A Case Study of Waffen-SS Actions on the Eastern Front During World War II 1941-1945

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A Case Study of Waffen-SS Actions on the Eastern Front During World War II 1941-1945 Bond University DOCTORAL THESIS A sociological and criminological approach to understanding evil :a case study of Waffen-SS actions on the Eastern front during World War II 1941-1945. Goldsworthy, Terrence Award date: 2006 Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. A S O C I O L O G I C A L A N D C R I M I N O L O G I C A L A P P R O A C H T O U N D E R S T A N D I N G E V I L A Case Study of Waffen- Actions on the Eastern Front during World War II 1941-1945. 8 D o c t o r O f P h i l o s o p h y Thesis submitted by Terry Goldsworthy to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bond University. Student Number 11028608. Supervised by Professor Paul Wilson. 2 C E RT I F IC AT I O N : I D E C L A R E T H A T T H E W O R K P R E S E N T E D I N T H I S T H E S I S I S T O T H E B E S T O F M Y K N O W L E D G E A N D B E L I E F O R I G I N A L ( E X C E P T W H E R E A C K N O W L E D G E D I N T H E T E X T ) , A N D T H A T T H E W O R K H A S N O T P R E V I O U S L Y B E E N S U B M I T T E D F O R A D E G R E E O R A D I P L O M A A T B O N D U N I V E R S I T Y O R A N Y O T H E R I N S T I T U T I O N . S I G N E D T H I S D A T E … … … … … … … … … … … … . B Y … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … T E R R Y G O L D S W O R T H Y T J Goldsworthy – PhD Thesis 3 A CK NO WL E D GE ME NT S : I would like thank a number of people for their assistance in undertaking this thesis. First I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Paul Wilson, whose guidance and support have steered me through the complexities of a PhD thesis. Professor Wilson’s interest in the topic of evil has been the catalyst for much of the direction I have taken during the course of this thesis. I would also like to acknowledge the time and effort afforded to me by Professor Deidre Greig of Melbourne University 1, who devoted much time and effort to proof reading my thesis as it progressed, and provided invaluable feedback and encouragement. My thanks go to my mother, Shirley, and father, Professor Ashley Goldsworthy, for instilling in me the values of hard work and the determination to achieve ones’ goals. Finally I would thank my wife Amanda and my baby daughter Hayley for their patience during the long nights and early mornings spent completing this thesis while still working full-time as a Detective Senior Sergeant in the Queensland Police Service. I am also sincerely grateful to Bond University for providing a scholarship that enabled me to undertake this course of study. I should also make mention of the staff from document delivery at Bond University Library who always helped me out. 1 Professor Greig is the author of a number of articles on evil, including “Criminal Responsibility and the Concept of Evil” in Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law, Vol. 2, No. 1. T J Goldsworthy – PhD Thesis 4 A B ST R ACT - SU MM ARY: This thesis is an exploration of the concept of evil. It attempts to define what we mean by this elusive concept and its relevance to human behaviour. The thesis then develops an operational definition of evil that is distilled from the writings of various social scientists. The thesis argues, however, that in addition to merely defining evil, there are three emotive elements that also go towards our preparedness to label an act as evil. The thesis then examines the causes of evil acts. The thesis argues that the interactive causation, of situation and disposition, is the most robust explanation of evil acts. The thesis rejects the notion of the evil person, instead arguing that it is ordinary people who commit evil acts. The thesis then examines the causes of genocide, the most evil of acts, and links this back to the previous discussion of causal factors of evil acts. Germany’s war against the Soviet Union in World War II, in particular the role of the Waffen-SS is then discussed. The death and destruction during this conflict would result not just from military operations, but also from the systematic killing and abuse that the Waffen-SS directed against Jews, Communists and ordinary citizens. This thesis provides a clear, concise history of the Waffen-SS campaign of conquest and genocide in Russia. By drawing on the best of military and Holocaust scholarship, this thesis dispels the myths that have distorted the role of the Waffen-SS, in both the military operations themselves and the unthinkable crimes that were part of them. T J Goldsworthy – PhD Thesis 5 The thesis then utilises the case study of the Waffen-SS to highlight the application of the interactive causation explanation in regards to evil acts. The conventional wisdom that the Waffen-SS in WWII fought a relatively clean fight, unsullied by the atrocities committed by the Nazis, is challenged—and largely demolished. Focusing on the Eastern Front, the thesis contends that the Nazi vision of a racial-ideological death struggle against Slavic hordes and their Jewish-Bolshevik commissars resonated with soldiers of the Waffen-SS, steeped in traditional anti-Semitic and racist dogmas. In doing so the thesis clearly shows that the Waffen-SS was an organisation that committed widespread atrocities. The thesis then applies the operational definition of evil to the case study and determines that the acts committed by the Waffen-SS were in fact evil. It also contends that the concept of evil is useful in explaining human atrocity. In conducting this examination the thesis provides some insight into the challenges facing society from preventing future broad-scale acts of evil. T J Goldsworthy – PhD Thesis 6 C O NT E NT S : Certification: .............................................................................................2 Acknowledgements:..................................................................................3 Abstract - Summary:................................................................................4 Contents:....................................................................................................6 List of Illustrations, Diagrams and Tables:............................................9 Introduction: Defining the Problem......................................................11 AIMS AND IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY.....................................................................11 The problem of Evil..............................................................................................14 Why the Waffen-SS?.............................................................................................16 The importance of Genocide................................................................................21 THE EASTERN FRONT – AN INTRODUCTION ..............................................................23 SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON THE WAFFEN-SS ......................................................29 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................33 OUTLINE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................34 Chapter 1: The Concept of Evil – Arriving at a definition.................37 A SOCIOLOGICAL AND CRIMINOLOGICAL APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING EVIL........38 The three emotive agents .....................................................................................45 The element of intentionally causing serious harm .............................................49 Mental harm.........................................................................................................53 Acts and omissions...............................................................................................58 The element of moral justification/provocation for the act .................................61 The objective assessment .....................................................................................64 Arriving at a definition of Evil .............................................................................68 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................69 Chapter 2: Ordinary People and the Causes of Evil ...........................70 EVIL PEOPLE AND DEMONISATION: A RATIONAL ARGUMENT AGAINST THEM ...........70 THE CAUSES OF EVIL .................................................................................................82 Situational Approach ...........................................................................................84 Dispositional Approach .......................................................................................94 Interactive Causation.........................................................................................104 GENOCIDE AS THE ULTIMATE EVIL..........................................................................112 CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................127 Chapter 3: The Origins and Ideology of the Waffen-SS...................130
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