Damselflies Butterflies
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Spiny Baskettail Ruby Meadowhawk Lyre-tipped Spreadwing BUTTERFLIES, DRAGONFLIES and Epitheca spinigera Lestes unguiculatus Sympetrum rubicundulum DAMSELFLIES OF Forcipate Emerald Band-winged Meadowhawk Somatochlora forcipata POND DAMSELS - COENAGRIONIDAE THE CEDARBURG BOG Sympetrum semicinctum **Hine's Emerald - endangered Blue-fronted Dancer Autumn/Yellow-legged Meadowhawk Argia apicalis The Cedarburg Bog system is made up of about 2200 Somatochlora hineana acres that include a variety of plant communities Sympetrum vicinum Variable/Violet Dancer Kennedy's Emerald including conifer and hardwood swamps, sedge Somatochlora kennedyi Argia fumipennis violacea meadow, marsh, several lakes, fen, and upland forests. Blue Dasher There is public access at the north end of the Bog (Hwy Brush-tipped Emerald Pachydiplax longipennis 33) and south end (Cedar Sauk Rd). The UWM Field Somatochlora walshii Taiga Bluet Station trails are only open to the public for group use Coenagrion resolutum Williamson's Emerald Carolina Saddlebags arranged in advance or at public events. Somatochlora williamsoni Tramea caroline Azure Bluet Black Saddlebags Enallagma aspersum Please do not harass, harm or collect the butterflies SKIMMERS - LIBELLULIDAE Tramea lacerata and dragonflies you see here. Boreal Bluet Common Whitetail Red Saddlebags Enallagma boreale Plathemis lydia Like all species lists, these lists are works-in-progress. Tramea onusta If you see a butterfly or dragonfly that is not on the Slaty Skimmer - special concern Familiar Bluet list, please report it to Friends of the Cedarburg Bog, Libellula incesta Enallagma civile Spot-winged Glider c/o UWM Field Station, 3095 Blue Goose Rd, Saukville, Widow Skimmer Pantala hymenea Marsh Bluet WI 53080. Or use the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog Libellula luctosa Wandering Glider Enallagma ebrium website at http://bogfriends.org/contact-us. Twelve-spotted Skimmer Pantala flavecens Friends of the Cedarburg Bog Libellula pulchella Skimming Bluet Enallagma geminatum Four-spotted Skimmer BUTTERFLIES Libellula quadrimaculata DAMSELFLIES Double-striped Bluet Chalk-fronted Corporal Enallagma basidens Ladona Julia Orange Bluet Enallagma signatum Eastern Amberwing Perithemis tenera Vesper Bluet Enallagma vesperum Calico Pennant Celithemis elisa Eastern Forktail Halloween Pennant Ishnura verticalis Celithemis eponina Frosted Whiteface Sedge Sprite Leucorrhinia frigida Nehalennia irene Hudsonian Whiteface BROAD-WINGS - CALOPTERYGIDAE Sphagnum Sprite Leucorrhina hudsonica Ebony Jewelwing SWALLOWTAILS - PAPILIONIDAE Nehalennia gracilis Dot-tailed Whiteface Calopteryx maculata Black Swallowtail Leucorrhinia intacta Papilio polyxenes asterius Belted Whiteface SPREADWINGS - LESTIDAE ** Endangered species - illegal to disturb or collect Leucorrhina proxima Spotted Spreadwing Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus Lestes congene For more information or to join the Friends, Eastern/Common Pondhawk Northern Spreadwing Giant Swallowtail contact: Friends of the Cedarburg Bog c/o UWM Erythemis simplicicollis Lestes disjunctus Field Station 3095 Blue Goose Rd Saukville WI Papilo cresphontes Emerald Spreadwing 53080 or the website bogfriends.org Saffron-winged Meadowhawk Lestes dryas WHITES AND SULPHURS - PIERIDAE Sympetrum costiferum Sweetflag Spreadwing May 2017 Clouded Sulphur Cherry-faced Meadowhawk Lestes forcipata Colias philodice Sympetrum internum Slender Spreadwing Artwork by Kate Redmond, Layout by Becca Sher Orange or Alfalfa Sulphur White-faced Meadowhawk Lestes rectangularis Colias eurytheme Sympetrum obtrusum Mustard White Baltimore Checkerspot - special concern Juvenal's Duskywing Pieris oleracea Euphydryas pheaton Erynnis juvenalis DRAGONFLIES European Cabbage Butterfly Columbine Duskywing - special concern Pieris rapae Eastern Comma Erynnis lucilius Polygonia comma Common Sootywing GOSSAMER-WINGS - LYCAENIDAE Question Mark Pholisora catullus Harvester Polygonia interrogationis Feniseca tarquinius Gray Comma Arctic Skipper Polygonia progne Carterocephalus palaemon mandan Bronze Copper Lycaena hyllus Milbert's Tortoiseshell Least Skipper Bog Copper Aglais milberti Ancyloxypha numitor Lycaena epixanthe michiganensis Delaware Skipper Mourning Cloak Atrytone logan Acadian Hairstreak Nymphalis antiopa Dion Skipper Satyrium acadica Euphyes dion DARNERS - AESHNIDAE Banded Hairstreak Red Admiral Black Dash Common Green Darner Satyrium calanus falacer Vanessa atalanta rubria Euphyes conspicua Anax junius Striped Hairstreak Painted Lady Dun Skipper Canada Darner Satyrium liparops strigosum Vanessa cardui Euphyes vestris metacomet Aeshna canadensis Coral Hairstreak American Lady Lance-tipped Darner Mulberry Wing - special concern Aeshna constricta Satyrium titus Vanessa virginiensis Poanes massasoit Green-striped Darner Hobomok Skipper Eastern Tailed-Blue Buckeye Aeshna verticalis Poanes hobomok Everes comyntas Junonia coenia Springtime Darner Broad-winged Skipper - special concern Spring Azure Basiaeschna janata Poanes viator Celastrina ladon Viceroy Fawn Darner Peck's Skipper Summer Azure Limenitis archippus Boyeria vinosa Polites peckius Celastrina neglecta Red-spotted Purple/Admiral Swamp Darner - special concern Tawny-edged Skipper Limenitis arthemis astyanax Epiaeschna heros Polites themistocles BRUSHFOOTS - NYMPHALIDAE Long Dash Monarch CLUBTAILS - GOMPHIDAE Great Spangled Fritillary Polites mystic Danaus plexipus Lilypad Clubtail Speyeria cybele European Skipper Arigomphus furcifer Regal Fritillary - one record - endangered Little Wood Satyr Thymelicus lineola Lancet Clubtail Speyeria idalia Megisto cymela Northern Broken Dash Gomphus exilis Aphrodite Fritillary Common Wood Nymph Wallengrenia egeremet Ashy Clubtail Speyeria aphrodite Cercyonis pegala nephele Gomphus lividus Silver-bordered Fritillary Northern Eyed Brown Dusky Clubtail Boloria selene myrina Satyrodes eurydice eurydice Gomphus spicatus Variegated Fritillary Appalachian Brown Euptoieta claudia Satyrodes appalachia leeuwi Emeralds - Corduliidae American Emerald Northern Pearl Crescent Northern Pearly-eye Cordulia shurtleffi Phyciodes selena Enodia anthedon Racket-tailed Emerald Pearl Crescent Dorocordulia libera Phyciodes tharos SKIPPERS - HESPERIIDAE Common Baskettail Silver-spotted Skipper Epitheca cynosure Silvery Checkerspot Epargyreus clarus Chlosyne nycteis Northern Cloudywing Prince Baskettail Thorybes pylades Epitheca princeps .