167 BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS LXXVI N° 1-2, Januari-April 2019 168
167 BIBLIOTHECA ORIENTALIS LXXVI N° 1-2, januari-april 2019 168 OUDE TESTAMENT It also discusses the origin of these books, arguing for a Mosaic core that grew over time and was completed by HUBBARD Jr., R. L. and J. A. DEARMAN — Introducing Ezra. Rather than describing stories as either fact or fiction, the Old Testament. William B. Eerdmans Publishing they propose understanding biblical texts on a literary spec- Co., Grand Rapids, 2018. (23,5 cm, XXII, 540, includ- trum that spans from the factual to the traditional; they ing tables, charts and illustrations). ISBN 978-0-8028- reserve the Exodus and the resurrection of Jesus as historical 6790-2. $ 40.00. events. Chapter four covers Genesis 1-11, explaining its title, organization, and genre. A few other Ancient Near East sto- It can be challenging to find an introduction to the Hebrew ries are described generally, though the authors do not Bible textbook that matches the professor’s desired approach believe they are sources for Genesis, just likewise drawn and the needs of an institution. Is the class designed to intro- from rich Ancient Near Eastern culture. Chapter five covers duce students to the Hebrew Bible? Is it to help religious Genesis 12-50, calling its genre “family history.” As con- students better understand their scriptures and theology? text, the authors provide the history of the second millen- Is it for introducing scholarly methods to students already nium BCE; they concede that there is no direct evidence that familiar with the content of the Bible? Is it something in the patriarchs existed but suggest they are historical persons between? If so, where? because their names, customs, and lifestyle match the time Robert L.
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