Arboretum Foundation Annual Report 2019–2020 Mission Statement Board of Directors The Arboretum Foundation promotes, protects, and enhances the Washington Jason Morse Sherrey Luetjen Paul ‘Skip’ Vonckx Trina Wherry Jenny Wyatt Park Arboretum for current and future President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President generations by strengthening and building a Jeanne Peterson Missy Ward diverse and engaged community of donors, Secretary Treasurer volunteers, and advocates. Diane Adachi Chris Harry Noriko Palmer Joan Affleck-Smith Carol Hoerster Peter Rees Vision Statement Steve Alley Larry Hubbell Mike Riley The Arboretum is a highly treasured, widely Shaun Corry Kat Korab Jan Kirkwood Waszak used community asset and a horticultural, Josh Dickson Jeff Lehman environmental, recreational, and cultural Ex-Officio Members resource for the region. Jesús Aguirre About the Foundation Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Fred Hoyt Founded in 1935, the non-profit Arboretum Director, UW Botanic Gardens Foundation raises funds and manages Jane Stonecipher membership and volunteer programs to Executive Director, Arboretum Foundation promote, protect, and enhance the Washington Park Arboretum. The Foundation provides essential support Staff for Arboretum operations and activities, Jane Stonecipher Jessa Gardner Caroline Maxwell including arboriculture, maintenance, Executive Director Japanese Garden Programs Development Associate Manager education, and collection restoration. Lee Benner Ron Schmaltz In 2016, the Foundation also assumed Development Director Alyssa Henry Garden Stewards Coord. the primary support role for the Seattle Volunteer Programs Manager Matthew Coomer Matt Schropp-Lance Japanese Garden. Operations Coordinator Chie Iida Bookkeeper & Gift Shop Visit Us Online Niall Dunne Japanese Garden Events Coordinator Coordinator Communications Manager Yukari Yamano Tess Forté Kristen Johnson Japanese Garden Special Events & Corp. Sponsorship Mgr. Volunteer & Events Assistant Projects Coord. Now More Than Ever Since 1934, through boom years and busts, the Arboretum has been a haven for our community. During the current public health crisis, the Arboretum has again been a destination for those seeking solace, inspiration, and the restorative impact of nature. Yet we know that the coming months—and possibly years—will bring new financial and logistical challenges, making the work of the Arboretum Foundation to protect this special place more valuable than ever. This past year, we saw remarkable progress in building a foundation for a greener future. Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz inspired our audience during a record-setting “Flower Power” Opening Night Party at the 2020 Northwest Flower and Garden Festival (see page 6). Our Jason Morse gold-medal-winning display garden—“Gateway to a Greener Earth”—featured endangered plants and highlighted the importance of biodiversity to a healthy planet. President, It was another successful year in the Seattle Japanese Garden, which saw the completion of Board of Directors important maintenance on the North Pond, in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation. A wide and diverse audience enjoyed our free, high-quality cultural programming, and we expanded the ever-popular Moon Viewing event to two nights (see page 12). The year 2020 marks two special anniversaries that have been woven into our programs and messaging: the 50th observance of Earth Day, and the 60th (Kanreki) Anniversary Season in the Japanese Garden. Like many others, we have needed to reimagine what these celebrations look like—kudos to the staff and our volunteers for their creativity and flexibility. Looking ahead, one can imagine dead-ends or retreats from big ideas. However, with your ongoing Jane Stonecipher support, we may only need to take detours—different paths to reach our destination. We are already in active conversation with our Arboretum partners at the City and UW to build greater resilience in our governance structure (see page 8). Executive Director We thank you, our dedicated supporters, now more than ever. 3 Financial Statement Balance Sheet Revenue & Expenses FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2018 Assets Revenue Cash in Bank $ 355,176 $ 395,894 Support & Memberships - Unrestricted Investment Account Funds: Membership & Donors $ 1,189,425 $ 511,291 General 2,288,345 1,654,713 Events & Gift Shop, net of costs 402,003 349,727 Endowment 2,742,900 2,132,162 Private Grants 267,400 181,750 Promises to Give from Donors 174,230 4,359 Other Revenues & In-Kind donations 311,887 261,193 Other Current Assets 104,924 98,177 Total $ 2,170,715 $ 1,303,961 Property, net of depreciation 0 0 Total Assets $ 5,665,575 $ 4,285,305 Operating Expenses: Program services $ 263,463 $ 423,289 Liabilities and Net Assets Grants to UWBG 663,932 337,650 Accounts Payable Fundraising 261,548 230,618 & Accrued Liabilities $ 86,305 $ 87,760 Management & General 221,310 206,178 Grants Payable 13,655 42,966 Total Operating Expenses 1,410,253 1,197,735 Net Assets Net Gain (Loss) on Investments 168,873 209,662 Unrestricted/Board Restricted 2,730,424 1,907,189 Change in Net Assets - Operating Activities $ 929,335 $ 315,888 Temporarily Restricted 1,389,671 831,370 Permanently Restricted 1,445,520 1,416,020 Total Net Assets 5,565,615 4,154,579 Permanently & Temporarily Restricted Endowment Donations Revenue $ 29,500 $ 31,000 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 5,665,575 $ 4,285,305 Capital Projects Revenue 883,500 296,250 913,000 327,250 Special Grants to Others Project and Fundraising Expenses 431,299 371,704

Change in Net Assets - Non-Operating 481,701 (44,545)

Total Change in Net Assets $ 1,411,036 $ 271,434 4 Euonymus alatus Snapshots 2019–2020

Day of Caring Fall Plant Sale Shopper 2019

“Flower Power” Opening Night Party

Seattle Japanese Garden Gifts and Greens Galore Maple Festival Drummers

“Gateway to a Greener Earth” Garden 5 Events and Contributions This past year, Arboretum Foundation members and donors stood tall for trees—and for a greener future—by generously supporting our events, fundraising appeals, and programs. They enabled us to set many new records and advance our mission to preserve and enhance the Arboretum. More than 550 shoppers attended our volunteer-run Fall Plant Sale in early September, 2019. They helped us raise $8,500 in support of tree care, garden maintenance, and environmental education at the Arboretum—a new record for this event! Gifts and Greens Galore in early December was also our best holiday sale to date, raising more than $18,000 in support of the Arboretum. A special thanks to our amazing event volunteers who did everything from crafting beautiful wreaths to hanging decorative swags on the rafters of Wisteria Hall. More than 400 guests attended our 32nd annual Opening Night Party and Auction at the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival in late February, 2020. They helped us raise over $370,000 for the Arboretum—breaking last year’s record by about $50,000! Our theme was “Flower Power,” honoring the vibrant, creative movements of the Flower Power era that ushered in the first Earth Day in 1970. Dancers and singers in “flower children” garb entertained guests, while our featured speaker, WA State Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz, inspired the crowd with an eloquent speech calling for the defense and preservation of our natural resources. Party guests enjoyed a preview of the Garden Festival’s beautiful displays, including the Arboretum’s “Gateway to a Greener Earth,” an Earth Day 2020-themed garden representing the diversity of plants from around the world found in the park. Endangered specimen trees and shrubs in the display highlighted the important contributions to conservation made by the Flower Children: Singers and dancers performing “Age Arboretum. The garden won a judges’ Gold Medal, plus the awards for Best of Aquarius” at Opening Night. Use of Horticulture and Color. 6 The Arborist Challenge We had a tremendous response to our fall 2019 appeal, which raised $82,306 The Arborist Program is vital to for the Arboretum. This was by far the Foundation’s most successful end-of- the health and beauty of the trees year campaign to date! and shrubs in the Arboretum. The UW Botanic Gardens’ two full-time Building and program closures at the Arboretum in response to the arborists continually monitor our 230 COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of our Spring Plant Sale and the acres, removing safety hazards, and postponement of the annual Earth Day event, both scheduled for April 2020. tackling pests and diseases. They also During the initial months of our State’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order, the perform strategic pruning to enhance Arboretum grounds remained open and became a vital source of respite for our valued collection plants. In many city residents. Our members and donors gave generously in support of summer 2019, Arboretum Foundation urban nature during our GiveBIG 2020 spring appeal in May, helping us raise members Alice and Blair Cunningham more than $60,000 in support of the Arboretum. One of the testimonials we launched a three-year challenge to received read, “As for so many people, the Arboretum is a sanctuary for me.” raise funds for the arborists. Joined by 13 others, they raised $70,000! The Supporting our Arboretum Partners challenge goal for this coming fiscal This chart breaks down the FY20 Support for Arboretum Partners: $620,764 year is $75,000! Thanks to Alice and Arboretum Foundation’s Horticulture Blair, and all our challenge donors. funding to UW Botanic Capital Projects Programs Gardens and Seattle Parks 29% 50% and Recreation in fiscal year 2020 to date. Since 2001, the Foundation Green Infrastructure has given more than $10 4% million to our partners for Arboretum operations and Education Programs Tree Doctors: Arboretum arborists Clif Edwards special projects. 17% and Drew Foster on the job. 7 Master Plan Projects In August 2019, the Foundation was awarded a grant of $22,200 from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) for the addition of an environmentally friendly composting toilet near the Pacific Connections Garden. We are matching the NMF grant with an additional $12,000 and reached an agreement with the City about the management of the restroom. The solar-powered unit—the first of its kind in a Seattle park—will alleviate the lack of facilities at the south end of the Arboretum while reducing water waste. In 2019–20, work continued on the Lake Washington Boulevard Corridor Restoration Project, thanks to continued funding from a longtime friend of the Arboretum. In August 2019, high school crews from the Student Conservation Student Power: An SCA crew weeding and mulching along Arboretum Creek. Association returned for a second year and helped UW and City project gardeners remove invasive plants and spread mulch along Arboretum Creek and in the newly created Loop Trail wetlands. Many new plantings were installed as part of the Boulevard project this year, including native riparian trees and shrubs along the Creek, and ornamental shrubs and trees at the intersection of the Boulevard and Foster Island Road. We are delighted that our generous donor has renewed their commitment to the Arboretum with a March gift of $100,000. Significant restoration and planting work took place inRhododendron Glen as part of the multi-year rejuvenation project

Strengthening Our Partnership Since 1935, UW Botanic Gardens, Seattle Parks and Recreation, and the Foundation have worked together to oversee the Arboretum. This year, to strengthen our dynamic partnership, the Foundation joined with UW and the City to charter a governance task force. As our Board President Jason Morse wrote in the Winter 2020 issue of the Arboretum Bulletin, we are discussing “how we can best work together in the future to bring value to our 8 community—and to our planet—through this amazing community resource.” funded by Mary Ellen and Gordon Mulder. In summer 2019, some Earth Day 2020 & trees were thinned and several others removed or left as wildlife Our Green Future snags to increase sunlight for the understory collection plants. Rockeries were uncovered and declining shrubs pruned. In the To mark the 50th anniversary fall, serious planting got underway in the upper section of the of Earth Day (April 2020), the Arboretum renewed its Glen with the addition of new species rhododendrons, companion commitment to making a shrubs, and woodland perennials. greener future. Our platform Progress was also made on the stream and pond restoration will guide our work in the components of the project. In summer 2019, the Arboretum coming years and consists partners hired Environmental Science Associates to conduct a of three key ideas: wetland and watercourse reconnaissance in the larger Glen area. 1. Modelling sustainability, We also hired Berger Partnership to develop the design. through our horticulture Berger is also designing a watershed improvement project at practices, green the lower Woodland Garden pond, which will make the channel infrastructure, and watershed restoration. that flows out of the 2. Building climate resilience, through maintaining pond more functional, a biodiverse plant collection and protecting clean, and attractive. In threatened species. addition, the Arboretum 3. Fostering environmental stewardship, through is supporting the innovative and inclusive education and volunteer work of the non-profit programs. Friends of Arboretum We wove these ideas into Opening Night Party and Creek, which aims to our Garden Festival display, and produced a special reconnect the stream Earth Day 2020 issue of the Arboretum Bulletin. We with parts of its historic also created lively web content digitally celebrating the Restoring the Glen: New plantings by the watershed. 50th anniversary. Rhododendron Glen staircase. 9 Our Volunteer Community Arboretum volunteers are part of a community—and like all communities, we’ve had some twists and turns in our year. We saw record-high plant sales at the Pat Calvert Greenhouse and Plant Donations Nursery, and record-breaking numbers of corporate group volunteers working on the Arboretum grounds. We also saw the unprecedented closure of our volunteer programs in March 2020, a necessary step to keep our community safe from COVID-19. It has been so heartening to watch our volunteers adapt in the face of this adversity—they are strong, compassionate, funny, and giving people, united by their deep love for the Arboretum. Our volunteer programs bring together folks from all walks of life, with a wide variety of talents. They include the Mary Ellen Mulder Arboretum Gift Shop clerks, who help our visitors; the green thumbs, who grow and care for our greenhouse and nursery plants; and the events and office volunteers, who show up every time we host a fundraiser or Group Project: Dropbox volunteers send out a mailing. battling blackberry in the Arboretum in October 2019. The Arboretum has maintained its reputation as a great venue for corporate service projects! More than 130 volunteers from seven local companies took part in our annual

Weeding Warriors This past fiscal year, 35 Arboretum Garden Stewards donated more than 700 hours of work to the Arboretum! These volunteers are dedicated weeding warriors, wielding hori horis and knee pads and battling the buttercup, herb Robert, morning glory, and other weeds that threaten to overwhelm the collection plants. While we have not been able to benefit from their hard work and jovial presence so far in 2020, we know we can rely on their help as soon as it’s safe to bring them back in! Day of Caring event on September 13, 2019. And for the first year ever, we were able to host summer and fall corporate group weeding sessions--a huge help in battling weeds all year long. Spring is normally our busiest season for group weeding and mulching sessions. This year, with the program on hold, we have been strategizing about how we might bring back our longest- serving corporate partners in new capacities of volunteer service, or perhaps 619 volunteers donated 8,880 hours for smaller, more socially distant projects later in the season. to the Arboretum in FY20. This equals All of our volunteers have played a key role in sustaining the Arboretum. the annual work of over 4 full-time Despite the program closures in spring 2020, our fiscal-year numbers are employees! strong. More than 600 volunteers dedicated over 8,800 hours. That’s the work of more than four full-time employees! At our annual meeting in June of 2019, we honored Carolyn Kitchell with our Volunteer Legacy Award for her longstanding and passionate commitment to the Arboretum Foundation. This included six years on the Board, participating on our Major Gifts Committee, and co-chairing our wildly successful 2019 Opening Night Party. In August 2019, in partnership with UW Botanic Gardens, we hosted our annual Volunteer Appreciation Party at the Graham Visitors Center. We honored two dedicated members of our community as Volunteers of the Year: Bill McGee, for his great work at both the Seattle Japanese Garden and Pat Calvert Greenhouse; and Barbara BonJour, for her 23 years of service to the Arboretum, including her recent work on our Display Garden team. We were sad to hear about Barbara’s passing this April Volunteer Appreciation: Volunteers enjoy the annual party on and will miss her helping hands. the Visitors Center terrace. 11 Japanese Garden Update With the hubbub and excitement over the Garden’s 60th anniversary this year, it’s easy to lose sight of the many accomplishments from our 2019 season. It began with an exciting project many years in development—the North Pond renovation, which we described in last year’s Annual Report. The results of this hard work by our horticultural team were especially noticeable over the summer, when the pond was a clear and lovely blue not seen for several seasons. The second half of the project—addressing the central pond and suhama (rock peninsula)—will take place in the next few years. As soon as the renovation was complete, we jumped right into an exciting season of events, including Tanabata in July, and Wandering and Wondering, Artful Choreography: Butoh dancers performing during in August. To accommodate more guests at September’s popular Moon Moon Viewing. Viewing, we extended the event from one to two evenings. Both sold out, and guests were treated to wonderful performances, a site-specific art installation, and a late appearance of the moon. Spectacular colors, origami, tea ceremonies, and many other cultural demonstrations were enjoyed by over 10,000 visitors during October’s Maple Festival. Three years in and our regular Free First Thursday and Family Saturday proved more popular than ever. With exciting workshops and interactive presentations on subjects from Japanese indigo dyeing to pressed flower art to kamishibai storytelling, it’s no wonder why so many people are coming to visit. It takes a great deal of effort to keep these special programs running, and we Story Telling: Street theater (kamishibai) performance couldn’t do it without our volunteers! Every year, hundreds of volunteers help in summer 2019. 12 out during our full season of events. We appreciate them so much. We also can’t forget to acknowledge both our Niwa gardening volunteers and our Unit 86 volunteer guides and the countless hours they devote to the garden. In 2019, 15 new guides attended a three-day training to learn everything it takes to give a one-hour tour of the Garden—impressive! With over 120,000 visitors to the Garden, 2019 was an amazing year. We look forward to welcoming you all back here as soon as possible in 2020.

60th Anniversary Season The year 2020 is an important anniversary for the Seattle Japanese Garden! June 5 marked 60 years since we first opened. In Japan, the 60th birthday is a very special one, celebrated as “Kanreki” and considered a rebirth or reentry into childhood. This seems an especially fitting sentiment for the Garden, which is constantly renewing. Each visit to the Garden is unique and timeless, a singular experience no matter how many times you come to visit. Much of the special programming for our 60th anniversary season, including a number of exciting art exhibits, has been rescheduled or converted to a digital format. Please visit the Garden website,, and sign up for our monthly eNews for the latest on 2020 events. You can also follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Garden “Twist”: Painting by Michelle Twitter for special daily content! Kumata for an anniversary exhibit. We want to extend a very special thank you to our 60th anniversary season sponsors: 4Culture Bellevue Children’s Academy Noriko and Doug Palmer AF Unit 86: Japanese Garden Docents Gobo Enterprises David & Chris Towne Steve Alley and Amy Scott Japanese Garden Society 13 Recognizing the Camellia Staff Update Circle In 2019–20, we welcomed three new members to the Arboretum The Camellia Circle embraces the idea Foundation staff. of constant renewal within the Japanese Matt Schropp-Lance joined us in August 2019 as Garden. These donors are committed to our new Bookkeeper and Gift Shop Coordinator. A maintaining the beautiful design we were gifted and stewarding it into the future with thought and care. flexible jack-of-all-trades, Matt assists with new Gift Shop merchandise, accounting, event preparation, and more. Previous jobs include laboring in law firms, managing marine biology summer camps, Joan Affleck-Smith & Kyoko Matsuda & Nepier Smith Matthew Goldbach and teaching high school. Matt Schropp-Lance Steve Alley & Amy Scott Cindy Micleu Matthew Coomer joined the Foundation in January AF Unit 26 Elizabeth Moses AF Unit 86 Noriko & Doug Palmer 2020 as our new Operations Coordinator. He Patty & Michael Brawer Chitra & Zak Parpia ensures our office runs smoothly and also assists Steve & Peggy Garber Jeanne Peterson with events. Matthew has worked at several Estelle Giraud Lauren & John Pollard environmental nonprofits, tackling issues such as Chase Hermsen Peter Rees & Lanie Young marine habitat loss and animal-vehicle collisions. Carol & John Hoerster Rock Box Japanese Garden Society Jane & Chuck Stonecipher Yukari Yamano joined the staff in February 2020 Matthew Coomer Kathryn Korab & Alex David & Chris Towne as our Special Projects Coordinator for the Seattle Hopman Skip Vonckx & Zanny Milo Japanese Garden. Under the government’s “Stay Barbara Krekow Tim Warner Sherrey & Doug Luetjen Walter Weber & Teri Kopp Home, Stay Healthy,” Yukari has been engaging Bill McGee & Lee Heck Mary Ann* & Bob Wiley in social media outreach for the Garden. Prior John McLaughlin Jennifer & Scott Wyatt to joining the Foundation, she lived in the San

* Deceased Francisco Bay area and worked as a user-interface designer, helping companies with website and web- Yukari Yamano application design. 14 Donors May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020

We deeply appreciate the Saltchuk Resources, Inc. Bellevue Children’s Academy Anonymous (3) generosity of the following Berger Partnership Tom Alberg & Judi Beck donors whose gifts ensure $5,000+ Kim Bishop Steve & B. J. Anderson AF Unit 16 Barbara BonJour Andrea Anderson that the Arboretum AF Unit 26 Columbia Pacific Wealth Phoebe Andrew Foundation will continue John Alkire Management Nancy Bain to promote, enhance and Steve Alley & Amy Scott Sarah & John Cook Della & Bruce Balick protect the Washington Andrea Black Nancy Lee Crosby Banner Bank Park Arboretum and Gordon Davidson Allan & Barbara Ferrin Larry Benaroya Family Josh & Brooke Dickson Freestone Capital Foundation Seattle Japanese Garden Docusign Management Marie & Mike Bender for current and future Nicole & Tim Engle Anne Gittinger Alan Black generations. Hugh & Jane Ferguson Gary Glein Elisabeth Bodal Foundation Jessica, Chris & Neva Glein Mary & Bruce Bohmke Gobo Enterprises Terry Hayes Marj Bombar Legacy Gifts Judith Gwynn Tom Keane & Lara Wagner John & Cait Cable Magnolia ‘Serene’ Carolyn H. Brinsmade Chris Hamilton & Marsha Susanne Keller Dr. & Mrs. Robert Calhoun The O.D. Fisher Charitable MacInnes Elizabeth & Will Ketcham Kent & Sandra Carlson Mary Joan Hervey Toni-Ann Lupinacci Foundation Peter Hiatt Karen Koon & Brad Edwards Angela & Christian Chabot Ryan Hester & Kara Louisa & Scott Malatos Susanne Hubbach Juniper Foundation Kathryn Korab & Alex Beth & Peter Chiarelli Main-Hester Heather Malcolm Kevin M. Rabe Donna Kerr & Patricia Dawson Hopmann JoAnn & Rex Clark Emily Heston Maple Bay Fund Karen Tatsch Jeff Lehman & Katrina Russell Ellen Look & Tony Cavalieri David & Wendy Close Diane Hilmo Anne & Rick Matsen $15,000+ Lucky Seven Foundation Marshall & Sullivan, Inc. Shaun Corry Shannon Hoffer Kyoko Matsuda & Matthew Anonymous (3) Sherrey & Doug Luetjen Colleen & Charles Mills Cynthia Creasey & Mack Gail Hongladarom Goldbach Alice Cunningham & Blair Jolene McCaw Family NBBJ McCoy Bill Horder Carlie & Ryan McAninch Osborn Foundation Parkshore Retirement Pat Crockett & Keith Johnson Jenefer & David Hutchins Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Alden Garrett & Charlie Jay Mullins Community Shawn & Chris D’Amelio Fred & Judy Isaac Family Foundation Eriksen Noriko & Doug Palmer Michael Riley & Robin Shapiro Eliza Davidson & Randy Peter & Susan Jobs Bill McGee & Lee Heck Kathy Gerlich Heidi Richardson Roberts Group Urmston Owen Johnson Lisa McGimpsey Donald G. Graham, Jr. Jane & Chuck Stonecipher Safeco Insurance John Day Dan & Jill Johnson Shelley & Scott McIntyre Dr. John & Darcy Halloran Edie & John Tenneson David & Chris Towne Jennifer Desrosier Matt & Emily Kane John McLaughlin Japanese Garden Society Peter & Shannon van Oppen Michael Von Korff & Linda James Diebold Jan Kirkwood Waszak & Steve Cindy Micleu Skip Vonckx & Zanny Milo LeResche Fred Drennan & Teresa Waszak Pamela & Robert Miller $10,000+ Robert Wiley Marylyn Ward & Jay Johnston Massagli Carolyn & Bob Kitchell Montlake Community Club AF Unit 86 Gregory Yen Trina Wherry Jacob Engelstein Cindy & Terry Klett Jason Morse Debra Behrens $2,500+ Jan Wherry Neil Ericsson & Karen Florini Pamela Kraus & Austin Dahl Elizabeth Ayrault Moses Larry Hubbell & Shelley Butler Jennifer & Scott Wyatt Charles Fitzgerald Gretchen Lambert Karl & Tina Neiders Carol & John Hoerster AF Unit 1/75 Steve & Peggy Garber AF Unit 95 Elizabeth Lee Charles & Eleanor Nolan Franny Ketcham & Casey Mead $1,000+ Carol & Allen Gown Peggy & Ronald Levin Ann Nykamp Pendleton & Elisabeth Carey Anonymous (1) AF Unit 38 Jay & Pamela Green Joan Affleck-Smith & Nepier Greg & Corina Linden Debra Perry Miller Charitable Foundation AF Unit 80 Richard & Betty Hedreen Harriet & Stanley Litt Carol & Simon Ottenberg Smith AF Unit 96 Sarah Henry 15 Donors “As for so many people, the Arboretum is a sanctuary for me.” – 2020 GiveBIG donor

Jeanne Peterson Connie & Richard Albrecht Jeff Graham & John F. Longres Jim & Susan Rupp Elaine & Tom Adams Paul Crane Kathleen Pierce Catherine Allan Katherine Graubard & William Seattle Christchurch Sister City David Aggerholm & Gwen Stephanie Cristalli Jane & Mark Quehrn Joan Allison Calvin Association Lundberg Betsy & Peter Currie RBC Wealth Management Jean & Russell Amick Vicki Halper & Gerry Smith Nancy & Rich Sensensey Melissa & John Albert Kim & Dennis Daugs Peter Rees & Lanie Young Darlene Baker Sandy & Dave Hanower Frank & Suzanne Shaw Tony Allison & Nancy Rebecca Dietz & Michael Marlene & David Rinker Lee Benner & Richard Kenagy Donald & Gayle Harris Stephen Smith & Carla Granat Fisher-Allison Drumheller Thurston & Catherine Roach Patti & Michael Brawer Dean Hart & Michael Connors Amie & Ron Smith Jim Anderson & Michele Daniel & Roberta Downey D&P Roberts Family Phoebe Brockman & Marwan Chase Hermsen Peyton & Megan Smith Kellett Miles & Elizabeth Drake Foundation Kashkoush Anh Hoang & Michael Wallent Michele Smith Gretchen Anex Dropbox Owen Roberts Carol Burns Marion Hopkins Lori Soma Bonnie Ashleman Patricia Drummond Rock Box Leo Butzel & Robbie Reaber Shaun Hubbard & Harold Daniel Sparler & Jeffrey Susan & Stuart Ashmun Robin Easton Mark & Ginny Rowley Alexandra Cannon Kawaguchi Schouten Kim Baldwin Eclectec Innovations LLC Anna Schafer Cohen & Larry Diana Carey C. David Hughbanks Elaine Springer & Walter Patricia Barthe Julie Eitel Cohen Michael Cheever Wanda Hughes Palmer Rita Bauer Tamsin Erickson Teri Schuelke Theodore & Patricia Collins Jim Jorgenson Michael & Mary Jo Stansbury Doug Bayley Patricia Evans Maureen Sharma Caroline Corr Jean & Kevin Kelly Phil & Susan Stoller Linda Becker & Peter Sue Ewens & Jim Luby Cindy & Robert Shurtleff Elisabeth Cox Andrew & Polly Kenefick Rebecca & Marvin Strenge Costantini Jimmy Ferrara Barbara Snapp Mark Del Beccaro & Dawn Barbara Krekow Satish Thatte & Vandana Datye Lori Belknap Tracie & Darin Fish Genie & Jack Stewart Cotter Marcelle LaGrou Rahul Thombre & Margaret Judith & Arnold Bendich Carolyn Fisher Joan Suver & Jay Decker Deborah DeWolfe & Kate Mary & Robert Landau Hayes Nat Bennett & Rachel Simon Pat Foote Kathryn Sweyer Stewart Frank Lawler & Ann McCurdy University House, Wallingford Jim & Suzette Birrell David & Marlene Foster Ryan Synovec Susannah & Aashish Ralph Leighton Bill & Catherine Vanderwilt Linda Boyd & Ravi Pandya Susanne & Bruce Foster David & Nancy Thacher Dhamdhere Dianne & Dave Marquardt Ted & Iris Wagner Dan Brown Kathy & Ed Fries Patrick Ryan Thompson Maureen & Ron DiGiacomo Beth McAleer Jo Ann Waldron Sally Browning & Richard Michael Geri Susie & Bill Thorness Doug & Jeri Donnelly Pat & Tom McCann Ellen Walker Pelman Wendy Gibble Craig Trueblood & Julie Martha & Richard Draves Diane McDonald Elaine Walter & Doug Suhm Delia Burke Adeline Gildow McAvoy Ilga Jansons & Michael Nancy Neraas & Mike King Deborah & Neal Warner Lucy Burkland Cameron & David Given Tim Warner Dryfoos Richard Newman & Daniel Barbara Warren Sharon & Craig Campbell Bonnie & Harold Goren Bruce Watermann & Linda Jae Easterbrooks Jung Mary Ellen & Jim Weber Shelly Capeloto Tony & Jean Greenwald Burnett Susan Eggers Doug & Nancy Norberg Susan Weinstein Kevin Carr Margaret & Jerome Grubaugh Walter Weber & Teri Kopp Pam Ellison & Jeff Hoyt Rebecca Norton Linda & Anthony Whatley Jennifer Macuiba & Kevin Richard Hanson Kevin & Michelle Wherry Chris & Leslie Evans Lisa Omalanz Lyn & Tom White Carrabine Stephanie & Michael Mike & Lynsey Wherry Gunilla & Jerry Finrow Chitra & Zak Parpia David & Mary Ashley Williams Susan Carter Harrington Jennifer Wong Tess Forte & Carl Baker Barbara Peterson Brandi & Chuck Williamson James Carter Matthew Hastings Barbara Wright & Dwight Gee Libby Garrett Dina & Paul Pigott Steve & Mary Wood Eugenia Chang Peter & Pat Haug Barbara Yasui Cathy Gaspar Lauren & John Pollard LaVerne Woods Linda Clapham Elizabeth Hebert Marcia & Klaus Peter Zech Erich Gauglitz Debra Prinzing & Bruce Adam Zacks Sue & Hugh Clark Carol Henderson Brian Giddens & Steven Rovig Brooks Christine Coe Lynn Hogan $500+ Estelle Giraud Sara Raab McInerny & Tryg $250+ Ilsa & Roger Coleman Paul Hogle & Karen AF Unit 98 Anonymous (2) Kristin & Todd Glandon McInerny Ann Condon Malen-Hogle Chris & Diana Ackerley Michael & Linda Goodrick Jim Reid & Richard Smith John & Carol Cordy Lucy Homans & Hugh Diane Adachi 16 Frederick & Denise Graham Joanna & Gatis Roze Julie Coryell & Seelye Martin Bangasser May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020

David Honeywell Lynn Phillips & Warren Bakken Gregory Varveris Diane Daggatt Helen & Jim Horrigan Susanna Steiff Pinyuh Carol Wall James Dang Fred Hoyt & Michelle Barry Arlen & Karen Plaister Meg & Ron Watson Christine Davis Julie & Steven Johnson Ruth & Jim Powers Chris Weinmann Christine Davis-Goff Darlene & Jerry Kenney Jenny Pramuk Richard Weller & Margaret Eileen de la Cruz Cynthia Kimmey Kristen Pugsley-Onsager & Allen Wendy del Valle Marjorie Kinney David Onsager Ann Wiley Karen DeLucas Julie Korting Mimi Richards Roger & Connie Williams Jaclyn Deveau Julie Kouhia Laura Marie Rivera Shirley & Scott Wilson Janice Dilworth & Gregory John & Laura Kvasnosky Spafford Robbins Charles Price & Glenn Withey Denton Lake WA Garden Club Unit 3 Dabney Rohrbach Megan Wyatt & Jordan Landin Stephan Doll & Julie D. Allen Michael Lamb & Adam Grutz Heidi Romman Dee Zimmerman Marc & Beth Droppert Kayla Laughlin Millie & Craig Russell Elizabeth & Don Drury Pat & Jack Leary Glenda Ryan $100+ Arthur Dumaplin Anonymous (3) Candy Lee & Rocke Koreis Aruna Sannuti Diana Dundore AF Unit 74 Luanne Lemmer & Eric Veach Candace Savage Mary Dunne Donald Ahlstrom Rhododendron ‘Hiawatha’ Carla & Donald Lewis Katherine Hanson & Michael Andy Durland Hiroko Aikawa Donna & Ben Lipsky Schick Sandy & Tom Eichbaum Kevin Alber Arni Litt Julie Schoenfeld Rachel Ben-Shmuel Bobbi Campbell Selma Elgabalawy Avi Allison Renee Lund Elizabeth Schott Cassandra & Paul Benz Dana Cannon & Jeremy Porter Janet & Michael Endsley Sally Anderson Stephen Markowitz Audrey & Bob Seale Dan Berger Ellen Carnwath Jeff Enzler Gilbert & Mary Jane Anderson Chrissie Marshall Seattle Garden Club Irene Beuschlein Bradley Carrion Ann & David Eschenbach Karen & David Aoyama Candy & Richard Mathes Brad & Linda Shallenberger Inez Noble Black Adam & Samantha Chapman Dan & Nancy Evans Lyle & Betty Appleford Helen Matzger Eric Shankland Matthew Blank Amanda Chin Nicolas Facon Joan Arnold Catherine & Barry McConnell Dennis Shaw & Julie Howe Marlin & Ellen Blizinsky Ashley Clark & Christopher Helen Farrell Harsha Ashok Andrea McIntosh Michael Shiosaki & Edward Rebecca Bogard Manojlovic Dorothy Farris Barbara Asmervig & Michael Louis Mills Murray Andrea Bolliger Marianna Clark & Charles Clare Fazackerley Thanem Andy Mitton & Jesse Johnson Paul Silver & Christina Marra Brittney Boone Schafer Jean Feagin Laura & Forrest Austin John Miyano Daniel Simon Midge Bowman Rita Rae & Richard Cloney Susan Ferguson Tricia Avey John & Lee Neff Jonathan Smith & Sarah Tarr Marilyn Braarud Juan Carlos Combariza JoAnne Fiorito Ashley Ball Sue Nevler & Stephen Gattis Julleen Snyder David & Joyce Brewster Teresa Connors Ron Friedman Jeannine Bannick Barty Nicholson Elaine Starz-Brown Sandy Brooks Sabra & Richard Contreras Lynn Frink Gerrit & Pat Barrere Clark Nolan Richie Steffen & Rick Peterson Gail Jackson Brown Beth Cook & Ken Sparks Tera Giles Peter & Jane Barrett Michael O’Malley & Jocelyn Kay Stimson Katie Browne Sam Cook Fran Goldman Cecile Bassen Scheintaub Linda & David Strout Eileen Bruce & Chris Rennick George Corley Louise Goldman Michael Bauman & Tamar Wolf Cathy O’Rear Marion Sullivan Amy & Elias Bruegmann Patricia Coulter Kay Gordon Eric & Laura Baumgartner Jonathan & Stephanie Otis Joanna & Krishna Thiagarajan Walt & Dona Bubelis Claudia Crawford Pat & Dennis Gossler Kate Bayley Jennifer Ott Brian Thompson Christopher Bujanda Janet Crites Laura Gowen Barbara Beatty Susan Ott-Ralph Andrew Thompson Emory Bundy & Noel Angell David Crooker Sarah & George Gregory Virginia Beck Karen Overstreet & John Reed Michele Tiesse Gilb & Robert Rhonda & Larry Bush Barbee & James Crutcher Maren Gribskov & David Nancy Beckett Vangie & Daniel Pepper Gilb Barbara Cain Sybrina Cuddy & Taka Soga Sumrall Sarah Benner-Kenagy David & Kimberly Petersen Mary Turner Stella Caldwell Jake Cusack 17 Donors The Arboretum Foundation is most grateful to our donors and members.

Judy Griesel Michael Meluskey Lisbeth Pisk Aaron Shepherd Nancy Grout Ramona Memmer Sophia Postle Michelle Short Judith Hance David Mersereau Terry Pottmeyer & Geoffrey Peter Shoudy Nancy Hanford Chong & Barbara Merz Trowbridge Mary & Richard Shrader Aslaug Haraldsdottir & Matt Vera Metz Heidi Powell & Andy Jessup Margaret Sigley Berge Maksim Mikossyanchik Julie Ralph Marcia & Peter Sill Lawrence Hard Hattie Miller Pranhitha Reddy Margaret Skow Karin Harder David Miller Jenifer Rees Mani & Karen Soma Susan Harney Valerie Moehring Erin Rickard Clark Sorensen & Susan Way Lynne & Halstead Harrison Egon Molbak Jean Rietschel Rachel Sottile Meg & Chris Harry Frank & Mary Montgomery Kirk Robbins Ben Spicer Heather Heide & Jonathan Karen Morell Helen Roberts Elsie Spinning Heide-Pointl Nancy Morningstar Steven Rohrbach Helen & Thomas Spiro Tom Heinz and Denise Van Bobbie & Larry Morris Morley & Jolene Rolhiser R.F. Stettler Horn Tristan Mounsey Mica Rood Dorothy Strong Lynn & Thomas Heller Camellia sansanqua Charles Muller & Angela Jo Anne & Donald Rosen Jean & John Sullivan Barbara Hieronymus Ginorio George Rosok John Sullivan Genie Higgins Claudia Keene & Stephen Burr Jeanne Marie Lee Theresa Naujack Anita Rowe Christine Sutter Juliane Hill Barbara Kelley Penny Lewis Jane Nelson Chris Roy Swansons Nursery Bill Hochberg Tom Kelly Michelle Liles Andrew Ness Judith Rupert Jessica Sweeney Frank Hofmeister Patricia Kieval Lena Lin Andrew Ngo Carole Rush & Richard Andler Tom Sykes & Sarah Thomas Herb & Gerry Holley Virginia King Jim Livingston Marilyn Nichol Meg & Dennis Ryan Tacoma Garden Club Terry Holme & Jeanne Iannucci Andrew Kipper Joseph Lock Charles & Susan Novak Margaret Samuelson Sheila Taft Elizabeth Holohan & Joe Slagel Barbara & Judd Kirk Loretta Lopez Eileen O’Connor Martha & Robert Sander Reba Tam Karen Hume Smith Virginia Rives Kitchell Roger Lorenzen & John Takami Charles Ogburn Barbara Sands May Tan Annette Hynes Dale Klein Sheila Lukehart Melbourne & Ann O’Mera Diane Sandwick Carolyn Temple Ikebana International Margaret Knight & James Cathy MacLeod Ann Ormsby Davyd Santos Kim & Scott Tennican David Imber Regan Mary & Gary Madson Gloria & Dan Overgaard Deborah Sawislak Bill Thieleman Anne Iverson Virginia & Len Korycki Kristi Mandt & Leanne Ng Ann Oxrieder Roberta Saxon Susan Thomas Autumn Johnson Stephen Kosack Genny Mangum Karen Page Charles Schafer Barbara White Thompson Kristen Johnson Anne Kroeker & Richard Leeds Jen Mankoff Jackie Panko Pamela Schell Nathan Thompson Shawn Johnson Nancy Kuehnoel & Mark Beverly & George Martin Linda Park Patti Schliep Colleen Thorpe Phil & Pedie Jolly Proulx Carolyn Mattern Bill & Polly Parson Ron & Pat Schmaltz Myrna & Don Torrie Yvonne & David Jones Tina Kuhnle Marcia Maurycy Urania Perez Lynn & David Schueler Pamela Trojanoski Stacey Jones & Thierry Mougin Terry Sheets & Anna Kydd William McCahill Jr & Ying Pu Bertha Perry Norman Scott Remy Trupin & Sharon Kiah Jones Josh & Colleen LaBelle Virginia McDermott & Jim Susan & Michael Peskura Alexander Scott Grayson Gordon & Barbara Jonsen Dana Laird Gale David Peterson David Seater Christiane Tsoungui Chris & Suzanne Juneau Lake WA Garden Club Unit 2 Anne McDuffie Chris & George Pfeiffer Don & Joan Seaton Molly & Dirk van der Burch Alexander Kanias Mary & David Lamb Joseph McGee Gary Phillips Lawson & Robert Sebris Alan Veigel Gordon Keating Michael Landy Michael McGoodwin Cassandra & Doug Picha Chris & Bryce Seidl Catherine Venier Gary Lasater Mark McKelvey Susan Picquelle Virginia Senear Jennifer Veninga 18 Scott & Mary Lasley Deanna Meine Patricia Pirrello Laura Shabe Lori Veres May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2020

Shivi Verma Harriet Van Buren Lenore Hedeen Hoffer Museum of Glass AirBnB Adrienne Walker Forrest Joanne Hochberg Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery Nashi Orchards Apple, Inc. Ellen & Bill Wanless Prof. Tom Daniel at UW George W. Hughes Ciscoe Morris Oola Distillery Autodesk Foundation Jon Warn Joan Delores Synovec & David Hutchins Clif Bar Oregon Beach Vacations Bill & Melinda Gates Ruth & Charles Watts Eugene Synovec Marjorie Illman Cookin’ at Madison Park Parkshore Senior Community Foundation Sharlene & Herbert Welsh Vonne Wu Wang and Shih Luanna Iverson Elliot Bay Brewing Company Services Boeing Diane Wheeler Rong Wang Sally Jarvis Elliot Bay Book Company Pacific Northwest Ballet Chubb Christine & Bruce White Rebecca C. McGoodwin Emerald Downs Pacific Science Center Docusign Karen Whitney Gifts in Honor Dr. Meredith Parks (Buz) Ethan Stowell Paramount Theater Google James Whitson & Patricia *Gifts have been received in Smith Fairmont Olympic Hotel Peggy Washburn IBM International Foundation Adams honor of the following: Allen Moses Figgins Estate Vineyard Portland Trailblazers Johnson & Johnson Carolyn Whittlesey Fremont Brewing Foundation Donna Beasley Charlotte Paine Quilceda Creek Winery Christine Whittlesey Jane Pelly Kathy & Ed Fries Riz Reyes Lucky Seven Foundation Jana Wilkins Xian Zhou & John Canning Glass Distillery Microsoft Corporation Peggy Corley Ellie Pollock Sail Sandpoint Susan Winokur & Paul Leach Betty Rubin Gobo Enterprises Nordstrom Cares Thomas Winter & Corinne Susan Dohrmann Henry Art Gallery Saltchuk Resources, Inc. John & Lora Ford Lou Watne Seattle Bouldering Project Thwing Heritage Distilling Seattle Repertory Theater T-Mobile USA, Inc. Douglas & Susan Woods Susanne Foster Heyday Farm University House, Wallingford Christy Gamrath Gifts in Kind Seattle Storm Joseph Wright 5th Avenue Theater Hoodsport Winery Seattle University Univ. of WA Medical Center Diane Zahn & Mark Carol Geballe Hope Springs Photography AW Pottery Northwest Inc. SIFF Every effort has been made to McDermott Fran Goldman Larry Hubbell ACT Theater Starbucks ensure that our donor lists are Louis & Corinne Zibelli George Hughes L.W. Sundstrom Inc. Aegis on Madison Amy Stewart accurate. If you have a correc- Beth Zirngible Beth & Will Ketcham Illani Casino AF Unit 1/75 Jane & Chuck Stonecipher tion to this donor list, please Sherrey Luetjen Inn at Cannon Beach AF Unit 95 Swansons Nursery contact us at 206-325-4510. Commemorative Len Lewicki Inn at Port Ludlow Jennie Lounsberry Agua Verde Paddle Club Tacoma Art Museum Benches Alaska Airlines Jazz Alley The Benaroya Company Bill McGee Kaleidoscope Landscape Photo & Image *Benches have been dedicated Sylvia & Jim Musielewicz Darren Almond The Grand Cinema, Tacoma in honor of the following: Amazon Spheres Professionals The Lodge at Suncadia Credits Kate Nelson Kat Korab & Alex Hopman Featured photos by Arboretum Zeke & Lexie Robbins AMC Theaters The Oregon Zoo All the caretakers of the Anthony’s Restaurant Jeff Lehman & Katrina Russell The Pike Brewing Company Foundation staff, except for: Arboretum Westneat Family Argosy Cruises Sherrey & Doug Luetjen Eva & Arthur Wahl page 9 (top Dorys Alkire John Wott Larry Hubbell: Arts West Productions Martha E. Harris Flowers & Westland Distillery right/Bulletin cover) Patrick Wilson Behrens Oren Watson Belle Epicurean Gifts Jennifer & Scott Wyatt (michelleku- Alice H. Ding MD Michelle Kumata Bellevue Art Museum Maurice Estates Wyatt Regency page 13 (bottom MacMilton Partnership Gifts in Memory Big Trees Inc. Mayflower Park Hotel Willows Lodge right) Kae Y Mullins *Gifts have been received in Dr. Ned & Mrs. Jean McMenamins Zoo (slickpixpho- Margory Radke honor of the following: David Rosen Brockenbrough Michelle Quesada Architect Woodside Braseth Gallery page 5 (top Modernist Cuisine and Commemorative Elizabeth “Betty” Angell Brooklyn Botanical Garden center), page 6, page 12 (top Mary A. Aslanian Walt Bubelis Modernist Cuisine Gallery Matching Gift left) Trees Sigrid Brorson Margaret & Kay Bullitt MoPOP Jason Morse Companies *Trees have been dedicated in Cormac Carl Blechen Adobe Matching Gift Program honor of the following: Caroline Feiss John Braseth & Shannor Museum of Flight 19 Washington Park Arboretum 2300 Arboretum Drive East NONPROFIT ORG. Seattle, WA 98112-2300 U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO. 126

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