Maple Leaf 11-3.Qxd
23 January 2008, Vol. 11, No. 3 Le 23 janvier 2008, vol. 11, no 3 ■ ■ ■ In this week’s issue/Dans le présent numéro ■ ■ ■ The official inauguration of the causeway was held on January 8. It was attended by the governor of the province of Kandahar, Assad Ullah Khalid, Zarghuna Kakar, of the provincial council, and BGen Guy Laroche, JTF-Afg commander. Le 8 janvier dernier, on a tenu la cérémonie officielle d’inauguration du pont-jetée. Y ont participé le gouverneur de la province de Kandahar, Assad Ullah Khalid, Mme Zarghuna Kakar, du conseil provincial, et le Brigadier-général Guy Laroche, commandant de la FOI-Afg. Page 4 Military Family Fund / Une somme bien accueillie ............................................................ 3 Navy / Marine .............................................................................................................. 10-11 I Quit / Cesser de fumer...................................................................................................... 7 Air Force / Force aérienne .......................................................................................... 12-13 Army / Armée de terre .................................................................................................... 8-9 CFS Alert / SFC Alert ........................................................................................................ 14 Canadian soldier killed-another wounded At approximately 7:15 a.m. local time (in device (IED). Another Canadian soldier was Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar soldier who was
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