 139-141). from area Sangerhausen, GDR.

bitats are described in detail and management

(6597) ISH1DA, S. & K. ISHIDA. 1988. Odonata. In: measures are suggested.

T. Kawai, [Ed,], Anillustrated book of aquatic

JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH insects of Japan, pp. 33-124. Tokai Univ. Press, (6601) DRAGON-

Tokyo. — ISBN (Jap., with FL Y SOCIETY. Vol. 4, No. 2 (Nov., 1988). — — Engl, title). (Second Author; 3-201, Aioiya- (c/o Mrs R.I. Silsby, I Haydn Ave., Purley,

ma-danchi, 1-148 Hisakata. Tempaku-ku, Surrey, CR24AG, UK).

N.: Nagoya, 468, JA). Dawson. Forty years on: a comparison of

Reprint edition of the work listed in OA 5396 the dragonfly fauna of Bedfordshire in the

where the as the authorship should correctly read 1940s with situation today (pp. 25-28); —

above! It excellent but it is D.: The is an handbook, Winsland. formation of a regional

unfortunate that the nomenclature was not group (New Forest) (pp. 28-30); — Silsby, J.D.

in with the Code and & R.I. of brought agreement Silsby: Dragonflies Jersey(pp. 31-36);

modern usage, e.g. "Agrionidae","Aeschnidae", — Prendergast, N.H.D.: The distribution and

"Cord ulegasteridae”. abundance of Calopteryx splendens (Harris),

C. virgo (L.) and Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas)

on the river and (6598) IUCH Conservation Monitoring Centre, Wey system (Hampshire Odonatological Abstracts 229

Book MARTINIA. de Surrey) (pp. 37-44); — reviews of the (6605) Bulletin liaison des Odonato-

works listed in OA 6577 (by S. Brooks), 6357 logues de France, No. 10 (Dec., 1988). — (c/o

(by 5. Brooks) and 6265 (by N. & T. Welslead). J.-L. Dommanget, 7 rue Lamartine, F-78390

Bois d’Arcy).

(6602) KETELAAR, R„ 1988. Entomofauna Hemel- Dommanget, J.-L.: Editorial (pp. 85-86); —

vaartskamp Ooypolder ’SS. — [ fauna of Balança, G. & M.-N. de Visscher: Données

the May-Workshop in the Ooypolder, 1988], récentes sur les odonates du sud de la Seine-et-

-Marne Stridula 12(2): 17-24 (Dutch). — (Melis-Sto- (77) (pp. 87-89); — Dommanget,J.-L.:

kelaan 14, NL-1911 SL Uitgeest). [Communiqué]: Premières rencontres odona-

Contains list of 10 odon, collected tologiques de France — M.: a spp., May (p. 90): Papazian,

the Contribution l’inventaire 11-15, 1988 in the area of city of Nijmegen, à de la faune odona-

The Netherlands. Leucorrhinia rubicunda tologique de Provence (pp. 91-96); — Grand,

from the Overasseltse and Hatertse Vennen is D.: Confirmation de la présence dans le Gard

of some interest. (30) et l’Hérault (34) de Macromia splendens

(Pictet, 1843) (Odonata, Anisoptera: Cordulii-

(6603) KLEJNOTOWSKI, Z. & S. SIKORA, 1988. dae) (pp. 97-101); — Kérautret, /... [Annonce]:

Liczebnosé i skted Mise chantier d’un atlas pozywienia dziuplakôw w en odonatologique

drzewostanie mieszanym Nadlesnictwa Zie- de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais (p. 101); —

lonka podczas gradacji brudnicy mniszki (Li- Dommanget, J.-L.:[Communiqué]: Inventaire

mantria monacha L.). — The number and food cartographique des odonates de France (suite)

composition of hole-nesters inhabiting mixed (p. 102); — Duval, B. & J.-L Pratz: Note

à tree stands in Zielonka forest inspectorate relative la présence d'Epitheca bimaculata

during the invasion of Lymantria monacha L. (Charpentier, 1825) en Forêt d’Orléans (Loiret)

Przegl. zool 32(1): 83-89. (Pol., with Engl. s.). (Odonata, Anisoptera: Corduliidae) (pp. 103-

— (Katedra Zoologii Akademii Rolniczej, Ul. -105); — Les Amis Naturalistes des Coteaux

On Wojska Polskiego71c PO-60-625 Poznan). d’A vron: [Annonce]: recherche des odona-

In estimate Seine-Saint-Denis — order to the influence ofbirds on an tologues en (p. 106);

L. monacha invasion, the food composition of Anselin A.: [Annonce]: Observations d’o-

donates — some bird spp. was studied. Sturnus vulgaris en Belgique (p. 106); Chaussadas,

also appears the main destroyer ofthe pest; it is J.-C. & J.-L. Dommanget: Macromia splen-

the only bird sp. in whose diet 1-3 odon. indi- dens (Pictet, 1843) en Lozère (48)? (Odonata,

Dom- viduals wre recorded. Anisoptera: Corduliidae (p. 107); —

manget, J.-L.: Rubrique bibliographique (p.

(6604) LOOS, G.H., 1988. Der Siidliche Blaupfeil 108); — Heidemann, H. & J.-L. Dommanget:

brunneum Fonscolombe 1935 (Orthetrum Analyses d’ouvrages (pp. 109-112, book re-

volumes listed — [sic!] in den Beckumer Bergen. Nalur & Hei- views of in OA 6181, 6282).

mal, Miinster 48(3): 69-70. — (Robert-K.och- The issue also contains various minor announ-

-Str. 74, Kamen-Methler, ERG). cements.

2 of brunneum sightings O. are reported

from the surroundings of Miinster, FRG. —

1988. (Abstracter’s Note: The correct name ofthe sp. (6606) MAUERSBERGER, G„ [Buchbe-

ofcourse is "O. brunneum (Fonsc., 1835)”. One sprechung], d’Aguilar, J. [et al.]. Guide des

of the results of the attempts to replace ta- Libellules d’Europe et d’Afrique du Nord. Dl.

xonomic "vernacular Z. — names by artificial ent. (NF) 35(1/3): 205-206. (Kôlnische

names" is thefact that whenever the taxonomic Str. 35a, DDR-1190 Berlin, GDR).

name is added in parentheses, the name of Critical book review ofthe volume listed in OA

the sp. author is not put in parentheses (even 5041.

when necessary), whereby the Code is continu-

ously violated). (6607) MAUERSBERGER, R„ 1988. Erstnachweis

der Siberischen Winterlibelle, Sympecma 230 Odonatological Abstracts

paedisca Brauer, fur die brandenburgischen status, the former mode of affiliation with the

Bezirke der DDR. Em. Nachr. Her. 32(3): 121. SIO had to be modified, though the close links

- heretofore (Sekt. Biowissenschaften, Karl-Marx- between the 2 societies continue as

and be further intensified a serial -Univ., Talstr 33, DDR-7010 Leipzig, GDR). areto by joint

As the the On theRarangsee/ Schorfheide, district Frank- publicationproject. from same date,

BDS membership stood 2 Honorary furt/Oder, S. paedisca co-occurs with S. fusca. at Members, 49 Life Members and 490 Ordinary During May-Aug„ 1987 numerous individuals

both recorded. Members, the credit balance in Current & of spp. were The habitat se-

lection of the former is briefly outlined and Deposit Accounts exceeding £ 4000,-. The

remains discussed. status of the BDS members inthe SIO

unchanged, subject to confirmation by the

(6608) MENDEL, H„ 1988. Suffolk dragonflies, next SIO Plenary Business Meeting,

1980-87, Tram. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 24: 27-32.

— NOMAKUCHI. S„ K. HIGASHI & M. The Mus., High St. Suffolk, IPI 3QH, UK). (6612)

1988. of Annotated list (31 spp,), showing the post- MAEDA, Synchronization repro-

ductive the male -1980 status. period among two forms and

female of the damselfly Mnais pruinosa Selys

1988. Note Ecol. Res. (6609) MITRA, T.R., on the Odonata (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) 3(2);

fauna of central India. Rec. zool. Surv. India 75-87. — (Dept Biol., Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ.,

83(3/4 1986; 69-81. — (60 Shyan Nagar Rd, Fukuoka, 812, JA).

in of Calcutta-700055. India). Ecological parameters a population M.

the Mahadeo in mountain 21 spp. are reported for Hills pruinosa were investigated a

to stream. In the there 2 forms of (Oct, 21-Dec. 7, 1971), of which 11 are new study area were

central India. For each sp. a detailed statement male with regard to wing color, the orange-

its and male and the is made on general distribution, a note -winged (esakii) hyaline-winged

and I female form with is given on the morphologicalpeculiarities of (strigata), only hyaline

adults late the material. Incidental field observations are wings. Emergence of began in April,

also mentioned, where available, and the bio- and the flying season ended in late June. The

time after in geographic composition of the regional fauna emergence was spent maturation,

is briefly analysed. and the insects began to mate when they

reached adults 17.6 maturity. Longevity of was

(6610) MONTGOMERY, B.E., 1988. Odonato- days for esakii males, 18.4 days for strigata

logical bibliography of Frederick Charles males and 21.9 days for females. There was

little Fraser. Occ. Puhls SIO naln. Office India 3: difference in emergence time, maturation

curve and i-v, 24 pp. — (c/o Dr B.K. Tyagi, G-193, period, survivorship longevity

froms the female. Shastri Nagar, Jodhpur-342003,India). among the 2 male and In

A revised and enlarged (Indian) edition of the other words, the period for reproductive acti-

vities coincident them. publication listed in OA 6176, with a brief was perfectly among

also The of biography and a portrait. (Cf. OA 6625). factors influencing the synchronization

emergence are discussed.


DRAGONFLY SOCIETY. No. 14 (Winter, (6613) PETERS, G., 1988. Bionomische Beobach-

und taxonomische an 1988). — (c/o Mrs R.l. Silsby, 1 Haydn Ave., tungen Untersuchungen

Cuba und dem ostlichen Purley, Surrey, CR2 4AG, UK). Anisoptera von

The 18 the Mexico. (Insecta: Dl. em. Z. issue contains news sections, plus Odonata). (N.F.)

Summary Report of the BDS Committee 35(4/5): 221-247, pis 2-6 excl. (With Engl. s.).

— Humboldt-Univ., Invali- MeetingNo. 4. As from 7 Oct. 1988 the Society (Mus. Naturk.,

denstr. 43, DDR-1040 Berlin, became (under the British Law) a "Registered GDR),

the Oct-Feb. Charity", and its Committee are now known as During period (1967/68) 20 spp.

recorded from Mexico and 33 from ’Trustees". Due to the herewith changed legal were Odonatological Abstracts 231

Cuba. Anax concolor and Macrothemis ine- vorshipand developmentalrate increase signifi-

the fauna of of 4.0-5.0. — quiunguis are new to Cuba. The cantly over a pH range Oxygen

lowest for influence ofstorm on migratingodon. and the consumption rates were fertilized

of to all crepuscular flight large swarms were studied eggs exposed a pH of 3.0 at test tempe-

in some detail. The infraspecific variability ratures (10-30°C). Metabolic rates increased

gives clear evidence of phenetic separation, dif- significantly at pH 4.0. — Embryos hatch suc-

ferent from species to species, of Cuban Ery- cessfully under hypoxic conditions in both

throthemis umbrata, Lepthemis vesiculosa aqueous and nonaqueous media. Results

and Orthemis ferruginea whereas equivalent suggest that hypoxia acts as triggering me-

signs of insular isolation are lacking in Anax chanism for hatching in this aquatic insect.

junius and Pantala flavescens. The West

Indian population of Anax concolor likewise (6615) REEVES. D.M., 1988. Dragonflies (Odona-

expressed a few metrical and morphological ta). In: G. Scott, [Ed.], Lake Broadwater: the

differences compared with South American natural history of an inland lake and its en-

Downs specimens. The degree of detectable phenetic virons, pp. 170-179, 3 pis incl. Darling

Toowoomba. — Box peculiarity of Cuban or Antillean dragonfly Institute Press, (G.P.O.

be with populations seems to correlated the 1220, Brisbane, Qld 4001, AU).

measure ofvagility ofthe species concerned. A general account directed at the general

reader, describing the fauna (18 spp.) of the

(6614) PUNZO, F„ 1988. Effects of low environ- lake, southeastern Queensland, Australia. It is

mental and all recorded pH and temperature on hatching and considered depauperate, spp.

metabolic rates in embryos of Anax junius are common E of the Great Dividing Range.

Drury (Odonata: Aeshnidae) and the role of Because of the periodical drying up ofthe lake,

the odon. autochthonous. The hypoxia in hatching process. Comp. its fauna is not ten-

333-336. Biochem. Physiol. (C)91(2): —(Dept tative breeding sites are described.

Biol., Div. Sci. & Math., Univ. Tampa,

Tampa,Fla 33606, USA). (6616) RIEDEL, W., 1988. Zum Vorkommen einiger

Studies were conducted in order to determine Wirbelloser im Bannwald Eisenbachhain

the combined effects oflow environmental pH (Schdnbuch). Jh. Ges. Naturk. Wiint. 143:

and temperature on embryonic survival ca- 211-215. — (Rehstr. 6, D-7032 Sindelfmgen,

pacity and metabolic rates in the dragonfly, FRG).

Anax Studies also 4 odon. inch junius Drury. were con- spp., Calopteryx virgo, are re-

ducted to assess the effects of hypoxia on ported from Eisenbachhain, SW of Stuttgart,

well FRG. hatching success as as to investigate the

role of hypoxiaas a possiblephysiological trig-

gering mechanism for hatching. — At water (6617) RINNE, J.N., 1988. Effects of livestock

of 10-30° temperatures C, an environmental grazing exclosure on aquatic macroinverte-

value of 3.0 New pH was extremely limiting and brates in a montane stream, Mexico.

— significantlyreduced hatchingsuccess. Over Great Lakes Naturalist 48(2) 146-153. —

of of a pH 3.0-5.0, a water temperature 30° C (USDA Forest Serv,, Rocky Mountain Forest

found to be Over was severely limiting. a pH & Range Exp. Stn, Forestry Sci. Lab., Arizona

of6.0-7.0, St. Arizona range hatching success was greater Univ., Tempe, 85287-1304, USA).

than 80% at test temperatures ranging from 10 Aquatic macroinvertebrate populations inha-

25° C. — A. to Embryos of junius exhibited a biting reaches of a stream (Rio de Las Vacas,

greater tolerance to markedly low environ- San Pedro Parks Wilderness Area. Santa Fe

mental pH (3.0) than that previously reported Natn Forest, Sandoval Co., New Mexico,

for fish and survival alt. 2600 from amphibians, although ca- USA; m) within areas excluded

less than — An pacity was 10%. environmental livestock grazing for a decade were markedly

value 3.0 has pH of a significant detrimental different from those in grazed areas when

effect on embryonic development. Survi- density, biomass, biotic condition indices, and 232 Odonatological Abstracts

the 2 research in Dra- mean chi square indices of populations Univ. of Natal project the

This is were compared. Increased densities and bio- kensberg area. essentially a farming

masses of more tolerant forms ofmacroinver- land, and it is emphasised that there is no

tebrates observed in reaches. clash of interests between activities .were grazed farming

Because pretreatment data were not available, and local dragonfly conservation. Particularly

differences in macroinvertebrate populations at middle altitudes (800-1200 m) farm dams

and relative tolerances of taxa in grazed and represent important "dragonfly reserves";

could be of these ungrazed areas as easily attributed to 78% all spp. were recorded from

linear changes in stream habitat as to removal only. Extrapolatingfrom the evidence on but-

of domestic livestock. Results of this study terfly population genetics, the policy of

have implications for the design of future re- dotting the landscape with these small ponds

search the advocated. The on effects of livestock grazing on is fragmentation of habitats

stream environments and biota: (I) baseline/ allows at least some populations to survive

information is when others crashed due inclement pretreatment prerequisite, and are to

(2) the study should take a watershed (eco- (usually climatic) conditions.

— As the system) approach. far as odon. are

concerned, in the present study Ophiogom- (6620) SANT, G.J. & T.R. NEW, 1988. The biology

phus sp. was considered only. Its biomass in and conservation of Hemiphlebia mirabilis

the ungrazed area was times lower Selys (Odonata, Hemiphlebiidae)in southern

than in the grazed reaches. Victoria. Techn. Rep. Arthur Ryiah Inst,

Res. 82: V+35 — ISSN 0810- environ. pp.

(6618) ROCKWOOD, J.P.. R.A. COLER & C.-M. -5774. — (Dept Zool., La Trobe Univ,,

YIN. 1988. The effect of aluminum in soft Bundoora, Victoria 3083, AU).

water at low pH onosmoregulation and ionic The rare and taxonomically-isolated Au-

balance in the dragonfly Libellula Julia Uhler. stralian H. mirabilis is known to exist only at

Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (C) 91(2): 499-502. several small sites in Wilsons PromontoryNa-

southern — Dept Environ. Sci., Univ. Massachusetts, tional Park, Victoria. This report is a

Amherst. MA 01003, USA). preliminary account of its biology, life history

To determine the physiological impact of Al and habitats, and includes information used to

stressed low the for the on an organism by pH, acid assess measures needed conservation of

tolerant L. 30 Al vulnerable Known Julia wasexposed to mg/1 at a this spp. habitats (seas-

pH of2.3,0.3 of a pH unit above its 96 hr LC . onallyflooding heathland swamps) are charac- 50

— low low Aluminum at pH, in comparisonto terised; they are vulnerable both to bushfires

pH alone, caused highlysignificantlosses ofwet and to cattle grazing. — H. mirabilis is uni-

ash of burdens Na + the adults in and weight and body of and voltine, with flying mid to late

2+ of Ca . — Since at the test pH Al exists as the ion, summer. Aspects the unique adult display,

which involves and it would seem that a biological impact can be abdominal movements ex-

exerted the and tension of not only by ionized unionized apical abdominal appendages, are

>+ hydroxides, but also by Al . described. Figures to aid recognition of adults,

and measurements, figures, and diagnostic

M.J. & P. Larval (6619) SAMWAYS, CALDWELL, 1988. notes on later instar larvae, are given.

Glistening wings. Quagga 23: 20-21. — (Dept behaviour is briefly described. — Recommen-

Zool. & Ent., Univ. Natal, P.O. Box 375, Pie- dations are made to aid conservation of He-

termaritzburg-3200,RSA). miphlebia, and include measures to exclude

This is the first paper recorded by the OA cattle, reduce the risk of fire in the habitat,

that the and was published on African Continent habitat improvement, further investi-

of the Wildlife whether it (Journal Endangered Trust, gation to determine or not occurs

Johannesburg), dealing exclusively with con- elsewhere on Wilsons Promontory.

servation of African dragonflies. It is based

the The on experience gained duringthe work on a (6621) SILSBY, R.S., 1988. British Dragonfly Odonatological Abstracts 233

Society. Bull. amal. Em. Soc. 47(361): 221- lineata assidua Lieftinck from Taiwan

-222. — (I Haydn Ave., Parley, Surrey, CR2 (Libellulidae; Odonata) (pp. 35-36); —

4AG, UK). Malsuki, K.: Description ofthe larva of Tetra-

the from Informative note on Society, its objectives, canthagyna waterhousei (McLachlan)

and and membership status (over 500) on its semi- Hongkong Thailand (Aeshnidae;

annualjournal. Odonata) (pp. 37-40); — Malsuki, K. & J.C.

Lien: On a collection ofthe protoneurid dam-

(6622) SIOJA. [Information Bulletin of the SIO Na- selfly from Taiwan (p. 40); — Inoue. K. & T.

in tional Office Japan], Osaka, 1988, No. 2 Murakami: On a dark striped male of Sym-

— (Dec, 4). (Jap.). (c/o K. Inoue, 5-9, Fumi- petrum e. eroticum (pp. 41-42);— Inoue, K.: A

nosato 4-chome, Abeno-ku, Osaka, 545, JA). faunistical record of dragonflies of Ohshima,

A small the the — K. issue, opening discussion on Ehime prefecture (pp. 4244); Inoue, &

possibility that the 13th Int. Symp. Odonatol. M. Aiura: Distribution records of dragonflies

(1995) would be convened, in Japan. ofTsushima Island, Nagasaki Prefecture. Part

I (pp. 4446); — Inoue, K.: A small observation

1988. record in (6623) [STREHL, J.M.L.], Lohmann fordert on dragonflies crepuscularhours (pp.

— I.: besseren Biotop-Schutz: Stadtischer Schutz- 4647; Sonehara, Aeschna mixta so-

schild fiir Libellen-Kolonie. Siidkurier neharai visiting my garden pond (p. 48); —

19 44(171): 15, (issue of July 27). — (Hilari- Malsumolo, M.: A revised record ofAeschna

susstr. 8, D-7880 Bad Sâckingen, FRG). nigroflava Martin from Saitama Prefecture (p.

Regional daily’s interview with the odonato- 48; — Watanabe, K.: Mesepisternal colour

logist and local District Council Member, H. pattern in male Coeliccia ryukyuensis (Platy-

Lohman (Ziegelackerweg I, D-788 Rhein- cnemididae) (p. 49-52); — Capture of Stylo-

felden, FRG), relative to the conservation me- gomphus ryukyuensis in Tokonoshima Island

and needed for the — asures management gravel (p. 52); Aral, K.: Observations on the larval

pit ”Weberalten” (cf. OA 6575) and the ditch life of Planaeschna milnei (Selys) (pp. 53-56);

OA both — "Sandgrubengraben”(cf. 6576), of Suzuki, K.: Invasion of dragonflies into re-

which harbour appreciable standing popu- claimed land Koshino-kata, Shiniminato City, — lations ofa number oflocally important"Red Toyama Prefecture (pp. 57-58); Sugimura,

list” odon. Lohmann’s also in- spp. portrait is M. & H. Sugimura: Some individual variation

cluded. among Japanese dragonflies (pp. 59-60); —

Sugimura, M., N. Yamazaki & H. Sugimura:

TOMBO. ACTA ODONATOLOGICA. Pub- records (6624) Distributional of some dragonflies in

lished the of and by Society Odonatology, Tokyo. Shikoku Kyushu (pp. 60-61); — Eda, S.:

Vol. 31, Nos 1/4 (Dec. 25, 1988). (c/o Dr S. Number of ommatidia of of a compound eye

Asahina, Takadanobaba 44-24, Shinjuku-ku, Anotogaster sieboldii Selys (pp. 62-63);

Tokyo, 169, JA). Annual meeting ofthe Society ofOdonatology

A male of Leucorrhinia dubia Eda, S.: Tokyo, 1988 (p. 64); — Inoue, K.: Infor-

orientalis four Pte- the carrying parasitic midges, mations on International Odonatological — robosca nipponica on the wings (frontispiece Society, S.l.O. (p. 65); Tenth International

— S.: phot.); Asahina, Notes on some Asiatic Symposium ofOdonatology(p, 65).

dragonflies in thecollection ofMCZ, Harvard

contains of University (pp. 2-8; description In- (6625) TYAG1, B.L., 1988. Biography [of F.C.

from — A list Occ. SIO docypha silvergliedi sp. n. Laos); Fraser], Pubis nain. Office India 3,

of the Odonata from Thailand. Part XIX, Li- with — Shastri pp. iii-v, portrait. (G-193, A bèllulidae-1 (pp. 9-26); — problematicalrace Nagar, Jodhpur-342003,India).

of Planaeschna from Amami- The is based the ishigakiana text partly on biography by

-Oshima, Middle des- Brown Enl. Ryukyus (pp. 27-34; S.C.S. (1963, mon. Mag. 99:96, pi.

ofP. i. J. C. cription nagaminei ssp. n.); Lien, 3 excl.), while some information is derived

& K. Malsuki: of the larva of Description from the author’s conversations and/orcorres- 234 Odonatological Abstracts

their intestinal larval pondence with various odonatologists (nota- tested for absorption by

the accumulation of bly Drs R.M. Gambles and E. Pinhey), who A. cyanea, using lipid

in the a criterion knew the late Dr Fraser in person. — Cf. droplets midgutepitheliumas

- Short-chain < OA 6610.. for absorption. - (I) satures (C

the 8) were more or less destructive to midgut

(6626) UEDA, T., 1988. Diversity in the life history of epithelium and did not lead to the formation

However, the dragonfly Sympetrum frequens (Odonata; and accumulation of lipid droplets.

after in- Insecta). Bull. Ishikawa agric. Coll. 18: 98-110. biochemical examinations tricaproin

increase in — revealed (Jap., with Engl. s.). (Lab. Nat. Sci., Is- gestion a time-dependent

hikawa Agric. Coll., Suematsu, Nonoichi- the free fatty acid content of the midgut epi-

short-chain -machi, Ishikawa Pref.,921,JA). thelium indicating that trigly-

in the form offree S. frequens has 3 different types of life history cerides were absorbed fatty

did lead marked triglyceride pattern: ( I ) In Hokkaido populations,highland acids but not to

in the cells. — Indivi- type individuals,andtheautumnemerging indi- synthesis absoptive (2)

and accumulations of viduals oflowland populations, neither repro- dually locally variable

observed with even-and odd- ductive diapausenorthe migrationtohighlands lipid droplets were

A the numbered medium-chain C8 to CIS saturates occur; — (2) part of mid-summer

emerging individuals of lowland populations regardless ofwhether they were administered as acids and regardless of usually migrateto highlands,but do not enter free or esterified fatty

in cool solid states. Examinations with reproductivediapause; unusually sum- their fluid or

of mers they remain in the lowlands and breed thin-layer chromatography experiments

lauric revealed that there in mid-summer; — (3) In early summer usingesterified acid glyceryl

emerging individuals of lowland populations and ethyl esters were slowly hydrolysed in the

that both reproductive diapause and migration to midgutlumenand suggested free fatty acid

main whereas — absorbate, the highlands occur. The life history pattern in was the lipid

the epithelium predomi- which reproductivediapausetakes place but no droplets in midgut

of migrationto highlands(known in Lestes sponsa nantly consisted triglyceride synthesized by

— Ab- in southern Japan) has not been found in S. the enterocytes from the absorbate. (3)

frequens. sorption of long-chain satures (C > 15) in-

cludingpalmitic acid which is the predominant

(6627) WATANABE, M. & N. OHSAWA, 1988. saturated fatty acid of the naturaldiet remains

the Diurnal behaviour of a white-legged damsel- questionable, because epithelial lipid

Insectarium fly, Platycnemis ochigoana. droplets, if present at all, were not markedly

in 25(9): 296-300. (Jap., with Engl, title & fig. different from those also observed starving

ab- captions). — (Dept Biol., Fac. Educ., Mie controls. The results suggested that the

J assessed the U niv., Kamihama, Tsu-shi, M ie 514, A). sorption of saturates as by appe-

[Abstract not available]. arance of lipid droplets in the enterocytes is

markedly inferior to the ready absorption of

and demon- 1989 mono- polyunsaturates previously

that A. has strated.They further suggest cyanea

and the (6628) BAUERFE1ND. R. & H. KOMN1CK. 1989. a preference two varied mechanisms for

medium-chain Intestinal absorption of defined lipids by the absorption of short- and sa-

larval dragonfly Aeshna cyanea (Insecta: turates which, according to the literature, are

Odonata): free and esterified saturated fatty only minor food and body constituents ofinsec-

acids../. Insect Physiol. 35(2): 155-164. — Inst. tivorous aquatic insects.

Ulrich-Haberland-Str. Cytol., Univ. Bonn,

HANDKE, 1989. Zum 61a, D-5300 Bonn-1, FRG). (6629) D1DION, A. & K,

A total of 37 free and esterified fatty acids Einfluss der Nutzung und Grosse von Weihern

and und im Saarbriicker Raum auf die comprising 17 even- odd-numbered sa- Teichen

turates with chain lengths of C4-C22 were Artenvielfalt der Libellen. Nalur Landsch. Odonatological Abstracts 235

64(1): 14-17. — (First Author Marienstr. 23, D.M. Johnson, Dept Biol. Sci., East Ten-

D-6650 Homburg-6, FRG). nessee St. Univ., Box 23580 A, Johnson City,

130 ponds, classed into 5 ecological types, were TN 37614-0002, USA).

analysed from the point of view of the odon. Johnson, D.M.: X InternationalSymposiumof

fauna (37 spp.) they harbour. The number of Odonatology (p. I); — Corbel. P.S.: Plenary

X spp. increases with increasing pond surface Seminar; International Symposium of Od-

and with decreasing human interference. onatology (p. 1); — Dunkle, S. W.: Spurs on

Odonatalegs(p. I);— Kiaula, B.: Locationsfor

(6630) LINDENIA. Notiziario dell’Ufficio Nazionale future Symposia announced (p. 2); — Corbel,

Italiano della Società Odonatologica Interna- P.S.: Reprints of recent works requested (p. 2);

— — L: zionale, Roma. No. II (Jan. I, 1989). (c/o Hare, Breakout”, a poem with larval

Prof. Dr. C. Utzeri, Dipt. Biol. Anim. & emphasis (p. 2); — Dunkle, S. W.: Neotropical

Uomo, Univ, Roma "La Sapienza", Viale odonatologist's meeting(p. 3); — Bick, G. &./. — dell’Università 32,1-OOI85 Roma). Bick: Cora study (p.3); Inoue, K.:DrObana,

Mnais In addition to a few administrative items, the scholar, dies(p. 3); —[Johnson. D M.]:

contains — issue an article on a Japanese Other recent deaths (p. 3); May, M.L., P.S.

dragonfly tying by C. Utzeri (Libellule armate Corbel & J.-Q. Pilon: Report to S.l.O. mem-

also of the the define the pp. 47-48; cf. 0.4 6462), abstracts bership [of Working Group to

current Italian faunistic literature, and book responsibilities of the Secretary of the S.l.O.]

reviews ofthe titles listed in OA 6357,6459. (p. 4); — Calabrese, D.M.,: Women in ent-

omology (p. 4),

1989. (6631) SCHWALLER, T„ Beobachtungen an

Lestes M.T. & Y. 1989. einer voriibergehendenPopulation von (6633) S1VA-JOTHY, TSUBAKI,

barbants (Fabricius) bei Derendingen, Bezirk Variation in copulation duration in Mnais

Wasseramt, Kanton Solothurn, Schweiz pruinosa Selys (Odonata: Calopterygidae). I.

(Odonata: Lestidae). Opusc. zool. flumin. 38: Alternative mate-securing tactics and sperm

I. — (With Engl. s.). — (Zool. Inst. Bern, precedence. Hehaw Ecol. Sociobiol. 24(1): 39-

Baltzerstr. 3. CH-3012 Bern). -45. — (First Author: Dept Biol., Medawar

WCIE This Mediterranean sp. occurs in Switzerland Bldg, Univ. Coll., Gower St., London.

as a migrant or a temporary breeding guest 6BT, UK).

observed only. During 25-30 Sept. 1985, a single, old, Males of M. p. pruinosa were to use 3

The worn-winged, apparently immigrant $ was re- different tactics to secure mates. mean

between the 3 gularly seen ovipositing in a locality at a duration of copulationdiffered

Nature Reserve nearDerendingen.In 1986, the observed tactics and resulted in varying degrees

of is adult offspring of this individual consisted of sperm removal and insemination. It

at least 8 Ç and 3 but in 1987 only 2 <5 could shown that the last male to mate had almost

be marked, while the population had com- 100% sperm precedence immediatelyafter copu-

pletely disappeared in 1988. The development tion regardless of the duration of copulation

of the and therefore of population habits of some of its and the quantity sperm removed.

In situations where less than of rivals individuals are desribed with emphasis on re- 100%

removed the productive activities and the oviposition sub- sperm was sperm from different

strate selection. The decline and the extinction males mixed within the female sperm storage

the over a period of of population are tentatively ascribed to organs about 6 days; sperm

variation in chalcidid egg infestation, desiccation of eggs mixing produced last male sperm

The and to the probability ofeggs remaining unfer- precedence. significance of sperm mixing

tilized. in M. p. pruinosa is discussed in the context of

the observed mate-securing tactics and the

(6632) SELYSIA. Newsletter of the Societas Interna- frequent female habit (37% ofobservations) of

ovi- tionalis Odonatologica and the U.S. National ovipositing withhout remating during an

Office, Vol. 18, No. 1 (March I, 1989).—(c/o position bout. 236 Odonatological Abstracts

in the shade (6634) UTZERI, C., 1989. Tactile communication stragglers may adopt perching as

through the tandem link in the Odonata and thermoregulatory strategy.

the problem of tandem oviposition in Sym-

35: L.L., E.C. WALTZ, K. WAKELEY petrum (Libellulidae).Opusc. zoolflumin. (6636) WOLF,

1989. du- 1-6. — (Dipt. Biol. Anim. & dell’Uomo, Univ. & D. KLOCKOWSKI, Copulation ration and in white-faced Roma ”La Sapienza”, Viale dell’Università sperm competition

32, 1-00185 Roma). dragonflies (Leucorrhinia Intacta; Odonata:

Reports of Sympetrum males making ovipo- Libellulidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 24: 63-

-68. — Biol., Univ., Syracuse, sition movements with dead females suggest (Dept Syracuse

NY autonomous oviposition behaviour of the 13244-1270, USA).

of In odon., females mate with than male sex. Nevertheless, on the basis lite- many more I

male while clutch of The rature reports and unpublished observations it laying a single eggs.

of laid remated females of L. is stressed that a female-to-male communi- paternity eggs by

intacta studied at a nr Syracuse, NY, cation occurs in dragonflies, which probably was pond

of female is releases the tandem male swaying during ovi- USA. The probability a remating a

function of the The position. male density on pond. length of copulations differs considerably

males the the (6635) UTZERI, C. & G. G1ANANDREA, 1989. among active on study pond at

in the be- time. Much of this variation was cor- Perching shade: a thermoregulatory same

related in tactics ofthe haviour in some aeshnid dragonflies? with differences mating

(Odonata: Aeshnidae). Opusc. zool flumin. males: copulations by males that stayed on

their territories were shorter 35: 7-8. — (Dipt. Biol. Anim, & dell’Uomo, during copulation

Univ. Roma "La Sapienza”, Viale dell’Uni- than those by other males. Eggs collected

sterile versità 32, 1-00185 Roma). from females mated to irradiated,

indicated On the completelybarren and waterless islet of males and to free-living,fertile males

II Catalano, 11 km W of Sardinia, Italy, that the average paternity expectation was

for and Aeshna mixta Latr., Anax imperator Leach higher for long than short copulations,

in that the variance paternity expectation was and A. parthenope Sel. were seen during the

hot lower for than for short noon hrs of 2 exceptionally days to persist- long copulations.

Some of the variation in ently perch in the shade of the rocky walls. possible causes high durations and While in the breeding habitat thermoregu- paternity at low copulation in copulation latory shade-seeking is unlikely to occur in possible reasons for differences

duration between male tactics dis- dragonflies, it is hypothesised that under the mating are

cussed. exceptional environmental conditions pre-

vailing on that rocky island, the incidental