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7 Cents 7 RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXII, NO. 27. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1950 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Smock Begins Big Brook Farms Anderson Home Wins $50 Christmas Lighting Prize Jacobscn Hits As Councilman Of 611 Acres Sold Committee Loss Carton Elected At Eatontown By Ray Stillman At Sea Bright Twp. Chairman Price Re-appoints Newark Couple Buys Coiiiiniliitnn Kefiiscs George V. Odell Frederick Burghard'g 'Sewers' us 'Sirccls' r 100 New Houses Buill in To. Vacant Seat Estate Near Holmdcl Go lo Ncn Democrat Leon B. Smock, Jr., Monday Big Brook farms, comprising 611 Councilman Neils Jru.'obsen, Re- Middlclmvn in. '49—Plans for '50 morning was sworn into office as acres, considered to be not only publican, who losL Sea Bright's 1940 EatontDwn councilman by Borough the largest but one of Monmouth mayornltv race to Mayor Thomas Clerk Andrew G. Becker. Sworn county's most productive farms, has Farrell, flatly rejected the chair- Stre.-sing the fact that 400 ne* in shortly after him was George been sold this week by Frederick manship of the borough's sowers were built, in Middle'.ciwn V. Odell, the man he succeeded. Burghard of Fair Haven to Mr, and sanitation committee when the Ascension Choir township in 1949, Lawrence A. With the council chambers filled and Mrs. Walter C. Zimmerer of mayor and council held its re-or- Carton, Jr., explained what the to overflowing, Mayor F, Bliss Nutley, N. J. The brokers were Ray ganization meeting Jlondny after- township had dono and was doing Price named Kenneth VanBrunt Stillman & Associates of Shrews- noon. To Sing Sunday to provide for the resultant popu- and Anthony J. Piccola, unsuccess- bury. Although three councllmen voted lation growth. Mr. Carton, who suc- ful Democratic candidates, to nil Located in the rolling hill coun- for Councilman Carl Nelson to be ceeded the late Captain Albert the vacancy caused by the death try of Holmdel, and entirely sur- the council president this year, nnd At Local Church Kunyon a.s township committea of Councilman Clyde J. Hayes. rounded by fencing, Big Brook three, including Mr. Nelpon did nut chairman, was re-elected chairmaa When his recommendations were farm has been developed by Mr. vote, Mr. Jarobsen contested Tf> Kcmlw thn Monday noon at the annual rcor- greeted by silence, the mayor then Burghard to a state of high pro- the validity of this council appoint- canization meeting at the township offered Mr. Odell's name. Council- ductivity. For several years, prior ment, lie said he thought it wns Ciii'i.sliiias Portion hall. man Ralph J. Lewis ma'de a mo- to the last war, Mr. Burghard oper- Pictured is the home of Mr. and order on any Red Bank store Honorable mention went to a tie vote. The committee meetings will b« tion to confirm the appointment ated a pheasant game preserve Mrs. J. Beverly Anderson, 86 Wood- which is a member of the Cham- Councilman and Mrs. William' D. Mayor Farrell Rave the chair- Of llit- 'Messiah' held the sanit date, time and place, and his fellow councilmcn quickly where excellent hunting was en- land dr., Fair Haven, first prize ber. Layton of Shrewsbury, Mr. and manship of the street committee, and all officials wero reappointed. approved the move. Mr. Odell last joyed, together with field trials by winner in the Christmas home dec- Second place prize winners woro Mrs. Arthur If. Schonlc of Wood- which Jfr. Jncob.irn hus held in re- The Christmas portion of Han- Meetings arc held the second and year declined to run for office. the Monmouth County English orations contest sponsored by the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey of land dr., Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. cent years, to Hairy Lovgrcn, one del's ''Messiah" will be sung by fourth Wednesday afternoons ot Springer Spaniel association. Rod Bank Community Chamber of 222 Harding rd. All windows of Fred O. Comstock of McLaren st.; thfi Chure.h of the Ascension choir each month at 3:30 o'clock at tho Rev. Dunham V. Relnig, pastor Commerce. AH windows of the of his three successful Democratic On one portion of the property their home contained wreaths with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stalder of Rum- running mates in the November of New York city Sunday after- township hall. of the Eatontown Methodist house were lighted in shadow box candles in the center. Blue, green, son rd., Little Silver, and Mr. and noon, .Inn. 8, at 4:30 p. m. in the church, opened the reorganization is a 51-acre apple orchard, 12 years effect, giving an even red glow. red and white bulbs were strung election. As to Mr. Jncobpen's re- Committpeman J. Crawford session with a prayer. Immediately of age, of all popular varieties. A Mrs. Edward VonKattcngell, 05 fusal to accept the sewers nnd san- Red Bank Methodist church. The Compton u-as sworn In as wer* Trees and shrubbery were lighted across the front door and on the Maple ave. public is invited, afterward, Mr. Becker led Mr. peach orchard of several hundred with clear outdoor lights. The lawn a spotlight was directed on itation committee leadership, the Fire Chief J. Harry Bennett of Bel- Smock In his oath of office. After trees is in full bearing. front door was framed with lau- Santa Claus. They received a $30 Judges were Mrs. Charles R. mayor paid; "You can take it or ford Independent, and the assist- being congratulated by Mayor Improvements on the property rel and lights. The inside of the purchase order. Third place prize English, 224 Maple ave.; Mrs. R. C. leave It." ant chiefs. Joseph E. Johnson was Price and members of the council, consist of a main dwelling, two doorway was given a shadow box winners were Mr. and Mrs. A. Wat- Pye, 39 Spring terrace; Mrs. John KrauM Also Replaced rcarpointed township treasurer ta Mr. Smock thanked the voters for other farm dwellings, bungalow, B. VanWagenen, 49 Union st, and begin his 25th term. Other reap- effect, lights changing from red son Beckwith, 94 Newman Springs Another official who was replaced giving him the privilege of serving dairy barn with 38 stanchions, gar- to green to blue. Floodlights blink- rd. The front of their home was Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown, 480 pointments Included Craig Finne- and assured them he would look age for several cars, machinery River rd., Fair Haven. in his old post was Councilman gan, engineer; William E. Foster, ed off and on, highlighting the co- decorated with different colored George Kranss, Democrat. Chair- out "for your interests." shed, fertilizer house, corn crib of lorful effect. For being named first lights and featured an image of On the Chamber's contest com- attorney; Dr. Mare Krohn, physi- 3,000 bushel capacity; machine manship nf tho beach front licenses cian; Mrs. Dorothy Jackson Dor- Spencer M. Patterson then was place winner, tho Andersons were Santa Claus in a sleigh. They re- mittee were Edward H. Conway and leases committee went to Coun- elected to the post of council presi- shop, vermin-proof grain storage awarded a "flexible" $50 purchase ceived a $20 purchase order. sett, assistant to collector; David dent, after which Mayor Price of- building and an additional storage and Benjamin A. Crate. cilman John E. Donnelly, Demo- Simpson, building inspector and fered his recommendations which building. crat, another of Ihe mayor's 1849 William A. Sternkopf, Jr., auditor, resulted In Mr. Odell's return to An unusual feature of the farm running' mates. Mr. Kraus.s wns Miss Louise Hnrtshorne was ap- office, is a modern, fully equipped cold Navesink Garden Club given the finance and insurance pointed a member of the township committee. Other appointments which were storage plant, having a capacity of Editor Says Cumming Starts library board for a live-year terra. 18,000 bushels. Plans Tuesday Lecture In addition to being named pres- confirmed were those of Albert C. ident nf the council, Councilman Frank F. Blaisdell was appointed Wolcott, treasurer and tax search- Several brooks run through the William E. Kembla of Asbury finance chairman; Walter J. Bills, farm, including the well-known Big Not to Be Blind Park will give an Illustrated lec- Term as Mayor Nelson retained the fire and water er; Howard W. Roberts, borough committee, n[ which he was chnir- police chairman; Mr. Carton, road, attorney; O. Wolcott Morris, bor- Brook, from which the farm was ture, "The Garden Story/' at a chairman; Joseph K. Edward*, ough engineer; Charles W. Roberts, named. A considerable acreage is meeting of Navesink Garden club man in the last council. Replacing S. Daniel Pearson, Republican, who chairman of health and welfare, building inspector; Charles Kreu- in well-watered pastured land. To New Ideas Tuesday afternoon at Navesink li- Of Rumson Boro nnd Mr. Compton, chairman oE ger and Mr. Becker, members of Mr. Zimmerer has chosen a beau- brary. Mrs. James Langenbergcr was defeated In the election, ns Wayne D. McMurray Sworn in With Nary, police and town hall committee public works. the board of health; Mr. Becker, tiful site on which he will erect a and Mrs. Robert Dunn will be host- A temporary budget .of $219,891.- assessment searcher, and Mrs. Vir- new house for his own occupancy. esses. chairman was Lawrence McCor- He intends to operate a dairy as Speaks to 200 at Harding, Cliiclicster— mick, Democrat. 02 was approved. ginia Stoefflet, Mrs. Elizabeth Wol- Mr. Kemble will show the import* Special officers appointed *-er« cott, Mrs. Hazel Cadman, Kenneth well as doing general farming.