SIS II SUPERVISION COORDINATION GROUP THE SCHENGEN INFORMATION SYSTEM A GUIDE FOR EXERCISING THE RIGHT OF ACCESS Secretariat postal address: rue Wiertz 60 - B-1047 Brussels Offices: rue Montoyer 30 E-mail :
[email protected] Tel.: 02-283 19 13 - Fax : 02-283 19 50 This guide has been compiled by the SIS II Supervision Coordination Group Address: rue Wiertz 60 - B-1047 Brussels Offices: rue Montoyer 30 E-mail :
[email protected] Tel.: 02-283 19 13 - Fax : 02-283 19 50 SIS II Supervision Coordination Group - A Guide for exercising the right of access Issued in October 2014 - Updated in October 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction to the second generation Schengen information system (SIS II) ........................... 5 II. Rights recognized to individuals whose data is processed in the SIS II ..................................... 7 II.1. Right of access .................................................................................................................. 8 II.1.1. Direct access ................................................................................................... 8 II.1.2. Indirect access ................................................................................................ 9 II.2. Right to correction and deletion of data ............................................................................ 9 II.3. Remedies: the right to complain to the data protection authority or to initiate a judicial proceeding ...........................................................................................................