Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Education December 17, 2019

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Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Education December 17, 2019 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION DECEMBER 17, 2019 A regular meeting of the Board of Education, District 155, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois, was held at Cary-Grove High School, 2208 Three Oaks Road, Cary, IL 60013 in said District, Tuesday, December 17, 2019. President Jason Blake called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The President directed the Secretary to call the roll. Upon the roll being called, the following members answered present: Jason Blake, Amy Blazier, Adam Guss, Ron Ludwig, Nicole Pavoris, Dave Secrest, and Tom Vaclavek. Also present were: Steve Olson, Superintendent; Scott Shepard, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services; Jeremy Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations; Jay Sargeant, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources; Erica Bruso, Director of Fiscal Services; Kim Dahlem, Director of Student Services; Shannon Podzimek, Director of Communications; Matt Timmerman, Director of Curriculum and Assessment; George DiVenere, Director of Technology; Dr. Steven Koch, Josh Nobilio, Dr. Eric Ernd, and Neil Lesinski, Principals CHSD 155; and Rebecca Saffert, Cary-Grove High School Vice Principal. Additional names of attendance on attached sign-in sheet. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all in attendance. Dave Secrest moved and Tom Vaclavek seconded the motion that the minutes of Regular Meeting November 19, 2019 and Executive Session November 19, 2019 be approved as presented. Upon the roll being called, the following members voted. Aye: Jason Blake, Amy Blazier, Adam Guss, Ron Ludwig, Nicole Pavoris, Dave Secrest, Tom Vaclavek Nay: None Neil Lesinski, Cary-Grove High School Principal, welcomed the Board of Education and thanked everyone for their attendance at the Cary-Grove High School Learning Kitchen Ribbon Cutting Celebration held earlier in the evening. Mr. Lesinski also acknowledged and thanked Senator Dan McConchie for his support. Neil Lesinski then shared information regarding the Functional Communications Skills (FCS) Program and recognized all district staff members who are involved and assist with this program. Kim Dahlem, Director of Student Services, further explained the Special Education Program and its partnership with parents/families as related in all D155 schools. Donna Taylor, Cary-Grove Special Education Division Leader, introduced Emily Schnake, FCS teacher. Ms. Schnake explained how the V-go robot system offers a homebound Cary-Grove High School student with the ability to participate in school activities. It was noted that the focus of the FCS program includes preparing for student independence/communication, functional academics, cooking/kitchen skills, community outings, and job skills. Examples of each aspect of this program was shared with all in attendance. Tammy Jauch, Cary-Grove Speech Pathologist, provided information regarding additional services as related to the FCS program and V-go robot system. Michael Arrigoni, Cary-Grove Special Education teacher, demonstrated how the V-go robot system works with said student. The Cary-Grove student spoke and shared her daily schedule through the V-go robot. It was noted that the V-go robot allows said student to visually see the hallways, classrooms, etc. of Cary-Grove High School with the ability to be a part of the actual school setting. Board members received additional information regarding future technology programs which will assist with improved communication for this student. A brief video of the FCS program was also presented; explaining the opportunities offered to students. Several Board members commented on these outstanding programs and activities being offered in all D155 schools and their impact on student population and culture. Shannon Podzimek, Director of Communications, reported there was one request for Records Under Freedom of Information Act. It was noted that additional information regarding this Records Under Freedom of Information Act is available online as part of the district website Board Information Packet. 1. Cal Skinner, McHenry County Blog Request was granted in part and denied in part. Devin Hester, D155 Education Association President, wished to address the Board. Mr. Hester commented on 5-period biology occurring in the 2020-2021 school year and correlation with the Strategic Plan. Mr. Hester requested that the Board and administration consider a 7-period biology elective as an option for students. Jeremy Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, presented the Treasurer’s Report for month ending November 30, 2019. Board members were informed that the district recently paid the first of its two semi-annual bond payments in the amount of approximately $1.1 million (principal and interest). It was noted that the second payment will be due in June 2020 for approximately $300,000 (interest only). Mr. Davis further explained that Summer 2020 Construction Bids will be opened on December 19, 2019. The recommendation for bid approvals will be presented and discussed at the January 2020 Operations Committee Meeting. It was noted that Summer 2020 Construction Costs are estimated to be $11 million. In addition, the state is approximately three months behind in paying mandated categoricals, which are reimbursements for special education and transportation expenses; total amount owed is approximately $360,000. Jeremy Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, explained the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (50 ILCS150) that was signed into law in July 2016. Per the Act, any expenses for travel, meals, and lodging for Board members must be approved by a roll call vote beginning in March 2017. It was noted that the purpose of this request is regarding the November 2019 Joint Annual Conference held in Chicago, Illinois. Nicole Pavoris moved and Ron Ludwig seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act Expenditure(s) as presented and listed by roll call vote. Upon the roll being called, the following members voted. Aye: Jason Blake, Amy Blazier, Adam Guss, Ron Ludwig, Nicole Pavoris, Dave Secrest, Tom Vaclavek Nay: None Jeremy Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached Bill List and Bills Summary for the period of November 13, 2019 through December 10, 2019 in the amount of $10,990,462.89. Amy Blazier moved and Nicole Pavoris seconded the motion that the Bills as listed on the Agenda in the amount of $10,990,462.89 be approved and ordered paid as presented. Upon the roll being called, the following members voted. Aye: Jason Blake, Amy Blazier, Adam Guss (abstain for check numbers 10539, 10540, 10544, 10546, 10547), Ron Ludwig, Nicole Pavoris, Dave Secrest, Tom Vaclavek Nay: None Jeremy Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, presented the Resolutions Authorizing the Final Tax Levy for Year 2019. Board members were informed that a presentation and discussion of the Tax Levy for Year 2019 had occurred at the November 19, 2019 Board of Education Meeting. Jason Blake, Board President, questioned the district’s fiscal projection as related to Board Policy minimum reserves. Jeremy Davis explained that if the Tax Levy was approved, the fiscal projection of minimum reserves (greater than $30 million) would be reached in 2022. If the Tax Levy was not approved, the fiscal projection of minimum reserves ($30 million) would be reached prior to 2022 based upon current capital project expenditure investments. It was noted that discussion of the district’s fiscal projection as related to Board Policy minimum reserves had occurred at committee level during prior meetings. Reading of the Resolutions Authorizing the Final Tax Levy for Year 2019 was waived. RESOLUTION ADOPTING LEVY FOR 2019 WHEREAS, this Board of Education is empowered to levy a tax on the real property within the Community High School District 155, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois; and WHEREAS, this Board of Education has complied with all provisions of the Illinois School Code, Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 105 and specifically Section 5/17-1 et. seq. thereof; and WHEREAS, this Board of Education has heretofore adopted an annual budget and filed said budget with the County Clerks of McHenry and Lake Counties; and, WHEREAS, on November 19, 2019, this Board of Education determined the estimated property taxes to be levied for the 2019 levy year, and no notice or public hearing were required under the Truth in Taxation Law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Community High School District 155, McHenry and Lake Counties, Illinois as follows: Section 1. This Board of Education does hereby find and determine that it is necessary that the Board of Education pursuant to its authority, levy a tax for Education Fund; Operations and Maintenance Fund; Transportation Fund; Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund; Social Security Fund; and Special Education Fund purposes in the amounts as set forth on the Certificate(s) of Levy, attached hereto and made a part hereof, all upon the equalized or assessed valuation of all taxable property in this School District for the year 2019. Section 2. The exclusion of a levy for any particular school fund is neither intended to nor shall it be construed as a waiver by this Board of Education to levy taxes in any subsequent year for any such school fund, nor as an abolishment of such fund, unless specifically set forth in this Resolution. Section
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