The Mammals of Palawan Island, Philippines
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 117(3):271–302. 2004. The mammals of Palawan Island, Philippines Jacob A. Esselstyn, Peter Widmann, and Lawrence R. Heaney (JAE) Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, P.O. Box 45, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines (present address: Natural History Museum, 1345 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045, U.S.A.) (PW) Katala Foundation, P.O. Box 390, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines; (LRH) Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605 U.S.A. Abstract.—The mammal fauna of Palawan Island, Philippines is here doc- umented to include 58 native species plus four non-native species, with native species in the families Soricidae (2 species), Tupaiidae (1), Pteropodidae (6), Emballonuridae (2), Megadermatidae (1), Rhinolophidae (8), Vespertilionidae (15), Molossidae (2), Cercopithecidae (1), Manidae (1), Sciuridae (4), Muridae (6), Hystricidae (1), Felidae (1), Mustelidae (2), Herpestidae (1), Viverridae (3), and Suidae (1). Eight of these species, all microchiropteran bats, are here reported from Palawan Island for the first time (Rhinolophus arcuatus, R. ma- crotis, Miniopterus australis, M. schreibersi, and M. tristis), and three (Rhin- olophus cf. borneensis, R. creaghi, and Murina cf. tubinaris) are also the first reports from the Philippine Islands. One species previously reported from Pa- lawan (Hipposideros bicolor)isremoved from the list of species based on re- identificaiton as H. ater, and one subspecies (Rhinolophus anderseni aequalis Allen 1922) is placed as a junior synonym of R. acuminatus. Thirteen species (22% of the total, and 54% of the 24 native non-flying species) are endemic to the Palawan faunal region; 12 of these are non-flying species most closely related to species on the Sunda Shelf of Southeast Asia, and only one, the only bat among them (Acerodon leucotis), is most closely related to a species en- demic to the oceanic portion of the Philippines.
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