1 IAŞ I IAŞI CITY HALL LOCAL AGENDA 21 – LOCAL PLAN FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF IASI MUNICIPALITY IAŞI 2002 2 MUNICIPALITY UNDP Project ROM 98/012 Copyright © 2002 Iaşi Municipality, Romania 11, Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt Blvd., cam.15 Tel. + 402 32 267 841 Fax. +402 32 217 216 E-mail:
[email protected] © 2002 National Centre for Sustainable Development, Romania 15 Alexandru Philippide St., Sector 2, Bucharest Tel. +4021 201 1410 Fax. +4021 201 1402 E-mail:
[email protected] Views expressed in the document belong to the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the UNDP views. Document issued with the financial support of the United Nations Development Programme, Capacity 21 Programme and Canadian Agency for International Development. Technical expertise provided by the National Centre for Sustainable Development – Romania and the International Institute for Sustainable Development-Canada. Special thanks addressed to the Earth Council Organization – Costa Rica for the technical support provided to the Project “Local Agenda 21”. Printed & Designed by EXCLUS srl. 3 IAŞ I Local Steering Committee (LSC) NR INSTITUTION REPRESENTATIVE 1. IAŞI CITY HALL Ph.D. VASILE MUNTEANU-Deputy Mayor Chairman of the Local Steering Committee 2. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY DAN GANCIU 2 3. COUNTY HOUSE OF HEALTH INSURANCE LIVIU DRUGUŞ 2 4. CENTRE FOR CONSULTIING FOR SMEs LILIANA GAGIU 1 5. ROMANIAN SCOUTS - NGO VALENTIN PINZARIU 3 6. CITADIN CRISTIAN CORODESCU 2 PAUL HUŢANU 1 7. MEDICAL COLLEGE VASILE ASTĂRĂSTOAIE 2 8. IAŞI COUNTY COUNCIL SANDA BITERE 2 EUGEN BUZEA 9. DEPARTMENT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH EUGEN POPESCU 2 10. DEPARTMENT FOR PUBLIC FINANCE MARIA ŢĂRAN 1 11.