Red Bank Savings & Loan Assn
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RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME. LXVIL, NO. "25. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 i Rumson Choir To Of ficer Decorated 11 Farms, Acreage^ •resent Cantata Two More Choice Wallace M. Wilson A performance of -Lee Rogers' amous ' cantata, • "Carol of the Sold in This Area 3ells," will be presented by the Places Change Hands Missing in Action holr of. the Rumson Presbyterian hurch under the direction of Char- s F, Gotschalk Friday evening, Sales By Paul R. Stryker Include ecembcr 22, at 8 o'clock In the Ray VanHorn Of Fair Haven Anthony Celli, Previously ihurch. Among the soloists are Alan iVoolley, Charles Meeker, Mrs. Alice Listed As Missing, Killed Farms From 40 to.200 Acres ogers, Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, Supervises Another Realty Exchange Mrs. William C. Colby • and Miss Iieut. (j. g.) Wallace Monro* Martin & Brown of Matawan rene Robinson. The Ray VanHorn Agency of ilson, United States Naval R* bave purchased through Paul R, The, musical content of the can- River road, Fair Haven, repoits Writes Of Hi*: ierve, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. Brown- 3trykcr,'rtal estate broker of Holm- romotedToA ata is built around airs of the best Students Sell the second exchange of two fire g Wilson of 91 Broad street, has lei, a 200-acre farm estate fronting oved carols beautifully figured homes to be effected In this aica ieen reported "missing- following Highway 3+ in Holmdel township 1st Lieutenant lth eolo parts for all voices and $4,192 In Bonds within the past "few days. • • Outfit First iction in the service of hiB coun- from Mrs. Henry Lohse of Eliza- One of the finest modern homM xy," according to a telegram re- beth. A ten-room colonial farm :horuses for both men atid wow- built in recent years in this aica On the same program Mr. Gots-' jeived by his wife, the former Miss bouse, with "its han'd-hewn beamed Three Mas* Brothers $20,000 Goal for " owned by Mr. and Mrs. John (J. ToBombTokio Frances Wernery of Queen3 Village, ceilings, wide, pine flooring,.several chalk, will offer his own arrange- Herberf located on an acre on the Now In Air Service ment of Christmas carols especial- Red Bank High west side of Buena Vista avenue in ^ong Island. _ . •_. • fireplaces, large central hall and Im- Pvt. Anthony Cellif United Stales provements, sets back from the ly adapted to the unlimited tonal the River Oaks section of Fair Ha- S.Sgt:W;S. Williams ven, has been purchased by Mr. and rmy, son.of' Mrs. Agnes Cell! of road difth The Red Bank. school stu- ~IelJs-,©f~.Uni£8,,Work-—- 6t away there la an attractive six-room rmy Air Corps, has-been promoted rgan. dent cquncil, under- tne direction of k sorted missing last September, and bungalow with improvements in a o the rank of first lieutenant, ac- their adviser, William' Pazicky, have Llttle Silver. Mr. Miller is well known throughout this section for CAPT. HANS A. KESSLBiK. In Letter From Saipan ater believed to have been taken getting of nicely landscaped cording to word received by ^his sold $4,192.50 worth of bonds and prisoner by the Germans, was killed grounds. In addition there are a stamps during-the Sixth War Loan his YMCA, Chamber of Commerce wife, Mrs. Margaret S. Mass of Reformed Church Capt. Hans A. Kessler of 82 Car- in action in France October 14, a large barn, a wagon house, tool Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury. drive. This represents actual cash and other civic activities and is a S/Sgt. Walter Schofleld : Wil- member of the firm of Albert S. penter street, River Plaza, who is War Department telegram receiyed house, cow barn and pbultry'house. Lieut. Mass, who is stationed in and not maturity value. liams, Whb is with an Air Signal ecently states. Andrew J. VanBise. will continue to England with the Eighth Air Force, Choir To Present The council co-dperated with the Miller Shoe company of Red Bank. Bombardment Squadron on Saipan, ' operate this farm for the new own- Carlton theater in their bond pre- Mrs. Miller is also active in many unit in Gen. Fatton'a Third Army, has written an Interesting letter to ie a navigator on a B-17 Flying has been awarded tb^e Bronze Star er. ' Fortress and was-recently made a miere Tuesday night, ami 62 bonds civic and social activities including / his parents, Rev. and Mrs/Walter Christmas Cantata were sold. Stamp sales total (143.50. Girl Scouting and Riveryiew hospit- Medal, according to word received The estate of Elmer Alexander of squadron leader. He has received by Mrs. Keseler. B. Willlima of Sea Bright, telling Shadow Lake park, "has sold a three- the Air Medal and two Oak Leaf La»t year the group sold almost al affairs. Capt. Kessler joined the National of the bombing of Toklo bv his out- acre building plot to Mr. and Mrs. clusters and his squadron was-given Offering For. 160,000 worth of bonds_and stamps. • In turn the Miller residence Guard at Red Bank in 1928 and" *•„ .?••?•.,?hls• «•*•«•"« h.aPPV Arthur J. MacDonald of Cranbury. a Presidential citation. He has They have set their goal at $20,000 has been purchased by Mr. wag commissioned a second lieuten- not toworr v This site is on a bluff that fronts been oversea^ since last July.- New Pipe for this year and will conduct sales and Mrs. John C. Herber. Mr,.Her- ant in' February, 1937. The Red about him. Shadow lake and on which the new weekly. ber Is a well known radio engineer Bank troop, after- being Inducted His letter in part follows: owners are planning to build their Organ Fund Last week the second dance of associated with the Bell Telephone into active service, was sent to Fort Censorship' lias been lifted and future dwelling. the fall season was held at the Laboratories. can tell you some of the The dwelling acquired by Mr. and •Bragg, North Carolina, in Febru- Mr. Stryker reports selling for gymnasium. Over 175 high, school ary, 1941, and In June of that year,^ne tnlngs j nt William Macintosh his 50-acre farm The choir """of First Reformed students and their guests were pres- Mre. Miller was constructed by Al- church of Red- Bank will present ien Brothers on contract for Mr. Capt. Kessler was advanced to first ine tne states, fronting on the Ked Bank-Llncroft ent to dance to George Wilhelm's lieutenant, He attained; his ,,.cap- I ggues s yoyuu readd newspapewpaper disdis- fftad, Middletown.__ tpwrfsjjip, to the cantata, "Chimes of the Holy orchestra. Prizes of war stamps and Mrs. Herber In 1941. The house Night,'' by Fred B. Holton, on taincy at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, ih patches about the "Superfortresses, frank Sanelli of Matawan. this were given for circle dances, lucky is of -early American architecture July, 1942. He " was stationed at and I guess you wondered if that property includes an 11-room co- Christmas eve and the offering of number dances and for amateur tal and has unique and unusual "fea- was my outfit doing. the striking. .the evening will go toward the new tures. On the first floor are a cen- Fort Jackson, South Carolina, prior lonlaniarm ~house~ having—alli ent.-— i going; overseas in February of Now'it can be told,, an oud rIt was us. - provementB;a~barn, tool shed and 4p organ -soon to. be. purchased terhallrdropped-lrving-Toom-with- general_ArnojcLchpse outfit to v be the_ first to bomb Toklo witTT poultry house, There are about 40 by the congregation. TSirpicture-SayTVindow, wood burn- Capt. Kessler was awarded the The committee, headed by Wil- ing fireplace and French doors land-based planes." If you fecair, acres of very fertile truck land and New Officers For medal for "distinguishing himself General Doolittle hit the capital the balance is in meadows fronting liam Wellner, elder, reports that opening on a flagstone floored en- by meritorious service during; the with carrier-based planes. Two and on Swimming river. Mr. Senelli will subscriptions for the projected or- closed porch, a wood paneled den, period August 1 to October 31 In one-half years later the hard work, occupy and. operate this farm be- gan still continue to come in. The Red Bank Lodge dining room with Fenestra win- France in connection with military and self-sacrifice entailed in getting ginning February 1. keys on the organ, Including the dows, breakfast room, bedroom and operations against' the enemy." together a tactical unit for over- two manuals and the pedal clavlerr r modern bath, kitchen, laundry room Seas duty- seems nothing, for its The ten-acre property of Emil Henry M. Bice Is and attached two-car garage. There purpose has been made clear and Winkler at Middletown has been are being "sold" in the name of or. reward has been rich. In the memory of persons desig- are four bedrooms and two baths LT, (J. G.) WALLACE M. WILSON' bought by Frank Pastorl of Ho- Worshipful Master, on the second floor. In the base- Monmouth County At the present time I am a mem- boken. This property fronts on the nated by the purchasers at {10 a ber 'of a bomb group and bomb key. ment are a" game-room with wood- Lieut. Wilson, whose 37th birth-, Lincroft-Tlnton Falls road and on Henry M. Bice was elected wor- burning fireplace, shop and large Army Casualties wing that can be regarded as one day fell on Tuesday of tb,ls week,., which there is a small cottage.