IDF International Dragonfly Fund - Report Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund 1-132 Matti Hämäläinen Catalogue of individuals commemorated in the scientific names of extant dragonflies, including lists of all available eponymous species- group and genus-group names – Revised edition Published 09.02.2016 92 ISSN 1435-3393 The International Dragonfly Fund (IDF) is a scientific society founded in 1996 for the impro- vement of odonatological knowledge and the protection of species. Internet: This series intends to publish studies promoted by IDF and to facilitate cost-efficient and ra- pid dissemination of odonatological data.. Editorial Work: Martin Schorr Layout: Martin Schorr IDF-home page: Holger Hunger Indexed: Zoological Record, Thomson Reuters, UK Printing: Colour Connection GmbH, Frankfurt Impressum: Publisher: International Dragonfly Fund e.V., Schulstr. 7B, 54314 Zerf, Germany. E-mail:
[email protected] and Verlag Natur in Buch und Kunst, Dieter Prestel, Beiert 11a, 53809 Ruppichteroth, Germany (Bestelladresse für das Druckwerk). E-mail:
[email protected] Responsible editor: Martin Schorr Cover picture: Calopteryx virgo (left) and Calopteryx splendens (right), Finland Photographer: Sami Karjalainen Published 09.02.2016 Catalogue of individuals commemorated in the scientific names of extant dragonflies, including lists of all available eponymous species-group and genus-group names – Revised edition Matti Hämäläinen Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] Abstract A catalogue of 1290 persons commemorated in the scientific names of extant dra- gonflies (Odonata) is presented together with brief biographical information for each entry, typically the full name and year of birth and death (in case of a deceased person).