Gray Genealogy
GRAY GENEALOGY, Bein.f a Genealogt'cal Record and Hi'story ef the Dcseendant..r ef JOHN GRAY, OF BEVERLY, MASS., And Also Includt'ng SKETOHES OF OTHER GRAY FAMILIES, HY M. D. RAYMOND. 'rARRYTOWN, N. Y. 1887. CorYRIOUTBll 1887, BY M, D. RAYMOND, All Rights Reserved. Yi., lht .Afe111ory of /,ls Gra11d111olht1\ MABEL GRAY RAY1'fOND, Tnls Yo/11111e ti affedt'o11alt/y Dtdlfaled /,y THE AUTHOR, INDEX OF FAMILIES IN 1•HE GRAV OENEALOOV. Intro<luctlon and sketc; ot the Grays In History ...... p. (inclusive,) 1 to 6 John GrRy or Ueverly nnd Sharon .• ~ ..................................... 6 to 140 Snmucl Gray of Dorsctshlrc nncl Dosion ....... 142 to 149, nnd 297 tu 302 Worcester Grays, (Scotch-Irish,) 150 to 168. 188 to 190, nnd 277 to 284 Grays (Scotcl1,Irish) or Union City, Pa. ............................... 169, 170 Jnmcs GrBy of lln<llcy nnd Stockhrhlge, Mnss ............................... 170 Willinm Grny of Scotland nnd Fnlr(n,,c Co., Vn ....................... 170 172 . ' 1 Snmuel Grny (Scotch) of Conn. nnd Vt., .............................. 1721 174 Israel Grny (Scotch-Irish) of Vn., N. C. and H. C.......................... 175 Jonas Gray, Townsend, Vt ........................................................ 176 Dr. William A. Grny, Virgin la ............................................. 177, 178 Gilbert Grtty, (Scotch•lrisl1) North Cnrollnn ................ , .......... 178, 179 JJ. C, Gray, Rlcl1 n1ond, Va.. ....................... , .... , ........• , •• ,. , .. ".. ,, •.. , 179 David Grny, Fishkill, N. V................................................. 180, 184 Quaker Ornya, Pa.•~··,•·······•• ....... , ................... ,... ,, ............ 184, 185 lsnlnh Gray, Mnrtha's Vineyard, (Yarmouth Grnys) .................. 186, 187 Edward Orny of Lincolnshire nn<l Doston ........... , .................. 191, 197 Fairfield (Conn.) Ornys ... , .................................................. I l8, 235 Isaac, Aaron, F.Hj"h and Danie) Gray, of Conn. and Vt ..........=i.16, 248 Yarmouth G,nya ••••••••••••·•••••• .
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