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Lipman, P.W., and McIntosh, W.C., 2008, Eruptive and non-eruptive , northeastern , : where did the come from?: Geological Society of A...

Article · January 2008


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Peter W. Lipman Geological Survey



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Peter W. Lipman† MS 910, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefi eld Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA William C. McIntosh Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, USA

ABSTRACT tuffs, areally associated with a newly recog- ies of the San Juan region have concentrated nized intermediate-composition intrusion 5 × mainly on - magmatic foci in The northeastern San Juan Mountains, 10 km across (largest subvolcanic intrusion the central cluster (La Garita–Creede: Steven the least studied portion of this well-known in San Juan region) centered 15 km north and Ratté, 1965; Lipman, 2000, 2006), south- segment of the Southern of the North Pass caldera, marks a near- eastern area (Platoro complex: Lipman, 1975; Volcanic Field are the site of several newly caldera-size silicic system active at 29.8 Ma. Dungan et al., 1989; Lipman et al., 1996), and identifi ed and reinterpreted ignimbrite cal- In contrast to the completely fi lled North Pass western calderas (Uncompahgre–Silverton– deras. These calderas document some unique caldera that has little surviving topographic Lake City: Lipman et al., 1973; Hon and Lip- eruptive features not described before from expression, no voluminous tuffs vented man, 1989; Bove et al., 2001). large volcanic systems elsewhere, as based on directly from the adjacent Cochetopa Park Much less studied has been the northeast recent mapping, petrologic data, and a large caldera, which is morphologically beautifully San Juan region, which occupies a transition array of newly determined high-precision, preserved. Instead, Cochetopa Park subsided between earlier volcanism in the laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar ages (140 samples). passively as the >500 km3 Nelson Mountain and large-volume, younger, ignimbrite-caldera Tightly grouped sanidine ages document vented at 26.9 Ma from an “underfi t” foci farther south and west (Fig. 1). Other than exceptionally brief durations of 50–100 k.y. or caldera (youngest of the San Luis complex) mineral-resource studies of small areas, much less for individual caldera cycles; 30 km to the SW. Three separate regional of this northeastern area has been mapped biotite ages are more variable and commonly ignimbrites were erupted sequentially from only in broad reconnaissance for the Colorado as much as several hundred k.y. older than San Luis calderas within an interval of less state geologic map (Tweto et al., 1976; Tweto, sanidine from the same volcanic unit. A pre- than 50–100 k.y., a more rapid recurrence 1979). This report, based on new mapping of all viously unknown ignimbrite caldera at North rate for large explosive eruptions than previ- volcanic rocks in 20 7.5′ quadrangles (Fig. 2) Pass, along the Continental Divide in the ously documented elsewhere. In eruptive pro- and detailed high-resolution geochronologic , was the source of the newly cesses, volcanic compositions, areal extent, studies (140 new ages): (1) describes volcanic distinguished 32.25-Ma Saguache Creek duration of activity, and magmatic produc- evolution of the previously unrecognized North Tuff (~400–500 km 3). This regionally distinc- tion rates and volumes, the Southern Rocky Pass caldera and the morphologically beauti- tive crystal-poor alkalic helps fi ll an Mountains Volcanic Field represents present- fully preserved but enigmatic Cochetopa basin apparent gap in the southwestward migration day erosional remnants of a composite volca- (Fig. 3), including unique features not previ- from older explosive activity, from calderas nic fi eld, comparable to younger ignimbrite ously described from ignimbrite calderas else- along the N-S Sawatch locus in central Colo- terranes of the Central Andes. where; (2) quantifi es a more rapid recurrence rado (youngest, Bonanza Tuff at 33.2 Ma), of large ignimbrite eruptions than previously to the culmination of Tertiary volcanism in Keywords: volcanism, ignimbrites, calderas, known elsewhere; (3) documents the regional the San Juan region, where large-volume 40Ar/ 39Ar ages, San Juan Mountains, eruptive time-space-volume progression from the ear- ignimbrite eruptions started at ca. 29.5 Ma processes. lier Sawatch magmatic trend southward into the and peaked with the enormous Fish Can- San Juan region; and (4) permits more rigorous yon Tuff (5000 km3) at 28.0 Ma. The entire INTRODUCTION comparisons between the broad Middle Tertiary North Pass cycle, including caldera-forming magmatic belt in the western U.S. Cordillera Saguache Creek Tuff, thick caldera-fi lling The San Juan Mountains in southwestern and the type continental-margin arc volcanism , and a smaller volume late tuff sheet, Colorado have long been known as a site of in the central Andes. is tightly bracketed at 32.25–32.17 Ma. No exceptionally voluminous middle Tertiary vol- large ignimbrites were erupted in the inter- canism, including enormous ignimbrite sheets METHODS val 32–29 Ma, but a previously unmapped and associated caldera structures (Cross and cluster of -rhyolite fl ows and small Larsen, 1935; Larsen and Cross, 1956; Steven Studies initiated to characterize the geologic and Ratté, 1965; Lipman et al., 1970). During setting for the Creede Scientifi c Drilling Proj- †E-mail: [email protected] the past 50 yr, volcanologic and petrologic stud- ect (Bethke and Hay, 2000), were gradually

GSA Bulletin; July/August 2008; v. 120; no. 7/8; p. 771–795; doi: 10.1130/B26330.1; 16 fi gures; 4 tables; Data Repository item 2008085.

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] 771 © 2008 Geological Society of America Lipman and McIntosh

108°W 106° 104° Explanation 40°N 060 mi Granitic intrusion 0100 km Middle Tertiary volcanic areas F r N o Sedimentary fill of Rift n t Late rift

GP, Grizzly Peak caldera R a n MP, Mount Princeton batholith g

S e l


l a South Trend of

GP l

l w

l l

l Park l l l

l l a l l l t l Caldera c Colorado l h Thirtynine Springs Mile volcanic MP area Approx. original limit l l l West Elk l l of volcanic rockslocus G R Figure 1. Map of Southern Rocky Moun- x g e tain Volcanic Field, showing ignimbrite


l l l calderas, major erosional remnants and

l MC l

l l l

l l B l l l

l l l l

l W

l l l inferred original extent of mid-Tertiary l

l e l

C l l t l NP volcanic cover, caldera-related granitic l l

l l l l S



l l l l


l l l


l a l




l l

l l l

l M

l l n intrusions, and later sedimentary fi ll of l

l l

l l Area of Fig. 2

l l l l

l l

38 l g t l ° l SL l l l l s

l l l r the zone. Arrows indicate

l l l l LGn .

l l l e l

l l l l


l l

l l


S l

l l

Bal l trend of late Cretaceous–early Tertiary l l

l l l l l

l l l l l

l l l l l l l l (Laramide) intrusions of the Colorado

l Cr

l San

l l l

l l l l Juan

l l Mineral Belt. Calderas: B—Bonanza;

l SR

l l l l l l l l volcanic d l l l San Luis l l e

l l locus Ba—Bachelor; C—Cochetopa Park;

lLGs l

l l

l l

l l l l l l Valley

l Cr—Creede; LGn—La Garita north seg- l l

Approx. original limit l l l l l l l Pl l ment; LGs—La Garita, south segment; of volcanic rocks l l l l MC—Marshall Creek; Pl—Platoro; Spanish

C Peaks S—Silverton; SL—San Luis complex; r i

s Colorado SR—South River. Geographic locality: t

o New Mexico G—Gunnison. Modifi ed from McIntosh T


l l s l and Chapin (2004); inferred original

a l Questa-Latir

s l l volcanic limit of volcanic rocks modifi ed from Ste- l M M l l l l locus t t s s ven, 1975); intrusions from Tweto (1979) . . and Lipman (1988, 2000).

expanded to cover the entire central caldera heating plateau ages for biotite and hornblende of sanidine analyses is accordingly lower. For cluster (Lipman, 2000, 2006) and adjacent areas phenocrysts and for groundmass concentrates some samples with small and/or sparse sanidine to the northeast, as multiple stratigraphic, struc- from lavas lacking datable phenocryst phases. fragments, several grains were combined for tural, geochronologic, and volcanologic prob- The ages were determined at the New Mexico fusion; such samples are noted separately in the lems emerged. Small parts of the present study Geochronology Research Laboratory by meth- tables. During early stages of this study, Andrew area were recompiled from published quadran- ods similar to those described in McIntosh and Calvert generated two key 40Ar/ 39Ar ages for the gle maps (Bruns et al., 1971; Olson et al., 1975; Chapin (2004). Multiple samples were dated for northeastern ignimbrites (Lipman and Calvert, Olson, 1976a, 1976b; Olson, 1983; Olson and most major volcanic units, to evaluate correla- 2003). A few additional ages for the area are from Steven, 1976a, 1976b), but many stratigraphic- tions and to improve precision of pooled ages. Lanphere (1988, 2000, and M. Lanphere, 1999, correlation and other problems were encoun- For most single-crystal laser-fusion ages, 10–15 personal commun.). Prior K-Ar and 40Ar/ 39Ar tered. All Tertiary volcanic rocks and other areas feldspar grains were analyzed for each site; as dates are adjusted to an age of 28.02 Ma for the that required signifi cant reinterpretation were many as 36 grains were dated for a few strati- (Renne et al., 1998). remapped during 2001–2006 (Fig. 2). Fieldwork graphically critical sites. Analytical uncertainties Age results are summarized in Table 2; ana- compilation at 1:24,000 scale (Fig. 2) is being for individual samples are reported to two stan- lytical determinations for each sample are tabu- prepared for publication as a 1:50,000-scale dard deviations (95% confi dence level); pooled lated in GSA Data Repository Appendix 11. U.S. Geological Survey I-Series map. sanidine ages for multiple sites from a single Laser-fusion sanidine data (89 samples) for indi- Critical to the interpretations presented here unit are listed as weighted means, with uncer- vidual feldspar grains are listed in Appendix 2 is the large array (140 samples) of new high- tainties as the standard error (Se). resolution 40Ar/39Ar ages for the northeast San Recovery of suffi ciently large grains for Juan study area. Especially useful have been single-crystal analysis was a problem for some 1GSA Data Repository Item 2008085, six tables of analytical data (40Ar/ 39Ar ages and whole-rock single-crystal laser-fusion ages on sanidine phe- that contain only sparse small sanidine chemical analyses), is available at www.geosociety. nocrysts, obtained wherever this phase was pres- fragments. In some separates, plagioclase grains org/pubs/ft2008.htm. Requests may also be sent to ent; additional determinations are incremental- were unintentionally included, and the number [email protected].

772 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains Creek Cochetopa A Divide Mtn Wall Mtn Tuff Cochetopa caldera Continental A'

(not shown Sawtooth Landslide Cochetopa North Pass caldera 12 on map) 12 breccia Dome Creek Saguache 8 8 pT FC ? SC ? Houghland pT pT pT Hill 4 pT pT 4 0 10 20 KM Elevation V.E. = 3.5 Feet x 1000

38.5o pT N N Ts pT pT pT

pT Limits of area mapped. 2000–2006 Ts

Qal Rhyolite of Barret Cr (29.8 Ma) MARSHALLMARSHALL CALDERACA LBB LDERA x ? BONANZABONANZA pT x 33.833.733.7 MaMa A SM RCD CALDERACALDERA Needle Creek SM x intrusive complex x 333.23.23.2 MaMa (34.4 Ma)

Fig. 4 Bonanza 3 Tuff 1 pT COCHETOPA 2 n x e pT b JC a r g NORTHNORTH PPASSASS a p CALDERA x o 26.9 Ma t e CALDERACALDERA TM HH h x c o CochetopaC graben MaMa HL ML A' XSaguache Qal LALA GARIGGARITAARITATA CCALDERAALDERA Tracey NENELLSONSON 28.0 Ma Mtn x CACALDERALDERA 38o o o 107 W Central San Juan calderas map: 0 10 20 KM 106 USGS I-2799

Qal Quaternary sediment Caldera-fill sediment, slide breccia Postcaldera lava and tuff Ts Rio Grande rift sediment Postcaldera lavas (flows numbered) Saguache Creek Tuff (32.25 Ma) Younger lava flows Cycle N.P.

Cochetopa- N.M. cycle N.M. Nelson Mtn Tuff (29.9 Ma) Caldera topo rim Intermediate-composition intrusions Central San Juan Margin of caldera fill tuff sheets Older lava and tuff ("Conejos") (Fish Canyon, Carpenter Ridge, etc.) Concealed graben fault pT Pre-Tertiary rocks

Figure 2. Generalized geologic map and cross section, northeast San Juan region, based on recent geologic mapping (2000–2006). Geo- graphic localities: HH—Houghland Hill; HL—Houselog Creek; JC—Jacks Creek ; LBB—Long Branch Baldy; ML—Mount Lion; RCD—Razorback Dome; SM—Sawtooth Mountain; TM—Trickle Mountain. The Nelson caldera is youngest subsidence of the San Luis caldera complex. Dashed rectangular grid—boundaries of 7.5′ quadrangle maps.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 773 Lipman and McIntosh


CD NP LP C Sh C Cochetopa Park North Pass caldera caldera

Los Pinos graben SP Sa C North Cochetopa graben Nelson caldera, TM San Luis complex C C

Figure 3. Oblique view (Google Earth), looking north at Cochetopa and North Pass calderas. The topographic rim of Cochetopa Park caldera (~30 km across) is morphologically well preserved (dashed white lines): along its northwest and north sides, high points on the rim are marked by Sawtooth Mountain (STM) and Razor Creek Dome (RCD); the east rim is along the Continental Divide, which defi nes the boundary with the older North Pass caldera farther to the east; and the south boundary also follows the Continental Divide where the Cochetopa Park caldera merges with the northern segment of the La Garita caldera. The northeast-trending Los Pinos gra- ben formed at the time of collapse at La Garita, and the parallel Cochetopa graben, which breaches the north wall of La Garita caldera and forms a low segment of Cochetopa rim, is fi lled by thick tongue of Nelson Mountain Tuff. This lobe of densely welded tuff was channeled northeast from its eruptive source within the San Luis caldera complex at lower left of image, and fl owed into the Cochetopa Park caldera where it thins to only a few meters of nonwelded tuff in the southeastern parts of the caldera basin. Other geographic localities: CC—upper ; CCn—Cochetopa Canyon (outlet from Cochetopa Park caldera, carved in Precambrian granitic rocks); CD— (sequence of crystal-poor lava fl ows of petrologically evolved rhyolite that accumulated within Cochetopa caldera shortly after its collapse); LBB—Long Branch Baldy (high point along Continental Divide, where 33-Ma Bonanza Tuff banks against high-standing erosional remnants of a large andesitic stratocone); NP—North Pass (followed by Colorado Hwy 114); LPC—Los Pinos Creek; SaC—Saguache Canyon (outlet from La Garita caldera, carved in >32-Ma intermediate-composition lavas, and inherited from Oligocene topography); SM—Sargents Mesa (high fl at along the Continental Divide, locally capped by Bonanza Tuff); SP—Saguache Park (Carpenter Ridge and Wason Park Tuffs, banked against the northern La Garita caldera wall); TM—Table Mountain (high-standing erosional remnant of Nelson Mountain Tuff that ponded within the La Garita caldera).

(see footnote 1), and age-probability distribu- Rock names are used in general accordance graphic nomenclature in the region. Phenocryst tion plots (Deino and Potts, 1992) for the feld- with the International Union of the Geological assemblages serve to distinguish many of the spar analyses are compiled in Appendix 3 (see Sciences (IUGS) classifi cation (Le Bas et al., major tuff sheets (Table 1). Cited chemical and footnote 1). Data for step-heating analyses (51 1986). The San Juan rocks constitute a high-K petrographic data include 130 new major-oxide samples) on biotite (20), hornblende (11), and assemblage that is transitional between sub- and trace-element analyses for samples from the groundmass (20) are listed in Appendix 4 (see alkaline and alkaline suites, similar to those at study area (Appendix 6), supplemented by data footnote 1), and age-spectra plots for these other Tertiary volcanic fi elds in the Southern for regional units from Lipman (2004). samples are presented in Appendix 5 (see foot- Rocky Mountains. Although the intermediate- note 1). Paleomagnetic pole directions were composition rocks tend to straddle IUGS fi eld REGIONAL FRAMEWORK determined for a few sites, to complement prior boundaries, some plotting in lower parts of the observations (Tanaka and Kono, 1973; Diehl et trachyandesite and trachydacite fi elds, such Mid-Tertiary volcanic deposits once formed al., 1974; Rosenbaum et al., 1987), as tests of rocks are here referred to as and dacite continuous cover across much of the Colo- age and stratigraphic correlations (Table 3). for simplicity and consistency with prior strati- rado Rocky Mountains and into northern New

774 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

Mexico (Fig. 1), constituting a composite South- tral Andes, because voluminous eruptions buried ern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field, for which and subdued most of the preexisting paleotopog- the San Juan region is the largest erosional raphy. In contrast, northeastern parts of the San remnant (Steven, 1975; Lipman, 1989, 2007). Juan volcanic accumulation lap onto the more Subareas of the Vol- rugged paleotopography associated with earlier canic Field, now separated by later erosion, have Tertiary uplifts of the Southern Rockies. m (Ma) s i previously been described as multiple separate Valleys developed during erosion of the early t a m

volcanic fi elds (San Juan, Sawatch, Thirtynine Tertiary uplifts, as well as those developed dur- g a

Mile, Latir, West Elk, , etc.), ing the growth of central volcanoes prior to large m

a r

rather than as time-space transgressive mag- ignimbrite eruptions, strongly infl uenced the e d l matic foci within a large composite fi eld. distribution of subsequently emplaced volcanic a c t s

Activity in the Southern Rocky Mountains deposits (e.g., Chapin and Lowell, 1979). Some o Volcanic Field peaked between 38 and 26 Ma major paleovalleys survived the entire period P (McIntosh and Chapin, 2004; Lipman, 2007). of volcanism, and many present-day San Juan Lavas/events Age Age Lavas/events Dominantly intermediate-composition lavas and drainages are inherited from the mid-Tertiary breccias (andesite-dacite) were erupted from landscape, leading to our fi eldwork expression: widely scattered central volcanoes, and major “once a valley, always a valley.” Most conspicu- n.d.—not monz—monzonite; odiorite; volcanic foci, initially established by clustered ous within the present study area (Figs. 2 and 4) stratocones, became eruption sites for approxi- is the course of lower Saguache Creek (Figs. 2 (km) mately 30 caldera-associated ignimbrites of and 4), which coincides with a broad paleoval-

a more silicic compositions (see Table 1 for those ley between Oligocene stratocones to the north r e d germane to this study), in response to increased and south. All the major Oligocene ignimbrites l a magmatic input focused at these sites. Compos- of the region were deposited preferentially along C ite volumes of the early-intermediate volcanoes this paleovalley. are large; in the San Juan region stratigraphic Exposed pre-Tertiary rocks also provide sequences commonly are more than a kilometer useful information on paleotopography at the thick, and total volume, estimated at 25,000 km3 inception of volcanism and subsequent events. (Lipman et al., 1970), exceeds that of the later Notably, small windows of Precambrian gran- Name Area Area Name erupted ignimbrites by ~50%. ite, but no Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, are

Original areal extent of the overall Southern exposed around margins of the North Pass cal- Age 29.8 [failed?] -- flows Andesite n.d. Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field appears to dera (Fig. 4), showing that this caldera formed (Ma) have exceeded 100,000 km2, with a total volume within a prevolcanic highland, probably a south- ) of volcanic deposits greater than 50,000 km3 ern continuation of the Sawatch Range uplift of 3 (Lipman, 2007). Peak magmatic volumes in late Cretaceous age. In eastern parts of the map (km the Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field, area, considerable paleorelief existed on the Pre- ite; hbl—hornblende; xr—crystal-rich; xp—crystal-poor; g.d.—gran associated with ignimbrite eruptions, defi ne cambrian rocks prior to burial by Tertiary vol- a general (if imperfect) progression (Fig. 1) canism. Farther west and north, gently dipping from early eruptions along the Sawatch Range Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are widely present dacite >500 26.90 Nelson-Cochetopa × 25 10 20 × 14, flows Andesite 25.9–26.9 in central Colorado (37–33 Ma: McIntosh and beneath the volcanic cover, refl ecting proximity e t i r

Chapin, 2004), southward into the San Juan to the . b Xr dacite Xr dacite >500 26.87 Creede 20 × 25 Fisher Dacite 26.2–26.8 m i

region (32–27 Ma: Lipman et al., 1970), and Due to the greater paleorelief, the stratigraphic n g I

Rock, phenocrysts Vol. later to the 25-MaVol. Latir-Questa magmatic center record of sequential eruptionsphenocrysts is less complete Rock, 2 in northern New Mexico (Lipman, 1988; John- in the northeastern San Juan Mountains than in son et al., 1989). central parts of this volcanic region. Many vol-

Mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks of the north- canic deposits in this sector accumulated in deep SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS* NORTHEASTERN AND OF CALDERAS THE IGNIMBRITES TABLE 1. MAJOR eastern San Juan Mountains lie along the broad valleys, which were incompletely fi lled and boundary between Precambrian-cored uplifts of then re-excavated by erosion between succes- the Southern Rocky Mountains, which formed sive eruptions. The regional ignimbrites, rather

by contraction during low-angle plate subduction than forming a stratifi ed plateau, commonly are e sources, cited in text. in late Cretaceous to early Tertiary time, and less preserved in inverted topographic order, with deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary earlier tuff sheets capping ridges, and younger Saguache Creek 73–75 bio Alkalino rhyolite, 250-500 32.25 Pass North 15 × 17 Andesite-dacite 32.2 Nelson Mountain Nelson Mountain Cebolla Creek Rat Creek Zoned 74–63 Xp rhy; Xr Wason Park Fish Canyon 61–64 Zoned 74–65 Zoned 72–63 (Barret Creek) Xp dacite rhy–Xr san no hbl, Xr dacite, Xr rhyolite–dacite 250 66–68 >500 150 26.9 65–73 27.38 qtz Xrhbl, dacite, 26.91 lavas) (Xr dacite–rhy >5000 Creek Cebolla 50? 28.02 River South Rat Creek 14 × 16 La Garita 20 × 20 9 × 12 Rhy. Mineral Mountain 26.9 Andesite-dacite 35 × 75 Andesite-dacite 27.4–? 26.9 Andesite Huerto 28.0–27.6 Carpenter Ridge Carpenter Zoned 74–66 dacite Xp rhy–Xr Luders Creek >1000 27.55 66–73 dacite Xp rhy–Xr Bachelor 50? 32.17 25 × 30 Pass? North flows Dacite 27.5–27.4 ? -- -- rocks along the northeastern fl ank of the Colo- units exposed at lower levels within paleoval- rado Plateau (Fig. 1). These differences in geo- leys. In many places, welded tuffs are exposed : rhy—rhyolite; dac—dacite; san—sanidine; qtz—quartz; bio—biot qtz—quartz; san—sanidine; dac—dacite; rhy—rhyolite; : logic setting strongly infl uenced structural and as isolated scabs, unconformably against slopes morphologic evolution during volcanism. To the of paleovalleys, without stratigraphic continu- Note determined. determined. *Compiled from divers from *Compiled NE San Juan NE San San Luis San Luis Trend Wall Mountain 70–73 Xr rhyolite 1000± 36.9 Princeton Mount 15 × 30? caldera Aetna Mount 36.6–30 complex SJ Central cluster W San Juan Mesa Sapinero Sawatch 72–75 Bonanza Xp rhyolite >1000 74–63 28.27 dac-rhy-dac Zoned: Juan Uncompahgre–San 250? 20 × 45 33.2 Andesite-rhyolite Bonanza 28–27 10 × 15 Andesite 33–32 Caldera site SJ Central Tuff name Snowshoe Mountain 62–66 % SiO south and west in the San Juan region, ignimbrite ity between sequential deposits. Frequent mis- volcanism generated a well-stratifi ed plateau, correlations of ignimbrite units in previously interrupted locally by complexities associated mapped local areas of the northeastern San Juan with calderas. The original mid-Tertiary volcanic region have resulted from such complexities, terrain was much like the Altiplano of the cen- along with limited exposures due to forest cover,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 775 Lipman and McIntosh

TABLE 2. SUMMARY OF NEW 40Ar/39Ar AGE DETERMINATIONS, NORTHEAST SAN JUAN REGION Unit Mineral Analysis N Age (Ma) ± S /2s* Comments e flow Groundmass Plateau 1 21.81 ± 0.21 Overlies Carpenter Ridge Tuff CREEDE CALDERA Fisher Dacite Sanidine SCLF 2 26.77 ± 0.04 Post-resurgence, Fisher Mountain Fisher Dacite Sanidine SCLF 2 26.82 ± 0.05 Pre-resurgence, W flank Snowshoe Mountain Snowshoe Mountain Tuff Sanidine SCLF 4 26.87 ± 0.02 Both intracaldera and outflow locations SAN LUIS–COCHETOPA CALDERA CYCLE Dacite of Baldy Cinco Sanidine SCLF 4 25.89–26.16 Section at Baldy Cinco Rhyolite of Cochetopa Dome Sanidine SCLF 8 26.86 ± 0.03 Four lava flows and moat-tuff samples Intrusions of high-Si rhyolite Sanidine SCLF 3 27.10 ± 0.04 Intrusions north of Cochetopa caldera Nelson Mountain Tuff, Sanidine SCLF 2 26.91 ± 0.04 Small crystals intracaldera Nelson Mountain Tuff, Sanidine SCLF 8 26.90 ± 0.02 outflow Cebolla Creek Tuff Bio & hbl Plateau 4 27.10 ± 0.07 Biotite and hornblende ages slightly too old Rat Creek Tuff (dacite) Sanidine SCLF 8 26.91 ± 0.02 Dacite flow of McKenzie Biotite Plateau 1 27.08 ± 0.08 Probable precursor lava Mountain Wason Park Tuff Sanidine SCLF 5 27.38 ± 0.05 Andesite of Mount Lion Creek Groundmass Plateau 3 27.46–27.51 Overlies distal Carpenter Ridge Tuff Carpenter Ridge Tuff Sanidine SCLF 4 27.55 ± 0.05 Crystal Lake Tuff Sanidine SCLF 1 27.41 ± 0.11 Bove et al. (2001): 27.62 ± 0.07 Huerto Andesite (lava flows) Hbl and gm Plateau 5 27.64–28.32 Fish Canyon Tuff Sanidine SCLF 28.02 Standard age Masonic Park Tuff Biotite Plateau 1 28.89 ± 0.08 From Lanphere (1998) Sapinero Mesa Tuff Sanidine SCLF 4 28.27 ± 0.06 Bove et al. (2001): 28.38 ± 0.03 Ma Dillon Mesa Tuff Sanidine SCLF 3 28.42 ± 0.08 Bove et al. (2001): 28.58 ± 0.04 Ma Blue Mesa Tuff Sanidine SCLF 2 28.46 ± 0.04 Bove et al. (2001): 28.58 ± 0.07 Ma Ute Ridge Tuff Sanidine SCLF 1 29.12 ± 0.05 Bove et al. (2001): 28.81 ± 0.05 Ma BARRET CREEK RHYOLITE-DACITE DOME COMPLEX Rhyolite and dacite lava flows Sanidine SCLF 4 29.63–29.85 "Failed caldera" suite? LAVAS AND TUFF, EAST SIDE OF NORTH PASS CALDERA Basalt of Point Benny Groundmass concentrate Plateau 5 30.22 ± 0.10 Most mafic early lava in San Juan region Andesite of Lone Tree Gulch Groundmass concentrate Plateau 1 30.21 ± 0.17 Tuff of Big Dry Gulch Biotite Plateau 1 30.47 ± 0.08 No sanidine, excess Ar biotite spectrum Aphanitic andesite, Hill 9519' Groundmass concentrate Plateau 1 29.98 ± 0.31 Hbl andesite flow, Hill 9519' Hornblende Plateau 1 30.41 ± 0.79 Poor plateau NORTH PASS CALDERA CYCLE Luders Creek Tuff Sanidine SCLF 4 32.17 ± 0.04 Volcanics of Cochetopa Hills Dacite of East Pass Creek Biotite Plateau 3 32.07–32.31 Main area of caldera-fill flows Dacite of East Pass Creek (?) Bio & Hbl Plateau 1 32.82 ± 0.08 At south caldera wall(?) Rhyolite of Taylor Canyon Sanidine SCLF 1 32.15 ± 0.10 Rhyolite breccia, Taylor Sanidine SCLF 1 32.44 ± 0.08 Possibly landslide breccia from a precursor Canyon flow? Saguache Creek Tuff Sanidine SCLF 6 32.25 ± 0.05 Precursor? tuff, Spanish Sanidine SCLF 4 32.50 ± 0.03 Creek EARLY LAVAS, TUFFS, AND INTRUSIONS Rhyolite flow, Cebolla Creek Biotite Plateau 1 31.49 ± 0.14 Below Blue Creek Tuff Dacite, Sawtooth Mountain Biotite Plateau 1 32.00 ± 0.09 Summit lava flow Porphryitic dacite, Carneros Sanidine SCLF 1 32.72 ± 0.09 Highest flow (below Fish Canyon Tuff) Pass Bonanza Tuff Sanidine SCLF 1 33.17 ± 0.06 Mean age, 33.2 Ma (McIntosh and Chapin, 2004) Needle Creek Intrusions Hornblende Plateau 3 34.28–34.42 "Conejos" hbl-rich dike Hornblende Plateau 1 34.61 ± 0.16 Intrudes Cochetopa caldera-floor andesite Conejos crystal dacite Sanidine SCLF 2 34.04 ± 0.06 Beneath sequence of (sanidine-bearing) Wall Mountain Tuff Sanidine SCLF 1 36.85 ± 0.08 Mean age, 36.9 Ma (McIntosh and Chapin, 2004) Note: Individual samples and full analytical data, in Appendix 1. Ages for multiple samples are weighted means or ranges. Bold—regional ignimbrite sheets; N—number of sample sites; SCLF—single-crystal laser fusion; Plateau—incremental-heating analysis. *Se/2s, Standard error of the weighted mean for SCLF; 2 s.d. (95% confidence level) for plateau ages. Mineral abbreviations: Bio—biotite; gm—groundmass separate; Hbl—hornblende.

TABLE 3. NEW PALEOMAGNETIC DETERMINATIONS, NORTHEAST SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS Pmag no. Ar/Ar no.* Unit Location* Declination Inclination Alpha N Comment 95 NM3035 -- Landslide breccia, FCT clasts Mexican Joe Canyon Random-cold Monolithologic; no CRT clasts NM3036 03L-32 Landslide breccia, FCT clasts Los Pinos narrows Random-cold Sparse CRT clasts (03L-32) NM3037 99L-20A Saguache Creek Tuff Saguache Creek 170.1 −55.1 16.1 6 East of North Pass caldera NM3038 02L-26 Luders Creek Tuff Luders Creek 98.5 50.2 4.1 7 Rotated block: slumped NM3039 01L-11 Saguache Creek Tuff Salaya Creek 166.4 −55.2 6.3 8 West of North Pass caldera NM3040 03L-45 Sapinero Mesa Tuff? House Log Creek 116.1 −65.4 3.7 8 Similar to Sapinero Mesa Tuff NM3041 03L-46 Tuff of Big Dry Gulch Big Dry Gulch 175.8 −37.6 6.2 6 Crystal-poor dacite, lacks sanidine NM3043 02L-50 Wason Park Tuff Sheep Creek 174.7 −16.0 10.2 3 Most distal site for this unit NM3048 NM3048 Sapinero Mesa Tuff Gateview 124.9 −55.4 6.0 8 More proximal site *Latitude and longitudes of dated samples listed in Appendix 1. Location for NM3035: 38°07.05', 106°41.64'. FCT—Fish Canyon Tuff; CRT—Carpenter Ridge Tuff

776 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

38o N 15' N SP Fig, 7 Hinsdale Fm (basaltic andesite, 27.4 Ma)

Carpenter Ridge Tuff (27.55 Ma) NP Buffalo Creek

Huerto Andesite (27.8 Ma) Spanish Cr

X BC Fish Canyon Tuff (28.02 Ma)

CP Buffalo Pass Campground debris-flow 9519' deposit (lahar/megablocks) X X PB Sheep Creek X TM

Andesite flows (30.4-30.0 Ma), Tuff of Big Dry Gulch (30.5 Ma) Lud ers Creek Fault, Luders Creek Tuff (32.16 Ma) (bar and ball on downthrown side)

? Lake-bed tuffs ? ? ? Fo Caldera-fill rocks (cgl/lava; 32.2 Ma) urmile Creek

Saguache Creek Tuff (32.25 Ma) Caldera wall eek CALDERA CYCLE PASS NORTH Cr ML X unconformity, Saguache dotted where Local early tuffs (32.5 Ma) concealed

Bonanza Tuff (33.2 Ma) HM X Continental Divide Conejos Fm (rhy/and) LM X 38o o 106 37.5' 106o 30' W Pre-Tertiary rocks O 5 10 KM

Figure 4. Generalized geologic map of the North Pass caldera (unpublished mapping, 2001–2006). The caldera was fi lled to overfl ow by younger rocks, and subsequently tilted gently eastward toward a Rio-Grande rift-related fault zone along Sheep Creek. Geographic locali- ties: BC—Buffalo Pass Campground; CP—Cochetopa Pass; HM—Hat Mountain; LM—Lake Mountain; ML—Mount Lion; NP—North Pass; PB—Point Benny; SP—Spanish Pass; TM—Trickle Mountain; 9519′—Hill 9,519′ elevation. Insert, area of Figure 7.

incomplete knowledge of the regional eruptive son et al., 1989; Lipman and Calvert, 2003), the Juan erosional remnant, but is more appropri- sequence, and inadequate recognition of petro- largest Tertiary intrusion in the Rocky Moun- ately considered the youngest and southernmost graphic distinctions among tuff sheets. tains (Fig. 1 and Table 1). North of the Mount caldera along the Sawatch trend (Varga and Princeton batholith is the Grizzly Peak caldera, Smith, 1984; McIntosh and Chapin, 2004). The Early Northern Volcanism along the active at 34.3 Ma (McIntosh and Chapin, 2004). Bonanza center contains voluminous andesite Sawatch Trend Nested within the southern margin of the Prince- erupted before and after ignimbrite eruptions, as ton batholith is the slightly younger Mount well as postcaldera intrusions. Volcanism in northern parts of the Southern Aetna caldera (Fig. 1), source of the 34.0-Ma Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field began at least Badger Creek Tuff and associated intrusions San Juan Volcanic Region as early as 38 Ma, as recorded andesitic lavas (34.1–29.6 Ma; McIntosh and Chapin, 2004). and breccias in the Thirtynine Mile volcanic area Farther south are small exposures of a probable Farther south, the San Juan region contains the (McIntosh and Chapin, 2004). The fi rst regional caldera fragment along Marshall Creek, likely largest erosional remnant of the composite mid- ignimbrite was the far-traveled (>100 km from the source of the Thorn Ranch Tuff at 33.8 Ma Tertiary volcanic fi eld. The San Juans are notable source) Wall Mountain Tuff (Chapin and Lowell, (Gregory and McIntosh, 1996). The less eroded for the numerous large-volume, compositionally 1979) at 36.9 Ma, erupted from vents above the and better exposed Bonanza center, source of diverse, ignimbrite eruptions and associated cal- 25 × 35-km Mount Princeton batholith (John- the Bonanza Tuff at 33.2 Ma, lies within the San dera collapses (Steven and Lipman, 1976), at least

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 777 Lipman and McIntosh

18 having been active within the 2.5-m.y. inter- deras in the Saguache-Cochetopa region overlie al., 1971) that is about the same age as Rawley val 29.4–26.9 Ma. As mid-Tertiary volcanism thick lava sequences that erupted from large cen- Andesite at Bonanza. The Jacks Creek volcano migrated southward from the Sawatch Range tral volcanoes (Fig. 2). In comparison with the predates eruption of the Bonanza Tuff, which trend, widely scattered intermediate-composition early-intermediate assemblage farther south and laps out low on its fl anks, but no direct ages have centers (dominantly andesite, lesser dacite, and west in the San Juan Mountains, the northeast- yet been determined for this center. Andesitic to minor rhyolite) erupted lava fl ows and fl anking ern area contains higher proportions of proximal rhyolitic lavas that are capped by scattered ero- volcaniclastic breccias in the San Juan region lavas and breccias relative to more distal laharic sional remnants of Bonanza Tuff as far east as starting at 35–34 Ma (Lipman et al., 1970). conglomerates and other volcaniclastic rocks, the Continental Divide just north of North Pass After several million years of such precursory and dacite and rhyolite are more voluminous (Fig. 4) also must be roughly correlative to the volcanism, large ignimbrite eruptions of crystal- components of the dominantly andesitic lava Rawley Andesite. Just northwest of the Conti- rich dacite began in the northeast San Juans with assemblage. The early fl ows are broadly cor- nental Divide in Needle Creek, several phases eruption of the newly recognized Saguache Creek relative with the Conejos Formation elsewhere of a large intrusion (Fig. 2) that varies textur- Tuff from the North Pass caldera at 32.2 Ma, as in the San Juans (Lipman et al., 1970; Dungan et ally from granodiorite to andesite has yielded detailed in this report. Tuff eruptions gradually al., 1989), but interstratifi ed ignimbrite sheets, hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages of 34.3–34.4 Ma became widespread: in the southeast San Juans including several from caldera centers along the (Table 2). This intrusion likely marks the core of at ca. 29.4 Ma (Platoro caldera complex), fol- Sawatch trend, and datable sanidine phenocrysts another large volcano. A nearby dacite fl ow, low lowed shortly by eruptions mainly of crystal- in some silicic lavas help defi ne the eruptive his- in the lava assemblage, has sanidine 40Ar/39Ar poor rhyolite from western San Juan calderas tory of early lavas in more detail than has been ages of 34.0–34.1 Ma. (Steven and Lipman, 1976; Bove et al., 2001). possible thus far elsewhere in the region. These The core of yet another large central volcano Ignimbrite activity progressively focused in the lavas are locally exposed over a vertical range of that consists dominantly of andesite is marked central San Juan region, leading to eruption of more than 1000 m from along Saguache Creek to by an intrusion of fi ne-grained hornblende gra- the enormous Fish Canyon Tuff (5000 km3 of the Continental Divide (Fig. 4), although thick- nodiorite exposed on the northwest inner slope monotonously uniform, crystal-rich dacite) and nesses decrease northward toward the Gunnison of the Cochetopa Park caldera (Fig. 2). Lavas on collapse of the 35 × 75-km La Garita caldera valley. Total thickness and volume is far greater the northwest fl ank of the edifi ce form Sawtooth at 28.0 Ma (Lipman, 2000, 2006; Bachmann et for the early lavas than for interstratifi ed and Mountain, and the northeast fl ank is preserved al., 2002). In the central San Juans, seven major overlying ignimbrite sheets. At least six erup- as Razor Creek Dome (Fig. 3). The age of this eruptions of compositionally diverse ignimbrite, tive centers for these rocks lie within the area volcano is bracketed only by the underlying with volumes of 100–1000 km3, erupted during of Figure 2; they probably include the earliest Wall Mountain Tuff (36.9 Ma) and overlying a 1.1-m.y. interval from calderas nested within eruptions in the San Juan region, with activity Saguache Creek Tuff (33.2 Ma). A dike low the enormous La Garita caldera (Fig. 1). At becoming younger to the west and south. in the edifi ce has a hornblende 40Ar/39Ar age each caldera, initial post-ignimbrite volcanism A large composite stratocone or cluster of of 34.61 ± 0.16 Ma, and the capping fl ow on consisted of intermediate-composition to silicic volcanoes, within which the Bonanza caldera Sawtooth Mountain yielded a hornblende age of lavas and breccias (Table 1) that variably fi lled is centered, is overlain by the 33.2-Ma Bonanza 32.00 ± 0.09 Ma. the caldera depressions, some to overfl owing. Tuff on its fl anks and must be among the old- A highly altered intrusion of porphyritic The eruptive and subsidence history of the most est of these centers, although detailed mapping dacite along a structural ridge between two northerly of the central San Juan systems, the San and 40Ar/39Ar dating are lacking for much of the northeast-trending graben, exposed along the Luis complex from which three regional ignim- area. These lavas, locally designated the Rawley southwest margin of Cochetopa Park caldera, brite sheets were erupted in rapid succession at Andesite (Varga and Smith, 1984), include local is a probable center for thick andesitic lavas 26.9 Ma, is closely related to development of the dacite and rhyolite fl ows low in the section, rest- that underlie the 32.2-Ma Saguache Creek Tuff Cochetopa Park caldera (Figs. 1–2). In particu- ing directly on Precambrian basement. An upper along the Continental Divide where it separates lar, the fi nal large eruption, which produced the lava sequence of the Bonanza center, including Cochetopa Park from La Garita caldera to the Nelson Mountain Tuff, appears to have triggered caldera-fi lling fl ows, is also andesitic; its age is south (Fig. 2). Farther southwest, along the subsidence, both at the eruption site in the San bracketed as 33–32 Ma by the Bonanza Tuff and north margin of La Garita caldera, some dacite Luis complex, and also at Cochetopa Park as dis- overlying 32.2-Ma Saguache Creek Tuff. lavas are as young as 29.2 Ma (Lipman, 2006), cussed below. The primary Oligocene morphol- South of the Saguache valley, a thick lava pile but direct stratigraphic relations to Saguache ogy of the Cochetopa caldera (Fig. 3) has been marks the north fl anks of large central volcano, Creek or Bonanza Tuffs are absent. exceptionally preserved because of rapid infi lling separate from the Bonanza center. The Bonanza by weakly indurated moat sediments, which were Tuff wedges out within these southern lavas, SAGUACHE CREEK TUFF AND NORTH preferentially eroded during the past few million above a sequence of dark andesite fl ows, but PASS CALDERA CYCLE (32.2 Ma) years. In contrast, the North Pass caldera is con- below capping lavas of porphyritic dacite on cealed beneath erosion-resistant, caldera-fi lling Tracey Mountain (Fig. 2). A petrographically A recurrent problem in studies of San Juan lavas that form an inverted present-day topogra- unusual fl ow high in this assemblage, contain- volcanism has been establishing reliable regional phy along the present-day Continental Divide. ing sanidine phenocrysts as large as 2 cm across, correlations of multiple widespread but discon- yielded a 40Ar/39Ar age of 32.72 ± 0.09 Ma, con- tinuously exposed ignimbrite units of similar EARLY LAVAS AND INTRUSIONS: sistent with its inferred position beneath the petrologic characteristics. Among such puzzles SAGUACHE-COCHETOPA REGION Saguache Creek Tuff. has been the inferred extreme northeast extent of (35–32 Ma) Well-exposed radial dikes and outward- the Sapinero Mesa Tuff, a large- volume ignim- dipping andesitic lavas just east of the North brite erupted from the western San Juan caldera As elsewhere in the San Juan region, ignim- Pass caldera defi ne the core of another volcano cluster (Steven and Lipman, 1976, Fig. 10). brite sheets and other rocks associated with cal- centered in the Jacks Creek drainage (Bruns et Since the late 1960s, the Sapinero Mesa has been

778 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains inferred to include densely welded, crystal-poor few hundred thousand years older than the main places, the Saguache Creek is densely welded rhyolite tuff that crops out widely in the valley ignimbrite eruption from this caldera. Although nearly to its base, but the lower 5–10 m com- of Saguache Creek, as much as 90 km from the exposures are too small to depict on Figure 4, monly is nonwelded white to tan tuff. Where western San Juan caldera cluster (Bruns et al., these tuffs overlie the assemblage of early lavas, not eroded, 10–20 m of upper nonwelded vapor- 1971; Simon and Wendlandt, 1999). This dis- are younger than the Bonanza Tuff, and seem phase to glassy tuff is widely present, though tribution of the Sapinero Mesa is highly asym- plausibly interpreted as initial eruptions broadly typically largely covered by talus and slope metric to the source caldera, and the tuff in the associated with the North Pass cycle. Both were wash from overlying units. Saguache valley is atypically thick and densely initially considered potential candidates for dis- The Saguache Creek Tuff widely rests on the welded, in comparison to similarly distal por- tal deposits from Sawatch Range centers, but early (35–33 Ma) andesitic lavas, but as much tions of this unit elsewhere. their younger age precludes such correlations. as 10–20 m of water- and wind-reworked tuf- Such concerns, along with recognition of Nonwelded, light-gray, crystal-rich tuff (20%– faceous sediments are present locally between problems with published interpretations of the 25% phenocrysts, including abundant quartz) is andesite and overlying ignimbrite along the Cochetopa Park caldera (Lipman, 2000, p. 37), as much as 25 m thick on both sides of Saguache axial Saguache paleovalley. In the paleovalley, led to tentative inference that the rhyolitic tuff Creek, just east of Sheep Creek (Fig. 4), where it this ignimbrite is widely overlain conformably in Saguache Creek might be a separate ignim- is overlain by tuffaceous sediments and Saguache by Fish Canyon Tuff that is 4 m.y. younger, brite erupted from this more proximal caldera. Creek Tuff. Two sanidine ages from this tuff are with only thin intervening tuffaceous sedi- Initial study in the Cochetopa area demonstrated 32.49 ± 0.07 and 32.54 ± 0.05 Ma. A small ero- ments. Weakly welded biotitic rhyolitic tuff that (1) that the tuff in Saguache Creek was indeed sional remnant of densely welded, dark-gray to appears to be distal Sapinero Mesa Tuff and a different ignimbrite, distinguishable from the brown rhyolitic tuff crops out above Bonanza discontinuous 30-Ma andesite lavas are also Sapinero Mesa Tuff by hand-lens petrography Tuff, low along a ridge just north of Spanish present locally between the two regional ignim- (absence of biotite), more alkalic rock and min- Creek (Fig. 4). It has sanidine ages of 32.48 brites along Saguache Creek. To the northeast, eral compositions, and isotopic ages (Lipman ± 0.05 and 32.55 ± 0.05 Ma (Appendix 1), simi- the Saguache Creek laps out against Bonanza and Calvert, 2003), but (2) that at least the last lar to the nonwelded tuff farther southeast, and Tuff and overlying “upper andesite” on the major subsidence at Cochetopa Park was too may be a more welded correlative. fl ank of the Bonanza caldera center. In contrast young to be associated with eruption of this tuff to the conformable sequence in the Saguache (postdating emplacement of the Fish Canyon Saguache Creek Tuff (32.25 Ma) paleovalley, to the northwest the discontinuous Tuff, which overlies the welded tuff in Saguache erosional remnants of Saguache Creek Tuff typ- Creek). Detailed mapping in Cochetopa Park and As here defi ned, the Saguache Creek Tuff ically cap ridges and mesas, while Fish Canyon farther east has now documented that the previ- is a distinctively alkalic, crystal-poor, rhyolitic Tuff was deposited lower within re-excavated ously unrecognized North Pass caldera (Fig. 3) ignimbrite (72.3%–75.4% SiO2) that is widely paleovalleys. In places, paleolandside and talus was the source of the tuff in Saguache Creek. preserved in the Saguache basin, as well as in of Saguache Creek clasts are overlain by Fish As interpreted here, the North Pass cal- scattered erosional remnants farther north- Canyon Tuff along walls of such paleovalleys, dera is an equant basin, ~15 km across, which west (Fig. 2). Its newly mapped distribution is documenting times of valley erosion. straddles the present-day Continental Divide roughly symmetric around the North Pass cal- No in-place Saguache Creek Tuff or older in the Cochetopa Hills (Fig. 4). This caldera dera, allowing for more Oligocene erosion in rocks are exposed anywhere centrally within the cycle includes precursor ignimbrites of prob- the northwest sector and widespread cover by area mapped as the North Pass caldera; caldera- able small volume and limited areal extent, the younger rocks to the southwest. On published fi lling dacite and rhyolite lavas have yielded regional caldera-related Saguache Creek Tuff, a quadrangle maps, many of the scattered north- ages similar to or younger than the Saguache thick sequence of lava fl ows and volcaniclastic western outcrop areas, which are now reliably Creek (Table 2). Along the east margin of the rocks that fi lled the caldera, and the late-erupted identifi ed as Saguache Creek Tuff by composi- North Pass caldera, small remnants of outfl ow Luders Creek Tuff that may have erupted from tion and isotopic age, were previously miscorre- Saguache Creek Tuff are truncated abruptly within central parts of the caldera now covered lated with diverse regional ignimbrites from the and covered by the lava sequence that is inter- by younger ignimbrites from the central cal- central caldera cluster. preted to have fi lled the caldera (Fig. 5A). Along dera complex. Small preserved areas of younger Maximum exposed thickness of the tuff, the west margin, a high ridge of east-dipping andesite fl ows (ca. 30 Ma) may be late parts of 50–75 m, is along the axial Saguache paleoval- Saguache Creek Tuff is interpreted as intracal- the North Pass cycle, or just continued back- ley. Although widely eroded elsewhere, the areal dera tuff, wedging out against the topographic ground fl ux of intermediate-composition mag- extent and thickness of preserved densely welded wall and truncated by minor faulting, perhaps matism. An alternative proposed caldera source exposures yield an estimated 250 km3 magmatic of Rio Grande rift age, that downdrops younger for the Saguache Creek Tuff, 30 km farther volume for the outfl ow sheet. If thickly ponded caldera-fi ll rocks to the east (Fig. 4). This ellipti- northeast along the Continental Divide (Turner within its source caldera as typical of other large cal exposure is exceptionally thick, dips 15°–25° et al., 2003), is instead the site of a large andesitic San Juan ignimbrites, total volume of this tuff into the caldera, and is overlain by caldera-fi ll that predated the 33-Ma Bonanza (neglecting downwind ash) could be ~500 km3. units. In contrast, proximal outfl ow tuff sheets Tuff; no mapped geologic features support pres- Where thickness of the Saguache Creek Tuff are typical absent or thin on high-standing cal- ence of a major ignimbrite caldera in this area. exceeds a few tens of meters, the interior of the dera rims elsewhere in the San Juan region. sheet is densely welded, commonly with gray Major phenocrysts (3%–10% total) of the Precursor(?) Tuff (32.5 Ma) pumice lenses (to 10 cm) in a purple-brown Saguache Creek Tuff are sodic low-barium sani-

matrix. A central zone of spherical to lenticu- dine (Or50Ab46An3Cs0.5), and plagioclase; biotite Two small areas of distinctive rhyolitic ignim- lar gas cavities 5–10 cm in longest dimension is is absent or extremely sparse. Otherwise simi- brite, exposed within short distances east and common where densely welded, as is typical of lar-appearing, crystal-poor rhyolitic ignimbrites north of the North Pass caldera, have ages only a other crystal-poor ignimbrites in the region. In of the San Juan region, such as the Sapinero

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 779 Lipman and McIntosh EAST S T I N ow Saguache Creek Creek Saguache ow U lling lava dome (dacite (dacite dome lava lling

W O L F T U Precursor and reworked tuffs and reworked Precursor le of a thick caldera-fi thick a of le ow deposit, makes bold outcrops along Colo- along outcrops bold makes deposit, ow OUTFLOW UNITS OUTFLOW O Hbl dacite flow Hbl dacite lorado Highway 114). lorado Outfl Highway 114). s-fl profi lling dacite and andesite lavas (ca. 30 Ma) and overlying overlying and Ma) 30 (ca. lavas andesite and dacite lling Megablock Cr Tuff Cr s Saguache , (Luders Creek dacite) Creek (Luders l s l a a a r P

e Ar age (biotite) of 32.20 ± 0.09 Ma (Table 2, Appendix 1). 2, age (biotite) of 32.20 ± 0.09 Ma (Table Ar Debris-flow deposit Debris-flow w

39 h d t l t Ar/ s r a 40 a caldera c o East wall, East E NorthN Pass Andesite flows ("Conejos") flows Andesite Hbl dacite flow, flow, Hbl dacite Hill 9,519' S Large lava dome lava Large T I N (Dacite of East Pass Creek) Pass East of (Dacite U

A R E D L Andesite flow Andesite A C A R B T N INTRACALDERAI UNITS Fish Canyon Tuff Canyon Fish WEST A of East Pass Creek, volcanics of Cochetopa Hills); sample from base of southern (left) cliff yielded a volcanics of Cochetopa Hills); sample from of East Pass Creek, Figure Figure 5. Photographs: (A) East wall of North Pass caldera, as viewed obliquely (along from Co the south across Saguache Valley Tuff and underlying forming large clast (20 m within across) the Buffalo Pass (B) Tuff, debri Megablock of Luders shattered Creek Fish Tuff. Canyon Conejos scale. On skyline is near-original lavas for looking west. Note vehicle at on the highway, Buffalo Pass campground, rado Highway 114 and tuffs are abruptly truncated along caldera wall; then onlapped by ponded caldera-fi

780 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

Mesa and Carpenter Ridge Tuffs, contain bio- Crystal-poor rhyolite tuffs, NE tite phenocrysts, have more potassic sanidine 400 compositions (typically Or60–65), and have less alkalic major- and trace-element compositions (lower Na, Zr, and light rare-earth elements 300 [REE] such as La and Ce; higher Sr and Ba). Despite broad similarities to other crystal-poor rhyolite tuffs of the area, such compositional 200 Carpenter Ridge T details show that the Saguache Creek Tuff is (outflow) regionally unique (Fig. 6). The eruption age is Zr, ppm tightly constrained at 32.25 ± 0.05 Ma, from the 100 Sapinero Mesa T weighted mean of six new laser-fusion sanidine 40Ar/39Ar determinations from geographically Dillon Mesa T 0 diverse sites (Table 2). The Saguache Creek Tuff 0 100 200 300 400 has a reversed paleomagnetic direction, based Blue Mesa T on sites along Saguache Creek and west of the Sr T of Big Dry Gulch North Pass caldera (Table 3). 400 Luders Cr T (rhy) Formation of the North Pass Caldera 300 Saguache Cr T Eruption of the Saguache Creek Tuff from a nonresurgent caldera in the North Pass area, T of Spanish Cr which was then fi lled by younger lavas, is docu- 200 mented unambiguously by the distribution of Bonanza T (rhy) this ignimbrite, abrupt truncations of regional Zr, ppm units and local hydrothermal alteration along 100 caldera margins, and the ages and composi- tions of caldera-fi lling rocks. The regional dis- 0 tribution of the erosional remnants of Saguache 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Creek Tuff is broadly symmetric around fl anks Ba, ppm of the caldera, with distal erosional remnants preserved as much as 15 km east, 10 km south, Figure 6. Sr-Zr and Ba-Zr variation diagrams, documenting compositional distinctions among and 30 km northwest (Fig. 2). Absence of distal megascopically similar crystal-poor rhyolitic ignimbrites of San Juan region. Most tuff sheets exposures to the southwest is due to widespread plot along a broadly similar variation trend, becoming more Sr and Ba rich with increasing cover by young volcanic units of the central Zr, but the Saguache Creek Tuff is compositionally unique in having low Sr and Ba at high Zr caldera cluster. Small isolated paleohills of contents. The Saguache Creek is notably different from the Sapinero Mesa Tuff, in which it Precambrian granitic rocks exposed around the was previously included. For compositionally stratifi ed ignimbrites, such as Luders Creek and margins of the caldera-fi lling assemblage, but Bonanza, only rhyolite compositions are plotted. T—Tuff. nowhere within the depression, also help defi ne limits of the North Pass caldera. Caldera subsidence at North Pass postdates emplacement of the Saguache Creek Tuff, A similar truncation of regional units, includ- similar to the 32-Ma Saguache Creek Tuff. Oth- which is truncated along exposed sectors of the ing Saguache Creek Tuff, is associated with erwise lithologically similar precaldera lavas of eastern and western caldera margins, and pre- local hydrothermal alteration along the west the Conejos Formation and Rawley Andesite dates the Fish Canyon Tuff. The caldera-slope caldera margin, although relations are less clear are largely or entirely older (33–35 Ma) in areas unconformity that defi nes surface expression of on this fl ank because of fault complexities and adjacent to the North Pass caldera. In addition, the North Pass caldera, although unimpressive more limited exposures. On this side of the laharic volcaniclastic rocks within the caldera around much of its perimeter because precaldera caldera, in roadcuts along Colorado Highway area, which mainly have clasts of intermediate- Conejos (Rawley) andesite and dacite are litho- 114, highly disrupted Conejos rocks and small composition lavas, locally contain sparse frag- logically similar to the caldera-fi lling lavas and masses of welded Bonanza Tuff are intermixed ments of Saguache Creek Tuff, requiring that volcaniclastic rocks, is especially clearly dis- with nonwelded Saguache Creek Tuff on scales these deposits are also younger than otherwise played on the east side, just east of Sheep Creek, too complex to depict even on a detailed geo- similar clastic rocks of the Conejos Formation a tributary of Saguache Creek (Fig. 4). Here logic map (Fig. 7); the assemblage is interpreted and Rawley Andesite that underlie this ignim- bleached and otherwise hydrothermally altered as caldera-margin megabreccia. The caldera- brite adjacent to the caldera. Conejos lavas and overlying Saguache Creek fi ll assemblage is also notably less altered than The caldera-fi lling lavas are resistant to Tuff are abruptly truncated along a steep, west- adjacent Conejos lavas and volcaniclastic rocks erosion, holding up a segment of the present- ward-facing contact, against which are banked that defi ne the caldera margins. day Continental Divide; as a result, the cal- thick ponded fl ows of andesite, and overlain The caldera was fi lled by thick dacite lava dera remains largely buried. The thickness of by anomalously thick and densely welded Fish fl ow and local rhyolite domes (volcanics of exposed caldera fi ll exceeds 500 m, but erosion Canyon Tuff (Fig. 5A). Cochetopa Hills), which have isotopic ages has been insuffi cient to expose underlying rocks.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 781 Lipman and McIntosh

As a result, the total subsidence cannot be docu- better bedded conglomerate, that mainly con- ers Creek Tuff in this deposit exceeds that of mented from exposures, nor can the likely pres- tain clasts of dark andesite and dacite in weakly preserved in-place exposures. The origin of this ence of thick intracaldera Saguache Creek Tuff. indurated lighter gray sandy matrix. Outcrops large debris fl ow is unknown, but it is locally are rare; the unit typically forms loose cobbles interleaved with ca. 30-Ma andesitic lava fl ows Caldera-Filling Lavas (Volcanics of on subdued slopes. These rocks, likely record- and therefore ~2 m.y. younger than eruption of Cochetopa Hills, 32.2 Ma) ing rapid postcollapse erosion of Conejos (Raw- the Luders Creek Tuff. ley) lavas along the inner caldera slopes, closely Four sanidine 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Luders The volcanics of Cochetopa Hills are a diverse resemble volcaniclastic sediments of the older Creek (weighted mean: 32.17 ± 0.04 Ma) are assemblage of lava fl ows and volcaniclastic Conejos Formation. A key to identifi cation as only slightly younger than the Saguache Creek deposits that accumulated rapidly within the a younger volcaniclastic deposit is presence of Tuff (32.25 ± 0.02 Ma), providing a tight age North Pass caldera after subsidence during erup- rare clasts of Saguache Creek Tuff. bracket for the entire sequence of lavas and vol- tion of the Saguache Creek Tuff. The bulk of the Thin deposits of white to light-tan bed- caniclastic deposits within the North Pass cal- lavas at exposed levels are fl ows of porphyritic ded rhyolitic tuff deposited in shallow-lake or dera (Table 2). Limited preserved distribution of dacite; these overlie diverse volcaniclastic rocks low-energy stream environments are preserved the Luders Creek Tuff suggests probable erup- and scattered lava domes of crystal-poor rhyo- discontinuously along the west caldera mar- tion either from within the North Pass caldera lite with compositions similar to the Saguache gin, where they interfi nger with and overlie beneath subsequent cover by Fish Canyon and Creek Tuff (Fig. 8). older caldera-fi ll units. These deposits resem- Carpenter Ridge Tuffs or from within the adja- Massive fl ows of gray to tan crystal-rich dac- ble younger tuffaceous sedimentary fi ll of the cent Cochetopa Park area. Maximum preserved ite (dacite of East Pass Creek) are the dominant Cochetopa Park caldera to the west, but their thickness is 75 m. exposed fi ll in the caldera. The thickest and higher topographic level and location along mar- most widespread accumulations are north of gins of the North Pass caldera suggest that they Late Andesite Flows and Associated Rocks North Pass, where multiple fl ows are locally are late sedimentation in this caldera, probably (30.0–30.5 Ma) mappable, based on zones of basal vitrophyre in conjunction with eruption of rhyolitic lava and upper carapace breccia. Individual fl ows fl ows or the Luders Creek Tuff. Obscure gully Several small areas of andesitic lava and a are as thick as 200 m; total exposed thickness is exposures along the west side of the Continental thin, partly welded dacite tuff of similar age, greater than 500 m. These fl ows are petrographi- Divide demonstrate that at least some lake beds deposited at ca. 30 Ma along the east side of the cally fairly uniform, containing 20%–30% phe- underlie the Luders Creek Tuff. The preserved North Pass caldera (Fig. 8), may be late phases nocrysts of blocky plagioclase (to 1 cm), biotite, thickness is less than 30 m, consistent with rapid broadly associated with this caldera cycle, or and clinopyroxene ± hornblende; sanidine is fi lling of the North Pass caldera by the volcanics local phases of the regional fl ux of dominantly absent. Compositionally, this unit is typical dac- of Cochetopa Hills without any long-persistent intermediate-composition lava eruptions. ite of the region (SiO2, 61.4%–66.0%). Biotite lake- or other sediment-fi lled basin. Oldest are a porphyritic hornblende andesite 40 39 plateau Ar/ Ar ages for three samples from on Hill 9519′ (58.1% SiO2) and an overlying the main area of exposure are 32.07–32.31 Ma, Luders Creek Tuff (32.17 Ma) aphyric andesite fl ow that bank thickly against consistent with eruption soon after the Saguache the sloping east wall of the caldera at Sheep Creek Tuff at 32.25 ± 0.05 Ma (Table 2). A small A distinctive compositionally zoned ignim- Creek (Fig. 5A). The thick hornblende andes- outlier of similar dacite that is banked uncon- brite, which crops out on the Continental Divide ite and its inclined columnar-jointed contact formably against a slope along the inferred along the west side of the North Pass caldera against the caldera wall somewhat resemble an south margin of the North Pass caldera yielded (Fig. 4), appears to be a late eruptive unit of the intrusive body, but emplacement as a ponded slightly older ages of 32.82 ± 0.08 Ma (bio) and North Pass cycle, based on its age and location. lava fl ow is indicated by presence of elliptical 32.75 ± 0.15 Ma (hbl); interpretation of this fl ow As defi ned here, the Luders Creek Tuff grades vesicles, even within the most massive parts of as part of the caldera fi ll remains ambiguous. from weakly welded tan rhyolite (72%–73% the unit, and by continuity with subhorizontal

Scattered lava domes of phenocryst-poor, gray SiO2; 5%–10% plagioclase and sanidine phe- eastern parts of the fl ow that directly overlie to light-tan rhyolite (rhyolite of Taylor Canyon), nocrysts, and sparse biotite) upward into Saguache Creek Tuff where the lava over- exposed locally beneath the dacite of East Pass densely welded dark dacite (66%–68% SiO2; fl owed the caldera margin. These fl ows, which Creek, are also interpreted as fi ll of the North 20%–30% plagioclase, sanidine, biotite, and are overlain by the widespread laharic brec- Pass caldera. Flow layering, glassy carapace sparse clinopyroxene). cia derived from the Luders Creek Tuff, have breccia, and ramp structures near upper surfaces The Luders Creek Tuff is broadly similar in yielded 40Ar/39Ar ages of 30.41 ± 0.79 Ma are typical. Several analyzed fl ows, exposed appearance and phenocryst mineralogy to the (hornblende) and 29.98 ± 0.31 Ma (ground- along the west caldera wall and farther to the east much younger Nelson Mountain Tuff (26.9 Ma), mass concentrate), respectively (Table 2). The

(74%–76% SiO2; 1%–5% sanidine, plagioclase), with which this tuff had been correlated previ- ponding of these lavas, as well as the anoma- are similar to the Saguache Creek Tuff in lack- ously (Steven and Lipman, 1976, Fig. 24). The lously thick and densely welded character of ing biotite phenocrysts and containing elevated small remaining areas of in-place Luders Creek overlying Fish Canyon Tuff, demonstrate that levels of incompatible trace elements. One of Tuff overlie dacite and rhyolite fl ows (volcanics the east side of the North Pass caldera remained these yielded a sanidine age of 32.15 ± 0.10 Ma. of Cochetopa Hills); widespread laharic debris- incompletely fi lled at the time of their eruption, Exposed thickness is as much as 150 m. fl ow deposits of Buffalo Pass, derived from 2 m.y. after initial caldera collapse. At lowest exposed levels, laharic conglom- Luders Creek Tuff, overlie the Saguache Creek A thin, weakly welded ignimbrite of crystal- erate, sandstone, and water-reworked tuff are Tuff and underlie Fish Canyon Tuff across much poor dacite (tuff of Big Dry Gulch), of restricted interlayered with and underlie the lava fl ows of the Saguache paleovalley. Some shattered areal extent and small volume, is a distinctive within the North Pass caldera. Most widespread blocks in the debris-fl ow deposit are as much as local marker unit, above the Saguache Creek are crudely bedded laharic breccias, along with 25 m across (Fig. 5B), and the volume of Lud- Tuff and laharic debris-fl ow deposit with Lud-

782 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

106o 36' W 106o 34'

N TcaTca Tcd LC Luders Creek Tuff (32.16 Ma)

Tca LC Ls Caldera-fill sediments

Tca CHd Caldera-fill dacite (32.2 Ma)

Tca SC Saguache Creek Tuff (32.25 Ma) CHd Cycle Caldera North Pass Tci 38o 14' BT Bonanza Tuff (33.2 Ma)

Ls Tci Intrusions

BT CHd Tcr Rhyolite flow Pc Tcd Dacite flows CHd Tca SC Tca Andesitic flows and breccia BT Tct Nonwelded tuff Conejos Formation (35–33 Ma) Formation Conejos

Pc Precambrian rocks o QcQ 38 13' Tcr CHd N Tct Tct Tca Caldera-margin QtQ unconformity

0 1 2 KKmm

Figure 7. Geologic map of the northwest margin, North Pass caldera, showing complexly intermixed lithologies along Colorado Highway 114, near the junction of Lujan and Slane Creeks. These features are interpreted as intracaldera landslide megabreccia, in a matrix of nonwelded to weakly welded Saguache Creek Tuff that erupted from this caldera. The megabreccia and tuff matrix are overlain by thick caldera-fi lling lavas (dacite of East Pass Creek). Location shown on Figure 4.

WEST E WALL, NORTH PASS EAST Figure 8. Schematic east-west stratigraphic F.G. CALDERA Andesite of cross section, along Saguache valley. Ages Debris-fl Tuff of Andesite Fish Canyon Lone Tree breccia Saguache Cr Tuff Big Dry of units, in Ma (parentheses). BT—Bonanza (30.0) Tuff (28.0) Gulch (30.2) UA (32.25) Gulch (30.4) Tuff; F.G.—Fine-grain andesite; LCT—Lud- LCT ers Creek Tuff (32.17 Ma); SCT—Saguache Hbl andesite BT (33.2) Creek Tuff (intracaldera); Rhy fl —intracal- Dacite flows Tuff of dera fl ows (32.2 Ma); UA—Upper andesite (32.2) Spanish Cr Conejos/Rawley Formations of Bonanza center; VC—volcaniclastic con- (32.5) Rhy fl (35-33) glomerates (intracaldera). VC PreTertiary rocks (mainly Precambrian) SCT ??

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 783 Lipman and McIntosh ers Creek clasts, and below andesitic lavas NORTHERN RHYOLITE-DACITE DOME tuffs that bear on development of the North Pass along the upper Saguache valley (Fig. 8). This FIELD (29.8 Ma) and Cochetopa Park calderas. gray tuff sheet (67.1% SiO2) contains 3%–5% phenocrysts of plagioclase and abundant bio- Spatially unrelated to the North Pass cal- Sapinero Mesa Tuff tite; sanidine is absent, in contrast to otherwise dera system, but broadly concurrent with the similar-appearing distal portions of crystal-poor late-erupted andesitic lavas just described, is a The Sapinero Mesa Tuff, a crystal-poor rhyo- regional ignimbrites such as Sapinero Mesa or cluster of silicic domes and fl ows centered on lite erupted from the western San Juan caldera Carpenter Ridge Tuffs. Its 40Ar/39Ar plateau age upper Barret Creek, in the north-central part of cluster at 28.27 ± 0. 06 Ma (Table 2), is among of 30.47 ± 0.08 Ma (biotite) links it in time to the study area (Fig. 2). These rocks range from the largest ignimbrites in the San Juan region, the late andesite that may represent fi nal stages nearly aphyric rhyolite (1%–5% sanidine and with an estimated volume of 1000 km3 or more of the North Pass cycle. plagioclase, sparse biotite; 73%–76% SiO2) to (Lipman et al., 1973; Bove et al., 2001). With Several well-stratifi ed andesitic lava fl ows crystal-rich silicic dacite and low-Si rhyolite the unit now recognized as Saguache Creek Tuff

(59% SiO2) and associated volcaniclastic rocks (15%–35% plagioclase-sanidine-quartz-biotite; excluded from this ignimbrite, the preserved

(andesite of Lone Tree Gulch) intervene between 67%–74% SiO2). Individual fl ows are 50–150 m distribution of Sapinero Mesa Tuff is mainly the tuff of Big Dry Gulch and overlying Fish thick; preserved exposures of the composite confi ned to scattered erosional remnants in the Canyon Tuffs along the paleo-Saguache val- fl ow fi eld cover an area of ~150 km2. The range western half of the study area. In these distal ley, on the southeast fl ank of Trickle Mountain of laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar ages for sanidine phe- areas, the Sapinero Mesa Tuff is rarely more and adjacent areas. Individual fl ows are 5–10 m nocrysts from four separate lava fl ows is 29.63 than 20 m thick, only partly welded, light gray thick; maximum total thickness is ~50 m. ± 0.06–29.85 ± 0.09 Ma; biotite from a fi fth fl ow in color due to vapor-phase crystallization, and A groundmass-concentrate 40Ar/39Ar age of yielded a slightly older age of 30.08 ± 0.09 Ma phenocrysts are sparse, small, and more broken 30.21 ± 0.17 Ma links this andesite assemblage (Table 2; Appendix 1). These silicic fl ows than in more proximal sites. closely to the andesite fl ows ponded against lap onto the eroded core of an older Conejos Small areas of lithologically similar tuff are the east wall of the North Pass caldera, but the (Rawley) andesitic volcano, including a central also discontinuously present farther east along location of these fl ows well to the east suggests intrusion of fi ne-grained granodiorite (pooled the Saguache paleovalley, especially in the trib- that they represent continued regional fl ux of 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 34.36 ± 0.07 Ma on utary of Houselog Creek, where the tuff has a intermediate-composition volcanism unrelated hornblende from three sites) that, with dimen- similar sanidine 40Ar/39Ar age (28.20 ± 0.06 Ma) to any caldera cycle. sions of 5 × 10 km in area, is the largest early and reverse paleomagnetic pole position as the Chaotic breccia and some possibly intact lava intrusion in the San Juan region. Sapinero Mesa farther west (Tables 2–3). This fl ows of dark-gray, crystal-poor andesite (andes- The rhyolite-dacite dome fi eld at Barret apparently distal eastern area of thin Sapinero ite of Big Dry Gulch) form rugged massive Creek constitutes the only sizable area of Mesa Tuff probably was channeled down the outcrops in upper reaches of Big Dry Gulch, silicic volcanism, anywhere in the San Juan Saguache paleovalley, thus resulting in an over- a southern tributary of Saguache Creek. Much region, in the time interval between peak activ- all distribution much like that depicted previ- of this unit appears to have been emplaced by ity of the North Pass cycle at 32 Ma and incep- ously (e.g., Steven and Lipman, 1976, Fig. 10), chaotic landslides; some parts may be primary tion of ignimbrite eruptions from the Platoro even though the thick densely welded tuff sheet eruptive deposits, perhaps on a proximal fl ank caldera complex in southeastern mountains at formerly identifi ed as Sapinero Mesa in this of the source eruptive edifi ce. These masses of 29.4 Ma. The most dacitic lavas are compo- area is now recognized to be the older Saguache andesite breccia remained topographic highs at sitionally and petrographically similar to the Creek Tuff. time of eruption of the Fish Canyon Tuff. Age voluminous Fish Canyon Tuff, documenting and emplacement relations are unknown relative that generation of this regionally distinctive Fish Canyon Tuff to the andesite of Lone Tree Gulch; they may magma type began relatively early in the San represent proximal and more distal portions of Juan region, well north of the area that would The crystal-rich dacitic Fish Canyon Tuff, one eruptive sequence. become the La Garita caldera. Possibly repre- erupted from the 75 × 35-km La Garita caldera

A fl ow of silicic alkalic basalt (52.0% SiO2), senting an aborted or failed caldera system, the at 28.02 Ma, is the most voluminous ignimbrite erupted from a vent (“Point Benny”) centrally Barret Creek lavas provide a further bridge in anywhere in the Southern Rocky Mountains Vol- located within the North Pass caldera (Fig. 4), the transition between earlier ignimbrite activ- canic Field, with a volume greater than 5000 km3 also overlies the laharic breccia deposit contain- ity along the Sawatch trend and the younger (Lipman, 2000; Bachmann et al., 2002). Seven ing Luders Creek clasts. This fi nely olivine- centers in the San Juan region. additional large ignimbrite sheets erupted from phyric basalt contains widely distributed sparse caldera sources within the La Garita caldera dur- xenocrysts of quartz and feldspar, derived from YOUNGER ERUPTIONS FROM OTHER ing the next 1.1 m.y. (Table 1), forming the cen- disaggregated fragments of Precambrian granite. SAN JUAN CALDERAS (28.3–26.9 Ma) tral caldera cluster (Lipman, 2000, 2006). The This fl ow and vent are the only known Oligo- north margin of the La Garita caldera is within cene basalt in the San Juan region. The weighted The northeastern San Juan Mountains were the present study area (Fig. 2), and proximal Fish mean 40Ar/39Ar age of 30.22 ± 0.10 Ma for formerly blanketed by regional Oligocene Canyon Tuff originally blanketed most or all of groundmass-concentrate determinations on fi ve ignimbrites erupted from farther to the south the northeastern San Juan region, banking out samples, sampled to bracket diverse amounts of and west, and widespread remnants of this locally against paleotopographic highs such the Precambrian xenocrystic detritus, is consistent cover have survived erosion. Locally erupted early central volcanoes. Within the North Pass with stratigraphic position beneath Fish Canyon intermediate-composition lava fl ows and volca- caldera, the Fish Canyon is up to 300 m thick, Tuff, and also with eruption about concurrent niclastic rocks interfi nger with these ignimbrites densely welded, and widely preserved, indicat- with the late andesite ponded against the east within the study area. The following sections ing that the subsidence basin had been incom- wall of the North Pass caldera. summarize new age data and aspects of these pletely fi lled. Eruption of the Fish Canyon Tuff

784 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains also appears to be closely intertwined with early N development of the unusual caldera structure at Cochetopa Park, as discussed in a later section. CEBOLLA CREEK LA GARITA Carpenter Ridge and Wason Park Tuffs LA GARITA (Fish Canyon Tuff) The Carpenter Ridge Tuff, another >1000-km3 Concealed ignimbrite erupted at 27.55 ± 0.05 Ma from the ring fault Bachelor caldera centrally within the La Garita NELSON caldera (Fig. 1), also once covered much of the MOUNTAIN northeast San Juan region as a widespread thin sheet of densely welded crystal-poor rhyolite. This crystal-poor rhyolitic ignimbrite com- S.L. RAT Peak monly contains a near-basal black vitrophyre CREEK and a central lithophysal zone, even where only a few tens of meters thick. In addition to its stratigraphic position above the Fish Canyon Topographic Tuff, the Carpenter Ridge can be distinguished caldera in outcrop from the otherwise similar-appearing wall Saguache Creek Tuff by the presence of bio- tite phenocrysts. Proximal Sapinero Mesa Tuff NelsonNelson closely resembles the Carpenter Ridge, but the MtnMtn distal Sapinero Mesa within the present study area is only partly welded and lacks lithophysae. The Carpenter Ridge Tuff provides an important BBACHELORACHELOR stratigraphic marker, helping defi ne faults and ((CarpenterCarpenter RidgeRidge Tuff)Tuff) structures associated with eruption of the Fish Canyon Tuff from younger features formed dur- 0510 KM ing later subsidence at Cochetopa Park. The Wason Park Tuff, a crystal-rich rhyolite Figure 9. Generalized map of the San Luis caldera complex, show- erupted at 27.38 ± 0.05 Ma from the South River ing caldera topographic margins (unconformities between precal- caldera of the central San Juan cluster (Fig. 1), dera and caldera-fi ll rocks) and inferred structural boundaries mainly ponded within the La Garita caldera, (concealed ring faults). but locally escaped to the northeast following paleovalleys that breached the La Garita wall. The most northeastern preserved outcrops of the that overlie the Carpenter Ridge Tuff directly geologically rapidly between 26.91 ± 0.02 and Wason Park are at Sheep Creek (Fig. 4), against south of the North Pass caldera (Fig. 2) have 26.87 ± 0.02 Ma (Table 2, weighted means), the east margin of the North Pass caldera, dem- ages of 27.51–27.46 Ma, consistent with erup- a time span too brief to resolve reliably by onstrating that this side of the caldera remained a tion before the Wason Park Tuff at 27.38 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar dating. The eruptive history of the San topographic low 5 m.y. after initial subsidence. These fl ows, which have no stratigraphic coun- Luis complex (Lipman, 2000) is summarized terparts nearby in the central caldera cluster, are briefl y, because the last-erupted Nelson Moun- Younger Intermediate-Composition accordingly informally designated the andesite tain Tuff is interpreted as closely intertwined Lava Flows of Lion Mountain Creek (Appendix 1). Most with subsidence at Cochetopa Park. of these localities were previously interpreted Several mesa-capping erosional remnants as Miocene Hinsdale Formation (Tweto, 1979), Rat Creek Tuff of aphanitic to sparely porphyritic andesitic to but only one small mesa cap of Hinsdale lava The initial ignimbrite erupted from the San dacitic lava southeast of the North Pass caldera has been confi rmed, a fl ow on Houghland Hill Luis complex, the Rat Creek Tuff, is compo- (“younger lava fl ows,” Fig. 2) were erupted (Fig. 2) dated at 21.81 ± 0.21 Ma. sitionally zoned from weakly indurated, light- concurrently with ignimbrites from the central tan crystal-poor rhyolite upward into densely caldera cluster. Older fl ows that overlie the Fish Rocks of the San Luis Caldera Complex welded, crystal-rich dark dacite (73%–65%

Canyon Tuff in the vicinity of Mount Lion have SiO2). The Rat Creek Tuff is the smallest of yielded ages of 28.0–27.6 Ma (seven samples) Three compositionally diverse ignimbrites the San Luis ignimbrites in estimated volume on groundmass separates (Appendix 1); fl ows and associated lavas of the San Luis complex, (~150 km3), the most restricted in known extent, on one mesa west of Tracey Mountain are nested along the northwestern side of the La and its source is the least understood (Lipman, overlain by a thin remnant of Carpenter Ridge Garita caldera (Figs. 9 and 10), are the young- 2000, p. 32–33). Within the present study area, Tuff (27.55 Ma), stratigraphically consistent est major eruptions from the central San Juan preserved exposures of the Rat Creek Tuff are with the isotopic results. These fl ows are thus cluster, other than the Snowshoe Mountain Tuff limited to ponded fi ll within the northern La equivalent to the Huerto Andesite, a major unit from the Creede caldera farther south (Lip- Garita caldera and to weakly welded distal tuff within and adjacent to the La Garita caldera man, 2000, 2006). Our new age results show along the northeast-trending Los Pinos gra- to the southwest. Other mesa-capping fl ows that all four of these ignimbrites were erupted ben (Figs. 2–3). Exposed fi ll of the Rat Creek

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 785 Lipman and McIntosh

Cebolla Creek Tuff dacite Nelson Mountain Tuff, rhyolite (26.89 ± 0.04 Ma)

Rat Creek Tuff, dacite Cebolla Creek Tuff

Rat Creek Tuff, rhyolite (26.91 ± 0.03 Ma)

Figure 10. The three outfl ow ignimbrites erupted from the San Luis caldera complex, exceptionally exposed at Wheeler Geologic Monument. Arrows indicate contacts between units. Lowest sheet is weakly welded Rat Creek Tuff, separated from densely welded basal Cebolla Creek Tuff by 0.5 m of surge-bedded ash. The Cebolla Creek is distinctively hornblende rich; it becomes less welded upward. Surge beds and accretionary lapilli also are present in basal nonwelded crystal-poor (~5%) rhyolitic ash of the Nelson Mountain Tuff. The densely welded caprock of the Nelson Mountain is more crystal rich (~25%) and transitional to dacite that is more phenocryst rich than the basal rhyolite. Plotted ages are single-crystal sanidine laser-fusion analyses for rhyolite samples at Wheeler Monument (samples 06L-45 and 06L-47: Appendices 1–3; see footnote 1); the pooled weighted means for all samples from these two ignimbrites are indistinguishable (26.91 ± 0.02 for Rat Creek Tuff; 26.90 ± 0.03 for Nelson Mountain Tuff).

caldera consists of lavas and interleaved tuffs (Table 2). Such slightly older ages for these then by bulbous fl ows of crystal-poor rhyolite (Mineral Creek Dacite), and erosional levels mafi c minerals relative to sanidine are fairly lava (Mineral Mountain Rhyolite). are insuffi cient to expose probable intracal- common among dated volcanic rocks in the San dera Rat Creek Tuff (Fig. 9). Eight Rat Creek Juan region (see Appendix 1). Nelson Mountain Tuff samples from geographically widespread sites Like the underlying Rat Creek Tuff, exposures This unit includes a regional ignimbrite sheet have a weighted-mean laser-fusion sanidine age of outfl ow Cebolla Creek deposits are weakly and thick intracaldera fi ll; like the Rat Creek, of 26.91 ± 0.02 Ma; biotite from one of these welded and are limited to ponded fi ll within it grades upward in composition from weakly sites yielded an older step-heating age of 27.08 the northern La Garita caldera and along the welded, crystal-poor rhyolite to densely welded,

± 0.09 Ma. Los Pinos graben. These lower tuff sheets were dark crystal-rich dacite (73%–63% SiO2). The widely eroded prior to eruption of the overly- Nelson Mountain is the most densely welded Cebolla Creek Tuff ing Nelson Mountain Tuff, which rests directly and voluminous outfl ow deposit erupted from The Cebolla Creek is a distinctive, compo- on older units in many places within the gen- the San Luis complex (estimated >500 km3), sitionally uniform ignimbrite of gray to light- eral distribution area of the Cebolla Creek Tuff. and its eruption was followed by growth of large brown, weakly vapor-phase–devitrifi ed mafi c The source caldera for the Cebolla Creek Tuff, volcanoes on the eastern and western caldera dacite (62%–66% SiO2; 25%–40% phenocrysts although now largely concealed beneath the fl anks ( Volcanics and Baldy Cinco of plagioclase, biotite, hornblende, and sparse Nelson Mountain caldera source and fl anking Dacite), roughly concurrent with resurgent uplift clinopyroxene). In contrast to other dacitic tuffs postcollapse volcanoes, appears to be the largest of the caldera interior (Lipman, 2000). of the San Luis complex, the Cebolla Creek among the three of the San Luis complex, with Exposed intracaldera Nelson Mountain Tuff lacks sanidine, and hornblende is abundant. dimensions of 12 × 17 km at present erosional is more than 800 m thick on , and Hornblende and biotite plateau ages for this levels (Fig. 9). The Cebolla Creek caldera was erosional remnants of the outfl ow sheet are pre- unit (27.07–27.13 Ma) are ~0.2 m.y. older than fi lled, fi rst by thick densely welded intracaldera served widely around southwest and southeast sanidine ages for the underlying Rat Creek Tuff tuff of similar composition to the outfl ow sheet, sides of the San Luis complex, where this tuff

786 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains


2000-06 Study area 2000-06 Study area [Mis- [Mis- correlated] correlated]

old C andesite [Nelson Mtn edifice correlated][Mis- Tuff] SL


Figure 11. Distribution of Nelson Mountain Tuff. (A) Preserved distribution as currently understood (dark green), in relation to its eruptive source from the San Luis caldera complex (SL), and comparison to previous interpretation for this unit (light green: Steven and Lipman, 1976, Fig. 23). (B) Comparison to previous misinterpretation of “Cochetopa Creek Tuff” and its inferred source from Cochetopa caldera (Steven and Lipman, 1976, Fig. 24): southern areal extent attributed to this unit is Nelson Mountain Tuff; inferred northern extent involves miscorrelations with diverse older tuff sheets (see text for further discussion).

spread across northern parts of the La Garita this ignimbrite unit (Lipman, 2000, Fig. 11, sites the Wall Mountain, Saguache Creek, Fish caldera (Lipman, 2006). A northeastern outfl ow and discussion therein). The new single- crystal Canyon, and Carpenter Ridge Tuffs. The Nel- lobe of the Nelson Mountain was able to cross laser-fusion results document the presence son Mountain and earlier tuffs from the San the La Garita wall, following paleovalleys of the of sanidine xenocrysts and also grains with Luis complex may well have originally been Los Pinos and Cochetopa Creek grabens into degassed melt inclusions, yielding a scattering deposited over sizable areas to the north, but Cochetopa Park, and a weakly welded distal of ages substantially older or younger than the as the youngest and topographically highest facies of this unit reached the southeastern side average for closely grouped grains in individ- deposits, they have been entirely eroded. No of the Cochetopa Park caldera (Fig. 11). The ual samples (Fig. 12; Appendices 1–3). When “Cochetopa Creek Tuff” or Nelson Mountain northeastern lobe was once considered to be a statistically anomalous crystals are excluded, Tuff remains preserved anywhere north of the separate younger ignimbrite sheet (“Cochetopa sanidine from eight outfl ow samples yield a Cochetopa Park caldera (Fig. 11). Creek Tuff”) interpreted to have erupted from weighted mean age of 26.90 ± 0.02 Ma, and Despite the widespread outfl ow and thick the Cochetopa Park caldera (Steven and Bien- two samples of intracaldera Nelson Mountain intracaldera accumulation of the Nelson Moun- iewski, 1977; Olson and Steven, 1976a), but have a mean of 26.91 ± 0.04 Ma (Table 2). tain Tuff, constituting the largest of the three San more detailed mapping, paleomagnetic pole In contrast, four biotite ages have a weighted Luis ignimbrites in eruptive volume (Table 1), positions, and age determinations have docu- mean of 27.25 ± 0.06 Ma (Appendix 1), again the source caldera within the San Luis complex mented its correlation as outfl ow Nelson Moun- documenting slightly older apparent ages for is anomalously small relative to the estimated tain Tuff (Lipman, 2000, p. 37). this mineral, in comparison to sanidine. eruptive volume of tuff (500 km3). The basin New single-crystal sanidine age determina- Mapping for the present study has also defi ned by the unconformity between wall rocks tions for the Nelson Mountain Tuff, both out- shown that many areas of ridge-capping and caldera fi ll is 10 × 15 km, but the southern fl ow and intracaldera (Table 2), have resolved ignimbrite north of the Los Pinos graben and third of the basin is a truncated paleovalley, as some enigmatic problems concerning this unit. extending nearly to the Gunnison Valley, which documented by mapping and mine data (Lip- Previously determined 40Ar/39Ar incremental- were depicted as Nelson Mountain Tuff and/ man, 2000). The paleovalley is well outside heating plateau ages on multiple-grain sanidine or Cochetopa Creek Tuff on previously pub- of the structurally subsided block, which has concentrates, although analytically reproduc- lished quadrangle maps (Olson, 1976a, 1976b; estimated maximum dimensions of only ~8 ible, differed by as much as 1 m.y. between Olson and Steven, 1976a, 1976b; Olson, 1988), × 10 km and an area of ~65 km2 (Fig. 9). To samples from differing geographic localities instead consist entirely of diverse pre-Nelson accommodate the 500-km3 erupted volume of and for intracaldera versus outfl ow parts of Mountain regional units, including at various the Nelson Mountain Tuff would thus require

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 787 Lipman and McIntosh -14

on the order of 8 km average caldera subsid- e

4 *

ence, but the asymmetric trap-door subsidence A Ar 2 geometry at this caldera (Lipman, 2000) permits 39 0 only ~500 m of subsidence on the northern side 100 r* moles of the caldera and no more than 1.5–2 km at the 50 % A more deeply subsided southern side. In the pres- 0 100 ent study, we ascribe this inconsistency between 1 eruptive and subsidence volumes associated K/Ca with eruption of the Nelson Mountain Tuff to 0.01 complex interrelations with subsidence at the much larger Cochetopa Park caldera centered 30 km to the northeast. Sample 00L-6, Nelson Mountain Tuff, COCHETOPA PARK CALDERA: nonwelded dacite, southeast caldera moat RELATION TO NELSON MOUNTAIN TUFF (26.9 Ma)

Cochetopa Park (Figs. 3 and 13), just north probability Relative of the La Garita caldera (Fig. 2), is among the larger and most morphologically obvious cal- 26.93 ± 0.08, MSWD = 3.63 dera basins (~30 km in diameter) in the region, but its depth of subsidence appears to be less 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 than for other San Juan calderas. Subsidence Age (Ma) was only ~300 m along the southern margin, as constrained by downdropped Saguache Creek -14 e Tuff and underlying rocks on the caldera fl oor. 4 * Ar Ar Subsidence was as much as 700–800 m on the 2 39 0 northern side where precollapse lavas on the cal- 100 r* dera fl oor are structurally coherent, as shown by moles 50 the continuity of andesite dikes and lava fl ows. In % A contrast, geometric modeling of other large San 0 100 Juan calderas suggests structural subsidence of 1 K/Ca

3–5 km (Lipman, 1997), similar to caldera-fi ll 0.01 sections exposed in tilted calderas elsewhere in the western USA (Seager and McCurry, 1988; Lipman 1993; John, 1995; John et al., 2008). The earliest caldera-fi ll deposits at Cochetopa Sample 03L-34B, Park are thick massive aprons of coarse land- Nelson Mountain Tuff, slide breccia, banked against the inner caldera densely welded dacite, slopes (Fig. 14). This distribution is in contrast west-side Cochetopa Dome to slide breccias at other more deeply sub- sided calderas in the San Juan region, where the landslide deposits spread widely across probability Relative the subsided basin and interfi nger with thick intracaldera tuff. The location of slide brec- 26.93 ± 0.04, MSWD = 3.59 cias at Cochetopa Park, hanging on slopes of 26.0 26.2 26.4 26.6 26.8 27.0 27.2 27.4 27.6 27.8 28.0 the inner caldera wall, is thus in accord with Age (Ma) the relatively limited subsidence interpreted from offsets of the caldera fl oor. The landslide Figure 12. Examples of new age results. (A) Relative-probability diagrams for single- deposits refl ect lithologies on the adjacent cal- crystal–sanidine 40Ar/39Ar age determinations on two representative samples of Nelson dera rims: around the north side, breccia con- Mountain Tuff; both samples are dacite from within the Cochetopa caldera (note nonuni- sisting of andesitic clasts is dominant, along form age scales on the x axis). Sample 00L-6, from the most distal nonwelded area of this with areally restricted lenses of monolithologic unit (southeast moat of the caldera), contains abundant xenocrystic sanidine grains with breccia derived from Saguache Creek Tuff; variable ages. Some of these crystals have ages appropriate for the Fish Canyon and Car- around south and east sides are monolitho- penter Ridge Tuffs, both of which crop out on the caldera rims and are present as landslide logic slide breccias of shattered Fish Canyon breccia blocks directly beneath the Nelson Mountain sample site. Two analyzed xenocrystic Tuff (Fig. 14A), in places with sparse clasts grains are plagioclase, as indicated by their low K/Ca ratios. In contrast, sample 03L-34B, derived from Carpenter Ridge Tuff (Fig. 14B). from densely welded dacitic tuff in a quarry on the west side of Cochetopa Dome, lacks Confi dent identifi cation of the crystal-poor, obvious xenocrysts but yields a nearly identical age 26.93 ± 0.04 Ma. MSWD—Mean square biotite-bearing rhyolite clasts as derived from weighted deviate. (Continued on following page.)

788 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

B 29 28 27 26 25

Fisher Dacite (4) Yo u n g e r C Older (2) R Figure 12 (continued). (B) Summary of E Snowshoe Mtn Tuff, 40 39 (2) Ar/ Ar age determinations for tuff sheets E intracaldera (5) D and lavas of the central San Juan region, E Snowshoe Mountain Tuff, outflow (2) illustrating the narrow range in ages (2)

Post-caldera lavas obtained for multiple samples of individual Baldy Cinco Dacite (4) (4) eruptive units, in comparison to previously Cochetopa Dome Rhyolite (8) published results. Diagram modifi ed from Lipman (2000, Fig. 11). Units are listed in Stewart Peak Andesite (5) S stratigraphic order, but sequence of sam- A ples plotted for each unit is not signifi cant. N Nelson Mountain Tuff, L intracaldera (4) (2) Caldera-fi ll lavas listed in italic type. New U determinations by sanidine single-crystal I laser fusion are in red; bar indicates range S Nelson Mountain Tuff, outflow (7) C in age for multiple samples; number of O M (5) samples in brackets; samples calibrated to P Mineral Mountain Rhyolite (1) Fish Canyon Tuff at 28.02 Ma. Prior ages L (in black, mostly from Lanphere [1988, E Cebolla Creek Tuff (3) X (3) 2000], and M. Lanphere, 1999, personal Rat Creek Tuff (4) commun.) are recalibrated to Fish Canyon (4) Tuff at 28.02 Ma. Ages marked by asterisks South River Volcanics (1) are from Lipman et al. (1996) and Bove et Wason Park Tuff (1) al. (2001). Dashed horizontal lines connect (5) Blue Creek Tuff (1) phenocryst phases from single samples; (4) numbers of separately sampled localities Carpenter Ridge Tuff (3) analyzed for each unit are listed in paren- Incremental Laser Crystal Lake Tuff (2)* heating fusion theses. Dashed vertical line (blue), at 27 Ma, provides visual guide for rapid sequence of Fish Canyon Tuff (3) Biotite Sanidine eruptive events during San Luis and Creede Chiquito Peak caldera cycles, as documented by the new Tuff (2)* Hornblende This report (sanidine) (2) sanidine age determinations (red). Masonic Park Tuff (1) 29 28 27 26 25 Million Years, before present

the Carpenter Ridge, rather than lithologically eruption of this ignimbrite, before it reached fi ll in central parts of the caldera and/or a shal- similar Sapinero Mesa Tuff, is critical evidence distal areas of deposition. low subcaldera silicic pluton. in interpreting the time of major caldera sub- The caldera was further fi lled by a thick cen- The morphologic preservation of the Coche- sidence. Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar ages on two clasts tral pile of crystal-poor high-silica lava fl ows topa caldera is especially striking (Figs. 3 and from west and northeast caldera sectors are (Cochetopa Park Rhyolite), surrounded by thin 13). It is among the few calderas in the South- 27.59 ± 0.05 and 27.48 ± 0.05 Ma (Table 2), nonwelded pyroclastic fl ow deposits, airfall ash, ern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field for which confi rming identity as Carpenter Ridge Tuff. and tuffaceous sediments (Fig. 13). These lavas, the original topographic rims can still be recon- Some massive slide breccias of monolithologic the most petrologically evolved Oligocene rhyo- structed with confi dence. Survival of the con- Fish Canyon debris, characterized by closely lites in the San Juan region (Appendix 6), have structional geometry at Cochetopa caldera is packed clasts with little or no interstitial matrix 40Ar/39Ar ages (weighted mean of eight samples: due to a combination of: (1) late development, fi nes, were initially considered candidates for 26.86 ± 0.03) that are only slightly younger thereby less obscured by subsequent volca- a hot emplacement mechanism, but random than the Nelson Mountain Tuff (26.90 ± 0.02). nism; (2) relatively shallow subsidence and only paleomagnetic pole orientations of clasts for Although subsidence is relatively modest in modest volume of postcaldera volcanism, thus sites both on west and southeast sides of the outer parts of the caldera, based on the fl oor never fi lled by dense rocks that would resist caldera (Table 3) are inconsistent with this geometry, exposures are inadequate to excluded erosional excavation; (3) partial fi ll by weakly hypothesis. In places, distal Nelson Mountain deeper subsidence centrally within this little indurated tuffaceous sediments that have been Tuff directly overlies the landslide deposits, eroded caldera. Cochetopa Park is also the site exhumed geologically recently; and (4) pres- documenting subsidence at Cochetopa Park of a large Bouguer gravity low (25–30 mgal; ence of erosion-resistant rocks (Precambrian) and rapid slump failures of the oversteepened Plouff and Pakiser, 1972; Drenth and Keller, at the present-day (and probable Tertiary) drain- inner walls to generate the slide breccias during 2004), suggesting presence of thick low-density age outlet (Cochetopa Canyon) that has limited

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 789 Lipman and McIntosh

Cochetopa Dome, 11,132 ft Sawtooth Mtn Razor Creek Dome (intracaldera rhyolite flows) (northwest caldera rim), 11,520 ft Green Mountain, 10,930 ft partly in clouds (north caldera rim) (northeast caldera rim) Cochetopa Canyon Cochetopa

NE-trending tongue, Nelson Mountain Tuff Caldera-filling tuffs and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks

Figure 13. Panoramic view of Cochetopa Dome (sequence of rhyolitic lava fl ows within caldera) and north caldera walls as viewed from south. Snow-covered northwest caldera rim, at left of image, is Sawtooth Mountain (12,009 ft); northeast caldera rim is marked by Razor Creek Dome and Green Mountain on right side. Light-colored eroding outcrops in foreground are weakly indurated tuff and volcaniclastic sedimentary fi ll of the caldera basin.


Brecciated Fish Canyon Tuff

CR clasts

Figure 14. Photographs, landslide breccia of Fish Canyon Tuff at west margin of Cochetopa Park caldera. (A) Typical expo- sure of monolithologic angular to rounded clasts, framework supported, with little or no interstitial matrix. Paleomagnetic measurements at this site (NM3036, Table 3) show that the clasts were emplaced at low temperature. (B) Rare clasts of phenocryst-poor rhyolitic Carpenter Ridge Tuff (CR), intermixed with dominant Fish Canyon fragments (same site as 14A), document that landsliding was unrelated to eruption of the Fish Canyon.

790 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains downcutting and dissection of the caldera basin. the west margin of Cochetopa caldera, prior to of this tuff. Intracaldera Nelson Mountain Tuff The contrasting lack of morphologic expression emplacement of the Carpenter Ridge Tuff; (3) is >800 m thick, densely welded, and propyliti- at the North Pass caldera refl ects the absence of exceptionally thick densely welded Fish Canyon cally altered within the San Luis caldera system all the factors just listed. Tuff (<300 m) that is locally preserved where (Lipman, 2000), while preserved exposures of The time of collapse at Cochetopa Park deposited against steep slopes along southwest the Nelson Mountain become nonwelded and caldera and identity of an associated regional and north margins of Cochetopa caldera, and in wedge out within eastern parts of Cochetopa ignimbrite has been a long-standing problem places characterized by unusual rheomorphic caldera. Neither Nelson Mountain nor the earlier (Steven and Lipman, 1976, p. 22–25; Lipman, textures; and (4) post-Fish Canyon andesite Fish Canyon accumulated to a multi-kilometer 2000, p. 37). Cochetopa caldera was previ- fl ows northeast of Cochetopa Park, which pre- thickness at Cochetopa Park, nor acquired the ously interpreted as associated with eruption of date the Carpenter Ridge Tuff and are analogous welding and alteration features typical of intra- the “Cochetopa Creek Tuff” (Steven and Bien- in stratigraphic position to the caldera-related caldera deposits within other San Juan calde- iewki, 1977), but all rocks south of Cochetopa Huerto Andesite to the south, suggesting that ras. Relatively shallow caldera collapse is also caldera formerly interpreted as “Cochetopa the Fish Canyon magmatic system extended indicated by the widespread accumulation of Creek Tuff” are now known to be Nelson into the northeast San Juan region. As such, the landslide and talus breccias high along the inner Mountain Tuff (Lipman, 2000). The timing of Cochetopa Park area may have been the site of a caldera walls, rather than having moved farther last major subsidence is now fi rmly established northerly fourth segment of caldera subsidence downslope and spreading across the caldera as postdating eruption of the Fish Canyon and during eruption of the Fish Canyon Tuff, directly fl oor as observed at more deeply subsided San Carpenter Ridge Tuffs, based on clasts in the on line with the composite La Garita structure, Juan calderas (Lipman, 1997, 2000). slide breccias deposited along the caldera wall, which then would have a north-south extent of During the Nelson Mountain eruption, magma and all younger large-volume ignimbrite sheets ~100 km. No deep subsidence in the Cochetopa is interpreted to have moved from the Cochetopa were demonstrably erupted from vents to the Park area seems likely at that time, however, to San Luis areas along a SW-trending dike south, within the central San Juan caldera clus- as indicated by the apparent absence of thick system, expressed at the surface by the large ter. As a result of these reinterpretations, no ponded Carpenter Ridge Tuff that would have Cochetopa graben (Fig. 15). Cochetopa Park cal- “Cochetopa Creek Tuff” or other obvious late been expected to accumulate within the result- dera must have begun to subside before or early ignimbrite sheet remains that could have had ing basin. during eruption of the compositionally zoned an eruptive source from the Cochetopa caldera, Much of the record of structural development Nelson Mountain Tuff (crystal-poor rhyolite to even though this large morphologic and struc- at Cochetopa during the Fish Canyon erup- crystal-rich dacite), as evidenced by deposition tural basin clearly formed by subsidence. tions is concealed by the sizable later subsid- of welded Nelson rhyolite within western parts As reinterpreted here, the Cochetopa Park ence event that formed most presently exposed of the caldera, after landslides had already been area has been a site of recurrent structural events features of the caldera basin. As interpreted generated from oversteepened caldera walls. associated with several large eruptions, perhaps here, this beautifully preserved structure owes Such passive (noneruptive) subsidence at a site including the Luders Creek Tuff at 32.2 Ma, fol- its modern appearance largely to passive col- distant from associated ignimbrite vent is uncom- lowed by graben formation and possible modest lapse during discharge of the 26.9-Ma Nelson mon. Previously, such a confi guration appears to subsidence during Fish Canyon eruptions of the Mountain Tuff (~500 km3), from the “underfi t” have been thoroughly documented only for the La Garita cycle at 28.0 Ma. Indicators for events depression within the San Luis caldera complex much smaller 1912 eruption (~13 km3 magma associated with eruption of the Fish Canyon 30 km to the southwest. Evidence is strong that volume) from Novarupta crater in the Aleutians, Tuff include: (1) formation of the NE-trending the Nelson Mountain Tuff erupted from the San where main caldera collapse was 10 km distant Los Pinos and parallel Cochetopa Creek gra- Luis complex (Lipman, 2000), but completely at Katmai volcano (Hildreth and Fierstein, 2000). bens (Figs. 2–3) during or after eruption of the lacking for any venting from the Cochetopa Another geometrically somewhat similar analog Fish Canyon Tuff, but prior to eruption of the area. The preserved distribution of outfl ow Nel- involving linked subsidences may be the paired Carpenter Ridge Tuff at 27.55 Ma (Lipman, son Mountain Tuff is symmetrical around the ignimbrites that erupted concurrently from the 2000); (2) development of fault-scarp breccias San Luis complex, while Cochetopa Park is at Rotorua and Ohakuri calderas in the Taupo zone in Fish Canyon Tuff where downdropped along the northeastern distal limit of the distribution of New Zealand (Gravley et al., 2007).

San Luis SW caldera NE Continental Cochetopa Creek graben Divide Cochetopa Park Figure 15. Interpretive model, Saguache Cr relation between Cochetopa and Nelson Mountain subsidences, illustrating inferred southwest fl ow of magma from Cochetopa Park to erupt as Nelson Moun- tain Tuff from vents within the San Luis complex.

Eruption of Nelson Mtn Tuff 0 10 20 KM

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 791 Lipman and McIntosh

OVERVIEW: CALDERA STRUCTURE and supports interpretations from isotopic data Creek (>150 km3), Cebolla Creek (>250 km3), AND ERUPTIVE HISTORY (Riciputi et al., 1995) that these northern centers and Nelson Mountain Tuffs Creek (>500 km3) are magmatically distinct from other parts of the erupted from spatially overlapping sources in the The interpretations developed here for the central caldera complex. San Luis caldera complex, between 26.91 ± 0.02 North Pass, Cochetopa Park, and San Luis caldera Overall, these new fi eld and geochronologic (weighted mean of eight Rat Creek samples; 195 systems provide new insights for complexities of results illustrate how obscure some volcanic sanidine fusions) and 26.90 ± 0.03 Ma (ten Nel- caldera structure in relation to eruptive history, geology can remain, even after many years of son Mountain samples; 129 sanidine fusions). durations, and recurrence intervals for multiple work. Prior to this study, the tuff in Saguache These three large-volume ignimbrites, along ignimbrite cycles, overall development of the Creek was a large regional ignimbrite with- with diverse interlayered lava sequences, thus composite Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic out a plausible eruptive source, and the mor- appear to have erupted and associated calderas Field, and broad comparisons with continental- phologically obvious Cochetopa Park caldera subsided within an interval of 50–100 k.y. or less. margin Cordilleran volcanism elsewhere. had no apparent associated ignimbrite. Yet the A sequence of four early-postcollapse rhyolitic interpretations developed here involve no link lavas and associated tuffs at Cochetopa Park Caldera Structure between these two prior regional “orphans”— erupted within ~50 k.y., at 26.86 ± 0.03 Ma (eight ignimbrite and caldera. More broadly, important samples), while an andesitic stratocone grew The three caldera systems that are the focus problems of volcanic stratigraphy and eruptive within the San Luis caldera complex. Soon after of this paper are strikingly different despite their history remain undeciphered elsewhere in the the ignimbrites from San Luis sources, Snow- spatial, age, and compositional affi nities. North San Juan region, which will only be resolved shoe Mountain Tuff (>500 km3) erupted from Pass is a relatively simple, nonresurgent ignim- by detailed mapping and laboratory studies. As the Creede caldera, 20 km to the south, at 26.87 brite caldera, almost completely fi lled by later a resulting caution, detailed petrologic inter- ± 0.02 Ma (5 samples), and caldera-fi lling lavas products of the same cycle (Fig. 2, cross sec- pretations may go seriously astray, if eruptive accumulated within 100 k.y. Within these limited tion). North Pass is notable in part for its history units are miscorrelated and analyzed samples time intervals, eruptive compositions fl uctuated of having been overlooked during previous stud- inadequately characterized. widely. Rat Creek and Nelson Mountain Tuffs ies of San Juan ignimbrite volcanism, despite its are compositionally zoned from crystal-poor location along the Continental Divide, transected Durations, Compositions, and Recurrence low-Si rhyolite to clinopyroxene-bearing dacite, by a paved state highway (Colorado Highway Intervals for Ignimbrite Caldera Cycles while the intervening Cebolla Creek Tuff is uni- 114). In addition, North Pass is important as form mafi c hornblende-rich dacite. Lavas ponded the source of the distinctively alkalic Saguache The 40Ar/39Ar age determinations reported within calderas of the San Luis complex vary Creek Tuff, compositionally distinct from other here have resolved serious inconsistencies in from andesite to low-Si rhyolite, while Cochetopa crystal-poor rhyolite ignimbrites of the San Juan prior geochronologic results for ignimbrite vol- Dome lavas are nearly aphyric high-Si rhyolite. region. This caldera also provides a transition canism in the San Juan region, as well as pro- Comparably brief recurrence intervals seem- in space and time between earlier ignimbrite viding greatly improved constraints on remark- ingly have been documented elsewhere only for sources along the Sawatch trend to the north and ably brief durations for some individual caldera less voluminous ignimbrite sequences. Smaller younger calderas farther south and west in the cycles (Fig. 12B). volume younger examples include four ignim- San Juan Mountains. The single-crystal sanidine 40Ar-39Ar dates brites with a cumulative volume of 300 km3 from In contrast, Cochetopa Park is perhaps the show that all phases of the North Pass cycle, Aso caldera in southern Japan, erupted at 270, morphologically best preserved and among the including the Saguache Creek Tuff, postcaldera 140, 120, and 90 ka (Nakada et al., 2003). Four largest caldera basins in the region, yet no sizable lavas, and the late Luders Creek Tuff, erupted overlapping caldera collapses at Santorini in the ignimbrite vented directly from this depression, between 32.25 ± 0.05 and 32.17 ± 0.04 Ma, an Aegean were each associated with silicic tuff with and it appears to have subsided less deeply than interval too brief to resolve, but probably less volumes of several tens of kilometers, at 203, other calderas of the region. Recognition that than 100 k.y. In contrast, during the subsequent ~100, 21, and 3.6 ka (Druitt, 1999). In contrast, Cochetopa Park caldera subsided in response 4 m.y., volcanism was relatively quiescent within larger “super-eruption” systems in the western to eruption of the Nelson Mountain Tuff from the North Pass area, limited to small andesite USA, such as Yellowstone, had repose periods a vent area 30 km to the southwest, as magma lavas at ca. 30 Ma, and erosion was subdued. In of 0.5–1 m.y., even when erupted compositions moved laterally along a fault-controlled dike many places the 28-Ma Fish Canyon Tuff rests were uniform rhyolite. The more rapid sequen- system (Fig. 15), provides an example of cal- directly on Saguache Creek Tuff, with only a tial eruptions of large-volume compositionally dera-geometry and ignimbrite-plumbing com- few meters of intervening fl uvial deposits. diverse tuffs and lavas in the San Juan region doc- plexity on a scale previously undocumented. In addition, the new age results provide tight ument that repose periods between “super erup- Linking events at Cochetopa Park to the San constraints on late eruptions from calderas in tions” can be shorter than previously recognized Luis complex further clarifi es the complex erup- the central San Juan cluster: four multi-hundred, and that compositions of voluminous subcaldera tive history of this polycyclic caldera system. cubic-kilometer ignimbrites and associated lavas magma systems can evolve remarkably rapidly. The combined subsidence at Cochetopa Park and fl ows of diverse compositions erupted from the San Luis calderas during eruption of the Nelson San Luis and Creede caldera areas at 26.9 Ma. Magma Compositions Mountain Tuff accounts for the previously puz- The tight recurrence interval was not evident zling “underfi t” subsidence in the San Luis area from previous incremental-heating 40Ar/39Ar pla- Overall, the San Juan region is a high-K during this eruption. Postcollapse emplacement teau ages, which were stratigraphically inconsis- province of broadly calc-alkaline character of the Cochetopa Rhyolite, the most highly frac- tent on time scales beyond analytical precision (Appendix 6), similar to Tertiary volcanic rocks tionated Oligocene rocks known in the San Juan (Fig. 12B; also Lipman, 2000, Fig. 11, and dis- in adjacent segments of the eastern Cordillera region, further expands the broad compositional cussion therein). The new single-crystal sanidine of North America and interior portions of con- diversity associated with the San Luis system, results show that three of these tuff sheets, Rat tinental-margin arcs elsewhere (Lipman et al.,

792 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

1978; Dungan et al., 1989; Riciputi et al., 1995; of both northeastern and central magma com- nism farther west in the Basin-Range province Chapin et al., 2004; de Silva and Gosnold, 2007). positions during early magma evolution at this (Stewart and Carlson, 1976; Lipman, 1992). Major-element compositions of successive rapidly erupting polycyclic caldera complex. The Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field ignimbrites and associated caldera-related lava was one locus of discontinuous middle Tertiary fl ows in the San Juan region are relatively con- COMPARISONS WITH CORDILLERAN magmatism, continuing southward through the stant at any specifi ed fractionation level (proxied IGNIMBRITE VOLCANISM Mogollon-Datil region, west-central New Mex- by SiO2 content), but trace elements vary more ELSEWHERE ico (Chapin and others., 2004), into Trans-Pecos, widely among eruption cycles in northern areas Texas (Henry and Price, 1984), and the vast Sierra (Fig. 6). In comparison to most ignimbrites and The calderas of the northeastern San Juan Madre Occidental of northern Mexico (McDow- lavas from the central caldera cluster (Lipman, Mountains provide a critical link between ear- ell and Clabaugh, 1979). Both the Southern 2004), volcanic rocks of the northeast San Juan lier ignimbrite eruptions from sources along the Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field and Basin- region (Bonanza and North Pass cycles) are Sawatch Range to the north and younger loci of Range volcanic centers (Stewart and Carlson, modestly more alkalic (higher total alkalis and silicic volcanism farther south and west within 1976) defi ne concurrent southward progressions incompatible elements such as Ba, Zr, and light the San Juan region and into northern New of eruptive centers during mid-Tertiary time, REE; lower in Sr). The more alkalic character Mexico (Fig. 16). Together these large ignimbrite requiring a common large-scale tectonic control, of these northeastern San Juan caldera systems calderas defi ne a magmatic progression of large- most likely evolving plate-boundary conditions is shared by regional lavas unrelated to any scale explosive volcanism southward through the along the west margin of the American plate local caldera cycle, such as the fl ows of Huerto Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field from (Lipman, 1992). Throughout the western USA, Andesite; these are also relatively alkalic, dis- 38 to 26 Ma, on a scale comparable in size to the mid-Tertiary magmatic fl are-up appears tinct from lavas at the same stratigraphic level other Cenozoic volcanic segments in the Tertiary triggered by a time-transgressive regional tran- in southern parts of the La Garita caldera (Parat Cordilleran magmatic belt of the Americas. sition from low-angle plate convergence to an et al., 2005). At the San Luis complex, rocks of Although located along the eastern margin of increasingly extensional stress regime, with peak the Rat Creek cycle contain higher Ba and Zr the broad U.S. Cordillera, the Southern Rocky volcanism largely preceding the bulk of exten- than the subsequent Cebolla Creek and Nelson Mountains Volcanic Field is similar in composi- sion (Lipman et al., 1970; Coney and Reynolds, Mountain cycles, seemingly recording presence tion and eruptive history to mid-Tertiary volca- 1977; Chapin et al., 2004),

SE and W SJ Latir Lake City VOLCANIC Sawatch Range Trend Transition Loci Central SJ LOCI

FC 5000 km3

4000 km3/m.y. 2000 km3/m.y. SP AT 16,000 NM WM SM CR 1000 1000 km3/m.y. 3 250 km3/m.y. 12,000 LJ CP 3

NM GP SC WP AT 8000 500 SMT


BC B 4000 Cumulative volume, km volume, Cumulative

Volume (individual tuff sheets), km (individual tuff sheets), Volume SR (NC)

0 0 38 34 30 26 22 Age, in m.y. Figure 16. Age-distance-volume plot, southward progression of Tertiary ignimbrite-caldera volcanism, Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field (SRMVF). Abbreviations: AT—Amalia Tuff; B—Bonanza Tuff; BC—Badger Creek Tuff; CP—Chiquito Peak Tuff; CR—Carpenter Ridge Tuff; FC—Fish Canyon Tuff; GP—Grizzly Peak Tuff; LJ—La Jara Canyon Tuff; NC—Needle Creek fl ow fi eld; NM—Nelson Mountain Tuff; SC—Saguache Creek Tuff; SJ—San Juan; SM—Sapinero Mesa Tuff; SMT—Snowshoe Mountain Tuff; SP— Tuff; SR—Tuff of Stirrup Ranch; WM—Wall Mountain Tuff; WP—Wason Park Tuff.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 793 Lipman and McIntosh

Additionally, in eruptive processes, volcanic TABLE 4. SUMMARY FEATURES OF SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAIN VOLCANIC FIELD compositions, areal extent, duration of activity, (SRMVF) IN COMPARISON WITH ALTIPLANO-PUNA VOLCANIC COMPLEX (APVC)* SRMVF APVC and magmatic production rates and volumes, the 2 2 Original area, volcanic rocks ~100,000 km ~70,000 km Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field repre- Ignimbrites (>100 km3) 30 eruptions 15 eruptions sents present-day erosional remnants of a com- Duration, ignimbrite eruptions 37.6–26.9 Ma 10.2–ca. 1 Ma Magmatic volume (DRE), ignimbrites ~15,000 km3 ~12,000 km3 posite silicic volcanic fi eld, originally compara- Maximum volume (DRE), individual ignimbrite >5000 km3 2200 km3 ble to younger ignimbrite terranes of the central Peak ignimbrite extrusion rate 8000 km3/m.y. 12,000 km3/m.y. Andes (Table 4), such as the well-documented Maximum dimension, source caldera 75 km 60 km Ignimbrite compositions Da cite-rhyolite Mainly dacite Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (de Silva, Precaldera volcanism Ma inly andesite Andesite 1989; Lindsay et al., 2001; Schmitt et al., 2003; Ratio, precaldera and ignimbrite volcanism ~2:1, by volume Unknown in detail; <<1:1 Zandt et al., 2003; de Silva et al., 2006; de Silva Pite-rhyoliteostcaldera volcanism Andes Mainly dacite Subvolcanic intrusions Main ly granodiorite (None exposed) and Gosnold, 2007). Both areas involved erup- Geophysical expression tion of numerous dacite to rhyolite ignimbrites Negative gravity anomaly -60 mgal, shallow -60 mgal, no depth estimate with volumes of >100 km3 (~30 in the Southern Seismic attenuation (melt) (Nonpreserved) Partial melt, mid-crust *Data from Lipman (2007) and de Silva and Gosnold (2007) and references therein. Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field, at least 15 in DRE—dense rock equivalent. Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex). In both ter- ranes, volumes of individual ignimbrite sheets are as much as several thousand cubic kilome- the Basin-Range, because much of the Southern REFERENCES CITED ters, and some are compositionally zoned. Some Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field, especially the Bachmann, O., Dungan, M.A., and Lipman, P.W., 2002, The calderas in both regions were polycyclic, with San Juan region, overlies little deformed strata Fish Canyon magma body, San Juan volcanic fi eld, the largest caldera sources 50 km or more across. of the Colorado Plateau. In addition, the rugged Colorado: Rejuvenation and eruption of an upper crustal Area covered in both regions is on the order of topographic and erosional relief of the most ele- batholithic magma chamber: Journal of Petrology, v. 43, p. 1469–1503, doi: 10.1093/petrology/43.8.1469. 2 70,000–100,000 km , during eruptive activity vated region in the USA, coupled with structural Bethke, P.M., and Hay, R.L., eds., 2000, Ancient Lake Creede: of ~10 m.y. duration (37–26 Ma in the Southern exposure of diverse upper crustal levels along Its volcano-tectonic setting, history of sedimentation, and relation to mineralization in the Creede mining district: Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field and 10–1 Ma Rio Grande rift faults, provide outcrop exposures Geological Society of America Special Paper 346, 332 p. in the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex). ranging from morphologically virtually intact Bove, D.J., Hon, K., Budding, K.E., Slack, J.F., Snee, L.W., Cumulative magmatic volume of ignimbrites is volcanic edifi ces in parts of the San Juan region and Yeoman, R.A., 2001, Geochronology and geology of late Oligocene through Miocene volcanism and mineral- ~15,000 km3 for the Southern Rocky Mountains to deep within upper crustal plutons along the ization in the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Volcanic Field, ~12,000 km 3 for the Altiplano- fault-bounded Sawatch and Latir range fronts. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1642, 30 p. Bruns, D.L., Epis, R.C., Weimer, R.G., and Steven, T.A., Puna Volcanic Complex, and estimated peak The areal extent, eruptive volume, and compo- 1971, Stratigraphic relations between Bonanza center magma-production rates are as high as 8000 km3/ sitional diversity of preserved volcanic deposits and adjacent parts of the San Juan volcanic fi eld, south- central Colorado: New Mexico Geological Society m.y. for both regions. Calderas in both areas formed with a limited time span in the South- Guidebook, v. 22, p. 183–190. are associated with precaldera and postcaldera ern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field, including Chapin, C.E., and Lowell, G.R., 1979, Primary and second- andesitic to dacitic lava eruptions, although the at least 30 ignimbrite calderas characterized by ary fl ow structures in ash-fl ow tuffs of the Gribbles Run paleovalley, central Colorado: Geological Society of pre-ignimbrite volcanism in the Altiplano-Puna varied geometries and eruption histories, provide America Special Paper 180, p. 137–153. Volcanic Complex is less well known because of exceptional opportunities to compare and con- Chapin, C.E., Wilks, M., and McIntosh, W.C., 2004, Space- time patterns of Late Cretaceous to present magmatism smaller amounts of postvolcanic erosion in this trast diverse volcanic processes associated with in New Mexico—Comparison with Andean volca- younger region. The calderas and other magmatic upper crustal Cordilleran magmatism. The new nism and potential for future volcanism: New Mexico centers of both areas lie within regional grav- results reported here for the northeastern San Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Bulletin, v. 160, p. 13–40. ity lows that suggest the subvolcanic growth of Juans illustrate how much remains to be learned Coney, P.J., and Reynolds, S.J., 1977, Cordilleran Benioff zones: upper crustal composite batholiths is associated from this much-studied volcanic region. Nature, v. 270, p. 403–405, doi: 10.1038/270403a0. Cross, W., and Larsen, E.S., Jr., 1935, A brief review of the with the silicic volcanism. Both the Altiplano- geology of the San Juan region of southwestern Colo- Puna Volcanic Complex and the Southern Rocky ACKNOWLEDGMENTS rado: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 843, 138 p. 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Lisa Peters and Richard Esser assisted tirelessly Examples from Olorgesailie, Southern Kenya Rift: Qua- In comparison with the Altiplano-Puna Vol- in operation of New Mexico Geochronology Research ternary International, v. 13–14, p. 47–53, doi: 10.1016/ canic Complex and similar areas elsewhere in Laboratory. Katherine Mason-Barton provided sample 1040-6182(92)90009-Q. the American Cordillera, the Southern Rocky preparation and high-precision analysis of 2006 sam- Diehl, J.F., Beck, M.E., and Lipman, P.W., 1974, Palaeomag- ples of Nelson Mountain Tuff and related units. We netism and magnetic-polarity zonation in some Oligo- Mountains have certain advantages for studies of cene volcanic rocks of the San Juan Mountains, south- especially thank John and Patti Judson and Pip and continental-arc volcanism. Structural complex- western Colorado: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Aaron Conrad for hospitality during fi eldwork. Help- Astronomical Society, v. 37, p. 323–332. ity is substantially less than that associated with ful manuscript reviews were provided by A. Calvert, Drenth, B.J., and Keller, G.R., 2004, New gravity and mag- severe late Cenozoic extension farther west in E. Christiansen, E. Swanson, and R. Thompson. netic maps of the San Juan volcanic fi eld, southwestern

794 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 Eruptive and noneruptive calderas, northeastern San Juan Mountains

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Geological Society of America Bulletin, July/August 2008 795

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