Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Model

Jay Whang 1 Qi Lei 2 Alexandros G. Dimakis 3

Abstract plausible solution among them. Sparsity has classically We study image inverse problems with a normaliz- been a very influential structural prior for various inverse ing flow prior. Our formulation views the solution problems (Candes et al., 2006; Donoho, 2006; Baraniuk as the maximum a posteriori estimate of the image et al., 2010). Alternatively, recent approaches introduced conditioned on the measurements. This formula- deep generative models as a powerful signal prior, showing tion allows us to use noise models with arbitrary significant gains in reconstruction quality compared to spar- dependencies as well as non-linear forward op- sity priors (Bora et al., 2017; Asim et al., 2019; Van Veen erators. We empirically validate the efficacy of et al., 2018; Menon et al., 2020). our method on various inverse problems, includ- However, most existing methods assume the setting of Gaus- ing compressed sensing with quantized measure- sian noise model and are unsuitable for structured and corre- ments and denoising with highly structured noise lated noise, making them less applicable in many real-world patterns. We also present initial theoretical recov- scenarios. For instance, when an image is ruined by hand- ery guarantees for solving inverse problems with drawn scribbles or a piece of audio track is overlayed with a flow prior. human whispering, the noise to be removed follows a very complex distribution. These settings deviate significantly from settings, yet they are much more realis- 1. Introduction tic and deserve more attention. In this paper, we propose to use a normalizing flow model to represent the noise distri- Inverse problems seek to reconstruct an unknown signal bution and derive principled methods for solving inference from observations (or measurements), which are produced problems under this general noise model. by some process that transforms the original signal. Because such processes are often lossy and noisy, inverse problems Contributions. are typically formulated as reconstructing x from its mea- surements • We present a general formulation for obtaining maxi- y = f(x) + δ (1) mum a posteriori (MAP) reconstructions for dependent where f is a known deterministic forward operator and δ noise and general forward operators. Notably, our is an additive noise which may have a complex structure method can leverage deep generative models for both itself. An impressively wide range of applications can be posed under this formulation with an appropriate choice of f and δ, such as compressed sensing (Candes et al., 2006; Donoho, 2006), computed tomography (Chen et al., 2008), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Lustig et al., 2007), and phase retrieval (Candes et al., 2015a;b). In general for a non-invertible forward operator f, there can be potentially infinitely many signals that match given obser- vations. Thus the recovery algorithm must critically rely on a priori knowledge about the original signal to find the most

1Dept. of Computer Science, UT Austin, TX, USA 2Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Princeton Univer- 3 Asim Bora sity, NJ, USA Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineer- Noisy Ours BM3D ing, UT Austin, TX, USA. Correspondence to: Jay Whang et al. et al. . Figure 1. Result of denoising MNIST digits. The first column Proceedings of the 38 th International Conference on Machine contains noisy observations, and subsequent columns contain re- Learning, PMLR 139, 2021. Copyright 2021 by the author(s). constructions. Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

the original image and the noise. 2.2. Inverse Problems with a Generative Prior

• We extend our framework to the general setting where We briefly review the existing literature on the application the signal prior is given as a latent-variable model, for of deep generative models to inverse problems. While vast which likelhood evaluation is intractable. The result- literature exists on compressed sensing and other inverse ing formulation presents a unified view on existing problems, the idea of replacing the classical sparsity-based approaches based on GAN, VAE and flow priors. prior (Candes et al., 2006; Donoho, 2006) with a neural network was introduced relatively recently. In their pioneer- • We empirically show that our method achieves excel- ing work, Bora et al.(2017) proposed to use the generator lent reconstruction in the presence of noise with var- from a pre-trained GAN or a VAE (Goodfellow et al., 2014; ious complex and dependent structures. Specifically, Kingma & Welling, 2013) as the prior for compressed sens- we demonstrate the efficacy of our method on various ing. This led to a substantial gain in reconstruction quality inverse problems with structured noise and non-linear compared to classical methods, particularly at small number forward operators. of measurements. Following this work, numerous studies have investigated dif- • We provide the initial theoretical characterization of ferent ways to utilize various neural network architectures likelihood-based priors for image denoising. Specif- for inverse problems (Mardani et al., 2018; Heckel & Hand, ically, we show a reconstruction error bound that de- 2019; Mixon & Villar, 2018; Pandit et al., 2019; Lucas et al., pends on the local concavity of the log-likelihood func- 2018; Shah & Hegde, 2018; Liu & Scarlett, 2020; Kabkab tion. et al., 2018; Mousavi et al., 2018; Raj et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2019). One straightforward extension of (Bora et al., 2017) 2. Background proposes to expand the range of the pre-trained generator by allowing sparse deviations (Dhar et al., 2018). Similarly, 2.1. Normalizing Flow Models Shah & Hegde(2018) proposed another algorithm based on projected with convergence guarantees. Normalizing flow models are a class of likelihood-based Van Veen et al.(2018) showed that an untrained convolu- generative models that represent complex distributions by tional neural network can be used as a prior for imaging transforming a simple distribution (such as standard Gaus- tasks based on Deep Image Prior by Ulyanov et al.(2018). sian) through an invertible mapping (Tabak & Turner, 2013). Compared to other types of generative models, flow models More recently, Wu et al.(2019) applied techniques from are computationally flexible in that they provide efficient meta-learning to improve the reconstruction speed, and sampling, inversion and likelihood estimation (Papamakar- Ardizzone et al.(2018) showed that by modelling the for- ios et al., 2019, and references therein). ward process with a flow model, one can implicitly learn the inverse process through the invertibility of the model. Concretely, given a differentiable invertible mapping G : Asim et al.(2019) proposed to replace the GAN prior of n → n, the samples x from this model are generated R R (Bora et al., 2017) with a normalizing flow model and re- via z ∼ p (z), x = G(z). Since G is invertible, change of G ported excellent reconstruction performance, especially on variables formula allows us to compute the log-density of out-of-distribution images. x:

log p(x) = log p(z) + log |det J −1 (x)| , (2) G 3. Our Method −1 where JG−1 (x) is the Jacobian of G evaluated at x. Since log p(z) is a simple distribution, computing the likelihood 3.1. Notations and Setup −1 at any point x is straightforward as long as G and the We use bold lower-case variables to denote vectors, k · k log-determinant term can be efficiently evaluated. to denote `2 norm, and to denote element-wise multi- Notably, when a flow model is used as the prior for an plication. We also assume that we are given a pre-trained inverse problem, the invertibility of G guarantees that it latent-variable generative model pG(x) that we can effi- has an unrestricted range. Thus the recovered signal can ciently sample from. Importantly, we assume the access to represent images that are out-of-distribution, albeit at lower a noise distribution p∆ parametrized as a normalizing flow, probability. This is a key distinction from a GAN-based which itself can be an arbitrarily complex, pre-trained distri- prior, whose generator has a restricted range and can only bution. We let f denote the deterministic and differentiable generate samples from the distribution it was trained on. As forward operator for our measurement process. Thus an ob- pointed out by Asim et al.(2019) and also shown below servation is generated via y = f(x) + δ where x ∼ pG(x) in our experiments, this leads to performance benefits on and δ ∼ p∆(δ). out-of-distribution examples. Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

Note that while f and p∆ are known, they cannot be treated 3.3. MLE Formulation as fixed across different examples, e.g. in compressed sens- When the signal prior does not provide tractable likelihood ing the measurement matrix is random and thus only known evaluation (e.g. for the case of GAN and VAE), we view at the time of observation. This precludes the use of end- the problem as a maximum-likelihood estimation under to-end training methods that require having a fixed forward the noise model. Thus we attempt to find the signal that operator. maximizes noise likelihood within the support of pG(x) and arrive at a similar, but different loss: 3.2. MAP Formulation

When the likelihood under the prior pG(x) can be computed efficiently (e.g. when it is a flow model), we can pose the arg max log p∆(y − f(x)) inverse problem as a MAP estimation task. Concretely, for x∈supp p(x) a given observation y, we wish to recover x as the MAP = arg max log p∆(y − f(G(z))) z estimate of the conditional distribution pG(x|y): , arg min LMLE(z; y), arg max log p(x|y) z x where = arg max [log p(y|x) + log pG(x) − log p(y)] x LMLE(z; y) − log p∆(y − f(G(z))). (5) (1) , = arg max [log p∆(y − f(x)) + log pG(x)] x 3.4. Prior Work , arg min LMAP(x; y), x In (Bora et al., 2017), the authors proposed to use a deep generative prior for inverse problem, but the choice of mod- where els was restricted to GANs and VAEs with explicit low- dimensional prior. Subsequently Asim et al.(2019) general- L (x; y) = − log p (y − f(x)) − log p (x). MAP ∆ G (3) ized this paradigm using Flow-based models. We describe here the methods proposed in those papers in detail. Impor- Note that in (1) we drop the marginal density log p(y) as it tantly, we show that their approaches are special cases of is constant and rewrite p(y|x) as p∆(y − f(x)). our MAP/MLE formulations, under Gaussian noise assump- Recalling that the generative procedure for the flow model tions. Furthermore, note that both papers considered linear is z ∼ N (0,I), x = G(z), we arrive at the following loss: inverse problems, so they correspond to the case where f(x) = Ax under our notation. LMAP(z; y) , − log p∆(y − f(G(z))) − log pG(G(z)) GAN Prior: (Bora et al., 2017) considers the following (4) loss: The invertibility of G allows us to minimize the above loss 2 2 with respect to either z or x: LBora(z; y) = ky − AG(z)k + λ kzk , (6)

which tries to project the input y onto the range of the arg min LMAP(z; y) z generator G with `2 regularization on the latent variable. = arg min [− log p∆ (y − f(G(z))) − log pG(G(z))] Aside from the regularization term, this corresponds exactly z to our MLE loss for a Gaussian p∆. While (Bora et al., = arg min [− log p∆ (y − f(x)) − log pG(x))] 2017) motivated this objective as a projection on the range x of G, our approach reveals a probabilistic interpretation = arg min LMAP(x; y) x based on the MLE objective for the noise. Flow Prior: (Asim et al., 2019) replaces the GAN prior We have experimented with optimizing the loss both in of (Bora et al., 2017) with a flow model. In that paper the image space x and latent space z, and found that the latter authors consider the objective below that tries to simultane- achieved better performance across almost all experiments. ously match the observation and maximize the likelihood of Since the above optimization objective is differentiable, any the reconstruction under the model: gradient-based optimizer can be used to approximately find the minimizer. In practice, even with an imperfect model 2 L(z; y) = ky − AG(z)k − γ log pG(x), (7) and approximate optimization, we observe that our approach performs well across a wide range of tasks as shown in the for some hyperparameter γ > 0. This loss is a special experimental results below. case of our MAP loss for isotropic Gaussian noise δ ∼ Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

N (0, γ I), since the log-density of δ becomes log p∆(δ) = 4. Theoretical Analysis − 1 kδk2 − C for a constant C. However, Asim et al. 2γ In this section we provide some theoretical analysis of our (2019) report that due to optimization difficulty, they found approach in denoising problems with a flow-based prior. Un- the following proxy loss to perform better in experiments: like most prior work, we take a probabilistic approach and avoid making specific structural assumptions on the signal we want to recover, such as sparsity or being generated from 2 LAsim(z; y) = ky − AG(z)k + γ kzk . (8) a low-dimensional Gaussian prior. For denoising, we show that better likelihood estimates lead to lower reconstruction error. Note that while our This is again related to a specific instance of our loss experiments employed flow models, our results apply to when the flow model is volume-preserving (i.e. the log- any likelihood-based generative model. Detailed proof is determinant term is constant). Continuing from eq. (2): This included in the appendix. allows us to recover the `2-regularized version of LAsim: 4.1. Recovery Guarantee for Denoising We reiterate that both of the aforementioned objectives are special cases of our formulation for the case of zero-mean Suppose we observe y = x∗ + δ with Gaussian noise isotropic Gaussian noise. Thus we expect that our method δ ∼ N (0, σ2I) with kδk = r. We perform MAP inference better handles non-Gaussian noise and experimentally con- by minimizing the following loss with gradient descent: firm that our approach indeed leads to better reconstruction performance for with nonzero mean or conditional LMAP(x) = − log p∆(y − x) − log p(x) dependence across different pixel locations. 1 = ky − xk2 + q(x), (9) Connections to Blind Source Separation: Here we focus 2σ2 on the connection between our formulation and blind source separation. For the denoising case where we have identity where we write q(x) , − log p(x) for notational conve- forward operator, we see that our observation is simply the nience. Notice that the image we wish to recover is a natural sum of two random variables y = x + δ. Given two flow- image with high probability rather than an arbitrary one, and based priors (one for each of x and δ), the task of extracting reconstruction is not expected to succeed for the latter case. x from y thus becomes a blind source separation problem Thus we consider the case where the ground truth image x∗ with two sources. While rich literature exists for various is a local maximum of p. source separation problems (Hu et al., 2017; Subakan & Smaragdis, 2018; Wang & Chen, 2018; Hoshen, 2019), two Theorem 4.1. Let x∗ be a local optimum of the model p(x) recent studies are particularly relevant to our setting as they and y = x∗ + δ be the noisy observation. Assume that q make use of a neural network prior. satisfies local strong convexity within the ball around x∗ defined as Bd(x∗) x ∈ d : kx − x∗k ≤ r , i.e. the In Double-DIP, Gandelsman et al.(2019) utilize Deep Image r , R Hessian of q satisfies H (x)  µI ∀x ∈ Bd(x∗) for for Prior (Ulyanov et al., 2018) as a signal prior to perform blind q r some µ > 0. Then gradient descent starting from y on source separation from multiple mixtures. This work differs the loss function (9) converges to x¯, a local minimizer of from ours in that we focus on single-mixture setting with L (x), that satisfies: pre-trained signal priors. Our use of pre-trained priors is a MAP key distinction, since DIP is untrained and may not apply 1 to other modalities and datasets. In contrast, our method is kx¯ − x∗k ≤ kδk applicable as long as we are able to train a deep generative µσ2 + 1 prior for the signal and the noise. In (Jayaram & Thickstun, 2020), the authors use a flow- Even though the theorem is quite straightforward, it still based prior (Kingma & Dhariwal, 2018) for blind source serves as some initial understanding on the denoising task separation. Unlike our approach, however, they sample under a likelihood-based prior. It sheds light on how the from the posterior using Langevin dynamics (Welling & reconstruction is affected by the structure of the probabilistic Teh, 2011; Neal et al., 2011). The authors use simulated model and the likelihood of the natural signal one wants to annealing to speed up mixing, and this approach would in recover. This theorem shows that a well-conditioned model theory be able to asymptotically sample from the correct with large µ leads to better denoising and confirms that posterior. The advantage of our approach is that it is gener- our MAP formulation encourages reconstructions with high ally faster (as it avoids costly MCMC procedure), and it can density. Thus, the maximum-likelihood training objective is be applied to non-likelihood based priors for the signal x. directly aligned with better denoising performance. Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

Truth Ground

Input Noisy

Ours (MAP)

Ours (MLE)

et al. Asim

et al. Bora


Test Set Examples Out-of-Distribution Examples

Figure 2. Result of removing MNIST noise from CelebA-HQ faces. Notice that without any understanding of the complex noise structure, baseline methods fail to produce good reconstructions.

5. Experiments tive prior on inverse problems. Depending on the task, we also compare against BM3D (Dabov et al., 2006), a popular Our experiments are designed to test how well our off-the-shelf image denoising algorithm, and LASSO (Tib- MAP/MLE formulation performs in practice as we devi- shirani, 1996) with Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) basis ate from the commonly studied setting of linear inverse as appropriate. Note that for the 1-bit compressed sensing problems with Gaussian noise. Specifically, we focus on experiment, most existing techniques do not apply, since our two aspects: (1) complex noise with dependencies and task involves quantization as well as non-Gaussian noise. (2) non-linear forward operator. For all our experiments, we quantitatively evaluate each method by reporting peak We point out that the baselines methods are not designed to signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). We also visually inspect sam- make use of the noise distribution, whereas our method does ple reconstructions for qualitative assessment. utilize it. Thus, the experiments are not meant to be taken as direct comparisons, but rather as an empirical evidence that Models: We trained multi-scale RealNVP models on two the MAP formulation indeed benefits from the knowledge image datasets MNIST and CelebA-HQ (LeCun et al., 1998; of noise structure. Liu et al., 2015). Due to computational constraints, all exper- iments were done on 100 randomly-selected images (1000 Smoothing Parameter: Since our objective Equation (4) for MNIST) from the test set, as well as out-of-distribution depends on the density pG(x) given by the flow model, our images. We additionally train a DCGAN on the CelebA- recovery of x depends heavily on the quality of density esti- HQ dataset for MLE experiments as well as (Bora et al., mates from the model. Unfortunately likelihood-based mod- 2017). A detailed description of the datasets, models and els exhibit counter-intuitive properties, such as assigning hyperparameters are provided in the appendix. higher density on out-of-distribution examples or random noise over in-distribution examples. (Nalisnick et al., 2018; Baseline Methods: We compare our approach to the meth- Choi et al., 2018; Hendrycks & Dietterich, 2018; Nalisnick ods of (Bora et al., 2017) and (Asim et al., 2019), as they et al., 2019). We empirically observe such behavior from are two recently proposed approaches that use deep genera- our models as well. To remedy this, we use a smoothed Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

β version of the model density pG(x) where β ≥ 0 is the For the rest of the experiments, we focus on the MAP formu- smoothing parameter. Since the two extremes β = 0 and lation as it generally outperforms the MLE formulation. We β = ∞ correspond to only using the noise density and the posit that this is due to the restricted range of our DCGAN model density, respectively, β controls the degree to which used for experiments. we rely on pG. Thus the loss we minimize becomes 5.1.2. NOISY COMPRESSED SENSING L (z; y, β) = − log p (y−f(G(z)))−β log p (G(z)) MAP ∆ G Now we consider the measurement process y = Ax + (10) m×d δsine where A ∈ R is a random Gaussian measurement matrix and δ has positive mean with variance that follows a 5.1. Results sinusoidal pattern. Specifically, the k-th pixel of the noise 2πk  We test our methods on denoising and compressed sensing has standard deviation σk ∝ exp sin( 16 ) normalized to tasks that involve various structured, non-Gaussian noises have the maximum variance of 1. as well as a non-linear forward operator. Note that many Figure 4a shows that our method is able to make a better use existing methods cannot be applied in this setting as they of additional measurements. Interestingly in Figure 4b, all are designed for linear inverse problems and a specific noise three methods with deep generative prior produced plausible model. While specialized algorithms do exist (e.g. for human faces. However, the reconstructions from Asim et al. quantized compressed sensing), we note that our method (2019) and Bora et al.(2017) significantly differ from the is general and can be applied in a wide range of settings ground truth images. We posit that this is due to the im- without modification. plicit Gaussian noise assumption made by the two methods, again showing the benefits of explicitly incorporating the 5.1.1. DENOISING MNISTDIGITS knowledge of noise distribution.

The measurement process is y = 0.5 · x + δMNIST, where 5.1.3. REMOVING SINUSOIDAL NOISE δMNIST represents MNIST digits added at different locations and color channels. Each digit itself comes from a flow We consider another denoising task with observation y = model trained on the MNIST dataset. As shown in Figure2, x + δsine. This is the 2-dimensional version of periodic our method successfully removes MNIST noise in both noise, where the noise variance for all pixels within the k-th MAP and MLE settings. Recall that we use the same GAN- row follows σk from above. based prior for “Ours (MLE)” and (Bora et al., 2017). The difference in the reconstruction quality between these two From Figure5 and Figure 6a, we see that baseline methods methods in Figure3 confirms that even for non-likelihood do not perform well even though the noise is simply Gaus- based priors (e.g. GAN and VAE), an accurate noise model sian at each pixel. This reemphasizes an important point: is critical to accurate signal recovery. While the method of without an understanding of the structure of the noise, al- Bora et al.(2017) manages to remove MNIST digits, we gorithms designed to handle Gaussian noise have difficulty note that this is because its outputs are forced to be in the removing them when we introduce variability across differ- range of the DCGAN. ent pixel locations.

5.1.4. NOISY 1-BIT COMPRESSED SENSING This task considers a combination of a non-linear forward operator as well as a non-Gaussian noise. The measure- ment process is y = sign(Ax) + δsine, identical to noisy compressed sensing except with the sign function. This is the most extreme case of quantized compressed sensing, since y only contains the (noisy) sign {+1, −1} of the mea- surements. Because the gradient of sign function is zero everywhere, we use Straight-Through Estimator (Bengio et al., 2013) for backpropagation. See Figure 7a and Fig- ure 7b for a comparison of our method to the baselines at varying numbers of measurements.

5.1.5. SENSITIVITYTO HYPERPARAMETERS We also observe that our method is more robust to hy- Figure 3. Reconstruction PSNR on the MNIST denoising task. perparameter choices than (Asim et al., 2019), as shown Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

Ours Truth Ground Asim et al. Bora et al. 30 LASSO Ours


PSNR et al. Asim 20

et al. 15 Bora

1500 2500 5000 7500 10000

Number of Measurements LASSO

(a) PSNR at different measurement counts (best viewed in (b) Reconstructions at 2500 measurements. Notice that color). The approaches by Asim et al.(2019) and Bora et al. even though existing approaches produce reconstructions (2017) show little improvements from having more measure- that resemble human faces, they do not match the ground ments due to their inability to utilize the noise model. truth as well as our method. Figure 4. Experiment results for noisy compressed sensing on CelebA-HQ images.

Truth Ground

Input Noisy


et al. Asim

et al. Bora


Test Set Examples Out-of-Distribution Examples

Figure 5. Result of denoising SINUSOIDAL noise on CelebA-HQ faces and out-of-distribution images. in Figure 6b. This may come as a surprise given that sponding to natural images may be small. Thus, forcing our objective has an additional log-determinant term. We the latent variable z to have small norm without taking the speculate that this is due to the regularization term in log-determinant term into account could lead to a sudden 2 LAsim(z; y) = ky − f(G(z))k + γ kzk. drop in the reconstruction quality. It is known that samples from d-dimensional isotropic Gaus- sian concentrate√ around a thin “shell” around the sphere of radius d. This suggests that the range of kzk corre- Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

40 Ours Asim et al. Bora et al. 24 35 BM3D

22 30 Ours Asim et al. PSNR PSNR 25 20

20 18

0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 Average Noise Std Beta

(a) Result for SINUSOIDAL denoising on CelebA-HQ images at (b) Compressed sensing performance of our method and (Asim various noise rates. Our method achieves the same reconstruction et al., 2019) at different hyperparameter values. For our method, performance even when the noise has up to 3× higher average we vary the smoothing parameter β in LMAP. For Asim et al. standard deviation compared to the best baseline method (BM3D). (2019), we vary the regularization coefficient γ in LAsim.

Figure 6. SINUSOIDAL denoising results (left) and hyperparameter sensitivity plot (right). 20 Ours 18 Asim et al.

Bora et al. 16 Truth Ground


12 Ours

10 et al. Asim

8 10 25 50 100 300 500 1000 3000 et al. Number of measurements Bora

(a) Result of 1-bit noisy compressed sensing at different measurement (b) Reconstructions from noisy 1-bit compressed sensing counts. Our method achieves the same reconstruction performance with 3000 binary measurements. Notice that our method fails using up to 2× fewer measurements compared to the best baseline more gracefully compared to other methods, i.e. even when method (Asim et al., 2019). the reconstructions differ from the ground truth, substantial parts of the reconstructions are still correct. On the other hand, other methods predict a completely different digit.

Figure 7. Results of 1-bit compressed sensing experiments.

6. Conclusion in very general settings, as we demonstrate. We propose a novel method to solve inverse problems For future work, it would be interesting to consider extend- for general differentiable forward operators and structured ing our method to blind source separation problems (Amari noise. Our method generalizes that of (Asim et al., 2019) to et al., 1996), as the noise and signal considered in our setting arbitrary differentiable forward operators and non-Gaussian are actually exchangeable for the MAP case. Furthermore, noise distributions. The power of our approach stems from one may investigate the applicability of the MLE formula- the flexiblity of invertible generative models which can be tion with even more general family of generative models combined in a modular way to solve MAP inverse problems such as energy-based models (Gao et al., 2020) and score Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model networks (Song & Ermon, 2019). On the theoretical side, one central question that remains open is to analyze the optimization problem we formulated. In this paper we em- pirically minimize this loss using gradient descent, but some theoretical guarantees would be desirable, possibly under assumptions, e.g. random weights following the framework of (Hand & Voroninski, 2020).

Acknowledgements This research has been supported by NSF Grants CCF 1934932, AF 1901292, 2008710, 2019844 the NSF IFML 2019844 award as well as research gifts by Western Digital, WNCG and MLL, computing resources from TACC and the Archie Straiton Fellowship. Solving Inverse Problems with a Flow-based Noise Model

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