Masonic Token

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Masonic Token MASONIC TOKEN. w i i k r p ^e y o n t e b r o t h e r m a y k n o w a n o t h e r , V o l u m e 2. PORTLAND, MAY 15, 1885. No. 32. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, The report of the committee on returns Drummond, including the following list of showed 19,871 members, an increase of 211 appointed officers: No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. with 748 initiates, against 781 last year. Num­ Cor. Gr Sec.—William 0. Fox, Portland. Twelve cts. per year in advance. Jgip* Postage ber of lodges active, 184, prepaid. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. Memorials were presented and ordered pub­ Cvrus W. Hendricks. Caribou, 1 lished of venerabl? and honored craftsmen, James B. Neagle, Lubec 2 Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for half an inch fofr one year. Alpheus Lyon, of Bangor, William Goodwin, Lincoln II. Leighton, Millbridge, 3 of Chelsea, Mass., formerly of Maine, and Elisha R. Bowden, Penobscot, 4 No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Charles N. Rand, Parkman, 5 or some member of the hrm, is a Freemason in John B. Coyle, of Portland. Hiram Stevens, Carroll, 6 good standing. Various papers were presented and referred John E. Woodcock, Searsmont, 7 Oscar Hills, Northport, 8 to appropriate committees and at noon the Herbert L. Shepherd, Rockport, 9 L O V E SON€L Grand Lodge called off until two o’clock. Samuel L. Miller, Waldob<*ro’, 10 Cyrus Kindrick, Litchfield, 11 Afternoon Session. Orestes E. Crowell, Oakland, 12 Kiss me, sweetheart; the spring is here, Columbus S. Mantor, North Anson, 13 And Love is lord of you and me ! The Grand Lodge called on at two p m . Win. S Cotton, Jr., Lisbon, 14 The bluebells beckon each passing bee, The wild-wood laughs to the flowered year, A memorial for publication was ordered of Lyman L. Jones, Weld, 15 There is no bird in brake or brere, Waldo Pettengill, Rumford Center, 16 But to his little mate sings he, the veteran mason, Frederick Conway, who George E. Raymond, Portland, 17 “ Kiss me, sweetheart; the spring is here, died in Camden, Monday, and routine busi­ Albert F. Richardson, Fryeburg, 18 And Love is lord of you and me.” ness was transacted. Melville Woodman, Biddeford. 19 The blue sky laughs out loud and clear, Grand Chaplains—Revs John Gibson. Na­ The missel thrush upon the tree At three o’clock the election of Grand Of­ ples; Charles C. Vinal, Kennebunk; Edwin Pipes for sheer gladness loud and free, And I go singing to my dear, ficers took place, resulting as follows : F. Small, Saco; L. H. Bean, Farmington; “ KBs Hie, sweetheart ; the spring is here, - —Gr Master—Fessenden I. Day, Lewiston. Adoniram J. Paddleford, Calais; Marion And Love is lorcTof you and me. D. G. Master—Frank E. Sleeper, Sabatis. Crosley, Portland; W.'P. Merrill, Falmouth; Life lapses by for you and me ; Henry C. Westwood, Auburn; Charles J. Our sweet days pass us by and flee, S. G. Warden—Joseph M. Hayes, Bath. Clark, Portland. And evermore death draws us nigh. J. G. Warden—Henry R. Taylor, Machias. Grand Marshal—Horace H. Burbank, Saco. The blue fades fast out of our sky, G. Treasurer—Frederick Fox, Portland. The ripple ceases from our sea. G. S. Deacon—Ben Moore, North Anson. What would we not give, you and I, G. Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. G. J. Deacon—S. Clifford Belcher, Farm­ The early sweet of life to buy ! Committee of Finance—Oliver Gerrish, ington. Alas ! sweetheart, that cannot be ; Portland ; Albro E. Chase, Portland; S. Clif­ Grand Stewards—J. Ferd. King, South Life lapses by. ford Belcher, Farmington. Paris ; Alfred 8. Kimball, Norway ; Albro E. But though our young years buried lie, Vacancies on Board of Trustees—Edward Chase, Portland; Benjamin Ames, Thorn­ Shall love with spring and summer die ? P. Burnham, Saco ; Archie L. Talbot, Lewis­ dike. What if the roses faded be ! ton ; Arlington B. Marston, Bangor. We iii each other’s eyes shall see G. S. Bearer—Algernon M. Roak, Auburn. New springs, nor question how or why At 5:15 o’clock called off until two o’clock G. St. Bearer—W. Scott Shorey, Bath. Life lapses by. Grand Pursuivants—Wilt'ord j Fisher, —Boston Transcript. Wednesday afternoon. Eastport; Charles W. Stetson, Damariscotta. G. Lecturer—Albert W Larrabee, Auburn. Wednesday, May 6th. Grand Tyler—Warren O. Carney, Portland. MASONKY IN MAINE. The Grand Lodge met at two o’clock p. m . At 11:45 o’clock the Grand Lodge closed. The session was occupied with exemplifica­ Annual Meetings. tion of the work of the Fellow Craft by At­ GRAND LODGE. lantic Lodge of Portland. GRAND CHAPTER. The Grand Lodge of Maine met at nine At five o’clock the Grand Lodge called off o’clock Tuesday morning, May 5th, Grand until nine o’clock Thursday morning. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Master Win. R. G. Estes, of Skowhegan, pre­ met at seven Tuesday evening, May 5th, siding. The attendance was large. 168 Thursday, M ay 7th. Grand High Priest Frank E. Sleeper presid­ ing. The attendance was large. 40 Chapters lodges were represented out of 184. The Grand Lodge met at nine o’clock a . m . Grand Master Estes’ annual address occu­ out of forty-five were represented. The first pied a large portion of the morning session A charter was granted for Knox Lodge at four officers presented full reports, showing He referred to the deaths during the year of South Thomaston; a dispensation for a new the condition of the Order in the State to be Past Senior Grand Warden Henry II. Dickey, lodge, at Springvale, to be called Springvale excellent. of Lewiston; District Deputy Charles W. Lodge; a dispensation for a lodge at Strong, The report on returns showed forty-five Arras, of Bath, and Bast Junior Grand War­ to be called Davis Lodge; and a new charter Chapters, 4,301 members and 215 exaltations. den Francis J. Day, of Hallowed, lie re­ to Eastern Frontier Lodge, Fort Fairfield, in Grand Officers were elected as follows : ported the fraternity prospering in this State place of the one destroyed by fire. G. High Priest—Manly G. Trask, Bangor. as elsewhere. It was resolved not to recognize masons D. G. H. P.—James M. Nevens, Bucksport. Grand King—Archie L. Talbot, Lewiston. The reports of the finance committee and from Quebec hailing from any but the regular Grand Scribe—Geo. W. Doubling, Oakland. Grand Treasurer showed a favorable financial Grand Lodge of that Province. The Grand Grand Treasurer—R. II. Hinkley, Portland. condition. officers were installed by Past Grand Master Grand Secretary—Ira Berry, Portland. 250 MASONIC TOKEN MAY 15, 1885 Committee of Finance— Josiah II. Drum­ P. C. of W.—Wm. A. Barker, Rockland. Lookout, 131, Cutler. S E Turner, m ; mond, Portland; Oliver Gerrish, Portland; Grand Treasurer—L. W. Fobes, Portland. Abner McGuire, sw ; H C Warren, jw ; F W Nathan Woodbury, Lewiston. Grand Recorder—Ira Berry, Portland. Thurlow, sec. Called off until nine o’clock Wednesday G. Chaplain—Wm. J. Burnham, Lewiston. Somerset. 34, Skowhegan. J Henry Frost, G. Master of Cer.—C. C. Hayes, Portland. m ; George B Safford, sw ; Albert F Dyer, morning. G. Capt of Guards—A. M. Penley, Auburn. jw; Charles M Lambert, sec. Wednesday Morning, M ay 6th. Grand Conductor—Jos. M. Hayes, Bath. G. Steward—W. R. G. Estes, Skowhegan. Temple. 25, Winthrop. Charles II Robin­ Met at nine o’clock. Reports of the various G. Sentinel—W. C. G. Carney, Portland. son, m; Edgar II Penniman, sw; George C committees were received. Permission was Towns, jw; Charles C Stackpole, sec. And the Grand Council then closed. Meridian, 125, Pittsfield. George W Wil­ given Oriental Chapter to continue to meet lis, m ; Joseph P Tuttle, sw ; Frank B Farrar, at Lovell. jw ; George A Runnels, sec. The Committee on Grand Mark Lodge of GRAND COMMANDERY. Excelsior, 151, Northport. Wellington R England were continued to report next year, Drink water, in; Oscar W Chapman, sw; R and, in the meantime, intercourse is forbidden The Grand Commandery of Knights Tem­ A Packard, jw; Oscar Hills, sec. plar of Maine met at 7 o’clock Wednesday Jefferson, 100, Bryant’s Pond. A Mont with such Capitular bodies in Quebec, as the Chase, m ; Arthur C Ricker, sw; Joseph W Grand Chapter of Quebec forbids intercourse evening, Isaac S. Bangs, Grand Commander, Farnum, jw ; Alden Chase, sec. with. presiding. The fourteen subordinates were Mariners’ 68, Searsport. Enoch W Rob­ Charters were granted for Henry Knox all represented, and there was a large attend­ bins, m ; J Friendly Bickmore, sw; Joshua Chapter at Thomaston and Temple Chapter ance of members and visitors. The Grand W Black, jw ; Charles E Adams, sec. at Rockland, the latter having permission to Commander’s address waS full, able and in­ Rising Star, 177, Penobscot. Frank M continue work under the dispensation until teresting, and with those of the other Grand Clement, m ; William 1) Bridges, sw ; Wil­ Officers gave evidence of much activity and lard C Littlefield, jw ; Israel P Grindal, sec. constituted. Ashlar, 105, Lewiston. Fred I Morrill, m; The Grand Officers were installed by Past prosperity, although the membership has not Hiram Morrill, Jr., sw ; Charles H Jumper, Grand High Priest Drummond, the following increased during the year. The report on jw ; George W Proctor, sec. appointments being made: returns showed 1,840 members and 80 Kenduskeag, 137, Ivenduskeag. William District Deputy Grand High Priests—Fifth knighted.
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