Semi-Annual Programme Management Report (January – June 2017)

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Semi-Annual Programme Management Report (January – June 2017) KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Nation Religion King AGRICULTURE SERVICES PROGRAMME FOR INNOVATION, RESILIENCE AND EXTENSION (ASPIRE) IFAD LOAN No.2000000744 ASAP TRUST GRANT No.2000000743 SEMI-ANNUAL PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT REPORT (JANUARY – JUNE 2017) Consolidated by the ASPIRE Secretariat Support Team 14 August 2017 A programme funded by the Royal Government of Cambodia and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 1 Table of Contents Contents Page Foreword 3 Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 Executive Summary 6 I Programme Description 9 A Background of the Programme 9 B Goals and Objectives 10 C Programme Area and Target Population 10 D Programme Components 10 E Implementation Arrangements 11 II Summary of Achievements and Results 13 A Progress Towards Meeting the PDO 13 B Achievements Towards Meeting Programme Components, Outcomes, and 16 Outputs III Fiduciary Achievements and Results 32 A Financial Management Achievements and Results 32 B Procurement Management Achievements and Results 40 IV Challenges, Risks, and Mitigation Measures 45 V Lessons Learned 49 VI Follow-up Actions and the Way Forward 50 Annexes: A Agreed Actions and Next Steps (IFAD ISM Findings and Recommendations) 58 B Compliance with Financing Agreement Covenants 80 2 FOREWORD The agricultural extension services in Cambodia is still on its way of diffusing agricultural technologies to farmers and in creating a so-called “agricultural revolution.” Although the results achieved by the smallholder farmers include a much higher agricultural productivity as reported in the Baseline Studies by SBK, the Cambodian Model for Agricultural Extension (CMAE) is still on its way of assisting the diversity of smallholder farmers in contributing to broad-based economic growth through profitable and resilient farm business. This Semi-Annual Programme Management Report for 2017 of Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE) highlights the achievements in at least three (3) components: (i) Component 2 – Capacity Development for Extension Services; (ii) Component 3 – Improved Extension Services; and (iii) Component 4- Infrastructure Supporting Climate Resilient Agriculture. The Report also noted the slow phase of activities being carried out for Component 1 – Knowledge Based Policy. In presenting the results of ASPIRE for the January to June 2017 period, the Programme puts on top of its priority of ensuring that agricultural production becomes climate smart for addressing the need for adequate, nutritionally balanced food for a growing and more demanding population in a situation of resource limitations, and climate change and variability. The provincial implementing agencies (PDAFF) have recognized that the dissemination and uptake of climate smart technologies, tools and practices is still largely an ongoing, challenging process, despite that these are being discussed in the Farmer Field Schools and the Small Learning Groups (SLGs). Barriers at different levels must be overcome in the field and solutions to these challenges must respond to specific local needs. ASPIRE is now responding to these challenges by providing adequate capacity at different levels to perform the actions and changes needed, as well as to support the implementation of climate-smart actions. As broadly recognized, all stakeholders – including governments, producers and buyers – should act as one to address the increasingly negative impact of climate change by securing adequate policies, technical and financial conditions for increased productivity, building resilience and the capacity to adapt. The adaption of climate related knowledge, technologies and practices to local conditions, promoting joint learning by farmers, researchers, rural advisor and widely disseminating Climate Smart Agricultulture (CSA) practices, is critical, and are still on top of the agenda of ASPIRE for the coming period, as we have already launched the provision of Grants for Innovation and Climate Smart Technologies. It is clear from information gathered from the field that ASPIRE needs more effective and efficient extension providers and systems that can only be achieved if the Programme will continue providing institutional improvement and reforms for more capacity building activities at organization and individual levels. For this First Semester Progress Report for 2017 of ASPIRE, we wish to extend our appreciation to IFAD, development partners, stakeholders, the agricultural industry, and our agribusiness partners for their commitment towards the sector. Finally, a word of thanks is due to all implementing agencies, officers, staff, and consultants for their support and spirit of cooperation. By working together, we will strive towards realizing our vision of creating a better life for all Cambodian smallholder farmers. H.E. MAM AMNOT HOK KIMTHOURN Secretary of State Programme Manager Programme Director, ASPIRE Programme Support Secretariat, ASPIRE 3 Kingdom of Cambodia Fiscal Year January 1 to December 31 Currency Equivalents At Appraisal As of June 30, 20171 March 31, 2015 Riel 1.00 0.000249377 0.00024474 US$1.00 Rs4,010 Rs4,086 Abbreviations and Acronyms ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research ADB Asian Development Bank AQIP Agricultural Quality Improvement Project ASPIRE Agriculture Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension AusAID Australian Agency for International Development (now Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) C/S F Commune Sangkat Fund CARDI Cambodia Agricultural Research and Development Institute CAS Country Assistance Strategy CAVAC Cambodia Agriculture Value Chain Program (Australian funding) CBAPP Community-Based Agricultural Productivity Project CBRDP Community Based Rural Development Project CC (1) Commune Council CC (2) Climate Change CDB Commune Database CDHS Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey CDRI Cambodia Development Research Institute CEW Commune Extension Worker CIP Commune Investment Programme CMDGs Cambodian Millennium Development Goals COSOP Country Strategic Opportunities Programme CSES Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey D&D Decentralisation and De-concentration DALRM Department of Agricultural Land Resource Management DANIDA Danish International Development Agency DAO District Agriculture Office DfID Department for International Development (UK) DRC Department of Rice Crop DST District Support Team ECCA Environment and Climate Change Assessment ENRM Environment and Natural Resources Management FBS Farm Business School FMM Financial Management Manual FSS Farmer Field School FWUC Farmer Water User Community GCCTS Group Conditional Capital Transfer Scheme GDA General Directorate of Agriculture GDP Gross Domestic Product GESS Grants for Extension Services to Smallholders GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German International Cooperation Agency) GPS Global Positioning System GRF Group Revolving Fund HARVEST Helping Address Rural VulnEARBilities and Ecosystem Sustainability HPI-1 Human Poverty Index 1 (accessed 16 August 2017) for June 30, 2017 exchange rate 4 HRD Human Resource Development ICPM Integrated Crop and Pest Management ID Poor Identification of Poor Household Programme, Ministry of Planning IDA International Development Association IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC International Finance Corporation IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute IGRF Improved Group Revolving Fund IPA International Procurement Agency IPM Integrated Pest Management IRR Internal Rate of Return JFPR Japanese Fund for Poverty Reduction LST Labour Saving Technology M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries MDGs Millennium Development Goals MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MFI Micro-finance Intermediary MIS Management Information System MOI Ministry of Interior MOWA Ministry of Women’s Affairs MOWRAM Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology MRD Ministry of Rural Development MVF Most Vulnerable Family NAL National Agricultural Laboratory NCDD National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development NCDDS NCDD Secretariat NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIPMP National Integrated Pest Management Programme NLU Nong Lam University (Ho Chi Minh City) NPDD National Programme for Democratic Development NPV Net Present Value NSDP National Socio-economic Development Plan O&M Operation and Maintenance PASP Provincial Agriculture Strategic Plan PBCRG Performance Based Climate Resilience Grant PDA Provincial Department of Agriculture PDOWA Provincial Department for Women’s Affairs PDRD Provincial Department for Rural Development PIM Project Implementation Manual PM Procurement Management PPF Project Preparation Facility PRWRAM Provincial Department for Water Resources and Meteorology RAU Royal Agricultural University RIF Rural Infrastructure Fund RIMS Results and Impact Management System RPRP Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng RULIP Rural Livelihoods Improvement Programme in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri SA Social Assessment SAW Strategy for Agriculture and Water SNEC Supreme National Economic Council SOP Standard Operating Procedures SICRG Specific Investment Climate Resilience Grant TA Technical Assistance TOR Terms of Reference TOT Training of Trainers TSSD Tonle Sap Poverty Reduction and Smallholder Development Project UNCT United Nations Country Team UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework US United States USAID United
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