Pa Perfect Vacationland Rocky Mountain (Estes) Park — Gateway Colorado Springs Region Boulder-Glacier Map of Colorado State Pueblo and Royal Mesa Verde and Western Colorado Dude and Guest Boys' and Girls' List of Hotels Typical Vacation Places Estes Park Region Denver Hotels Colorado Springs Dude and Guest Ranches Boys' and Girls' Camps Colorado General List Burlington's Colorado Escorted Tours Map of Burlington Burlington . and Travel Bureaus L __ "There are canyons that yawn as they There are sentinel There are operas unsung, and And silences made CHICADO BOARD OF OBSERVAT COLOR


Man could not ask nor Nature conceive a more glorious Colorado. Here within the boundaries of one great state lies a that for sheer mountain beauty, exhilarating climate, wealth of wild variety of scenic wonders surpasses anything to be found on contine Wild broken mountain masses rear their heights in majestic, everlasting, never tiring to the eye. Down their move ponderous glaciers, still carving their inexorable way valleys below. Tumbling mountain streams, gem-like lakes, forests, mysterious sand dunes, prehistoric ruins, old mining active hot springs, and many other delightful manifestations present an almost endless array of outdoor attractions. In fact, there vacation pleasure or desire that cannot be easily and completely the wonderlands Here are the deepest canyons in the world through which a the highest summits in the world attained by the -iron highest yacht anchorage in the world. The highest skyline drive world crosses the Colorado Rockies, and the highest auto highways world ascend Mt. Evans and Pikes Peak, with scenes of all the way. Here is a country of endless, magnificent grandeur that transcends the imagination; of superlatives realty. And over it all, the mountains—always the A Mountain land Surpassing Colorado contains the greatest extent and widest variety scenery to be found anywhere in the country. The average 6800 feet above sea level greater than that of any other state. 325 peaks whose craggy heads rise to an elevation of more than In fact (and this may surprise you), at least 25 Colorado peaks 14,109 feet of that famous old patriarch, Not even vaunted Switzerland can compare with such an array of -sky sweepers.- They cover an area six times as great as the renowned European playground. There are 47 separate this great Western vacationland that rise to an altitude of 14,000 more, compared with only 9 such heights in the -Come UP Wherever you go, whatever you do in Colorado, there is unforgettable, magnetic lure of the mountains. Night and day the scene, pulling you irresistibly toward the heights. cally, your eyes raise in anticipation and your feet feel the urge to upland

Page Colorado's mountains are unique in their accessibility Nowhere in the world is mountain climbing such a universal All summer long, amateur mountaineers take keen delight in hiking summit of the many peaks that yield their heights with ease. There course, many pinnacles that should be attempted only by the most expert climbers and for this select fraternity there is no high Altitude Is For those who have never vacationed in the higher altitudes, let said that elevations anywhere up to 10,000 feet should entail in breathing. When motoring to even the highest altitudes reached roads, few visitors notice any discomfort. In the case of activities at still higher elevations, such as hiking or horseback riding, always wiser of course to ascend into these rarefied leisurely Almost everyone rides some occasionally, some constantly, do everything but eat and sleep in the saddle. Here riding is one most exhilarating of sports, and perfectly safe for anyone. horses, well broken and accustomed to the mountain trails, are practically any village or resort you may select. Guides, too, may for the longer or more Motoring Joys Perhaps you would like to spend day after glorious day fancy dictates. Well, Colorado has hundreds of miles of spectacular, comfortable and safe. No one need be the least driving on the many thrilling skyline roads. Most of them are

Pikes Peak, mighty "Patriarch of the Page the landscape near Fair Glacier's everlasting ice vertically from jagged peaks on the rim grim Hell Hole, in the Boulder-

Left—Bridal Veil Falls' feathery famed Spouting Rock, a favorite tination in Western

Spring in the Colorado Rockies melting snow fields of the find their way into shimmering Mirror-like lakes, teeming with mountain trout, ardent fisherman in

marked and well protected, with frequent switchbacks leading smoothly to the To enjoy these scenic highways to the utmost, it is nor particularly advisable to drive one's own car over a long, route to Colorado. It is far more comfortable, far safer and much go in the coolness and comfort of a modern, air- train, availing oneself of motor transportation on arrival in the can be done in Today you can ship your own car to Colorado over the remarkably low cost. For passengers holding two or more tickets standard sleeping or parlor cars, or three or more tickets good chair cars or tourist sleeping cars, the cost is little more than a first-class fare. For example, the charge from Chicago to Denver is and your car will be there almost as soon as You may also rent a private car at a number of points in drive when and where you will over smooth, well-graded roads. are reasonable and several reputable rental services are available. the better known highway trips also are made by modern motor erating on regular schedules from such points as Denver, Boulder, lins, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Glorious National If your idea of a perfect vacation is to shun the beaten paths and it,- nowhere will you find better facilities or more ideal Bring your own duffle or depend on local experienced outfitters the necessary equipment guides also if you particularly chores. Seventeen national forests, with millions of acres timberland, lakes and streams, are open to hiker, horseman and As a matter of fact, all summer long the entire state is one ground where young and old find happiness and new zest for in his Colorado is truly every man's Vacationland big enough for out crowding, compact enough for anyone to get around easily Those who travel on a limited budget will find just as much for recreation and pleasure as those to whom expense is no Nature's generous hand holds the key to worthwhile living

Page to summer joys you will long remember, to gorgeous by the Master There are hosts of well-known watering places offering all manner and cold curative springs. These springs are well practically every section of the state and are unusually of people come to Colorado annually to enjoy these health- many of which are highly radio-active and of considerable The combination of the curative waters and the clear, air works Around the Northwest from Denver and Boulder lies the wonderful region tains, valleys, lakes and forested slopes in and around National (Estes) Park — one of two great national parks Colorado's far-flung boundaries. This vast area is a garden, one of the most popular of all the Western vacationlands. the park, continuing along both sides of the backbone of the Rockies, wild, precipitous Boulder-Glacier region of peaks, gorges and famous among geologists. Nearby are a number of fascinating - which figured so prominently in Colorado's early romantic gold still redolent of those historic, Colorado Springs is the focal point for excursions into the reaches of that famous scenic region which includes Pikes and Garden of the Gods. Here also are located a large group mineral springs. Farther south lies Pueblo, an important and one of the principal gateways to San Isabel National Forest playgrounds of Western While perhaps not as well known as other recreation regions in the seemingly limitless section of Western Colorado is infinitely its terrain and scenic wonders. There are great mountain masses the Sangre de Christ°, San Miguel, San Juan, Gore and Uncompahgre, Cochetopa, Montezuma, Arapahoe, and Holy forests Colorado's famous mining districts of Leadville (at

The grotesque eroded spires of Wheeler National Monument,

Page . . Snow,clad peaks, deep green forest and waters—Denver

A prehistoric watch tower of the cliff Verde National Park,

Page well over 10,000 feet), Ouray, Silverton and Telluride Grand wonderful flat top mountain raised by some prank of of hot mineral In the far Southwest corner lies Mesa Verde National Park, land of age-old mystery, containing the relics of a long-forgotten and well preserved ruins of a race of cliff dwellers who are still to the historians. Nearby is the Yucca House National place of prehistoric Western Colorado contains five other national monuments-areas by the U. S. Government to perpetuate unique natural is the Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction; Creede; Great Sand Dunes, near Redwing; Holy Cross, near the famed Black Canyon of the , near Montrose. these places has some special, inimitable charm of Colorado's wonderful climate is in perfect complement to the see, the things you do, and the places you choose to visit. The air, almost crystalline in its purity, invigorates both mind and body. one new health and strength, sweeps away the cobwebs from a down by the struggle and tumult of this workaday world. tive returns full force, true values reappear in their proper light, seems much more

A Land You'll Who could forget the enthralling vision of mountain peaks Who so calloused as would not breathe more deeply to see, from won summit, the wilderness world far far beneath? How erase the vision of a wild and silent ice-fed lake, mirroring the

Aerial view of Denver, the "Mile High Page the golden-domed State Capitol at A gigantic cross in snow reaches Lovely Hanging Lake, a 13,978 foot tip of the Mount of spot In the vast vacationtand Cro Colora

, ,sr.t.if''„it. • •,

As an artist might paint a Colorado Summer Page path lined with quaking aspen, leading to A thrilling pause along the Trail Ridge Road, splendid motor highway through of Rocky Mountain tains and the sky's inconceivable blue? Everything you do or itself indelibly on your memory as treasured incidents in a The smell of wood smoke drifting through the pine trees is like and heady perfume in the crisp clean air. Long after you have Rockies, you will remember the sweet aroma with a strong It will take you back to the glorious Skylands of Colorado to almost too beautiful for reality, yet always ready and waiting Some night at home far away, you will see in the leaping flames fireplace the outline of majestic peaks silhouetted against a flaming from the mountain heights will ring once more in your ears and of the burning logs on your hearth will carry you back to days in the mountains. Remembering the thrill of it all you will the thoughts of thousands of other visitors to this mile-high -I'm homesick for Colorado, and I'm going Well, why not go

Colorado is -yours for the ask ing--now more easily, quickly fortably reached than ever before. Just overnight from sticky heat, you will find quick relief from the severity of summer. ...warm, pleasant days and cool,crisp, starry nights—a that has made Colorado famous all over the world. Summer and one and the same season summer by day, and wonderful spring On the Burlington's fleet of air-conditioned trains, your when you step aboard. Whether you take the famous stainless steel Denver Zephyrs or the Exposition Flyer from Chicago General Pershing Zephyr-Exposition Flyer from St. Louis and your trip via the Burlington Route will add hours of time and rest vacati ROCKY MOUNTAIN

Draw a line from grows in the fertile miles due northwest, or 75 above timberline, life is smooth highways. There you grim struggle with Rocky Mountain National pleasant, a thrilling, indeed Famous vacationland. Proof of Since the early Seventies, fascination lies in the fact renowned of the world's lovers hundred thousand people, high places have paid high every state in the Union as well Estes Park. They know it as principal countries of the paradise, bold, warm, year after year to this, one of stadt, the great landscape remaining unspoiled beauty of whose best work was done the Park over sixty years ago, said It is a land of this region were to be doxes, of contrasts that stir finest compositions for the to awe and wonder at lar tribute was paid by acles. Tumbling mountain sportsman, Lord Dunraven, into dream-like still lakes Colorado in the Seventies twig is mirrored with glassy a hunting lodge. Since the day Alpine flowers thrive at raven and he was the from mighty glaciers and Lipton of his time a masses. Wide smooth has been trod to this gradually alongside playgrou trails that climb sharply There are no poisonous clouds. Bitter winds whistle harmful insects, no reptiles in peaks, while the quaking In fact, there is nothing gently in the warm walks, crawls, growls or flies man, woman or child a easiness. Even the water tests cent pure. Strange as it may wildest creature is man, and wild life flees The National Park the park region with well- courteous rangers who are ing to help. Ranger maintained in Estes Park village. tem of signs and markers, telephones and other all to enjoy the country to in safety and comfort. If ever lost, the wisest thing is thing just

The granite Pillars of Hercules in the Thompson Canyon, the northern Estes (Estes)

Like the Engadine of Estes Park is an upland basin 6000 feet above sea level. (A - Colorado, designates a ow or valley.) Rocky tional Park surrounds Estes three sides, extending some north and south and 20 A happy riding party, starting out for a glorious Through the heart of this the unfenced wilderness of the runs a splendidly of the great of a mighty segment of the Rock Portals on the Trail Ridge Road, with Divide, thickly timbered by towering in velt, Arapahoe and Fore The Front The Front Range is narrow gorges and broad surrounded by towering heights which rise abruptly valleys. Down the slope, where sheer drops of 3000 feet are not drains into the Mississippi Gulf. The gentler western the headwaters of the which finds its tortuous the Grand Canyon of Arizona Pacific The special, inimitable charm Park is its adaptability conception of ideal ing, and its amazing accessibility. wilderness life or days ease, strenuous sport or rest whatever your desire, awaits Perfect The climate is light, very wonderfully stimulating. In the altitude-7500 to 14,255 feet sunshine is warm, bright constant throughout Nights are cool, even

Page The Notch on Long's Peak stands out in are always welcome, and as seen from the Bear is the The official summer season of pine-laden air, the feel of Mountain National Park is June earth beneath their feet. September 20, when all hotels leisurely, they may find their way and daily transportation summit or two, yet wisely do Desirable accommodations, such an attainment an end are available from early June first of October. Actually, the Another sturdier breed accessible lower levels as a matter of reaches always for the Sports are the peaks that have What can one do in their summits to this Park? You can hike, ride, who stalk the eagle to his eerie mountains, fish, camera revel in the bite of the wind as play tennis or golf in fact, the mountain anything you like to do Wilderness Horseback riding is probably popular sport, because it is so The geologist is in his glory safe for even the most timid Park, for glacial records of the and because one can ride are amazingly legible. where. Some, however, prefer where, one can study and climb the days away, forms V-shaped health and vigor from the lakes and moraines. Here, in

Page fic upheaval of the dim dark (a riot of golden beauty in mountain was made. This Fall), Rocky Mountain chasm, this trail of huge and Arctic sheer wall of granite—all records left by some Great Trout For the botanist, the entire Park Ardent fishermen have vast wild garden, profuse discovered that some of the from early June to late tain streams in the West flow in into October. The Park's the Park, stocked annually album includes over a of trout from local fish fringed blue and numerous columbines, Besides all this, everyone primrose, Mariposa indulges the universal -sport- Indian paint brush, lupin, and taking one's blissful ease pine buttercup that pushes sunny veranda, under the melting pines, or along a The thick, towering brook. Just to relax and rest evergreen trees are a peace, soaking in the characteristic are the glorious ozone at every pore, a new lease on life. And who lodge-pole pines, Douglas fir that that is not the best way spruce in the lower timberline, birch, the mountains, Alpine fir and limber pine. iar trees are the lovely Estes Park Estes Park village, situated at the confluence of Hidden Valley and the snow- Range, in Thompson and Fall Rivers, is Bear Lake is the starting point cal headquarters for visitors into the great Wild Mountain National Park, since mirror-like Dream Lake, gateway roads converge Tyndall Glacier and Loch village has only a Wild Gardens region is one population, but is well loveliest scenic areas of the summer visitors' needs, tween its steep granite stores, garages, swimming tastically shaped, lovely courses, moving picture ersault down to rich forests Protestant and Catholic wild flowers dot the upland glades A handsome auditorium with riot of color. From of 1200 makes Estes Park a and from Taylor Glacier, sirable summer thread their way Several score first-class cliff-cradled Loch Vale and sorts and lodges are scattered unequaled for sheer rocky around the Park, each offering beauty. At the head of the tinctive type of vacation of rock rise precipitously shoe Park, seven miles west above icy, sky-blue lakes, Park village, is a large, grow profusely in the valley of flowered meadows To the east lies streams. Fall River and Fall bounded by McHenry's flank it on the north, Trail top, Long's Peak and the on the south both No trail enters this noble gorge; cross the Divide at Fall indescribably wild, yet well 11,797 feet high. North of effort of along Roaring River is the derful vicinity of Ypsilon The Long's Lakes, Ypsilon Peak, Long's Peak, most famous of Mummy Mountain and Rowe heights of Rocky Park, rises 14,255 feet high, Peaceful Upland clad head towering more feet above the valley floor. Five miles south of the to the summit is one of the glacier-carved Moraine Park, taking of experiences. It is a valley of Big Thompson trip, requiring guides and here delightfully popular to Fern and Odessa Lakes, deep stay in a shelter cabin high up mountain's windy face. It is rocky embrace of a great there on the rim of the yond lies the tumbled vastness the pygmy world lies below main Front out for miles on end, and you Barth°If Park, two miles conquero Moraine, is traversed by Two trails ascend Long's Road along sparkling from Bear Lake, the other Mountain to the east. Horses only as far as Boulder cabin, after which one climbs

No vacation experience can compare with a a mountain summit to witness the beauty of a In the summertime, the broad meadows Grand fun in Estes Park a steak Mountain National Park are brilliant the brilliant stars, with cowboy varieties of viding musical of the way on foot, up past during Keyhole and the Narrows, up mer. Beaver are rapidly actual thrilling their dams may be found along The Wild Basin, less stream where the quaking than some other sections of Unlike the ubiquitous lies south of Long's squirrels and woodchucks, from the Continental Divide. are seldom seen. Deer are superbly beautiful area are sight, and elk also are no waterfalls, wild gorges and and mountain lions, however, as peaks, frequently 13,000 feet stay well is a marvelous camping There are more than a ground, beloved by many a cies of birds, among them of wren, hermit thrush, white-crowned sparrow, and Park Wild velous singer, the solitaire. The Park is a natural home Mountain jay, chickadee, deer, Rocky Mountain magpie, and the most curious bird and other wild animals, all Rockies, the water ouzel, are are protected by dwellers. Above timberline tions. Bighorn sheep may finds the ptarmigan and be photographed by a lucky few, rosy

Estes Park village, headquarters for Rocky Mountain Timberline lies at about in Rocky Mountain a wild, weird region Nature's inexorable law, - the fittest.- Here stately like vines, their trunks twisted as they struggle through Higher up these give way growths, and finally to hardy mosses and tiny a source of Stone Mountain reflected in the At even the highest bordered waters of flowers grow in sheltered the beautiful columbine, state flower, is found in the lee banks and glaciers. Above rise connected with Estes Park by mountain masses of the far- did motor road across the ies. Clouds sweep around two miles long and a mile derstorms gather swiftly on lake lies a mile and a half thrilling, awe-inspiring, level. Here the Grand Lake dissipated by the warm has the highest yacht anchorage world and annually holds Grand Lake Lipton Cup regatta. Grand Lake The western gateway of the largest bodies of water Mountain National Park is state, and many trails lead village, on the shore of Grand mountains rising from the

Map of Rocky Mountain National

Lake Louise„, agues Mt!,Duntauen rhc, 1 4, t ltummy ••••• PASS/ lit•Richthole netsL„, Mt. Chapin I e

,.!..-.72/- cBig Horn Mtn. Tye PMAISISN Hererwe Mc Gregor 'N .af ;Hmottitrd>, la 'Bake/ (3orgj Deer i M7•Ittal'"k M °Pan ...1' Stones A / e,. MORAINE.. _.-., Nakai Pk. ( firn NoCc.hop-r . Odessa , -9%La ....,.e, , - f. •---!--_-_ cll.% ft, j,. .10.,.. -• t AR Li- i ...Se RA ..11 I . z , M t ". I ..A! Nisa Mtn,

,-;z Cascade The ;. _Cone Full -lb,/Cl Tjapitulteark. lar? Pk. C s'I•j\L L REND rt in,,,•_.;___„ Chiefs Head __Mt. L.Nanita 1 Mt. Mt R Page 's ,, L. Verntekn,ter L-::: crf----"--,..,"... _ _ Mt. •• w uzel Mt. Adams tpt Aft.—c •••• Summer Excursion kling stream, ever upward. Pausing at the Park Hill, the road leads rapidly Round-trip summer enter Estes Park from the southeast. ets to Estes Park, Colorado are St. Vrain route via Boulder or gotiates the entire length of the canyon during the summer months at St. Vrain Creek from Lyons to road ticket offices in the where the road turns north along the fare to the Park being fringe of Rocky Mountain National than the summer excursion through Roosevelt National Forest Denver. Such tickets include Estes Park from the south, over portation to Denver and Peak-to-Peak motor transportation Motor Bus and Estes Park village. They Via Big Thompson or North changeable, honored via railroad Can of the Park gateways Read Down (June z-Sept. 3o) • 9:30All 12:30 PM Lv. Denver Longmont, Loveland or t3:33PMLv.BoulderLv. •10:33 AM 1.v. Longmont Ar. or by motor for the entire 1'4:10 PM Lir. Lyons Denver in •11:1I AM Lv. Loveland At. •12:25P11 t455 PM At. Estes Park Lir. Summer excursion tickets "Via Big Thompson west of Denver, when routed tVia North St. ver or the other Park Via South St. stopovers for the short side Re (June 15 - Re Do M M U Rocky Mountain National Park 8:45 0 Lv. Denver A 8 12:35 lowing as long a stay as 9:48 3 Lv. Boulder L 5 11:33 10:28 s Lit. Lyons L 3 11:02 within the final return limit II:21 7 Lv. Allen's Park Li 1 9:59 II: 7 Lv. Copeland Lake L 1 9:53 ticke I I: 7 Lv. Meeker Park L 1 9:49 II: 8 Lv. L 9 9:42 How to Reach 12:05 8 At. Eaten Park L 0 9:15 Excellent motor service to and In addition to these motor routes, Park is provided by the route known as the "Grand Lake Motors Co., from Denver, enters Estes Park via Big Loveland, Lyons or Ft. Collins. crosses the Continental Divide to powered motor buses operate on via the world-famous Trail Ridge ules throughout the summer, over returns to Denver on a great circle routes. The Big Thompson Canyon Pass and Idaho Springs connecting Loveland, traverses the celebrated Burlington's "Denver Zephyr" for in the Roosevelt National For rates, consult your local hundreds of feet on either side of Big Thompson River. Twisting and 240-Mile Grand Lake it climbs the gorgeous canyon, the (June ly- Sched denly emerges into the northeast 0 Lv. Denver 9:30 1st 8 At. Estes Park (lunch) 12:25 1st Estes 8 Lv. Elltell Park 2:30 1st Over the North St. Vrain route, 1 An Grand Lake (overnight) 5:30 1st mont and Lyons, the road follows the 1 Lv. Grand Lake 9:00 2nd 2 At. Idaho Springs (lunch) 11:59 2nd River, through a wonderfully 2 Lv. Idaho Springs 1:30 2nd back and forth across sunlit canyon 2 At. Denver 3:301 2nd

Peaceful hours in the sunshine on the shores of Grand Lake, on the western slope of the DENVER The

Denver, the -Mile-High never humid or oppressive; the Rockies,- is the logical nights invite blankets. Colorado's endless display tude is exactly one mile and fascinations. It is the portal and the health-giving national parks and 32 works wonders on the ments in the vast The -two-weeks vacationer- land. This thoroughly modern tonical benefit at a lower known throughout the country cost than in almost any genial host experienced in accessible in a the needs and desires of a Little wonder, then, why tude of visitors who annually today an inviting city their permanent or city. It is just a short quarters for Colorado lofty mountains, mighty derness lakes, sparkling The Mountains teem with trout, great There is an exhilarating places, and peaceful freedom about Denver that sets every hour is a joyful from other cities of a living. Broad smooth people. You feel it the iron the lower levels, while step off a Burlington train country is fretted with trails East. Perhaps it is the and horseman. Rail and bus of the glorious mountains, ate from Denver over scenic miles away, for wherever you most of the more popular is a great view of two hundred the the Snowy Range, from Long's A City Pikes Peak. Your imagination your blood seems to run a Visitors to Colorado are and you are eager to roam pressed with the beauty of peaks for days and days of metropolis, its impressive The city has a attractions. There are 44 dry, crystalline, never very two municipal bathing summer nor severely cold courses, tennis courts and Days are bright with buildings which merit

One of the many beautiful city parks

Page erous outdoor lures are Denver Mountain Parks unique, municipal-owned in the world. Over two areas, covering approximately miles of healthful playground, cluded in this great park connected by over 100 miles highwa In the midst of this area are over two miles high, capped Gray's Peak, and There is also a large where one may see buffalo, lope and mountain sheep in habit

Glorious Reached by automobile in or less, over splendidly are all manner of hotels, resorts, cottages Skiing in midsummer! on a glaciated spots. It would be difficult to the Denver more easily accessible or vacation area than parks, offering fascinating practically all year of the most imposing structures One of the most State Capitol with its encircles the major portion of dome an architectural park system, yet can be made culiarly appropriate. It was one day. After leaving Golden, covery of gold in 1859, cends the serpentine Lariat Springs 40 miles away, that Lookout Mountain which, impetus to Denver's rapid -looks out- over the panorama of peaks seen from plains. Here is the grave of is an inspiring Bill- Cody, and in Pahaska Other outstanding seum close by are many the State Museum, built by him during his glamorous marble and housing a Genesee Park the road spirals up tion of ancient cliff- top of Genesee Mountain, the United States tinues on through Bergen Museum of Natural History, Clear Creek and Idaho the foremost in the country, early gold sorbing exhibits of Turning south to fauna and minerals and the Creek, the route takes a Center, featuring a great to Echo Lake, thence over Greek Theater seating 5000, highest mountain highway to certs are held weekly of Mount Evans (14,260 feet) summ mighty view of jagged Outstanding among for 100 miles. The return

Page CCirl

Sheep Mt.

Parry Ralston Pk. Gold

dusti H

D MTN• Green PARKS Dee/ Mt.ktorrisonM•aTko \R,C1F,''S N GRAY' PEA Sugar! eho Cre Golia Everg P

___7/h/ M I C EVAN Brook ,t-orest conifer

Map of Denver equally delightful notable of the 1870's. Some Evergreen Park, through -ghost- towns of a few years Canyon to Morrison, where are coming back, and a number dinosaur's bones have doned diggings have then north through Red newest of the Denver Equally close to Denver popular vacation region, the Another worthwhile the South Platte River one Clear Creek past Idaho Springs best known of Colorado's old mining districts of sections. The mouth of the town and Silver Plume, only 28 miles from the city, and towering, mine-scarred peaks. miles beyond there are the noted Georgetown Loop, lightful vacation the registers of furnished cottages and famous hotels are the names of tain resorts on both sides river. From these cool opportunities for riding and unexcelled, and the region known for the excellent it Moffat Tunnel Trains operating through the Moffat Tunnel Gore Canyon, thence over the sero Cutoff along the give the Burlington a splendidly scenic route Colorado. One thinks of River in terms of gorges and yawning chasms, where is this conception than where the river Page The -Pagodas- along the foaming on the Dotsero Cutoff Into Amazing twists of Lariat Trail up Lookout Mountain to Buffalo

Gore Canyon. Mile after mile capped with the ged, colorful and well- Moffat Tunnel, nearly a mile ing grandeur make this one crest; threads the grim walls greatest of chasms. The Canyon, and spans white and foaming waters of the Colorado River granite precipices which heart of Red Canyon on 2000 feet, for here the Cut themselves at Construction of the This is the stupendous Road, in the face of crushing nel Route which has given in spite of the almost unheard- ton a direct route through gedness of the terrain, stands as California an important link remarkable engineering through train service to trip over this western route Coast. For 232 miles thrilling cross-section Denver it penetrates the heart Alpine grandeur, from Colorado Rockies through gulches of placer mining days region hitherto known only high, desolate places where trapper and miner. It of winter

Vacationists pause to watch a gathering storm among the peaks overlooking Red COLORAD

Colorado Springs is more important gateway to vacation regions it is P;kes Peak Arco 14e, Colorado Spnogs, leads region in itself. Matchless the glorious dominantly sunlit days and wealth of outdoor attractions short distance of this city - and mountain meet,- account enviable position in the front famous resort sections in moun The summer season is long at this unique city on of the broken Rockies, 75 miles due south on the Burlington-Colorado Lines. Lying at an altitude mately 6000 feet, it is always the shade there, always warm sun, and outdoor life for visitor dent is delightful practically in the So close is Colorado Springs Gigantic natural obelisks of eature the multitude of superlative of Garden of that one can enjoy— the delightful combination of life heart of the mountains with all The snowy summit of Pikes above a clouds in eternal veniences of a modern city hand. Just 15 minutes and you are right among in the midst of the famous region. No similar area of its size globe contains so many of peaks, valleys and picturesque camping places, less other scenic nated at all times by Pikes -patriarch of Pikes Peak! There is a stirs the imagination. It the entire vicinity with magnificence, and has been ascended by more people any other mountain in covered in 1806 by Lt.


Pike (who incidentally, appalled (33,200 people), Colorado Springs height, said it would never mirably endowed for the role of for many years it was the vacationing thousands. Its beacon for the hotels, wonderful system of wagon trains. Far from merous excellent highways highest summit (25 others did rail service, dovetail 14,110 foot altitude), Pikes recreation plan. Trails stands alone as a glorious symbol canyons, forest, park and Great West. It is, ascending ridges and with the best of the high places foaming streams and cascades, up Colorado Rockies, one of the jagged mountain crests. And lustrious -highlights- of within a radius of some Today Pike would be amazed almost every section of which could see how many thousands ingly tors reach this lofty summit Besides the breath-taking All summer, they ascend in highway, many other stream over a motor roads serve the region. free auto highway; via cog the spectacular new horse, and even (hardy souls) enne Mountain Few attempt to hike it, except up a 9500 foot mountain famous Ad A-Man Club abruptly from the plain. Springs, whose members climb Mountain Highway, built top of the peak every New road bed of the old Cripple to initiate one new Line, is a thrilling route, and celebrate the new year nels, over trestles, along wor yons and circling towering No matter how you reach Cripple Creek's mit, a never;to-be-forgotten Especially popular is the you. Sixty thousand square the gigantic Pillars of mountain and plain are visible stand guard before the granite rious panorama, from the peaks South Cheyenne Canyon Continental Divide 100 miles Seven Falls spill down a the serrated pinnacles of Here one may bow to tradition Sangre de Christo ward. Distant storms your eyes, seas of below your feet. The air is N". c'''" ----f•-4-5-%P,. ',\,..' that the -drag- of altitude 1 . , ',,,,,.. ,.„p.''' 6 / 1 '''.,,,,,S,...--' :_.•Sf '!:-,i noticeable, and you llg trap 1 '•• - M. 4 '; ize how earthbound we , \\. ,' .... Gt., Few persons, however, feel L. Ea .\'•'.;,•1::1 , 1:4,•f'311 , 0 .. • P. effects as a result of Senrotet ''kt, PINE•A___ __,. ..,,, PEAK . ••_,• - heig r.,':..,re..r• eatnerom,,,,,, ; Sac Muurvido % "AV While not a M it•I' . ck;' Actg., / cokS, ••-• SV'f' , '''-'' 011 / 10..1,ce Dead N. ..' ulu Map of the Colorado Springs- *Medi tft , regio CRIPPL • Stour , • 4.41111m

_ Af Africatar j '''''4t,viependenc q'vk N. 8,9 Pim. no.. photographed on a burro, or Mountain Canary,- as our many years ago. In the above the falls is the grave Hunt Manitou, just six miles west orado Springs, is famous for waters, fine baths and scenery. The city lies in a cleft mountains at an altitude of overshadowed by Mt. Manitou very edge. Legend has it Indian tribes -buried when they came here to bathe healing waters of the A lovely vista on the highway that leads There are some 15 Cheyenne within the city limits, visited sands every Just a few miles distant ous beauty spots of the Pikes gion. In no time at all one Garden of the Gods, and Cave of the Winds, Phantom Cliff Canyon and dwellings; ascend Mt. Manitou railway; or motor over Pass, once trod by Indians their summer hunting delightful resorts are in the cluding Cascade, Chipita Mountain Falls and Only twenty miles Colorado Springs is the ple Creek district, whose have yielded great fortunes yellow metal. Even today, many of ore-laden cars emerges Creek and nearby Victor, rewards of gold bullion are sible by modern and -The end of the road- at the summit metho Broadmoor-Cheyenne

A glorious view at the brilliant sunshine, banks above


Twenty-nine miles roads traverses the entire Denver lies Boulder, key city ing it easy to reach great glacier region in sible heights and scores National Forest south of alpine tain National Park, and There are many Colorado's alluring resort havens of rest, inviting one and beauty spot at the mouth spend a week, a month, or Boulder Canyon is the seat of in a cool green forest- University, the Colorado world. Crisp nights and the noted Blue Bird enterprise, and slumber combine with sunny July and August) the the open air to provide a Chautauqua. Some any ailment, mental or people live here the year can stroll through meadow numbers swelled greatly penetrate the endless forest by hosts of outdoors-eager back, up to majestic heights; from states where tinue on foot up among do not rise majestically peaks to where the very grow This mountain-locked city at Here are the famous of the Arapahoe Peaks has 6000 ciers, greatest in the mountain park and is the entry living, moving ice fields high perfect labyrinth of all that the foreboding crags that vacation in the mountains Continental Divide-12,000, Close at hand are rugged 14,000 feet above sea level. lakes and streams, hundreds terious phenomena, among miles of virgin forest, a fascinating in Nature, start canyons, plunging cataracts, regions of perpetual snow and frowning crags. A network source of countless streams

Map of the Boulder- Mt , LONG 8°'11 Monarch l • f•Peaceful BUCHAN Alto Camp Ouray pAss. lea or L. GRANNY Monarch Lake ,,,,,,t, cpold loabellelacier Wa Glenda Mt•Ger °Gold Sa Eri Arapahoe Glacier 0 ngto .4eva Glaci lea Taberna alayett Nederla Fras \shakewo Eld Arrow Vasque


Vasquez SERTP0 PAS JONES Arylv Pegs DENV Lincoln IDAHO South • M 702 245-3 POOLE PROS ,,C• to the valleys far below, hoe Glacier is nearly a mile kling lakes on the way from 100 to 500 feet thick. It finding a path to it has for hundreds of years, at These living glaciers of from 11 to 27 feet per year St. Vrain, Isabel and Fair measure most accessible in the world. The University of them from close at hand is erected a -Science Lodge- only table experience, giving one miles from this great ice insight into the mighty scheme study is included in universe. On every hand, botanical courses conducted scenes to stagger the regular Summer enormous cirques, great Another feature of the pressure folds, yawning summer sessions is the ble ice strains, and perhaps ers' Conference, held all, -red 1930 under auspices of the St. Vrain Glacier, lying on The purpose of the ridgepole of America at 12,500 most comprehensive organization 500 feet thick and nearly kind in the country, is long. Its ice was forming creative writing in an Columbus discovered mosphere under leadership Glacier, still higher up, famous vertically to the great Divide Just a short distance forbidding Hell Hole. are a number of Colorado's old haps the best known, is the townswhich figured so vividly ing glacier in the gold mining activities. Boulder has the distinction Black Hawk, Nevadaville the only city in the United were names to conjure with, not in the world, that owns the roaring '60's, when glacier—Arapahoe, source of of rich -strikes- brought forth water supply. Its purchase of gold-mad humanity who was authorized in 1919 by a and fortune with pick and of Congress to insure for the pan and constant, pure supply of They swarmed the from the glacial snow and and streams, scarred the

Mountaiivedged Boulder, "gateway to the The lofty spire of Lindbergh Peak, point on the mountains, and lived lustily frenzied gaiety of the famous towns of the day. From the veins all about a golden forth, and Central City, with city, Black Hawk, was the center all. By 1874, however, streams of gold had begun to leaving in their wake deserted memories lonely, -ghost- One of the few buildings in Central City was the House, where Booth, Salvini, Joseph Jefferson and immortals once played. Turned the University of Denver as Boulder, the "gateway to historic museum, the old ciers,- is a regular destination was never reopened until mer tourist tickets routed via the Annual Play Festival lington to Denver, thence Colorado rated to commemorate glories Southern Ity. Tickets so routed days. This unique event, honored, if desired, on Denver in July and featuring the Interurban Motor and actresses of today, brings the two cities. The round- glamour of those forgotten excursion fare to Boulder attracts visitors from all point in the East is the same countr Denv

The vast expanse of Arapahoe Glacier, city-owned glacier in the world, dwarfs a Page intrepid 0% Slat CO LO ' A L 0 cr , L „. , 5500 L,76 LL ri Liv ColumbineRahn. W 1 -it'.. • N COWER° MIS. t, - 1 Cla w wide n') I —1 , Ridle m PARK . o. or hirer ow,!c• 1 70 ,I; F 0 R E S Cra 0 Yam May , -,.. c'"110•Put fu NI 'Itw,,IR0CIc71,— a...11T—A EN -'Le Boyden Steanibout 1 0 .-, di R AP-4116 •., • t •2,,,;------.,,..... S . •ti • • 4,1 -,; 'k flUnPiltrUn C. • J I NATIONAL axial '64 I r (dab d Pinnacle ."= ... t Thornburg Pyramid 711ire. 1517,1tV 4-, 4'14., L Yamp 4 Range Ma o;,,, II- -13 u. pi,R R I 7 copl 10 JLiV Taber. Meek bi 0, 1_ Fru,, A, .31,1? 0 La t

OVER WHi 11- GeES 1 n* 'oT tr e-: .mpi Silver 7•:;.:4c i5C e 00.•. L s 9 1 7, 0 OW.? '0, E.tote Ate Mint tritsco 0 0 MT. OF led COIl Mt.EvansBrook 4k4o Carboner HOLY Troot, °ma CarbOnda Patalt lennes4s 0 t.r..inlaxotgt • Pa. o Mt .... Leadvil °SA :rn' .114f Dee Ma Redsto Gann% I 0 ,Lewww SOUT (Fraud lateau City ‘,.. Capitol sp l(lacit Snoamiass:, Mt.Elber.C\ Mt.Shor Oar 1,11;P., \ Pk. maroon 4 •COLORAD Marb Grizzly iwt• ttad PVran'i La 1 'loose Castle o PAR Ea °Oared tothrav Ito Mt. ao M < Cret(t Buena Vista Bold , Mt. n ILOtehtlI Cripple S Pelneet .. WEST ELK ..'Kubler othrop 4tic MI Ja Cabin ir I 0 Strat Mt. A Del Castiet es 4 BLACK Shuoa Mat F THE Monarti * Salid T. MON tl'olt'STgtultsA Porietut Montro 4 841, ilikS CANV is Cimarr Mot C .a D. c lineoznilabgr berdee • 1 COchetol ", Wws Eldred •c • " A .04 w C2p_V Or tent' ',el-a, Naturit RirtgwaY S ISA Dalton Flit Carso -1 %,u p h Nor I.- non Placervil g-Mt•SnU.ffelS DrNeedle.esto)1, • aul • Works °Nortti Cr ode Va andh-s•Pk. I c' Du 1 Wilson pi, ,,, Euri,„141 Creede AND: Cent LONE Witgen mtTnc: • Wagono It IA Lizard Silve ,, ' / • stus - DOLORE Mo J PLATEA 66Ful,ght• South Del Blan I. WitidOin Mt. etER'i? Bear Monte t.jEo/us 64.4,P ot_21N 'alou Par I Rockwo Alamo • Trimbl Mane i• 1.11 P Duran r g ago Summit San SA ft NAT ONAL hay YUCCAN Ouoelo CLI PALAC o •„ Antoult UTE INDIAN - ORAQ MEXI L.'j N •e

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Pueblo, third of 2,000 feet deep, ten miles long gateways for visitors from the the most part, so narrow situated on the Arkansas River anyone can toss a stone from foot of the Rockies, 45 miles wall. Through this Colorado Springs. Second races its restless maker, in the state, it earns its title of Arkansas Pittsburgh of the West- by At the bottom of the canyon its being the center of -Royal Gorge- line of the a smelting and steel R.R. between Denver and Pueblo is a modern city, City, an important link in population of over 50,000, of Burlington through several hundred acres California. Construction of parks, and large mineral bound steel highway through in the center of the city. yon is one of the world's a resort city in itself, a number engineering marvels. At patronized summer vacation where the gorge is only 30 within easy distance. It is the tracks run over the main starting point for Bridge, suspended parallel such renowned playgrounds wonders as San Isabel Canon City and Royal A toy-like transcont Mental train winds Sangre de Christo and through the grim walls of the Royal and Great Sand Dunes by a breath-taking ment, as well as Mesa Verde wonderful regions in Less than 35 miles from two fine resort sections close mountains—Beulah and former lies in a lovely fertile mineral springs, forested many shady drives and Rye is a charming village on horn River, surrounded by scenery. Some of the finest the state is in Only 30 miles west of Canon City, the center of variety of mineral springs their healing qualities, mammoth swimming pool. Close the famous The Royal Gorge, a piece of Nature, represents one boldest, thrilling epics in history. Imagine a

Page rushing river by immense ports set in the solid From Canon City one out over a breath-taking sion Bridge that swings across 2,056 feet above the river. structure is 880 feet long and the height of any bridge in the world. From height there is a superb view The Beulah-Rye road in the heart of Rockies for a hundred miles National south, as well as of the where seemingly toy trains way between the great canyons and hundreds miles of marvelous virgin San Isabel streams abound, restocked Facilities for vacation federal and state fish unsurpassed amid the are over 700 miles of well- acres of the great San roads and countless winding Forest. Through the eastern affording easy access to the this beautiful area run the to numerous inviting hotels, tains, while the ranches on the fringe of the section, paralleling the fertile vast, virtually Valley for nearly 150 is free to everyone, and the glorious Sangre de patrolled by the U. S. and, close to the border line The greatest (and almost Mexico, the historic Spanish restriction on anyone's freedom this mighty expanse are some Isabel, as well as in all highest peaks in forests, is the insistence that Here are unsealed be completely extinguished plored caves, bottomless are abandoned, and that ness unparalleled, mirror- caution be taken against

Page Marble Mountain ;n the lovely expanse Isabel National 1

MESA and

One of the strangest leading his Crusaders into many scenic rarities is Lan National Park, where the During the park season, May ful, impressive and best preserved September 15, regular motor American prehistoric ruins is operated to Mesa Verde The park includes some 50,000 Junction, Montrose, and remarkable loveliness tucked the D. & R.G.W.R.R. The the far Southwestern corner may be purchased separately or state, easily reached by motor three-day all-expense tour or perpetuated for all time by from either of these points, governme included in your summer Mesa Verde is a fascinating ticket at the time of purchase. veritable island of mystery tour includes motor chantment that challenges each way from the rail point, tion. Carved from the sheer and lodging in the park at some twenty-six wild Lod gouge its surface are the Mesa Verde, however, is dwellings of a long lost of the many glorious they were, whence they Western Colorado. Here is they went and why no tuan playground that has to this day. They simply everything in the way of utterly and ment. All is on a grand Stand on the edge of the scale all seems calculated ald Table 2000 feet above the Man realize the vastness the great Montezuma works, and to give him why this is called wisdom through "Green Table." Climb among spective. In Western parlance, houses, such as Spruce Tree sky's the limit" to the marvelous Cliff There is marvelous rocky paths, secret such famous streams as ceremonial chambers and River, the (the streets that echoed to Grande that flows to Old feet about the time Richard San Miguel, Yampa Rivers, and many well- Lovers of the unusual will the monstrous and phenomena of the Wheeler rado National Mineral springs abound sections, with splendid enjoying them as at wood Springs, on the where a feature is a swimming pool of hot

The Balcony House, one of the best of the Mesa Verde Other popular radioactive located at Pagosa, Salida, Leadville and COLORAD The largest flat topped the world, rising a mile above rounding country, is in orado renowned Grand some 360 trout-filled grand views and Tremendous areas of national forests stretch ously from the Wyoming border New Mexico line National Forest, pahgre, , topa, White River, Holy and Routt. These areas nearly nine million acres of rare free) recreational There is no lack of deur, for all along the vide are such great ranges as Ear, Park, San Juan, La Platte, watch group, Cochetopa Hills, San Miguel Mountains. In Deep in the San group are the three highest I 7741.111 the state Mt. Elbert Mt. Massive (14,404 feet), Harvard (14,399 feet). Close historic Leadville, the 4 incorporated Throughout this tionland are hundreds places that cater to lovers of outdoors. They offer— location, altitude, featured activities—a summer - fare- that will appeal

Left—Autumn glory on Electra Lake, ran go, Western Below—Trappers Lake, White Forest, a famous


In many of the mountain lands where West, one finds that typically raised, -worked- solely) American institution, marketed as or Guest Ranch—and Colorado ness, and goodly quota of such guest may Scattered through the fascinating along the fringes of deep, ence of ests, or basking in the range ing down upon many a -wranglers,- participating (in valley—ideal surroundings for way) in the day's activities doors vacation—here the out, roping, roundups, guest ranch Other ranches cater more By the way, let it be said to a strictly summer that the term -dude- is not their personnel and paragingly. It is simply toward the comfort, interest way of referring to any visitor lation of the vacationist. from -back East- which type of establishment almost anywhere east of you, there is inspiration for country. Women dudes, if and the mentally jaded in are sometimes called, stirring solitudes, pure - and vigorous, healthy These ranches are indigenous wherever one part of the state. They No -dress up- places are found in general where the ranches you can dress men, the men who built as informally as you came upon good grazing outfits are unnecessary, since lands. All, however, are alike purchase what you need on respects all offer Colora hospitality, and a Here the Horse reigns and enjoyable type of the dude ranch represents the Many are true ranches in boots, saddle leather and Western meaning— hats. Here the cowboy is in ment and if you would make of your opportunities you with him through a that you might otherwise Where he goes, there are trails roads. With a good horse knees and vast miles of country all about, every day glorious new The average Colorado guest ranch is not a large establishment as to and service. Their very

A high spot in Colorado dude saddling up in the corral before the Typical Colorado dude ranch country broad rolling valleys, sparkling majestic mountains ni the one of their chief charms, for are more an individual than a the friendly portals of the are opened for you as they in no other region of the a ranch vacation is a —one that offers something delightful from anything you have known In selecting a ranch, it that prospective -dudes- respond personally with more detailed information than been possible to include in - It's great fuss to watch the cuwbuys un shown on pages 41 and 42 of western let. Reservations usually are advance so that arrangements made to have the ranch car trai Colorado dude ranch lodging, meals, for ordinary short trips, and cases the use and care of saddle horse also. As a rule, materially reduced for the months during the hunting during the months when are offered at ranches open

A piCnIC Out in the open, amid the with the -wranglers'. doing Summer (amp ot

A group of happy boys at a Colorado

BOYS' and

Colorado is famous for its cattle ranches, with ber and variety of summer thrills of -range riding,- boys and girls, offering a wide ups and similar fascinating accommodations, activities Colorado's famous ing locations. Some of these are not confined to any one quite small, with personal region you will find them stressed above all else and sections of the state, truly delightful atmosphere within sight and easy home hospitality. Some of the mountains. The plete professional staffs of located in and around and advisors, with National Park on both sides for the training of youth from Continental Divide, and in twenty-one years of age. Glacier and the Colorado are operated in conjunction Peak districts, with a few in part of the state. While the considerably in their grams, range of outdoor accommodations, all are alike outstanding These camps teach self- understanding leadership the boy or girl to develop resourcefulness, love of and that spirit of comradeship operation so essential to life. Above all, they

Ride .em Cowboy! What a thrill to see Western rodeo

Page opportunities for a among Colorado's vast deur. Indeed, no more could be imagined for a growing girl than a summer at supervised Colorado happiness and clean alert minds almost inevitable results, ing the most formative years will do the most Every day is a new experience for the growing Practically every camp string of thoroughly horses, for riding is the sport in Colorado. Horseback daily occurrences, under tion and constant ners have no difficulty in Put your growing youngster 11: the place ride in the free and easy Colorado camper. Don't you think it once learned him a world Some camps feature a outdoor life, with and pack trips and even short real western rodeos nearby. lation but are calculated to camps for boys are located on best in growing youths, ranches, where the boys them the priceless advantages of thrill of riding with the the great their daily Before selecting a camp Boys and girls usually boy or girl will spend all or part as to age so that summer vacation period, ships may be formed. be asked of any Colorado places, tutoring can on pages 43,44 in this booklet, throughout the summer, investigated for your own supervision (while as to its complete can also be provided establishments have non- mature guidance. In sentation in larger cities of the programs of •activities are and East so that tated by strict, rigid methods tion may be available all year

A riding class at one of the better known Colorado camps for girls trained riders, A feu, of the buildings of the Y .M.C.A. held in Estes

Above—Baldpate Mountain

Left—Guests of Elkhorn Lodge, Estes Park, ready exhilarating

Above—The luxurious Hotel Colorado, with a big outdoor suit-tolling pool as an extra


The question of "where to go" in Colorado Above— Mountain-flanked on your taste in summer recreations. Throughout the Chalets, Rocky Mountain will find a host of hotels, lodges and cottage resorts to your pleasure and comfort. They range all the way cabin camps, rustic furnished cottages and intimate with limited capacity, to luxurious hotels where the service equal of any metropolitan standard. You can select from of splendid camps for your growing boy or girl, and the guest ranch is well For your convenience, the Burlington an extensive list of Colorado Hotels, Resorts, Girls Camps, and Dude Ranches. This list will on pages 40 to 50, inclusive, in this booklet.

Typical informal atmosphere of a first-class Colorado the inviting open fireplace for cool evenings in The famed Broadmoor Hotel at Colorado Springs, the best known and most complete hotels in

101111r • • • Toot.. •

Above-Lewiston Hotel, the pleasant valley of •

Right—An outstanding hotel of Mountain National Park region Below— Brook Forest Inn, near Evergreen heart of the Denver 111111111111411111Mrhart!ktd:

Right—Troutdale-in-the-Pines, known vacation place in Mountain

Below—Comfortable furnished Below—A cabins are available on the resort in the shores of many a wilderness lake, region of Platte 7,10iii

Above—The Crags, atop a gazing out over Estes Park rounding Hate/3 and Xeicticti

ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL (Estes) P. O. RATES (American Na Manag (Colorado Capaci Per Day

Baldpate Gordon Estes 6 $4.50-7. $28.00-45. Bear Lake E. B. Estes 7 $4.25-6. $26.50,38. The C. L. Reed Estes 7 $3.65-6. $22.05-42. Columbine C. H. Estes S $4.50-6. $22.50-35. Corner Cupboard H. W. Grand 2 $3.00-6. Rates The Mrs. Joe Estes 2 $4.00,7. $28.00-45 Crystal Springs Mrs. W. Allen's 3 Rates Rates Elkhorn Carl Estes 2 $4.50-8. $28.00-50. Estes Park Rocky Mtn. Motor Co. 3 $6.0043 Rates Fall River Mrs. M. E. March-Service 12 $5.00 $25.00 Fern Lake Mrs. W. Estes 5 $3.50-5. $2100-31. Forest Frank Estes 5 $3.00-6. $17.50-35. Grand Lake Rocky Mtn. Grand 3 Hewes-Kirkwood Chas. Allen's $ $17.00-21. Hupp Anna Estes 6 $17.50-25. Kauffman Mrs. Belle Grand 4 $3. Rates Lehman Grand 10 $3.00 Lewiston J. R. Estes 10 Rates Longs Mrs. Enos Estes 15 $S44.55g $28.00-65. National Mrs. H. Estes S (E) (E) Olympus F. A. Estes 12 Rates Pines Grand 3 tE2I7$514.5 Prospect Mrs. S. Estes 5 $ $20.00-30. Rapids W. R. Grand 5 $33:5W0 $25.00-35. Riverside Ted Estes 3 (E) Rates Sherwood V. A. Estes 5 (E) $2.00 Rates Sprague's E. M. Estes 10 $24.50-40. Stanley Rocky Mtn. Estes 3 $564..00 Stapp's Lakes John Is' W 5 $4.00-5. $25.00-30. Stead's Guest W. G. Estes 3 $3.50 $22.50-23. The H. W. Grand 2 $3.00-6. Rates Wild Basin S. C. Allen*s 10 $3.50 $28- Wind River W. C. Estes 2 $35.00-40. Windvale J. A. & J. Estes 1 Rates Rates Y.M.C.A. A. L. Association 6 Rates Rates Zicks Mrs. John Grand 7 El (A) $18.00 DENVER Capacity, Minimum Capacity, Minimum Hotel Rooms Without Bath Hot Rooms Without Bath Adams 100 $i .50-$100 $2.50- Lancas 8 1.50 2.50- Albany 330 2.130 Mayflo 8 1.50- 2.50- Ambassador 100 2.00- Midla 7 1.00- 1.50- Argonaut 140 150- Mi 6 1.00- 100- Auditorium 200 2.00 Newhou 7 1.00- 1.50- Ayres 60 2.00 Ol 17 100- 4.00 Brown Palace 3.50- 6.00 3.00- 6.00 (60 Apts.) 10.0046.00 O'N 6 1.50- Co!burn 2.50- Oxfo 2 1.50- 100- Colorado 100 200-3. Park 2 4.00 Cory 100 2.50 Pla 6 1.00- 2.50- Cosmopolitan 3.00- St. 6 1.00 1.50 Crest 114 2.00 Se 10 1.50- 2.00- DeSoto 75 2.00 Shirley- 4 1.75- 2.50- Dover SO 1.50- Standi 15 1.25 2.00 Eleventh Avenue 96 1.75- Tou 6 1.00- 2.00 Erhard 60 1.50- Wellingt 7 1.50- 2.50- Hall 70 2.00- W 12 1.00- 1.50- (100 West 13 1.00- 100- New Kenmark 120 2.00- Wyn 10 1.00- 100- COLORADO (see also under Manitou, general Capacit Minimum Capacity, Minimum Hotel Without Bath Hot Rooms Without Bath Acacia $1.50-2.00 Cheye 40 00 2 Alamo 2.00 Broadm 300 4(5), $7(D) up 5(5), Albany 1.50 up Joy 75 1.50-2.50 Alta Vista 1.50-2.00 Pla 125 1.50-100 Antlers 5.00-7. R 50 1.50-100 Arrow 1.00-1.50

Page 40 NOTE: Data on Hotels, Resorts, Ranches and Camps as shown on this and the following pages compiled and checked as carefully as available sources of Information permit. Such information, however, is subject to change without notice and the Burlington Lines cannot be responsible for its DUDE and GUEST

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Page From any point In Rocky Mountain the summit of Long's Peak

Colorado is a Winter Sports paradise, free runs to challenge

Page The Burlington's

The DENVER luxurious all-room cars Diesel powered—Built of four chambrettes, ten compartments, 2 drawing A trip to Colorado on one 12-section Pullmans; an Burlington's great length dining car; delightful will complete one hundred per dinette-coach, and a gay the possibilities of your The accommodations tion. Diesel-powered and built ments of these representatives less steel, these luxurious illustrious Zephyr family every modern travel tirely new conceptions of plus incomparably smooth fort and convenience. Each car make the 1034-mile trip train is individually decorated to Denver -Overnight holstered in charming thus adding almost two full ion. There are many each round-trip to one's telephone service between Each of the two Denver observation lounge and cludes a magnificent full- individual radios for private vation car with solarium lounge volt AC outlets for famous rounded Zephyr end; appliances, blue night lights streamline succession and lower berths, Venetian

Left—The exquisite dining car on one luxurious Denver Below—Denver Zephyr Cocktail Lounge, smart gathering Lovely dressing rooms for ladies are Zephyr chair car comforts and features of the coach accommodations include reclining and rotating seats amazingly popular carpeting the dining car and cocktail EXPOSITION phonograph reception, valet service, Enroute to and from Coach travel in the Exposition Flyer affords is delightfully restful—the through service being fully carpeted, St. Louis reclining and rotating Westbound, this dressing rooms for the afternoon departure from luggage compartments, St. Louis, and early morning economy meals (dinner Denver. Eastbound, it 40c). Chair car passengers also afternoon departure use of both dining car and arriving Chicago the next lounge. All seats in the chair St. Louis in the subject to reservation and The Exposition Flyer assign ard and tourist sleeping Best of all, these tion lounge-car, dining car are not extra fare cars between Chicago and between the Great Lakes and well as through standard ies in 16 hours or less, they chair cars between St. possible to -week-end 1000 City and Denver, handled with hardly a business General Pershing Zephyr

Right—Interior of the lovely, tion lounge car on the Below—One of the Pullman upholstered, tastefully Smart dining car on the Burlington's Solarium-observation lounge car on the sition Flyer" to the Colorado tion Flyer," a pleasant

Louis and Kansas City. It is a simple matter to plan equipment air- prehensive tour embracing or more of the Western The Exposition Flyer on one summer excursion ticket economy meals for chair and very low round-trip passengers, hostess-nurse routing and stopover pillows to overnight chair make it possible to utilize gers, radio, fountain and service routes of the Burlington The Overland Express w Burlington's For example, a round-trip Glacier Park enables you to go This train, carries air of Colorado at no extra fare, with equipment, and provides trip from Denver to departure both from and return. Only a few bound, and from will take you to the Cody, or Gardiner gateways of Park. On either the going COLORADO trip, you can be routed to a delightful tour of the Black The Burlington's fleet of South conditioned trains make at Denver with rail service state. To the north the -

provides overnight service Restful ease by day and peaceful sleep at Monday, Wednesday yours when you travel via Burlington southbound Tuesday, Colorado Saturday) for those who desire bine the wonders of their Colorado vacation. The Connection,- as its name direct connection with Zephyr for Boulder and rado points. Frequent tions to southern and over the Colorado D&RGW, and the Denver & railway


Alt-Expense Without


Burlington Escorted vance in one lump sum a sound, sensible travel plan that necessary expenses, you an experiment in any sense of what your vacation trip will Over forty thousand guests you start. A trained to the fact that these are nies each party as business tions carefully arranged to look after your comfort and the most possible territory, in est comfort and convenience, you of all travel problems. mum ment of your time is your everything worth while, Your complete route going back is definitely you like with a carefree group hand. In fact, everything is ing companions imbued with advance Pullman space, of adventure, happy in the lodging at the best hotels phere of a traveling railroad transportation, This year's program in dining cars, baggage tours throughout the motor sightseeing trips. the West, each involving only travel on the best trains, age allowance of vacation time air-conditioned dining car total expense well within tion car, and most tours means. Attractive with air-conditioned full details on a wide range througho vacations will be sent free of Since everything is paid for anyone,

R. S. CAIRD, Burlington Escorted Tours, 547 W. Jackson


Burlington Travel Bureaus

A TCHISON, KAN Second and Main Sts B G. MCCARTY, ATLANTA, GA 518 Healey Bldg W. T. VARDAMAN, BIRMINGHAM, ALA 927 Brown-Marx Bldg H B Howe. BOSTON, MASS 80 Boylston St C L GAFFNEY, BURLINGTON, IOWA Burlington Bldg J. J. TEETER. Division CHEYENNE, WYO Burlington-C. f? S. Sta W. T. WALSH, CHICAGO, ILL 179 W. Jackson St S. J. OWENS, CINCINNATI, OHIO 505 Dixie Terminal Bldg J. C. BOYER, CLEVELAND, OHIO 1033 Terminal Tower ROOT. BERMAN, CLINTON, IOWA 404 Wilson Bldg W. A. CARLSON, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO 316 Exchange Nat'l Bank Bldg R T. Fox, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Burlington Depot A N. KOLB, DALLAS. TEXAS 701-2 Kirby Bldg T V. MURRAY, JR, DAVENPORT .10WA Union Station W. M. BAKER, DENVER, COLO 17th and Champa St F W. Jonsson, Gmeral DES MOINES, IOWA 6th and Mulberry D A. COPPEEN, City DETROIT. MICH 704 Transportation Bldg A G. MATTHEWS, GALESBURG, ILL Burlington Station C I TWYMAN, Div. HANNIBAL. MO Third and Lyon Ste PAUL ANDERSON. Div. HASTINGS, NEB Burlington Station D Knsraus, Div. INDIANAPOLIS. IND 910 Merchants Bank Bldg W. P. 0•Rounxt, JACKSONVILLE, FLA 304 Barnett Bank Bldg T H. HARRISON. KANSAS CITY. MO 1031 Grand Ave J E LYNN, KEOKUK. IOWA Fifth and Johnson Sts A. C. MAXWELL, Div. LEAVENWORTH. KAN Fifth and Choctaw Ste S E NIRDLINGER, LINCOLN, NEB lith and -P- Sts W. T. ALBRECHT, LOS ANGELES, CALIF 1010 Van Nuys Bldg J. L. DEE, MILWAUKEE. WIS 231 Wisconsin Ave C J LEYDON, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN 90 South 7th St W. R. BURGESS, MOBILE, ALA 203 First Natl. Bank Annex H G. BRENNER, Tray. NEW ORLEANS, LA 210 Baronne St J. M. MCDERMOTT. NEW YORK. N. Y 500 Fifth Ave M. J. Fox, Dist. OAKLAND, CALIF 512 Central Bank Bldg V. A. KULBERG, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA 856 First Nat'l Bldg F W. WERNER, OMAHA, NEB Farnam at 19th St J. W. SHARPE, 301 South 16th St W. W. CRAFT, City PADUCAH, KY 706 Citizens Savings Bank Bldg V. B. BUDDE, PEORIA, ILL 301 So. Jefferson Ave W. A. STINGLEY, PHILADELPHIA, PA 215 No. American Bldg G J SMITH, PITTSBURGH, PA 2620 Koppers Bldg S. S. HANK'S, PORTLAND, ORE 217 American Bank Bldg 0 G. HAGEMANN, PUEBLO, COLO 623 No. Main St G G. CLUTTER, QUINCY, ILL 400 Maine St B R. NEWLON, Div. ROCK ISLAND, ILL C B & Q. Station C E CARLSON, Div. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 218 Kearns Bldg J. H. GREGORY. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF 999 Monadnock Bldg M. B. BAKER, SEATTLE, WASH 1401 Dexter Horton Bldg A R. BROWN. SIOUX CITY, IOWA 403 Commerce Bldg W. E. NICHOLSON, SPOKANE, WASH 1016 Old National Bank Bldg R L Nicriots, ST. JOSEPH, MO 110 South Fifth St S. T. ABBOTT, Div. ST. LOUIS, MO 322 No. Broadway C B OGLE, ST. PAUL, MINN 226 Railroad Bldg BEN W. WILSON, 6th & Robert St S. L. MENTZER, TACOMA, WASH 216 Tacoma Bldg T L HAMMER, TULSA, OKLA Mid-Continent Petroleum Bldg A L MOORE. WASHINGTON, D. C 309 Woodward Bldg F F CRABBE, WINNIPEG, MAN 701 McArthur Bldg H "k. McMnnon, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C 529 Reynolds Bldg R F Moess ,Trav. T. P. IHNICHCLIFF B. General Passenger Agent General 1004 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. 547 W. Jackson Blvd., A. COTSWORTH, Passenger 547 W. Jackson Blvd.,





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