Ecology, 85(12), 2004, pp. 3289±3301 ᭧ 2004 by the Ecological Society of America


DAVID A. MOELLER1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Corson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 USA

Abstract. Outcrossing in plants is in¯uenced by the availability of pollinators and compatible mates, both of which may be modi®ed by the population and community context in which ±pollinator interactions occur. Although indirect interactions among plants through shared pollinators are often expected to be competitive, pollinator sharing may be bene®cial when plant species jointly attract or maintain populations of pollinators. In this study, I tested the hypothesis that pollinator-sharing congeners facilitate reproduction in a focal taxon, ssp. xantiana, and that positive interactions are most pro- nounced in small and sparse populations. Population surveys revealed that C. x. xantiana frequently coexists with pollinator-sharing congeners except at the periphery of its range. Populations varied extensively in size and density, with small populations more likely associated with pollinator-sharing congeners; conversely, populations occurring alone were more likely large. Flowering schedules in Clarkia communities ranged from segregated to aggregated. Although there was not strong evidence of character displacement, modes in ¯owering time were often staggered among Clarkia species resulting in a protracted ¯ow- ering season within plant communities. Studies of bee pollinator availability in 17 popu- lations and pollen limitation to reproduction in 39 replicate populations revealed that pop- ulations occurring with multiple congeners had high pollinator availability and low pollen limitation of reproduction compared to populations occurring alone. Population size was inversely related to pollen limitation but did not affect pollinator availability, suggesting that Allee effects were caused by mate limitation. Intraspeci®c interactions were also pos- itive at a ®ne spatial scale where pollen deposition increased with the density of closely neighboring conspeci®cs across 11 populations. Overall, inter- and intraspeci®c interactions through shared pollinators were generally facilitative, suggesting that population viability and the coexistence of ecologically similar Clarkia species may be promoted by positive reproductive interactions. Key words: Allee effects; density dependence; facilitation; indirect effects; ; plant± pollinator interactions; pollen limitation; pollination; population size; positive interactions; solitary bees.

INTRODUCTION Most examples of positive interactions between Understanding the mechanisms of coexistence of plants involve direct interactions where one species ameliorates the physical or resource environment of ecologically similar species has been a challenging another species (e.g., Bertness and Callaway 1994, Cal- problem for ecologists (Hutchinson 1961). The under- laway et al. 2002). Indirect positive interactions are lying assumption for most models of coexistence is that well known from trophic cascades (Wootton 1994), but competition for limiting resources is the dominant force remain poorly understood for species within trophic regulating diversity (Tilman and Pacala 1993, Palmer levels. In plants, indirect positive interactions may oc- 1994). A growing number of studies on plant com- cur through a chain of competitive interactions (Miller munities, however, provide evidence that plant±plant 1994), through associational defense of co-occurring interactions may vary from competitive to facilitative plants against natural enemies (Tahvanainen and Root (Callaway 1995). While competitive interactions con- 1972, Hamback et al. 2000), and through pollinator strain the realized niche to some subset of the funda- sharing. Animal-mediated interactions among plants mental niche, facilitative interactions can serve to ex- differ from direct interactions in that animals are likely pand the realized niche, thereby allowing species to to extend the spatial scale over which plants interact. maintain population growth in areas where they could The role of shared pollinators in structuring plant not exist alone (Higashi 1993, Bruno et al. 2003). communities has been the focus of much study (re- viewed in Palmer et al. 2003). In particular, competition for pollinator service (exploitation competition) and 1 Present address: Department of Plant Biology, University competition through interspeci®c pollen transfer (in- of Minnesota, 1445 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota terference competition) have been suggested as im- 55108 USA. E-mail: [email protected] portant organizing forces shaping plant communities 3289 3290 DAVID A. MOELLER Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 12

(Robertson 1895, Rathcke 1983, Waser 1983, Campbell small size may bene®t from the presence of co-¯ow- 1985). Competitive interactions may in¯uence patterns ering species due to greater pollinator availability. In- of community structure either through the ecological tegrating community and population perspectives on process of species sorting, where competitive exclusion reproductive ecology is increasingly important as it is eliminates inferior competitors from communities, or now well known that plant population viability can be through the evolution of character displacement, where threatened by Allee effects, where mating success is directional selection drives the divergence of traits me- limited due to small population size or low density (Sih diating plant±pollinator interactions. It follows that co- and Baltus 1987, Aizen and Feinsinger 1994, Groom existence may occur when plants partition pollinator 1998, Hackney and McGraw 2001); however, the im- services through segregated ¯owering times, pollen portance of pollinator-mediated facilitative interactions presentation schedules, or pollen placement on polli- in mitigating Allee effects has not been investigated. nators (e.g., Armbruster et al. 1994). In this study, I examined the nature of intra- and In spite of an emphasis on competitive interactions interspeci®c interactions between plants in the via pollinators, studies have not consistently detected Clarkia that share pollinators and overlap in ¯owering an effect of pollinator sharing on community structure time. I focused on the reproductive ecology of a focal (e.g., Feinsinger 1987, Murray et al. 1987, Armbruster taxon, Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana, an annual plant and McGuire 1991). It is clear that in many plant com- endemic to southern California, USA. I assessed the munities ¯owering times overlap considerably, where potential importance of interactions between C. x. xan- multiple species share pollinators or abiotic pollen vec- tiana and pollinator-sharing congeners in space and tors (Smith-RamõÂrez et al. 1998, Gross et al. 2000). At time by examining spatial patterns of coexistence and the timescale of the ¯owering season, there is evidence temporal patterns of co-¯owering across most of C. x. for aggregated ¯owering schedules within taxonomic xantiana's geographic range. I used hand-pollination groups, which has been interpreted to be the result of experiments with C. x. xantiana to examine whether phylogenetic constraints (Kochmer and Handel 1986, reproduction was pollen-limited and the potential caus- Johnson 1992, Wright and Calderon 1995). A relatively es of pollen limitation. The investigation was hierar- unexplored hypothesis to explain the coexistence of chical in assessing the effects of the plant community plant species is that pollinator availability and repro- (coexisting congeners) and population attributes (pop- ductive success for a given plant species may be en- ulation size and mean population density) on the degree hanced by associated species that share pollinators. of pollen limitation, and at a ®ner scale, in examining Several authors have outlined the potential for positive the in¯uence of local conspeci®c density (within 1 m2) interactions (Macior 1971, Brown and Kodric-Brown on pollen deposition to focal plants. The study was 1979, Waser and Real 1979, Thomson 1981, Rathcke particularly aimed at testing the hypothesis that co- 1983), but evidence remains limited to systems where existing Clarkia species facilitate reproduction in C. x. plant species providing no pollinator rewards bene®t xantiana and that facilitative effects are most important from close proximity to rewarding species (Laverty for small or sparse populations. 1992, Johnson et al. 2003). Reproductive interactions have generally been ex- Study system amined in the context of how pollinator sharing in¯u- The genus Clarkia (Onagraceae) is ideal for studying ences patterns of pollinator foraging within plant com- community-level reproductive interactions because munities and in turn, its effects on visitation rates and many species occur in sympatry, ¯ower toward the end interspeci®c pollen transfer. Although competitive in- of spring after most other plant genera have ¯owered, teractions through pollinator sharing have been well and share bee pollinators (Lewis and Lewis 1955, characterized using this framework, facilitative inter- MacSwain et al. 1973). Bee pollinators include at least actions may often manifest at larger spatial scales be- 10 solitary bee species that specialize on Clarkia pollen cause (1) highly mobile pollinators forage over broad for nest provisioning and rarely visit other co-¯owering areas and can select among patches of plants (Beekman plant genera (MacSwain et al. 1973). Clarkia pollen and Ratnieks 2000) or (2) plant communities affect the specialists' scopae are composed of sparse, weakly population dynamics and persistence of less mobile branched hairs, which assist in collecting Clarkia's pollinators (e.g., solitary bees, thrips), which are often large, clustered pollen grains (MacSwain et al. 1973). distributed patchily over the landscape (Steffan-Dew- Although it is clear that Clarkia species share polli- enter and Tscharntke 1999). Likewise, attributes of nators, hybridization is very rare due to strong post- plant populations may have similar impacts on the spa- zygotic isolating mechanisms (Lewis and Lewis 1955). tial distribution of pollinators and modify the impor- In Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana A. Gray, outcross- tance (or nature) of interactions between co-¯owering ing is promoted through protandry and herkogamy; plant species. For example, Rathcke (1983) proposed there are no known facultative (delayed) self-pollina- that when plant density is high, conspeci®cs and het- tion mechanisms (Eckhart and Geber 1999). Popula- erospeci®cs may compete for a limited supply of pol- tions are discrete and occur primarily on exposed hill- linators; whereas, plant populations of low density or sides. C. x. xantiana is sympatric with three other December 2004 FACILITATION AND POLLINATOR SHARING 3291

FIG. 1. Geographic range of C. x. xantiana covered in this study (gray shaded area). For the population survey, the range was divided into ®ve regions (delineated by dashed lines) along a southwest to northeast environmental gradient. The right panel shows the frequency of coexistence between C. x. xantiana and congeners for 85 populations across the ®ve regions. Bars show the proportion of populations in each region that coexist with no Clarkia species, one species, and 2±3 species. The number of populations per region is indicated above each bar. Populations included in studies of pollinator availability and pollen limitation are shown on the map and coded according to community type. Three-species communities for which null-model tests of ¯owering phenology were conducted are labeled by site number as in Fig. 2.

Clarkia taxa, all of which are outcrossing and provide woodland (regions 3 and 4), and a transition zone in- pollen and nectar rewards for bee visitors: C. cylindrica cluding gray pine and chaparral (region 5). The fre- ssp. clavicarpa W. Davis, C. speciosa ssp. polyantha quencies of C. x. xantiana populations occurring with and M. Lewis, and C. unguiculata Lind- no congeners, one congener, or two or more congeners ley. These species coexist over small spatial scales, were compared among regions using the Fisher-Free- overlap in bee pollinator communities (MacSwain et man-Halton exact test (StatXact; Cytel Software 2003) al. 1973), and specialist bees are the most abundant because many cells had low expected values. Second, and reliable pollinators (Moeller, in press). I partitioned the contingency table to isolate the main regional differences in association frequencies by com- METHODS paring the center of the range (regions 1 and 2) to the Population survey of coexistence frequency periphery of the range (regions 3±5). The frequency of coexistence of C. x. xantiana with Flowering phenology outcrossing congeners was documented for all known C. x. xantiana populations in the southern Sierra Ne- I documented ¯owering phenology of C. x. xantiana vada, California, USA (Fig. 1). I recorded the presence and coexisting congeners during the spring and summer or absence of the three outcrossing congeners for 85 of 1999 at 20 sites in three geographic regions (1, 2, C. x. xantiana populations. To assess geographic var- 4; Fig. 1). Populations occurred either with zero (n ϭ iation in the frequency of Clarkia species associations, 5), one (n ϭ 10), or two (n ϭ 5) species of congeners. the area covered in the survey was divided into ®ve In each site, the area occupied by all Clarkia species regions, which partition the major SW to NE gradient was measured and divided into 4 to 6 sections de- in precipitation and correspond with transitions in dom- pending upon site area. A 10 ϫ 1 m plot was randomly inant vegetation. From SW to NE, C. x. xantiana occurs placed in each section and the number of open ¯owers in the grasslands of the lower foothills (region 1), blue of each species was counted every ®ve to six days. I oak (Quercus douglasii) woodland of the mid to upper examined patterns of ¯owering phenology by (1) com- foothills (region 2), xeric gray pine (Pinus sabiniana) paring ¯owering distributions among C. x. xantiana 3292 DAVID A. MOELLER Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 12 populations with contrasting community backgrounds overlap for detecting aggregation in communities. For and (2) using null-model tests to ask whether whole- both overlap measures, I calculated two-tailed P val- community patterns deviate from random expectations. ues; the null hypothesis was rejected when the observed Flowering phenology of C. x. xantiana.ÐI described overlap was greater or less than 97.5% of simulated the ¯owering phenology of each population using the overlap values (␣ϭ0.05). ®rst four moments of the distribution of ¯owering times (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis). Flowering Community- and population-level effects distributions were compared between populations oc- on pollinator availability curring with and without congeners using a two-way I examined the effects of coexisting congeners, pop- ANOVA with community type and geographic region ulation size, and mean population density on pollinator as independent variables and the moments of the ¯ow- availability in one year (1999) and pollen limitation of ering distributions as dependent variables. This anal- reproductive success in three years (1999±2001). I se- ysis tests whether interactions with congeners have lected populations that varied in the number of con- generated character displacement in C. x. xantiana's geners coexisting with C. x. xantiana (0, 1, or 2), pop- ¯owering phenology. Because C. x. xantiana is the last ulation size, and mean population density; population Clarkia species to ¯ower in this region, character dis- sampling occurred such that these variables were not placement due to competition is expected to shift mean confounded with one another and such that the entire ¯owering time later or alter the shape of the ¯owering spectrum of variation for each factor was represented. distribution to minimize overlap. In 1999, population attributes were measured for 20 Null-model tests of community phenology.ÐThe sec- populations; in each year, pollen limitation experiments ond analysis tests whether community-level ¯owering were conducted in a subset of these sites. Mean pop- patterns are signi®cantly segregated or aggregated rel- ulation density was calculated as the mean density of ative to expectations generated using random com- C. x. xantiana across all 10 ϫ 1 m plots (see Methods: munity assembly rules. I constructed null models fol- Flowering phenology). I measured the area occupied lowing the general approach of Ashton et al. (1988) by each population in order to calculate an estimate of because it eliminates biases previously identi®ed for population size (density ϫ area). Quantitative estimates null models of ¯owering phenology (reviewed in Go- were converted to categorical variables according to telli and Graves 1996). Null-model tests were con- natural breaks in the distributions; categories encom- ducted for each of the three-species communities. pass modes in the distribution of population size and A complete description of random community as- density. Population size was divided into small (550± sembly rules for null models is presented in Appendix 2200 individuals), medium (3100±7500), and large A. For each species, I used data from periodic censuses populations (12 000±33 000). The distribution of den- to interpolate daily ¯ower production. The distribution sities was bimodal and was divided into two groups: of daily ¯ower production for a given species was then low (0.6±2.9 plants/m2) or high (3.3±6.5 plants/m2) re-scaled so that relative abundance did not in¯uence density. the degree of species overlap (i.e., area under each I examined pollinator availability to C. x. xantiana ¯owering curve is identical). In each iteration of the individuals in 17 populations throughout their ¯ow- simulation, species within a community were randomly ering periods. Populations were censused every ®ve to assembled such that the realized length of the simulated six days to record the number of bees foraging in per- ¯owering season was constrained to equal the observed manent plots; all visitors observed in this study were length; this restriction eliminates a bias toward reject- bees. During each day of observation, populations were ing the null hypothesis in favor of segregation (Ashton censused early (08:00±11:30 hours) and late in the day et al. 1988). The community assembly rules were also (12:00±15:00 hours); bee visitors to Clarkia are un- unbiased with respect to the identity of terminal species common before or after this period. The order in which and the position of the middle species in the ¯owering sites were observed in a given day was rotated across season. Overlap in ¯owering between pairs of species the ¯owering period. During observations at a site, one was calculated as the area of overlap between ¯owering person walked along each of the 10 ϫ 1 m plots and distributions and ranges from 0 (no overlap) to 1 (com- recorded the number of bees foraging on C. x. xantiana plete overlap). Pairwise overlap was used to calculate (the same amount of time was spent censusing each two community-level measures of overlap, total and plot); this procedure was repeated three times during maximum overlap, which re¯ect the combined behav- each site census. Pollinator availability was expressed ior of all species and allow for the most appropriate as the number of bees observed per plant. Bee species tests of character displacement or convergence (Pleas- could not be identi®ed by sight and few collections ants 1990). Total overlap in the community is the sum were made to avoid in¯uencing plant reproduction. A of pairwise overlaps. Maximum overlap was taken as detailed analysis of the composition of bee pollinator the highest overlap value across the three pairwise spe- communities of C. x. xantiana and in relation to plant cies combinations. In simulations of three-species com- community diversity has been reported elsewhere munities, maximum overlap is more powerful than total (Moeller, in press). Repeated-measures ANOVA (the December 2004 FACILITATION AND POLLINATOR SHARING 3293

Mixed procedure, SAS Institute 1997) was used to ex- estimate of maximum seed output) and mean seed set amine the in¯uence of coexisting congeners, popula- of open-pollinated treatment, standardized by the for- tion size, mean population density, and geographic re- mer: pollen limitation index ϭ (supplemental Ϫ open)/ gion on pollinator availability (square-root trans- supplemental. Using a standardized index eliminates formed). The within-subject factor, census day, was potential variation in reproductive success due to dif- considered a ®xed effect as populations were deliber- ferences in resource availability among sites; the index ately visited at even intervals over the ¯owering period. expresses the percentage reduction in seed set that may I selected the autoregressive covariance structure with be explained only by pollinator or mate availability. heterogeneous variances for the analysis after com- This approach is critical for separating pollen limitation paring plausible models using Akaike's Information from resource limitation. Criterion (Littell et al. 1996). The signi®cance of the I examined the effects of coexisting species, popu- random effect, population identity, the subject upon lation size, and mean population density on pollen lim- which repeated measures were taken, was determined itation (and all two-way interactions) using a mixed- by a likelihood ratio test, with df ϭ 5. Denominator model ANOVA (the Mixed procedure, SAS Institute degrees of freedom for tests of ®xed effects were es- 1997) with year and geographic region (and their in- timated using the Satterthwaite approximation. teraction) included as covariates. Multicollinearity among independent variables was low. Population Community- and population-level effects identity was initially included in the model as a random on pollen limitation of reproduction effect, but was dropped because it explained little var- I evaluated the magnitude of pollen limitation of iance (␹2 ϭ 0.02, df ϭ 1, P ϭ 0.89). After examining reproductive success in a total of 39 replicate popu- the results of the full ®xed-effects model, the com- lations (20 unique populations) over three years (no. munity ϫ density interaction was also dropped (P Ͼ populations ϭ 15, 11, and 13 for 1999, 2000, and 2001, 0.9). The signi®cance of multiple comparisons of least respectively). I compared the reproductive success of square means was adjusted using the Tukey-Kramer plants that received supplemental pollen to those left procedure. unmanipulated. Hand-pollinations were conducted at the peak of ¯owering at each site when C. x. xantiana Local conspeci®c density and pollination overlapped in ¯owering with congeners. I selected 50 pairs of plants distributed throughout each population I examined the relationship between pollen deposi- to receive alternate treatments; plants were paired tion and the local density of conspeci®c ¯owers in 11 based on vegetative size. One ¯ower on each plant populations in 1999. In each population, I sampled 32 either received supplemental pollen or was marked but plants at 3-m intervals along transects bisecting the not manipulated. I gathered freshly dehisced pollen for population. At each sampling location, I selected the hand-pollinations from plants at least 5 m from the nearest large plant (Ͼ0.5 m to control for plant size) recipient and pollinated receptive stigmas. Hand-pol- with a ¯ower that had been receptive for at least two linations occurred at the same time of day as pollinators days (to control for the time available for pollination were active. A preliminary experiment provided no ev- to occur). The minimum duration of stigma receptivity idence that resources are shunted to ¯owers receiving could be easily discerned because stigma lobes open supplemental pollen at the cost of open-pollinated ¯ow- gradually and are not recurved until at least the second ers (D. A. Moeller, unpublished data). In addition, pro- day after the stigma opens. The stigma was harvested gressive hand-pollination of all ¯owers on a plant does from each ¯ower and stored in a glassine envelope to not curtail subsequent ¯ower production despite ele- dry. Local ¯ower density was measured by counting vating fruit and seed set (M. A. Geber, unpublished all open C. x. xantiana ¯owers in a 1-m2 circle centered data). Taken together, these data suggest that estimates on the target plant. Because Clarkia pollen could not of pollen limitation are unlikely to be biased by dy- be identi®ed to species, I sampled from populations namic resource allocation within plants. In each year, without congeners or I sampled after congeners had pre-dispersal seed herbivory strongly reduced sample ¯owered to avoid the possibility of heterospeci®c pol- sizes in some populations, but herbivore damage was len on stigmas. Stigmas were stained with aniline blue unbiased with respect to pollination treatment (␹2 ϭ and ethidium bromide (0.1% aniline blue and 0.01%

0.88, df ϭ 2, P ϭ 0.64). I excluded populations from ethidium bromide in 0.03 mol/L K3PO4) for 16±24 h the analysis when one of the treatment groups consisted and squashed on slides with glycerine. I used a com- of Ͻ20 individuals. I calculated the magnitude of pol- pound microscope with an epi-¯uorescence attachment len limitation for each population using treatment (Olympus Optical Company, Tokyo, Japan) to count means (rather than differences between paired plants) the number of C. x. xantiana pollen grains on each because high rates of herbivory rendered many pairs stigma. The relationship between pollen deposition and incomplete. An index of pollen limitation of repro- local ¯ower density was examined across all popula- duction was calculated as the difference between the tions and within each population using linear regres- mean seed set of the supplemental-pollen treatment (an sions. Pollen deposition was square-root transformed 3294 DAVID A. MOELLER Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 12

and density was loge-transformed to improve the ho- pattern could not be rejected for any community, two moscedasticity and normality of the residuals. sites exhibited strong segregation in ¯owering phe- nology based on total overlap (sites 2 and 11), two sites RESULTS were random in pattern based on both overlap measures Patterns of spatial coexistence (sites 6 and 10), and one site was highly aggregated based on maximum overlap (site 16; Fig. 2). In the Overall, 48% of C. x. xantiana populations coexisted segregated and random communities, C. x. xantiana with congeners (41 of 85), but the frequency of co- co-occurred with C. cylindrica and C. unguiculata, existence varied among regions (Fisher-Freeman-Hal- whereas in the aggregated community, it co-occurred ton exact test, P ϭ 0.013). In the center of its range with C. unguiculata and C. speciosa (the presence of (regions 1 and 2), 65% (34 of 52) of C. x. xantiana the latter resulted in high overlap). populations coexisted with congeners; at the periphery In two-species communities, I also observed consid- of its range (regions 3±5), only 24% (8 of 33) of pop- erable variation in percent overlap between C. x. xan- ulations coexisted with congeners (Fisher-Freeman- tiana and congeners (C. cylindrica, overlap range ϭ Halton exact test, P 0.001). In particular, C. x. xan- Ͻ 0.07±0.39; C. unguiculata, overlap range ϭ 0.03±0.82; tiana rarely occurred with congeners at the arid eastern C. speciosa, overlap range ϭ 0.44±0.92; Appendix B). margin (region 3) and the high-elevation northern mar- Although overlap with C. speciosa was generally high, gin (region 5) of the range (Fig. 1). The identity of overlap with other congeners varied among regions. coexisting Clarkia species also varied among regions. For example, overlap with C. cylindrica and C. un- and were the guiculata was relatively low in the center of the range most common associates (25 and 24 populations, re- and moderate to high in both the extreme western and spectively); coexisted with C. x. xan- eastern regions (Appendix B). In general, Clarkia spe- tiana less frequently (13 populations). Both C. ungui- cies exhibited substantial overlap in ¯owering periods. culata and C. speciosa are widespread in the southern However, ¯owering modes and distributions rarely co- Sierra Nevada (regions 1±4 for both), but C. speciosa incided resulting in protracted ¯owering seasons, there- is less frequent across the landscape. By contrast, C. by extending the period over which ¯oral resources cylindrica is only found in the southwestern section of were available to pollinators. the range (Fig. 1, regions 1 and 2), but is highly abun- dant and frequently associated with both C. x. xantiana Community- and population-level and C. unguiculata. effects on reproduction Organization of ¯owering phenology In 106 censuses of 17 C. xantiana populations Based on comparisons of populations occurring with throughout their ¯owering periods, I observed 563 bees and without congeners, there was no clear evidence of foraging on C. x. xantiana. The number of bees per character displacement in the ¯owering distribution of plant was positively associated with the presence of C. x. xantiana due to interactions with congeners. Nei- coexisting Clarkia species (Fig. 3a, Table 1). Bee pol- ther mean ¯owering time, nor the shape of the ¯owering linator availability was nearly two times greater in pop- distribution differed signi®cantly between populations ulations with congeners vs. those occurring alone. Pop- with or without other Clarkia species (mean, F ϭ 1.06, ulation attributes (population size, mean population P ϭ 0.37; variance, F ϭ 0.32, P ϭ 0.73; skewness, F density) and geographic region did not signi®cantly ϭ 0.61, P ϭ 0.55; kurtosis, F ϭ 0.08, P ϭ 0.92; df ϭ in¯uence population variation in pollinator availability 2, 15). Geographic region most strongly in¯uenced in this study. mean ¯owering time (F ϭ 4.78, P ϭ 0.02, df ϭ 2, 15) The analysis of pollen limitation of reproduction was and the skewness of the ¯owering distribution (F ϭ based on 79 324 seeds from 2464 plants (one fruit/ 12.93, P Ͻ 0.001, df ϭ 2, 15); region had no signi®cant plant) in 39 populations. Pollen limitation varied effect on other attributes of ¯owering distributions among populations from a 40.3% reduction in seed set (variance, F ϭ 1.30, P ϭ 0.30; kurtosis, F ϭ 0.86, P to no detectable reduction in seed production in open ϭ 0.44; df ϭ 2, 15). Mean ¯owering time was ap- pollinated plants relative to plants with supplemental proximately one week later in the upper foothills (re- pollen. The ANOVA revealed that the plant community gion 2) compared to the other regions where seasonal and population size most strongly in¯uenced the mag- drought occurs earlier (regions 1 and 4). Populations nitude of pollen limitation. Notably, coexisting Clarkia near the eastern range margin had skewed-right distri- species had facilitative to neutral effects on reproduc- butions, which increased aggregation with congeners tion in C. x. xantiana. Populations with two congeners in ¯owering time. showed very little pollen limitation, when accounting Analyses comparing observed overlap among co- for other variables, whereas seed production of open- existing Clarkia species with null distributions of spe- pollinated ¯owers was reduced by 17±18% at sites cies overlap indicated that communities ranged broadly where C. x. xantiana grew alone or with a single con- in organization. While the null hypothesis of random gener (Fig. 3d). December 2004 FACILITATION AND POLLINATOR SHARING 3295

FIG. 2. Flowering phenology and null-model tests of ¯owering schedules for ®ve Clarkia communities which include C. x. xantiana. The left column of graphs shows scaled ¯owering distributions for each of three species (x-axes are not equivalent). The middle and right column of graphs show the null distributions generated for random communities using total overlap and maximum overlap as measures of community organization. Arrows indicate the observed overlap for each community, and signi®cance is indicated by two-tailed P values. The geographic position of each community is shown in Fig. 1.

Pollen limitation declined with increasing population additive effects of mean population density and pop- size, but there was not a signi®cant relationship be- ulation size on the degree of pollen limitation. Small tween population size and pollinator availability (Fig. and medium populations exhibited positive density de- 3b, e; Tables 1 and 2). This suggests that Allee effects pendence, whereas there was little evidence of density limit reproductive success in small populations because dependence in large populations (Fig. 4, Table 2). I of low mate availability. In addition, there were non- found no direct support for the hypothesis that facili- 3296 DAVID A. MOELLER Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 12

FIG. 3. Least-square means (Ϯ1 SE) for pollinator availability (no. bees per plant per site census) and pollen limitation of reproduction in relation to community diversity, population size, and mean population density. For signi®cant overall effects (P values are shown in the lower left corner of each panel), different lowercase letters indicate signi®cant differences between factor levels using the Tukey-Kramer test. Pollen limitation is expressed as the percentage reduction in seed set for open-pollinated ¯owers relative to hand-pollinated controls. tation by congeners was most pronounced for small in¯uence on the results. The results were qualitatively populations (community ϫ population size interaction the same, suggesting that region 4 did not unduly in- term was not signi®cant); however, this test suffered ¯uence the analysis. from low power due to small sample sizes. There was some evidence of regional variation in the Local density effects on pollen deposition magnitude of pollen limitation (Table 2), but the nature Pollen deposition was positively related to local con- of regional effects varied markedly among years sug- speci®c ¯ower density when data were pooled across gesting that year-to-year climatic variation across the all populations (Table 3). For individual populations, species' range is likely to account for these results. the relationship was signi®cant or marginally signi®- Finally, I also performed analyses excluding popula- cant in 6 of 11 populations. The relationship was pos- tions from region 4, where congeners were somewhat itive but nonsigni®cant in the remaining ®ve popula- less common, to determine if this region had a strong

TABLE 1. Repeated-measures mixed-model ANOVA for ef- fects on pollinator availability (bees observed per plant) in 1999.

Source df F or ␹2 P Fixed Region 2, 8.0 1.9 0.211 Community 2, 8.0 7.32 0.016 Population size 2, 7.6 0.56 0.594 Population density 1, 8.6 1.75 0.219 Day 3, 21.9 1.19 0.336 Random Population identity 5 8.70 0.122 Notes: Denominator degrees of freedom for ®xed effects were estimated using the Satterthwaite approximation. The signi®cance of the random effect, population identity, was FIG. 4. Least-square means (Ϯ1 SE) for pollen limitation tested using a likelihood-ratio test. The signi®cant effect is of reproduction showing the nonadditive effects of population shown in boldface. size and mean population density (see Table 2). December 2004 FACILITATION AND POLLINATOR SHARING 3297

TABLE 2. ANOVA for community- and population-level ef- mechanism (Armbruster et al. 1994), or pollen presen- fects on pollen limitation of seed set. tation schedules (Stone et al. 1998). However, many Source df² FPreports failed to ®nd evidence of competitive effects on community structure (e.g., Schemske 1981, Motten Year 2 1.43 0.26 Region 2 4.73 0.02 1986, Rathcke 1988) and explanations are often elu- Year ϫ region 4 4.51 0.01 sive. Results from this study provide support for the Community 2 4.19 0.03 hypothesis that pollinator-sharing congeners enhance Population size 2 4.14 0.03 Population density 1 2.14 0.16 reproductive success in C. x. xantiana by jointly sup- Size ϫ density 2 3.81 0.04 porting populations of shared pollinators. Data on pol- Community ϫ size 4 0.96 0.45 linator abundance in 1999 (reported here) mirror a more Notes: The random effect, population identity, and the com- detailed companion study of bee pollinator commu- munity ϫ population density interaction were highly nonsig- nities conducted in 2001, which showed that bee vis- ni®cant (P Ն 0.9 for both) and were dropped from the anal- ysis. Signi®cant effects are shown in boldface. See Fig. 3 for itation, particularly by specialists, was positively af- comparison of factor levels. fected by the presence of congeners (Moeller, in press). ² Denominator df ϭ 19. These community-level effects on reproductive success were accompanied by positive density-dependent in- tions, apparently because within-site variation in local teractions among conspeci®cs. Although inter- and density was low (regression of slope as a function of intraspeci®c interactions via pollinators are typically density range; b ϭ 0.063, R2 ϭ 0.64, P ϭ 0.003). investigated independently, results on C. x. xantiana Among populations, mean pollen deposition was more exhibit the complementary, but distinct positive in¯u- closely related to population size than mean population ences of conspeci®cs and heterospeci®cs on individual density (two-way ANOVA: population size, F ϭ 8.13, reproductive success; interspeci®c effects appear to P ϭ 0.02; mean population density, F ϭ 1.23, P ϭ have occurred through pollinator availability, while in- 0.30; n ϭ 10, one outlier dropped). traspeci®c effects were mediated largely by mate avail- ability. DISCUSSION The comparative approach taken in this study pro- Pollinator sharing and plant community structure vided a means for simultaneously examining the im- The prevalence of synchronized ¯owering and pol- portance of multiple factors that operate at large spatial linator sharing in temperate plant communities has mo- scales and are challenging to manipulate. At the same tivated ecologists to examine how reproductive inter- time, exploiting natural population and community var- actions affect community structure. One idea is that iation limits one's ability to establish the causes of ®ne-scale adjustments in ¯owering periods within the population variation in plant±pollinator interactions ¯owering season allow coexisting species to partition (e.g., it is possible that plant community variation is shared pollinators and reduce both interference and ex- correlated with other factors that in¯uence pollinator ploitation competition. Indeed, negative reproductive abundance). Ideally, experimental plant species re- interactions can cause reductions in seed set for at least moval from (or addition to) natural communities would one plant species (e.g., Campbell 1985, Caruso 2000) provide the best tests of hypotheses on the nature of and can result in character displacement in breeding reproductive interactions among plant species. In system (Fishman and Wyatt 1999), pollen placement Clarkia, manipulating whole populations may not be

TABLE 3. Linear regressions of pollen deposition on local ¯ower density for all populations combined as well as within individual populations (b is the regression coef®cient; n ϭ 32 for each population).

Population bR2 P All populations 1.34 0.13 Ͻ0.001 China Gardens 0.78 0.04 0.315 Mill Creek Trail 1.82 0.23 0.005 Old Kern Canyon Road (27.97) 1.32 0.23 0.006 Old Kern Canyon Road (28.62) 0.35 0.01 0.622 Old Kern Canyon Road (29.69) 1.76 0.20 0.011 Miracle Hot Springs 1.22 0.12 0.058 Hobo Campground 0.81 0.05 0.233 Borel Road 1.42 0.08 0.127 Black Gulch 1.85 0.31 0.001 Sandy Flat 1.78 0.30 0.001 Green Rock 2.42 0.36 Ͻ0.001 Notes: For all regressions, pollen deposition was square-root transformed, and ¯ower density 2 was loge-transformed (no. ¯owers/m ϩ 1) to improve the normality and homoscedasticity of the residuals. Signi®cant and marginally signi®cant relationships are shown in boldface. 3298 DAVID A. MOELLER Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 12

TABLE 4. An outline of the proposed mechanisms of facilitation via shared pollinators and their relation to the organization of ¯owering in plant communities.

Mechanisms of Flowering Mechanisms to Hypothesized conditions promoting facilitation phenology avoid competition facilitative interactions Joint attraction of aggregated pollinator foraging constancy patch selection by highly mobile pollinators pollinators (ag- spatial aggregation of con- ¯oral mimicry gregative re- speci®cs sponse) interspeci®c divergence in rewardless plant species co-occurring with reward- pollen-placement mecha- ing, ``magnet'' species nisms Joint maintenance aggregated same as above pollinators resident within plant communities of pollinators segregated N/A seasonal extent of pollinator activity spans ¯owering (numerical re- of multiple plant species sponse per se) temporal variation in the abundance or performance of individual plant species specialized pollination system Notes: For aggregated ¯owering schedules, I describe mechanisms that may reduce counteracting negative effects of interspeci®c pollen transfer. For both mechanisms of facilitation, I indicate possible conditions promoting net positive plant± plant interactions via shared pollinators. feasible given the very large population sizes charac- merical response per se: Holling 1959). For example, teristic of most species. Moreover, because facilitation when ¯owering periods are segregated, facilitation may is most likely to occur via population responses of bees occur because ¯oral resources are available to individ- to community diversity, the effects of plant species ual pollinators or cohorts of pollinators over an ex- removal (addition) on resident solitary bee populations tended period of time, thereby enhancing pollinator will require long time periods to observe. The abun- population growth or size (Waser and Real 1979). dance of Clarkia bees in a given year tends to re¯ect When the abundance of individual plant species ¯uc- historical plant abundance and solitary bees may re- tuates temporally, the presence of alternative host plant main dormant through unfavorable years (Linsley species may buffer pollinator population dynamics by 1958); both of these factors will act to prolong the providing a more consistent supply of ¯oral resources period of time over which bee populations exhibit re- through time. Although this mechanism may occur re- sponses to experimental manipulations. gardless of the organization of ¯owering periods in the community, it is clear that ¯owering schedules can af- Mechanisms of facilitation fect potential counteracting negative effects such as Facilitative interactions between plant species via interspeci®c pollen transfer. Because plant species-spe- pollinators are likely to occur through two mechanisms, ci®c responses to the environment (e.g., ¯owering time, which parallel numerical population responses of pred- temporal variation in relative performance) increase the ators to prey (Murdoch 1977). First, plants may exhibit duration of ¯oral resource availability within years or positive interactions when coexisting plant species col- the reliability of ¯oral resources across years, species lectively attract shared pollinators (aggregative re- identity is likely to be important in this mechanism of sponse to overall plant abundance). This mechanism facilitation. may occur through the differential attraction of highly In Clarkia, the prevalence of some staggering of mobile pollinators that forage over large areas (e.g., ¯owering periods (Fig. 2, Appendix B) and the biology hummingbirds, many social bees) and is only possible of its specialist pollinators suggests that the joint main- if plant species ¯ower synchronously (Table 4). Al- tenance of pollinators is a more likely mechanism of though aggregative responses can occur due to spatial facilitation than the joint attraction of highly mobile variation in the abundance of a single species, niche pollinators. The most important specialist pollinators differentiation among pollinator-sharing plant species of C. x. xantiana are known to collect pollen from and along resource axes (e.g., when plant species occupy remain active across the ¯owering period of multiple different microsites within a habitat) may promote a Clarkia species (Stage 1966, MacSwain et al. 1973) greater local abundance of ¯owers. There is evidence and nest in or adjacent to Clarkia communities (Bur- that plant species without pollinator rewards bene®t dick and Torchio 1959, Stage 1966). These character- from close proximity to rewarding species (Laverty istics of the system suggest that plant and pollinator 1992, Johnson et al. 2003); however, I am not aware population dynamics may be linked. If areas with great- of evidence that collective pollinator attraction posi- er Clarkia species diversity provide more resources tively in¯uences the reproductive success of a plant over the course of a season and more predictable re- species. sources for bees across years, these communities Facilitation may also occur when coexisting species should sustain greater numbers of pollinators per plant. jointly maintain populations of resident pollinators (nu- Recent work has shown that solitary bees tend to forage December 2004 FACILITATION AND POLLINATOR SHARING 3299 short distances from nesting sites (unlike many social Consequences of positive interactions bees) and that foraging trip duration may be reduced If small populations suffer from low reproductive when plant species richness is high (Gathmann and success and coexisting congeners facilitate reproduc- Tscharntke 2002). Therefore, the population dynamics tion in C. x. xantiana, then small populations could be and spatial distribution of solitary bee populations is expected to enjoy a greater advantage from sharing likely to be in¯uenced by the abundance and diversity pollinators with congeners than large populations. Al- of local plant hosts, which is consistent with data pre- though I did not ®nd direct evidence of an interaction sented in this study. between community diversity and population size ef- fects on pollen limitation, the population survey re- Allee effects vealed strong associations between these factors. Sev- Pollen limitation in C. x. xantiana was more pro- enty-six percent of small populations coexisted with nounced in small populations than large (Fig. 3e), but one or more congener, while 82% of populations iso- this difference was unrelated to bee abundance (Fig. lated from congeners were large (␹2 ϭ 10.2, df ϭ 4, P 3b), suggesting that low mate availability is likely re- ϭ 0.037), suggesting that small populations are more sponsible for pollen limitation. Evidence of Allee ef- likely to persist in diverse communities and, likewise, fects in plant populations has been found mainly when that isolated populations are more likely to persist when population size drops below 100 individuals (Sih and large. Combined with data on pollen limitation, these Baltus 1987, Lamont et al. 1993, Groom 1998, Hendrix patterns suggest important consequences of positive and Kyhl 2000, Hackney and McGraw 2001). Popu- reproductive interactions for the long-term population lation size effects have been attributed to both pollen dynamics and spatial distribution of C. x. xantiana. quantity (WideÂn 1993, Groom 1998) and pollen quality The results of the present study, along with ongoing (loss of S-alleles, Lamont et al. 1993, Byers 1995; in- research on breeding system variation in C. xantiana, breeding depression, Heschel and Paige 1995). In C. also suggest potential evolutionary consequences of fa- x. xantiana, reduced reproductive success in small pop- cilitative interactions. In the western portion of the spe- ulations is most likely explained by insuf®cient levels cies' range, C. x. xantiana is frequent across the land- of pollen transfer. Because the smallest population of scape, tends to occur in large, dense populations, and is regularly associated with congeners. In the eastern C. x. xantiana in the study contained 550 individuals, section of the range, C. x. xantiana is replaced by high- inbreeding depression is unlikely to explain reduced ly sel®ng populations of C. xantiana ssp. parvi¯ora seed set. Resource limitation in small populations also (Eckhart and Geber 1999), which tend to be small, cannot account for the results because the pollen lim- infrequent across the landscape, and do not coexist with itation index eliminated site quality as a source of var- congeners. Interestingly, pollinator visitation declines iation. It is surprising that Allee effects were detected from west to east across the species' range and spe- in C. x. xantiana despite reasonably large population cialist bee pollinators occur up to but not beyond the sizes. It is possible that census population sizes are eastern limits of the range of outcrossing populations poor predictors of mate availability because of indi- (Fausto et al. 2001, Moeller 2003). Transplant exper- vidual variation in ¯owering time, skewed sex ratios iments have con®rmed that plants from outcrossing (due to protandry), or because small plants producing populations exhibit low reproductive success when few ¯owers are discriminated against by pollinators. moved into the range of sel®ng populations, and there- The ®nding that population size effects were only fore that sel®ng provides reproductive assurance (M. evident in populations of low density is of particular A. Geber and V. M. Eckhart, unpublished data). Taken interest because it suggests that both the size of the together, these results suggest possible links between pool of potential mates and their spatial distribution Clarkia species diversity, the joint maintenance of spe- contribute to the likelihood that mates encounter one cialist pollinator populations, and the maintenance of another (Fig. 4). Patterns of pollen deposition within outcrossing in C. x. xantiana. and among populations further illustrate this phenom- enon. Pollen deposition to individual ¯owers increased ACKNOWLEDGMENTS with the density of conspeci®c neighbors (Table 3), but I thank M. Geber, my dissertation advisor, for guidance mean pollen deposition for plant populations was more throughout the course of the project and many excellent com- closely related to population size than mean plant den- ments on the manuscript. I am also grateful to B. Danforth, P. Marks, P. Tif®n, T. Young, and two anonymous reviewers sity. Although evidence of density dependence in pol- for many helpful comments on the manuscript. Jesse Belle- lination is hardly unusual (e.g., Kunin 1997), these re- mare, Brian Barringer, Laurie Evanhoe, Katie Flinn, Robert sults suggest that the importance of processes occurring Harris, Shannon Murphy, and Mark Vellend improved an ear- over small spatial scales may be modi®ed by the dis- lier version of the manuscript. Many thanks to J. Carlson, V. Eckhart, M. Geber, C. McGuire, A. Onion, J. Runions, S. tribution and abundance of individuals at broader spa- Travers, and K. Veraldi for assistance in the ®eld and the lab. tial scales, especially when plants interact via animals M. Vellend generously helped develop the null model. Fi- or pathogens. nancial support came from NSF Dissertation Improvement 3300 DAVID A. MOELLER Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 12

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APPENDIX A Additional details on community assembly rules and measures of species overlap for null-model tests of community ¯owering phenology are available in ESA's Electronic Data Archive: Ecological Archives E085-114-A1.

APPENDIX B A table showing pairwise overlap in ¯owering time between 15 populations of C. x. xantiana and coexisting congeners that share pollinators is available in ESA's Electronic Data Archive: Ecological Archives E085-114-A2.